Beauty is a terrible force: Why women are engaged in bodybuilding.

Beauty is a terrible force, sometimes requiring the most incredible sacrifices.

Sometimes the victims can be so serious that a terrible force turns against the owner of beauty and brings him a lot of trouble.

Igor Vyacheslavovich Lyakh, a psychotherapist of the European Register, tells about beauty, beautiful people and their problems.

Beauty is the key to success ...

Most people once notice that outwardly attractive people manage to solve many issues and problems much easier than everyone else. This is due, first of all, to the fact that an outwardly attractive person quite naturally, instinctively attracts our attention, we are simply pleased to communicate with him, this is inherent in us at the gene level.

When passing exams, to obtain the necessary information, when applying for a job and in many other life situations, beautiful people, as a rule, are more lucky, unless of course they know how to use their external data. But, having begun to use their natural data to achieve various desired goals, they often get on a rather dangerous path ...

No wonder folk wisdom warns, "do not be born beautiful, but be born happy." External beauty, sex appeal is very much reflected in the character, manners of human behavior, and does not always change them for the better. This can greatly affect relationships with different people. Already from early childhood, an outwardly beautiful person may develop the skills of manipulating others. But it is far from a fact that “easy solutions” to life problems for a baby in the future will turn into an easy carefree life.

Outwardly beautiful people easily achieve their goals, but they do not acquire the ability to keep their desires, they are not characterized by patience, perseverance, which is so important for adult life. Therefore, such natures are often capricious, prone to hysterical manifestations and even rebellion if their desires are not satisfied.

Beauty is a source of big and small problems...

Constantly being under everyone's attention, an outwardly beautiful person may have problems of a different nature, and even develop all kinds of complexes. A handsome boy is often teased and called a “girl”, well, a beautiful girl can simply be beaten by envious girlfriends. Therefore, external beauty brings not only obvious advantages, but also hidden problems and even a certain risk to life.

Why are beautiful people rarely happy? From childhood, outwardly attractive people enjoy special attention from others,

they are often talked about, they are constantly praised, they are given compliments. There is a belief in ancient culture that a mother should not praise the beauty of her child. This view has deep psychological roots. When a mother begins to constantly praise her daughter's physical attractiveness, she can develop a jealous attitude towards appearance, which is good ground for the development of an oedipal conflict between them. The so-called "Electra complex".

Others can also contribute to “family discord”. Before praising an outwardly beautiful girl, first look at her mother. If it is not particularly attractive, then you can “jinx” the child, provoke an unconscious aggressive reaction, even the process of auto-aggression of the child. When you really want to compliment a beautiful baby, praise mother and daughter together as an interesting couple, find similar features in them so as not to become a provocateur of intra-family conflict.

Men's beauty is praised somewhat less frequently than women's. For the representatives of the stronger sex, this quality is not in the first place, the main advantages of men are still considered mind and strength. And if in adolescence all girls dream of being beautiful,

then all the boys are strong. Of course, with age, such priorities undergo certain changes.

There are quite a few fairy tales about the "terrible power" of beauty and the problems it can lead to. A fairy tale, of course, is a lie, but there is a certain hint in it, which, as a rule, is associated with real life experience. The stepmother drives the outwardly beautiful stepdaughter out of the house, forces her to take her into the forest, but similar emotions can also come from her own mother. There are situations when parents are especially jealous of the child's appearance.

Sometimes you can see an outwardly beautiful baby, dressed in old, worn clothes, unkempt, overgrown with an "ugly duckling". Time passes, he grows and, literally, "blooms" in front of everyone, becoming a real prince or princess. At the same time, there is also an inner beauty in him: he is kind, polite, courteous - in general, “not spoiled” by an excess of attention. It would seem an ideal situation, but every medal has a second side.

The zealous actions of the mother and other relatives can be so aggressive that beauty is built into a complex over time. Child,

who was humiliated for his beautiful appearance, begins to consider her dangerous. This is a two-faced, contradictory situation, on the one hand, such a person would like to be beautiful and attract the attention of others, and on the other hand, he is afraid to be in front of everyone, as he is pre-configured for trouble.

Children's psychotrauma can be caused not only by negativity on the part of parents, but also, for example, by unpleasant remarks from teachers at school. The consequences of such an injury are different and can affect all aspects of life in adulthood: an outwardly beautiful person does not know how to emphasize his pluses, and even “translates” them into minuses. For example, an outwardly charming girl, with too stooped posture, angular movements, seems surprising to others.

Often, complexes associated with beauty become a huge problem not only for an outwardly attractive person, but also for his relatives and acquaintances around him. Such people can accept any compliment with aggression, emphasizing their shortcomings also causes them deep resentment. Therefore, people around have to ignore the appearance of such a person, not notice his attractiveness, pretend that his beauty does not matter at all, so as not to provoke a conflict.

Secrets of the female brain. Why smart girls are capable of stupid things Rizo Elena

Beauty is a terrible force!

Beauty is a terrible force!

First, beauty! The more charm a woman has, the faster she will achieve what she wants. The main thing is to choose a target, and then apply your feminine charms. It is not necessary to be a blue-eyed blonde or a green-eyed brunette. Attractive femininity turns men on much faster than regular facial features. A simple example is the famous Pushkareva. A frightened look, a bearish gait and a hairstyle of a Soviet schoolgirl. The ugly duckling, not the girl. What do we see at the end? A little makeup, a stylish haircut and, of course, a complete wardrobe change. And from a clumsy girl, Katyusha turns into a real businesswoman. No plastics, teeth replacement and hair extensions. Everything ingenious is simple. Men love well-groomed women. And women love to take care of themselves.

Physiologically, female beauty is subject to one function - the birth of a child. The visible features of the female body are designed to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The sameness of people would not allow to give rise to further life. However, some physiological features of female embryonic development remained in men. For example, in the form of nipples, which do not perform any physical function in the male body.

Naturally, beauty is an individual concept, but any man is able to distinguish a beautiful woman from a masculine one. Although who likes what. Homosexual relationships are generally hard to explain, except perhaps as a developmental disorder. It turns out that the concept of female beauty is embedded in male thinking. Of course, the stereotypes of the time form all the new criteria of beauty, but the main thing is still that a woman should arouse desire.

The question remains: why are some women born very beautiful, while others suffer from a lack of male attention? What is the beauty gene?

Undoubtedly, heredity is not the last component of a beautiful appearance. But it happens that not very nice mom and dad have a child with a model appearance. In this case, we consider two options: either dad stayed away from the process, or the beauty gene was laid down in previous generations. It is impossible to guess how beautiful your child will be, even if you are sure of paternity. Genetic changes can also turn a beauty into a monster.

Here is another fact of the negative impact of modern medicine on women's appearance. During menopause, doctors advise taking a course of hormonal treatment. The female body is enriched with male hormones, preventing premature aging. What is the result? There are no wrinkles, but a slight "unshaven" becomes a companion of the remaining years. It’s scary to think what an overdose of “happiness” hormones can lead to. Some contraceptives, by the way, operate on approximately the same principle. Therefore, alternate means of contraception.

It turns out that beauty at the present stage of life becomes a ticket to a better life, given the crazy pace of development of the modeling business. On the other hand, people are not always ready to perceive a combination of beauty and intelligence in a woman, because this simply cannot be! If a woman is beautiful, then she fits perfectly into the interior of a luxurious mansion. The intellectual abilities of such a young lady are of no interest to anyone, even if they are at a fairly high level. Delusion? Or the machinations of "enemies" with eyes full of envy? No matter. The main thing is that the woman herself really recognizes beauty and intelligence as a killer cocktail. You should not dwell on innate data, because there is no limit to perfection.

A change of image sometimes becomes the beginning of a new life. Why do blondes suddenly turn into burning brunettes? The woman decides to take this step for a reason. There are several reasons.

Unhappy love. Unrequited, tragic... Call it what you want. But it is precisely because of this unfortunate life "incident" that a woman is ready to change her hair color. For what? At least in order to turn from a fragile and windy blonde into a bitchy and purposeful brunette. Now it's up to the small: to bring internal correspondences. And it's done!

But there are also reverses. For example, when a strong enough woman wants to hide behind a mask of naivety and emptiness. Then from a fatal brunette she turns into a pretty blonde. If a woman decides to drastically change her image, she will never return to her former life.

Do not discount female resentment and disappointment. These feelings never go unnoticed. It is very likely that the new hair color is a weapon of revenge. Former lovers, caught in the net to the "new" "old" girlfriend, beware! This is just a response to betrayal and lies. Beauty becomes an excellent weapon in the skillful hands of the fairer sex.

Life realization. Folk art in the form of anecdotes always finds its admirer. That's when stereotypes begin to take shape. Blondes are naive, stupid and simple-minded. Brunettes are lonely, cruel, but smart. Redheads are windy and fickle. What happens in real life? Is the mind, beauty and upbringing dependent on hair color? Why is this stereotyping only for women? After all, men also have different shades of hair or do not have it at all. After all, for some reason, it never occurs to anyone to compose another tale about the mental abilities of brunettes, brown-haired or bald people. Although you can say a lot and in different ways.

Due to stereotypes, some owners of white curls become "smarter" by repainting in a dark color. But the mind is either there or it is not. No amount of hairstyle change will add or take away from him. When you are not hired by some incomprehensible external criteria, you should not fight for a place. Don't change yourself. If you are comfortable being a blonde, be one. Do not rush to get rid of red curls just because they enrage your boss's wife. This is silly. The thinking of a woman does not depend on the color of her hair, but on the level of education of the young lady. Look for compromises. Apply feminine charm and cunning. Try to match your image and emphasize the inner feeling of the world with your appearance.

I'm so comfortable. This is how a true lady should respond. Why did you change your hair color? Because that's how I feel. Why did you cut off your gorgeous long braids? Because a fashionable haircut suits the oval of my face. It is a pity that women change less and less just because they want to discover a new self. Most often they go for it because of some kind of life stress. Such is the nature of women. Excessive emotionality is manifested not only through the scratched face of a young man, but also through repainted hair, a changed haircut or a bold wardrobe.

Every woman has her own sense of beauty, and he needs to be trusted more often. The beauty of a woman is not in an ideal figure and a pretty face - we create beauty on our own. One thing is certain: a beautiful woman is a self-confident woman, and this is worth a lot.

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So much value is attached to attractiveness because it is multifaceted. And each side of it reveals not only this quality in itself, but also its strength and capabilities. And all this is perfectly reflected in quotes about beauty. They say: about the prettyness of the girl; and the splendor of nature; about the grace of such feelings as love.

The collection of phrases about beauty collected on our website is so magnificent that it resembles a pearl necklace, where each quote is a priceless bead sparkling with its sincerity. And it is the aphorisms about beauty that say what this quality is capable of.

Let one of the great women string the first pearl into a necklace. They say that it belongs to the sonorous and sharp phrase: “ beauty terrible power". Lovely and charming girls, take this quote about female beauty as a compliment, and wind up your mustache, what a treasure you own!

It is in your power to fall in love and conquer. Beauty is such a terrible force that stories are known, like knightly duels and noble duels, as well as wars dedicated specifically to her. Legends were written about the beauty of a woman, odes were dedicated to her, and pictorial masterpieces were written. And at the same time, a special power is stored in its simplicity and bewitching magic.

A girl should have two things are beautiful - this is the Look and the Lips, because with a look she can fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.
Marilyn Monroe

Taking care of beauty you have to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
Coco Chanel There is beauty over which the years have no power, is the beauty of the heart.
Eastern wisdom A woman who is firmly convinced in its beauty, will be able in the end to convince everyone else of it.
Sophia Loren The voice of beauty sounds quiet: it penetrates only the most sensitive ears.
Nietzsche Friedrich Beauty is in everything but not everyone can see it.
Confucius If you are capable to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.
Coelho Paulo

in man everything should be fine: the face, and the clothes, and the soul, and thoughts.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

To each its beautiful.
Why else can you say that beauty is a terrible force? Think of a young man in love. It seems that set a goal for him, and the beauty of a woman will give him confidence in the attainability of any goal. He is ready for any act and even a feat.

And the statements about the beauty of nature show another facet of this quality. We are all amazed by the incredible scenery. The island is charming, shrouded in the mystery of the commonwealth of azure water and cloudy sky, here we observe complete harmony. But there is something mesmerizing in both the storm and the rain. All these phenomena of nature are perceived by man as evidence that it has great power. And therein lies its greatness.

beautiful birds sing worse than others. The same applies to people. In a pretentious style, you should not look for a deep thought.
Lichtenberg Georg Christoph

Beauty is not in the face beauty is the light in the heart.
Gibran Kahlil Gibran To create beauty you have to be pure in heart.
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka ...Poetry not only in verses: it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Pretty Woman must be neat and coquettish in the morning and shine in household chores, like a new coin among a pile of garbage.
Jules Renard To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you have to be loved.”
Françoise Sagan
Man strives for everything elegant. Why? Because it gives positive emotions. This is what many aphorisms about beauty are about. Short statements of great and famous politicians, philosophers, businessmen and creative personalities are magnificent in themselves, like pearls on a crystal string, but reflections on aphorisms about the beauty of a woman bring pleasant feelings.

Sometimes quotes about female beauty imbued with subtle humour. Just a little bit of irony does not hurt to admire the truly worthwhile things, about which the greatest people of the world spoke with admiration and reverence. This is a tribute to what all the inhabitants of the Earth recognize, and it is clear to everyone.

God created women beautiful so that men can love them, and stupid so that they can love men.
Faina Ranevskaya

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have two breasts!
Faina Ranevskaya If you have crooked legs- wear a deep neckline.
Christian Dior Beautiful woman eye- paradise, for the soul - hell, and for the pocket - purgatory.
Bernard Fontenel There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.
Brigitte Bardot For a woman, beauty is more important mind, because it is easier for a man to look than to think.
Marlene Dietrich
Is there a standard for perfection? Many peoples and cultures at different times perceived the beauty of a woman in different ways. Someone was attracted by natural grace when a girl is naturally irresistible. Others advocate that you need to work on appearance. And then cosmetics, a gym and a healthy diet come into play. Therefore, there is a place for one more pearl on our “necklace”. These are quotes about makeup and its power of transformation.

Whatever the standards, we will always be attracted not only by appearance and picture, but also by kindness, breadth and sincerity of the soul. This also reflects the principle: it is important what kind of person is inside. If it is truly worthwhile, then it enchants with its purity, and the impact is enormous.

The beauty of a woman grows with her years.
Audrey Hepburn
Let's remember Dostoevsky's phrase beauty will save the world. The bottom line is that in front of a subtle and elegant, be it a person, a natural phenomenon, or something else endowed with this quality, it is impossible to do anything wrong. As if this splendor has a mission - to bring good to people. And statements about female beauty in this vein just show that we all want to have a motive, strength and a model of true perfection.

Like a pearl that becomes more luxurious and flawless when viewed, the words of great people have a deep meaning. They are worth reading, memorizing and sharing. In the expression about incomparable women, there is always a deeper meaning than it seems at first glance. That is why our pearl collection is ready to give its wisdom and magical brilliance to every visitor of our entertainment site.

Beauty is a terrible force: real stories of cosmetic fails

Sometimes you want to do something with yourself so that everyone around you just hits. And how will you do it! And they all fall down! Some from laughter, some from horror ... And most often for some reason this happens on the eve of important events. And nothing, somehow we experience it. And then there is something to remember!

Pink childhood, green youth

The most creative experiments take place, of course, at a tender age. We are ready to decorate ourselves with any substances!..

There you are, beautiful girl!

When I was about two years old, I successfully pulled off a risky operation: I stole red lipstick from my mother - and, sitting on the potty, made up myself. All. Really, head to toe. Mom was late for work, so the “red girl” (in the most literal sense!) was taken to her grandmother to wash herself. Neighbors clutched at the heart. Because Soviet lipstick, we remember, is red as a companion of anxiety or scarlet sails. It looked like a continuous blood all over the area of ​​​​the child ...

Glamor horror in 3D

At the age of thirteen, I took the advice from the magazine too literally: “Powder your lips and apply another layer of lipstick.” And honestly she sprinkled her poor lips with loose powder. Generous hand. And then, naturally, smeared lipstick on top again. Colors "Barbie", the most chic was in the 90s. All this, as you understand, looked like I overate dyed lime so that it had already gone back from the body ...

Homemade Natural Remedies: Glue

This was generally wonderful ... Once, at a young age, I heard about miraculous film masks. And I decided that Moment glue would be just as good. Well, cho, also a film! Anyway, I don't want to say anything more. And what is the wildest thing: I didn’t have acne then, and never had it in my life. Why did I do it?!

website: to the passionate requests of the editor to reveal what happened next, the heroine banged her head against the wall in denial, motivating her actions by the need to preserve "miserable scraps of dignity." There was a face on the heroine. Very cute. We are tormented.

First it grew, then it grew

When I was a child, I was asked to shorten my hair, and they cut my hair so “shorter” that when I wore pants and a jacket, no one wanted to believe that I was a girl. I then sobbed almost continuously for a month. And when I turned 24 years old - pubs! I got the exact same haircut! And this time I was very pleased.

Bollywood using potassium permanganate

At the age of 13, I fertilized a pimple on my forehead with potassium permanganate. It was my mother who advised me to “burn with potassium permanganate” - but she forgot to clarify that this should be done with a very weak solution, and not with a thick paste. While she was walking the dog, I turned into a Hindu. The dot turned out to be the size of a coin, exactly in the middle of the forehead - and black and purple. Mom started crying when she saw me. And all my friends laughed at me. I was a kind of Indian beauty for a month, until it got shabby ...

White roses, white ears...

My super-fashionable older sister had a complete set of Turkish cosmetics for dark skin in the late 80s. Soviet and Polish rested. It was dad who got the deficit, and in such quantity that it would be enough for a gypsy camp for ten years. She attracted me very much. Although I was white-white ... But one day I decided to amaze everyone with the beauty in the rest house. I was already ten, my breasts were growing: why not? And all over science put on makeup! Tonalka for the whole face - BROWN. She let her eyes down as best she could: the shadows are so bright, green, shiny, like a traffic light. Gray lipstick. She put her hair with glitter varnish on end over her forehead. Well, she achieved what she wanted: she defeated everyone. The most chic nuance was made by a thin white neck and white ears sticking out from behind a Negro chocolate face ...

Tilly dough on your head

It was during my student days. As soon as I was going to the bath, wash my hair - a friend comes running, begging: she wants to go to a disco, but not with anyone. I told her about unwashed hair, and she gave me a miracle advice. You, he says, sprinkle your hair with flour, they will immediately fluff up, no one will notice anything. So they did. What can I say ... As long as the hair is dry - yes, everything is in order. But we danced until we dropped! And after a couple of hours, the dough just kneaded on my head! I actually met my future husband that day. He doesn't seem to notice anything...

What have they done to me!

Growing up, we begin to understand that not everything can be smeared on ourselves. But recklessly we allow “specialists” to do this with us. And once in their hands, sometimes we look much more fun than after a raid on my mother's cosmetic bag ...

Black eyebrows, brown eyes

After moving to Israel, I went to correct the shape of my eyebrows. Eyebrows here, on average, in the area came across black, sable, thick, natural shape, and I really wanted the same. I should have run already when the girl at the local spa looked critically at my Middle Slavic eyebrows - and stated that correction was not required, and here is a brush with eyebrow shadows for me. But I foolishly told about "here, sables walk, and I want the same thing." The girl sighed and got to work. Painted first. Then something stuck somewhere and tore off. Then she puffed at me for a long time with a thread (why didn’t I run away?). And then she also fumbled with the shadows that she offered me from the very beginning. In general, the result exceeded all my expectations! In place of the eyebrows, I found a complete absence of hair, but instead of them, new eyebrows were drawn over the red inflamed eyebrows. Black. Sable. And very graphic. Such and in a terrible dream did not dream of Amanda Palmer ...

Woe onion

Somehow they slipped me a book on traditional medicine, and I immediately began to try the advice on myself. I started by rubbing grated onion into the scalp. Everything was as it should be, with a warm wrap, holding time for at least 30 minutes ... I can’t say anything about the benefits of such a hair mask. I absolutely know only that the onion smell from the hair is not washed out for a week. And no spirits are interrupted! I already thought that I would forever remain such a Chipollino, I would lose all my friends ...

Night. The outside. Flashlight. I'm in wax...

Depilation sounds scary ... Once on December 31 (and I honestly signed up in advance!) I came across a girl who, after about a third of the procedure, I suspected that I was her first. Actually the first time in my life. And it turned out to be right! In general, I had to urgently dress in wax and look for another salon. Found. For crazy thousands, because there were no free masters anywhere else. But for obvious reasons, I couldn’t leave it like that and celebrate the New Year in wax ... As you meet, you will spend it!


Tried to do biorevitalization. The next day, she looked like a victim of gopniks who did not share her whitefish. Especially under the eyes it was beautiful. Too bad I didn't take a photo. At work, they still whisper that my husband is actually beating me, what kind of salons are there.

cannibal princess

It was on my wedding day. I decided to give myself into the hands of professionals, so that they would do me a first-class make-up. I came to the salon and lay down on the couch all in anticipation, as now the kind sorceress will turn me into a beautiful, airy-tender princess-bride. She lay for a long time, forty minutes. “Everything is ready, you can get up! the master said. And she cooed rather: “Kaka-a-a-I am beautiful-a-avitsa!” I get up, next to the couch there is a full-length mirror ... And I turn to stone. From the mirror, a brown-brick face with green arrows is looking at me, decently curving towards the temples. The neck remained white. The image was complemented by red lips. To say I flew home would be an understatement. When my sister saw me, she miraculously stayed on her feet. She just whispered, "God!"

Fashion tan, leopard

We went to rest in a good hotel. And the quality of the hotel was the reason for my naive faith in the local beauty salon. However, the epilation in it ended with the discovery of peeled skin islands on my favorite legs. Apparently, something was wrong with the wax, because nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Honestly hiding from the sun, the first day I surprised the beach with leopard skin and complained to the man that I looked like a distributor of terrible lichen. The man consoled. On the second day, without finding any consequences, I joyfully smeared myself with oil and exposed the skin to the sun. What was my horror in the evening, when I discovered that in the places of healed wounds my skin was the same color as that of the singer Rihanna ... And healthy skin - well, a little tanned, yes. All evening I was crying and swallowing cocktails, and the man was whinnying and telling me: honey, you should be happy: you have a real concentrated tan! So what if it's not everywhere? In a speck more original. Until the end of the summer, I avoided dresses ...

On the announcement: a frame from the film “Morozko”

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Fear of rejection

The average man, seeing a woman of incredible beauty, most likely will not even attempt to get to know her for one reason (or for great stupidity) - he considers himself unworthy of her, ugly, unkempt, and therefore sets himself up in advance for refusal on her part. However, psychologists give comforting statistics: beauties suffer from loneliness the most and dream to get to know them. In addition, a girl who is friendly with her head does not consider herself incredibly beautiful, she remembers that modesty adorns.

Fear of being the center of attention

Beautiful women always, in any place, at any time and in any clothes attract attention. Men, as a rule, do not like excessive attention to themselves, and therefore refuse to have relationships with beauties in advance: the attention that they will attract will also be transferred to them.

Fear of being in the shadows

As a rule, beautiful women are more successful than ordinary ones. Men are by nature ambitious and, at times, envious. A rare man is ready to be in the shadow of the glory of his beautiful chosen one, and therefore refuses her.

Fear of not being good enough in bed

There is a strange opinion that if a woman is incredibly beautiful, then at least more than a dozen men have been in her bed, and in sex she has tried, if not all, then almost everything. The average man who has sex the old fashioned way (in socks, under the covers, without lights, silently, late at night) is afraid that he will not make any impression. The conclusions suggest themselves: hone your skills and not believe the rumors (who knows, maybe a beautiful woman saves herself for her only average man).

Fear of inconsistency

Princesses only marry princes, that's what most people think. That is, beauties build relationships only with handsome men. In fact, it's not like that at all. Love is a complex chemical reaction in our body, and no one knows what kind of man will start this reaction in the heart of the first beauty in the area.

Fear that a beautiful girl is not ready for a serious relationship

Champagne for breakfast, endless parties and weekends on the Côte d'Azur become boring as quickly and strongly as unleavened rice on fasting days. Men think that beautiful women only have parties and fun in their minds, but they need a strong family. Beautiful women, in turn, tired of sleepless nights and loud music, often dream of being (as Madonna put it) "a cute domestic duck."

Fear of being laughed at

Shyness on the male side and arrogance on the female side are far-fetched stories. The average man, most likely, will not go to get acquainted with a beautiful woman, thinking that he will be laughed at in public, trampling his self-esteem into the dirt. In fact, the icy heart of the beauty is not so icy.
