Who is a choleric? Characteristics of the type of temperament. Psychological characteristics of choleric temperament (choleric)

Choleric temperament is a strong but unbalanced type of higher nervous system.

The most striking feature of a choleric person is an explosive character and problems with controlling their emotions. This is an impulsive, active, energetic person. But excitation processes prevail over inhibition.

It takes a lot of work for a choleric person to “pull himself together”, or not to express aggressiveness if he experiences it in relation to something or someone.

Hot-tempered and impatient, he tends to move quickly. This happens the faster, the sooner the irritating factor disappears.

It is not recommended to enter into heated arguments with choleric people, in which he is very inflamed, trying to prove his case. The sooner you give in to him, the sooner he will come to his senses and return to adequate behavior.

Despite their irritability, these people are very hardy and easily overcome any obstacles. They are easily recognizable by their determined gait and sharp, jerky movements. Sometimes these people resemble a taut string that can burst at any moment.

  • Types of human temperament
  • Sanguine: characteristic

Cholerics in the world

Cholerics find friends easily, but not so much for the sake of communication, but for extras. They need a team in which they take on the role of leader and commander of the parade. Choleric is very zealous about his leadership, does not tolerate a number of rivals and those who do not agree with his opinion.

He loves to control his environment and impose his point of view and his value system on him. It is difficult to be friends with him, but those who have been honored with his sincere affection can count on faithful and strong friendship.

Such people are self-confident, proud and sometimes in love with themselves. Cholerics do not complex and do not belittle their merits. On the contrary, they are often confident in their exclusivity and have an overestimated self-esteem.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In relations with the opposite sex, the choleric person shows all those unpleasant features that are in communication with others. He is intolerant, categorical, unrestrained, confident in his rightness. As in the circle of friends, in the family he will gravitate towards dominance and authoritarianism.

In the heat of anger, he is able to break off relationships many times, after which he usually tries to stick them together. It is not easy to have such a life partner, but if you try to give in to him (or pretend to give in), then a good family man will turn out of a choleric person. Representatives of this temperament are very sensitive to blood ties. They are a strong support for the spouse and good educators for their children.

Working rhythm in choleric people

As workers, choleric people are valuable for their ability to quickly recuperate and work hard. Their ability to work, however, is not constant and depends on many factors.

But, if the case really captivates him, he is able to move mountains. In a fit of enthusiasm, this person can work all night long without experiencing any discomfort. By the way, choleric people generally experience less need for sleep than representatives of other types of temperament.

When the ardor is wasted, and interest in work has faded, a person quickly cools off in his activity and continues to work formally, without a “light”.

Raising a choleric child

A choleric child begins to grow into a problem for parents from the moment they are born. These children, even in infancy, sleep poorly and little. In order to lull such a child, you have to carry him for hours in your arms.

These kids are like little pandas. They literally grow up, clasping the neck of their parents, like a tree trunk.

A child of choleric temperament is naughty, scandalous with or without. He has a lot of requirements that must be met.

If his whims are not in a hurry to indulge, the baby will still achieve his roar and tantrums. But the choleric can not only hysteria. He is capable of displaying the deepest emotions for his family members and is very sensitive to affectionate treatment.

Parents should be more attentive to the upbringing of such a child. A lack of attention in the future can turn into uncontrolled aggression and cruelty. The inability to keep attention on something for a long time will lead to the fact that the choleric person will not complete any business.

If the child’s aggression is directed in the right direction in time, then an excellent athlete can turn out of him. And work on perseverance and attention will help you achieve your goals in adulthood.

Pros and cons

Choleric, whose temperament is briefly described in two words: strong and impulsive, has its pros and cons.

The undoubted advantages of the choleric include: energy seething in him and the ability to give himself over to his favorite business. The ability to lead people, captivate them with your ideas is another fat plus of this temperament. Choleric is a born leader and initiator of new ideas.

People of this type of temperament are distinguished by increased resistance to stress and the ability to quickly make serious decisions.

It is difficult to communicate with choleric people and maintain friendly relations. They rarely complete their undertakings and do not know how to calculate their own strength, which quickly deplete their energy.

If you have chosen a representative of the choleric type of temperament as a friend or companion, be tolerant and do not pay attention to sudden changes in his mood. Take it for granted that you will have to constantly make concessions, put up with his harshness and put up with the world around him.

In the previous article, we talked about who is ... With this temperament, I hope everything is clear and we can proceed to reveal the next one. And the next temperament we have is choleric. And of course, its characteristics.

Who is a choleric

The name already speaks for itself. Choleric. There is a sense of urgency in it. Cholera!.. But infectious diseases have nothing to do with it. It will still be about character, and therefore the following points should be discussed ...

In the very first article, in the one in which I gave general information about myself, the choleric is called the "unrestrained" type. It characterizes strength, mobility, imbalance.

Where strength refers to the degree of nervous stability and endurance under prolonged loads. Mobility will indicate the speed of alternation of the processes of nervous activity. BUT imbalance will tell us about how the processes of excitation-inhibition correlate in us.

Description of choleric

The choleric temperament is very excitable, quick and mobile. The facial expressions of choleric people are lively and expressive, speech is colorful, and movements are sharp. Their feelings arise quickly, it is difficult to contain them in view of the general instability, and therefore their manifestations can be very enchanting.

Of course, with such a norm on their part, such people subconsciously expect the same from others. For them, it may be sincerely incomprehensible how it is: not to talk about their feelings. And even more so, they will not appreciate - well, as they will not appreciate, they will rather not notice - silent love. They treat such feelings with distrust, because they doubt their sincerity.

The choleric will enthusiastically take up the matter that interests him and overcome all the difficulties that have arisen along the way. However, his energy reserves are not infinite and may soon run out.

Well, what do you want? This type of personality works on a constant rise, and this is energy-consuming. And then, when the fuse dries up and there will be no more strength, no desire to kick your “battery”, choleric mood drop sharply to the minimum. And together with the mood will decrease and labor efficiency. So, there will be a need to recover ...

In moments of communication, this type of temperament also shows its sharpness, it is quite capable of even provoking a conflict. The faith of a choleric is based on vivid manifestations of feelings. So, if you love, then “Love!”, And if you hate, then you can tear the enemy to shreds!

Work for the choleric

Just as you can already understand from the above, the need for communication in choleric people is increased. He must draw his restless emotions from somewhere! And therefore, often their choice in the professional field also falls on those professions that require constant contact with people. It can be both jurisprudence and politics, administration or the service sector, and a lot of things. In general, any field of activity where it is necessary to have effective communication skills.

Incredibly difficult for a choleric individual or monotonous work. It is difficult because a person of such a warehouse for life will need variety in activities and communication. Their efficiency in general is extremely unstable and largely depends on the interest in the case being worked out, as well as on external circumstances.

In addition, they can be impatient and unrestrained, and restructuring for any new type of activity is more than difficult for them. Cholerics, in general, can be described as fearless scouts and pioneers, and this is far from conducive to perseverance and love for monotony in work. Cholerics are innovators and the unknown path only spurs them on.

Features of the behavior of the choleric

The behavior of a choleric person can be called uneven due to the fact that imbalance his nervous system is cyclical. Yes, and he himself is capable, having processed, to bring himself to depression, when nothing is already unbearable - he is fed up with everything, and therefore everything falls out of his hands. This alternation of cycles of rise and fall leads to the fact that his susceptibility to neurotic breakdowns increases several times. And this, not to mention, about observed in moments of depression, strong

Characteristics of choleric

After all, it is not for nothing that the most characteristic features of choleric people are irascibility, aggressiveness and unbridled character. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to argue with them. No, they are unlikely to throw ashtrays. However, all the same, the impressions of a quarrel with them will be enough for you for years to come. But if you make a concession, such a person is able to cool down at the same moment.

In general, it is possible to live and work peacefully with a choleric person. However, all this is worth some effort on the other hand, since you must always know what he wants from you. So we can safely say that this is possible almost on condition unquestioning obedience his person.

After all, such people from childhood love and learn to give commands. And feeling from an early age that he is a full-fledged master of the situation, a rare person will want to let go of power and control from his hands. In their family, choleric people are often commanders in chief, if not tyrants and dictators.

It is he who is able, without listening to anyone, to make the rest dance to his tune. However, still no other type of temperament is able to have so much fun, rejoice and thank you, and plus everything else, love with all your heart, as a choleric person will do. So he will easily win the hearts of everyone and quickly become an idol in the family.

Choleric is generally difficult to imagine indifferent, inactive and dull. None of this suits him! He will always be on horseback. He will always have an ideal at hand to strive for. On the spot, such a person will definitely not sit.

In addition, choleric people are usually extremely sensitive to injustice, which, undoubtedly, can lead to the fact that one day he will not stand it, and even climb on the rampage. After all the main thing for the choleric is to achieve the goal. Losses don't matter. What this leads to is clear.

Like-minded people get lost along the way, besides, on the way to the goal, you can also burn out, discarding the idea as unnecessary and not deserving of attention. And such people will light up, as well as cool down quickly enough.

However, what can you give them an unequivocal compliment. Despite the fact that a choleric temperament type is not able to boast of a large number of friends, he will be very attached to those whom he loves. Even if his love is often distinguished by ardor.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about what is a choleric. You will find out what are the pros and cons of such a person. You will become aware of the characteristics of children of this type, as well as advice on their proper upbringing. Find out how you can make your life and future easier for a choleric person.


  1. You will not see a dull or indifferent choleric person.
  2. He knows his worth, sets goals and achieves them. On the way to them, he stops at nothing.
  3. Such a person does not sit in one place.
  4. He cannot calmly look at injustice.
  5. Loneliness may be characteristic if people with a different type of temperament are nearby.
  6. Such a person will leave behind any opponent.
  7. He has a fairly developed mindset, which allows him to break down large tasks into small ones and cope with them better.
  8. Such a person does not depend on the opinion of another person, builds his plans, not taking into account the views of the public. He is used to defending his point of view.
  9. If the work of the team is necessary to achieve the goal, he will get along well with other people, because communication in the work process increases his energy.

The characteristic of choleric includes the following features:

  • uncontrollability, disobedience;
  • mental imbalance;
  • fluent speech;
  • intolerance to monotonous work;
  • restlessness;
  • lack of patience;
  • mood changes;
  • the ability to keep conflicts under control;
  • quick adaptation to changing circumstances;
  • loud voice;
  • emotional outburst.

Considering the description of this type, you can highlight its pros and cons. The positive features include:

  • initiative;
  • ability to resist obstacles;
  • energy;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to interest the interlocutor;
  • leadership skills.

The disadvantages include:

  • irascibility, irritability;
  • tendency not to finish the work begun;
  • conflict;
  • straightness;
  • lack of ability to calculate their strength;
  • talkativeness.

Choleric at work

  1. Such individuals cannot be subordinate, dependent on someone. They like independent work, which does not include constant reporting. If it so happened, and the choleric was in submission, then he will not listen to the leader, he will begin to break all the rules, especially if he does not have such a strong will.
  2. Only choleric people can pull heavy loads and long business trips.
  3. Such an employee is characterized by active actions, initiative. However, if the task turns out to be too difficult, then the choleric person can freak out. As soon as he calms down, he realizes that the task was not so difficult.
  4. Such individuals will become excellent leaders. A breakthrough character and determination help to achieve success in the professional field. The ability to correctly express your thoughts and sociability allow you to effectively interact with the team.

A kid with such a temperament

  1. The peanut from the very childhood will command everyone, feel like a master in any situation.
  2. A choleric child who has not yet learned to walk, first of all, completely subjugates his mother to his will.
  3. The kid can cry for several hours, be capricious, will be angry until he achieves what he wants.
  4. All the family will revolve around him, he will become a commander, and sometimes a tyrant.
  5. Such a child will not listen to anyone.

Despite all this, the little choleric knows how to have fun, to thank for the care, to show his love. He will easily win the heart of an adult.

How to raise a choleric

If your baby is inherent in the type of choleric, then you must adhere to the following tips.

  1. If he is guilty, there is no need to shout and use force.
  2. You need to talk with the baby in a calm tone, show how to behave by personal example.
  3. So that the child can realize excess energy, give him to the sports section.
  4. Teach your child to art. This will allow him to control his emotional outbursts.
  5. Set tasks for your child that will help you get results in the near future. This will allow the kid to bring everything to the end.
  6. Pay attention to what the baby listens to, what programs and films he watches, what books he reads. It is important that art teach empathy, good manners and politeness.


A choleric woman will become a wonderful wife if a man knows about the features of her character and can adapt to them. Let's look at what kind of relationship a choleric person can have with a representative of a different type.

  1. The sanguine will not let the choleric get bored. He will translate outbursts of emotions into humor, will smooth it out with the help of compromises. A sanguine person can cause some difficulties, because he will not bend under a choleric person.
  2. A slow phlegmatic person will annoy his partner. And he will be enraged by the excessive activity of the choleric. Such a couple may have a future if partners give each other a certain freedom, make compromises.
  3. The melancholic is too sensitive, rather timid. Choleric is direct and often hurts the feelings of his partner. Such an alliance in rare cases leads to a long-term relationship.
  4. A choleric man and a partner of the same type have a stormy relationship, a fiery passion, which is replaced by quarrels and scandals. But they are replaced by reconciliation, full of love. However, over time, an understanding comes that such a union does not suit both partners, and the couple disperses.

How to make life easier for a choleric

  1. Do not try to suppress the negativity that accumulates inside you, rather let it pour out through art or sports.
  2. Try to radiate positive, express only positive emotions.
  3. Pay attention to Eastern spiritual practices, in particular meditation and yoga.
  4. Listen to the opinions of other people, always look at what is happening through the eyes of all participants.
  5. Do not try to constantly control everything, let others take over the situation.

Now you know who the "choleric personalities" are. As you can see, such people have both positive and negative qualities; if you know them, you can correct them, improving your life. If your baby grows up as a choleric, treat his antics correctly, contribute to normal growing up.

Temperament is a set of psychophysiological characteristics of a person. Temperament is divided into 4 main types, which have their own characteristics and features that can briefly tell about a person.

Temperament test

To find out what type of person you are, we recommend taking a temperament test.

I am fussy and restless.

I am a cheerful person.

I am unrestrained and quick-tempered.

I am usually calm and cool.

I am shy and suspicious.

I am blunt and direct in communication.

Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, without delving into the essence of the story.

In work and in life, I stick to the usual pattern.

Usually I am reasonable and cautious.

I can bear the loneliness well.

I place high demands on myself and those around me.

I easily get involved in a new job, and also switch from one type of activity to another.

In a dispute, I am very resourceful.

I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.

I am neat and I like order in everything.

Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose my composure.

I am easily offended.

I often take risks.

I usually fall asleep and wake up easily.

I am indulgent about jokes addressed to me.

Failure depresses me.

Personality Test



Phlegmatic person


General information

The concept of "temperament" was first introduced by the ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates. His theory of 4 types of personality is based on the predominance of one or another liquid in the body, or, as the scientist called it, "life juice".

Accordingly, based on this hypothesis, 4 main personality types were identified:

  • choleric - the predominance of bile (from other Greek chole - bile);
  • sanguine - the predominance of blood (from lat. sanguis - blood);
  • phlegmatic - the predominance of phlegm (from other Greek phlegma - phlegm, "sputum");
  • melancholic - the predominance of black bile (from other Greek melas chole - black bile).

Later, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov emphasized not only the physiological characteristics of individuals, but also their similar mental characteristics. He noticed that each personality type is characterized by a certain set of basic innate properties of the nervous system.

In addition, for each type of personality, certain pronounced character traits and possible mental pathologies are characteristic:

  • choleric - impulsiveness and aggression, diseases - impulsive personality disorder;
  • sanguine - mobility, sociality, self-confidence, diseases - hypomania;
  • phlegmatic - social detachment, self-absorption, diseases - schizoid personality disorders;
  • melancholic - sadness, cowardice, depression, weakness, disease - anxiety personality disorder.

As a rule, it is customary to distinguish 3 spheres of manifestation of temperament:

  • the level of general activity;
  • emotional level;
  • features of the motor sphere.

General activity is expressed in the degree of human interaction with the outside world - both natural (nature) and social.

The motor or motor sphere determines the speed of reactions, the rate of speech, the speed and clarity of movements.

Emotionality is characterized by susceptibility, sensuality and the speed of change in emotional state and mood.

Typology and properties of temperament

In order to correctly compile a psychological characteristic, it is necessary to take into account 9 basic properties of temperament.

  1. Sensitivity is the threshold strength of external influences that can cause a minimal reaction.
  2. Reactivity - the number of reactions to an external stimulus.
  3. Activity - determines how fast a person's actions (physiological and thought processes).
  4. The ratio of activity and reactivity - determines what drives a person more: their own emotions or external factors and society.
  5. Plasticity is the ability of a person to adapt to a specific situation and adapt in life.
  6. Rigidity - determines the inertia of a person and how much he is used to "going with the flow."
  7. The rate of reaction is the speed of speech, facial expressions and gestures, the clarity of thinking and the speed of mental reactions.
  8. - psychotypes that determine the source of energy: internally "I" or the outside world.
  9. Emotional excitability - indicates how quickly a certain reaction occurs to any irritating factor.

Depending on how the combination of these factors develops, the temperament of a person is determined.

Having added all the “puzzles” of personality types, we can briefly characterize the types of temperament as follows:

  1. Sanguine - fast and cheerful, hot and sociable. Such a person is “alive” - his actions can be ahead of his thoughts, he easily puts up with minor troubles.
  2. Phlegmatic - unhurried in action, knows exactly what he wants from life. He never rushes anywhere, even if he is catastrophically late. In work, he shows perseverance, often achieves success in his career.
  3. Choleric is the most unbalanced of all types. It is characterized by frequent mood swings and periodic breakdowns of strength. Quickly lights up with a new business, but also quickly goes out.
  4. Melancholic - constantly worried, very vulnerable and receptive to the opinions of others. He rarely shows his true feelings to others, but he takes even small defeats too close to his heart.

Description of types

Each of the personality types is special and individual. Next, consider a brief description, advantages and disadvantages of each type of temperament.


A personality type characterized by flexible thinking and malleability.

Anticipation of something new or unreasonable fear of the future can speak of a good sixth sense. But it does not always "work like clockwork" - in the article "" you can find several tricky tricks for opening the "third eye".

A cheerful and active sanguine quickly converges with people and knows exactly what he wants from life. Such a person cannot sit still and is extremely skeptical about monotonous work. Sanguine quite easily switches from one type of activity to another, and almost always succeeds in any endeavor.

Such a person is easily given control over emotions, he easily meets new people and is always open to communication. Facial expressions and speech are very expressive, a sanguine person loves and knows how to speak in public.


  1. The sanguine type of temperament is distinguished by cheerfulness, energy, cheerfulness, responsiveness.
  2. The mood tends to change frequently, but generally good mood prevails.
  3. Feelings of affection, hostility, joy and grief arise quickly in sanguine people, but they are shallow.
  4. Quickly grasps everything new and interesting.
  5. Quickly switches from one activity to another.
  6. He easily overcomes his failures and troubles.
  7. Easily adapts to various circumstances of life.
  8. It has good performance and endurance.
  9. For any new business is taken with enthusiasm.
  10. It is distinguished by loud, hasty, but at the same time distinct speech, accompanied by active gestures and expressive facial expressions.
  11. In dealing with new people does not experience fear and constraint.
  12. Maintains composure in stressful, critical situations.
  13. Able to reasonably defend himself and at the same time tries to normalize the situation.
  14. Wakes up and falls asleep quickly.
  15. Shows perseverance in achieving the set task, goal.
  16. Good organizer.


  1. If a sanguine person loses interest in the work he has begun, then he abandons it without completing it.
  2. They do not like monotonous work.
  3. They tend to overestimate both themselves and their capabilities.
  4. The sanguine type is characterized by instability in interests and inclinations.
  5. For a person with a sanguine type of temperament, monotonous, everyday painstaking work is a burden.
  6. Hasty in decisions, recklessness of decisions, not collected.
  7. Unstable mood.
  8. It is difficult to develop volitional qualities.

To achieve success in their activities, sanguine people should not be scattered over trifles, they need to be purposeful, accurate, diligent.

Phlegmatic person

Calm and measured, slow and absolutely balanced phlegmatic people are characterized by slowness and perseverance. They always clearly think through each of their actions, bring everything they start to its logical conclusion. They are not used to giving in to difficulties and often become successful businessmen.

Feelings are not accustomed to flaunt, for which they often receive the status of "cold" and "heartless". The mood of phlegmatic people is always stable, they rarely succumb to provocations from outside.


  1. The phlegmatic type of temperament is distinguished by calmness, composure, prudence, caution, patience, perseverance, poise and endurance, both in ordinary life and in a stressful situation.
  2. He shows consistency and thoroughness in his affairs, as a result of which the work he has begun is brought to the end.
  3. Persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.
  4. There is no tendency to affect in phlegmatic people.
  5. Speech is calm, measured with pauses, without sharply expressed emotions, without gestures and facial expressions.
  6. Phlegmatic people are not talkative.
  7. Able to perform monotonous, long-term stressful work.
  8. Everything counts and does not waste energy in vain.
  9. In work adheres to the system.
  10. They tend to adhere to the developed, habitual routine of life.
  11. Easily follows the rules.
  12. It has good endurance, which makes it easy for him to restrain his impulses.
  13. Not vindictive.
  14. Condescendingly refers to the barbs expressed in his address.
  15. Characterized by constancy in relationships and interests, often monogamous.
  16. They love order and accuracy in everything.
  17. Reason in phlegmatic people prevails over feeling.
  18. Good contact with people of other temperaments.
  19. Has a good memory.
  20. Phlegmatic people are reliable people who are difficult to piss off.
  21. The feelings of phlegmatic people are deep, but carefully hidden from prying eyes.


  1. Phlegmatic people are practically not receptive to approval and censure in their address.
  2. They react poorly to external stimuli, so they cannot quickly respond to new situations.
  3. Stingy on emotions.
  4. Facial expressions and movements of the phlegmatic are inexpressive and slow.
  5. Detailed to the point of tediousness.
  6. He starts work slowly and just as slowly switches from one thing to another.
  7. It is difficult to adapt to a new environment and slowly converge with new people.
  8. There are many stereotypes and patterns in life.
  9. Unresourceful.

Phlegmatic people should develop the qualities they lack, such as: mobility, activity. Do not allow the manifestation of such qualities as: inertia and lethargy.


The choleric type of temperament is distinguished by decisiveness, initiative, and straightforwardness. Mental processes proceed too quickly, which makes people with such a temperament somewhat unbalanced and harsh. Often they are unrestrained and quick-tempered, they easily lose their temper even over trifles.

When communicating with a choleric person, one should be prepared for his irritability and impetuosity - people of this type can, in an emotional outburst, say nasty things that they will regret in a couple of seconds.


  1. Mobile and fast.
  2. He gets down to business with enthusiasm, works on the rise, overcoming difficulties.
  3. Almost always resourceful in a dispute.
  4. Unforgiving and inoffensive.
  5. Has an expressive expression.
  6. Speech is lively and emotional.
  7. Able to make quick decisions and act.
  8. Relentlessly striving for something new.
  9. Falls asleep and wakes up quickly, sleeps soundly.
  10. In a critical situation, he shows determination and pressure.
  11. Feelings quickly arise and are clearly manifested.


  1. Choleric is too hasty.
  2. The choleric type of temperament is characterized by sharp, jerky movements, restlessness, imbalance, and a tendency to vehemence.
  3. Doesn't have patience.
  4. In relationships and in communication with people can be sharp and straightforward.
  5. Can provoke conflict situations.
  6. Stubborn, often capricious.
  7. Characterized by a sharp rise and a rapid decline in activity, i.e. choleric works jerkily.
  8. Sometimes he does not delve into the essence of the problem, slips on the surface, gets distracted.
  9. Inclined to take risks.
  10. The speech of choleric people is fast, sometimes inconsistent, passionate.
  11. Aggressive, very quick-tempered and not sustained.
  12. Prone to sudden mood swings, nervous breakdowns.
  13. When the energy supply is depleted, his mood plummets.
  14. Intolerant of mistakes and shortcomings of others.
  15. Touchy.

Cholerics need to learn to restrain themselves, not to be arrogant. They may be advised to count to ten before reacting to the situation.


People with a weak nervous system are very vulnerable and vulnerable. Often offended, any criticism is taken personally. They endure failures very hard, they reproach themselves for mistakes in life for a long time. They love to be pitied, they are looking for defenders among stronger personalities.

In the life of a melancholic, everything is always bad - even if there are many good people nearby, there is a good job and the house is full of well-being, the melancholic will find a reason for sadness.

Everything new introduces people of this type into a stupor - spontaneous solutions to problems are alien to them, and if something does not go according to plan, it immediately leads melancholic people astray.


  1. The melancholy type of temperament is characterized by increased sensitivity.
  2. Melancholic people are able to perceive approval and censure.
  3. He makes high demands both on himself and on those around him.
  4. Feel good about other people.
  5. Under favorable conditions, restrained and tactful.
  6. The emotional states and feelings of people of the melancholy type of temperament are distinguished by depth, duration and great strength.
  7. Melancholics are characterized by constancy and depth, acute susceptibility to external influences.
  8. In a familiar and calm environment, people with a melancholic type of temperament feel calm and work very productively.


  1. Melancholics are distinguished from other types by high emotional sensitivity.
  2. They can hardly endure grief and resentment, outwardly this may not manifest itself in any way.
  3. Keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
  4. Even minor failures are strongly experienced.
  5. Very shy, shy, vulnerable, secretive, indecisive, unsure of himself and his abilities.
  6. Always pessimistic, rarely laughs.
  7. At the slightest failure, he experiences a feeling of depression and confusion.
  8. Lost in unfamiliar surroundings.
  9. The melancholic is embarrassed when in contact with new people.
  10. It takes a long time to adapt to a new team.
  11. Has a small circle of close people.
  12. Melancholics have a tendency to loneliness, depression, suspicion, they become isolated and withdraw into themselves.
  13. They get tired quickly, it is necessary to pause in work.
  14. The melancholy type of temperament is characterized by weak quiet speech up to a whisper, impressionability to the point of tearfulness, excessive touchiness and tearfulness.
  15. The slightest nuisance, a nervous atmosphere at work can unbalance the melancholic.
  16. Under adverse conditions, melancholics are closed, timid, anxious.
  17. Melancholic is the only type of temperament characterized by slight vulnerability and resentment.
  18. Prefers to obey rules and authorities.
  19. On the eve of important events, he is always overly worried and worried.
  20. What the choleric will sweep away on its way, the phlegmatic will not notice, the sanguine will bypass - becomes an obstacle for the melancholic. He is lost, gives up, it is at such moments that he needs the sympathy and support of relatives and friends.

In terms of self-improvement and self-realization, melancholic people need to be more active, engage in organizational activities in order to feel their importance, confidence and self-esteem. This is also facilitated by physical education and sports, gymnastics.

Type Compatibility

On the relationship of people, a special "imprint" is imposed by the types of temperaments and character. In addition, personality traits introduce some diversity into the behavioral reactions of all sociotypes and are reflected in their worldview.

When one of the partners suppresses the feelings and desires of the second, certain difficulties arise. In the article "" you can learn more about all the complexities of such relationships.

It can be very difficult for people with different temperaments to understand each other - they have radically different desires, aspirations and life rhythms. But, despite the individuality, there are certain trends in the relationship of some types.

  1. Choleric - phlegmatic
    One of the most successful combinations - the phlegmatic is able to balance the "violent" choleric, if necessary, put him in his place. In addition, in work, the phlegmatic complements the more hysterical choleric, directs him in the right direction and often places responsibility on himself.
  2. Melancholic - sanguine
    A good-natured and open sanguine person can easily console a whiny and pessimistic melancholic. He will become for him "a light at the end of the tunnel" and will gladly try to fill a depressed comrade with vital energy. The compatibility of these personality types is extremely successful - a melancholic will periodically help a sanguine person to get rid of "pink glasses", and he, in turn, will make the life of a melancholic brighter and more fun.
  3. Choleric - sanguine
    A rather complicated combination, so an unbalanced and irrational choleric person will be very annoying to a logical sanguine person. In addition, such a couple cannot avoid frequent quarrels on the basis of "pulling the blanket" - everyone will try to take a dominant position in the duet.
  4. Phlegmatic - melancholic
    The saddest couple - none of the partners feel vitality, both rarely go out in public and are not used to communication. Their relationship is very difficult - they rarely understand each other's desires and often complain about others.

If temperaments are not well compatible, partners should follow simple guidelines.

  1. In the tandem choleric - melancholic, choleric people need to restrain themselves more, and melancholic people should not take everything so close to their hearts and try to abstract themselves from difficulties.
  2. Once in a union of phlegmatic - sanguine phlegmatic people, they need to try to more openly and directly express their feelings and not be so persistent and unapproachable in their behavior, and sanguine people should try to be more consistent in their deeds and more reliable in their promises. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to cope with the growing irritability of their partner.

If people have a similar type of nervous system, then the interaction of two phlegmatic or melancholic people is most favorable, two sanguine people are somewhat worse, and two choleric people are very bad.

Interesting to know! Phlegmatic people are the most balanced people, it is difficult to piss them off.

Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromises in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but quick-witted. Noticing that the brewing conflict can take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in the relationship.

The most difficult thing to keep a balance in relationships is straightforward, excitable and unrestrained choleric people, who often cannot stop in time in their statements and actions and therefore can offend others without wanting to.

An energetic choleric is distinguished by assertiveness, determination and determination, which allow him to achieve dominant positions among others. But is everything so simple and unambiguous? Who is a choleric and how to get along with him? Is it easy to recognize? Is there a universal characteristic of choleric? Or is this type of temperament expressed individually in each person? What to do if the child is choleric? How to properly educate him? How do choleric people live when they grow up? How difficult is it to build a relationship with them? It is better to read this article to the end in order to know exactly how not to fall under the “hot hand”.

Who is a choleric?

Choleric is emotionally irascible and extremely active type of temperament prone to leadership and dominance. The word "choleric" itself is of ancient Greek origin. According to the ideas of Hippocrates, who, according to the prevailing "vital juice", identified four types of temperament, "yellow bile" dominates in choleric people. In the original language, it is called "hole". That's where the name came from.

Despite the fact that psychology is constantly evolving, regularly reviewing its views on the world, this approach to the classification of temperament has not lost its relevance so far. Who are choleric, it was quite clearly defined back in the time of Hippocrates. Bold, resolute, unrestrained and provocative choleric people have always been distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities, they took the initiative into their own hands and rapidly moved towards their goal. At the same time, it is extremely difficult for them to control their emotions, which is manifested in a sharp change in mood and temper.

The exhaustive characteristics of choleric allowed scientists to identify representatives of this type of temperament not only among living people, but also by analyzing historical figures. So, of famous personalities, choleric people include Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Peter I Alekseevich, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, Salvador Dali, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and others.

Since several types of temperament can be combined in one person, it is not so often possible to meet a pronounced choleric person. But in case he gets caught, hardly anyone will doubt that he is a choleric person. A description of the main criteria for recognizing this type of temperament is given in the next section.

How to recognize choleric?

A simple trick on how to find out your temperament - which you can go through on our website. This will allow you to cast aside doubts about your belonging to a certain type of people: choleric, or.

If we are talking about another person, it is necessary to analyze his behavior. First of all, pay attention to the speed of occurrence of certain emotional reactions, especially anger. If a person “turns on with a half turn”, then most likely it is the choleric that dominates in him.

Some authors argue that it is possible identify choleric and in appearance. According to their opinion, people with this type of temperament are distinguished by a thin physique and other signs. But the proportions of the human body depend on a number of physiological processes. Also his temper or nervousness. So, it is worth distinguishing between the innate characteristics of a person and his health.

It is better to identify a choleric person based on at least a few criteria:

  • emotional instability;
  • Accelerated and loud speech;
  • abrupt movements;
  • Reluctance to sit in one place;
  • Active gestures;
  • Striving for leadership;
  • Social activity;
  • Ability to defend one's opinion;
  • Hyperreactivity and energy;
  • Rejection of routine and monotony.

If the bulk of these points coincides with the characteristics of a particular person, then it can be argued that he has a choleric temperament.

Characteristics of choleric: pros and cons

The advantages of this type of temperament include high social activity and the prospect of taking a dominant position. Cholerics are born leaders who able to succeed on their own and lead others to it. They are so selflessly able to go to the intended goal that they “infect” everyone around with enthusiasm.

Cholerics know how and love to lead. Their temper also has a positive side, because such people never accumulate negativity and resentment in themselves. They immediately throw out their emotions on others, but also quickly and calm down. This helps not to delay the "debriefing", promptly solving production problems.

Not deprived of the temperament of the choleric and the shortcomings that are caused by his incontinence. This is especially noticeable when choleric people come into contact with melancholic people, who categorically do not accept such impulsive behavior. Due to increased emotionality, a choleric person can quarrel and offend someone, even without wanting to. If that person is not so quick-witted, then the choleric person will have to apologize for a long time, which is not very characteristic of his nature.

Relationship with choleric

If we accept as true the division of people into four psychological types described by Hippocrates, then there can be only four options for relationships: with a melancholic, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic.

At first glance, it seems that only a melancholic will not get along with him. Choleric will not be bored, sanguine - for fun, and phlegmatic - on the drum. But in reality, everything is not so clear. In the case of the melancholic, the union will succeed if he takes the imperious position of the choleric, and he, in turn, patronizes and takes care of the melancholic.

If temperaments match, then this is fraught with "fireworks" of feelings and emotions. For such a couple, a daily "storm in a teacup" is provided. But a strong relationship will be obtained only in the case of periodic rest from each other.

Sanguine and choleric there will always be something to do. Both types of temperament are active and open to communication. A sense of humor will help absorb emotional outbursts, smoothing out sharp corners.

At phlegmatic most likely to create a strong relationship with a choleric person. This is where worldly wisdom comes into play, according to which opposites attract. The main thing is mutual respect for each member of this union, respect for his personal space.

The upbringing of a choleric

Most of all, the little choleric brings trouble to others. The characteristic of this type of temperament clearly demonstrates his quarrelsomeness with others. If an adult learns to control his emotions, then it is difficult for a child to do this. Punishment will only make things worse. Choleric parents must have truly "iron" nerves that will help them adequately perceive the behavior of their child. No one says that it is worth pampering him, but excessive severity will not help either.

The best thing become an authority in the eyes of the child, to achieve his respect, to direct unbridled energy in a constructive direction: creativity, sports, etc. Choleric is a born leader. If he is not “broken” in childhood, then a strong and charismatic person will grow out of such a child, who will definitely find his place in society.

Among all types of temperament, choleric people have the greatest potential for success. This is due to their determination and passion. If the choleric really wants something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. This quality is inherent in leaders and winners. But the "fee" for this is not small. The temper of choleric people very often turns against them. Knowing this, others should be more tolerant of people with this type of temperament, and they themselves should learn to control their emotions without inflating the “elephant out of a fly”.
