Milia on the face causes and treatment. Treatment in a cosmetology clinic

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Millet is a rather rare problem, however, at least once every person has encountered it, be it a man or a woman. Small (up to 3 mm) seals on white skin appear in most people and go completely unnoticed. But for some, they become a serious problem that they have to deal with constantly.

We will share the secrets that will help get rid of this problem once and for all.

Reasons for the appearance

Milium (in the common people - millet) is nothing more than a subcutaneous cyst filled with keratin. They have nothing to do with "wen" and the work of the sebaceous glands.

Often such seals occur in the hair follicles. Milia do not provoke any inflammatory processes, do not itch or blush. But, of course, even small milia are a cosmetic defect that you want to get rid of.

Oddly enough, the causes of the appearance of millet in adults are poorly understood. But there are several most likely causes provoking the appearance of millet:

  • Hormonal disbalance. The imbalance of sex hormones explains the frequent appearance of milia in adolescents, pregnant women and women during menopause.
  • Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The skin is the largest organ of our body, and literally all malfunctions in the body are reflected on it. The appearance of millet may be a signal that it is time to check the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Wrong nutrition. Fatty, smoked, sweet and other unhealthy habits are the first enemies of beautiful and healthy skin. A diet will help get rid of not only acne, but also millet.
  • Prolonged exposure to UV rays. With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the skin becomes thicker and rougher. Dead cells do not have time to exfoliate, forming small cysts in the form of milia.

Unlike comedones (clogged sebaceous glands), milia are extremely difficult to squeeze out. In addition, they appear in uncharacteristic places, such as on the eyelids.

If you are faced with this particular problem, then you need to approach its solution with the utmost care.

We all know that neither acne nor other skin inflammations should be touched. Moreover, try to squeeze them out. And it doesn’t matter if they appeared, or because of problems in the body. But only a few follow this installation, because often the matter is a little inflammation and everything heals quickly. In the case of milia, it's really not worth the risk.

These formations are microcysts, and it is impossible to squeeze them out like a pimple. Therefore, if you decide on radical actions, contact a specialist (dermatologist, cosmetologist). Removal of the cyst begins with a puncture of the skin with a curette or needle at a certain angle. Next, the doctor must remove the capsule without touching its contents and your skin. This procedure leaves almost no marks on the face.

When it comes to removing many milia, it is better to use more modern methods. Laser, radio waves and electrocoagulation will help to solve even a neglected problem, without consequences in the form of inflammation and scarring.

If you try to extract the milia yourself, there is a risk of infection. And given the depth of rooting of the cyst, a deep scar can remain on the face forever. But before the skin begins to scar, you will have to walk for a long time with inflammation on the face, which, unlike milia, will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Folk remedies

For a long time, millet has been disposed of with the help of funds based on viburnum. If you regularly have milia, wipe your face with viburnum juice. It is better to apply juice mixed with oatmeal on already “ripe” cysts. This mask should be kept on the face for 45-60 minutes.

Another folk remedy is cucumbers. The grated vegetable is poured with hot water (milk can be added) and infused for about 4 hours. A kind of compress is made from the resulting mixture for 20 minutes using a natural fabric. For treatment, the mask is done daily, for prevention - once a week.

Both of these remedies are good because, in the absence of contraindications (allergies, etc.), they are completely harmless. And viburnum and cucumber masks will only refresh and nourish the skin.

But the methods of modern hardware cosmetology cannot be compared in efficiency. But with perseverance, the problem can be solved.


Compresses, masks and ointments, albeit slowly, but will help get rid of the millet. However, if the problem has already arisen, it is more advisable to remove the cysts from a beautician and pay more attention to prevention.

Since the cause of the problem is not sebum, but the accumulation of dead skin cells, the solution should be looked for here. Intense tanning and overuse of peels disrupt the natural renewal process of the skin. Simply put, the skin reacts to the aggressive removal or death of the upper layers with intense roughening, and even scarring. Dead cells, not having time to exfoliate mechanically, remain under the skin, forming cysts. Therefore, noticing a tendency to the appearance of millet, reconsider your “cosmetic diet”.

  1. Instead of aggressive scrubs and cleansers, choose more gentle ones.
  2. If you used to use abrasive products every day, try to use them once a week.
  3. For daily cleansing of the skin, use foams and tonics.
  4. Noticing that the main problem is concentrated along the hairline, change the algorithm of actions.
  5. Inflammation of the follicles can be triggered by their excessive pollution. Therefore, carefully wash off makeup in these places and do not forget about light peeling.

If you notice a small and deep white seal on your face, do not panic. Millet is more likely to pass as unnoticed as it appeared. It is worth visiting a beautician if the cyst does not go away for more than a month, and you notice that there is a tendency for an increase in the number of milia.

Milia are neoplasms in the form of patches of small white pimples. Because of the resemblance to millet grains, it is also called millet.

Most often occurs in newborns, but can also occur in adults. There is a millet in the face, usually the eyes, the nasolabial triangle. Rarely, it can occur on the skin of the genitals.

general information

Until recently, there was a point of view in medicine that sebum is located inside milia, but recent studies have established the presence of the skin protein keratin, on the basis of which it was concluded that they originated from hair follicles.

Regardless of the localization, milia do not cause pain and do not threaten health. Sometimes they spontaneously disappear after a couple of weeks.

If they do not pass for a longer period, this is reason to see a doctor in order to choose the most optimal method of treatment. In addition, you can try to get rid of them at home yourself.

Reasons for the appearance

The exact answer to the question of why milia appear on the face, medicine still does not know.

However, it was singled out a number of factors contributing to the emergence this cosmetic defect, such as:

  • imbalance of sex hormones for various reasons, especially during periods of puberty, pregnancy or menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance due to malfunctions of the pancreas or thyroid glands;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as errors in the daily diet;
  • improper skin care, increased fat content, harm from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

How to get rid of comedones on the skin of the face? find out right now.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Treatment Methods

How can milia be removed?

the best way treatment of milia on the face will be therapy using methods recommended by a specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Modern medicine widely uses several proven methods in this case:

Limitations in the application of this method are that a large pressure force can seriously injure the skin leaving rough scars on it.

The choice of method for the treatment of milia should be carried out by a specialist, because the skin is a living organ that requires very careful and, preferably, professional handling.

Besides, there are specific contraindications for the use of a particular method, such as increased fat content, dryness, the nature of the location of the vessels, the identification of which is possible only after passing special studies.

Procedures at home

How can you get rid of the problem at home? The appearance of milia primarily indicates the presence metabolic disorders or slagging of the body.

At home, you can first try to make cleansing enemas, review the diet, increase the content of daily intake of plant foods.

There are a few simple steps to follow:

You can learn how to narrow facial pores at home from ours.

Ointments and creams

For the treatment of milia, you can try the usual ointment available in every pharmacy, retinol. It is usually used for acne, but the remedy is also excellent for milia.

It is applied to the face before going to bed, but half an hour after washing. In places where rashes appeared, apply the minimum amount of ointment- the size of a pea.

Creams for milia are mainly used in combination with general skin care as moisturizing and nourishing, and are selected according to the type and age of the skin. It is advisable not to use creams that are too greasy.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also offers a number of remedies for the treatment of milia:

Recipes for masks and scrubs

Masks for milia are used quite often both for treatment and for skin treatment after mechanical action.

  1. In this case a honey mask will be useful: mix 25 g of table yeast with liquid honey, lemon juice and three percent hydrogen peroxide (each of the components is taken in a volume of 1 tbsp). Mix thoroughly, then apply to the skin and hold for up to 30 minutes. The frequency of application of the mask is twice a week.
  2. It is very useful for the face, which, in addition to the therapeutic effect, noticeably brightens and refreshes the skin, saturating it with vitamins. With the use of cucumber, you can prepare a healthy mask, peeling for this cucumber, removing the skin with seeds. The resulting pulp is finely chopped or grated. After that, pour hot water, you can also mix milk and water. Infuse the resulting mass for at least four hours in a carefully wrapped dish. To use the mask, you need to prepare a natural fabric (linen or cotton), pre-cutting holes for the eyes and mouth on it. Soak it in the infusion and apply on the face. The compress is kept for up to 20 minutes. For prevention, it is enough to use it once a week, and for treatment - every day.
  3. Can cook mask using viburnum juice, mixing it with oatmeal until a creamy mass is obtained. The mask should be kept on the face for quite a long time, at least 45 minutes.
  4. For cooking pumpkin masks take a small piece of this vegetable, rub it on a fine grater, after adding a teaspoon of sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply on a pre-steamed face. The consistency of the mask should not allow it to flow. Keep the mask up to 15 minutes. This mask is one of the best means to normalize metabolism.

Very useful for the treatment of milia scrubs and peels, allowing you to thoroughly clean the surface of the epidermis, improve blood microcirculation, which will contribute to the natural regulation of sebum production.

There are several easy scrub recipes at home:

  • First, wash your face with warm water and soap. Take a handful of fine salt (can be soda) and wipe the face with gentle circular motions, preventing the salt from crumbling. You can also wipe through a cloth. In this case, you do not need to rub the skin until redness. Immediately after peeling, wash again with warm water and apply for a quarter of an hour. salt mask with sour cream in equal proportions. Then rinse with warm water. Best for dry skin olive oil mask with baking soda;
  • half a glass oatmeal, ground in a blender, mixed with salt and soda 1 tsp each, the structure of which should be very fine in order to avoid injury to the skin. A scrub is applied to the pre-cleansed skin, mixed with a facial wash, then the face is massaged for up to 5 minutes. and wash off with warm water. Do not rub too hard, because the composition of salt and soda can corrode the skin.

When carrying out procedures using scrubs and masks, you need to remember that comprehensive skin care should consist of three mandatory steps: steaming, cleansing, and nutrition.

Contraindications and frequency of use

natural masks rarely cause skin irritation, but when using them, one should not forget about the existing individual reaction to any of the components.

Cleansing procedures, regardless of the presence or absence of skin problems, incl. using natural remedies should be daily.

The frequency of use of masks, peels and scrubs in general individual and depends on many factors.

For medicinal purposes, special masks for the treatment of milia can be applied with a frequency of 1-3 days, for preventive purposes - once a week.


The effectiveness of all methods of treatment of milia depends on a number of conditions which includes:

  • proper nutrition, avoidance of fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods; reduction in the consumption of sweets, muffins, coffee, etc.;
  • regular cleaning with scrub, peeling, use of masks;
  • the use of the lightest cosmetics that do not clog the sebaceous glands;
  • timely diagnosis of the digestive organs and treatment in case of pathologies;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • healthy lifestyle.

Despite the fact that milia are not a very pleasant phenomenon, it is worth remembering that they are not harmful to health and are more of a cosmetic problem.

However, their appearance may be a sign of malfunctions in the functioning of the human body as a whole, requiring more serious attention, therefore, using effective local therapy do not forget about the comprehensive examination in a medical institution.

Beautician's tips for removing milia on the face in this video:

Milia on the face are a cosmetic problem. They do not pose a health hazard, do not cause discomfort and do not degenerate into malignant tumors.

Therefore, the main indication for their elimination is the desire of the patient to achieve an aesthetic effect.

How to remove milia on the face at home and what hardware methods exist for excising an epidermal cyst, read this article.

What is milia on the face

Milia are epidermal cysts associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

The sebaceous gland secretes a special secret - sebum. It is made up of a complex mixture of lipids. Getting to the surface of the epidermis through the mouth of the hair follicle, it forms a film that maintains the water-lipid balance.

In the same way, desquamated skin cells are removed. As a result of the influence of various etiological factors, the horny masses are clogged with sebum and form a skin cyst - milia.

The formations were also called whiteheads, millet, as they visually represent light tubercles or papules with a rounded shape, clearly defined boundaries.

Dense on palpation. They are located on the surface layer of the skin, so they are easily shifted to the side.

The nodules are small, their size can be from 0.5 to 3 mm. More often they are located multiple (while they do not merge with each other), there are also single ones. Their favorite location on the face:

  • eyelids;
  • cheeks;

May occur regardless of age. They occur in newborns (more often as a result of natural regenerative processes in the skin), as well as in adolescents, adults, the elderly (they can persist for years). They develop slowly, are not accompanied by any discomfort.

How milia look on the face, look at the photo:

10 reasons for the appearance

Possible reasons for the development of whiteheads are:

  1. Hyperkeratosis - an increased rate of cell division with a simultaneous slowdown in desquamation processes.
  2. Insufficient or improper skin care (for example, irregular washing or, conversely, frequent use of drying comedogenic cosmetics).
  3. Other skin diseases (, psoriasis, etc.).
  4. Dysfunction of the ANS and the work of internal organs.
  5. Defects in the development of the skin.
  6. Inflammation, burns, trauma to the epidermis.
  7. genetic predisposition.
  8. Hormonal imbalance (increased levels of androgens).
  9. Metabolic disorders.
  10. It is also assumed that white nodules on the epidermis may occur against the background of an unbalanced diet and a lack of vitamin substances.

There are a lot of ways to remove milia on the face. However, you can only get rid of them mechanically, since no drugs, ointments, creams have yet been developed that would help remove these formations.

how to get rid of milia on face

An effective way to eliminate white milia on the face is to open the capsule and remove the contents. Home removal is advisable if the formations are single.

With multiple lesions, it is better to contact a dermatologist and choose the appropriate hardware method.

How to get rid of milia on the face at home:

  1. Provide good lighting near the mirror.
  2. Disinfect the needle with alcohol, an antiseptic solution, or heat it over a fire.
  3. Treat the problem area of ​​the skin with an antiseptic.
  4. Open the cyst capsule by inserting the tip of the needle into the center of the papule.
  5. Press your nails on the base of the milia, squeeze out its contents. It is necessary to clean the capsule as much as possible.
  6. Treat the skin, the needle with an antiseptic.

This method is highly discouraged for the removal of milia, which are located in the lower and upper eyelids. The skin near the eyes is very thin and sensitive, the lack of skill can lead to injury to the epidermis, disruption of blood vessels and visual impairment.

Additionally, herbal poultices are made before squeezing. They help soften, moisturize and steam the skin, making the process faster and less painful.

For a compress, you should take a herb with a mild soothing, anti-inflammatory effect: chamomile, string, yarrow, mint, sage.

How to prepare the skin before getting rid of milia on the face at home:

StageA photo
Pour half a glass of boiling water
1 tbsp dried plant
(you can use a mixture of
several herbs).
Insist 10 minutes.
Soak a cotton pad in the solution
and attach to the problem
area for 15 minutes.

Disadvantages of the method (prohibitions)

Despite its effectiveness, mechanical extrusion is quite painful. After the procedure, the skin in the treated area is sensitive. Until she fully recovers, the following factors should be limited:

  • the use of aggressive and / or abrasive cosmetics (for example, alcohol-based lotions, scrubs,);
  • visit ;
  • UV radiation;
  • hot water procedures.

The method has a significant drawback. After squeezing out the cyst, its shell remains on the surface of the epidermis.

If the procedure is performed in a beauty salon or a medical center, then the specialist does not just squeeze out the accumulation of secretions, but additionally excised the shell using special tools.

If the capsule is left, then in the future the formation may recur.

In addition, non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules can lead to infection. And excessive pressure on the skin - to hematomas, bleeding, disruption of blood vessels, sebaceous glands, deterioration in the functioning of nerve endings, scars, scars.

Question answer

To prevent the appearance of whiteheads, it is recommended: eat healthy foods, monitor hormonal levels, avoid skin injury, treat diseases in a timely manner, choose the right skin care cosmetics for your skin type.

No, they do not cause pain.

Often they can be seen near the eyes, nose, temples or cheeks.

3 hardware removal methods

Hardware methods help to safely get rid of formations. The likelihood of recurrence is minimal, since its shell is removed along with the contents of the epidermal cyst. The choice of a specific method depends on the location, size, depth and number of milia.

The most popular methods are:

  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • electrocoagulation.

laser method

Destruction of the cyst by a laser beam provides an acceptable cosmetic result, elimination of the possibility of infection and scarring, and low trauma to the epidermis.

Most of all, the method is suitable for multiple formations that are located in hard-to-reach places for mechanical removal.

The procedure is non-contact, so there are no open wounds, no additional medical instruments, only the point effect of the laser beam is used. It does not affect healthy areas.

After the procedure, the appearance of the milia resembles a healing pimple with a dark crust. It categorically cannot be torn off, because you can bring an infection and increase the recovery process.

The period of rehabilitation and complete restoration of the skin, subject to the recommendations of post-procedural care, takes approximately 1-2 weeks.

During this time, the crust peels off on its own, and the skin in the milia area becomes even and healthy.

Radio wave method

The destruction of the formation is carried out using an electrode that emits high-frequency radio waves, excised and coagulates the tissues.

The technique is also non-contact, so during the procedure there is no possibility of infection, tissue development, scarring. Suitable for treating delicate areas of the face, such as the eyelids.

Exposure to a high-frequency radio wave is accompanied by tissue vaporization, i.e., the evaporation of liquid from them.

After the procedure, a crust forms at the site of the cyst, which disappears after 4-5 days. Full recovery of the skin is observed after 1-2 weeks.

During radio wave removal, the patient does not experience much discomfort. A slight tingling sensation may be present.

This is due to the fact that high-frequency waves coagulate nerve endings, blood vessels, and block spasm of muscle tissue. But with increased patient anxiety, for psychological comfort, preliminary anesthesia is possible with the help of.


This method involves cauterization of the epidermal cyst with a high-frequency current. A special electrode (electrocoagulator element) is heated by electricity and generates direct or alternating current.

Upon contact with the skin, it has a thermal effect on the pathological area, leads to coagulation and cauterization of tissues.

After the procedure, as with the above methods, a dry scab remains on the skin, which disappears on its own after a few days. In its place, the skin is relatively lighter and thinner than the surrounding area, but over time it becomes normal.

This method, unlike others, is quite painful, therefore it requires anesthesia. Local anesthesia is required.

And given that some may be allergic to painkillers, the method is not suitable for everyone. In addition, tissue scarring and scarring are possible at the site of exposure. Removing such defects is much more difficult than milia.

The duration of exposure to high-frequency current depends on the size of the formations, their number, and the area of ​​influence. It may take from a few seconds to 20-30 minutes.

The main advantages of the procedure are:

  • low cost;
  • the ability to send the excised material for histological examination (in case of suspicion of a malignant process);
  • high impact accuracy;
  • no risk of infection.

Removal of the epidermal cyst by electrocautery:

315 02/13/2019 5 min.

Among the wide variety of skin diseases, the pathological process in which milia or white pimples form is often diagnosed. They are concentrated under the eyes or on the upper eyelid. Acne can affect both adults and children. The choice of a suitable method of treatment is carried out taking into account the degree of damage and the symptoms present.

Disease Definition

Milia are subcutaneous formations of a dense consistency. They look like white nodules, which have clear boundaries that rise above the surface. Their sizes can be 0.5-2 mm. At the same time, they can hit individually or merge into groups. Within a few months, white pimples go away on their own as a result of the natural change of skin layers, but there are situations when they can persist for several years.

Milia on the eyelids


Milia are sebaceous glands that are clogged by the skin garden. This process occurs due to a violation of fat secretion. This is the main cause of the pathological process. But there are also auxiliary ones. This should include adolescence during puberty. In women, millet is formed as a result of the use of low-quality cosmetics. Because of this, natural fat secretion is disturbed, the skin becomes dry and ideal efforts are created for the development of white acne. Another reason for the development of milia is inadequate skin care.

But there are a number of reasons that do not depend on a person. For example, acne on the face can be the result of certain diseases of the digestive tract.

Do not confuse white pimples in an adult and a newborn. In the latter case, this is a physiological process that does not require treatment. This is the result of a disturbed hormonal background and the work of the digestive tract.


The main symptom of this pathological process is the presence of milia on the skin. Initially, they are noticeable on the nose and skin around the eyes. In appearance, they resemble white nodules. They rise slightly above the skin and have a dense texture. Due to their appearance, milia are popularly called white pimples. Apart from this rash, the patient has no other complaints.

Possible Complications

It should be noted right away that milia, like warts, do not pose a threat to health, so they can not even be removed. The only complication is a significant cosmetic defect. Because of this, a person cannot calmly appear on the streets, he has complexes about his external appearance and can fall into a deep depression.


It is advisable to start therapy immediately after the discovery of the first manifestations. If white acne begins to gather in groups, then the treatment process will be delayed.

Medical method

It is very important to purchase special skin care products at the pharmacy. When choosing them, keep in mind that the composition contains vitamins A and E. Today there are in the assortment. Their action is aimed at protecting the skin from negative external influences, improving its recovery and gently regenerating problem areas. Still very effectively cope with white acne at an early stage of their development, such drugs as Zinerit and Ugresol. They have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. It is worth using them 2 times a day, applying to cleansed skin.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Surgical method

The clinic can remove whiteheads using the following methods:

Folk remedies

There are many proven traditional medicine methods that successfully fight milia. Consider the most effective.

Also read yellow circles under the eyes in women.


Take 20 g of chamomile, pour 250 ml of hot water. Infuse for 15 minutes, and then filter and moisten a cotton pad or piece of gauze in the solution. Apply to affected area. Doing such compresses is worth daily.

To obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary to steam the skin before the procedure.

Berry mask

It is necessary to crush 60-80 g of viburnum berries so that juice appears. Add some oatmeal. Mix everything and apply on the face. Before manipulation, the pores must be steamed and cleaned. The duration of the manipulation is 20 minutes.

Yeast mask

With the help of this mask, it is possible to regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. To get the composition, you need to take ¼ of a pack of yeast. Then add 20 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, honey and lemon juice. Mix everything and wait 10 minutes. Apply the finished mask to cleansed pores. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes, remove with warm water. Due to this manipulation, it is possible to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, lighten the dermis and dissolve old plugs.


Due to this product, it is possible to normalize metabolic processes. It is necessary to grind the pumpkin on a grater, then combine with sour cream to get a porridge-like consistency. Apply to clean skin and keep for 12 minutes.


To prevent white acne from becoming a real problem for you, you must adhere to the following prevention rules:

  1. Perform regular skin cleansing. Do this 1-2 times a week. Masks, scrubs, peeling are suitable for this. Only use compositions derived from natural ingredients.
  2. Do not use too thick tonal creams. Mineral powder works best.
  3. When choosing cosmetics, it is worth buying those that will not clog the sebaceous glands and their ducts.
  4. Eat right and regularly. Periodic visits to a gastroenterologist for examination.
  5. Do not stay in the sun for a long time or apply sunscreen on your face
  6. If there is a hormonal failure, then you should follow the recommendations of the endocrinologist.
  7. To refuse from bad habits.



Milia on the face is a common phenomenon that does not pose a health hazard. The only problem is related to the ugly appearance. It is quite possible to get rid of a defect even at home, but only for this you need to clearly follow all the rules and recommendations of a specialist.

Also read papillomas on the eyelid and methods of its treatment, and about hernias under the eyes.

Understand what milia are. Milia are small white bumps that occur when dead skin cells get trapped under the surface of the skin, resulting in the formation of small hard blisters (cysts).

Keep your face clean. Regular cleaning is an important step in the fight against milia at any age. The skin of an infant or child should be washed once a day, while teenagers should do it twice a day.

Use quality skin exfoliators. Teenagers and adults should fight milia with special exfoliating products. You can choose from either an exfoliating moisturizer or just an exfoliating cleanser.

  • Apply retinol. Retinol is commonly used to fight acne and signs of aging. It also has exfoliating properties that will keep your skin clean and soft. For best results, use a retinol lotion and apply it directly to areas of skin affected by milia.

    • Apply a pea-sized drop of retinol to the milia affected part of the face every other night. After washing your face, wait 30 minutes before applying retinol.
    • Do not apply retinol to the upper eyelids, because if retinol gets into the eyes, it can irritate and harm these areas of the skin.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. The problem with milia is exacerbated by sun exposure. This is especially true if you suffer from secondary milia caused by blisters. Sunburn can cause the spread or longer presence of milia; therefore, if you protect yourself from the sun, you will get rid of them faster.

    • Protect yourself from direct sunlight as much as possible. When you're outside, wear a hat to keep your face in the shade.
    • Wear a mild, oil- and fat-free sunscreen designed specifically to protect your face. A heavy, oily cream will only clog the pores more, making it even more difficult to exfoliate the dead cells (causing milia) trapped in them. A light sunscreen will protect you from the sun and won't clog your pores. Find a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF (Sun Protection Factor).
  • Avoid heavy makeup or creams. You may want to hide the milia with makeup, but this way they will continue to cause you discomfort for even longer.

    • Cosmetics and thick heavy creams stay on the skin, blocking your pores. To get rid of milia, you need to exfoliate dead cells. This will be much more problematic if your pores are clogged with cosmetics.
  • Resist the urge to scratch them. The milia will disappear on their own after a couple of weeks. Do not hurt yourself or create additional discomfort. If you try to squeeze, puncture, or scratch milia yourself, you can end up in pain and skin damage.

    • Milia are not acne; if you squeeze them out, you won't get rid of them. A hard blister (cyst) will remain under the skin unless it is handled by a professional. You have very little chance of success if you decide to do this procedure yourself.
    • If you do try to squeeze out the milia yourself, it is highly likely that you will cause irritation and damage to the skin, after which a scar will most likely remain.