Marble color of the skin in the baby causes. Causes of marbled skin in babies: why does the color of the body change on the arms and legs, what is the treatment? Pathological marbling: causes

The skin of a newborn is different from that of an adult. Delicate, soft and velvety baby skin is vulnerable to a lot of mechanical damage. Improper care of her can harm the child, causing chafing and irritation. No less dangerous and serious is the appearance of a marble color of the skin. When this specific effect occurs and what parents need to know about the possible danger to the health of the baby, we will analyze further.

Similar symptom observed in most newborns and is characterized by the color of the skin in a marble tone. Increased "spotting" is formed as a result of the closest location of vessels and capillaries to the surface of a still rather thin layer of the epidermis. Since thermoregulation has not yet fully formed in the first months of life, any fluctuations in ambient temperature can provoke the appearance of a blue or red vascular network in a baby.

Many parents, noticing a similar color on the body of their child, begin to sound the alarm and visit the pediatrician almost every day. On the one hand, this is good, because marbling of the skin may indicate problems with the vascular system. However, in most cases, this syndrome disappears by the age of three months, when the thermoregulatory function is fully formed and is able to adapt to changes in the environmental temperature regime.

The reasons

Medical practice and statistics from the World Health Organization confirm that only 7% of cases identifying marbling of the skin in an infant is directly related to the presence of diseases.

These include:

  1. Vascular dystonia - most often accompanies those babies whose birth process was long and difficult. In the process of prolonged squeezing and strong tension in the skull and spine, the vessels and capillaries experienced an enormous load, after which the hypertonicity provoked dystonia. The stretched walls of the vessels could not acquire their original shape, so they become visible under a thin layer of skin.
  2. Anemia and fetal hypoxia during pregnancy - a lack of oxygen, as well as its excess, leave a mark on the development of the fetus even during its formation.
  3. Heart disease - tachycardia and ischemia can provoke marbling of the skin, especially in cases where these diseases are chronic in one of the parents.
  4. Generalized phlebectasia is a disease in which there is a congenital malformation of blood vessels.
  5. Premature birth provokes the immaturity of the autonomic function of the nervous system, in which any, even minor temperature changes lead to such manifestations as marbling of the skin.
  6. Down Syndrome.

In addition to diseases, there are less dangerous reasons why the skin becomes spotty:

  1. Long-term feeding - when a newborn is breastfed, the process of feeding requires certain physical efforts and expenditures of strength from a small organism. As a result, blood pressure rises, which leads to the fact that small vessels and capillaries become more visible. After the feeding process is stopped, the pressure normalizes, and the baby's skin becomes the same. Doctors also emphasize the point that overfeeding leads not only to a load on the circulatory system, but is also directly related to the appearance of a marble color.
  2. Hypothermia - if a baby steamed in the bathroom is brought into a room where it is cool, his vascular system will react instantly, while the skin will acquire a cyanotic marble tint. Such a manifestation can accompany a child until his nervous system learns to cope with sudden changes in temperature on its own.
  3. Overexcitation - prolonged crying can also provoke the appearance of a capillary network, which will give the skin a bluish tint with clear spots.

When should you sound the alarm?

If the baby is active enough, eats well and develops, marbling of the skin will pass by itself.

This process is quite natural, and, as mentioned above, is directly related to the formation of nervous processes.

However, if a sufficiently long time has been noted for the appearance of patchy skin coloration, a specialist consultation will not be superfluous. It is mandatory to undergo a full examination when the marbling of the skin is accompanied by the following concomitant symptoms:

  1. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.
  2. Bad appetite.
  3. Anxiety and restless sleep.
  4. Paleness of the skin.
  5. Excessive sweating.

In other cases, the appearance of the syndrome of marbling of the skin shouldn't be a cause for concern for parents..


For those parents who did not have to observe such symptoms in their child, it is worth saying that the symptoms of the appearance of marbled skin have no manifestations, except for the color of the skin. Most often, the appearance of such a specific manifestation is subject to the limbs and face. If you wish, you can look at the photo on the Internet in order to clearly understand what is at stake and compare the picture with the real state of affairs.


In the case when the marbling of the skin of the baby prevents the parents from sleeping peacefully more than the crumbs themselves, the pediatrician can prescribe an examination and consultation with the following specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • orthopedist.

For diagnosis, a cardiogram of the heart is used without fail, as well as simple methods for examining the maturity of the nervous. Experienced specialists will be able to immediately suspect something is wrong if marbling is accompanied by the addition of other alarming symptoms.

The most universal way to determine the relationship between the manifestation of the effect of marbling of the skin and diseases is MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging gives a complete picture of the health of the baby, allowing you to determine possible diseases at the initial stage of their manifestation.

How and what to treat?

In the event that doctors have found the true cause of the symptom of marbled skin, and it is directly related to the presence of a certain disease, the doctor determines the treatment and its duration.

When the examination showed no visible health problems, there is no need to treat marbling of the skin. However, there are a number of measures to help the child overcome this syndrome.

As mentioned above, marbling will go away on its own, as soon as the nervous system learns to cope with stress.

This can help the child's body, following simple recommendations:

  1. Do not overheat or overcool the baby, and avoid sudden changes in temperature.
  2. Harden the child, following all the recommendations of the pediatrician.
  3. Perform a general strengthening massage daily, which will help not only strengthen the muscles, but also relieve tone. You can learn its principles on your own, but it is better to perform the first few times under the guidance of an experienced children's masseur.
  4. To introduce the child to water procedures by visiting the pool. Water perfectly stimulates the muscles, and also strengthens the circulatory system.
  5. Baths with the use of aromatic oils - allow you to relax the nervous system, and also have tonic properties.
  6. Be sure to walk with the child in the fresh air for at least 3 hours a day.
Simple rules and recommendations will help not only reduce the appearance of marbling of the skin, but also improve baby's health.

Are medications used?

In individual cases, when marbled skin is provoked by the presence of diseases, its elimination directly dependent on the use of special medications. Which ones, only a doctor who has an idea about the course of the disease and the characteristics of the child will indicate.


There is not a single officially recorded case when traditional medicine recipes made it possible to get rid of the effect of marbling of the skin.

In addition, prescriptions can be dangerous for a newborn. In this case, it is better not to experiment, but immediately seek the advice of a pediatrician.


It is impossible to prevent the appearance of marbling of the skin, since this process is directly related to the immaturity of the peripheral nervous system.

Thus, the appearance of a marble skin tone should be alarming only when the child worrisome other symptoms associated with this manifestation.

We offer you to watch a video with useful information about baby skin care

The skin is the outer covering of the body, which performs many vital functions that ensure the healthy functioning of the body, therefore, first, care for it falls on the shoulders of our parents while we are small, and then we must take care of it ourselves and teach our children to take care of themselves. In general, children's skin requires a special attitude and care, since in babies it is very thin and sensitive to the slightest change, both in the external environment and in the internal one. The skin can be a signal of an allergic reaction and even of any disease in one of the body's systems.

In this article, we will analyze such a phenomenon as marbling of the skin or livedo, as this phenomenon is also called, and also why this phenomenon occurs in a newborn, and what needs to be done in such a situation.

Marble skin in a newborn may be due to various reasons, so if you find such a phenomenon in a baby, you should not immediately panic and be nervous, but you should definitely consult a doctor to determine the cause of this symptom. And the reasons, as a rule, can be very diverse - physiological or pathological.

Physiological causes

You should not worry if the causes of marbling of the skin in infants are:

  • congenital feature- thin skin and close location of small vessels to the surface of the body or thinness. In this case, the skin surface will be like this throughout life, or over time, as the child grows, it will acquire an ordinary color.
  • Physical exercise- dressing the baby, bathing or crying a lot. As a rule, the marble color of the skin disappears as the blood flow normalizes in the body.
  • Overfeeding- due to the huge amount of nutrients entering the blood, the strength of the blood flow increases, which can manifest itself in the form of marbling of the skin surface.
  • Imperfection of the vascular system of the baby a - in this phrase there is no cause for special concern, since this is a natural reaction of the body of a newborn to such irritating factors as exposure to low or high temperatures. Here, according to the situation, you need to either warm the baby or undress it so that it is not very hot.
  • Autonomic dysfunction- livedo as a result of this "terrifying" diagnosis occurs if the baby is premature. It also goes away with time.

Pathological causes of marbling of the skin

Now let's talk about more serious causes of livedo. Marble skin can signal a disease and be accompanied by some other symptoms.

Among the reasons requiring urgent intervention of specialists:

  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • protracted childbirth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • heart disease;
  • high intracranial pressure, cyst or hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain) in infants;
  • generalized phlebectasia - expansion of venous vessels due to insufficiency of venous valves;
  • Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome.

What should alert

If the baby, in addition to marbled skin, has lethargy, lack of appetite, high sweating, restlessness, cyanosis in the nasolabial region, be sure to consult a doctor and go through all the necessary examinations.

With a genetic predisposition, the baby is quite restless. In this case, you should consult a neurologist.

Heart disease can be determined even in the womb with the help of ultrasound. But it happens when even in this case the pathology does not manifest itself, but it occurs after birth.

Important! I strongly recommend future mothers to cast aside any doubts about the appropriateness of this study, since thanks to it you can prevent a great many pathologies in the body of a child or his mother and complications during gestation! Moreover, the harm of ultrasonic waves has not been scientifically confirmed.

Problems that arise with the brain can be manifested by marbling of the skin and the nervous state of the baby - frequent crying, poor sleep and lack of appetite.

A malformation of superficial veins may be indicated by the appearance of cyanosis of the skin surface, followed by the appearance of tumor-like formations of various shapes, which can later transform into ulcers. Do not delay so deeply and at the first sign you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Livedo can manifest itself with a simple increase in body temperature or as one of the symptoms of rickets, which is also accompanied by anxiety, tearfulness and excessive night sweats in the child.

If there are no other symptoms

The main thing that draws attention is the regularity of the occurrence of livedo in a child. Mom, as a person who is constantly near the baby, can quickly determine whether the baby is overheated, frozen, or briefly capricious. In such cases, marbled skin of an irregular nature may appear. If the occurrence of this phenomenon has a certain frequency or does not go away for a long time, consult a pediatrician and undergo the necessary examinations. Usually, these are:

  • KLA (general blood test);
  • coagulogram;
  • rheovasography;
  • Ultrasound of vessels with dopplerography.

Help at home

In isolated and short-term cases of this phenomenon occurring due to exposure to cold, warm the baby, but if it is hot, undress it. In the case of overeating, limit free breastfeeding or use it as a sedative instead of a pacifier. With anemia, follow the right diet, walk more with the baby. In other cases, when you cannot do without the intervention of specialists, follow their recommendations and instructions.


The key to health at all times and in all cases is the proper balanced nutrition of the child, regular exposure to fresh air, maintaining a normal emotional state of the baby. Regular gymnastics should be done with the little one, and if necessary, undergo a massage course prescribed by a doctor. It well prevents the occurrence of marbled skin and other deviations from swimming.

Video on the topic of marbled skin in babies

In a short video, which is presented below, you can see exactly how marbled skin looks like in people of different ages, including infants. You will find out what this phenomenon signals and in which cases you should not worry, and in which you should take serious measures.

With just one click, you can find out more about and what to do about it, as well as about . You can also find out what it “talks” about and for what reason it occurs. Read about whether to worry, if and what causes such a phenomenon.

When hypothermia or overexertion, the epidermis of the child may acquire a strange shade, the reddish-blue pattern on the body of the baby is called "marble skin". Despite the frightening appearance, such a pathology is not very dangerous to health and, with proper treatment, disappears without a trace.

Causes of the appearance of marbled skin in a child

The baby's skin acquires a characteristic "marble" shade due to an insufficiently formed vegetative-vascular system. Some of the small vessels located in the upper layers of the epidermis narrow sharply with temperature changes, which causes small bluish spots to appear on the skin. The second half of the blood vessels continues to intensively transport blood, which means it adds a reddish tint to the skin.

Parents should not panic because of such a change in the color of the epidermis of the baby. If the skin often changes color, but this phenomenon occurs periodically and quickly disappears, then everything is in order with the health of the child. By 6-7 months, this unpleasant symptom will disappear without any additional treatment.

If the child is completely covered with pronounced marble patterns, sweats a lot, becomes lethargic and pale, you should immediately consult a doctor. A complex form of pathology must be treated.

Marble skin, according to Dr. Komarovsky, most often appears in premature babies, as well as in infants with congenital anemia, heart defects, and rickets. If the mother suffered from this pathology in childhood, most likely it will be inherited by the child.

How to eliminate marble pattern

If you are not ready to risk the health of the baby, do not self-medicate. Be sure to visit a doctor first. He will examine the little patient and determine why the marbled skin appeared in the child.

Marbling resulting from insufficient development of the vegetative-vascular system must be eliminated by directing efforts to create optimal conditions for the normalization of vascular tone.

Correctly alternate periods of active games and rest, do therapeutic exercises, harden the child's body with rubdowns, douches and air baths.

A special massage will quickly eliminate the problem and normalize blood circulation. Ask your pediatrician to show you some effective tricks and repeat them at home daily. Regular swimming in the pool will help get rid of marbling of the skin. Such a pleasant activity will surely please the baby, and the mother will quickly restore the harmony of the figure.

Spots on the skin of a child under 6 months old are quite normal. If spots occur in a baby over the age of 1 year, you should definitely consult a doctor. Such an unpleasant sign can signal serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

Marble skin in babies, according to experts, is currently a fairly common occurrence. It primarily arises due to the fact that the blood vessels that have not yet fully formed are very close to each other and to the surface of the skin, which is why such an intricate pattern appears. So, some of them gradually become narrower, due to which the skin acquires a bluish tint, while others, on the contrary, expand, which contributes to the appearance of a red color. As a result, an ornament is formed that looks like a mesh. In this article, we will talk in as much detail as possible about why marbled skin appears in babies.

Primary Causes

At the moment, experts identify conditionally several main reasons that contribute to this phenomenon. Let's look at them in more detail below:

  1. Too long breastfeeding. This kind of phenomenon occurs due to the large amount of milk in the mother. Marble skin in infants is formed due to congestion of blood vessels. The baby eats a lot of milk, his blood vessels lose their former elasticity, as a result, they are easily visible through very
  2. Vegetative disorder, in which, as a rule, there is a change in vascular tone. This condition is typical primarily for those children who were born at the wrong time.
  3. Result in the womb.

Marble skin on the chest. Treatment

If this disease is detected, a complete examination of the child by a neuropathologist and a cardiologist will most likely be required. As for the latter, the specialist must exclude the possibility of any cardiac diseases. In general, such a diagnosis as marbled skin in an infant is not dangerous. Often the problem disappears on its own as the child grows up. As soon as the baby grows up, his autonomic system will also undergo age-related changes and will keep vascular tone under full control.

Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as marble skin in a baby (the photo can be seen in this article) often goes away on its own, parents must still ensure proper care without fail. Pediatricians strongly recommend doing a special massage and some physical exercises, which will improve vascular tone. In addition, classes in the pool under the guidance of a qualified doctor are also considered an excellent option. Particular attention should be paid to the diet of the crumbs. So, in no case is it recommended to overfeed him.


In conclusion, it should be noted that this kind of problem is quite common today. In no case should parents panic ahead of time, they are only required to show the baby to the appropriate specialists in time, and then strictly follow their recommendations. Be healthy!

The first months of a baby's life are the most exciting period for new parents. It is at this time that mothers notice any, even the most insignificant changes in the behavior of the child and his general condition.

One of the main indicators of the well-being of the crumbs is the color of the skin. And such an unusual deviation from the norm as marbled skin in a baby (this condition is characterized by the appearance on the body of crumbs of unusual spotted stains that have a bluish or reddish tint) can very much alarm an inexperienced parent

Should I be afraid of such a state or is it a certain norm? This will be discussed.

Causes of the appearance of "marble skin"

The marble pattern of the skin in a child looks very characteristic. The child's body is covered with a network of small spots, the center of which is always paler than the edges. This difference in color is explained by the increased filling of blood vessels.

The causes of marbling of the skin are divided into physiological and pathological. It is the latter that should become a reason for excitement, but only if other signs of deviation from the norm in general development are recorded in the development of the baby.

natural causes

Physiological reasons, according to pediatricians, are due to the immaturity of the systems of the child's body, in particular, the vegetative-vascular system. In a newborn baby, it continues to form and during the first few months of his life is not able to perform its functions in full.

That is why the baby's sensitive skin gives an instant reaction to any temperature changes that have occurred in the external environment. The skin of the baby changes its color at the moment when the baby's body is forced to control the process of its heating. In this case, the blood always rushes to the surface of the skin.

Marble pattern on the skin of the baby may appear in the process of dressing. Especially if the room is cold. To restore the usual pink color of the child's skin, just dress a little warmer. Marbling of the skin, due to natural causes, is very common in children born and living in areas with a cold climate.

Marbling of the skin occurs in infants who are breastfed. The explanation for this is very simple. The baby needs to make some effort while suckling the breast. And this leads to the fact that small subcutaneous vessels remain tense all the time. Filled with blood, they simply shine through the thin skin of the child.

Marbling of the skin in infants, due to physiological reasons, can appear until the child is seven months old. It is at this age that the vegetative-vascular system is fully ready to perform its duties. In addition, a good layer of subcutaneous fat is already accumulating in the child, and the blood vessels cease to shine through it.

Pathological causes

In some cases, marbled skin in infants is the result of improper functioning of the child's body. At the same time, a pattern characteristic of the state appears on the body of the crumbs, regardless of the temperature indicators of the environment. Divorces are retained for a long time and are fixed in a child even after he is one year old.

The reasons in this case may be:

  • Violations in the work of the autonomic system, accompanied by a violation of the natural vascular tone. Pathology may be the result of prolonged childbirth, since in this case the cervical spine and the child's brain have an additional load. Quite often, violations in the activity of the autonomic system are diagnosed in premature babies.
  • intrauterine hypoxia. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) affects the entire circulatory system, which can cause the formation of various pathologies.
  • Marble stains on the body of a child may indicate an existing anemia or diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Spots on the skin that appear periodically can appear in children whose parents have pronounced manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. And here it is already worth talking about a genetic predisposition.

If the marble pattern on the child's skin disappears quickly enough, does not differ in too intense color and severity, and is not accompanied by a deterioration in the child's condition, then the parents of the crumbs should not worry. Of course, you need to get a consultation from a qualified specialist, but, as a rule, under such circumstances, the manifestation of pathology, the doctor recommends simply surviving this period.

But the following symptoms should really alert the mother:

  • The drawing on the child's skin has an intense cyanotic color, which manifests itself immediately on the whole body.
  • In the absence of a marble pattern, the baby's skin is particularly pale or even cyanotic.
  • The child is too lethargic or, on the contrary, very quickly excited.
  • The baby has increased sweating.
  • The baby has a cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. The lips can also be blue.
  • Poor weight gain occurs. The child may begin to refuse food altogether.

Such symptoms indicate the occurrence of violations in the work of internal organs.


In some cases, the cause of the marble pattern on the skin of the baby is the state of hyperthermia, i.e. an increase in the overall body temperature of the crumbs. That is why the first thing a mother should do, if nothing like this has been observed in a child before, is to measure his temperature.

But if the baby has characteristic symptoms, then it must be shown to the pediatrician. In this case, the baby needs a comprehensive examination.

For the most part, deviations in the work of organs are amenable to medical correction if the pathology was detected at the initial stage of development. The treatment regimen for the child will be prescribed after a diagnostic examination.
