My Birthday - My birthday. Theme birthday in English, story, dialogue Words on the topic birthday in English

Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, and relatives.

I was born on the 10th of January. In the morning on my birthday my parents put the presents near my bed. So the first thing I see when I open my eyes is my presents. My Mam and Daddy and my little brother usually come to my room to congratulate me and to sing "Happy Birthday".

We usually hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home.

We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of the birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need. My mother bakes a cake or a pie.

By the evening food is cooked and the table is laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for the guests. The flat looks nice and cozy.

I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get flowers and gifts. Mam gives me the telegram from my aunt. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mam brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out.

We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories.

I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.

My birthday

Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everyone loves to celebrate it. This is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents and relatives.

I was born on January 10th. On the morning of my birthday, my parents put presents next to my bed. Therefore, the first thing I see when I open my eyes are gifts. My mom and dad and my little brother come to my room to congratulate me and sing "Happy Birthday".

We usually celebrate birthdays in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate a birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home.

We clean the house the day before the birthday. On the morning of my birthday, my father goes shopping and buys everything he needs. My mother bakes a cake or a pie.

By evening, the food is ready, the table is set. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for guests. The apartment looks nice and cozy.

I am always very happy to meet my guests. I love receiving flowers and gifts. Mom gives me a telegram from my aunt. We have a big dinner that day. Mom brings a birthday cake. I blow out the candles.

We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell jokes.

I think my birthday is one of the best days of the year.

Topic: My Birthday

Theme: My birthday

There are a lot of holidays throughout the year: New Year, Women’s Day, St. Valentine's Day, May Day and many, many others. But there is one day, which is really special for any of us. Moreover, different people celebrate this holiday. Have you guessed what I mean? Yes, of course, ! , it's the most pleasant and important day, because it's your personal holiday, and nobody else's. You are in the high light, you receive gifts, and everyone says compliments to you. But on the other hand, this day is always slightly sad, because you are getting a bit older. However, I like my birthday. And I'd like to tell you how I celebrate it.

There are many holidays in the year: New Year, International Women's Day, Valentine's Day, May 1 and many, many others. But there is one day that is truly special for each of us. Moreover, different people celebrate it on different days. Did you guess what I mean? Yes, of course, this holiday is called a birthday! On the one hand, this is the most pleasant and important day, because this is your personal holiday and no one else's. You are the center of attention, you receive gifts, and everyone around you compliments. But on the other hand, this day is always a little sad because you are getting a little older. However, I love my birthday. And I want to tell you how I celebrate it.

When I was a little girl, my birthday was the happiest day for me. My parents always bought me wonderful gifts. For example, when I turned five, my Mom gave me a beautiful doll with gorgeous gold hair and a doll’s house. I still remember my wild delight and excitement, which I felt when I saw a nice pink box with a big red bow near my bed. Besides, I was allowed to invite all my friends. My parents bought a big chocolate cake with candles for me. I made a wish, and then I had to blow up all the candles at once.

When I was a little girl, my birthday was the happiest day for me. My parents always bought me wonderful gifts. For example, when I was five years old, my mother gave me a beautiful doll with gorgeous golden hair and a dollhouse. I still remember my elation and excitement when I saw a beautiful pink box with a big red bow next to my bed. And on this day, I was always allowed to invite all my friends. My parents bought me a big chocolate cake with candles. I made a wish, and then I had to blow out all the candles at once.

When I was in elementary school, the teachers never gave me bad grades on my birthday. Mom gave me a box of chocolates and I treated my classmates. And after the lessons we went to an ice cream parlor where I could order a milkshake with strawberries and a scoop of ice cream.

As a teenager I liked to be independent, and with my friends. My parents gave me some money, so we could go somewhere - to the cinema or to a café. My friends always prepared a surprise for me. For example, they could make a cool collage of my photos, and some years ago they shot a real movie about me and my life.

As a teenager, I liked being independent and I loved celebrating my birthday with friends. My parents gave me some money so that we could go somewhere - to the cinema or to a cafe. Friends always prepared surprises for me. For example, they could make a cool collage of my photos, and a few years ago they made a real movie about me and my life.

Now I am nineteen, and I am still eagerly waiting for my birthday. At the same time I realize, that very soon I will be twenty years old, and that my childhood is over. Of course, this thought makes me feel sad. But then I start thinking of positive emotions associated with this day. I am eager to see all my friends. I know that they will all come to me, and we'll have a terrific time together.

I'm nineteen now and I still look forward to my birthday. At the same time, I am aware that very soon I will be twenty years old and that my childhood is behind me. Of course, this thought makes me sad for a while. But then I start thinking about the positive emotions associated with that day. I can't wait to see all my friends. I know that they will all come to me and we will have an amazing time together.

As for birthday presents, of course, I like to receive something interesting. I know that today many people prefer rational gifts, for example money or something valuable. For some of them it is even a common practice to say in advance what they would like to receive. I agree that on the one hand is rather convenient. At least, you are sure that you won't receive any unwanted junk, and your friends won't have to break their heads over this issue. But on the other hand, to my mind, it's too boring. I like surprises, so I prefer something inexpensive, but unusual and memorable.

As for birthday gifts, of course, I love getting something interesting. I know that many people these days prefer rational gifts, such as money or anything of value. For some of them, it is in the order of things to say in advance what they would like to receive. I agree that, on the one hand, such a reasonable approach is quite convenient. At least you are sure that you will not be presented with unnecessary trash, and your friends do not need to rack their brains over this task. But on the other hand, in my opinion, it's too boring. I love surprises, so I prefer something inexpensive, but unusual and memorable.

This year I will celebrate my twentieth anniversary. It is a milestone birthday, so, I want to make it really special and unforgettable. It will be Friday, so, at first I want to invite all my friends to a cafe, and then we are going to a boat tour along the river. My birthday is in September, and I hope that the weather will be fine and warm. If it is cold and rainy, we'll have to stay inside, of course. Maybe we'll go to the disco then, I don't know yet.

This year I will be celebrating my 20th birthday. This is a round date, so I want to make this day truly special and unforgettable. It will be Friday, so first I want to invite all my friends to a cafe, and then we are going for a boat ride on the river. My birthday is in September and I hope the weather is clear and warm. If it's cold and rainy, then of course we'll have to be indoors. Maybe then we'll go to the disco, I don't know yet.

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Presentation for the lesson

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The purpose of the lesson:

  • Activation and consolidation in the oral and written speech of students of vocabulary on the topic "Birthday".
  • Consolidation of grammatical material on the topic “Ordinal numbers”.

Lesson objectives:

  • Enriching students' vocabulary.
  • Development of dialogic speech skills.
  • The use of ordinal numbers in speech and writing.

Lesson equipment:

  • multimedia board
  • A computer
  • Students' textbooks and workbooks
  • Handout

1. Greeting. Message about the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.

good morning! I'm glad to see you. Please, turn to our guests and say “Good morning!”. Please sit down.

Today we are going to say about the birthday (Presentation). Every year the birthday is the happiest holiday for all of us. Look at the board -there's a theme of our lesson (slide 1). We'll write an invitation to the birthday party, read the text, sing the song and play at the lesson.

2. Phonetic exercises

Let us start. At the beginning let's do the phonetic exercise (slide 2).

3. Repetition of the names of the months (slide 3).

Read after me. Answer my questions:

  • What month is it now?
  • Who can tell me the names of the winter (summer) months?
  • When is your birthday?

But remember we use the preposition IN when we are only giving the month.

4. Repetition of ordinal numbers (slide 4).

  • Let's revise the ordinals.

Answer my question:

  • When is your birthday?

But remember: we use the preposition ON when we give the day and the month.

5. Writing a birthday invitation (slide 5).

When we are going to have a birthday party, we send invitations to our relatives and friends .

We've got an invitation to the birthday. Let's read it.

Open your Activity Books, please: page 21 ex.7

Let's do this exercise in your cards (appendix 2). Please, write down your surname at the top and write your own invitation to your birthday party.

If you are ready, give them to me.

Let "s sing your favorite song "Happy birthday" (slide 6)

6. Reading the text. Answers to questions (slide 7).

Your homework for today was to read and translate the text "" Billy "s birthday'' (Attachment 1). Have you any questions? Is everything clear for you?

Let's read the text. Then answer the questions (slides 8,9).

7. Repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Presents” (slide 10).

Please look at the board and answer my questions:

  • Do you like to get presents?
  • What presents do you like to get?
  • What presents did you get last year?
  • What present did you give to your friend last year?
  • Is it pleasant to you to buy and give presents to your friends?

8. Let's speak about your favorite food. Answer the question:

  • What's your favorite food? (slide 11).

9. Physical education (slide 12).

Put 4 chairs for 5 children back to back. When the music starts, the children run around the chairs. When the music stops, they should try to sit down. One child is out! Take one chair away and start again. Who is the best player?

10. Crossword solution (slides 13-25).

Look at the board and solve the crossword puzzle. These are some words from the pictures. What is the first word? You should spell the word.

11. End of the lesson (slide 26).

Open your record-books, write down your home task:

Ex. I p 19 (AB) - look at this exercise. You should write the words next to the pictures.

Thank you for your work (slide 27).

Grading a lesson.

Our lesson is over. You are free. good luck!

Whether we like it or not, the years go by, and one way or another we have to celebrate a birthday. It depends on us whether it will be a fun holiday with a bunch of international friends or a boring cake dinner. If you choose fun and adventure, let's talk about how to invite guests, what to offer them at the party, and what congratulations to expect.

How to invite guests in English

Prepare and send invitations to your friends in the best traditions of native speakers. Invitations from the British or Americans are usually pretty postcards with one or two sentences about when and where the party will take place, is there a dress code. There you can also indicate that, for example, you do not need gifts, and somehow show your uniqueness.

good day! I want to invite you to my birthday party. It will be an unforgettable party with all my friends, games, music and what not! I'll wait for you in the 19th of June at 4 oclock at my house. You must be there!

Good afternoon! I want to invite you to my birthday party. It will be an unforgettable party. There will be nothing on it: my friends, games, music ...

You should definitely come!

I'm having a party on Sunday. And you are invited!

I have a party on Sunday. You are invited!

It's my Birthday next Saturday. I am having a party. Will you come?

My birthday is on Saturday and I'm having a party. Will you come?

How to congratulate the birthday

If you yourself suddenly received an invitation to a party, do not refuse: prepare congratulations and learn toasts. You are destined to be the center of this party! Along with the birthday boy, of course.

Wishing that your Birthday marks the beginning of an amazing year full of bright and cheerful moments.

I wish your birthday to mark the beginning of a new amazing year filled with bright and cheerful events.

Make every Glowing Candle on your Cake transform into a Wish that will turn into Reality! Congratulation on your Birthday!

Let each burning candle on your cake become a symbol of the embodiment of desires into reality! Happy Birthday!

Congratulation to your parents to have given birth to such a beautiful person many years ago on this day. What can I do to thank them? Oh, maybe I should congratulate you first! Have a tremendous year ahead.

I congratulate your parents on the fact that many years ago such a wonderful person was born to them. How can I thank them? Oh, first of all, I should wish you a happy birthday! May the coming year be amazing!

How blessed I am to know you and to be your friend. Happy Birthday!

How happy I am to know you and be your friend! Happy birthday!

You are special, and I hope that you float through the day with a big smile on your face. Happy Birthday!

You are special and I hope you go through life with a big smile on your face. Happy birthday!

You have to get older, but you don't have to grow up.

You're getting older, but you don't have to grow up.

I wish that your Birthday would be full of perfection, with you enjoying all the attention!

I wish your birthday was perfect, and you bathed in attention!

Set expressions

If you are a big original and do not want to memorize ready-made congratulations, make up your own!

Having a whale of a time

Have a good time

I wish you…

To be happy as a clam

Be happy and peaceful

Please accept my sincere wishes!

Please accept my most sincere (or any other) wishes!

jump for joy

It's time to celebrate!

Time to celebrate!

To be on cloud nine

To be above the clouds, to be at 7 (in English - at 9) the sky with happiness

Keep well! Stay healthy!

Be always healthy!

Keep smiling!

To be in good spirits

To be in a good mood

To be thrilled to bits

To be delighted with something, to rejoice to a rapid heartbeat

May you always stay as happy and as much as on your birthday.

Stay always as happy as on your birthday.

Be merry! Be happy!

Happiness and joy!

Full of the joys of spring

Glowing with happiness

Something makes your day

Something made your day, that is, it cheered you up for the whole day.

Useful vocabulary

Even if neither you nor your friends plan to celebrate a birthday in the near future, you still need to broaden your horizons and memorize new English words. Moreover, vocabulary from this topic can be used when meeting a person (when we talk about age or well-being), and when discussing any other holidays.


be responsible for music/reception

be in charge of music/buffet/reception

day, i.e. date of birth

blow out




Gift wrap

grow old/show the signs of aging

I am as old as I look.

I'm as old as I look

I am of legal age

I am still in my teens

I am not yet twenty

NN anniversary of birth

NN years since birth

The same age

Package, package

a party

youth is gone


organize a party


write invitations

write invitations

You look young for your age!

you look younger than your age

I am nine years old. I love all holidays. Birthday is my favorite holiday. My birthday is on the fifth of May. I usually have a party on this day. I invite my friends. We have much fun during the party. We eat cakes, sweets and ice cream. We play games. I get a lot of presents on this day.


  1. When is your birthday?
  2. Is birthday your favorite holiday?
  3. Do you have a party on this day?
  4. Do you invite your friends on your birthday?

Words and expressions:

to have a party- organize a party
during- in time
ice cream- ice cream

Birthday (translation)

I'm nine years old. I love all holidays. Birthday is my favorite holiday. My birthday is the fifth of May. Usually on this day I have a party. I invite my friends. We have a lot of fun at the party. We eat cakes, candy and ice cream. We play games. On this day, many gifts are given to me.


  1. When's your birthday?
  2. Birthday is your favorite holiday?
  3. Are you throwing a party that day?
  4. Do you invite friends to your birthday party?

The independent participial turnover in English plays the role of the adverb of time, cause or condition in the sentence and is separated from the main part of the sentence by a comma.
