Why does drooping eyelid appear and what to do? How to tighten your upper eyelids? Massage and exercises to prevent eyelid ptosis

In most cases, a woman’s age is revealed not by sagging skin, but by sagging and facial wrinkles in the eyelid area. To remove or minimize such age-related changes, it is recommended to try eyelid lifting at home, namely, special exercises and masks.

Why does the skin hang?

It's no secret that muscle tone deteriorates with age, which can lead to sagging of the upper eyelids. Sugar sometimes leads to a similar defect. diabetes and kidney pathologies. Other causes include various neurological disorders, trauma and surgery. If the eyelids begin to droop, the muscles gradually stretch, and fat may accumulate in some areas, which spoils the appearance. There is also congenital sagging, which is inherited.

This type of cosmetic defect in the eye area worries many women. To eliminate it at home you can use special creams and lotions. Massage and ice cubes also provide a good effect. Accordingly, it will be possible to do without surgery.

Pull-up exercises

As mentioned earlier, the condition of the skin around the eyelids is affected by muscle tone. Accordingly, it is important to perform simple exercises regularly.

After any set of exercises you must do light patting movements. This will help improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the area around the eyes.

Firming masks

Not every woman is ready for surgical tightening of the skin around the eyes. In that case, it's worth a try simple and effective masks.

One should take into account the fact that the skin around the eyelids very tender and fragile, so all movements should be neat and easy.

If you're really concerned about appearance, it's worth learning proper eye makeup, because this will make your face visually fresher and younger.

  • It is best to choose shades of green, bluish and purple shades. In this case, warm and soft tones are considered preferable.
  • Lighter shadows are applied directly under the eyebrow.
  • When using eyeliner, you need to make sure that closer to the inner corner the line moves upward.
  • To line your eyebrows, it is better to use eye shadow rather than a pencil.
  • To lighten the eyelid area, it is recommended to use a concealer.
  • It is better to avoid pearlescent or too bright shadows.

Another name for this disease is eyelid ptosis. It needs to be treated at an early stage. The choice of treatment method depends on the reasons that provoked the appearance of this defect.


Each type of this disease has its own characteristics. When choosing a treatment method, it is important to understand what type of prolapse the patient has.

Classification of ptosis by type of lesion:

  • Unilateral. One eye is affected.
  • Bilateral. Both eyes are affected.

By etiology of origin:

  • Congenital. Symptoms appear from birth.
  • Acquired. Omission occurs under the influence of certain factors.
  • Post-traumatic. Ptosis occurs after injury.

According to severity:

  • Incomplete. This is grade 1 ptosis.
  • Partial. 2 degree of pupil closure.
  • Full. Ptosis grade 3.

Congenital ptosis of the upper eyelid usually manifests as bilateral lesions. If the overhang is on one side, then most likely we are talking about an acquired pathology.


The causes of ptosis are varied. More often, the appearance of pathology is associated with the anatomical structure and heredity. If you reliably determine why the disease appeared, it is much easier to get rid of it.

Causes of congenital drooping upper eyelid:

  • Underdevelopment of the facial muscle or its absence. If one of the parents has such a pathology, then the child will most likely have it too. It is the facial muscle that is responsible for raising and lowering the eyelid.
  • Pathology of the oculomotor nerve.
  • Gunn syndrome. This is a disease that causes involuntary raising and lowering of the upper eyelid when chewing or opening the mouth.
  • Congenital blepharophimosis. The disease manifests itself as a narrow palpebral fissure due to underdeveloped muscles.

Getting rid of a disease caused by genetic factors is not easy. It will not be possible to be completely cured; you can only hide a cosmetic defect.

If we talk about acquired ptosis, then the eyelids hang over the eyes for the following reasons:

  • tumors;
  • eye injuries;
  • neurological diseases that lead to paralysis or paresis of the oculomotor nerve;
  • allergic reactions, for example, after consuming an allergen product;
  • no rash, chronic fatigue;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • bad habits;
  • swelling of the face caused by poor diet, for example, excessive salt intake;
  • Botox injections (the eyelid may droop for 2-4 weeks, but then recovers);
  • age-related changes (due to a lack of collagen, the eyelids lose their elasticity and sag).

If the sagging of the upper eyelid is caused by a specific disease, then by curing it, you can restore muscle tone.

With ptosis of neurogenic origin, Horner's syndrome is often diagnosed, which is manifested by a recessed eyeball and a significant reduction in the pupil.


The disease is characterized by a slow course, so the first symptoms are not always noticeable. The main symptom is a visually noticeable overhang of the skin over the eye.

Other symptoms:

  • irritation and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • double vision, possible development of strabismus;
  • constriction of the pupil;
  • dryness, feeling of sand on the mucous membrane.

In addition to vision problems, the patient exhibits external symptoms of improper eye placement. They are set close to each other and look small and narrow. When trying to lift the eyelid, the patient moves his eyebrows. The outer border of the lower eyelids is turned outward.

There are 3 degrees of overhanging eyelid, each with its own characteristics:

  • in the first degree, the eye is closed by 1/3;
  • on the second, the eyelid drops halfway;
  • The third degree is characterized by complete closure of the eye.

Features of the disease in children

In children, drooping upper eyelid is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dryness, irritation of the cornea;
  • inability to blink;
  • throwing your head back when trying to see what is in front;
  • the inability to lower the eyelid completely, no matter how the child tries to close the eye, a gap still remains.

Children with this problem experience complications such as strabismus and lazy eye syndrome.

Lazy eye is decreased vision or its complete absence due to the fact that one eye is not involved in the visual process.

If a child has a drooping eyelid, treatment should be sought immediately. Self-medication is unacceptable. If the disease is left unattended, vision will deteriorate and other disorders will occur, such as strabismus.

Treatment of ptosis of the upper eyelid in children is only surgical. The operation is performed after the child reaches 3-4 years of age. If the pathology has a third degree of severity, then surgical intervention may be required at an earlier age.

Which doctor treats ptosis?

An ophthalmologist deals with eye diseases, including ptosis.


The diagnosis of blepharoptosis is made based on visual examination and examination results. The ophthalmologist takes measurements of the height of the upper eyelid, studies the symmetry of skin folds in both eyes, and measures muscle tone.

Often the patient needs to be examined by a neurologist.

Examination methods:

  • X-ray or ultrasound of the eye;
  • CT and MRI of the brain;
  • electromyography, which allows you to determine muscle activity and nerve condition;
  • autorefractometry, which can be used to determine the type and degree of visual impairment;
  • binocular vision test;
  • study of the angle of strabismus;
  • visual field examination.

Based on the conclusion, the doctor prescribes therapy.


Treatment can be conservative or surgical.

Blepharoptosis can be treated without surgery. If the disease is neurogenic in nature, then the functioning of the optic nerve can be restored with the help of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Congenital pathologies can only be eliminated through surgery - blepharoplasty.


Therapy is aimed at restoring the functioning of the nerve. Conservative methods include:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • electrical stimulation of muscles;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • massage of the eye area;
  • galvotherapy;
  • drug therapy.

Blepharoptosis should be treated as early as possible before complications arise.

If blepharoptosis is caused by an unsuccessful Botox injection, then you can use tightening ointments and creams. You need to instill drops of Alphagan, Lopidine or Irifrin. Eyebrow massage and steam baths help restore eyelid mobility.

You can remove drooping eyelids using salon procedures:

  • Collagen lifting. The course lasts a month, sessions need to be attended once a week. The essence of the procedure is the application of collagen serum.
  • Microcurrent therapy. It enhances cell regeneration and restores the elasticity of the eyelids.
  • Lymphatic drainage. The effect is noticeable only after completing the course.


If the disease is caused by atrophy or underdevelopment of muscles, age-related changes, then surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The operation involves suturing the drooping eyelid to the frontalis muscle or shortening the muscle if it is stretched.

The operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia.

If ptosis is acquired, then it is not the muscle that is shortened, but its aponeurosis.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies can only be used with the permission of the attending physician. The most effective of them:

  • Ice cubes for eyelids. The procedure must be repeated morning and evening. Parsley decoction is suitable for making ice.
  • Compresses made from infusion of parsley, chamomile, birch leaves or potato juice.
  • Rejuvenating masks. You can prepare an egg mask, for this you need to mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Leave the product on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

Massage is effective at home. Before the procedure, you need to apply massage oil. Make movements from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer one, massage the lower eyelid in the opposite direction.

If blepharoptosis of the upper eyelid is caused by age-related changes, then it will not be possible to get rid of it using traditional medicine.

Gymnastics are effective for strengthening the muscles of the eyelid. Duration of classes is 10-15 minutes. in a day.


Drooping of the upper eyelid can be prevented by following these recommendations:

  • promptly treat all eye diseases, especially if they are neurological in nature;
  • observe the rest and work schedule;
  • exercise;
  • monitor your diet;
  • avoid sudden weight gain or loss;
  • avoid injuries to the head and eye area;
  • be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.

If you take care of your health, you can easily avoid acquired ptosis. To prevent congenital drooping of the eyelid, pregnant women should not be allowed birth injuries. If there are cases of ptosis in the family, then after the birth of the baby it should be shown to an ophthalmologist.

The disease is not harmless, as it can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Only qualified medical care is the only way to restore visual function.

Useful video about eyelid ptosis

Cosmetological imperfections are not the worst problem when eyelids appear overhanging the eyes. This symptom may indicate various serious diseases.

Photo 1: In medical parlance, drooping or drooping of the upper eyelid over the eye is called “ptosis.” Source: flickr (Christopher Zoumalan).

Causes of drooping eyelids

There are three pathological conditions that lead to this symptom:

  • Innervation disorders;
  • Swelling of the tissue of the eyelid;
  • Hereditary factors.

It is necessary to understand in more detail each type of pathology.

Innervation disorders

This is interesting! The upper eyelid is supplied by branches of the oculomotor nerve (the third pair of cranial nerves). In addition, the third pair connects the muscles of the eye and the pupil. Most often, ptosis is caused by damage to this nerve, which is called a violation of innervation.

If drooping eyelid is caused by a malfunction of the oculomotor nerve, then the symptom will most often be one-sided. Very rarely, the innervation of the eyelids of both eyes is disrupted at once.

There are several diseases and pathological conditions that lead to disruption of innervation:

  • Neuritis of the third pair of cranial nerves. This is an inflammation of the perineural tissue, which leads to compression of the nerve branches. If inflammation occurs at the origin of the branch that lifts the eyelid, then the only symptom will be its drooping.
  • Paresis of the branch of the oculomotor nerve. This is damage to the nerve, which is accompanied by the disappearance of its functions. Symptoms depend on the level of the lesion; only ptosis may be observed or it may be accompanied by strabismus, impaired eye movement and pupil dilation.
  • Disturbance of sympathetic innervation. When the sympathetic nerve is damaged, a syndrome called the Claude-Bernard-Horner triad is observed. It consists of ptosis, constriction of the pupil (miosis) and retraction of the eyeball (enophthalmos).

Swelling of the eyelid tissue

This pathology can also be a manifestation of several diseases:

  • Inflammatory edema. It may appear as a result of an insect bite or an allergic reaction. In this case, the eyelid not only hangs over the eye, but it is also red, puffy, and may hurt or burn.
  • Renal edema. Swelling due to kidney pathology occurs in the morning or after the body has been in a horizontal position for a long time. In addition to the hanging of the upper eyelids over the eyeballs, there may be puffiness of the lower eyelids. Symptoms always appear on both sides.

Hereditary factors

There are only two reasons for this:

  • Age-related changes. Some people develop drooping eyelids as they age.

Photo 2: Ptosis is a genetically predisposed phenomenon, simply a sign of aging of the body. It can only be corrected through surgical reconstruction. Source: flickr (Christopher Zoumalan).
  • Myasthenia gravis. This is a genetic disease that most often affects young women. It occurs due to a lack of certain receptors on the surface of muscle fibers. Because of this, the muscles quickly get tired of any work, including the muscles of the eyelids. Hanging of the eyelids over the eyes after prolonged rapid blinking or at the end of the day is the first manifestation of myasthenia gravis.

It is important to know! If drooping of one eyelid occurs suddenly against the background of high or low blood pressure and is preceded by nausea, headache or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may be signs of a stroke.

What to do if your eyelid droops

In the event that ptosis is caused by a violation of innervation, you should consult a neurologist, who also treats myasthenia gravis. The doctor will conduct all the necessary studies, indicate the exact cause and prescribe treatment.

If there are signs of inflammation that are not accompanied by severe intoxication, you can try home treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics and local ointments with glucocorticosteroids. If the swelling is caused by kidney pathology, you should not take diuretics on your own. It is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Homeopathic medicines can be used as a comprehensive treatment.

Homeopathic treatment for drooping eyelid

Depending on the specific pathology, you can choose one of the following substances:

  1. (Apis). This remedy copes with any kind of inflammation. It can be taken for drooping eyelids due to inflammatory swelling due to allergies or insect bites.

Not everyone is born with perfect skin and regular facial features. For some people, in order to look at themselves in the mirror with pleasure, they need to make an effort. To eliminate some defects, minor cosmetic adjustments are sufficient. Other shortcomings require more attention. A drooping or drooping eyelid is medically called ptosis of the upper eyelid. The choice of treatment and correction method depends on the reasons that provoked its overhang.

Drooping eyelid - what to do with it?

Why does the eyelid droop, types of ptosis

The causes of this fairly common pathology are very diverse. In most cases, this is simply a feature of the anatomical structure, due to national traits or heredity. But some reasons even classify ptosis as a disease.

Ptosis can be unilateral or bilateral. If the eyelid droops on one side, this is most likely an acquired pathology. And when the overhang over both eyes is symmetrical, then this is a congenital defect or an anatomical feature.

Causes of congenital ptosis include:

  • underdevelopment of the muscles that lift the eyelid, caused by an autosomal dominant type of inheritance, that is, if one of the parents has this pathology, then the likelihood of its development in children is very high;
  • Hun's syndrome, manifested in the involuntary raising of a drooping eyelid when chewing, yawning or opening the mouth; the pathology may be accompanied by amblyopia or strabismus;
  • The oculomotor nerve is responsible for the correct position of the eyelid; with its pathology, drooping can also be observed;
  • with congenital blepharophimosis, the palpebral fissure is pathologically narrow in the right and left eyes, since the muscles responsible for raising the upper eyelid are underdeveloped.

Acquired causes of drooping eyelid include:

  • neurogenic pathologies, for example, oculomotor nerve palsy;
  • myogenic, associated with the state of muscle tissue;
  • aponeurotic, more often associated with age-related changes or injuries, in which muscle tendons move away from the plate to which they are attached and pull this drooping eyelid;
  • Mechanical causes of ptosis include trauma and the formation of tumors and scars, which lead to shortening of the eyelid.

Depending on the degree of closure of the pupil with the eyelid, incomplete, partial or complete ptosis is distinguished.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The main sign of ptosis is visual drooping of the skin. But this condition may be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • rapid fatigue of the eye muscles;
  • For children, the “stargazer” position is typical - throwing the head back;
  • double image and strabismus.

Diagnostics are carried out to determine the causes of overhang. After all, the method of treating or correcting the deficiency will depend on this. Therefore, in addition to a visual and ophthalmological examination and anamnesis, CT and MRI of the brain are performed.

How to get rid of an impending eyelid?

There are several ways to solve the problem of impending eyelids. Treatment with conservative or surgical methods may be necessary. If the pathology is neurogenic in nature, then nerve function can be restored with the help of medications or physical therapy.

In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary, and sometimes it is possible to correct the situation using different methods and the patient can choose the most suitable one for him.

If the eyelid is drooping and inactive, the surgeon sutures it to the frontal muscle. You can also shorten the muscle that is responsible for lowering the eyelid.

When the defect is associated with age-related atrophy or muscle weakness, surgeons recommend blepharoplasty to patients. Its essence is to cut the skin in a natural fold and remove excess fiber and skin.

For those who are not ready to go on the operating table, but also do not want to put up with their tired and gloomy expression, we can recommend a course of special gymnastics.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the upper eyelid

  1. Eye movements up and down, left and right, in a circle and diagonally, while the head remains motionless.
  2. Frequent blinking: lift your head up, direct your eyes even higher and blink quickly and quickly for 30–45 seconds, rest a little and repeat again.
  3. Close your eyes tightly and hold your drooping eyelids in this position for 5 seconds, then open them and look forward and into the distance. Repeat 5-7 times.
  4. Place your fingers on your temples and pull the skin back a little. Blink for 30 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and repeat. Do 5-7 repetitions.
  5. Lower your eyelids, place your index fingers on the outer corners of the upper eyelids and, pressing lightly on them, try to forcefully open your eyes. After this, move the pads of your fingers to the inside of the upper eyelids and repeat the exercise.
  6. Raise your head up, you can even tilt it back slightly, and lower your gaze as low as possible until you see your nose. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds, then relax.
  7. Lower your upper eyelids over your eyes, cover them with your palms without touching them, and give your eyes the opportunity to rest and relax for a minute.

Even after blepharoplasty, preventive eye gymnastics will help strengthen and restore atrophied and tired muscles.

Folk remedies for drooping eyelids

Homemade recipes help to successfully combat drooping eyelids. Our ancestors have been using birch leaves, parsley root, and chamomile since ancient times. Potato juice lotions work well.

Poorly chosen cosmetics can sometimes also lead to the appearance of ptosis. Carefully sort through your cosmetic shelf. Try to purchase products with natural ingredients. Do not apply before bedtime, do it 1 hour earlier.

Using makeup is the easiest and fastest way to remove drooping eyelids. This is not about completely eliminating the problem, but about a successful cosmetic correction that does not require a lot of money and time.

After waking up, take an ice cube and wipe your eyelids. Cold treatment removes swelling, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.

Take care of your health: follow your diet, do not overuse spices, salt, and sweets. Try not to drink a lot of water before bed. And most importantly, smile more often and maintain a cheerful mood, this will make you look much better.

A drooping upper eyelid is a problem not only for older women, but also for girls. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: age-related skin changes, hormonal imbalance in the body, heredity. Representatives of the fair sex strive to get rid of the overhanging upper eyelid or retouch it with decorative cosmetics, since the defect visually ages the face and gives the eyes a sad and sad look.


The easiest way to “remove” drooping upper eyelids is with skillfully applied eye makeup. Its main purpose is to disguise sagging skin, to emphasize the upper part of the eye, so that the look looks as open as possible. Let's reveal the secrets of makeup for drooping eyelids:

  • Apply dark shadows to the overhanging part of the eyelid, and a lighter shade to its middle.
  • The emphasis of the makeup should be on the lower eyelid, for example, highlight the eyelash line with a pencil, and then blend it.
  • The inner corners of the eye should be made light, and the outer corners, on the contrary, dark and slightly raised.
  • Use a brush with dark shadows along the eyelashes of the upper eyelid, blend the shadows so that at the outer edge of the eye they “lift” towards the temples.
  • Liquid, rich eyeliner and liquid shadows visually weigh down the upper eyelid.
  • Light eyebrows should be tinted with a dark pencil to distract attention from the eyelids and make the face more expressive.
  • Apply a highlighter (a product for highlighting areas of the skin) or light shadows under the lower edge of the eyebrows, this will visually make the look more open.
  • Apply mascara only to your upper lashes. At the same time, use a product with a lengthening effect, and not one that adds volume, otherwise you will only emphasize drooping eyelids.

When deciding what color to apply makeup for drooping eyelids, take into account the following recommendations:

  • For makeup you will need matte shadows in dark and light shades of the same color scheme.
  • Pearlescent shadows visually make the eyelids heavier.
  • Shaded smoky brown shadows hide the drooping eyelid well.
  • Makeup artists do not recommend emphasizing the contour of the eyes with a dark shade of pencil (black, dark blue, brown), as it makes the look heavier and the eyelids look drooping.
  • To highlight the lower contour of the eye, choose a light brown pencil.


Those young ladies who not only want to visually “hide” the drooping upper eyelid with makeup, but also wonder how to remove it, need to have a massage every day. Before the procedure, apply a light moisturizer to your eyelids. Both eyelids are massaged at the same time. It is performed with the ring fingers. To restore the tone of the muscles of the upper eyelids, during the massage you need to make patting movements. After achieving a positive effect from the massage, you must continue to do it regularly, otherwise the muscle tone of the eyelid will disappear and it will sag again.


Like massage, gymnastics has a tonic effect on the skin. It must be done daily.

batting eyelashes. Sit down so you don't fall if you feel dizzy. Blink your eyes quickly for 30 seconds, closing your eyelids 2 times per second. Then take a break for 15 seconds and repeat the complex. Alternate exercise and rest for 5 minutes.

Blinking. Alternately close and open your eyes at a speed of one eyelid movement per second. The exercise lasts 5-7 minutes.


Weekly masks will help tighten the skin of the upper eyelid:

  • Egg and vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, preferably olive, with one egg. Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and soap. After the mask, lightly massage the nourishing cream into the skin of the eyelids.
  • Flour, potatoes, sauerkraut juice. Grate one medium-sized raw potato and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix it with 1 tbsp. l. flour and sauerkraut juice. Apply the mask to your eyelids for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Tea compress. Brew strong black or green tea. Soak cotton swabs in the tea leaves and place them on your eyelids for 7-10 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the tampons and blot your eyelids with a napkin. You can also make compresses with parsley decoction.

Salon treatments

If you want to get rid of a drooping upper eyelid as soon as possible, then home methods alone to combat this defect will not be enough. It is necessary to supplement them with procedures provided by beauty salons.

Collagen lifting effectively tones the skin and tightens the upper eyelid. Cosmetic surgery involves applying collagen serum to the skin of the eyelids. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures, at least once a week.

Lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling of the eyelids and tone the skin. The operation is performed using a special device or by hand; it helps to get rid of excess fluid under the skin. To see a positive result, 2-3 sessions are necessary.

Microcurrent therapy activates regeneration processes in the skin cells of the eyelids, thereby promoting the outflow of excess fluid and toning the skin.


Some people decide to undergo surgery to remove drooping upper eyelids – blepharoplasty. It is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. The operation lasts about 2-3 hours. The surgeon makes an incision in the eyelids, removing excess skin and subcutaneous fat. Blepharoplasty is performed only if the eyelid is drooping due to age-related skin changes. There are contraindications to the operation:
