Nod blooming spring in the older group. Summary of nodes in the senior group "Spring is coming to us"

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory, sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities: cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group

Integration of areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.



MBDOU – kindergarten No. 501


Larionova Maria Vladimirovna

Senior group

Conducted: March 23, 2015

Summary of educational activities

in the older group

"Spring came"

The purpose of joint activities of the teacher and students

To form in children an idea of ​​the characteristic signs of spring



Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature;

Develop curiosity, memory,sustained attention.


Foster initiative and independence in verbal communication with others;

Enrich the vocabulary of pupils;

Develop the ability to solve riddles.

Artistic creativity:

Develop imagination;

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop skills of accuracy when performing work.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, thematic conversations, looking at pictures and photographs, listening to songs, observing natural phenomena, listening to poetry, didactic games.

Direction: cognitive - creative.

Educational area: cognition.

Activities:cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Form of organization of children: group

Integration of areas:cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization.

Equipment: thematic pictures with signs of spring, cards with images of birds, pictures with images of primrose flowers, cut-out pictures, a ball, drawing paper, watercolors, brushes, a jar for water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you can name our guest yourself if you guess the riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen?

Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring “the morning of the year.” Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).

I suggest you guys listen to a fairy tale. How do all fairy tales begin? (Once upon a time, there were). So our fairy tale begins with the words once upon a time - there was a family: a father and four daughters. The father's name was Year, and his daughters' names were Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. The father loved his daughters very much, even though they were different. The time has come and sister Spring warmed me with the sun and melted the snow. Streams ran, drops rang! Water leaked into the bear’s den, the clubfoot woke up and crawled out of the den to warm up. The birds that flew away from us for the winter have returned. Name them? (rooks, starlings, swallows, cuckoos, geese, swans, nightingales).

Do you want to be in the world of spring? Then close your eyes, spin will find yourself in the world of spring! Imagine yourself in a sunny spring meadow. And here are the signs of spring.

Children find pictures with signs of spring, the teacher hangs them on the board.

Conversation about spring.

What signs of spring are depicted in the paintings?

(The snow melts, the sun shines brighter, icicles appear, birds fly in, streams flow, animals give birth to babies, the first flowers bloom). Children tell stories in a chain based on simple plot pictures.

What other signs of early spring have you observed?

(The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, it’s getting warmer.)

Name the spring months.

March April May -

Don't forget them!

People call the month of March protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where the snow melted and the first islands of land appeared. In the thawed areas, the first flowers appear from under the snow. What is the name of the first spring flower? (Children's answers). Why is it called that? (Children's answers). And April has long been popularly called ice breaker and snow blower. Why? (Children's answers). And May is called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

D/Game “Say kindly.”

D/The game is played in a circle with a ball.

In spring, you want to speak only kind words. I will say the sun, and you affectionately - sun, branch - twig, leaf - leaf, stream - stream, puddle - puddle, flower - flower, cloud - cloud, tree - tree, cloud - cloud, water - water.

D/Game “Name the signs.”

Select signs for the word spring. What's spring like? (early, ringing, warm, friendly, cheerful, beautiful, blooming, long-awaited).

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Educator. Look at the birds. Which one do you think is the odd one out and why?

Children . Extra sparrow. He is a wintering bird, and all other birds are migratory.

Guys, why are they called birds? (the body is covered with feathers, two wings, they can fly, they have a beak, two legs, and a tail).

Which birds arrive first? (rooks).

What are the birds doing? (a picture is displayed - hint: a tree with nests.) (birds make nests).

Why do birds nest and build nests? (in order to hatch chicks).

Sister Spring continues her work on earthorder direct. She decorated everything with flowers, the first tender, green grass.

Why are the flowers that appear in spring called primroses? (because they are the first).

Which flowers bloom first? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother).

How has the life of plants changed with the arrival of spring? (they woke up, young, green leaves appeared on the trees and bushes, the grass turned green).

Guys, tell me, what does spring smell like? (freshness).

Children, we remembered the signs of spring, then you can easily guess all the riddles. Ready?

The snow turns black in the clearing,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the closet.
What a time of year it is.
- spring -


In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.
- stream -


Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...
- birdhouse -

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This house is called...
- nest -

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...
- March -

The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
- April -


The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
- May -

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.
- snowdrop -

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.
- dandelion -

White peas
On a green leg.
- lily of the valley -

There is a curl in the garden
- White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?
- chamomile -

Guys, you guessed the riddles about spring signs, showed how spring progresses, how flowers grow, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Meadow.”

Elena Tyurina
Summary of educational activities for cognitive and speech development in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”

Abstract direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development

V senior group« Spring is coming, spring road»

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about spring.



Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature. To train children in the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships. Activate children's vocabulary with concepts from the lesson topic.


Develop coherent speech: the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly to others. Develop logical thinking and attention, spoken language of children, encourage the desire to communicate.


Cultivate a respectful attitude towards native nature.

To promote children's interest in nature.

Material: multimedia equipment; easel with the sun covered by clouds; a box with yellow and orange ribbons, colored paper, scissors; magnets; box with pictures of birds.

GCD move

I. Introductory part. Organizing time. Problematic situation.

In the center of the room there is an easel on which the sun is located, covered by clouds, the children come in and see the easel. Guys, what happened to the sun? How can we help him? Children decide what to do, how to help the sun.

IN: Let's blow on the clouds (the clouds release the sun, it has one ray) While the sun was getting to us, after a long winter it gave away all its rays. We need to somehow correct the situation. Let's help the sun? I draw the children’s attention to another box, which stands to the side with yellow and orange ribbons, colored paper, and scissors.

II. Main part.

A game: “What is the sun?” Name the words that answer question: What kind of sun is it? And for every word spoken we will add a ray of light. (gentle, radiant, warm, yellow, round, etc.)/Children are invited to independently choose the material for the ray and attach it to the sun/

IN: Look, guys, our sun became cheerful, spread its rays and began to warm the earth. Do you want to play with him? (slide 2)

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Ray up, ray down,

Smile at the children as a ray of rays,

Look to the right, to the left,

Go around the sun.

IN: You are happy about the sun, but who else is happy when the sun is shining? How do you think? (nature wakes up, animals)

IN:- Guys, imagine that we are in the forest! (slide 3)

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it,

You see, we are our own!

What forest did we come to?

(Spring, beautiful, mysterious, fabulous, wonderful, dense, magical).

IN: - What time of year is shown in the pictures? (spring) (slide 4)

IN: - Why did you decide so? In this picture there is snow in the forest. I think it's winter. And here I see flowers. Maybe it's summer? What signs spring shown in the pictures? (slide 5)

Children prove that the paintings depict spring, are called signs of spring. (The snow is melting, the sun is shining brighter, icicles are hanging from the roofs, birds are flying in, streams are flowing, the first flowers are blooming).

IN: Who knows the spring months. (March April May) (slide 6)

IN: Listen, please, can you hear? What are these sounds, listen? (recording of birdsong sounds)

IN: Why do they chirp and sing? (Spring came, the birds have arrived)

IN: What birds do you know? (migratory and wintering) (slide 7.8) What happened here, why is it so noisy? (bird voices) Here all the birds are mixed up. Guys, what should we do? ... (children play, divide birds into migratory and wintering ones)

IN: Guys, what else is going on? in the spring. We are with you they said: nature wakes up, birds have arrived, chirping merrily. And who else wakes up in the forest after hibernation? (children's answers) (slide 9)

IN: Of course, animals wake up, and when a bear wakes up, the first thing he does is exercise. Do you want to know what kind of exercise a bear does? (slide 10)

Physical education minute "Bear"

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. Turns left and right.

He stretched out of sleep: Stretches, arms up.

She came to us again spring.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting. Head rotation.

Bent back and forth, Bends forward and back.

Here he is in the forest coming.

The bear is looking for roots Tilts: touch with your right hand

And rotten stumps. left foot, then vice versa.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear.

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log. (Children sit in a circle)

IN: Guys, I know an interesting game. Do you want me to teach you how to play it?

"Call me kindly" (with nouns of this topic throwing the ball to each other)

snow - snowball, water - water

stream - stream, sun - sun

flower - flower, leaf - leaf

bird - bird

Didactic game "Continue the thought"

I propose to logically complete the started sentences about spring. (I invite the children to make a proposal)

The harsh winter has passed, and it has come to us (spring) .

Spring is the time, when all… (comes to life, awakens, rejoices, grows)

Sky in the spring(blue, high, clean, clear)

It shines welcomingly from the sky (Sun)

The sun warms the earth with its... (rays)

Sounds are running everywhere... (streams).

Melting... (Snow)

Migratory birds will soon return from warmer climes... (birds)

Spring is turning green everywhere... (grass)

The first spring flowers are blooming... (flowers)

III. Final part. Reflection.

IN: Guys! I was very pleased to communicate with you. What do you remember? What can you tell us about today at home? Who can I praise? For what? Who found it difficult? What game can you play at home with your family? Or maybe you and your parents can do exercises for the bear?

Guys, who remembers how our lesson began? (help the sun). People often called on the sun so that it would warm the earth and winter would recede. Do you know how to call him? Come on, you and I will call out to the sun so that winter will completely recede and it will be warm. (slide 11) Where are you, Sunshine? Wake up! Where are you, Sunshine? Come back! Light us up, warm us up! Come to us quickly! Winter is tired of pouring snow, drip-drip-drip! Spring has come.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated educational activity “Spring is coming - the way to spring” Subject:. “Spring is coming - make way for spring” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic and Aesthetic”.

Type of lesson: speech development. Topic: “Spring is coming, make way for spring!” Program content: reinforce the characteristic signs of spring with children. Exercise.

Tasks. 1. To consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about spring and its characteristic features; consolidate knowledge about the genre of fine art: landscape.

Summary of cognitive and speech development “Spring is coming, make way for spring” (preparatory group) Educational activities on cognitive and speech development in the preparatory group on the topic “Spring is coming, make way for spring” Objectives: 1.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the middle group “Spring is coming! Make way for spring! Slide 2 Goal: to teach to establish connections between seasonal phenomena and phenomena occurring in living and inanimate nature; teach to see.

GCD for the NGO “Cognitive Development” Child and the world around us. with older children.

Subject "Spring suffering"

Form of organization: journey.

Target : Expand your understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring.


Continue to expand children's understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring.

Develop curiosity and initiative. Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.)

Foster a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture.

Equipment: projector, laptop, presentation “Spring Festival”

Stages of work

Teacher's actions

(methods and techniques)

Materials and equipment

Motivating children to do activities

Dunno and Znayka come to visit the children. They are arguing about something.

Educator “What are you arguing about?” Guys, let's say hello to our guests.

Dunno . The adults say that the spring suffering has begun. Why do people start to suffer in the spring? In spring you need to enjoy the sun!

Educator. That's the problem! Guys, do you know what spring suffering is? Spring harvest is hard work in the spring to prepare for sowing. In early spring, the main work is spring plowing.

Znayka. I saw a tractor working in a field!

Dunno. I want to watch too!

Goal setting by children

How can we help Dunno?

Working together with children to find activities

IN:- Guys, we will all see together how tractors work in the fields. Both our guests and you guys will find out how the spring suffering goes.

View the presentation.

Independent work of children to test methods of activity

Dunno. How interesting! What seeds fall into the ground?

Educator. This is how grains and leguminous crops are sown. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley, etc. Cereals are beans, peas, soybeans, etc.

Agronomists, agricultural specialists, know when and what agricultural work needs to be done. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. It is not without reason that the old peasant wisdom says: a spring day feeds the year. Let's look at the grain under a magnifying glass.

Educator. What does it take for a seed to sprout in the ground? From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be collected on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make the dough and bake buns, bread, and rolls. Do you know why bread comes in different colors? There is wheat flour - it is made from wheat, and rye flour - it is made from rye. White bread, buns, loaves are baked from wheat flour, and black bread and rye gingerbread are baked from rye flour.

The teacher shows the seeds of wheat and rye. Asks children how to treat bread? What does it mean to protect it?

Listen to proverbs about bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread on the road is not a burden.

Bread is good everywhere, both here and overseas.

Bread and water are heroic food.

He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.

Brings children to understand that many people worked hard so that they could eat delicious bread.

Summing up

Watching the cartoon "Easy Bread".

Tractor harrows the ground with iron harrow teeth

When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. From the seeder, seeds evenly fall to the ground in the grooves

This is how crops are treated Feeding for better growth As well as protection from pests and diseases

An agronomist - an agricultural specialist - knows when and what agricultural work needs to be carried out. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes.

Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley, etc.

Leguminous crops are beans, peas, soybeans, beans.

Bread is for everyone Bread is good everywhere - both here and overseas. Bread and water are heroic food. He who works tirelessly cannot live without bread. Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want. Proverbs about bread

Description of work: I offer you a summary of a comprehensive direct educational activity for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Spring drops”. This material is intended for older children and educators. This summary of an educational lesson is aimed at summarizing children’s knowledge about spring and its signs.

Summary of a comprehensive educational activity for children of the senior group “Spring Drops”

Educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”,
“Artistic creativity”, “Reading fiction”.

Target: Clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Tasks:
- Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of spring, expand children’s knowledge about spring, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic;
- Repeat with the children the names of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, daffodil, dandelion, coltsfoot);
- Develop attentiveness and observation, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills;
- Exercise the ability to work collectively in non-traditional techniques using appliqué;
- Give children positive impressions of the activities performed.
Materials and equipment:
- Wall newspaper “Spring”;
- Illustrations of spring flowers (lily of the valley, snowdrop, tulip, dandelion, daffodil, coltsfoot);
-Cut pictures of spring flowers;
-Cubes “Fold the pattern” by Nikitin;
-Green and yellow paper napkins, glue, brushes, napkins for each child, whatman paper.

Preliminary work:
- observations in nature;
- reading poems about spring;
- looking at paintings and illustrations about spring;
- learning proverbs about spring;
- solving riddles.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher reads a poem:
Spring is coming to us
With quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
Black thawed patches
Visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring. (I. Tokmakova)

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about? (about spring).
Educator: That's right, about spring.
- Guys! Who remembers which months on the calendar are reserved for SPRING? (March April May)
- What month is it now?
Children: April.
Educator: What poems about spring do you know?
Children recite poems about spring.
The Swallow flew away
Far away...
Come back, Swallow!
It's April.
Come back, Swallow!
Not alone:
Let it be with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming!
(Boris Zakhoder)

Spring came
The forests are rustling, the earth is blooming,
The stream sings and rings:
"Spring has come, spring has come -
In clothes made of rays!
Children's hearts rejoice,
Striving into the expanse of meadows:
"Spring has come, spring has come
In a garland of flowers!
(Maria Pozharova)

Two starlings were flying
They sat on a birch tree,
They sat down and sang, -
How they flew, how they rushed
From the shores of overseas
To my native land, dear
To the little white birch tree!
(Ivan Muraveiko)

The evil blizzard has passed away.
The night became shorter than the day.
A warm wind blows from the south,
The drops fall, ringing.
The sun warms the earth,
Ice is driving off our hill.
The snow woman is melting
And tears flow in streams.
If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
This means spring has come to us.
(Ekaterina Karganova)

The game “Signs of Spring” is played using a ball with sand.

Educator: Guys, what other signs of spring do you know?
- the sun shines brightly and warms;
- in the sun the snow begins to melt, drops;
- the first thawed patches appeared on earth;
- the days are longer and the nights are shorter;
- spring streams ran;
- we changed winter clothes to spring ones;
- all nature wakes up from winter sleep;
- buds swell on trees and bushes;
-birds fly from warm countries.
Educator: Well done!

The game “Name it kindly” is played using a medium ball - a hedgehog.
Goal: Improving grammatical structure (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes).
The sun is the sun;
Leaf – leaf;
Puddle - puddle;
Icicle - icicle;
Tree - a tree;
Drop - drop;
Cloud - cloud;
A stream is a stream.

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the picture (points to the wall newspaper “Spring”).
Now I will tell you riddles, you will guess them, and you will find them here.

Yellow-golden flower,
Like a fluffy chicken.
Immediately withers from the frost
Our sissy... (mimosa)

Just outside the window
The frost has let in,
Icicles started flowing
Beads of tears.
Well, what about you, my friend?
Answer now -
Under my window
What's ringing? (drops)

Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us -
We made... (birdhouse)

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Creek)

Here on a branch is someone's house,
There are no doors in it, no windows,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there,
This is the name of the house... (Nest)

There is crackling and thunder on the river,
This means icebreaker
There is ice on the river
This means...(Ice drift)

The carrot is white,
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
Ate all the carrots (Icicle)

He has a carrot nose
He loves frost very much
It doesn't freeze in cold weather.
And spring comes and melts. (Snowman)

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Although small (Snowdrop)

She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
He'll wave his magic wand,
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest (Spring)

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?
Children say proverbs:
Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.
Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies
Work hard in the spring and you will be well-fed in the winter.
February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.
Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher.

Educator: Let's play and show how spring is coming to us!

Outdoor game "Spring".
Sunshine, sunshine, Children walk in a circle, holding hands.
Golden bottom.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
A stream ran in the garden, They ran in a circle.
A hundred rooks have arrived and are “flying” in a circle.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, Slowly squatting.
And the flowers are growing. Stretch on tiptoes, arms up.

Educator: Guys, look! And here the flowers have grown.
(Children approach the “Spring Flowers” ​​stand)
Educator: What flowers grow here?
Children take turns pointing and naming flowers.
Educator: Well done, you know all the flowers.
We divide into two subgroups.
Didactic game “Collect a flower”.
First subgroup. The teacher gives the children an envelope containing cut-out pictures of flowers.
Then the teacher asks which flower they got.
Second subgroup. Flowers are assembled according to the pattern from cubes “Assemble a pattern” (tulip, coltsfoot).
Educator: What a great fellow you are, now let’s switch tasks.
Educator: Guys, now we will show you how flowers grow.

Finger gymnastics “Spring Flower”
A tall flower grew in a clearing. Show a flower with your hands.
On a spring morning I opened the petals. Spread your fingers.
Beauty and nutrition to all petals Movement of fingers together and apart.
Together they grow roots underground. Palms down, back side
Towards each other, spread your fingers.

Educator: Guys, you guessed riddles about spring signs, showed how spring progresses, how flowers grow, remembered the names of spring flowers, collected pictures, and now let’s draw together the “Coltsfoot Clearing.”

Children perform the collective work “Coltsfoot Glade” using an unconventional technique. Each person cuts out one flower from yellow napkins and a leaf from green napkins. Pastes whatman paper onto the “clearing.”
Surprise moment.
The teacher asks the children what they did today, what they liked most and offers a treat.

Krivosheina E.V., Kuptsova A.V. – educators, Akshatina N.A. – educational psychologist, MADOU No. 99, Tomsk.


  1. Systematization and consolidation of children’s knowledge about the changing seasons, consolidation of the names of the spring months; give an idea of ​​the changes that occur in early and late spring in nature.
  2. Development of basic research skills, logical thinking, physiological breathing. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, humane manifestations in behavior and activities in nature.
  3. Strengthening teamwork skills.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out what time of year today’s lesson will be devoted to.

Comes with goodness
Blows with warmth
Red in the light of the sun,
And her name is... (spring).

Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited). What mood do you get when you talk about spring? (Fun, good, perky, beautiful, ...). Let's find our mood and remember what other moods there are.

Didactic exercise: “Find the mood. Show your mood.” (Using pictograms)

Speech exercise: “Which one?” Which? Which? “Can we say - spring mood? What's the sun like in spring? (Spring). What are puddles like in spring? (Spring). And what is the sky like in spring? (Cloud, streams, trees, grass, thawed patch, icicle, rain, day)

Let's tell you what happens in spring. Start your answer with the word “spring”...

In spring... the sun shines brightly.
In spring the snow melts.
In spring thawed patches appear.
In spring, puddles appear.

In spring the buds swell.
Birds arrive in spring.
Icicles appear in spring.
Streams flow in spring.

Do insects wake up in spring?
In spring, wild animals change the color of their coats.
In the spring, the animals give birth to cubs.
In spring the first flowers appear: snowdrops, mother and stepmother.

In spring grass appears.
It rains in spring.

(Children answer, the teacher displays pictures with signs on the easel in two “paths”: early, late spring)

What kind of spring are we having now? (Early)

Outdoor game: “Spring, red spring.”

Spring, red spring! (children walk in a circle holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy,

With joy, with joy, (go the other way)

With great mercy:

With high flax, (stop, raise their hands up, stand up

on your toes, inhale)

With deep roots, (squat, lower arms, exhale)

With abundant bread. (holding hands and running in a circle).

Breathing exercise: “Oh, how it smells!” ” (offer to smell what spring smells like: air, grass, first flowers - deep breath, slow exhale; sniff - several short breaths, long exhale with the word “Ah!”)

Spring has prepared a surprise for you.

Guess what it is?
Hanging outside the window
The bag is icy.
It's full of drops
And it smells like spring. (Icicle)

That's how many icicles there are. Take one at a time.

Touch the icicle, what is it like? (Cold, wet, slippery, smooth, icy, sharp)

What is its shape? What does she look like? (On the carrot)

Look at her, what is she like? (Transparent, shiny, shimmers in the sun...)

If an icicle falls, what will happen? (She'll break). Let's check. (I drop). So what is she like? (fragile). What else breaks when you fall? (Glass)

What happens to an icicle in heat? (melts)

Take an icicle in your hand, what do you see? (Droplets flow down the icicle). Listen to the drops ringing. (Place the tray)

When a lot of icicles melt at once on the street, it turns out to be droplets.

Finger gymnastics:

“Drip-drip-drip the drops ring - (drum your fingers on the table, imitating playing the piano)

April has come to us.”

Listen to the poem. (Child reading the poem “Drops”)

The spruce warmed up in the sun,
The pine tree has melted,
It's April
The drops are ringing

It's spring outside.

What month name did you hear in the poem?

What other spring months do you know?

Let's say together: “March, April, May - don’t forget them.”

So what shines brightly, warms, and bakes in spring?

Let's call the sun.

Nickname “Sun” (with claps):

Bright sunshine, dress up! (claps on shoulders, crossing arms over chest)

Red sun, show yourself! (claps hands)

Put on the scarlet dress (claps on knees)

Give us a red day! (clapping overhead).

Gymnastics for the eyes:

Ray up, ray down,
Smile at the children as a ray of rays,
Look to the right, to the left,
Go around the sun.

What can be done? (Children's answers)

Educator: Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?

Children say proverbs:

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.
Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies
Work hard in the spring and you will be well-fed in the winter.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.
Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher.

Educator: Guys, when it gets really warm, you and I will plant our flowers in the flowerbed of our plot. These flowers will delight you and me all summer, until autumn.
