Dress up a man: mission possible. Lesbian girl and guy dressed as a girl

They despise the Afghani and deliberate negligence. At the same time, alas, not all of each of them is a sample of taste and style. But worst of all, it is very, very difficult to convince them to change their way of dressing, or at least throw out the terrible “farewell to youth”.

The main male arguments are simple and logical: “I like it”, “I think you can still wear it”, “What difference does it make what someone says”, “I’m not some kind of metrosexual for you” and “Yes, for that kind of money I won’t buy it on principle ". It is difficult to argue with them, but difficult does not mean impossible. You just need a clear strategy.


It requires endurance and calmness, as well as knowledge of all the parameters of a loved one, from the collar to the length of the trousers.

Alina, 27 years old: “My husband is a real treasure. Golden character, amazing sense of humor, kind, intelligent, sympathetic, in general, an ideal. If not for one small, but very nasty BUT - his manner of dressing. Maybe the reason is a poor childhood, maybe something else, but he catastrophically saves on himself, despite the fact that this can not be done. Only jeans, a pair of sweaters, terrible boots, some unimaginable ones from my student days. And the eternal position: I don't need anything, I have everything. In stores, he can withstand exactly five minutes and runs away, grumbling and indignant. I endured for a long time, and then I began to rebel, but it did not lead to anything good. The epiphany came suddenly - I accidentally burned his jacket with an iron. It's good that you burned it, you can't fix it. After work, I ran to the store with her, put it on, measured it and bought a new one, just excellent, in his favorite color and style. At home, she apologized for a long time and handed her beloved a new thing. He, oddly enough, was pleased. And since then, I have become, well, just a terrible housewife: I’ll set the wrong temperature in the washing machine, and the thing will sit down, then I’ll bleach by mistake, then a hole will suddenly appear in the most visible place, or even completely lose something. In such a simple way, I updated the entire wardrobe of my beloved. And before buying good shoes, he matured himself, apparently, he liked it.


In vain they say that the stronger sex is indifferent to compliments about appearance. They just hide it, which is what you need to use.

Lera, 32 years old: “Beloved has a talent for acquiring some terrible things, I don’t know in which flea markets he digs them up. Shapeless, disgusting colors and sizes. I regularly buy fashionable outfits for him, he also regularly puts them in the closet. But one day, when his favorite pants of an unknown size and terrible synthetic shirts were in the wash (out of anger, I couldn’t wash them), he still put on the polo shirts and jeans I bought and simply transformed. I did not hold back my admiration, spoke about his attractiveness and sexuality, and in confirmation proceeded to actions. Well, he was really good. And it worked! Not immediately, of course, but gradually he changed his habits. By the way, his female colleagues at work, he said, also noticed the changes. Now I'm worried if I overdid it."


Requires artistry and carries a significant element of risk, but if it works, it is more than effective.

Irina, 22 years old:« I always looked after myself, tried to look good both at work and at home, and, of course, when we went somewhere together. My boyfriend reluctantly observed the dress code in the office, but the rest of the time, according to him, he rested. At home - torn T-shirts, at the exit - sweatpants. No matter how I tried to persuade him, he only laughed it off: they say, love me for who I am. In general, I decided to act in his own ways. He comes home, and I walk around in a shabby dressing gown, I brought it specially from my mother's dacha, he was put aside for rags there. Hair - in a bun, no cosmetics. We gathered for a walk - I put on dirty sweatpants, an old sweater and sneakers. I do not like? Love me for who I am, I love you. He got through, since then he has been attentive to my criticism. I’m glad - I couldn’t stand being such a horror story for a long time. ”

Shock therapy

Can be used as a last resort, and if the man is not very touchy. Its essence is to attract third-party witnesses. Like it or not, we are all, to one degree or another, dependent on public opinion.

Olga, 27 years old:« In principle, everything suited me, except for socks with sandals in the summer. Parade option - socks, shorts, shoes. I got so fed up with it that I went to the women's forum and asked a question on behalf of a man: “I go in socks and sandals, the girl says that this is not allowed. What do you think?” The forum is so tough there, the girls don't stand on ceremony, they told him the whole truth. And then I printed it all out and showed it to my beloved. You don't listen to me - look what others say. He was terribly offended, he sulked for three days, but he didn’t dress like that again. ”

The hit parade of the most terrible male blunders

  • Socks with sandals if he is out of kindergarten age.
  • Skinny sweatpants, skinny piping jeans, and too-low-waisted pants that reveal everything you can and can't do when you squat.
  • Massive signet rings and thick chains.
  • Fur hats come from the USSR.
  • Trousers a la Charlie Chaplin.
  • White socks, unless he's a tennis or basketball player.
  • Classic trousers combined with sports jackets or sneakers.
  • T-shirts in a grid.
  • Long unkempt hair.
  • Tracksuits as casual wear.
  • The aroma of eau de toilette is around three meters.
  • Generously gelled hair.

In general, this is a covered femslash: D
So, of course, the action takes place in Japan. Accordingly, the names are Japanese, and not "Charlie and Mark." There are two main characters: a young girl (well, about 25-27 years old) and a guy-girl. About the guy:
An ordinary guy with a bunch of teenage oddities, which is typical of this age. She is in high school/university.
According to more about the oddities: the guy dresses up as a girl. Yes, yes, in a girl. It's kind of like his hobby. He has a rather feminine appearance and figure, so it is not difficult for him to appear before the world in the guise of a girl. He has the usual "legend": "I'm from another city, I arrived recently, I'm studying a little further from here." In whatever situation he was not, this is his excuse. The guy is kind, but rather cunning intriguer, also gambling. Mostly loves to argue, but does not always use it. By the way, when that "guy", he is the most ordinary, inconspicuous, gray and boring teenager. But as he turns into a "girl", he immediately becomes a star => cheerful, sweet, honest (trying to seem like that). He had affairs with lesbian girls, but they quickly diverged and no one exposed him. By the way, a note for the future author! The guy (dressing as a girl) puts on makeup and does styling to his hair (the hair is quite suitable for the girl, that is, a wig is not required), he rarely wears dresses and never wears heels or platform shoes. Be sure to wear a shirt, jeans or trousers and sneakers or regular shoes. As for problems with the chest and other parts, it is not necessary to bother xd. The guy is generally not tall, and if he is suddenly asked about his chest, then he is "flat" xd.
Now a little about the girl:
The girl is a high school teacher, her life goes by as usual: a banal morning, work until evening, a late return home, a dream. Sometimes alcohol with an old friend. True, this friend suddenly appears, so suddenly disappears. (No novels, he is purely as moral support in the guise of a person). She is not in any relationship. She lives alone, there are quite a few problems other than school. Parents are in another city and sometimes she provides them with financial support. If you are interested in something else, you can add your own. Any questions, please contact.
Now the plot: A girl meets this guy in a cafe. Any reason for meeting him: she spilled coffee on him / works as a waitress / at the checkout / collided at the door, etc. A conversation is struck up in connection with the situation and they get closer. During the conversation, the guy learns that this girl is a high school teacher. Having already experienced some kind of affection in advance, the guy asks for help with an object (any). Well, why not? The girl agrees and she comes to his house several days a week and they do their homework (although the guy understands this lesson perfectly). By the way, about the house. Although the guy is just a high school student, he already lives alone, and accordingly his room does not look like a banal "kid's room". Porcelain dolls and figurines from various anime are displayed in a glass case. In the same closet on other shelves are women's magazines. There are women's clothes in the closet, shoes look more like women's, there is even a dressing table and cosmetics. But the guy has a spare room with male gear. Later, the guy finds out that this girl is a lesbian. Reason: I saw lesbian pictures in her phone / she told herself / overheard a conversation with this girl's ex / found her personal diary / your version. And since the guy feels sympathy for that, he takes advantage of this and pretends to be the same orientation. At first, the girl is against the relationship between the "student and teacher", but the guy begins to forcibly climb to that one (that is, do not rape her, but timidly kiss her on the cheek, neck, touch her hand, etc.) and the girl gives up, falls in love and starts a relationship between them. Everything goes well, they walk, kiss, but no more. And one day the girl exposes him. Reason: I saw his hiding place with men's things / overheard a conversation on the phone / ran into him in a man's guise and recognized his / your version. Of course "how could you?!" and the tantrum starts. She burrows into herself, does not appear anywhere, answers calls, does not leave the house. But one day, after talking with that very friend who suddenly appears and disappears, she goes to a club / park / cafe / karaoke and gets drunk. And at that moment she meets him in the guise of a girl. She is going to leave right away, but the guy catches her and ... Then I give free rein to your imagination. From the fact that he just decided to talk, he apologized and she forgave him until the moment where he drags her into a cafe and has. Whatever you want: most importantly, at this very moment, describe many feelings of experience. Preferably not too vanilla, like "I'm such a bastard, I'm sorry." Even tougher, but also adding tenderness and romance. Don't forget the environment. Okay cafe and all, it's quiet there. The club is more problematic. Krch, decide for yourself x) well, what is the ending? You can come up with something of your own, you can end everything by the fact that she forgives him and fse:3 good luck:3
You can also stir up something like awareness of your gender. The guy felt that it is easier for him to live in a female form => transgender.
If you take NC-17(21), describe nicely with:
And that, preferably midi, but you can mini. I won't refuse maxi xd

How does it usually happen? An interesting man is taking care of you, in which everything is fine for you, both soul and body, if not for one BUT - he is very poorly dressed. It is foolish to refuse a good person and potential happiness because of a pair of clothes. Take matters into your own hands and find the right style for yourself.

First you need to really assess what you mean by the word "bad"? Unfashionable, untidy, poor, poor quality, not solid, etc., etc. After all, maybe he looks good, and you are trying to tritely impose your ideas about style on him. If that's not the case, then take action.


To get started, unobtrusively start a conversation about the male image while watching a movie together. Discuss how the male characters are dressed and smoothly move on to questions like whether your companion is happy with the way he looks, would he like to change something. Maybe it turns out that he is not at all against reincarnations and will not resist.

Ego and desire

If your beloved thinks that he doesn’t need a new style, you should turn to his ego, but be careful, you need to use his ambitions, and not hit on male self-esteem. Have you already managed to study your boyfriend a little and understand what he dreams of and how he wants to look in the eyes of society? Most of all, men want to succeed at work, as well as to look attractive and confident alpha males.

Let's say your man wants to get a promotion at work or has just started his own business, but is completely unsure of his abilities. Periodically talk about the success stories of famous men, show articles and pay attention to who looks like, mark which people show affection and respect, who are more trusted as a professional. The main thing is not to bombard your loved one with such information all the time, otherwise he will smell a catch. Tell us how Irkin Vasya, who is trying to look respectable, recently received an increase in salary. Real examples are very effective. They awaken the spirit of competition. Make another attempt to offer your man a new look again. He is dissatisfied, nervous and refuses? Excellent! Your argument about Vasya fell on fertile ground. Perhaps the next time you are in the store and offer to buy your loved one a new shirt, he will no longer be so intractable.

Secret influence

If you come across a very uncompromising man, do not despair. Usually representatives of this category are those who are sure that they look great or, out of principle, defend their opinion of being themselves, even contrary to common sense. The old song begins: "Love me for who I am ...". And such vermin have levers that we will press. The men featured in this article do not like SHOPPING and do not go shopping until their last jeans are torn at the causal place. Offer to buy him a new one. He will be happy to push the hated shopping trip onto you. This is where you choose the thing to your liking. Maybe he will like it and he will trust your taste.


Nobody canceled such a simple thing as gifts. Transform it gradually. A new jumper, a scarf on a pleasant occasion look completely natural. Tell him how you wanted to please him and how pleased you are that he will wear the item you gave him. In general, say everything so that he wants to thank you in this way.


Don't forget to follow up with compliments. When he puts on the item you have chosen, tell him how good he looks, how he suits him, etc. Sometimes you can say that he is so stylish today and you are jealous of that beauty over there who looked at him with interest. Soon you will not have to say all this, because the changes in your man will be noticed by his friends and colleagues. Someone will definitely praise the new image.

Most importantly, do not rush things. The transformation process can take a lot of time, but water wears away the stone. Later, your loved one will need your competent opinion in wardrobe matters, and when he sees old photos, he will be surprised how you paid attention to him. Here it will not be superfluous to praise yourself, saying how dear he is to you and how YOU value him as a person. He will once again make sure what a special woman he got. Good luck!

Tell me, have you always been satisfied with the style of your man? How did you manage to change his wardrobe?

You will need

  • To achieve similarity with a woman, a man will help:
  • - Underwear;
  • - clothes;
  • - shoes;
  • - wig;
  • - cosmetics;
  • - bijouterie


Nowadays, a man's purchase of tights and stockings, as well as women's underwear, no longer surprises anyone. The maximum that your purchase can cause is a friendly smile of the seller. Choose what you like and buy with confidence, just prepare yourself for answers to typical questions, for example, what size is your girl. Of course, if you are embarrassed to say that you personally need stockings and a bra.

If you don't want your dress-up experiments to go public, order your dress-up supplies (wig, dress, shoes or boots) from online retailers or online auction sites like e-bay. There is a risk that the product will arrive in the wrong size, but it can be replaced. Another drawback is the delivery time, which sometimes lasts up to one and a half months.

When ordering a dress and shoes in an online store, specify which size scale the seller focuses on. Compare Russian sizes with the sizes accepted in European countries. As for China, where most often clothes and shoes come from, they sew things in accordance with European standards.

When all the packages have been received and you are satisfied with your new outfits, take care of your makeup. You will need: foundation, thick foundation, powder, foundation sponges, correctors, blush, shadows, mascara, eyeliners, eyebrows, lips, lipstick and mascara. Try not to save if you want to achieve a stunning result. Travesty artists use special make-up. You won't need it at home. And you can, without being ashamed, buy cosmetics in specialized stores. When purchasing a product, look at the expiration date.

Allocate a few hours to the ritual of reincarnation, turn off the phone, tune in to a meeting with the beautiful.

First of all, shave as cleanly as possible. Let irritated skin rest. Start with the design of the eyes, apply shadows, make eyeliner. Makeup base must be applied before eye shadow is applied. Many makeup artists advise using foundation as a base for shadows, which will make them brighter and more saturated.

The next step is dressing up. Changing clothes precedes applying foundation to the face, since there is a possibility of smearing them with a new dress.

Finish the eyes, paint the eyelashes with mascara. If a little smeared, carefully remove the mascara from the face with a cream. Shape your eyebrows, if they are not thick, with an eyebrow pencil. Thick eyebrows are best pre-glued with a special plaster or painted over with a tonal pencil, and then re-topped.

Start applying foundation. Let her soak.

The foundation is spread over the face and driven into the skin. Your task is to close the pores with a cream, to even out the face. Of course, the face will resemble a mask, but the alternative to the translucent blue from the bristles is much worse.

Lips. Apply a little foundation on them to paint over the contour, and then circle with a lip pencil, increasing or vice versa decreasing. Powder and apply blush.

The attitude towards travesty actors in our country, to put it mildly, is not unambiguous. This role is considered marginal, vicious, immoral and even ungodly. This craft is recognized only if the actor comically portrays a woman, like Verka-Serduchka, for example. Forced cross-dressing of explicitly heterosexual characters in films such as Tootsie, Mrs. Doubtfire or Hello, I'm Your Aunt is also undeniable. It's all for laughs! And when it comes to the real imitation of a woman, this causes a sharp rejection among the respectable public. Yes, it's no longer funny. The actor "encroaches" on the most precious thing - gender identification. Thoughts arise: “Is everything okay with him?” or “Are you a sodomite for an hour?”. Ladies and Gentlemen! The rejection of the travesty culture is most often due to ignorance. The art of transforming a man into a woman is older and deeper than you might think.

Ukrainian drag queen Monroe

Shakespeare wrote the role of Juliet for a man

In Shakespeare's time, all roles in the theater were played by men. This tradition dates back to the ancient Greek theater, where women were not allowed for one simple reason - they did not have civil rights. Now it’s hard for many to imagine, but once upon a time, many young actors dreamed of the role of Juliet. Women were allowed on the stage only after the restoration of the monarchy. Charles II, the son of the infamous Charles I, who was executed by the revolutionaries, became famous as the "jolly king." He loved the theater and women. Apparently, Charles II really wanted to combine these two pleasures into one, so in 1660 he issued a decree allowing women to shine on the stage on an equal basis with men. This was a real cultural revolution, as few people imagined that a woman was able to play the female role correctly. The history of the reform of the English theater was reflected in Richard Eyre's film English Beauty (2004). In the center of the story is the once-famous travesty actor Ned Kynaston, who suffered from the decree of Charles II and was forced to learn to play male roles.

Traditions of the Kabuki theater: a woman on stage is in trouble

In traditional Japanese kabuki theater, women are still played by men. These actors are called onnagata and their art is passed down from generation to generation. The most famous living onnagata actor is Bando Tamasaburo V. He brought his art to the world level, playing a number of leading female roles in classical European plays: Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Medea. But one of his most famous acting works was the role of Nastasya Filippovna in the film by the Polish director Andrzej Wajda "Nastasya", based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot" By the way, Bando Tamasaburo V also played Prince Myshkin in the film - this was his first and only male role in his entire acting career.

The cabaret artist is able to play both Hitler and Eva Braun

In the 1920s and 1930s, Berlin became the world capital of Bohemia. At that time, it was here, in an atmosphere of permissiveness and idleness, that the most relevant art at that time was created and a new way of thinking was formed, devoid of prejudices. The revolutionary theater of Bertolt Brecht was born in Berlin cabarets, the songs of Kurt Weill sounded for the first time and the stage image of Marlene Dietrich took shape. All this laid the foundations for a new type of all-around actor, which would later be adopted by stand-up comedians, rock stars and drag queens. For this character, there were no restrictions: a man could go on stage in the form of a woman, and a woman in a man's tuxedo. A little more and the sexual revolution would have rumbled just then, but Hitler came to power in Germany and strangled all these ideas right in the cradle. It will take another 30 years before humanity is freed from the complexes and prejudices of the old world.

In 1997, Sean Mathias's film Addiction was released, telling about the fate of homosexuals in German concentration camps. Mig Jagger played the role of drag queen Greta in this film. This image symbolizes the beautiful and stormy era of cabaret.

The image of Drug-queen, as a logical result of this whole story with dressing up

It’s worth clarifying right away: to become a Drug-queen, it’s not enough to change into a woman’s dress. Travesty is a complex art that has absorbed Shakespearean theater, onnagata style, and, most importantly, cabaret culture.

Many films have been made about drag queens, but one of the best is definitely “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995). The heroines of the film are three typical "beauty queens" who accidentally end up in an American provincial town and begin to change its life for the better. Starring Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo. These three actors ingeniously reincarnated as characters that are not typical for them. If you are wondering what ideal any drag queen should strive for, watch this particular film - Patrick Swayze shows a real master class in transforming into a woman.

Now you, dear bigots, know that if a man dresses in a woman's dress, this is far from always fetishism, exhibitionism and homosexuality. Sometimes this is a real art, rooted deep in the soil of history. To see the difference, you just have to stop looking away.
