Congratulations in your own words on the last call. Congratulations to classmates in the graduation album

The last bell is a traditional holiday for schoolchildren finishing their studies. The last calls in schools take place at the end of May, when studies have already ended, and the final exams have not yet begun. The last call draws a line, puts an end to the long-term educational marathon with all its lessons and breaks, tests and homework.

The last bell is a big school-wide holiday, which is addressed to graduates, teachers and parents. The solemn ceremony includes speeches by guests, the director, the first teacher, parents, greetings from first graders, parting words from 9th and 11th grade students.

The moment of parting with school is often very sad, because not only homework and tests, but also beloved teachers, and schoolmates, and unique moments of childish mischief remain in the past. But at the same time, the Last Call is always a celebration of joy and enthusiastic expectation of new changes in life. After all, from this moment a new life opens up before the graduate, full of all kinds of discoveries and surprises - a new life that opens up the opportunity for a person to make his dreams and plans come true!

If you want to congratulate your friend or acquaintance, who is graduating from school this year, on a holiday, you can choose, if you wish, either SMS congratulations, or musical or voice congratulations on the last call with delivery to your mobile.

Congratulations on the last call in verse

How fast time has flown
Since the first lesson was
Today you all have matured
The last bell rings.

You do not forget school lessons,
Your class, friends, teachers.
Now you will involuntarily feel sad,
The class door will be closed.

You've grown up guys.
Today you are graduates!
And there were kids once,
Without letting go of my mother's hand.

Good luck in your adult life
Don't forget the school way.
And value your friendship
After all, the past years can not be returned.

Acts of you truthful, honest,
You keep the joy of meetings.
Grow up, value friendship,
Save the school waltz!

The last bell rings -
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
He is much more victorious
What was yesterday!
Understandably, expect
Exams more...
They melt in the heat
Life is coming!
May there be a lot of happiness
And farta ahead!
Let the side of bad weather
Bypass you on the way!

Today is the day of farewell to study,
For tomorrow the doors of the school are far away,
Let this day be a little cheerful
But we can't hold back the tears.
Here are all our friends, our girlfriends,
Favorite ever teachers.
And there is no more friendly and beautiful building,
It's like you're leaving home forever.
And ahead lies the road of life,
From sharp turns and obstacles,
Who will be defeated instantly by the power of thought,
And the knowledge of student awards!

That's it, friends, the farewell bell will ring,
Remember this moment forever!
From now on, the path will be open to adult life,
Step boldly! We give you blessings!
May hearts be filled with goodness
May the young destinies only find happiness!
And the school years are always, always
Let your memory live!

Your last school bell rings.
It rings softly, somehow in the old fashioned way.
No need to rush to class tomorrow
With a briefcase along the trodden path.
No need to study theorems
Write complex essays in notebooks,
And you can just take and dream
About those roads that it is possible to pass.
Let the mountains that stand in the way
Will be overcome overnight
May it always be easy for you to go
May only happiness be with you.
Let everyone be who they want to be
It will pass all the difficulties of complex science.
Always go forward, do not give in and know
That in life everything is always possible!

Congratulations on the last call in prose

So the last school bell rang! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold, you enter adulthood. How much has swept over the years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights of parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in your studies were like, the first written letters, the words you read? All this is far behind. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you, for sure, decided on the choice of profession. Now you will make all the decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how your future destiny will turn out. I wish you easy beginnings, successful achievements, a bright future!

Today we congratulate not children, but adult young people who are on the threshold of their new, independent life. And the last bell, which will ring for you very soon, will become a symbol of future victories, brilliant discoveries and wonderful achievements! Take care of yourself and your hearts, keep in them a good memory of the time when you were children. Be happy!

Last call! Such a sonorous, clean, calling ... But .. Alas, ah! It's too late for us to rush to him! However, there will be more exams... But you have nothing to worry about, you will definitely pass them easily! And then - there will be graduation ... and hello, adulthood! I recommend starting it in such a way that by the next meeting of graduates you will be among the youngest millionaires in the world!

Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for someone it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Accept congratulations and wishes from us - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the graduation ball, as if in a fairy tale, spend an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness!

I want to sincerely congratulate you, my dearest guys, my graduates. You and I have come a long way, which was not always easy, but you endured. I want to congratulate you and say that you are great fellows. You are not just graduates, you are already quite adult people who have gone through one important stage in their lives. I would like to wish each of you patience and perseverance, as well as endurance and a lot of strength, because not everything will be easy for you, but believe that you can cope with any problem, because you have already gone through one school of life. But today forget about everything, because on this wonderful holiday you should relax and have fun. Today is just your day, and the exams will suffer a little. Happy holiday, my guys! May this day give each of you a lot of positive emotions.

The last bell is a long tradition of Soviet and now Russian schools, which has become a real holiday for schoolchildren. Graduation day is the most joyful and at the same time the saddest day for every graduate. For some students, he foreshadows holidays, and for graduates, the beginning of new working weeks - preparation for graduate exams and admission to universities. But, in any case, the last call is a long-awaited event and the school always solemnly sees off its graduates. Time flies by unnoticed, carefree school years are leaving, and an adult and independent life awaits ahead.

We have prepared for you the most beautiful and touching congratulations on the last call for graduates, for teachers. These are congratulations for graduates from the principal of the school, and from the first teacher, and from the class teacher and from the parents.

Congratulations and wishes for the last bell at school

Let them say that time heals
That the circle will not open for days,
However, the evening comes
And everything is changing...
The candle will drop the cooled trail
With a strange silence in tune
And suddenly you want in the palm of your hand
Catch a Fallen Star:
And between the future and the past
Dream and childhood behind
Like a fragile bridge thrown over
Tonight is graduation night!

Congratulations to school graduates from the director

Oh, the last lesson is over. We are entering the summer season.
Today is the last call, guys, we congratulate you!
You have become adults now, and it's time to say goodbye to school,
The door of life is open to you, let the peaks submit to you!

Today you are a little anxious,
A little bit happy today
And you can understand, of course,
After all, you have a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the track be remembered
That she took me to school every day! Graduates, you are our pride and joy!
Today is your holiday, you are rightfully honored,
We are all extremely happy with the last call,
And now you carry the banner of adult life!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness,
For many years to come, that would be enough.
Let bad weather remain behind
To have love and respect.

Congratulations on the last call from the class teacher (Grade 11)

My dear, dear graduates!
Now you are standing on the threshold of adulthood, one more step and you will say goodbye to childhood. What your life will be like next depends largely on the decisions you make in the near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself, boldly go towards your goal, do not be afraid, try and do not give up! Believe in a bright future, it is waiting for you outside the school! Remember, school doors are always open for you! Know that I love you very much and am always glad to see you! Everyone was striving for the last call,
The school path seemed boring.
So why the point
Smeared a crystal tear?
Saying goodbye isn't easy
after all, childhood is at school
Rocked on a swing for so many years
But there is no escape from time:
A ticket has already been handed into adult life.
Let the beginnings be successful
Each plan is crowned with victory,
Tricky tasks are solved
Only excellent! Happiness, children, to you! Eleven years have gone by
You have matured and learned a lot.
You can answer without a doubt
Many questions - for that and medals!

Thanks folks for making it through
You are difficult paths, do not be afraid.
For finding a loophole in science,
And they were kind and gentle.

May your path be bright and joyful,
Now, like birds, in free flight
You rushed up, and gladly let
On the adult path you will boldly go!

Congratulations from the class teacher (grade 9)

Dear ninth graders!
The time has come when the last bell will ring for you. The school was
it is easy for you to get in, it will be a little more difficult to get out of it: exams are ahead of you.
For many, the moment of parting with school is long-awaited: after all, perhaps each of you wants to feel like an adult, become independent, enter a technical school. But at the same time, this sad moment: for 9 years of study we got used to each other, became friends, rallied. Let's not forget school and each other, my dears!
I want to believe that in life each of you will find your own path. Strive to get an education, find an interesting job for yourself and create your own family.
The school gave you a start to a new life, taught you the sciences, culture and
ethics to turn you into smart, literate, successful, independent, moral individuals.
You must take out of school and implement wisely only what is useful. And
do not forget the main thing: we build our own life!
At this point, I would like to quote the lines of the poet Eduard Asadov:
Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong,
There will be a wind - do not rot,
It will hurt, don't cry
Do not hide your eyes in the palm of your hand.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If tears are wiped off
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Congratulations and wishes to graduates from the first teacher

My dear children!
Congratulations on the successful completion of 9 (11) class!
It may not always work out for you, but this is only the beginning of the whole life.
And many problems were not solved, but every day you went forward bolder.
I know studying is hard for some of you
But the most important thing is that you become people every day and hour.
Let only a smooth road be your life path.
I wish only happiness, do not turn off the right path. Dear Guys!
We met with you - there was the first call,
Foliage colors and the first lesson.
Eyes shone, hands stretched up,
I to you, and you smiled at me for the first time.
We were friends, you studied hard,
They excelled both in class and in school affairs.
Sometimes they fought, but they fell in love more,
They were inspired by the desire for a cherished dream.

Like a moment, those four years flew by,
The victories remained, the adversities disappeared.
Then others taught you the sciences,
To them, just as to me, you have become dear.

You grew up, got stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on the way!
Your day has come!
You've all been waiting for it.
Doubt away!
Cheer up, good luck!
May good luck accompany you in everything,
And the cherished dream will come true
And even to an unsolvable task
There is always a solution.

Guys, I wish you to successfully pass the exams and choose the right path for your future life.
Break a leg!

Congratulations on the last call from parents to children (Grade 11)

Dear children!
11 years ago we brought you in holding your little hands in our
hands to our school. And today is a significant day: you say goodbye
with your school. You almost passed the 11-year exam. Left
just a little: to sum it up. All this time we were with you,
your parents and teachers. Our dear children, you are dearer than anyone in the world!
With deuces and validol, but we finished school.
How many we did not sleep with you, we wrote essays.
And sometimes there was a lot of crying in the house from the task.
We didn’t scold you much, we helped you as much as we could.
There is no greater joy for us than the successes of our own children. Guys! The day of farewell to school has come! These years have flown by
surprisingly fast. They taught you a lot. Everything was there, but
I want to remember the years spent at school, only
pleasant and sweet memories. Let's not be sad. Let your
life will be cheerful and sonorous, like a school bell. Our beloved children!
You have grown up and many of you
They will leave school and their favorite class ...
And, fluttering out of the school nest,
You may never return...
I hurry after fathers and mothers
Words of parting words to say to you today:
- Dare! Everything will work out for you
After all, they gave you a reserve of solid knowledge!
And if a difficult choice confuses you,
There is a sure way to get out of trouble!
How to proceed? Moms and dads have advice
Ask mentally - and you will get an answer!
So that later, in moments of rare meetings,
Look into the eyes of your parents calmly.
And we are with great hope and joy
We will look forward to welcoming you home!
And for those who remain, everything is in time:
And in friendship, and in studies to succeed,
Find the right path among the many
And do not leave the chosen course! You were born, raised
Once brought to school
Believe me, we did not know then
that children could grow up
So fast. Our dear ones
You do not lose face,
Achieve everything, relatives,
To make mother and father proud.

Words of gratitude to teachers from the parents of graduates

Our glorious teachers
Thank you for your hard work and patience.
You are on the school ship
Raised another generation.
And today, raising the sails,
Turning to their horizons,
Look the graduates in the eye
Smile to each other, saying goodbye! Dear, our beloved teachers! So our series with you, the series that we and you wrote together, has come to an end. Everything was in it: joy, and sorrow, and happiness, and resentment, and love, and much more. We are grateful to you that everything turned out so well in the end. You got graduates - we got literate children. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for your work, which helps everyone in life. Without you, without teachers, everything in the world would be different! Once again we thank you!
Well, you guys, don't forget school and your teachers. No matter how much
they had students, your attention will never be superfluous.

Congratulations to school graduates from first graders

Dear graduates!
Congratulations on your last call!
We got a little sad guys
That you are leaving the school house soon.
We look at you with great admiration,
You are the pride of our school, without embellishment!
And with a wonderful mood today
Congratulations on the last day of school!
And you were once babies
And also entered the first class,
Probably, it seems to every mother today,
That you were all like us.
You were also very worried
When they came to their first lesson,
It happened that the problems were not solved
And you were waiting impatiently for the call.
You also ran at school breaks,
They squealed and screamed from the heart,
And you were knee-deep for high school students ...
Now you are not babies at all.
You are solid and mature people,
Exams are waiting for you ahead of you.
Someday we'll be the same
And the kids will come to congratulate us.
Guys! We wish you success
After all, you deserve the highest praise!
And you will succeed, we know!
And your graduation ball will be the best! Always be good, always be beautiful,
Be always cheerful, kind, glorious, sweet.
Do not meet grief and do not be sad,
Smile more often, in a word, be happy! Let everyone be proud of your success -
Parents, friends, teachers,
After all, you can do better, more beautiful
A planet called Earth!

Wish to teachers from school graduates

My dear teacher!
Happy and bright life to you! May you never meet naughty and harmful children! Children's radiant sincere smiles to you, so that the notebooks are error-free, so that the lessons are calm, useful and fruitful!
We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. To
The mood has always been high. Let the family be warm and cozy.
Success, good luck, luck and full satisfaction from work. Thank you for your noble and glorious work! Our dear (name of the class teacher)!
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to tell you that we love you very much! Thank you for always supporting us, helping in everything, taking great care of us and becoming a second mother to us. We are so used to you that we can’t even imagine how we will continue without you. After all, you were always ready to stand up for us when we “mowed” somewhere, always supported us and said words that helped us a lot to believe in ourselves and move forward again, to our victory, and never rest on our laurels. And thanks to We have become a real family to you.
We wish you all the very best: health, happiness,
love, success in work. We also wish you obedient children, whom you will raise again as your own.
And we have grown. It's a pity, of course, that we have to leave, but we promise that
we will visit you and also easily and interestingly communicate with you. And know that these (*) people who have become a family will never betray you, they will never forget you, they will never say bad things about you. We have only bright and bright memories of our school life with you.
(Name Middle name of the teacher), we love you very much! Thank you for everything!
Your 11th (*) grade.

Beautiful poems for teachers on the last call

Thank you teachers!
We receive not only knowledge at school,
We are getting stronger and smarter here,
We walk into a big life together with her,
Let's grow up with her!
When the puzzles are over, the equations.
And we will know a lot by heart,
We will write all dictations, essays,
Then for a moment we will be seized by sadness ...
But we know that there is no need to be sad at all!
And thank you from the bottom of my heart
Those who taught us knowledge and friendship,
Taught to laugh, to believe, to love life!
Thank you, dear teachers!
You have done so much for us...
Let the graduation party make a merry whirlwind,
But we will never forget you! Our dear, beloved,
Dear teachers!
About your sincere, eternal love
We cannot be silent today!
You have done a lot for us
How much effort has been invested in us, work!
We declare to you honestly and directly:
We will never forget you!

Congratulations on the last call and graduation from classmates

We studied together for many years!
I wish you, friends, joyful victories!
So that we do not study in vain,
For knowledge to be useful
To be on the way to your destiny
We met only kind people!
Dear and dear classmates!
I wish everyone to find love
So that your soul burns clear
And so that the blood boils with passion.
To love and be faithful
They gave birth to many children,
In the heart to live hope, honesty
And may you live many days.
Longevity to you, joy,
And let it be marmalade in life,
And so that from this sweetness
My heart has always been happy! Finished the last lesson
Silenced vociferous call,
And bright sadness and sadness
They fly into the distance.
Tomorrow is a new life
Don't be afraid of her. Hold on!
Your mind and work
Our Russian home will rise.
And flare up, proud of greatness,
Above the Motherland of happiness is a star!

Beautiful congratulations for school graduates

Time flew by unnoticed
You have grown up for serious matters.
A glorious path awaits
and victorious
And others - a simple earthly destiny.
You will scatter across the wide world,
But all of you will have
Forever this last call,
And your friendly class will be remembered.
I would like to wish you so much:
And goodness, and happiness, and victories,
Without bumps in life's road,
With the benefit of lived beautiful,
Also, so that you can calmly
Look into your own eyes
Live life beautifully and with dignity,
Be lucky in your destiny.
Also, so you don't forget
Dear classmates,
To call, invite guests,
They spared no time for them.
And also, to remember the minutes,
The ones we all spent together
And more than once flew from everywhere
From different corners of the big Earth. Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead! From the school threshold
There are many roads in the world
Which step - the decision is yours
Whether to continue studying
Whether to go to work
You are in control of your own destiny.
Just one wish:
Everything needs effort
Whatever path you choose in life.
You said goodbye to childhood
Now find a way
To comprehend the main thing in life! Do not be sad that you will not return to school,
Youth is a wonderful time
We only wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Last call

This holiday will not spoil the weather,
A wreath soars into the sky ...
So the school years are over

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the end of a painful period
Girls, boys, with the release!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! No more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
A bell chimes unanimously for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework
Don't wake up for the first lesson
It just made something sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now in the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
The school will be remembered only by the good.
At school today is the last call. Good luck, graduate
Good fortune and good luck!
Let knowledge be a magic spring
It will help you solve all problems!
Let the dream become available
A sea of ​​wishes will come true!
Let life please, beauty
And the calling will be found!

We invite you to watch and download for free to congratulate graduates on graduation.

[in prose]

Congratulations on the last call in prose

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, are watching with delight and sadness how you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, in part, out of your parents' house. From today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And the way your life will be depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will certainly be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it is waiting for you outside the school!

So that bright hour has come, for the sake of which you have put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the threshold of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, knapsacks, bows, the first letters written by one's own hand and the first word read by oneself - all this is left in the past. Now you are already quite mature and established individuals who have chosen their path in life.
Today everyone heartily congratulates you: teachers who have led for many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who look at you now with great respect! We wish you to achieve everything that you have planned, to easily go through the chosen paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in your life - the Unified State Examination. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe that you will succeed in life!

Dear Guys! Today is your last call. Everything will remain in its melodic modulations: the joy of the first victories, and hard work on yourself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and the sincere love of your teachers. Let each of its trills remind you of the bright days you spent in the eternally young temple of sciences, whose name is school. She will not forget you either, because over the years she has become accustomed to you, and today her day is full of inescapable sadness ... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. You are waiting for new achievements and new successes, and your favorite school - new students. We wish you good luck and bless you for glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

We congratulate you, our dear teachers, who endured and loved us for so many years, with the Last Call. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work invested in us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you said! Thank you for your love, support and important advice that we will remember for a lifetime! A new, bright future awaits us ahead, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew yourself, putting a special meaning into every word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which way we will go! With the Last Call to you, our beloved teachers!

When the last bell rings, one usually remembers all the best that has been experienced during the years of schooling.
Ahead - like a border separating childhood from adulthood - is a difficult, but no less magical summer:
June is the month of examination tests and verification of not only knowledge, but also endurance, ingenuity, responsibility.
July is the month of making the first independent decisions.
August is the month of happy starfalls.
I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your cherished desires, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!
Remember: there comes that exciting moment when your whole life is in your hands. Let it be illuminated by the good light of the star of your youth!

Congratulations on your graduation. Today the school bell rang for the last time. You were eager to become adults as soon as possible and say goodbye to school desks, you wanted to run away from school as soon as possible.
And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will be a new stage in life, the verge of change and responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.
Both your school teachers and your most important allies in your studies - your parents want for you the best that you can wish for your children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may only kind, sincere people meet on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, you always know who to turn to. Good luck, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring out, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where there is so much new, interesting, but also a lot of trouble, obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We tried our best, putting everything that the school and the family can give into you. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we do, to adequately approach the line of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, we are pleased with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride for you, and life itself and luck itself have already given you in full. Let it develop with training, with work, with a career, with families. Let adult life be happy, youth be long, and old age recede before your enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Excitingly, loudly, alarmingly sounded the school bell. For you, our dear children who have grown up so imperceptibly, it will become a signal, a call to boldly move towards a new, interesting life full of joy and success! Quite recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood, worried, giving you into the reliable hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is left behind - and cheerful changes, fervent sports, joint excursions, trips, will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks, new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything go well!

Last call! Such a sonorous, clean, calling ... But .. Alas, ah! It's too late for us to rush to him! However, there will be more exams... But you have nothing to worry about, you will definitely pass them easily! And then - there will be graduation ... and hello, adulthood! I recommend starting it in such a way that by the next meeting of graduates you will be among the youngest millionaires in the world! Now you are listening to the last school bell ringing. And for someone it will sound for the first time in the fall ... The flight of time is faster than the flight of a swallow! Accept congratulations and wishes from us - successfully pass the exams, take a walk at the graduation ball, as if in a fairy tale, spend an unforgettable summer and choose the right path in life that leads to happiness! It sparkles with gold, the school bell rings with silver. Congratulations on the last call! Isn't it true, it was impossible to imagine how good, how sweet this long graduation party would be? And even exams don't scare you, right?! So fly ahead, birdie! That is, yesterday's schoolboy! Believe in yourself and keep your nose proudly up! Today they sway, tremble, not field bells, but those that are called school bells ... On the Day of the Last Bell, accept my congratulations and wish you to successfully demonstrate all your talents at the final exams! May they come to you more easily than anything has ever been taught! Today you hear the school bell for the last time, it accompanies you... But don't be sad! And even more so, don’t think about the upcoming exams ... You know, in the Middle Ages, in schools, they were a hundred times more difficult, and even then they wrote with a quill pen! But, this is me digressing from the topic ... You are a graduate of the 21st century and the whole world is open before you! And if they conquer Mars ... Then maybe the whole cosmos! Just yesterday it seemed so hard to study for a long time! And today - look back how quickly the school flew by and very soon the last bell will ring! Congratulations! Don't you already miss your school days? Of course, it’s better to adore them while you’re learning… But honey nostalgia is also not bad! On the day when the school bell rings for the last time, I want to tell you that I appreciate and adore you so much that I could tell you in exams ... But firstly, this is dishonest, and secondly, you have a brilliant mind of your own! So I just congratulate you and wish you good luck! So the school adventures are over! The last bell is ringing! So many years - behind, and ahead ... ahead of a whole life! Don't think of everything strictly now, just tune in to look for your path and if it seems that it is found... don't stop there! After all, the world and human possibilities are truly limitless! Congratulations on the last call! Last call! Bright holiday today, there are many hopes, like freshness on a summer morning! It's time to give parting words ... Always be an honest, courageous and dreamy person! Appreciate what you have and yearn for more! Do not give up in difficult times and be able to consider prospects and real chances to fulfill your dreams even beyond the very horizon! Congratulations on the last call! And only yesterday it seems like it sounded for you for the first time! How much has been learned since then! It's time to brilliantly apply the acquired knowledge and pass the final exams so that your results stun absolutely everyone! From classmates to the principal! At school, we all learn from textbooks, but we could hardly manage on our own, without teachers, and today, on the day of the Last Bell, I want to thank them for their work, in which they, without exaggeration, invested a lot of warmth and attention to all of us ! I also want to wish them bright, warm happiness and long years! Today, when the last bell sounds, I want to say thanks to the teachers... Let the years pass, but I will not forget the school, the native class and their science, care and attention! I wish you good health, new grateful students and simple, lasting happiness!

Wishes to classmates bring us back to school. It is as if we are scrolling through a photo album, remembering the story depicted in the photo. Wishes for classmates are always a hope for a quick meeting of the former mischievous, cheerful boys and girls.

In verse

  • I wish we met more often
  • And they remembered our cheerful class,
  • Always smiling brightly when they met,
  • And they remembered every passing hour!
  • Let the school meet us with flowers,
  • What we planted in the school yard
  • So that sometimes we fly to school with dreams,
  • When we wake up in the morning, at dawn.
  • We studied together
  • So many years!
  • I wish you friends
  • Joyful victories!
  • So that we do not study in vain,
  • For knowledge to be useful
  • To be on the way to your destiny
  • We met only kind people!
  • Dear and dear classmates!
  • I wish everyone to find love
  • So that your soul burns clearly
  • And so that the blood boils with passion.
  • To love and be faithful
  • They gave birth to many children,
  • In the heart to live hope, honesty,
  • And so that you live many days,
  • Longevity to you, joy,
  • And let it be marmalade in life,
  • And so that from this sweetness
  • My heart has always been happy!
  • My classmates!
  • I wish you love!
  • Strong and big families
  • Life is long and cool.
  • Children to you healthy,
  • new impressions,
  • Gentle meetings, dates,
  • Joyful dreams.
  • warm relationship,
  • New, good zeal,
  • Let everything come true
  • Fulfilled quickly!
  • Who was in our class
  • Let your path be clear!
  • Boldly you go to the goal,
  • Keep a good memory
  • Remember our friendship
  • Come if you need
  • Always on the school doorstep
  • And all of you be protected by God!
  • my classmates,
  • We have become family!
  • I wish you in life
  • Don't get tired of yours!
  • Never got sick
  • Got around the troubles
  • And let in your destiny
  • There will only be victories!
  • I wish my classmates well
  • And inspiration, and squeaky pen,
  • paint pictures, write novels,
  • Someone to become a screen star
  • Someone to become an astronaut
  • Someone may be an astronomer,
  • And so that you graduate from all universities
  • Only with honors, with a red diploma.
  • Let everyone have their own star in life,
  • May she always illuminate life
  • So that in the path of life
  • It was easier for you to go!
  • You are my classmates!
  • Friends, girlfriends!
  • I wish you to keep
  • This friendship of ours!
  • And wherever you go
  • Remember the school
  • Always return to her
  • If it hurts!
  • Let school be joy
  • And relieve fatigue
  • And let all your pain
  • Quiet immediately!

In prose

Dear my classmates! Thanks to you, studying at this school was not only a necessity, but also a wonderful entertainment. Our class has always been the most cheerful and noisy. Usually the students are waiting for the holidays to come, but I couldn't wait for them to end, in order to see all of you as soon as possible. I sincerely wish that we never forget about our friendship, and even after graduation, our cheerful company gathered in full strength at least at the reunion of graduates.

When my parents first took me to grade 1 "A" of our school, I was very worried, because I did not know what awaited me here and whether I would be able to make friends with someone. But a month later I found the best girlfriend, with whom I am still friends. My dear friend and classmate! I am very glad that I was enrolled in the "A" class, and not "B" or "C". It helped us get to know each other and get closer. I wish you to always remain as smart, talented and collected in further studies, and cheerful, open and positive in everyday life.

Our school years are coming to an end. Soon we will go to different colleges and universities and may never get together again. But, to be honest, I can’t imagine that completely different people will surround me there, and our class will remain only in memories and photographs in the school album. Classmates! I want to wish each of you the realization of hopes and goals. And may any team that we get into after school be as friendly and united as our class!

In your own words

How you poisoned my first years at school! You always gave me offensive nicknames, pulled up my dress and shamed me in front of other boys from the class! I cried and didn't want to go to school. Why did you do it? We were residents of the same country called "school" and had to help each other, play together and grow up! Classmate! I do not hold evil and with all my heart I wish you a worthy future! Be strong and very brave. And also love and respect women, because one of them will become the mother of your children! Classmates! Girls! I want your life to turn out the way you dreamed! I wish you to become models, actresses, journalists and just wives of oligarchs! Swim on yachts, interview the president and stars, perform on the catwalks! Boys! And you yourself become presidents and oligarchs! Then we will be connected not only by work, but also by the old friendship of classmates. Good luck to you all! In many years, I will leaf through our school album and remember this day. I will look at the photos and guess who has their fate, career and personal life. Dear classmates! Friends! I suggest you never get lost. Let's think of some place where we will come, for example, on Friday, every three months! I will miss many of you!
