Farewell letter from a man for insults. You need to work through your problem

It doesn't matter what form you decide to put on your separation letter, what matters is the content. So where to start.

  • Make a plan. Don't laugh, it's important. Think carefully about everything you want to say, try to take into account all the details, because you are writing the last letter, which should dot the i's. Do not neglect it: if you feel that a reply is coming out, it is better to put down your pen and collect your thoughts.
  • Write in draft. Gradually add thoughts, important nuances, forgotten words to it. Perhaps you will sit down and write a heartfelt message in 15 minutes, but do not rush to send it. Better re-read the letter the next day, make sure that you really wrote everything and the way you wanted. Otherwise, you run the risk of either getting bogged down in endless correspondence, or being tormented by the fact that you forgot the most important thing.
  • Less pathos. Remember that men are more mundane than women. Where you see a wonderful castle in the clouds, he sees a white spot. No need to use all sorts of epithets and multi-tiered comparisons. Just write what you think is important.
  • Consider the nature of the man. Your letter should touch him, evoke emotions, which means write a message in his language. If he hates diminutives or deliberately rude ones, don't use them. You need to express your thought and convey it to him, and if he is irritated while reading, you are unlikely to get the desired result.
  • Be clear about the purpose of your letter. You can write four pages of small handwriting and say nothing. Start with what worries you. “It’s very hard for me to think about it, but our relationship is over.” “I would like you to hear me. Perhaps when you read, you will understand what you did not understand when you listened.” Remember, men are rationalists, it is important for him to understand why you started all this.
  • Don't use writing as an emotional outlet. If you want to tell a man what a scoundrel he is, just to quarrel with him, it’s better not to send what you wrote. In this message, you only splashed out anger, but a man is unlikely to understand your feelings. More precisely, he will understand that you hate him and don’t want to see him, and why exactly, you won’t be able to convey to him. Write with a cold head.
  • Avoid stamps. If you have read romance novels, been inspired by the fate of the heroine, and now you are writing a poem filled with high feelings and suffering, then you may end up with another novel, and not a message to a living, real person. Formulate the thought so that the man does not feel like a character in a love story.
  • Write correctly. Do not be too lazy to use auto-check, re-read the message before sending, correct typos. Even the most penetrating and intelligent thought loses its power if it is presented in an inappropriate form. No matter how upset you are, write correctly so that the man, while reading, is not distracted by correcting your mistakes, straying from the main idea.
  • Write if there is anything. This is perhaps the main condition. The meaning of the letter is to convey your thoughts to the man. There are no thoughts on a full-fledged letter, you can drop a note: “Darling, we are breaking up. Did not get along. It was good with you, I do not regret anything. Good luck in your personal life."

Farewell letter to a loved one who betrayed me

The betrayal of a loved one can extinguish faith in feelings and people for a long time.

That is why it is important to delimit the one who hurt you from the rest of the world, to realize that one person is not responsible for the actions and decisions of all the others. In this case, the letter is needed rather for therapeutic purposes. You may not even have to send it. But if you still decided that he should find out about your feelings, write for him.

  1. Describe your feelings. Resentment, disappointment, pain. Everything you experience should be in this message. He betrayed you, and he needs to know how you feel. Otherwise, he will not learn a lesson from his act and will be sure that you calmly accepted his act.
  2. No need to appeal to his conscience. Your letter is just a way to convey to a person information about the consequences of his act. Let him deal with his conscience himself, you only provide him with food for thought, and at the same time get rid of your own resentment: if you don’t tell a person directly, without concealment and hints, that he hurt you, this situation will torment you with incompleteness.
  3. Put a point. In all senses. Let your relationship end there, you cross him out of your life and go your own way alone. A farewell letter does not imply a lengthy showdown.

Poetic farewell letter

Confess: You don't want to part with him at all, do you? You just do not have enough attention, and you decided in this way to attract him. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the desire to say goodbye to the chosen one in verse. Or you are just looking for a strong source of emotions for inspiration.

In general, if you feel a thirst to rhyme, no rules, except for the rules of versification, apply here. If you want to say goodbye beautifully, hundreds of ready-made masterpieces are at your service, which are easy to find on the Internet. Alternatively, you can turn to a professional poet who will help you compose a touching farewell poem.

farewell letter in prose

It is much easier to express your thoughts in prose, especially if you write a letter in your own words, and do not copy it from somewhere.

In this form, you can focus on the essence of the message, and not on the original rhyme for the word “love”. The main thing that is required of you is clarity of presentation and the ability to logically complete a sentence.

Farewell letter to tears

Let's be honest: making a guy cry with a farewell letter is problematic. In general, remember, have you seen your man cry? Therefore, only other girls who are in a similar situation can be moved by your message. But you can stir up the feelings of a man by observing three simple conditions.

  • Be sincere. You can find an example of a letter on the Internet, but if it does not match your situation, then it will not evoke emotions. Forget about templates and beautiful proofread phrases, just write what you feel.
  • Write simply. Ornate comparisons, complex sentences, abstruse words look unnatural and insincere. Unless, of course, you explain yourself in this way all the time. Already your man (albeit a former one) will definitely feel whether you are writing on your own or have used someone's hint.
  • Don't blame. Any reproach will make a man bristle and close from your further words. In a farewell letter, admit that you did not find a common language and a way to save the relationship, but you do not need to find out who is to blame for their collapse. It is better to part with a pure soul and thoughts.

Parting: farewell letter

The essence of the letter changes dramatically from the one on whose initiative the separation occurred. If you are leaving, then explain to your man the reasons, do not make him suffer from the unknown. If he left you, express everything you think about this, especially if he did not bother to explain his act.

  1. No need for regrets. All sorts of “if only” only poison the soul and show that you, knowing how to act, did not fight for your feelings. Better use this knowledge with another man to build a stronger relationship.
  2. If you leave, leave. Do you really understand the meaning of the word "farewell"? After this message, you no longer hope for the revival of love and the continuation of relationships. Therefore, do not send a letter if you are not sure of your firmness: the word of a woman should be as weighty as that of men. At least for yourself.

Say goodbye to the guy who left me

What do you want to say to an ex-boyfriend who unexpectedly (well, or expected, which, in principle, is not very important) left you. You are upset, offended, angry, you want him to know about your emotions and understand how hard it is for you.

Of course, it all depends on the guy, and if there was sympathy and love between you, he will understand it himself.

But in any case, you need to speak out so that you can let go of your emotions and gradually restore the stability of the state, and then start a new relationship.

  • Write some letters. In the first one, let it be absolutely everything that you think: evil, angry, insulting. You need to give free rein to your emotions. Do not re-read this letter, just throw it away. In the second letter, try to control your emotions. After the first, they will be more restrained and calm. You can use it as a draft. Write the third letter after a while: state in it everything that you felt when you found out about your breakup, but no longer swearing, but simply telling. By this time, your emotions will subside, and you will begin to understand what is happening.
  • Sorry ex boyfriend. All grievances and misunderstandings, quarrels, possible insults. At the moment of parting, he became an outsider for you, albeit connected with your past, which means that negativity should also go with him. So you clear your way for new, good events. Write that you do not hold a grudge against him and ask him not to hold grudges. This does not mean that you will remain friends, but at least you will not have an enemy.
  • Don't write too much. The final version of the letter should contain only the most important. There is no need for lyrical digressions and residual romance - the former no longer needs this, and you will only feel worse. Imagine that you are doing a practice report, after which the course will be closed. Don't show a man how much he hurt you. He knows this himself, but you still have to experience emotions alone.

Farewell letter to a guy in the army

A girl who did not wait for a guy from the army is a sore subject for many military personnel. Unfortunately, this happens: while the couple is nearby, feelings seem indestructible, but separation proves the opposite. How to write to a former loved one that you are not expecting him from the army.

  • Write honestly. There is nothing worse than being sure that a loved one is faithful to you, and then finding out that he was deceiving you. You should not think that by hiding the disappearance of feelings from a guy, you will do a good deed. Especially if you have already found a replacement for him, and your mutual friends and acquaintances know about it.
  • Don't expect forgiveness right away. You really hurt your boyfriend. In the army, partings are perceived especially painfully, so be prepared that the reaction will be far from benevolent. Accept that in fact you have become a traitor.

farewell letter to boyfriend who cheated

If you are the type of girl who is unable to simply end all relationships, despite the betrayal by a guy, a farewell letter will help you sort yourself out.

  1. Don't ask for an explanation. You know, you can't tell your heart to love. If it so happened that your beloved preferred another to you, accept this fact without listening and demanding excuses from him. They won't make it any easier for you. In a letter, wish him happiness and forget it.
  2. Don't ask or give a second chance. In a farewell letter, this is at least inappropriate. If you are ready to forgive betrayal, you should not pretend that you are leaving and wait for him to return you. You either make a point or you don't.

Farewell letter to the guy you love

Why are you saying goodbye to your boyfriend? Did he leave you or do you just love him unrequitedly from a distance? However, this is not so important. In a farewell message to your loved one, you can write whatever you feel.

But do not forget to explain why you cannot be together.

Perhaps this message will not be the end of your relationship, but the beginning?

Farewell letter to a guy you don't love

The situation is standard, known to many girls: you are loved, but your heart does not respond to this feeling. And I really don’t want to offend a good person, but deceiving him or ignoring him is even worse. The letter in this case will be the most sparing option: the unfortunate lover will be able to read it alone and comprehend every line.

  1. Don't fool him. The famous phrase "Let's remain friends" will not work if you do not want to be friends with this person. It is better to write directly that his love puts you in an awkward position and causes a feeling of guilt for non-reciprocity.
  2. Explain why you don't reciprocate. Perhaps it will be easier for a guy to survive the rejection if you tell him that you love skinny brunette auto mechanics, and he is a plump blond photographer.

Farewell letter to a married man

If your chosen one is married, and you know that he won’t leave his family for you, it’s better to leave them, and take care of your personal life yourself. And as a symbol of a new stage in life, let a farewell letter to your married chosen one come forward.

In it, say goodbye and ask that he no longer bother you and that he himself does not worry about you: you are looking for a new love.

The main condition: the letter should not catch the eye of your ex-lover's wife. Therefore, think about how to convey a message to him, and then boldly burn the bridges.

Farewell letter to the guy who offended me

Just keep in mind that this letter is not for him, but for you. The offense inflicted will burn and hurt, so it is better to get rid of it immediately. Of course, it’s better to talk in person, but sometimes it’s insanely hard to tell the person you have feelings for about your offense. And paper, as you know, will endure everything. And yes, it's much easier to say goodbye.

Write the way you would like to say - without hiding a single emotion, talking about how hurt you were by him and his words or actions. This is not a letter of complaint, but simply an opportunity to get rid of the negativity, as well as to explain to the offender that he was wrong.

It is not necessary to write long letters to say goodbye to a person. You can use the modern way and send SMS to your ex-lover. We will not go into the details of your breakup, just be glad that you do not have to see the person with whom fate divorced you.

Examples of farewell SMS, again, can be found on the Internet, but it is better to use your own experience to compose an email message.

After all, these are your feelings, can't you put them in a couple of sentences? Moreover, borrowed thoughts are very easy to recognize: as a rule, they are stereotyped and grandiloquent.

Remember that SMS is a short message, so try to be concise. If they abandoned you, say that you forgive and let go. If you are the initiator of the breakup, ask for forgiveness and wish happiness with another girl. Believe me, this is the essence, and when parting, you don’t need more, otherwise it can turn into a base soap opera.

Girls mistakes

This, of course, is not about grammatical errors, although their absence speaks in your favor. But even a farewell letter can become not a point in a relationship, but a meaningless ellipsis. To prevent this from happening, keep a few things in mind.

  • Don't write a letter if it's better to talk. Still, it is difficult to convey all the intonations and nuances in writing. It may happen that a man will see in your message not at all the meaning that you put into it. If you want to sort things out once and for all, do it in person.
  • Don't wait for an answer to a farewell letter. The point is to end the relationship. If you want to use it to attract the attention of a man, to interest him, to show that you are offended - do not rely on the result. Men think straight, and not every woman will understand such a veiled hint.
  • Don't threaten or blackmail. No need to turn the letter literally into a farewell message. Sending a guy notes in which you threaten to do something to yourself because of him is mean and pathetic of you.

Writing a farewell letter is akin to keeping a diary: it allows you to speak out, ask the right questions and get answers, it’s easier to get over a breakup.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation, emotions look for a way out, and writing becomes that way out.

Therefore, do not close yourself in and do not look for ways to forget yourself in casual affairs or going to clubs.

You need to work through your problem.

  • In a letter, address the guy. Imagine that you are talking to him, ask questions, answer on his behalf. Perhaps, in the process of writing a message, you will not only calm down, but also understand the reasons for what happened.
  • Try writing yourself a letter on his behalf. This technique also allows you to forgive the person who offended you. And the ability to let go of resentment makes life much easier and more joyful.
  • It is not necessary to send a letter. If you feel better when you put your thoughts on paper, stop there. And burn the paper or save it until the moment when you want to re-read the letter and laugh at your naivety.

Answers to other frequently asked questions

Farewell letter to a beloved man from his mistress

A farewell letter to your beloved husband is one thing, but a letter to someone else's beloved husband is quite another. If you happened to find yourself in mistresses, but you decided to end this relationship and finally write a letter, be careful. Compose the message so that he does not think that you are trying to blackmail him with your feelings.

  1. Explain why you decided to say goodbye. Very few women can be completely satisfied with the position of a mistress. Yes, you can be good together, but he goes to his wife, and you are left alone. He lives a full life, even a little more than necessary, and you are deprived of constancy and a sense of stability. And in order not to put him before a choice, you decided to go your own way.
  2. Don't blame him. If he did not leave his wife before the letter, then he is unlikely to do so after it either. So just say goodbye, but don't try to make him feel like the ultimate villain.

How to write a letter to get a loved one back

As a rule, relationships collapse from misunderstanding and inability to find a compromise in a couple. Who knows, perhaps your farewell letter to your loved one will give you another chance, of course, provided that there are still feelings between you. If you count on it, writing a letter will require maximum effort from you.

  • Use shared memories. Instead of abstract descriptions for a man of your joint future, use what binds you. Does he remember your first kiss, your first walk, how he bought you cotton candy and you dropped it in a pond? How did you know that you need each other? How did you call him at night to pick you up from your girlfriend's birthday and he got lost? Everything that connects you, what makes you close people. Put these emotions into a letter, and if he does not respond to it, then, indeed, nothing will be returned.
  • Write everything that you were afraid to say and hid. It happens that even a close person is afraid to open up. If you haven’t shown enough tenderness, now is the time to improve and do everything so that your loved one feels his need in your life.
  • Give the letter yourself. Do not send it by mail, but hand it over and wait for an answer. If you can’t say what you wrote, let him read it, and you sign it with a kiss at the end. It is more expressively difficult to confess your love.

Remember that thoughts put into words take on a different meaning and can both improve life and poison it. So handle them carefully.

I am writing a letter to you by chance .... So…. The mood "prompted" .... I don’t know if I’ll send you what I write, but it will be easier for me for sure! Let it "sound" selfish! Then I will say this: today I will allow myself to be selfish (to the fullest).

Goodbye! A terrible but forced word. Farewell letter ..., farewell word. Perhaps I would not have written it to you .... But yesterday's meeting with you changed everything. I'm getting married. You have been invited to the wedding for a long time, because you are the best friend of my childhood. And yesterday I brought an official invitation…. I was lucky: I gave it to you personally. Your sad phrase turned my whole mind…. You said (incredibly quietly): "you still decided to legitimize relations with him ...".

I understand that you only want me to be happy. I am grateful to you for volunteering to help with the "preparations" of jewelry .... But your tone told me a lot….

Sasha, I've been waiting for you too long! And I hoped for a lot in vain .... In the distant past, you could say I ran after you. But you were small (boys mature later than girls!) and didn’t understand anything. And I suffered, although I was also not very mature. I can honestly tell you now: I have been in love with you for more than ten years! Impressive, right? I am in the same shock.

Did you keep my notes and letters? Do you keep it now? I wrote you so many of them that it even becomes embarrassing! But I (at that time) was not up to it! I waited for you to grow up, but I never did.

Our lives scattered and fled. But I couldn't forget you. I remember the first time I was married. I was in my early twenties... How long ago was that! I just feel old - old when I look at my passport! How quickly the years have flown by!

My friend (who knows you, but you definitely won’t remember her) was very surprised when she found out that we communicate closely with you.

No offense! My "parting word" is just a convention, nothing more! But I'm taking you into a new life in the "role" of a best friend! Do you agree? I don't think you'll give up on this.

If you understand that you love me - stop loving me! We don't have a future. Now there is no! It will sound rude now, but you are late, my friend! I really believe that you will find a girl, she will love you as much as I loved you for a long time ....

Am I crying? Yes! Inspired…. It's a shame that it all turned out this way. I have been waiting for you for so many years, I protected my love, cherished and cherished .... The result is a completely different future! But, believe me, I dreamed about it!

It is very inconvenient that my small dream, which is connected with you, came true too late .... We kissed! But I no longer needed that kiss, since I was already building another destiny. I don't regret anything, of course. On the other hand…. If something happened to you and me many years ago ... .. I would not have a person whom I love to madness! I'm sorry, but I'm better with him! In any case, I did not waste the best years of my life and spend them on oceans of tears. I don't blame you anymore. Everything is gone!

If you are hurt mentally, do not come to my celebration. You know. That I understand you in this! But I will be grateful and happy if you are there on such a beautiful day for me!

Sanya, dear, you deserve great happiness! You told me the same. It turns out that both I and you deserve it, but in different "worlds". I don't mean the "world of Hare Krishnas" in which you now live.... Yes - yes, I mean exactly you and me!

I have a very strange feeling inside right now…. As if something in the soul is dying, dying .... It's even harder to put it into words. It's easier to feel.

But I wouldn't wish that on anyone, I tell you honestly! If you knew how hard it is for me to write all this now .... But I write to make it easier ....

Sanya! Thank you for being such a close friend to me! You've saved me so many times already that I've lost count! I helped you no less. But I help everyone and always! And you are a special case. I want to do something good for you all the time….

You may misunderstand my behavior. I have no feelings (except friendly) for you! I treat you very well. Like none of the guys. But please don't count on anything. If it will be hard for you to see me, we will limit ourselves to communication on the Internet, messages and mobile phones.

I will write cruelty, but I will write all the same! And then it will “sit” inside me, like a splinter. I've suffered because of you, and now it's your turn to suffer! Time will pass and everything will calm down, Sasha! Just manage to wait out this whole difficult period! I can advise how to do it! Work hard and spend a lot of time with friends. "Get lost" with nephew Verochka. I have never seen her, but my grandmother says that she is a charm. Of this I do not doubt for a moment!

I have one request for you... When you finish reading the letter, look at me. I want to have a cup of coffee or tea with you. If you want, invite me. And I'll be right there! I can bake a pie if you're willing to wait! You know for a long time: I don’t go to visit empty-handed.

I have no idea how and what I will tell you. But I know for sure that nothing can be planned. Any plans are in vain. Everything will be on a different “route”, and not on the one that would have been planned. We will look at everything according to the circumstances!

I just had this thought in my head... That I will come to you and I will stand at the door, because you will not let me on the threshold. Do not be afraid of me! I'm not going to come to you at all! I am so faithful to my fiancé that even on the cheek, when greeting, I am afraid to kiss.

I have never been like this with anyone. Sanya, rejoice for me: I fell in love with a man! Love is the greatest happiness. You can also mention health, but it is more difficult to find it than the “soul mate”. I wish you to find it too, my friend! Don't forget to invite to the wedding! I say right away: I definitely won’t come alone, since my beloved and I are one inseparable whole!

Understand my every word correctly so that you don’t get offended and don’t think badly of me. I deserve that you specifically think of me exceptionally well. Am I overestimating myself? May be! But don't focus on it! Thank you for reading these lines! Come to visit me! You may not reply to a letter. Say everything, looking into the eyes, if it's easy!

Continuation. . .

Life - Love - Sadness.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Last letter to sons

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (USA) were accused of passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. On April 5, 1951, they were sentenced to death, and on June 19 they were executed in the electric chair. On the day of their execution, they wrote this letter to their two sons.

Our dearest, most precious children, even this morning it seemed to us that we could meet again. But now this is not feasible. And I so want you to know everything that I have learned. Unfortunately, I can only write a few simple words, everything else your life has to teach you, just as mine taught me. At first, of course, you will grieve for us, but you will not be alone. This is what consoles us, and what should, in the end, help you. One day you will realize that life is worth living. Know that even now, when our life is slowly moving towards the end, our convictions are stronger than our executioners! Your life must teach you that good cannot flourish in the heart of evil, that freedom and all those things that make life truly worthy and true must sometimes come at a very high cost. Know that we calmly accept the fact that civilization has not yet reached the point where it is not necessary to sacrifice life for the sake of life, and that we are comforted by the firm confidence that others will continue our work. We would like to enjoy life with you. Your father, who remains by my side during these last hours, sends you, our dear boys, all his heart and all his love. Always remember that we were innocent and could not compromise our conscience. We hold you close and kiss you with all our might. With love, Mom and Dad, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Melissa Nathan. Last letter to family

Melissa Nathan was a popular English writer. In 2001 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. In April 2006, shortly after her son's third birthday, she died at the age of 37. Her latest novel, The Learning Curve, came out after her death in August 2006. Knowing that she would never see it published again, Melissa used the first pages of the book to say goodbye to her family.

I found myself in the unusual position of knowing that this book would most likely be published after my death. So forgive me for a rather strange introduction. First, I want to thank my wonderful parents. You have given me a life full of love, support and friendship. I was lucky to look you both in the eyes as equals, and at the same time look up at you. Please don't ever think that I had a hard life. I have lived a great 37 years and I am grateful to both of you for what you have given me. I am happy and at peace with myself. My dear Andrew. I respect you as much as I love you, and that means a lot. If anyone can handle my departure, it's you. After all, you lived with me for almost 12 years, and it's not that easy. I'm so glad I got to know you. You were my safe harbor, my gentle giant, my best friend, my everything. I wish you a happy life full of love and joy. And you, my beautiful Sammy. I would like to get to know you better, my love, but this will not happen. And yet, despite the fact that you are only three years old, you have already left an imprint in my heart that will stay with me wherever I go. Motherhood has made my life precious. You gave me this. What can a mother wish for her son? I wish you happiness. You have a wonderful father and a family that adores you. Go into the world knowing that you were everything to me and that you won't have to deal with an annoying mother who will try to kiss you when you turn 15. I will kiss you from afar in heaven.

Captain Kuno. Last letter to children

Captain Kuno is a Japanese pilot, a kamikaze volunteer who died in May 1945. Before his last flight, he wrote a letter to his children: son (5 years old) and daughter (2 years old).

Dear Masanori and Kyoko, even if you cannot see me, I will always look at you. Listen to your mom and don't upset her. When you grow up, choose your own path and become good Japanese. Do not be jealous that other children have fathers, for I will become a spirit and watch over both of you. Study well and help your mom. I can't help you, so be each other's best friends. I was an energetic person, I flew a big bomber and killed all the enemies. Please become better than me, this will avenge my death.

Wild Bill Hickok. Last letter to wife

James Butler Hickok, aka Wild Bill, was a famous gunfighter and scout in the Wild West. On August 2, 1876, he played poker. A former buffalo hunter named Jack McCall entered the saloon. He shouted "Get it!" and shot Bill at point-blank range. Shortly before this, Bill had a bad feeling and wrote a short farewell letter to his wife.

Dear Agnes, if it happens that we do not meet again, then with my last shot I will tenderly pronounce the name of my wife - Agnes - and, wishing well even to my enemies, I will dive and try to reach the other shore.

Jacob Vowell. Last letter to family

On May 19, 1902, there was an explosion in a coal mine in Tennessee that killed 216 miners. Some of them survived the explosion and for some time waited for help behind the rubble. Jacob ended up in the mine with his 14-year-old son Elbert. Out of breath, he wrote a letter to his wife Ellen and his family.

Ellen, dear, we say goodbye to you. Elbert says the Lord will save him. Take care of our children. We all pray for air to go, but we are getting worse. Horace, Elbert says you can wear his boots and clothes. I hand over Paul Harmon's watch to Andy Wood. Ellen, I want you to live well and go to heaven. Little Elbert said he trusted the Lord. Breathing is getting harder. Dear Ellen, I left you in poverty, but I hope the Lord will help you raise my little children. Elbert said that he would meet you all in paradise, that all the children would meet us there. Please take care of them. Oh how I wish I was with you. Goodbye everyone, goodbye. Bury Albert and me in the same grave as little Eddie. Goodbye Ellen, goodbye Lilly, goodbye Jimmy, goodbye Minnie, goodbye Horace. Oh my god, another breath of air. Ellen, remember me while you're alive. Farewell, dear. It's now 25 minutes past two. Few of us survived. Jake and Albert.

Ziyad Jarrah. Last letter to the bride

Ziyad Jarrah is a terrorist, one of the organizers of the September 11, 2001 attacks. He was 26 years old when he hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. On September 10, he wrote a long letter to his fiancee Aysel, who lived in Germany. She never received the letter because she had moved. The post office returned it to the US, where it ended up in the hands of the FBI. On the first page of the letter:

I don't want you to be sad. I still live somewhere, although you cannot see and hear me, but I will see you and know what is happening to you. And I'll wait until you come to me. Everyone has their time and everyone will leave one day. It’s my fault that I made you hope for a wedding, marriage, children and a family ... You should be proud of me, because this is a matter of honor, and you will see that everyone will be happy as a result ... I did what I had to do.
At the end, Ziyad wrote:
Remember who you are and what is worthy of you. I hug you and kiss your hands and head. I thank you and apologize for the wonderful and difficult 5 years that you spent with me. Your patience… Allah… I am your prince and I will take you. Goodbye! Yours forever.

Captain Robert Scott. Last letter to wife

Captain of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott in March 1922 was returning from the South Pole. Buran locked the expedition members in a tent, they suffered from hunger and cold. Scott was the last to die, having managed to write a letter to his wife Caitlin.

To my widow Dear, beloved. It's not easy for me to write because of the cold - 70 degrees below zero and only a tent protects ... We are at a dead end, and I'm not sure we can handle it. During a short breakfast, I use a little warmth to write letters in preparation for a possible death. If something happens to me, I would like you to know how much you meant to me. I have to write a letter to the boy, I hope when he grows up he will have time to read it. Honey, you know I don't like sentimental bullshit about remarriage. When a worthy man appears in your life, you should become happy again. Get your son interested in science if you can. It's better than games. Try to teach him faith in God, she consoles. Oh my dear, my dear, how I dreamed of his future. And yet, my girl, I know you can handle it. Your portraits will be found on my chest. I could tell you a lot about this trip. What stories could you tell our boy, but, oh, at what cost. Lose the opportunity to see your sweet, sweet face. I think there is no chance. We decided not to kill ourselves, and fight to the end to get to the camp. Death in a fight is painless, so don't worry about me.

Milada Gorakova. Last letter to family

Milada Horakova was a Czech politician and member of parliament. After the Communists came to power, on September 27, 1949, Milada was accused of "preparing a subversive plot." She pleaded not guilty, was sentenced to death and hanged. Before her execution, she was allowed to write three letters: to her husband, 6-year-old daughter and mother-in-law. Here is what she wrote to her child:

It's not that I love you too little, I love you as pure and passionate as other mothers love their children. But I understand that my task in this world was to ... achieve that life was better and that all children could live better .... Don't be afraid and don't be sad because I won't be back. My child, learn as soon as possible to look at life seriously. Life is hard, it doesn't caress anyone, but don't let it conquer you. Choose to fight.

Sullivan Ballou. Last letter to wife

This letter was written in 1861, a week before Major Sullivan Ballou of the 2nd Road Island Volunteers was killed at the Battle of Bull Run, the first major land battle of the American Civil War.

Dear Sara! Everything suggests that soon we will hit the road, perhaps tomorrow. And since I won't be able to write to you, I feel I must leave a few lines that you might catch your eye when I'm gone. I have no doubt or distrust of the purpose for which we are fighting, and my courage has not dried up or diminished. I know that American civilization rests on the success of our government, and I know that we owe it to those who went through the blood and suffering of the revolution before us. And I wish, sincerely wish, to leave the joys of life in order to support this government and pay this debt. Sarah, my love for you is immortal. It seems to bind me with fetters that only providence can break. But still, my love for the Motherland is above me, it is like a strong wind that takes me with all these shackles to the battlefield. The memories of all the amazing moments I had with you overwhelm me and I am deeply grateful to God and you for enjoying them for so long. How hard it is for me to leave them now and burn down hopes and future years, when, by the will of God, we could live and love on and see how our boys grow up worthy men next to us. If I do not return, my dear Sarah, never forget how I loved you, and that when my last breath escaped, your name sounded in it ... Forgive me my sins and the pain that I caused you. How thoughtless and stupid I have sometimes been!.. But, Sarah, if the dead can return to this earth and hover unseen next to those they love, I will always be with you. And the brightest day, and the darkest night ... always, always. And when a light wind touches your cheeks, it will be my breath, and when the cool air refreshes your forehead, know that my spirit has flown by. Sarah, don't mourn for me - believe that I just left and wait for me, because we will meet again.

Mary, Queen of Scots. Last letter to Henry III, King of France

Mary Stuart, arrested on the orders of Elizabeth, was sentenced to death for her part in a conspiracy against the queen. On the morning of February 8, 1587, 6 hours before her execution, Mary wrote her last letter to her late husband's brother, King Henry III. In the message, she claimed that she was being punished only for her faith and for her right to the English throne, and also asked Henry to take care of her servants - when she was executed, they would be left without a livelihood. Her last letter ended like this:

I have taken the liberty of sending you two jewels, talismans against diseases, hoping that you will live a long and happy life in good health. Accept them from your loving sister-in-law, who, in the approach of death, testifies to her warm feelings for you. Arrange, if you please, that for the salvation of my soul all that I have bequeathed be paid, and that, in the name of Jesus Christ, to whom I pray for you before I die, enough is left for me to serve a memorial service and gave, as is customary, alms to the poor. Tuesday at two o'clock in the morning. Your most sensitive and devoted sister.

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Beautiful farewell letter

The reasons for parting are different: misunderstandings, resentment that has accumulated gradually, betrayal, just a feeling that love is gone. Many stories have a good start, not everyone is able to leave love, put an end to it. It is difficult to take thoughts into a fist and say: "Sorry, we need to leave."

At this point, the voice may tremble slightly, and tears will also flow. If you still have to part, then you should try to write a farewell letter to your loved one. Girls are fragile creatures, however, at times they have to pull themselves together and say goodbye. In this form, it is easier to do this, although it is, therefore, difficult.

Farewell letter to a loved one

I'm sorry, dear, that I can't tell you everything to your face. I'm worried that I won't be able to find the right words. I thought about writing a farewell letter. You know very well that I have always loved you. Every day I think about those moments spent together, your frequent calls. At that time, I felt like the happiest person in the world. I would give anything right now to recreate that time.

I will greatly miss your powerful and gentle hands, be sad for your look, and also want to find myself in your arms again. I think about the time we spent together every day. Our first meeting is on my mind.
I'm sorry, but we'll have to break up. Warm memories of us will remain in my head.

Last letter to a beloved man

I never thought that you do not seek to cherish our feelings and relationships. We used to understand each other perfectly. I wonder if we have even a drop of love left or if we need to start life from scratch.

Because you feel that my love belongs to you. Your constant calls, our first date, I will remember for a long time. I'm not going to be indifferent to our relationship. I spoke so little about my love. I always worried that the fairy tale would end. I will always remember you. You are forever in my heart.

How to write a farewell letter to tears

There are always thoughts in my head about our meeting, about your stories and calls. For me, the most important thing is that you are my beloved man, but I am not the one who needs you. If everything, as I say, you at least say something, because the separation becomes more and more difficult. Whatever decision you make, I will accept it.

Beautiful farewell letter from wife

“My dear husband! I was finally able to pull myself together and decide to write you a letter in which I wanted to express my feelings. Our love has turned into something else. The fact that I try to turn our lives into a fairy tale does not help. You stopped calling, our meetings became rare. You must understand that I am a girl and I feel everything.

It became hard for me to pretend. Let me cry and worry, but I will try to survive it. I want to let you go, be free. I'm sorry I couldn't make you the happiest person. May everything be fine with you. Sorry, goodbye!"

Farewell letter to ex man

With you, I learned to love. You taught me to enjoy every moment. For all the time of our relationship, you have become a part of my soul. Every day next to you, I will remember. I realize that tomorrow I won't see you, I won't touch you, I won't smell you. It hurts me that you won't be around.

I realized that you are mine. You didn't want to change for me. And I'm not going to wait long. I do not want to suffer and worry anymore, I hope you receive this letter and read it.

Farewell letter from a mistress to a married man

“Beloved, but not my man. It's hard for me to write these lines. I couldn't love you, but I couldn't contain myself. Surprisingly, you could not resist me. Our relationship was like a sweet dream.

But no matter how bitter it is, we have to part with you. You are a married man, I am not going to destroy your family. At first it will be difficult and difficult for us, but it is necessary to do this for our own benefit. Be happy with the one you call wife. You loved her before, you can love her again. I don't want to bring suffering anymore. I'm sorry, I'm leaving"

Letter to the man who quit

"My dear! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else because I love you. Now I feel hurt to the core. Before, your hands warmed me, now bitter tears of resentment, disappointment. Before, my heart rejoiced.

Now it's like it's been ripped out of my chest. You left without really explaining anything. Just disappeared. I'm sorry, I'm not ready to forgive you even if you want to come back. Be happy".

Letter to the man who offended

"Hi sunshine. I decided to write the last message in prose. There is no strength for poems and rhymes. They left with tears that I could hardly stop, it's time to put an end to it.

We started arguing and saying hurtful things. We have become strangers. Let's admit that love has become a void, we have destroyed it. We're splitting up. Sorry!"

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How to write a farewell letter to your beloved man? Farewell to a man. Farewell words to a man.

If you want to leave.... Maybe you don’t want to, but the circumstances have developed, and there are no other options .... However, about everything from the very beginning.

You met someone else, but the one you met a couple of years before him is not so easy to tell about everything. Unfortunately, it is impossible to break off relations, and at the same time not cause any pain to the person with whom you need to “make” separation.

Did you say goodbye to a man?- The situation is like this. Do you love him. But the parents of the beloved are against you. This is what confuses you the most, even though you understand that everyone cannot be liked. That is, it is possible, but not possible. You met another man. No matter how cruel it may sound, but you really want, with the help of a new comer, to forget your loved one. You just read somewhere the phrase: “the best cure for love is new love.” And you hope that you can fall in love so blindly that you will no longer remember the man without whom, quite recently, your life seemed completely worthless.

It's hard for you. You would do anything to be with your loved one. But you don’t want to constantly know how the mother of your beloved treats her. And it is foolish to declare a hunger strike, it is foolish to ask God for indulgence, it is foolish to hope for a miracle .... It is necessary to dot all the points, but with minimal moral pain. And moral pain, by the way, hurts much more than physical pain.

How to write a farewell letter to your beloved man? What parting words to write to a man?

In any case, it is much easier to write about separation than to talk about it, looking straight into the eyes. How to write?

A farewell letter, farewell words to a beloved man, a loved one.

AT from sample:

“With you, I was the happiest woman in the world. I remember everything about you. I won't forget everything we've been through together. It so happened that we had to part. There is no need to think that something in you has ceased to suit me: you, as before, are perfect. Too perfect for me. You are beautiful. Your lips, your eyes, your face, your voice, your laugh.... All this lives not only in the photograph, but also deep in the heart.

Now I am writing to you, and I cannot hold back my tears, even though I try. You will notice a blob on every period and comma, but ignore them. Watch what is hidden in the letter that I am writing to you with all my heart, the depths of which I recalled in the last paragraph.

I don't want to cry! Tears help me. Truth. They treat me. So, forgive me my salty sea, which finally smeared my mascara. Do you remember how you gave it to me? I will keep the bottle from her, collecting all the memories of you in it.

I do not love you anymore. Too bad I never learned to lie. I love you, but I met someone else. And I am not writing about this at all in order to break your poor heart. I love his knock, his beating in silence ....

But we can't be together. Our paths decided to part. I calm myself only by saying that everything that is done is done for the better. Just have to wait for the best. Actually, my best thing is you. Thanks to fate, I waited for you. And I even was with you. I was happy with you...

Forgive me for the love, and for the fact that I decided to leave. I don't know how I did it myself. And don't fight with your mom because of me: she wants you to meet the most wonderful woman on the planet. You know it's not me. I'm far from the most wonderful.

Think about me…. But think all the bad things in order to be disappointed sooner. I don't want you to suffer. I don't deserve it. As, in general, and any other girl.

Darling, we're just unlucky. We can't be together. But they were together in the past. So let's try to protect him. I appreciate all the moments and minutes that we spent together. Do you appreciate them? Then forgive me and let go. But not to hate me. Hate is too strong a feeling. Don't test it on me: I'm not worthy.

You'll be happy. Just be optimistic. And do not consider it a betrayal that I am not with you now. I did it on purpose so that you would learn to be disappointed in me. Please forgive me. But I can't be with you knowing how annoying your mother is. Unfortunately, parents are not chosen. Respect your mom. As before - Love her. She has spent her whole life with you. And I am your happy accident, which, by an unfortunate coincidence, did not please your mother. It happens. I do not wish you harm, I do not curse. I remember how you told me that in your life there are two women whom you really appreciate and love: me and your mother. It is foolish to compare love for a mother and love for the one and only. Yes, I do not want you to compare these two feelings. There is no point in comparison. I am leaving your life so that another one comes into it, one that your mother will really like, whom she can love like her own daughter.

Are you surprised by my such humanity? Nothing surprising. I just want, I dream that you are the happiest. If I am with you, happiness will move aside, because, always, between us and our love, there will be your mother. And you know it.".

I won't continue writing.: continue it yourself, if, nevertheless, you decide to write it. Maybe you will do otherwise: you will rent an apartment and live with your loved one, no matter what. But then you will have to never think about his mother, who is so against your true and warm love.

No one looked into the soul of the mother of your beloved man. It is quite possible that she is very afraid for her son and for his future, since, to put it mildly, he was very unlucky with the opposite sex.

Do you think that no farewell letters are needed for a man? Do not write. It will become easier for you also from the fact that you leave your thoughts in poetry or in a diary, or simply on forums, on the Internet. Perhaps you should talk to a close friend. And it helps. Just don't think about how things could have been different. Don't blame yourself for anything. And don't blame him. Fate has decreed that you are not on your way. So, it is necessary. And not only to you, but to someone in heaven.

Letters should be written from the heart, and not on the advice or experience of friends. Maybe you don't need to write them. In general, when you write about painful and intimate things, it becomes easier for both the soul and the body. The problem is that not everyone knows how to write letters (both in terms of content and in terms of grammatical and spelling errors).

write, if the soul asks for it!

