Psychic strength. Real Witch

"Now there is no doubt about
the existence of telepathy, levitation,
clairvoyance, retrovision or
that the energy of consciousness plays
certain role in the physical
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G.I. Shipov

What are psychic phenomena?
The nature of psi-phenomena has become the subject of many disputes, both among their defenders and among their opponents. And, apparently, the time has come to tell the truth about these phenomena.
Many people in their lives have encountered such phenomena as ghosts, vision of divine phenomena, foresight of future events, telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel, etc.
In principle, in all these cases, we are talking about manifestations of the hidden power of the human intellect, which allows some people to perform acts that are not yet explainable from a scientific point of view. Such manifestations include telepathy, clairvoyance and foresight of further events, psychokinesia. Currently, psychic phenomena are most often divided into five categories (in some sources you may find more categories and other names):

1. Telepathy- allows two (sometimes more people) people to communicate through thoughts.

2. Clairvoyance- the ability to perceive events, objects from the past, future, present without the use of organs and senses.

3. Foresight (prophecy)- the ability to know about future events without relying on previous events.

4. Psychokinesis- the ability to move, bend, stop the movement of objects (for example, stop the operation of clocks, radio and television equipment, etc. or vice versa) without the use of physical means. Other options for working with matter are also possible.

5. Out-of-body perceptions travel outside the body...
What is it connected with? It is connected with the energy of the intellect, with the messages of the subconscious, with psi-sensitivity, with control over the mind and body.

Energy of intelligence
Parapsychologists attribute psi-phenomena to manifestations of intellectual energy. It should be said that this energy and its mechanism have not yet been fully explored.
In the middle of the 20th century, the Italian neurologist F. Cazzamalli put forward the theory that human brain cells could generate enough energy to transmit electromagnetic waves. Telepathy and clairvoyance are the result of such radiations. However, the Soviet physicist L.L. Vasiliev rejected this hypothesis with his experiments. The subject was placed in a cabin preventing the passage of electromagnetic waves, and a person with telepathic abilities, located next to the cabin, hypnotized the subject in the cabin. Further research also proved that electromagnetic waves do not participate in psi phenomena, although they can affect the brain . Brain energy is more penetrating than electromagnetic waves and depends on many factors.
In the 60s of the 20th century, John Eccles substantiated the existence of an unknown energy inside the brain, which is the cause of psychokinetic phenomena and allows telepathic transmissions to be made. British astronomer V.A. Firsoff considered the cause of these phenomena to be the action of certain particles of energy produced by the brain, which he called "mindons" (from the English mind - mind, intellect). Psychologist Cyril Barthes used the term "psicons" to refer to these smallest particles of psychic energy. They are like neutrons and can travel faster than the speed of light. In 1965, mathematician Adrian Dobbs justified the existence of "psitrons" like "mindons" and "psicons" to explain not only telepathy, but also precognition.
According to Dobbs' hypothesis, telepathy exists because the brain emits streams (or "clouds") of invisible psitrons and telepathic messages are transmitted with their help. These particles have no mass and move as if they were in a vacuum, so messages are transmitted and received by the brain instantly. To explain precognition, Dobbs used the theory that there is another dimension of time other than linear time (from the present to the future). In this "space-time continuum" the events of the past, present and future coexist as a whole. Psytrons can enter this dimension, capture information about past, present and future events and transmit it to the brain upon return. Opponents of psi-phenomena rejected these explanations as an empty fantasy. But the theory of the existence of a "space-time continuum" in which the events of the past, present and future coexist as a whole was confirmed by Soviet physicists at the end of the 20th century. Read more detailed information about this in the section "The World of Subtle Matters", and in the section "Cosmology and global problems of our planet".
In recent decades, scientists have been arguing about the existence of such particles as "tachyons", which carry an electric charge and do not have a material mass; they travel faster than light like psitrons. An imaginary "projectile" consisting of "tachyons" hits the target before it is fired, just as telepathic thoughts enter the recipient's mind before the sender realizes that he thought about it.

Subconscious Messages
Psi phenomena are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory, as required by conventional science. Because the events in question happen and disappear, immediately turning into memories. They leave no trace and depend on many subtle factors.
When trying to study these phenomena, scientists encountered certain difficulties. So, if the subject lost interest in the experiment, then the results obtained, from his abilities, were significantly reduced.
Psychological research has contributed to explaining the unevenness of some of the experimental results. So, the state of mind of the subject takes on special significance if a person begins to doubt the level of his abilities. Psychologist G.R. Schmeidler discovered the effect known as the "sheep-goat" effect. According to Schmeidler, participants who are convinced that they have psi powers perform better in experiments because they allow their ESP to "drive itself forward," as sheep do. People who believe otherwise achieve worse results because they "resist" the influence of this perception - this is how goats behave. Also, some subjects get results much lower than expected. Dr. Schmeider attributed this to their subconscious desire not to draw attention to their psychic abilities.
The connection between the subconscious and psychic phenomena was deeply studied by the Californian psychologist Charles Tart. According to Tart, extrasensory perception is the result of subconscious signals that we all constantly receive. People who are considered gifted are simply more sensitive to these signals than everyone else, and this sensitivity causes the signals to simply “break through” from the subconscious into their consciousness.
The manner of behavior and subconscious desires of the researcher can also significantly affect the results of the experiment, which has already been proven experimentally. The researcher himself can improve the result of the experiment or reduce it, since there is a subconscious connection between the researcher and the subject. Moreover, the subconscious interaction of both can even disrupt the operation of measuring instruments. Therefore, when studying psi-phenomena, the image of an objective researcher is often an unattainable ideal. The researcher should try to be neutral about the course of the experiment, knowing that his subconscious mind can send signals that affect the results of the experiment. The subject during the experiment should feel as relaxed as possible.

Psi sensitivity
Psi-sensitivity is the ability of a person to influence his mental abilities. Many people possess this skill, which was confirmed by studies conducted back in the 70s of the 20th century. Thus, a survey of the population in the United States revealed that more than half of the respondents were sure that they had to use their extrasensory abilities. In fact, 15 out of every 100 people spoke about their ability to telepathy or clairvoyance, less often - to foresight. To the surprise of scientists, polls conducted in other countries gave similar results.
Psi-phenomena were previously identified by many with ignorance and prejudice, however, the mentioned studies involved mainly people who do not have these qualities. According to the so-called psi-scale, developed by Andrew Greeley, to measure psi-sensitivity, people who were well educated, respectful of the religious feelings of others and not associated with any religion had higher scores. The social status of these people was different. It should also be added here that emotionality is a fundamental element of psi-sensitivity.

Psi-phenomena, most often recorded in everyday life, are associated with telepathy, clairvoyance and foresight. A skill most often associated with "telepathy" - "reading thoughts", which, for example, allow us to answer the interlocutor's question before he asks it; "call anticipation" and guessing who called.
If consciously or subconsciously you "see" how this person is dialing your phone number, in this case we are talking about the phenomenon of clairvoyance.
Quite often there is also the ability to recognize objects or images that cannot be seen (if they were hidden specifically for the experiment). Their guessing may be a manifestation of telepathic contact with another person who sees these objects, before they were hidden, and tries to subconsciously convey information about them to you. But it can also be a gift of clairvoyance if there is no such clue.
In the field of psychokinesia, the most common psychic skills are interference with mechanical and electrical devices (eg clocks, street lights, computers, etc.).

mind reading
We've all experienced the feeling of reading someone's mind at some point. This is, in essence, an imitative action, we imitate the thoughts of another person. Sometimes the person himself, without knowing it, lets us know what he is thinking, through a look or gesture that we notice subconsciously. But in most situations, this is a manifestation of telepathic abilities.
One of the modern theories explaining the phenomenon of telepathy is based on the existence of the so-called "mirror neurons" discovered by the Italian neurophysiologists Giacomo Rizzolatti and Vittorio Gallese. According to their experiments, these neurons, located in the cerebral cortex, force "laboratory primates" (devices) to automatically repeat the actions and gestures that they observe in humans. In the case of telepathy, observation is replaced by another nerve stimulus, for example, an energy impulse imperceptible at the physical level. The result will be a repetition, but not of a gesture, but of exactly the same impulse (thought).
Spontaneous telepathy is impossible to analyze. And very few people, because of their modesty, use their telepathic abilities. Parapsychologists have found that these abilities are more easily recognized in the face of danger or in special states of consciousness (such as hypnosis or meditation). Another factor that enhances telepathic transmission is feelings of love and friendship. It was found that telepathic communication most often occurs in people connected by sensual bonds. Psychologists believe that the reason for this is that we know our loved ones well, and this allows us to predict their reactions. However, in many cases this knowledge does not play any role.
In the 70s of the 20th century, various studies were carried out with children in elementary school. These children often "guessed" the answers to their teachers' questions. Many of them had telepathic abilities. And it was not the mental abilities of the children, but the feeling of love that they felt for their teachers.
Some parapsychologists believe that the connection between attachment and telepathic abilities is based on the subconscious nature of telepathic perception. According to their theory, this perception arises at the subconscious level due to mental stimuli that open the way to consciousness. Some researchers are of the opinion that we can indeed telepathically transmit the state of the soul, which allows people close to us to tune in to our thoughts. Others believe that feelings of affection and telepathic contact are only situationally related. People often contact each other, and therefore a telepathic connection arises, which cannot be with strangers, especially in a public place. However, even with strangers, we exchange telepathic information all the time.
Relationships between parents and children have often been the subject of research. According to the observations of psychiatrist Berthold Schwartz, summarized in his book Telepathic Communication between Parents and Children, parents and children communicate telepathically all the time while children are growing. Later, such contacts are replaced by other forms of communication, but they can be renewed in certain critical situations.
Schwartz's ideas were developed by the psychiatrist Jan Ehrenwald, one of the recognized American researchers in the field of extrasensory perception. He studied newborns and found that telepathy is inherent in all human beings, but this ability is often suppressed or forgotten as speech develops, and perhaps completely lost during puberty.

telepathic states. Meditation, hypnosis, sleep, and other altered states of consciousness enhance the telepathic abilities of many people. This is because, like mental stimuli, these states make subconscious perception possible. Under these conditions, alpha waves are formed in the brain, while the frequency of electromagnetic waves decreases. A person also experiences the alpha state with deep inner peace, which usually occurs during meditation. At these moments, a person feels a connection with the whole world, the line between people and inanimate objects disappears.
Many telepathic experiments are often carried out according to the "ganzfeld" method (translated from German - "empty field"). The essence of this technique is to isolate the recipient's brain from all sensory influences so that he can focus on his inner perception. Participants cover their eyes with tape and put on headphones in which “white noise” is heard (noise similar to the noise of an untuned radio receiver). In the human brain, alpha or theta waves are generated, like those that occur during deep sleep. The results of experiments have shown that in such states, correct telepathic responses are 50 percent higher than the average probability.
It should be said that telepathic communications do not depend on the distance between the sender and the recipient. So, in one unusual experiment, the recipient was in the Swiss Alps and caught messages from the sender, who was off the coast of Florida and was diving. When the recipient picked up the sender's information, the instruments registered a significant change in the sender's circulation.

Remote Vision (DIV)
This phenomenon is one of the most studied methods of clairvoyance. Remote viewing is an ability that all people have. It allows highly sensitive people to describe distant places and events through sensations without using the senses. By concentrating on a particular place, the recipient of such a vision can describe it in great detail, although this place will be unfamiliar to him.
Sometimes DIV receivers can follow the actions of a person in a remote place, knowing only his name, or even interfere with his life.
Parapsychologist William Roll believes that these abilities are due to the existence of so-called "psy-fields". Both words, objects, and places have their own psi-fields, in which all phenomena and mental subjects that were previously located in these places are registered. Clairvoyant people are able to distinguish these "traces" and use them to determine the causes of phenomena.
The existence of psi-fields can also explain the miracles allegedly caused by certain spells and witchcraft rituals, using words with especially intense psi-fields.
Remote viewing can be done:
1) - with the help of the palms of the hands: on the palms of a person there are complex electromagnetic sensors;
2) - you can catch imperceptible smells at a great distance with your nose and use them to determine the emotional state of other people.
Remote viewing in the early 70s of the 20th century began to be investigated by the US government, for its use in the future as a tool for espionage. The reasons for the interest of the US government in the DIV lay in the intensification of the arms race caused by the rivalry of this country with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Russia, on the other hand, began to conduct large-scale studies of various paranormal phenomena from the 20s of the 20th century, calling them psychotronic research. But it was not until the 1960s that the world learned that the Soviet authorities had invested $15 billion in this research, which allegedly included experiments on covert surveillance at a distance of military installations and the disruption of the vital functions of enemy agents by telepathic methods.
The US government responded by funding various programs, in particular, laboratories were created to study "psychoenergetics". In 1973, the CIA created a DIV research project based on the remote localization method developed by Ingo Swan. The aim of the project was covert surveillance of Soviet military laboratories and installations. The CIA determined the geographic coordinates of these objects to enhance the recipients' abilities (the use of geographic coordinates sharpens the recipient's subtle perceptions) and then tried to test the accuracy of their visions.
American psychic espionage experiments have been going on for almost two decades (I think they are still going on). These were the Grill Flame, Center Lane, Sun Streak and Star Gate projects, which were carried out from 1991 to 1995. In 1995, the US Congress requested a written research report from the CIA, which concluded that the use of DIV did not justify repeated financial injections.
However, the findings of the report raised multiple questions from several professional parapsychologists and the participants in the experiments themselves. All of them disagreed with the conclusions of this report.
The US government has officially suspended DIV research. DIV research conducted by other countries has also been officially suspended. However, the documentation for most research programs continues to be classified.

Premonitions are the most common manifestations of our powers of foresight. They allow us to predict events before they happen. In most people, these abilities manifest spontaneously, and these revelations become apparent only when events occur.
Often such abilities are shown in crisis situations, such as an accident that may occur. When close people become participants in these events, telepathy can also be added to premonitions.
Many premonitions are statistically impracticable, despite being theoretically plausible. Since it has already been said that our mind can open the gates to other time dimensions, where the past, present and future coexist. These movements underlie the phenomenon of foresight.
The ability to travel to other dimensions makes it possible to visit the past. These "visits" some people experience in their dreams. Such retrovision (seeing the past) in many cases is a reflection of fantasies or hallucinations. But retrovision can occur to a person not only in a dream, but also in a state of wakefulness. So, in 1983, two German students traveled to Peru. They were photographing the ruins of Machu Picchu and stepped aside from the group to take some photos and soon found they were alone. The group of travelers with whom they arrived at this place was not visible. The students climbed to the top of the mountain in front of the ruins, but they didn't see anyone. As they descended, two barefoot runners in capes ran past them without stopping. The students at first thought they were actors participating in a theatrical performance organized for tourists. They entered the city and saw other people in Inca robes. The city was in excellent condition and did not look like ruins. Students walked around the ancient city for about half an hour. Nobody paid any attention to them. The clocks of both students stopped. Gradually, they realized that something was wrong and fled the city in a panic. A few hours later they were discovered by a rescue patrol. The film shot by the students turned out to be overexposed. But their testimonies coincided in the smallest detail with the view of ancient Machu Picchu in those distant years.
Parapsychologists attributed this case to the case of modified consciousness. But I think that it can be attributed to such psi-phenomena as "superposition of parallel space". It is known that most of the ancient sanctuaries are located in anomalous zones, where time flows differently. In such places, people can fall into the past. You can find information about such a case in the heading “Eniology, parapsychology, psychology ... and human being”, the article “Great Kitezh. The Enchanted City.

Item Control (Psychokinesis)
For most people, psychokinesis is the most impressive of the psi abilities. Only a small number of people in the world can practice it at will. The deeds of these people, such as bending metal objects or stopping clocks, are explained by their mental strength. Psychokinetic skills cover a much wider range of phenomena, from disrupting the operation of electromagnetic devices to curing serious diseases.
Psychokinesis manifests a skill that is commonly known as "mental control" (self-control). This skill is the hidden and most exciting of our psychokinetic abilities.
Doctors and psychologists unconditionally acknowledge the existence of these abilities, emphasizing that patients in the process of treatment need emotional stability and willpower. Miraculous cases of recovery due to this inner strength are regularly noted in hospitals, such as the disappearance of the tumor without the use of drugs, the rapid healing of wounds, and others. In everyday life, many people experience this, but to a lesser extent, for example, after falling ill with the flu, they quickly recover, feeling responsible to other people.
Some researchers believe that these healings are associated with the transmission of weak energy flows through the channels of the nervous system. These currents are able to intensify organic processes such as wound scarring and even cause changes at the cellular level in the treatment of tumors. The nature of the energy they transmit and the mechanisms of its action are unknown. Manual therapy, wellness massage, and actions considered magical are also examples of the transfer of energy flows carried out in these cases by people who are able to project their energy onto an object. It should be said that the therapeutic effect of plant extracts and oils is also based on the transfer of the smallest energy charges.

The ability of the mind to control the body is the basis of many other "miracles and wonders" attributed to magic or providence.
The most typical example of controlling the body is fakirs laying down on a bed of nails, walking on broken glass, and other miracles that not only do not hurt them, but also do not leave physical traces. Fakirs, on the other hand, perceive their practice as a way of communicating with God and consider their invulnerability to be a consequence of these divine contacts.
Such "exploits" are impossible without long-term professional training, which, at the level of consciousness or subconsciousness, allows fakirs to change the reactions of their body and even the structure of the epidermis (skin).
Some researchers have suggested that changes occur in the state of the brain in which alpha waves dominate, recorded in experiments with the psyche. The clarity of mind and inner calm, characteristic of this state, are akin to sensations when communicating with God, as fakirs often claim.
The lack of sensitivity to extreme temperatures, prolonged hunger strikes and burials during life carried out by fakirs and ascetics are also based on mental control. During hunger strikes and burials, people are able to slow down their metabolism to the limit, focusing their energy on the contemplation of the deity. This kind of focused attention also allows Buddhist monks in Tibet to float in the air.
Soaring in the air of any objects can be done by some mediums and seers.
In both cases, floating in the air and levitation can be caused by a magnetic field that opposes the force of gravity, which is generated by the mental effort of the participants in the events.
Westerners also carry out such performances. In the case of "gifted" Westerners, these phenomena are presented as the result of a huge effort to focus attention, which is influenced by the spiritual state of the person and other factors. In the case of Buddhist monks, this may be a side effect of a state of deep meditation and years of ascetic training.
However, people sometimes fall into the "traps" of some magicians who put on performances with well-thought-out tricks, they present people with spectacles that do not exist in reality.
English anthropologist and researcher Alan Russell studied the role of personal beliefs in the performance of some mentally controlled "feats", in particular, the tradition of walking on hot coals. Russell argues that the characteristic feature of the participants in such an act is not a lack of physical sensitivity or mental immunity, but that they have a special attitude to this ritual, performed to appease the gods, prove innocence in a crime, or confirm the fulfillment of an oath. Personal motivation is of greater importance than the process of walking on hot coals or lava. Russell suggests that during the ritual, this concentration completely seizes the participants, and it releases the energy of the subconscious, and the performance of the action becomes possible. Russell's guesses were further confirmed by some experiments.
Inner calmness, focus on something specific, and even some distraction (as in the case of walking on coals) are examples of keys that trigger mental control.
Parapsychologists also point to the importance of such a concept as faith. Whether it is faith in God or self-confidence, which has replaced the first in the Western scale of spiritual values.
As in other studies of the psyche, experiments in the field of psychokinesis show that it is true that people with psychokinetic abilities fail to demonstrate them if they doubt their success. Conversely, an ordinary person can perform unheard-of actions in extreme conditions, such as moving an unsupportable metal column during a fire, driven by a desire to save a loved one or friend.

Journey outside the body
The concept of “out-of-body travel” is familiar to most people. The media and literature have made such journeys popular, serving for some people as confirmation of the existence of the soul and life after death.
Parapsychologists refer to such trips as psychophysical phenomena and classify them as follows: out-of-body events (BTS) and cases bordering on death (BCS). In PTS, a person suddenly finds himself out of his body and can travel long distances before returning. In GHS, a person is in a state of clinical death and they move away from their body, often through a long tunnel.
The ability to travel out of the body is confirmed by many historical testimonies. In the Old Testament there are allusions to the existence of these phenomena, and St. Paul speaks of this in the Epistle to the Corinthians (12, 2-4). Many medieval manuscripts tell of the travels of monks during mystical trances, and others tell of the tricks of witches who can fly unimaginable distances with the help of the devil. The first papers on this topic were published in 1886 by the Society for Physical Research. A few years later, E. Blavatsky, founder of the Theological Society, coined the term "astral travel". In 1929, the Englishman Hervard Carrington made astral travel fashionable by publishing the book Projections of the Astral Body, in which he talked about the out-of-body sensations of an American named Sylvan Muldoon.
The modern bibliography includes the exploits of various "habitual travelers" who claim to be capable of causing such incidents themselves. Among the most famous are Robert Monroe, who declared the existence of various "astral planes".
In general, VTS are involuntary phenomena in which ordinary people participate, and their testimonies, as a rule, are very similar, which allows them to be classified.

Involuntary VTS usually occur when a person is asleep or is on the verge of sleep and wakefulness. In this semi-conscious state, he may hear a powerful hum, feel vibrations, or experience symptoms of paralysis before leaving his body. In case he is sleeping, he usually wakes up suddenly out of his body and feels like he is suspended in the air or next to the bed. There is an unconfirmed opinion that the released "astral body" - the same as the physical body, but transparent and full of energy - quickly separates from the physical body. Many travelers manage to see this ghostly body. The silver cord connecting it with the physical body came to us from the East along with the books of E. Blavatsky. She first spoke of him in 1875. Only people who know in advance about its existence manage to see it.
According to the testimonies, the feeling that you are out of the body is quite clear. A person can clearly see objects around him, and these visions are not considered as dreams.
Studies have shown that further descriptions differ from reality only in small details, such as the presence or size of an object, and psychologists use these discrepancies to argue that travel is a fairly realistic product of the imagination.
Parapsychologists attribute these discrepancies to the panic that travelers often feel, and they want to return to the body immediately. With fear gripping travelers, they fail to leave the room, even if they already had BTC before. However, in other cases, they can travel long distances and remember exactly where they traveled.

Sudden VTS they rarely take the traveler to distant planets or to various "astral planes", like Robert Monroe. The existence of these planes or "levels of psychic vibration" has been questioned by many researchers who regard them as yet another exotic invention by Blavatsky and theologians.

Arbitrary BTC. In experiments with people who can arbitrarily cause this phenomenon, there are no meetings either with the souls of the dead or with the souls of the living. Some travelers claim to have visited a relative or friend who must have seen their astral body, but such visits are rare.
Astral travel usually ends abruptly. Sometimes they are interrupted by the travelers themselves, focusing on the desire to return to the body or repeating a prayer. The return is abrupt and may be accompanied by spasms or tremors. People who have experience with BTS claim that it is enough to think about returning oneself to the body in order to return, and there are no examples when a person remains out of the body.
Now that readers know about out-of-body travel, we can take a different look at the case that occurred in Leonid Mikhailovich Minaev from the village of Voznesenskoye in the Perm region (see the section "Conversations about UFOs and aliens", the article "Conversation with a man from a fireball").
Let us remind readers of the content of this case: At night, Leonid Mikhailovich, after getting up at night, lay down again, “just touched the pillow and suddenly flew somewhere into the darkness. Then I walk along the road, the light is on the poles, it is unusually easy to walk, as if I do not touch the ground; then I see - a red ball flies, two meters in diameter, at the height of the column the ball burst, and the person is standing, waiting for me. I think I'll ask now how it flies. He was in scarlet clothes, a little taller than me, with a mustache, about thirty. I ask how you fly like that? He took out a book, opened it, I looked - I remember - a row of numbers and there were other symbols below. Then I feel - I do not sleep. I hear - they say from my head, like a thought, only from somewhere in the brain: “Tell those living on Earth that they live incorrectly, they fulfill only three points from the law, but seven are needed ...” The next night he woke up - the body was as if If paralyzed, he could not move, he was consciously aware that he needed to move, “they held him for about a minute, then let him go…”. L.M. Minaev decided that he had an encounter with aliens, but from the above it is clear that this case can be attributed to travel out of the body.
The symptoms of paralysis and spasm that accompany some out-of-body travel is a condition known as sleep paralysis. In this physiological state, the muscles that resist sudden movements during sleep also react after the person has woken up. The person may feel paralyzed and experience this state for a few seconds or even a few minutes. Sleep paralysis may be accompanied by hallucinations.
So encounters with aliens in a dream can be just fantasies or hallucinations of people or travel out of the body.

Astral research. Sudden PTS are common and, according to parapsychologists, they are experienced by 15 out of every 100 people. Due to their spontaneous nature, they are difficult to study.
Warning from researchers: "Professional travelers" often love to tell tales and, as always, don't put too much faith in stories that are "too good to be true."

Nii. psi energy.
San Toras: A Literary Diary

I agree, my arc, I rule.
I received letters from the Moscow Research Institute by mail.
About my article - Psychedelic and repulsive.
They offer to defend her dissertation at their institute.
I explained that it was just a letter to my friend.
Patstol fell.
Who is this psychologist friend?
- Just my friend!
But if I wrote a dissertation on this topic.
I would write that Sorokin is far from primary!
In the nearest civilization, Marquez's "Autumn of the Patriarch", Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is closer to the topic of "psychedelic".
Why didn't even literary critics make these obvious analogies?
I recommended as psychedelic literature - Platonov "Chevengur", "Pit", advised to read, introduced.
I would explain in more detail what the addiction to the psychedelic text is based on.
I would call this connection "BACK ROAD".
What is this effect?
- The text after reading, gradually - attracts just like the way back - because it's easier to go back.
You always get back faster than where you were going!
- The road is familiar!
We choose familiar paths, both spiritually and physically.
After reading, psychedelic texts become the way back.
Or an acquaintance.
They act like pheramones!
Not everyone can analyze what is happening, but they feel the attraction.
What is PSI energy?
Herodotus wrote about this.
The answer is simple:
Psi energy is life energy. Reserve of vitality.
Otherwise it is called prana.
It has different properties and qualities.
Some are weak, others are strong.
What is it expressed in?
Psi energy possessing high vibrations, as a rule, is characteristic of spiritually developed people.
People who are aggressive, hostile towards the world have a low vibrational structure.
A person is born with a certain amount of psi energy. Its strength can be calculated using the numerological matrix.
What does psi energy "do"?
- She imprints images on the plastic cosmic substance.
This is the informational energy field, which I spoke about in the topic "meditation".
Psi energy is the synthesis of all nerve radiations.
How is she born?
How does it interact?
I'll explain with an example.
Imagine that each cell is a battery.
If you take an ordinary battery, then you will find the elements in it:
acid, alkali, metal and carbon (this is graphite).
The center of the battery is a graphite rod.
The body is metal.
Inside it are acid and alkali.
When acid, alkali and metal interact, salt is formed and energy is released.
This energy, focusing on the poles of the rod, gives plus and minus charges (positive and negative).
But that's about the battery.
And in bioprocesses, i.e. in biological terms, the cell works like the equivalent of a battery.
Because it is the cell that has all the similar elements.
But graphite in a cage is presented in the form of a shell, not a rod, because the shell is also carbon.
Inside the cell there is acid, alkali and iron in the form of red blood cells.
Iron changes valency: from divalent to trivalent, as a result of which electrons are released.
There are also changes in the cell associated with red blood cells when they combine with either oxygen or carbon dioxide. The interaction of acids and alkalis in this reaction, just like in a battery, is accompanied by the accumulation of salts (which are deposited in the joints, tendon reflexes are there - it is the nerve endings that work; everyone knows this doctoral chip: a hammer on the knee. :)
Merging the energies of the cells gives energy to the organs. And the fusion of the energies of the organs gives the energy of the body.
This energy can be accumulated, increased, and also wasted.
This is how the energy structure works. I showed where it comes from, how it develops, what makes up the concept of psi energy.

DEGREE of growth.
What is the degree in units of measurement of the impact of psycho-texts on a person?
Something like the Apgar scale - a 10-point system for evaluating a newborn.
Or the Richter scale - a 12-point system for measuring earthquake energy in magnitudes.
What is the point?
The fact that each next unit of the scale is 10 more than the previous one.
This is the measurement of the impact of the text, on the rise.
It also works through Psi energy.
What does she represent?
Separate topic. But he did not develop. It's still a letter, not an article.
Guess it's a culture shock.
They want me to come and honor their institution with my defense.
And to me - why is this?
I correct the verses here with you.

Ordinary human feelings give rise to certain energy vibrations of the subtle plane of different frequencies. These vibrations are low-frequency if they carry aggression, envy, anger, violence, etc. High-frequency vibrations, on the contrary, bring kindness, love, compassion, respect and encourage a person to positive behavior.

And these vibrations come into resonance with similar energy formations of the surrounding space. The resonance effect is achieved due to the intensity of desire and confidence in achieving the desired. This interaction at the energy level allows you to create favorable conditions around this person for the implementation of the plan.

The most powerful influence on the general psychoenergetic space is exerted by: a person’s worldview, his attitude towards himself and others, his actions and deeds. The energy itself has no sign, the functionality of the born energy is given by a person with his thought forms and mental images. Combining into one whole, penetrating each other at a subtle level, merging, individual souls give rise to a kind of psychic being, representing a new type of psychic individuality, which begins to control people.

This “mental being” or energy-information formation created by people and uniting them according to the frequency response is called “egregor”. In other words, it is an energy-information object in the subtle world, associated with certain states of people, ideas, desires, aspirations.

Egregor arises with the obligatory presence of a person. Any such energy structure carries a dependence on the energy that feeds it people and people on the idea, worldview and direction of the energies of the egregor. Egregors always consciously or unconsciously use the energy of thought, word, action.

Traditions, customs, rites, festivals, phenomena, miracles, and other such things are all magical acts. The more carefully they are designed and observed, the more magical power they have, the more they affect people. Parades, demonstrations, religious processions, bonfires of sectarians, torchlight processions, salutes, fireworks - all these are massive magical actions of certain egregors of various strengths. Now it has become fashionable to observe fasts, but this is a direct binding of oneself to the corresponding egregor and a certain nourishment and support for it.

From the point of view of physics, this field formation is a soliton - a wave packet or a resonator. If in some team up to 4% of employees intensively support the same idea, then their collective consciousness begins to work as a resonator and influence other people in terms of supporting this idea.

  • An energy-informational field can be created not only by an idea, a common goal, but also by desires, certain qualities and vices of people.

Negative moments appear in the actions of an egregor when he begins to level, suppress the individuality of people, adjust them to certain ideas, to a single worldview. In this case, a person loses his individuality, becomes a part of this field monster, an executor of his will.

Any group of people has its own psychoenergetic space: family, various organizations, nation, people, state, all of humanity as a whole. And everywhere, from the family to humanity, the same principles apply.

Relationships in the family create an appropriate energy-informational field in which children are born, their upbringing takes place, certain events occur. This field is also called the space of love, if it is built on love. The common field is created by all members of the family, and all of them are responsible for the events taking place in it. Therefore, it is very important to know the laws of formation of this space, which will allow you to create it correctly.

From here the words become clear: "Every nation is worthy of its ruler." The general mood of all members of society creates a space of the appropriate quality, in which a certain leader appears according to another saying: "The apple never falls far from the tree". Therefore, when assessing the situation in a family, team, state, it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate human material.

Elements, natural formations and phenomena also have egregorial properties. Mountains, rivers, seas, oceans, plants and trees also create their own energy-information space, exerting a powerful influence on people's behavior and health. In the formation of "human" field structures, the main factor is the qualitative composition of the participants in the process. Every person has consciousness, and some individuals have a highly developed consciousness and they can alone come into contact with various energy formations, for example, with the consciousness of the planet, the Universe, etc.

  • Hence comes the significant influence of man on the events taking place in the world and the enormous responsibility for the fact that we create this world with our thoughts and actions.

An individual person can also be an egregor. Especially now you can see many different so-called spiritual schools, the leaders and initiators of the ideas of which create their own egregor. Where consciously, and where unconsciously, by various methods, they collect the energy of their students, followers, interested persons, concentrate these energies, and then use them to solve their personal problems.

Through contactees-operators, various field formations or energy-informational entities communicate, presenting themselves as “teachers”, “saints”, “angels”, etc. It all depends on the consciousness of the person himself - what understanding he comes to, such an answer is given to him . The path to harmony can be shown only by those who are harmonious themselves!

Many people are happy to enter under any egregore, accept his worldview, because this relieves them of the need to think for themselves, choose for themselves, set goals and objectives for themselves, solve them themselves and take responsibility for these decisions. But every choice, every independent step is creativity, this is freedom, this is a person!

  • The energy of love opens access to any egregor. Love is the strongest unifying principle!

Quite often, an egregore who has come under the power of an egregor can be laid a program of self-destruction in case of getting out of his influence. This is what egregors of alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, prostitutes, sectarians, etc., do with their "clients".

It is in conflict, quarrels, clashes that the egregor finds “nutrition” for himself in the form of outbursts of negative human energy. A disharmonious person seeking freedom outside himself is the material from which these field monsters are built. People determine their life by their inner state. Slave psychology makes you look for egregor or create it.

Combining on the basis of a set of certain personal qualities, according to the saying "Your brother-in-law - sees from afar", people create a psychoenergetic formation called an egregore.

The difference between a progressive egregor and a conservative one is in relation to the future. Any egregor carries dissatisfaction with today.

Dissatisfaction with oneself and the present arises from the internal disharmony of a person. Knowledge, faith and love save a person from submission to field education. The more a person is dissatisfied with himself, the more he wants to imitate others. Imitation also grows with the growth of self-doubt. Imitating, a person strives to be like someone, disguises himself, hides. In this case, he does not want to take responsibility, and this leads to a loss of individuality.

Being under the influence of egregor, a person imitates even more than when he was outside of it. This once again confirms that the egregor levels the personality and drowns out the individuality. The growth of spirituality allows you to get away from the action of one or another field education.

Even the simplest good deeds and deeds contribute to the transformation of space, and various manifestations of love dramatically increase the effectiveness of transformations. The interaction of egregors with a person occurs in accordance with his internal state, with the disclosure of love in him, with the availability of knowledge, in accordance with his worldview.

When a certain number of difficulties and problems accumulate in a family in relations between a man and a woman, love leaves the first position, and a psychoenergetic intermediary appears in the couple - the egregor of the couple, which begins to acquire negative features. They gave birth to it themselves and feed it with their conflicts and quarrels, splashing out the negative outside. The worse the relationship in a couple, the more powerful the mediator, and now he is already on the offensive, provoking the spouses to the appropriate actions, thoughts, words.

People, being in a low state of consciousness, at one time created the image of the devil, threw off all the negativity on him, nourished him with energies, and then began to fear him. Everything is in the human mind. Wisdom is a mind filled with love, and in such a mind there is no place for the devil. Only one obstacle exists on the way to a happy life - our laziness! Today, spiritual literacy of a person at the modern level is needed.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that all the situations of life do not roll on a person, but he himself gets into them. In life, you never have to force a situation, it will always resolve itself. Love is protection from evil! Faced with evil, we usually get upset, that is, we dissolve this vibration of evil in ourselves. But after all, this is what the evil person wanted, and we, having poisoned ourselves, come home and poison the house and loved ones. If we loved our enemy, then the vibration of evil would be reflected from us and with terrible force would hit the one who sent the evil impulse.

All our actions go into the energy-informational field, because they are forms of energy. It is stored there and at a certain moment, when it is needed, it comes back to us. As much as you have a lot of thought-forms or forms-deeds of a negative direction, so often they will begin to fall on you. This is the so-called bad luck! Most people don't want to understand that age does not bring disease, but the organization of life.

Happiness and unhappiness are states of mind. The need exists only in the human mind. It is the mind that is the main illusionist in life. For most people, the mind constantly lives in a state of “want”. And therefore it is in an excited state because of the many “I want”. And now this “I want” already takes possession of a person and begins to command and control him.

In the pursuit of this or that need, people lose themselves. The best remedy for needs is bestowal. Always give as much as you want to receive. And what can a person give infinitely much in order to receive also much? Of course - love! It is love that a person has infinitely much, and this resource must be used.

It is necessary for everyone to understand well that when a critical mass is reached, money acquires consciousness (a conscious image), and having a lot of money interacts with the consciousness of the egregore of money, and from this his own consciousness becomes different - he begins to behave arrogantly, does not notice old friends and relatives, disrespectful to the people around him, etc.

The energy of human suffering is pumped up by the common egregor of evil. Of particular value to him is the power flow caused by the suffering of people during hunger, disease, panic fear. Or when a person begins to be jealous, envy, is under the influence of feelings of greed, lust, hatred.

The most important thing is that the process of suffering takes place. This low-frequency egregor requires not just any kind of energy, but creative psi-energy. This wave specialized energy center is filled with power through human suffering. The latter - it doesn't matter if they are physical or mental - when they become excessive, they squeeze all the forces out of a person and, first of all, his creative potential.

The fail-safe technology for creating human suffering has always been and remains the disorientation of the consciousness of society, in other words, a total lie. The essence of lies is the same - the withdrawal of human consciousness from the truth. The excitation of false energy fields is carried out with the help of an information "key". It is necessary that this "key" fits exactly to the giant flywheel of power - the egregor. This applies equally to mental appeals, confirming the popular saying "What goes around comes around".

No systematization and low prestige, not even regarded as an academic science. How is it significantly different from it? After all, no one is surprised that there are a number of phenomena that look a little anomalous in relation to traditional science, but are fully recognized by it, for example, the success of treating almost all diseases depends on the patient's attitude towards them (the placebo effect and the so-called psychosomatic diseases). Do without studying the exceptional abilities of man. Unfortunately, it is difficult to expect reliable results in this area; this is evidenced by the fact that some people consciously or subconsciously develop these abilities in themselves, and some do not. But then one should not be surprised that psi abilities (for example, far-sight) are rare and come into conflict with established models, based on clear ideas about them and a huge number of control copies. In addition, there is no reason to assume that these abilities should correspond to generally accepted models. Reason and whether what a person feels is real, but does not differ with the help of instruments and other methods of study characteristic of the quantitative sciences. We are probably only approaching the time when this question will be answered as clearly as the question "Does the earth really revolve around the sun?". The opportunity to apply the same progressive ideas as the ideas of Copernicus and Galileo were for their time. This work is directly related to this. Stanford, Calif., Member of the Board of the University of California "... All I can say is that if these results are faked, then our security system is no good! What these people "saw" is confirmed by aerial photography" capacious ... I spoke with some educated people, they know about the existence of long-range vision, but so far they are not conducting intensive research on it, since in their opinion it is more efficient to use satellites for such purposes. But it seems to me that such observations are the competence of a small radar installation. And if the Russians have such a system, but we don’t, then we should seriously think about it.” Congressman Charles Rose (from an interview on the subject of far-sight experiments conducted at Stanford) July 1979.


In the USA and the USSR, work is underway to develop and study the mental abilities of a person, and programs for their research are subsidized by governments. However, despite long-term research and good results, people have been led to believe that psychic abilities simply do not exist, or at least are outside the realm of our understanding. Misleading information, so people usually do not know well what psi energy is. Materialists, on the other hand, simply view all reports of manifestations of psychic energy as erroneous, false, or ridiculous. A long-term program for the study and development of mental abilities. We quote from the 1981 report of the US congressional committee. Review of Scientific and Technical Publications: Present and Future Committee on Science and Technology of the US House of Representatives. 97 Congress. Recent parapsychological experiments and, in particular, experiments on far-sightedness suggest that there is an "internal relationship" of the human brain with the brains of other people and with matter ... Studies of this relationship give encouraging results. The main one is that the human brain can receive information about an event regardless of the place and time where it occurs... Attaching great importance to this area of ​​research and building far-reaching plans, and also taking into account the fact that the USSR is successfully working in this area, the congress suggests conduct serious research in the field of parapsychology. Experiments conducted in the USA and in the USSR. In principle, information about the results of research is available to everyone, but in the general hype, it is always very difficult to filter it from distortions and exaggerations. So are critical people. But nevertheless, the manifestations of mental functioning are not the result of blind faith or self-deception. This is a very real phenomenon that needs to be objectively investigated through the direct experience of people. mental functioning. We will show you how psychic abilities can be applied in everyday life and teach you how to develop them in yourself. To mental functioning, only they are latent (sleeping). This conclusion was made in the course of numerous experiments involving people who had never been subjects before. The activities of consciousness and that a person can purposefully develop them. You do not have to reconsider your relationship with reality or adopt a different value system. However, it is quite possible that after you experience new opportunities for yourself, your view of the world will change. Conducted by the Stanford Research Center in Manlo Arch, California. This program, which cost about a million dollars, worked out a technique for improving the accuracy and reliability of this type of non-sensory perception called far vision. With it, a person can describe an event or phenomenon, as well as the place where it occurs, without using the usual senses, usually because of the great distance. Early 1970s, at Stanford and other research centers. Therefore, we can critically discuss the results of the US government-sponsored psychic research program and evaluate the progress in this area, both in our country and abroad. This is what we did in the first part of the book. Those who participated in the experiments learned to accurately describe the geographical location of objects, events and objects separated from the subjects in time and space. They often gave correct descriptions of events that were to happen in the future. We repeat again that these abilities were developed in people, who had no previous experience in the use of mental functioning, and that these abilities improved over time.46 series of experiments on the study of far-sightedness, as a result of which 23 of them yielded statistically significant data.The view of the relationship of space and time does not correspond to reality, this assumption fits well with some observations obtained in the course of physical experiments, when the results of carefully conducted experiments were dependent on events separated in time and space from the experimenter.The only acceptable conclusion here is our ideas about the space-time continuum, in which m we exist, imperfect. Published in "SCIENSE" magazine. The molecular level is undeniable. But since 1965, it has become known that quantum mechanics predicted phenomena that contradicted realistic theories. Realism, which can be called common sense, proves that objective reality exists regardless of whether it is observed or not. Special relativity suggests that forces or information travel from person to person at a speed no greater than the speed of light. In short, quantum "mechanics, relativity and reality cannot be true at the same time. Physicists will soon go hand in hand. We expect that the data obtained as a result of experiments and which have made changes in various fields of science will complement each other and help us to better understand ourselves." and their relationship with the outside world. Their works and tried to harmonize their results with the needs of modern physics, scientists of the USSR worked hard. Officially, Soviet scientists have been conducting this work since the early 1920s. Unfortunately, most of the reports about psi-energy research in the USSR come to us from journalists who are not competent in this matter and, naturally, are unable to assess the actual achievements in this area. According to their reports, it is difficult to say exactly what Soviet scientists are doing, but nevertheless, it is possible to determine the direction of research. Potentially dangerous experiments, the main purpose of which is to influence the behavior and feelings of people and animals located at a great distance from the testers using the psi-field. These studies are, as it were, a continuation of the work of Russian scientists of the last century to create a means of remote control over the behavior of a living person. Psi fields, but most of the research in this area is aimed at developing psi abilities as a means of control and management. But at the same time, Soviet scientists, just like us, are trying to understand the significance of human potential in the study of psi-energy. Energy-psy research in the USSR. Vilenskaya received an engineering education in the USSR; in the process of numerous experiments, she learned not only the methods and origins of these works, but also their political background. Vilenskaya also personally knew many researchers of energy-psy in the countries of the East, as well as participants in their experiments. She translated dozens of works and reports of Soviet researchers into English - these works were practically unknown in the West. Psi-energy research. Russell Targ is an experimental physicist with extensive research experience with lasers, plasmas, and microwaves. He and Dr. Harold Puthoff developed the energy-psy research program for the Stanford Research Center. Case Harari is an experimental psychologist and medical consultant specializing in energy-psy research and the psychology of cults, crises, and stress. His tests are successfully applied all over the world. Defense against deliberate distortion of the meaning and meaning of psi-abilities. In the process of many years of research, we have found that many people have several types of psionic abilities, and even more people around the world have at least one of them. The manifestations of the psi-field are diverse; they range from such common occurrences as the prediction of an unexpected phone call from a friend long lost to sight to the rarer reports of a plane that has just crashed in a very remote place, which, of course, is beyond common sense. Psi abilities often fall into the networks of cultists who easily explain the nature of psi abilities with their personality traits and emotionality, as well as the state of finances. But in our opinion, the loss of common sense is too expensive a price to pay for the development of psi abilities. Those who find out that they have a strong psychic potential often feel uncomfortable, as public opinion considers psychic abilities as supernatural, abnormal or as self-deception.We would like to put an end to this confusion.Despite the claims of numerous scientific schools, in nature does not reveal a clear relationship between the degree of development of the mental sphere and lifestyle. However, scientific experience claims that psi-abilities are innate and improve over time. It is a safe and gradual transition to a developed mental functioning. We believe that these exercises are a "psychic shake-up "and that success in farsightedness can help you make sure the existence of psychic abilities and increase your awareness of the sensations that accompany these phenomena. Other similar experiences, then noted how useful the information obtained in this way in everyday life. The ability to distinguish information received through non-sensory perception from other types of mental images will help you respond more accurately to spontaneous mental representations. The ability of a person, for many people this is still an unusual thing, we want to present you the easiest way to introduce psi-abilities into everyday life. abilities and turn them into an enjoyable and rewarding part of your life. This is much better than giving a monopoly on the use of psi-powers to government-led cultists (?) to put it in the hands of the government - no matter what - their own or someone else's, because it can use it for their own purposes. Not only their economy, but also their mental strength. And while we fully endorse and defend individual freedom and other traditional American ideals, we do not want mental functioning to be used in military and ideological struggles between east and west. The significance of this weapon in direct military operations is minimal compared to the possibilities of its use for the knowledge of man and the world around him. From an avalanche of misinformation. And the ability to distinguish one's own mental impressions and images from those imposed on us from the outside can also ultimately protect us from attempts to remotely influence the psyche. Naturally, understanding the essence of mental functioning and the study of psi-energy can bring many more benefits, which we will talk about later. It is a way of developing the innate inner potential to expand the boundaries of consciousness. Our deepest dream is to know our own mind and, thereby, improve life on our planet.


Washington: CIA funded in 1975 the creation and research of a new type of agent, which can be called a "ghost" The CIA chief confirmed that his people had found a person who, using extrasensory perception, could "see" what was happening anywhere in the world. An image of any area, he could tell what is happening there at a given time. The agent's testimony was accurate, but he noted that the contract with him was terminated in 1975. Now, after ten years of research and numerous experiments, we can say with confidence that some of the many mysteries presented to us by nature have become clear to us. For example, we know that in the course of an experiment on distant vision, its participants sit quietly with their eyes closed, but, using the abilities of their psyche, they give us descriptions of objects and events, the geography of which is the entire globe, and sometimes give out messages about events long past. The conditions are called "percipients" (not subjects - this term is used in most psychological experiments). We know that the distance that separates the percipient from the places he has chosen to mentally "visit" does not affect the accuracy of his descriptions and does not obstruct perception. Targets located rather than nearby. Perhaps this is because it is more interesting for a percipient to work with distant targets. Here it is easier for him to separate his analytical guess from the real impression received in the process of extrasensory perception, because he describes places completely unfamiliar to him. Which is observed in everyday life in many people. For hundreds of years, people have known about its existence, but they describe it in different ways: as second sight, clairvoyance, the voice of fate, extrasensory perception, etc. In this book, we have made a conscious attempt to avoid these names, since they distort the essence of the "psi" phenomenon. and represent it as going beyond the limits of ordinary human activity. For this very reason, we do not use the word "parapsychology" in relation to the field of our research (with the exception of quotations). We have chosen a descriptive term - "psi-energy". The first experiments on distant vision. - Herodotus gave the first description of a well-established experiment in far-sightedness. The experiment he described was carried out by Crosus, king of Lydia, in 550 BC. Crossus was interested in the accuracy of the predictions of the oracles that appeared in Greece as a result of the successful work of the school of soothsayers in Delphi. We know about the results of the experiment from the records of Herodotus. (Crosus = Croesus???) Crosus knew that he was in danger from Persia, whose power was growing every day. Herodotus writes: "With this in mind, he decided to check several Greek oracles and one Lydian. The messengers went to the oracles with instructions that they should act like this: keep track of the days after their departure from Sardis and on the hundredth day after their departure, ask the oracle what is now doing Crosus, king of Lydia. Write down the answers and bring them to Crosus. This they should give them to the Pythia, who is in a stupor from the constant chewing of the leaves of the sacred laurel, drinking water from the intra-temple source and self-hypnosis. In this state of trance, the Pythia will answer the questions of the priests, who will interpret it saying, they will rhyme it and in this form they will give the final answer.Thus, we can see that already 25 centuries ago it was known that the information obtained with the help of psi abilities is better analyzed by an outsider, and not by the percipient himself (a person with psychic abilities.) In modern far-sighted experiments, the percipient communicates his impressions to the experimenter. mentator, who gives an analytical interpretation of the information received. From the Pythia such a rhymed answer: I can count the sands, I can measure the ocean, I have ears to listen to silence, I know the name of a dumb person, The smell of a turtle covered with a shield, Which is boiled in a cauldron with meat, affects my mind. young lamb, The cauldron is made of copper, its lid is made of copper. The messengers who arrived from Lydia wrote down these words of the Pythia, characterizing her visions, and returned to Sardis. He immediately unfolded all the messages of the oracles and read them, and then announced that only the oracle from Delphi had correctly answered the question. Crosus explained that as soon as the messengers left, he immediately began to invent something incredible. And so, on the appointed day, he took a tortoise and a lamb, chopped them into pieces and boiled them together in a copper cauldron, the lid of which was also copper. "Which consisted of sacrificial animals, three thousand of each kind. When it was over, the king melted a huge amount of gold, and cast from it 117 large ingots, Herodotus saw these ingots at Delphi, where these bars were piled up, which was crowned with a lion of pure gold, weighing 570 pounds.In addition, this gift included a large number of objects, completely the gift is estimated by us at an amount exceeding one hundred million dollars at the rate of 1983. Oxford H. V. Parks: "The enormous value of these donations causes a misunderstanding, but nevertheless, the veracity and accuracy of the description of Herodotus is undeniable. Of course, modern researchers often make skeptical remarks, but these sacrifices in Delphi undoubtedly took place." We tried to figure it out. The most important work in this area took place in the early 1900s.
