Sour cream after sunburn. What helps with sunburn? Herbal cooling compresses

In the summer, people are more likely to suffer from thermal damage to the skin; sour cream is a common remedy for burns, but is it effective?

Causes of burn injury, the use of a fermented milk product

Such injuries can be easily obtained due to exposure to high temperatures during prolonged exposure to the sun. The influence of an excessive amount of UV rays on the skin causes redness, soreness, blisters form, and often the face or other burned areas of the body swell.

There are also a number of factors that contribute to the appearance of thermal injury:

  • Reflection of rays in water.
  • Hair, skin and eye color. Those with red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes have a very high risk of radiation injury.
  • Some medicines increase the effect of sunburn.

Of course, sunburn most often occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during the time period from 11:00 to 14:00 in the afternoon.

When an injury occurs, redness, peeling, and in some cases blisters appear on the skin. With severe lesions, chills, nausea, fever and loss of consciousness are possible.

Important! Sour cream is used not only for sunburn, but also for any thermal injuries. However, it is permissible to use this folk remedy only for injuries of the I degree. Which are characterized by redness, slight swelling and moderate soreness. With the formation of blisters, this method should be abandoned and resorted to using specialized medicines.

Does sour cream help with sunburn?

The main effect of the product lies in its properties, the ability to quickly cool and moisturize the burnt areas. Due to its consistency, it helps to form a film on the skin that acts as a protection against injury.


Sour cream from sunburn eliminates pain, promotes tissue regeneration and healing. In addition, it is recommended to use this product so that the burned area of ​​​​the skin receives the missing fats and nutrients.


Sour cream helps with sunburn of the first degree, however, despite its effectiveness, the fermented milk product has some limitations:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Expired product.
  • Open wound.
  • Formation of blisters.


From burns, sour cream eliminates only the external symptoms of thermal damage: it reduces pain, redness, and swelling. With chills, fever, take Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

It is important to carry out the treatment process in accordance with the established rules and recommendations of specialists:

  1. Before using sour cream for burns, it is imperative to provide first aid for sun injuries, rinse the burnt area with cold running water to lower the temperature, and clean it of dirt and dust. In this case, do not irritate the skin, do not use soap, washcloths and any other items.
  2. Apply a compress with ice cubes, if the affected areas of the skin are quite extensive, it will be effective to wrap yourself in a wet cold sheet, which needs to be changed every 15 minutes.
  3. The layer that needs to be applied with sour cream for sun damage should not be thick, it is important that it be evenly distributed over the injured area.
  4. Sour cream on the face against a burn should be applied with a small fat content so as not to clog pores and not disrupt the heat exchange of the skin. Apply the product evenly, leave it until completely absorbed.
  5. In no case, from burns, sour cream is not rubbed into the skin, it is necessary to simply apply the mass to the injury. It should be understood that a low-fat product helps best, because. fat blocks the sweat glands, cold sour cream is suitable for comfortable use.
  6. Perform the treatment with folk remedies at least 5 times daily, after each (after 15-20 minutes) wash off the remnants with cold running water.
  7. It is necessary to apply sour cream from sunburn within 3-4 days, until the condition improves. After that, the restored skin will return to normal on its own.

Important! If the home remedy does not give positive dynamics, the symptoms increase or the general condition worsens, it is necessary to stop using sour cream and use anti-burn drugs, but it is better to consult a specialist to prescribe adequate therapy.

How long to keep the fermented milk product on the burnt area?

Sour cream for sunburn should be on the skin for at least 30 minutes at a time, otherwise the procedure will not bring results. But at best, stand until the mass is completely absorbed and a film appears.

When will relief come?

From burns, sour cream is an effective remedy, but unfortunately not magical, so the restoration of the skin will come no earlier than in 2-3 days. With extensive injuries, relief should be expected a little longer, 3-4 days, with deeper lesions - 4-5 days. This is only when all the rules and recommendations for processing are fully observed.

Sour cream used for burns reduces symptoms, promotes rapid healing. The product helps only with grade I injuries, treatment should be treated with caution and used according to the rules.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about whether sour cream helps with sunburn? Many may argue that it is impossible to smear sunburn with sour cream, but people have been using this product for many years and getting positive results. Everyone can burn in the sun. The sea, the sun, the beach… we all forget about basic sun protection, and as a result, we get sunburn. The skin burns, bakes, itches. I urgently want to take action and remove the first symptoms of a burn.

For children, I usually use panthenol. already saved the delicate skin of a child more than once. Now, I always have this remedy in my medicine cabinet.

But recently we were on the river, and my husband got a sunburn on his skin. Arriving home, he asked to lubricate the burnt skin with sour cream. Fortunately, we had a jar of rustic sour cream in the refrigerator. Within half an hour he felt better.

This is a proven tool of our grandmothers, and believe me, this is not fiction, it is a really working tool. I do not want to persuade anyone to smear sunburn with sour cream, cream or kefir. This is a personal matter for everyone. Let me share my experience with this product.

Once at sea, I myself burned out, forgetting the means of protection in the room. I tried to hide under an umbrella, but the fact that I went out at noon did not play in my favor.

Arriving home, I felt the symptoms of sunburn, my skin burned and burned. In the first aid kit, unfortunately, there was not a single remedy for burns. But there was sour cream in the fridge. So I put her skin on. If it wasn't for sour cream, I don't know what I would have done.

Sour cream for sunburn - does it help, what effect does it have on the skin

Sour cream is a product that contains protein and lactic acid, which has a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

1. Sour cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

2. Improves the penetration of oxygen to skin cells.

3. Perfectly softens the skin.

4. Has an exfoliating effect due to lactic acid.

5. Deeply penetrates the skin.

6. The risks of getting skin allergies from this product are minimized.

7. With a sunburn, sour cream helps to reduce the pain symptom.

This product is used in, for skin treatment, used for compresses. The product nourishes, whitens the skin, eliminates defects, dryness, inflammation, irritation.

With a sunburn, you can smear sour cream on your back, arms, legs, stomach, face.

Sunburn symptoms

When you get out of the water, every drop of water works like a lens through which the risk of skin damage increases.

Advice! Dry your skin with a towel when you get out of the water!

1. Redness of the skin.

2. Increase in body temperature.

3. Painful and hot skin.

4. Feeling of heat on the skin and pain.

Skin redness It's a first degree burn.

The appearance of blisters on the skin It's a second degree burn.

What kind of sour cream should I use, store-bought or homemade?

For sunburn, you can use rustic or store-bought sour cream. Homemade or rustic sour cream is sold at any grocery market.

If you use store-bought sour cream, a prerequisite, take fat sour cream starting from 20%. 25%, 30% will do. You can buy sour cream at any grocery store.

Advice! Drink plenty of fluids for sunburn. Ideally, this is pure water.

I can say with confidence that rustic sour cream helps better, because of the high percentage of fat content and the naturalness of the product.

But you can use the store, and this sour cream will help get rid of a sunburn no worse. The main thing is a high% fat content.

How to smear the skin with sour cream for sunburn?

Advice! Smear the skin with chilled sour cream.

1. Lubricate burns with sour cream.

2. Lubricate the skin with a thin layer, do not rub into the skin. Lubricate with smooth movements.

3. Leave sour cream on the skin until the unpleasant symptoms are removed.

4. Then take a shower with soap or gel.

On the blog, earlier, we talked about, and not only, from sunburn. And discussed first aid for burns.

Remember! Burnt areas on the skin are sensitive. Before going out, be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin.

How long do you need to keep sour cream on the skin and when to wash it off?

Lubricating the skin with sour cream, literally, after 20-30 minutes, the sour cream is completely absorbed into the skin. But the time may be different, depending on which layer you smear the skin with sour cream.

Even if the sour cream is absorbed into the skin after 5 minutes, it is better to take a shower after 1-2 hours. Or re-lubricate the burnt areas with sour cream.

After the sour cream is absorbed, you can take a shower.

What can be the sensations of sour cream on the skin?

Despite the fact that sour cream is a super healthy product for the skin, there are some drawbacks from using it.

1. After the sour cream has dried, discomfort and tightness of the skin may be observed on the skin.

2. Do not apply sour cream to open wounds, abrasions and scratches.

3. When applying sour cream to the skin, a thin film is formed that prevents moisture from evaporating.

3. Thoroughly wash off the remains of sour cream from the skin with water at room temperature.

Sour cream for burns is a popular first aid method, but its effectiveness is questioned by representatives of official medicine.

Fatty sour cream can only help for as long as the product remains cold.

Experts advise! Do not risk and do not expose the burnt body to danger in the form of bacteria and fungi, use medications.

Is it possible to smear sunburn with sour cream? Why can't you smear burns with fermented milk products?

Combined two questions to immediately answer them in this paragraph. The opinions of experts say that it is impossible to smear sunburn with fermented milk products.

It is believed that fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, cream, sour cream, do not work very well with sunburn.

Since the products are fatty, they cover the skin with a film through which the work of the sweat glands is blocked.

Is it possible for children to smear the skin with sour cream for a burn?

In fact, all doctors are against it, and unanimously speak of the dangers of dairy products for the skin. I don't want to argue with anyone. It is best to buy Panthenol, an aloe burn cream, and lubricate the skin.

For fever and pain, give the child ibuprofen or paracetamol.

If the situation is serious, contact a medical facility for help!

Before going out in the sun, lubricate the skin of the child with a sunscreen with an spf of at least 50.

If you have experience of lubricating the skin with sour cream for sunburn in children. This experience is positive, share it in the comments, I will be grateful to you.

This is how I got the article. I hope our experience in the treatment of sunburn and the use of sour cream will help you.

In pursuit of a fashionable beautiful tan, many girls, not calculating their strengths and capabilities, get sunburn. Peeled skin has never been in fashion, and the sensations during burns are such that you don’t even think about beauty.

Sunburn occurs as a result of excessive exposure to UV rays on the skin, so you can get burned not only on the beach, but also get burned in the solarium. To protect your skin from trouble, you need to skillfully use sunscreen during tanning, know your skin type well in order to determine the optimal time for sun exposure.

If you are not burned very badly, i.e. the skin turns red, peels off, there are no large blisters, which means you can cope with burns on your own with the help of folk remedies or medicines from the nearest pharmacy. If large blisters form, your skin is severely damaged and you should contact your doctor immediately.

First aid for sunburn

1. After a sunburn, first of all hide from the sun indoors, as outdoors under a canopy you are still exposed to UV radiation.

If the blisters are very large, contact your doctor immediately.

3. Cold compresses or showers can help relieve pain.

4. Apply cold aloe juice or a soothing after-sun cream to the affected area. Remember that you should never lubricate the burn with butter or vegetable oil!

How to properly treat burns

If the skin is very warm, you need rest. Until the burn is completely healed, try not to appear in the sun.

If the burn is not severe, the skin only turns red and burns a little, use soothing creams after sunburn. They will cool the skin, restore, moisturize, relieve itching.

Doctors consider sprays and creams containing panthenol to be the most correct preparations for sunburn (for example, Panthenol Spray). For burns, accompanied by skin lesions with blisters and cracks, Solcoseryl cream is an excellent remedy.

To reduce pain, relieve fever and inflammation, it is recommended to take the usual painkillers for everyone - aspirin, ibuprofen.

Burned skin is very dry and can be softened with a calamine lotion. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Never pop blisters or rip off loose skin. You can infect, provoke bleeding, change the color of the skin.

Vitamins for skin renewal. Burnt skin needs vitamins during recovery. Apply a vitamin E cream to the skin after it has cooled, and taking vitamin E by mouth will also be helpful. So the burns will heal faster and leave no traces behind. In the treatment of large sunburns, it is recommended to supplement with vitamins C and D.

Sunburn: folk remedies

Potato masks against sunburn. Potato is one of the most effective folk remedies for treating sunburn. It can be used raw, cooked, or you can buy pure potato starch.

1. Lightly dust the burnt skin with potato starch several times a day. The skin will calm down and recover faster. Starch can be diluted in water and applied to a sore spot in the form of lotions.

2. Grate raw potatoes, cool in the refrigerator, apply on gauze and apply to the burn in the form of a compress for 15 minutes. This recipe helps with both sunburn and sun allergies.

3. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel and beat in a blender with sour cream. Apply to burned skin for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature. Burns pass very quickly.

Sour cream against burns . In folk medicine, this is a very popular remedy for sunburn, as dairy products soften, cool the skin and soothe the burning sensation. Just lubricate the burns with chilled sour cream or kefir several times a day. When the sour cream begins to dry on the skin and you feel tightness, wash it off with a damp cotton swab and apply fresh. Attention: if your skin is severely damaged, there are large blisters, this method of treatment should not be used, the result may be reversed.

Curd compress will help cool the skin and relieve pain. Wrap cottage cheese in cheesecloth and lightly freeze until firm. Apply to burned skin as a compress. You can add a little buttermilk to the cottage cheese, apply the mixture on a towel and apply to the burn for 30 minutes. As the compress warms up, change it to a new one. Cottage cheese can be replaced with sour cream, kefir or sour yogurt.

Oatmeal with sour cream with burns. Mix steamed flakes with chilled sour cream or milk and apply on the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with water. Repeat several times throughout the day until the condition improves.

Egg white draws heat from the skin, soothes, softens, accelerates healing. Just chill the protein in the freezer and apply to the skin with a cotton swab, rinse with water as it dries and apply a new layer.

cabbage leaves - a popular remedy for burns, quickly cool and soothe the skin, relieve swelling, reduce pain. It is better to pour boiling water over the cabbage so that the leaves become soft and obedient, then cool them slightly and wrap the painful places, secure with a bandage.

Herbal cooling compresses

With the help of herbal compresses, you can simultaneously cool, moisturize the skin, reduce pain and, thanks to the property of healing herbs, accelerate healing.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, elderberry, calendula, or lavender. Cool the decoction in the refrigerator, then make lotions on the burnt places.

Lotions from black or green tea effectively cool and soothe the skin, relieve pain and irritation. Brew a few tea bags, chill in the freezer and apply to burned areas.

Aloe. Another magical cure for sunburn that is great at moisturizing, cooling, and quickly repairing burnt skin is chilled aloe juice. You can buy aloe vera gel at the pharmacy.

cucumber juice - a popular folk remedy for sunburn, cools, soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, promotes rapid healing. Cool the cucumber, cut into small circles or grate on a fine grater and apply in the form of compresses several times a day.

Parsley mask from burns. Parsley can be used fresh or made into a decoction. Cool the parsley, chop the leaves into a fine gruel, apply to problem skin in the form of a lotion for 15 minutes. Vitamins A and C, contained in parsley in large quantities, will help speed up the process of skin regeneration, relieve swelling.

Essential oil for sunburn

For light small burns, you can moisten the skin with cool water with the addition of a few drops of chamomile essential oil.

If the burn is severe, with blisters and open sores, dilute a few drops of lavender oil in water and gently wet the affected skin.

To soften dry skin in the treatment of burns, it is useful to rub wheat germ oil into it.

Consequences of sunburn

1. Severe sunburn of the skin can cause swelling. Sunburn on the face and neck can cause breathing difficulties. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

2. If large areas of skin on the arms and legs are affected, blood circulation may be impaired. If you notice that your hand or foot is numb, blue, immediately consult a doctor.

3. To speed up the healing of burns, do not wear coarse synthetic fabrics. Clothing should be loose-fitting, silk or cotton.

4. Do not forget that with a long stay in the open sun, you can get heat stroke.

Thermal burn is the result of tissue damage by high temperature, steam, hot object, solar radiation. In the summer, people are prone to sunburn. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to inflammation, redness and soreness of the affected area, which can subsequently become covered with blisters, rashes and crusts. To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to provide first aid correctly. Sour cream for sunburn is a popular folk remedy.

Sour cream is a dairy product. It contains lactic acid, which is part of the AHA group of alpha hydroxy acids, which are used in the manufacture of anti-aging care products, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The sour cream is often used in recipes aimed at healing or restoring the skin.


  • Has an exfoliating effect. Lactic acid has a destructive effect on protein bonds in dead cells on the surface of the epidermis, contributing to their rapid discharge and the release of young healthy cells. After using sour cream, the skin looks rejuvenated, fresh, and it feels smooth and soft to the touch.
  • Moisturizing effect. Prevents dehydration, preventing the appearance of new wrinkles and smoothing existing ones. Increases firmness, elasticity.
  • Penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. The penetration process is long and the risk of allergic reactions is minimized.
  • Improves the penetration of oxygen to the cells.
  • Increases the density of the layer of living cells of the epidermis.
  • It has an antibacterial effect, preventing the growth of harmful microbes and bacteria.

Sour cream is a source of beneficial substances for the skin. Thanks to its properties, it renews the skin, whitens it, eliminates defects and heals. This fermented milk product is often used in home care in the form of masks and compresses.

How to use sour cream for sunburn

Solarium and the sun can give not only a beautiful bronze tan, but also severe damage to the skin. A powerful ultraviolet beam penetrates deep into the cells of the skin, causing redness, inflammation and pain. Mostly open areas are burned - back, chest, stomach, face. With a severe burn, a headache, an increase in body temperature can be observed, and after a few days a blister appears on the burned area.

There are four, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage and depth:

I - red skin;

II - vague borders of erythema, blisters;

III - the structure of the skin is damaged, the lesion captures 60% of the skin of the body, feeling unwell;

IV - the deep layers of the dermis are affected, dehydration of the body is observed, the work of the heart and kidneys is disrupted, a fatal outcome is possible.

A home treatment option with sour cream is allowed if there is a first and second degree burn! In other cases, the patient should be observed by a doctor!

The treatment is symptomatic, its main goal is to relieve pain, inflammation, swelling, itching and burning.

Tactics of home treatment:

  1. Take a cool bath or shower. Cool gently, the water should be comfortable for the body, otherwise it will occur.
  2. Apply compresses and lotions with cold to the affected area. If a large area of ​​the body is burned, you can wrap yourself in a sheet. Change every 10-15 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the burn area with sour cream. If it is not at hand, you can use yogurt without additives, cream. Leave until the symptoms disappear.

An important condition for using sour cream against sunburn: smear a thin layer without rubbing into damaged skin. Rinse off after drying under running water.

Restoration of the skin cover lasts for 1-2 months. After healing, the burned areas are sensitive, apply sunscreen to them before going outside.

Disadvantages of using for sunburn

Sour cream care may not always benefit skin affected by ultraviolet radiation. Doctors note that the advantages of a fermented milk product can easily turn into its disadvantages and cause even more harm.


  • Discomfort may occur after the fermented milk product has dried.
  • When applied to the surface, a thin but dense film of fatty compounds is formed, which prevents the process of moisture evaporation and normal gas exchange.
  • If there is damage to the wound site, sour cream, or rather the bacteria present in it, can provoke suppuration of the upper layer of the skin.
  • The remains of the mask should be thoroughly washed off, otherwise they will become a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that provoke infections and purulent inflammation, which are found in large numbers on objects and in the air.

In addition to the above disadvantages of sour cream, the specialist will give a negative review regarding this first aid method for sunburn. There are no substances in the fermented milk product that can reduce pain and speed up recovery.

The effectiveness of sour cream for sunburn is doubtful, although people continue to use it, hoping that it can help them overcome the ailment and reduce inflammation.

Can sour cream be used for other types of burns?

There is an opinion among the people that if you burn yourself with a hot object or boiling water, then sour cream can quickly relieve pain, relieve heat and prevent the formation of scar tissue. In fact, this is a myth that has no evidence base.

Experts in the field of medicine warn that the use of oils, dairy products and other folk remedies can aggravate the situation and provoke the development of complications. With a burn, microtraumas form on the surface of the body, and fungi are present in sour cream, which, getting into the wound, provoke inflammation and prevent rapid healing.

Sour cream for burns is a popular folk method of providing first aid to victims of intense solar radiation, but its effectiveness is questioned by representatives of official medicine. Fatty sour cream can help only as long as the product remains cold, but after drying and reaching room temperature, a dense layer does not allow the skin to recover and heal normally. Do not take risks, do not expose the burnt body to danger in the form of bacteria and fungi, trust the treatment methods using special medications.

Why do sunburns occur?

Sunlight is uneven. There is visible light, thanks to which we see the world around us, there is infrared light, thanks to which we feel warm, and there is ultraviolet light. So the ultraviolet spectrum is also divided into three categories: rays A, B and C.

It turns out that ultraviolet C rays never reach the earth. But they are capable of killing all living things. They are even sometimes created artificially and used in germicidal lamps.

Rays B reach us about 5%. They are terribly dangerous: severely damage the skin, cause cancer. But very few of them reach us.

But the bulk are A rays. From them, in fact, a tan occurs, they can also damage the skin, and sometimes they also cause.

Probably, many of you have heard such an expression as “healthy tan”. So “healthy tan” is about like a “light cigarette”. Sunburn and health in medicine are not compatible things. If a person thinks about his health, he will not consciously sunbathe.

The more direct sunlight hits the skin, the higher the risk of damage.

Ffactors that increase the risk of sunburn:


Times of Day,

skin color (the lighter it is, the higher the risk),

hair color (the biggest risk in redheads),

eye color (high chance of getting burned in blue-eyed people),

age (older people and babies are very sensitive to the sun's rays),

medicines (taking many drugs is not compatible with sunbathing).

Also, wet skin can also be attributed to risk factors: when we get out of the water, every drop on the skin works like a lens through which the risk of skin damage increases. Therefore, for prevention purposes, as soon as you get out of the water, you need to blot your skin with a towel.

Sunburn symptoms

Symptoms of a sunburn can be general (increased body temperature) and local (the skin becomes sensitive, painful, red, hot).

Burns are 1, 2, 3 degrees. It is difficult to burn out in the sun up to the 3rd degree. Redness is a first-degree burn, and if blisters appear, it's a second-degree burn. In fact, sunburn is the most common thermal burn that affects a large area of ​​the skin.

How to treat sunburn

1. The very first thing we must do is to get away from the place where the sun is. When the child came home, you need to cool him down under a cool shower (26-30 ° C). Of course, he will be hurt, so before turning on the water, put a towel on his shoulders. After the child comes out of the shower, you can continue to apply a wet towel to him. You can do this even if you are still in nature.

2. After that, you immediately want to spread something. What are we smearing? Sour cream, kefir and so on... We are the only country in the world where dairy products are used for medicinal purposes. They also argue which sour cream is better for treating burns. But you can’t smear with sour cream, because fat blocks the sweat glands!
