Educational and methodological material (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the New Year's performance on the water “New Year in Hawaii. New Year's traditions in Hawaii

Almost New Year is celebrated in Japan whole month. The festivities start at Catholic Christmas, December 25, takes over the New Year and continues until mid-January. Main tradition New Year's Eve- treat each other to rice cakes. They are traditionally baked white and Pink colour. According to Japanese beliefs, these colors bring good luck. It is impossible to see Christmas trees in Japanese homes on New Year's Day. Instead, at the entrance there are Kadomatsu, living compositions made of bamboo, spruce branches and plum branches. They symbolize prosperity, success in business and personal life. On New Year's Eve, the Japanese always visit a Buddhist temple to repent of their sins and ask the gods to send them health, peace and good luck in all their endeavors in the coming year.

As for the holiday itself, the Japanese like to celebrate it in noisy companies, preferably in nature. New Year's days are a time for winter sports, competitions in sculpting figures from snow, and creating ice compositions. The most popular competition is for the best snowman.

New Year in China

Traditional New Year On the night of January 31 to January 1, China practically does not celebrate it. Chinese New Year is a Spring Festival, celebrated according to the Eastern calendar.

New Year in India

It is curious that in India there are several “New Years”. The date of celebration depends on which calendar is used in a particular Indian state. If the traditional New Year is celebrated in India, it is celebrated in a European way. And it is celebrated, for the most part, by foreigners, not local residents.

New Year in Hawaii

Hawaii is part of the United States. That’s why the New Year these days is celebrated in a purely American way. Is that all the main events, festivities, fireworks and parties take place on the beaches, on the ocean coast, among tropical greenery.

New Year in Brazil

New Year in Latin American countries, and especially in Brazil, is another bright and enchanting carnival, which is held on the night of December 31 to January 1. Interestingly, Brazilian New Year traditions are a fiery mixture of European and African customs. Here, in holidays You can see beautifully decorated fir trees and decorated palm trees, try classic New Year's English cuisine and exotic dishes of the Hawaiian Islands. You can go to an elegant party or celebrate the New Year on the beach, dancing fiery Brazilian dances in national costumes. Of course, the central place in the celebrations is occupied by football competitions, where would we be without them. In a word, those who want to celebrate the New Year in all countries of the world at once can go to Brazil. In this country all the traditions and customs different nations visible at a glance!

Nowadays they are becoming more and more fashionable themed parties on different topics. We offer Celebrate the corporate New Year at Hawaiian style .

All those present must be dressed in bright colors light clothes. Bright shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, shell necklaces, flowers stuck in hairstyles - all this should accompany the corporate New Year “Holiday in Hawaiian Style”. Hawaiian leis will be handed out to guests upon entry.

Book an instrumental band and let them entertain you all evening, singing Hawaiian-style songs with guitar and drums. Also invite a group of go-go dancing girls.

There should be on the tables a large number of fruits, freshly squeezed juices, tequila, exotic cocktails, fried bananas and pineapples, slices of fried meat with fruit, and many, many other treats.

The hall for the corporate New Year according to the “Holiday in Hawaiian style” scenario should be decorated in Hawaiian style: artificial palm trees, hammocks, sun loungers, umbrellas, flower wreaths and many bouquets.

When all the guests are assembled, the host appears and announces that everyone is now on one of the Hawaiian islands, and that entertainment, music and dancing await them. Everyone is asked to take their chairs and try the dishes that will be served to them by beautiful Hawaiian girls. Girls-waitresses come out dancing go-go to Hawaiian music. To the rhythm of the dance, they treat guests to cocktails and snacks.

While guests eat, they are entertained by a Hawaiian ensemble with their fiery songs and dances.

Let work be a joy
They are waiting for rewards for all their efforts!
And today we will taste the sweetness,
We'll be glad to have a blast!
May things go well
Here's to success in business! Aloha!!

Then the floor is given to the company's accountant, who makes the following toast:

For there to always be success in everything,
And in general, everything was not bad in life,
Let's pour a glass for prosperity,
As they say in Hawaii: “Aloha!”

One of the company’s employees also volunteers to make a toast:

Let's make a toast to love ourselves -
And not a Moskvich, not an old house on stilts,
I would have to buy it for myself as a gift,
Cool yacht with a house in Hawaii!

After the toasts, hot Hawaiian dancing takes place. You can learn the Hawaiian dance "Limbo" and have a blast. We also offer to dance “Lambada” and “Macarena”. Give the best dancer a prize in the form of a bunch of bananas.

While dancing you can have a couple interesting competitions with Hawaiian prizes. And arrange real Hawaiian karaoke.

Corporate New Year “Holiday in Hawaiian style”

Chinese New Year in Hawaii

Scattered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, like pearl beads, the Hawaiian Islands are always calm, surprising and colorful, but holidays in winter will be especially pleasant. Just imagine how wonderful it is - in the bitter cold and snowfalls, you will again find yourself in a fabulous summer and, relaxing under the hot sun on a snow-white beach, forget about all the problems and worries and just enjoy life.

Why not give yourself such a gift and go for the New Year and Christmas holidays to a real paradise in the tropics - the Hawaiian Islands?!

Hawaii, consisting of twelve small and eight large islands, is located in the North Pacific Ocean. You can swim here all year round. But in the midst of winter - in December and January in Hawaii, at the time when the New Year's festivities begin - it is especially beautiful: the air temperature on average reaches 26-27 degrees, and the water temperature is about 26 degrees. Limitless white sand beaches, turquoise ocean waters, active volcanoes, tropical jungles, rapids rivers and waterfalls - you can see all this when you go traveling to the most exotic state America .

Chinese New Year is typically celebrated by Hawaiians in the middle of winter. When congratulating each other, local residents usually wish “Happy New Year!” in Chinese: Gung Hay Fat Choy.

New Year in Hawaii according to Chinese traditions

  • In China New Year has existed as a holiday for more than a thousand years. It was most likely brought to Hawaii more than a century ago by the Chinese, who came to make money on plantations.
  • IN New Year's festivities By Chinese traditions There are always tea ceremonies, and in addition, daffodil festivals, colorful parades, fireworks on the ocean coast, and a bright and fiery “lion dance” is also certainly organized, during which two people dress in a lion costume and dance to the rhythms of the drums. At this time, all people throw coins to the “lion” so that in exchange for money, happiness, luck and prosperity will come to them in the new year and so that the “lions” will protect their families and homes from evil spirits.

IN New Year holidays You can choose a relaxation program to suit any most demanding taste. Can't recommend this to lovers of peace and quiet best place for relaxation! The islands have many quiet and remote spots, and every hotel is sure to have a spa.

Tourists who are accustomed to active holidays will be able to try their hand at surfing and diving Hawaii, which first appeared on these islands. Both young and old people enjoy surfing here. It has become firmly entrenched in the Hawaiian culture and way of life. Experienced instructors on the shore will help you learn how to ride the wave.

Those who cannot imagine their life without fishing will happily go sailing on a boat or yacht with experienced fishermen, who will demonstrate how to hunt fish with a spear, after which they can try hunting on their own. TO festive table you will have a rich catch - the caught fish will be cleaned, cut up and even grilled according to special recipes.

For an unforgettable and unique experience, you should go on a helicopter tour to the Hawaiian volcanoes. For example, on such a trip you can walk along the crater of the Kilauea volcano and watch how lava falls into the ocean waters. By the way, you can also try one of the favorite pastimes of Hawaiians on New Year's Eve - play in the snow and ride along the volcanic slopes on snowboards.

In general, New Year is one of favorite holidays on the Hawaiian Islands. On this day you can taste traditional Hawaiian dish- a pig baked on coals. Beach parties, fruit and Hawaiian rum cocktails await you, holiday fireworks, the world-famous fire show and hula dance, is quite easy to learn with just a few lessons. You will also definitely receive congratulations from Hawaiian Santa Claus - Kanakaloka.

From the islands of New Year's trip you can bring unusual and exotic Hawaiian souvenirs for friends, loved ones and loved ones. It is worth noting that it is in Hawaii that it is grown Kona- an elite class of coffee, and island pearls are highly valued all over the world. In addition, very interesting gifts there will be ethnic souvenirs such as Hawaiian shirts, dresses and skirts, as well as sweets, preserves and decorations in the form symbol of Hawaii - plumeria flower.

Travelers who have fallen in love with Hawaii have long called it a paradise. What can you imagine better than celebrating the New Year and Christmas holidays in Paradise!

Topic: New Year's Eve / Scenarios for corporate events

Good afternoon, Dear friends! How nice it is to see you today so beautiful, elegant, smiling and cheerful! But please explain to me why you are so happy? Ah, that's it! New Year! Do you even know what this is? So we'll see now. The New Year auction is announced.

So, through our joint efforts we found out that the New Year is…. But for some reason all this is not observed in our hall. Some strange newspapers on the walls - “Renovations are underway”... Strange... But maybe this envelope (an envelope with a letter) will clarify the situation for us. We received it this morning in the mail. Let's print it out. (The letter is read out).

Well, I think you understand everything. Any questions? To take part in a Hawaiian party, you need to look the part. Wait a second... (I bring a bag of things for the Hawaiian party). Here are your things, take them apart and dress up... (the melody of I Like To Movie It plays)

And now, let's wish each other Bon Voyage, but always in Hawaiian. I say to you: "Aloha, dood!" - and you answer: “Yes, kaine, bra!” Get ready...

Great! So, are you ready??? Then, in order to be transported to Hawaii, you need to close your eyes and not open them until I say so. (The Pink Panther) (Change of scenery)

Welcome to Hawaii! (Hawaiian Music) (Hawaiian Dance)

Good evening, good hour!
I salute you all!
Very good, salaam alaikum,
Bona sir, you're welcome!
More bonjour, shalom and ciao,
Buenas diaz, sveiki, hello!
Gomarjoba, buna, yeti,
Namaste, aloha, terwist.

We are pleased to welcome you to the Hawaiian party. Surely you have already become familiar with the rules. I’ll say a few more words: now I’ll give you 9 sheets of paper with the expected number of the ball with the key phrase. At our holiday today, the “-1” rule applies. This means that after each competition you will receive a paper with the number of the ball in which the phrase is not exactly located, that is, the chances will increase. Do I need to explain anything else? (No). Very good. Then I announce Hawaiian party, dedicated to the open New Year's Eve! Hooray! (song "Malinka" sounds)

First competition. I put the prize on the chair. The competition participants are located around the chair, i.e. You. I'll ask you to stand up. I'm reading a poem. Those who try to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition. As the poem progresses, you will understand the rules.

I'll tell you a story
Fifteen times.
As soon as I say the word "three" -
Take the prize immediately!
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish -
And not just one, but TWO.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
Don't cram them until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?

Now you are prompted to "open" new planet. We need to inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner! (Buttons Remix)

Somehow it seems to me that you are already tired of sitting. We need to move. And the next competition will help us with this. It's called tangerines. You probably think that now you will just need to move the tangerines from one end of the room to the other without using your hands. But no! We've made it more difficult. One participant comes out, I turn on the music, and you must move all the tangerines to the music, dancing beautifully. You need to move to the music. For example, if I turn on a waltz, you dance a waltz, if I turn on a tango, you dance a tango.

Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream - so a competition is being announced to name the ice cream. You take turns naming the varieties of ice cream. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

In order to take part in the next competition, you need to stand up. I give everyone one balloon, which you tie to your left leg. On my command you try right foot crush the enemy's ball. The winner is the one who bursts the opponent's balloon with his foot faster. (Potential Breakup Song)

I suggest taking a break. Treats have been prepared for you. (Bring food) (Apologize)

The next competition is called a chain. Here you see, there are paper clips. You need to make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

This hat contains small pieces of paper with one word written on it. Each of you takes turns taking notes out of the hat and singing a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written on its leaf appears.

This is what New Year's holiday is like - noisy, cheerful, but there is always a lot of garbage left behind. As you may have already noticed, there is a lot of garbage scattered on the floor. But we can’t celebrate the New Year with garbage! Therefore, it is necessary to clean up. I'm giving it to you plastic bottles. And you need to collect the weight of this garbage into bottles as quickly as possible. (Siniy Siniy Ticket)

Song Jingle Bells (Jingle Bells) Well, evening has come in Hawaii - magical time when you can make wishes and they will definitely come true... Now I will tell you when the New Year begins in different countries peace... (see the application “New Year by the hour”) (Drink Up Me Heartless Yo Ho)

It turns out that the New Year in Hawaii will not begin until tomorrow, so we need to return home. The competitions are over and you should only have one piece of paper with the ball number left. And you need to find this ball. Get started. Congratulations, you have found the ball with the key phrase. We need to burst it.

What is written here? Yeah, not in Russian. Look, (point to a piece of paper with the inscription “Happy New Year” in Hawaiian) this is “Happy New Year” in Hawaiian. I give you a paper airplane. You must write this phrase on it and release it through the window. Let's! Now, as the letter sent to us says, everything should return to its place. To do this, I suggest you change clothes (I bring a bag with things for the New Year) (Give It Up To Me) and close your eyes for a few minutes. I'll tell you when it will be possible to open them. (Spybreak) (Change of scenery)

In addition to generally accepted US holidays (for example, Columbus Day), Hawaii celebrates three special holiday: Prince John Kuhio Kalanianaole Day, King Kamehameha I Day, and Hawaii's official incorporation into the United States. These days, most banks and government agencies on the islands are closed.

Since Hawaii is a multiethnic and multicultural state, Hawaiians celebrate some unofficial holidays, the most popular of which are: May Day (Lei Flower Day), Boys' Day, Girls' Day and Chinese New Year. We would like to introduce you to these Hawaiian holidays.

Prince John Kuhio Kalanianaole Day

More short name This holiday is Kuhio Day, which is celebrated every year on March 26th. The tradition of celebrating this holiday began in 1949, on the prince’s birthday.

Prince Kuhio was born on the island of Kauai in 1871 to Ruler David Kahalepouli and Princess Kinoiki Kekaulike. In the period 1903-1921. he was Hawaii's second delegate to the US Congress. The prince went down in history as the man who convinced Congress to give public land to Native Hawaiians for housing.

Kuhio Day features a festive parade on the island of Oahu, a canoeing competition and a Hawaiian luau.

King Kamehameha I Day

Typically celebrated on June 11th, this holiday is called Kamehameha Day. It was established in 1871 by King Kamehameha V in honor of his great-grandfather Kamehameha I. Kamehameha Day is the only royal holiday officially recognized in the state of Hawaii.

King Kamehameha was born on the Big Island approximately 1740-1758. He was the son of King Keoua Kupuapaikalani and Kekuiapoiwa. They raised him adoptive parents, who taught him the art of war. Kamehameha became famous for his fearlessness and is remembered for uniting all of the Hawaiian Islands. He became the first ruler of Hawaii in 1795.

On Kamehameha Day there are parades, hula, music festivals. Residents decorate the huge statue of the last king with lei necklaces.

The day Hawaii officially became part of the United States

This Day is celebrated every third Friday in August. Hawaii became part of the United States in 1959. Representatives from Hawaii failed to convince the government to pass accession legislation for 50 years. And after 5 unsuccessful attempts (in 1919, 1931, 1935, 1947, 1950), the law was finally adopted and signed by President Eisenhower on August 21, 1959.

may Day

This holiday is also known as Lei Day. It is celebrated annually in the first week of May. The holiday was established in 1928 to celebrate weaving and decorating oneself with lei necklaces.

On this holiday, residents throughout the state wear leis, organize parades and school performances.

Boys' Day

This holiday is also called Tango no sekku (Japanese: First Day of the Horse), and was originally a Japanese holiday established between 593-629. AD The holiday came to Hawaii with Japanese immigrants.

Boys' Day is celebrated every fifth of May. Families hang colorful carp-shaped flags outside their houses, the number of flags depending on the number of boys in the family.

In Japan, the carp is considered a symbol of resilience and courage for its ability to swim even against strong currents.

On Boys' Day, Hawaii hosts festivals where children can glue their own koi, paint their own faces, and eat Japanese food.

Girls' Day

Also called Hinamatsuri, it is a Japanese holiday that originates from the spring ritual cleansing ceremony. The holiday came to the islands with immigrants.

Girls' Day falls on the third of March. Families display tiny dolls in front of their homes to symbolize Japanese culture. royal family. Very often, as gifts for this holiday, girls receive new dolls for their collections.

Girls' Day symbolizes peace, tranquility and beauty. This is the day of all female creatures, and a holiday on which they wish a successful wedding to all young girls.

On Girls' Day, a special treat is usually prepared - mochi (special fluffy sweets made from rice and covered with sweet molasses), and parades are held; girls wear elegant kimonos, visit each other and dance.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is celebrated in late January to mid-February. During these weeks, locals usually say "Gung Hee Fat Choy" or simply "Happy New Year" to each other.

New Year's Eve Chinese calendar in China itself it has been celebrated for more than a thousand years. Most likely, this holiday came to Hawaii around 1855, along with immigrants from China who came to work on the plantations. The holiday is accompanied by tea ceremonies, parades, fireworks, an annual daffodil festival and a lion dance.

The Lion Dance is the most popular way to celebrate Chinese New Year. There are two people in a lion costume who dance to the sound of a drum. Residents throw money to the “lion” for good luck, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. People also believe that lions drive away evil spirits.
