Chinese baby gender conception calendar. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child

The article describes in detail how to determine the gender of your child using the tables of the Chinese and Japanese calendar.

Not all parents plan in advance who they will have a girl or a boy. And not everyone will believe that this is possible to plan. But there are ancient methods by which you can conceive a child of the desired sex. It is a pity that these methods are not always effective and do not give one hundred percent result.

Although, in most cases, using the Chinese or Japanese calendar, you can make a forecast for the future. Let's learn how to use the tables to find out the sex of the future newborn.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child for 2019-2020

The most reliable medical method for determining who will be born to a future mother is ultrasound diagnostics. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the floor of the crumb is established. But, how do you plan for a boy or a girl to be born in nine months?

More than two centuries ago, in China, a table was used to give birth to an heir to a noble royal family. It is very interesting that the calculations according to that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test for the sex of the future baby.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

The Chinese table is the calendar by which you can pre-plan the gender of the newborn. This ancient manuscript was found by archaeologists in Beijing. To be more precise, it was found in the place where the famous Chinese emperor was buried.

This tablet was invented by the ancient sages. It takes into account the phases of the moon and some features of women, namely, the change of blood in their body, which occurs every month. According to these pundits, it is the monthly menstrual cycle that affects who the future mother will have - a girl or a boy.

IMPORTANT: By Chinese standards, the age of newborns is calculated differently. If we have a child at the time of birth - 0 months, then in China - already seven or nine months. There, age is calculated from the moment of conception.

What is the Chinese calendar?

  • There are 336 cells in this plate, in each of these cells the gender of the future newborn is indicated: "Boy", "Girl"
  • Numbers are written vertically - this is the full age of the future woman in labor. To make assumptions in the future more accurate, keep in mind that you need to add seven to nine months to your age (we talked about this above)
  • Even according to Chinese rules, the childbearing age of ladies begins at eighteen and ends at forty-five. These are the numbers that go vertically.
  • Months are shown horizontally. If you want a son, then choose the cell with "M" - which means a boy. See in which month according to the table you have a boy, in that month and try to conceive a baby

How to use the table correctly?

Using the calendar is quite simple, because the Chinese have always been famous for inventions that are easy to use. So any mom can figure it out in this calendar, because for this it is not necessary to solve logarithmic functions.

Let's look at an example:

  • EXAMPLE: Now the girl is 23 years 6 months old. We consider the age of the expectant mother from the moment of conception: 23 years 6 months + 9 months, it turns out 24 years 3 months. We look at the calendar vertically - we are looking for the number 24. We found it, now we look horizontally, in which month - a girl, in which - a boy. If parents dream of a girl, then the favorable months for conceiving a baby are from August to December

IMPORTANT: There are errors in the calendar. It is often because of this prediction that does not come true. Especially, this happens when the child is conceived at the very beginning, at the end of the month.

Japanese baby gender calendar

In Japan, childlessness is considered a great misfortune for the family. And when a Japanese woman gives birth only to girls, then this is bad luck for men. After all, according to their laws, every respected man must have a son-heir.

For the sake of this, some families even decided to adopt a child just to get an heir. And men cheated on their wives, hoping that their mistress would give birth to a son.

The problem of the birth of an heir has long been considered one of the most important in Japan. Many sages have wondered how to solve it. And they came up with a simple, effective method that is effective in 89% out of a hundred - the Japanese calendar.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child for 2019 and 2020

Determining the gender of a baby according to the Japanese calendar is relatively easy. To do this, you only need to know the month of birth of a man, a woman. Then find the point of their intersection in the proposed table. This cell (intersection point) will contain a number. Remember her.

Go to the second table. Find that number in the chart below. Then the month of conception. At the intersection of these two data, you will find the gender of your child.

To make things clearer, let's look at example

  • The expectant mother was born in May, and the father - in September. We look at the first plate, look for the number where these months intersect. The cell contains the number - nine
  • We pass to the second scheme. In the vertical column we are looking for the number nine, and in the horizontal column, the month of conception, for example, July. Looks like you're having a boy

Of course, these methods for determining the sex of babies do not give a one hundred percent accurate result. However, there is no need to despair. The most important thing is that your baby is born healthy, and parents surround the baby with care, attention, love.

Video: planning the sex of newborns according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese and Japanese conception calendar will help you plan for the birth of a girl or a boy.

All parents want to know the gender of their unborn child. After all, I want to buy clothes of a certain color and make the future children's room in blue or pink.

It happens that future parents are only planning a pregnancy and they want to conceive a girl or a boy. The Chinese table will help determine the gender of the unborn baby. This is an ancient diagram that was discovered in the tomb of a monk who lived near Beijing over 700 years ago.

Important: After the discovery of the find, archaeologists studied the table, and now modern women and men can determine the sex of their unborn child. This chart was used in noble Chinese families to plan the conception of children.

Today, Chinese women are prohibited from testing to determine the sex of the baby. Therefore, the Chinese themselves are skeptical about this table.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

This manuscript was invented by Chinese ancestors. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the moon - the eternal satellite of our planet, and certain features of the female body. These features include a change of blood that occurs every month.

Important: Chinese sages are sure that it is the monthly menstrual cycle that affects the sex of the unborn child.

The Chinese table will help you quickly and easily find out who will be born - a boy or a girl:

  • The table consists of 336 cells with the letters "D" and "M", where D is a girl and M is a boy
  • The vertical lines indicate the age of the mother. In order for the calculations to be accurate, add 9 months to the age of the woman in labor
  • Months are shown horizontally.

Important: If you are planning to conceive a boy, choose the age of the expectant mother and look for the letter "M". Opposite which months this letter is located, in those months it will be possible to conceive a boy. You also need to do if you want to conceive a girl.

The accuracy of this method is over 75%. The main thing is to correctly determine the month of conception.

Japanese baby gender calendar

Another interesting method of planning the sex of the child is the Japanese calendar. These are two tables.

Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child - the first table

Japanese calendar for determining the sex of the child - the second table

One of them shows the months of birth of mom and dad. At the intersection of these months, a secret number is indicated. What to do next?

  • Remember the number and look down at the second table
  • Secret numbers are indicated vertically - find your own among them
  • Horizontally - months of conception
  • Look for who you want to conceive - a boy or a girl, and see the month when you can plan to do this

The accuracy of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child is much higher than the accuracy of the Chinese table - up to 90%. This method of planning was used by the Japanese emperors.

Using Japanese and Chinese tables is easy. The main thing is to know the sequence of calculations and correctly determine the necessary numbers.

The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child for 2019 and 2020 will be the same for these years. Important figures in the Japanese calendar are the months of birth of the mother and father. When the secret number is known, you can calculate the gender of the unborn baby.

Important: With the help of the Japanese calendar, you can both plan the sex of the future child in advance, and determine its gender during the conception.

Hoping for Japanese and Chinese calendars, do not forget that an ultrasound scan is a 100% method for determining the sex of a baby. An ultrasound specialist will be able to accurately determine who will be born - a girl or a boy.

Video: We plan the sex of the child according to the Chinese table

Good afternoon, dear readers! Would you like to know exactly the gender of the unborn child and even plan the pregnancy by “ordering” a son or daughter? Are there reliable forecasting methods in such a delicate area and how to find out the sex of a child without ultrasound?

It turns out that there are such methods, some of them are quite ancient, others are based on modern scientific data. Let's get acquainted with the main methods of calculation.

How to find out the gender of the child: the main ways

Many parents are not averse to calculating the gender of the child in advance. someone already has, say, two daughters and really wants to have a successor to the family name. Others have more complicated problems: there are, say, a number of diseases that are transmitted only through the male or exclusively through the female line. Here, the very life of the baby, or at least his health, will be tied to his gender.

Boy or girl, how do you know? This question is often asked by future mothers and fathers. What does science say about this? One thing is known for certain: sex chromosomes are responsible for the birth of a son or daughter.

Women have two identical X chromosomes, while men have an unpaired set: an X and a Y chromosome. It is clear that the pregnancy calendar depends on the combination of these combinations: it is easy to calculate the sex of the child, knowing the initial data of the connecting chromosomes of a man and a woman.

In theory, it's understandable. But in practice, how to understand which of the male chromosomes will come into contact with the female and, accordingly, is it possible to conduct a certain test for the sex of the child, or is everything decided by chance, fate?

There are many different methods, including pseudoscientific ones, there are also so-called folk signs and recommendations, sometimes very curious. For example, the ancient Germans advised how to find out the sex of the unborn child: you just need to set it according to the weather.

In rainy weather, girls are most often conceived, and boys are born after a night of love in clear weather. The ancient Chinese were sure that in order to give birth to an heir, a woman should be put to bed on the night of intercourse with her head to the north, respectively, in a pose with her head to the south, a girl will turn out.

But today we will still talk about other planning options that are more scientifically based or at least proven by centuries of practice. You can calculate whether a boy or a girl is in several main ways:
  • According to the ovulation algorithm;
  • According to the Japanese and Chinese table;
  • By renewing the blood;
  • Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents;
  • According to the prevailing diet;
  • According to the lunar calendar, etc.

Gender of the child by date of conception and age of the mother: the ancient Chinese calendar

In a number of calculations, the same criterion is present, which is quite logical, because one of the main decisive factors really becomes the very moment of the merger of male and female principles. Therefore, the sex of the child by the date of conception is determined by several methods, although each uses this element in its own way, in combination with other initial data.

For example, in a very ancient Chinese table, the link is made to the age of the mother. Historians claim that the original document was found in the catacombs, where it was kept for 700 years. But there is one caveat: the mother's age is needed not at the moment of conception, but at the expected date of birth. That is, 9 months of the gestation period must be added to the day of pregnancy.

This is a very simple table: a boy or a girl, we will find out using just two numbers: the month of conception of the baby and the age of the mother at the time of the future birth. At the intersection of the corresponding rows of the table, we will see the desired letter: M or D.

How to find out the gender of the child according to the Japanese table

A little more complicated is the Japanese calculation algorithm. This will require two interdependent tablets and three numbers (months of birth of both parents and conception).

How to find out the gender of the child using tables of this format? In the first table, the months of birth of the father and mother of the baby are encrypted. At the crossroads of these two introductory there is some figure. We remember it (write it down) and look for it in the “heading” of the columns of the second plate. In this column, select the line with the month of conception of the baby. Opposite this date, we look at the results of forecasts for the sex of the unborn baby.


The mother-to-be was born in May and the father-to-be was born in September. The child was conceived in December. To determine the sex of the unborn child, we look in the first table for the number that stands at the intersection of May horizontally and September vertically. This is number 9.

We find the number 9 in the upper first row horizontally. This is our desired column. In this column, we are looking for the month of conception of the unborn child - December. Opposite December there are many crosses in the "boy" column. So, according to the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child, a boy should be born. And if the child was conceived in May, then most likely it was a girl.

The Japanese do not give guarantees, their table gives a probabilistic forecast, that is, it shows how great the chances of having a son or daughter are. In this original calendar, a girl or a boy is indicated by several crosses. The more of these icons, the more likely the conception of a baby of this sex in a given month.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child according to the ovulation schedule

The most reliable way to determine the sex of the unborn child was proposed by the Polish doctor F. Benedo, there are also similar calculations from French scientists. It is believed that the accuracy of such forecasts is up to 80 percent.

As we already know, it all depends on which of the male chromosomes will connect with the female - X or Y. In the first case, the code XX will be obtained, that is, a girl will be born. In the second, with set XY, the newborn will be a boy. But still, how to find out who will be born, what will be the combination of chromosomes in our particular case?

Helps in the calculation of the different behavior of male spermatozoa. The one that has the X chromosome is larger, but slow and can stay in the female body for a long time, up to 5 days, waiting for the egg. And the sperm carrying the Y-chromosome dies quickly, in a day or two. They are small, weak, although quite nimble.

Who will be born: a girl or a boy, depends on which one has time to merge with the female egg. For the birth of a boy, fertilization must occur a day before ovulation or even earlier. A girl will be conceived if intercourse occurs 3-5 days before ovulation.

It remains to calculate the date of ovulation. For this, there are special pharmacy testers. Another option is to measure your basal body temperature. It rises slightly at the time of ovulation, by about half a degree. Finally, you can determine the sex of the child by the last menstruation or by the menstrual cycle. The boy will appear if fertilization occurs 11-13 days before the next menstruation. Girl - with effective sexual intercourse 14-15 days before menstruation.

And one more little secret: if a woman has an orgasm, the chance of giving birth to a boy is higher. It is believed that deep orgasm promotes the survival of sperm Y.

Gender of the child by date of conception of the baby and mother

The theories of the Budyansky spouses are another way to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception of both the baby and his mother. The last figure is derived based on the woman's birthday, 9 months are subtracted from this date and the desired moment is obtained.

According to Budyansky's theory, the parity or oddness of the mother's menstrual cycle plays a significant role in the process of forming the sex of the baby. From here it is concluded how to find out the sex of the child by the date of conception. Only the emphasis in the calculations is on the date of birth. A woman with an odd cycle will give birth to a boy in an even month, and a girl in an odd month of the year. A mother who has an even cycle of menstruation has every chance of giving birth to a son in an odd month of the year, and a daughter in an even month.

We determine the sex of the child by updating the blood

Finding out the sex of the child by blood renewal is the next common method. Numerous medical observations and studies undeniably show the frequency of blood renewal. For beautiful ladies, this happens once every three years. Men are more stable, their renewal process has a cycle of four years.

On this interesting property, the determination of the sex of a child by blood renewal is based. Whoever has fresher blood, that sex is stronger at the time of conception, so will the heir. You can also count the periods from the date of birth of the parents, but it must be borne in mind that the cycles go astray after a serious blood loss, for example, if there was some kind of operation, including an abortion. Then this date will become a new reference point for cycles.

How to calculate the sex of a child by renewing blood, if both parents have approximately the same quality of blood at the time of conception, that is, the cycle coincided? It is in this case that the birth of twins is most likely! Statistics assures that the forecast for this system gives a 50 percent hit.

And even more interesting and more about this method, see the video:

How to determine the sex of the unborn child by diet

If you are not convinced by the theory of how to calculate the sex of a child by blood renewal, or you think that a 50 percent chance is not enough, you can add "points" using a certain diet. The Dutch have experimentally developed a diet that promotes the birth of a baby of a certain gender.

Everything is extremely simple: there is no need for complex combinations of numbers, factors, there is no need for such calculations, for example, how to find out the date of birth or in solving other “tasks”. It's just that for about three months, both parents need to adhere to certain preferences in the daily menu. The percentage of luck in the forecast according to this principle is very high - from 70 to 80.

So, in order for the heir of the stronger sex to be born, you need to consume foods rich in proteins and fats, and even flavor them with salt. It is also important to have foods high in potassium and sodium in the diet. There are even special lists of products: who will be born, the table will tell, based on the preferred set of dishes. To conceive a boy, experts advise to lean on meat and fish, seafood, vegetables (especially potatoes), cereals, beans, mushrooms, testicles, bakery products.

For girls, food with a predominant content of magnesium and calcium will be required. Specifically, this is an abundance of dairy products, fruits, colored vegetables, nuts, chocolate, honey, and other sweets.

Other methods to find out the sex of the child

We already know how the sex of a child is determined by the date of conception and by other factors and signs. For example, the use of the lunar calendar is gaining popularity. The Moon, bypassing the Earth, crosses all 12 zodiac signs every month.

Half of them are considered male: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Accordingly, the remaining six signs are female: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus. Who will be born a boy or a girl: a table is not required, it is enough to have a lunar calendar and keep track of which sign the Moon was in on the day of conception. If in the male, expect a son, and in the female, logically, a daughter.

Another method is to take into account the blood type and Rh factor of both parents. True, it is impossible to reveal exactly the sex of a child by blood, one can only talk about the predisposition of a given couple to the birth of children of one sex or another. After all, both Rh and blood type are constants, that is, unchanging indicators. However, there are also tables showing the chances of a daughter or son being born to a particular couple.

A number of researchers claim that it is possible to predict the sex of a baby based on the age of the mother and father. This is partly true, because it is on age indicators, as we said above, that blood renewal depends. And we have already considered how to determine the sex of a child by blood renewal.

Of course, the most reliable method of diagnosis is ultrasound. Although, babies sometimes hide their obvious signs of gender, turning around so that even smart equipment will not see them. Yes, and a number of parents do not really want to make such calculations and deliberately refuse even ultrasound.

They want the sacrament of birth to remain so, despite the latest means and ancient signs. Moreover, none of the methods gives a 100% guarantee. It is better to wait for the decision of fate than to count, tune in to one result, and then worry if the forecast does not come true.

That's all for now, dear friends. The main thing is that any newborn should be desired, loved, regardless of his gender. On this today we will say goodbye. Be happy with your kids!

The Chinese Birth Calendar is a table found at an emperor's burial site near Beijing, China, about 700 years ago. Legend claims that Ba Gua and Wu Xing helped develop the Chinese Gender Table during the Oing Dynasty. The ancient artifact is now on public display at the Beijing Institute of Science.

What gender do the Chinese prefer?

Since boys have always been physically stronger than girls, the ancient Chinese preferred more boys in their families. They could help with farming, which is essential for a traditionally agricultural country. Parents often looked at newborn girls mainly as a source of embezzlement. Girls stayed with families until they were 17 years old, then they got married and joined their husbands' families. The choice of gender was also important for the emperors of ancient China. So it is not surprising that such a table was found in their burial places.

How to use the table?

Below you will find a good example of the Chinese gender calendar. It has an age column from 18 to 45 on the left side of the table. It also has a row of months from January to December - the head of the table. The table is easy to use, but You need to add 9 months to the mother's age to find out what age she is according to the Chinese calendar.

  1. Set the mother's age according to the Chinese calendar when she was conceived.
  2. Write this number in the left column.
  3. Find the month when the child was conceived in the top row.
  4. Draw a straight horizontal line on the table, starting with her age.
  5. Draw another line vertically on the chart starting from the month of conception.
  6. At the point where the 2 lines intersect, you will see an M or D.

M indicates that the mother conceived a boy, D indicates that a girl can be expected.












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Calculation example: The expectant mother was born on August 7, 1983, which means that according to the Chinese calendar we add 9 months to her age, it turns out that her age is 30 years old (at the time of 2012), suppose the conception of a child was in August, at the intersection of age and month of conception there is a letter M - i.e. boy. Everything is clearly shown below.


The table is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and is more than 90% accurate, according to those who have tried to determine the sex of their unborn child. However, there is no scientific evidence that the table guarantees accurate predictions. Most people agree that the main function of the table is to provide some sort of entertainment and food for thought.

Determine the gender of your baby

Some people use the Chinese birth calendar to or according to their wishes. Use the table to determine the future age of the mother and the current month. Draw a horizontal line along the row of months until you reach your desired gender. This will determine the month when conception should occur if you want to choose the gender of your baby.

Doctors now use scientific techniques, such as ultrasound, to determine the sex of a child. And these methods usually give accurate results. However, future parents still enjoy using the Chinese birth calendar as well. While most people don't take it seriously, the accuracy of the calendar is staggering.

Zodiac signs

Although astrology is not directly related to gender calendars, the Chinese are also attached to it. Astrology has its origins in the Zu and Han dynasties. They also added the concepts of the elements (or their changes) along with Yin and Yang.

12 signs of the zodiac

  • Aries: March 21 - April 20, ram ♈
  • Taurus: April 21 - May 21, Ox ♉
  • Gemini: May 22 - June 21 Gemini ♊
  • Cancer: June 22 - July 23, Cancer ♋
  • Leo: July 24 - August 23, Leo ♌
  • Virgo: August 24 - September 23, Virgo ♍
  • Libra: September 24 - October 23, Libra ♎
  • Scorpio: October 24 - November 22, Scorpio ♏
  • Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22, centaur ♐
  • Capricorn: December 23 - January 20, goat ♑
  • Aquarius: Jan 21 - Feb 19, carrying water ♒
  • Pisces: February 20 - March 20, Pisces ♓

Chinese astrology

Wu Hing/Wu Ying phase change

Rather than relying solely on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the Chinese have a 12 year animal cycle which creates a 60 year calendar based on a combination of the 5 elements (or phase changes).

Chinese zodiac signs

  • Rat
  • Rabbit
  • The Dragon
  • Horse
  • Goat (ram or sheep)
  • A monkey
  • Chicken
  • Dog
  • Pig

In addition to the 12 year old Chinese animals, they also have animals for each month (internal animals), animals for the day (true animals) and for the hour (secret animal).

Yes, it's something that can be used before an ultrasound and well before birth. But how accurate is this? Have you tried it? Did the ancient Chinese newborn gender chart work for you? Share your experience.

Every mother-to-be wants to know the gender of her baby as early as possible. With the help of medical methods (ultrasound), this can be done no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy. And then, sometimes mistakes happen. It remains only to trust the "near-scientific" and folk methods, of which there are a lot now. Determining the sex of a child is possible by the following methods: by the date of conception, by the renewal of the blood of his parents, by the Chinese calendar, by blood group. Let's look at each of these techniques in a little more detail.

Calculating the sex of a child based on the date of conception

As you know, the sex of the child is determined at the time of conception, the fusion of the sperm and the egg. The egg does not have a “sex”, the sperm is the carrier of the sex gene. So, contrary to popular belief, the sex of the child depends entirely on the man, or rather on his sperm.

If fertilization occurred with a spermatozoon - a carrier of the X chromosome, then a girl will be obtained, if XY - a boy will be born. Now about the date of conception. As you know, conception can occur only during the period of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). This happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle. Spermatozoa, carriers of the XY chromosome are faster than spermatozoa of the X chromosome, but "live" in the female genital tract much less. Therefore, if you want a boy, try to plan conception exactly on the day of ovulation.

We determine the gender of the child by the "renewal" of the blood of the parents

This is a very interesting theory that has been around and shown to be fairly reliable for many years. Some researchers believe that people's blood is renewed every few years. Moreover, in men, this process occurs once every 4 years, and in women - once every 3 years. Blood renewal can also occur in other situations. For example, when donating blood for donor purposes, transfusion and large blood loss, due to surgery, childbirth, etc. Be sure to take these facts into account when calculating.

Let's try to calculate.

The man is 35 years old. The woman is 26 years old.

We look at the remainder in the received figures. The future father has 6, and the future mother has 5. Calculations show that they will have a daughter.

It is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child based on the blood type and Rh factor of his parents. Although, these methods are very contradictory and can hardly be trusted. Both methods are presented below.

Table No. 1 gender of the child according to the blood type of the parents:

Table No. 2 gender of the child by the Rh factor of the parents:

Ancient Chinese table (calendar) for calculating the sex of a child

Using the table below, you can determine the gender of your unborn child. This Chinese calendar is said to be over 700 years old. And its original is kept at the Institute of Sciences in Beijing.

All that is needed for this is to know the exact month of conception of the child (this is the main problem). Few women know the exact day of ovulation, especially those who do not have a regular menstrual cycle. In the vertical column of the table, select your age, in the horizontal row - the month of conception. And at their intersection you will see the expected gender of the child.

18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Folk omens

In addition to all kinds of mathematical techniques, there are also popular beliefs. Many of them are probably known to you.

If a pregnant woman has a waist for a long time (if you look at her from behind), then a boy will be born.

Boys usually behave more actively, move more strongly.

Women who are expecting the birth of daughters are more likely to have toxicosis, acne, stretch marks, etc. Girls are said to "take the beauty" from their mothers. If a pregnant woman is constantly drawn to eat something sweet (especially if such cravings were not observed before pregnancy), a daughter will be born. If you are drawn to meat products, a son will be born.

The younger the woman, the more likely it is that her first child will be a son.

The shorter the period between births for one woman, the more likely it is that her second child will be of a different sex.

Parents over 30 are more likely to have daughters.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is possible to determine the sex of a child with 100% accuracy only by some medical methods, but it just does not make sense to conduct such analyzes. It is too expensive, and somewhere it is not even safe for the fetus. It is better to wait calmly for the birth of the child. And it doesn’t matter what gender it will be, the main thing is that it be healthy! Well, during pregnancy, you can try the methods described in this article. Which of them work and which do not, it will become clear after childbirth.
