Ulyanovsk Regional Court - congratulations on the anniversary. Happy Judgment Day

A judge is a person who is a member of a court.
The judge administers justice.
The judge tries not to harm
They play a big role in deciding the verdict.

You are the most honest of the honest judges,
A person with judicial power
And congratulations at work is not entirely appropriate
Happy birthday to the representative of authority.©

You have special training
Complementary to higher education
You will condemn any thief,
And determine the amount to pay.

You are not just a good and honest judge,
You are also a good publicist, your article has been published.
Let's celebrate your birthday somewhere.
And let's drink to your health and not only to that. ©

You're handling civil cases
And you have the authority of an investigator,
You didn't take this position for nothing.
She became a follower of her father's work.

It's your birthday today.
Accept congratulations from colleagues
We wish our judge good luck,
And simple human happiness.©

In many countries, judges wear the gown
Black or red, and a wig for the tallest,
Judges are always praised everywhere,
The fate of many depends on their decision.

You stand guard over the law
For you, it's just an axiom.
Happy birthday congratulations
And we wish prosperity to the judge. ©

You stand guard over the law, judge,
May your family be happy.
Thank you for being such knowledgeable people.
And let our respect be a reward.

You multiply from the heart to others.
And goodness will return a hundredfold to its own.
We congratulate the judge, that is, you,
And we wish you prosperity in your career!©

You are the judge, you were born today, which means
That today is your holiday
I wish you good luck
Increase your judicial experience.

We wish you many successful cases,
And to make what I wanted come true
We wish the fulfillment of desires,
And justice and a lot of knowledge.

The Lord gave you a lot of mind,
Things need to be done for others.
You are the judge, we are proud of you.
You were born with this gift. ©


This July marks the 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court. All these decades, our judicial institution has kept pace with the times, developing and improving the system of domestic justice in the territory of the region.
Today we are going through a turbulent time. The democratic reforms of the 1990s changed the priorities of the judiciary in Russia. As is known, in October 1991 the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted the Concept of Judicial Reform. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 fixed the principle of separation of state power into legislative, executive and judicial; laws were adopted on the status of judges and on the judicial system, and arbitration and constitutional (statutory) courts were created; world justice. Raising the social status of judges and employees of the court apparatus, the development of the authority of the judiciary are also specifically designated by the federal target program "Development of the Judicial System of Russia" for 2002-2006.

These are the modern aspects of our work. And it can be said with confidence that the court presences are becoming the most important body for protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the region. Opportunities to defend their claims through the courts are now practically unlimited. But quite recently there were a lot of restrictions on the protection by a citizen of their constitutional, social and labor rights, in appealing against the illegal actions of officials.
The democratization of society has stimulated the qualitative level of the work of Ulyanovsk judges - the ranks of the judiciary are constantly replenished with highly professional personnel who are up to the new demands of the day. And the regional court still acts as the organizer of the correct judicial practice in the region, helping to form a store of experience and knowledge of employees of district and city courts, justices of the peace, studying and generalizing the practice of their work, participating in the adoption of the most important organizational decisions through the bodies of the judiciary. And together the courts of all levels strengthen the authority of Russian democracy, the rule of law.
Congratulating you personally and the Presidium of the Regional Court on a glorious historical date, I want to wish everyone further creative success in strengthening justice for the sake of the welfare of the State. Let you, respected judicial workers, be accompanied by optimism and endurance, confidence in the rightness of the cause you serve.

Ulyanovsk regional court
P.P. Serkov

Happy Anniversary

The Council of Judges and the Qualification Board of Judges of the Ulyanovsk Region cordially congratulate the staff of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court with the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court.
Over the years of its existence, the Ulyanovsk Regional Court has made a worthy contribution to the strengthening of law and order. And at present, in the administration of justice, the Ulyanovsk Regional Court is strictly guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of Russia, is the guarantor of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the rights and legitimate interests of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
The Ulyanovsk Regional Court has always been famous for its personnel, it has something to be proud of. The judges of the regional court are distinguished by high professionalism, constant striving for the perfection of their knowledge, honesty and dedication to their work. The staff of the regional court has a huge creative potential.
The regional court renders great assistance to judges of district, city courts and justices of the peace, contributing to the improvement of their professionalism.
Judges of the regional court take an active part in the preparation of draft resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, participate in its work, make a worthy contribution to the formation of judicial practice.
The regional court is not indifferent to the fate of Russia, the fate of judicial reform. Judges of the regional court actively participate in the discussion of bills, make numerous suggestions and comments. The regional court renders great assistance to the bodies of the judiciary.
The Ulyanovsk Regional Court owes much of its authority to its leaders. Great achievements were achieved by the regional court when Grishin Petr Ivanovich was its leader. Zherebtsov Anatoly Vasilyevich made a great contribution to the development of the concept and implementation of the judicial reform in the Russian Federation, legislation on the status of judges, to the formation of the independence of the court, the judicial community, who became the first chairman of the High Qualifications Board of Judges of the Russian Federation.
Today's team of the regional court was formed by its chairman Serkov P.P., who is distinguished by high professionalism, the ability to think big, great diligence, high moral and human qualities. It is his merit in how the building of the regional court is being transformed and technically equipped today. Pyotr Pavlovich's initiatives are enough not only for the judiciary of the Ulyanovsk region, but for the entire judiciary community of the Russian Federation.
Being a talented organizer, he makes a great contribution to strengthening the status of judges in the Russian Federation, the independence of the court, and to the formation of the judiciary.
Representatives of the younger generation work in the office of the regional court and gain great life and professional experience.
We wish the judges and employees of the apparatus of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court health, personal happiness and new successes in the field of justice.

Council of Judges of the Ulyanovsk Region

Qualification board of judges
Ulyanovsk region

Dear Petr Pavlovich!

Office of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the Ulyanovsk region congratulates You and the entire staff of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court with the 60th anniversary of the founding.

An anniversary is always a significant event, a certain milestone in history, approaching which one should evaluate one's activities, determine prospects and plans for further work.
We understand that not only and even not so much excellent professional lawyers can administer justice, but wise people who have learned the most difficult issues of life, affirming justice with their work every day. At different stages of history, Russian courts have always been the cornerstone of the legal system, a model for other law enforcement agencies, a measure of their practical value. The role of the court has been especially high and significant recently, when the new Russian statehood began to take shape, when the judiciary, as a result of legal reform, became a real force capable of protecting human rights and freedoms. It is pleasant to realize that in our region the regional court has become the body of authority, the practice and experience of which are guided not only by judges of lower courts, but also by employees of the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies.
You are celebrating your significant anniversary during the period of the judicial reform, the application of the new Criminal Procedure and Civil Procedure Codes, the further improvement of the justice system, and the solution of organizational and financial problems of the courts. We sincerely hope that resolving them through joint efforts will bring justice in the Ulyanovsk region to a new, higher level.

We sincerely wish good luck, health and prosperity to all the judges and employees of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court. I wish you professional success and personal happiness!

Head of Department
Judicial Department
at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
in the Ulyanovsk region
S.V. Voznesensky

Dear Petr Pavlovich!

On behalf of the staff of the Zasviyazhsky District Court of Ulyanovsk and on my own behalf, I cordially Congratulations You and your colleagues on a significant date in the history of the region - 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court!
Such a solid date testifies to the vast professional experience and maturity of your department.

For over 60 years, the Ulyanovsk Regional Court has been guarding the Law, contributing to the steady implementation of legislative decisions, and the development of the legal culture of the region. And the role of the hero of the day in the formation and development of the judicial system, strengthening law and order in our region cannot be overestimated.
The indisputable authority that the Ulyanovsk Regional Court rightfully possesses is a natural consequence of the combination of its main function - ensuring justice - with high moral qualities, organization and professionalism of its employees.
Of great help to the courts of the region are the generalizations of judicial practice prepared by the regional court, review, analytical and methodological materials.
Being a reference point for all district and city courts of the region, the regional court is open to all citizens. And this is completely natural, because for the servants of Themis, the rights and freedoms of citizens are the highest value.
The Zasviyazhsky District Court always pays special attention to the requests of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court. Your appeals are evidence that we are like-minded people and colleagues doing one common thing, professing the same ideals.

Petr Pavlovich, congratulating you and in your person the entire team of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court on the ANNIVERSARY, I express my confidence that we will continue to work in close professional contact and deepen our business ties.
I wish you success, creative success and perseverance in achieving your goals!
Continue the glorious traditions in the development of the judicial system of the Ulyanovsk region!


Zasviyazhsky District Court
A.I. Maksimov

Dear colleagues!

I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court and sincerely thank you for the practical assistance that you provide in the consideration of criminal and civil cases by district judges, for your rich experience and knowledge, for your active work in clarifying the legislation, in summarizing judicial practice, for the example full and independent administration of justice.
I wish you professional and personal success, good health and happiness!

Inzensky District Court

V.F. Shuyukov

Dear Petr Pavlovich!

Congratulations to you and your entire team on the 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court!

I sincerely wish you that your work will always be in demand, appreciated by all at its true worth and bring you moral satisfaction. Good luck, joy, inspiration and strength to you, for the implementation of all your plans and undertakings.

May the sky be clear above you
Let life be kindly bright
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth.

Radishevsky District Court

Dear colleagues!

More recently, celebrations were held on the occasion of the solid anniversaries of the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and justice, which numbered two hundred years or more. Celebrated the eightieth anniversary and our older brother - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. And now the anniversary of the Ulyanovsk regional court closest to us has come. 60 years in comparison with other named anniversaries is a young term, but this is the age of maturity, wisdom, great experience and unlimited opportunities. For many years I have been in contact with the work of the regional court, and it should be noted what great changes have taken place. Now it has become a pleasure to enter the renovated building of the regional court, where a close-knit and competent team works. The requirements and approaches to the administration of justice have changed radically. The regional court not only keeps pace with the times, but also shows initiative, which gives its positive results in the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it. The Ulyanovsk Regional Court is a good forge of judicial personnel, many judges are being promoted, some of them are currently working in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which should be rightfully proud of. A special merit in the achievements of the regional court belongs to its governing body, which includes competent, wise and authoritative experts in their field.
Dear colleagues! Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court! I wish you all success in fulfilling the responsible and difficult task entrusted to you - to administer justice, health, happiness and prosperity to everyone for many, many years to come.

ON THE. Terentiev
Barysh City Court

On behalf of the Zavolzhsky District Court of Ulyanovsk, I cordially congratulate the staff of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court on a significant date - the 60th anniversary.
Sixty years is a short time in history, as they say. But sixty years is history itself. During these years, many historical events took place in the country that had a truly fateful impact on the entire course of Russia's development, fundamentally changing the socio-political and economic system, state institutions and the legal foundations of the state. Several generations of people have changed. The attitude to law and law did not remain unambiguous.
Of course, all these difficulties left their mark on your work, but during this period of time a long and glorious path has been traveled, more than one generation of judges has been brought up.
During its existence, the Ulyanovsk Regional Court has firmly taken its place in the judicial system of the Russian Federation and has established itself as a close-knit and professional team that successfully solves the problems of administering justice.
The Ulyanovsk Regional Court and the judiciary are doing everything in their power to strengthen the judiciary, promote the judicial reform being carried out in our country, are active participants in the process of forming law enforcement practice in the region in order to ensure judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, expanding their access to fair justice .
The Ulyanovsk Regional Court has proven in practice the possibility of an independent legal proceeding based only on the law. Thus, he not only raised the bar for judicial work, but in many ways helped the professional development and strengthening of district courts in the region.
Its activity for decades makes it possible to judge many things, first of all, that it consists of people who thoroughly know and love their work, in a word - real professionals.
I sincerely wish the entire staff of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court good health, happiness, well-being and further success in the field of justice for the benefit of Russia.

Zavolzhsky District Court
E.V. Tsarapkina

Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Court, with a sense of pride, we express our sincere congratulations and confidence that the regional court, as before, will remain an outpost of law, humanity and justice in the Ulyanovsk region.
For the past 60 years, the Ulyanovsk Regional Court has been an active participant in the implementation of activities aimed at improving the work of the regional courts and improving the skills of the judiciary. Impartiality and adherence to principles have become a distinctive feature of the style of the regional court.
We sincerely wish you fruitful and stable activity, perseverance in achieving your goals, good health, well-being, professional success and personal happiness!

Team of Dimitrovgradsky
city ​​court

Are you a killer or a thief?

Get your verdict.

Our fair judge,

More serious guns.

He knows all the laws

The real standard.

Accept congratulations

After all, today is my birthday.

Put down the law.

He won't need it.

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Many destinies found their right path.

You are just, true to your law.

Today you can rightfully rest,

On his birthday, no one can be chained.

Let there be joy and fun in life,

Work will not be a burden.

Let inspiration not leave for work,

And let happiness overtake you in abundance.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Who is right here, who is wrong,

When to sound the alarm loudly

The court decides unambiguously

All decisions are transparent.

Someone sheds tears later

Someone brings joy to the house.

Someone is a friend, and someone is an enemy -

This also has its own sign.

But let's not talk about work

I know congratulations are waiting.

We will not torment you -

I suggest you pour it.

Let's drink to the judge now

Next, let's say a couple of phrases -

We wish you a lot of happiness

We fill the glasses again.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

You are just extraordinary

You are allowed to judge people

You are respected, respected,

The judge is destined to work.

We love you, respect you

And we are always happy to congratulate

You are the best, we think

And we want to wish, loving:

Always be in the spirit, in the mood,

Work hard, relax

And so that every moment

Could be good, kind.

Health, strength and success,

In the court of attention, silence.

To go on vacation far away,

Love from children and wife!

15 236

2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Judges are so high a path,

And you seem to be afraid...

But best friends know

How can you laugh.

Answers are not easy

You can't make mistakes.

You were taught how not to bend,

Judge people and understand.

Suitable for your birthday

To tell you hundreds of kind words:

May they be with you everywhere

Luck, joy and love.

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2015-12-07 2015-12-07 *****

Dispel all sorrows

Come on, get up, the judge is coming!

birthday celebrates

And he takes gifts.

You will be the birthday

And of course you won't judge

Us for petty sins

For a postcard and poetry.

Together we will stand on the threshold -

How you dressed up, damn!

Do not judge, judge, we are strictly

For gifts and cake.

15 236

Congratulations on the Day of Court Workers

Look how great
In those who decide people's fates,
In the mass of words, who finds differences,
And does not listen to false passions.
You are the exact punishment for criminals,
Innocent - protection, hope shelter.
Justice with a powerful blow,
You are executing your high court.
Let Themis sword help you,
Never let your hand tremble!
Let justice win
Lifting the banner of truth forever!

Tom, reading endless cases,
You will always find the truth
And the one who dared to break the law,
You will definitely get what you deserve!
Prosecutors, lawyers honor you,
Colleagues certainly respect
They come to you for friendly advice,
Both your logic and wisdom are revered.
Let health not change the age!
Let your environment be reliable,
And let every good person find
You are the center of unearthly attraction!

Congratulations to the judge

You, having risen, are met by the meeting room,
While you take your pedestal,
And if you are a dock, then disappointments,
No one who came to you experienced.
In vain evil hopes for indulgence,
His villains will never wait
After all, every person learns from birth,
That crime is always punishable.
God grant that your sentences are passed,
They paid the defendants “by earrings”,
And let justice be a reflection
Decisions that you made on business!

Happy Judgment Day

You chose a difficult path once,
You can't call your work easy,
Among the evidence and testimony of all kinds,
You can't tell the truth right away.
May your day begin with a smile,
And every evening will bring relief
May happiness never be unsteady
And in every case, may you be lucky!

You are famously versed in jurisprudence,
The truth is always obedient to you,
And in the judicial labyrinths the way out,
You find without any difficulty.
May God grant you not to lose your dexterity,
Never cheat,
After all, for all sorts of enemy tricks,
There is your "hammer", albeit a small one.

Day of Court Workers of Ukraine

You plunge into a routine every day,
Where crime must be punished
And where is the cobweb of deceit and dishonor,
Your wisdom helps you unravel.
Persistence to you, health and patience!
Let peace and grace reign in the family!
In houses of prosperity, God's blessing,
And repay all sinners according to their sins!

May your path be hard and thorny,
But society cannot do without you.
So let the thorny path
It will turn into a wonderful meadow of daisies!
You have a thick set of laws - a friend,
The Internet and a laptop will help you.
So let the flow of good luck, goodness,
And the joy for you will not stop!

Congratulations for the judge

When the shortest path to victory is judgment
They run to you with statements of claim,
And all the plaintiffs are waiting with hope in their hearts,
That the court will rule in their favor.
And you have to delve into everything yourself,
And search for the truth in piles of documents.
God bless you never lose
Between the parties a chance for reconciliation!

Judgment day congratulations

For those who truly administer justice,
The most important holiday has come today
Has been in a hurry to the court workers for a long time,
Professional day, the most glorious

And on this day I want to congratulate you,
May life give you many more days!
And life gives a wonderful mood,
So that there are no more sorrows in her!

We congratulate the master of court affairs,
And we wish you well on this holiday.
For any business to succeed,
It was so that justice is always with you.

Today we raise our glasses to you
To have a lot of good things in life,
So that joy happens and lives in the heart,
So that everything works out everywhere and always!

You are in laws, like a fish in water,
You are a diligent worker in court!
I congratulate you on this holiday,
Let only victory await you in business!

Holy keep peace and order,
May there always be prosperity in the house,
Always go through life with honor,
Let any trouble be alien!

Happy Court Workers Day!
May they never be touched
No trouble, no grief!
Be always happy!

On this day I want you
Wish you good luck in your destiny
Lots and lots of happiness
Life without adversity!

Don't regret anything
Heart for the deeds of pain
And live well
Be always in order!

Accept congratulations on the day of the court worker,
I'm in a hurry for a treat, don't go anywhere!
There is a gift for you in your hands, in your heart - a lot of warm words,
Your day will be very bright, in your heart - joy and love!
I wish you inspiration in the work of heights,
Cause wonder with the power of your beauty.
And let the career rush up like a thousand horses!
And love, as they say, follows her next!

I want to congratulate you my friend
Happy Court Workers Day today!
I wish you happiness and health,
And I want to see you always happy!
Long live our court - humane, honest,
Themis guardian, without fear and reproach.
I wish it wide and straight
Would your life be dear!

Servants of Themis, today is your holiday!
Set aside your notepad and pencil.
Let the codices and vaults rest a little,
The trials will wait until tomorrow.
We want to congratulate you, court workers,
And wish you good health for years to come!
In all undertakings, let good luck accompany!
And every difficult task is solved!

Always be faithful to Themis
Don't let feelings get in the way
Do not consider fate as a planid,
Do not look for low benefits,
Both at home and at meetings
Always be fair
In general, all wishes to you
On the Day of the court worker!
