Vanya Barzikov and Irina Pinchuk are the last ones. The real reason for the separation of Barzikov and Pinchuk

There was a lot of gossip about Ivan Barzikov's relationship with Irina Pinchuk at one time. The guys began to meet beautifully during the filming of one of the project shows, then they quarreled a little ugly, but nevertheless agreed. Upon returning to the clearing, Barzikov even made an offer to Irina, to which she agreed. However, Irina did not like life on the project, and Ivan did not at all contribute to her getting used to it faster, so the couple broke up ...

Ivan Barzikov and Irina Pinchuk were called a very beautiful couple. They won the main prize of the show without any problems - a million rubles, since Ira, having a unique charm, quickly won the love of viewers. Moreover, even the scandal with Alexander Zadoinov could not spoil the impression.

After winning the island show, the couple could stay as contestants in the clearing and build a relationship there. Ivan was quite satisfied with such a proposal, although Pinchuk was not enthusiastic, she agreed. Also, she agreed to marry Barzikov, who effectively proposed his hand and heart at the most opportune moment.

However, the sincere and naive Ira was not ready for project life. Ivan's trips to saunas with other girls, constant claims to her, the creation of problematic situations and much more led to the fact that the couple broke up. And now, giving an interview to the project magazine, Ivan again remembered Irina Pinchuk.

Ivan Barzikov // Photo: Instagram

“Yes, I made an offer to Ira. Probably because I really want a family. I want to have a wife and children. I already have everything I need for family life, ” Ivan explained his haste.

At the same time, Barzikov assured that he did not communicate with Pinchuk and did not know what was happening in her life. He supposedly does not communicate with former participants at all, only with some. Users noted that if Ira for Ivan is just a former participant, and not at least a former girl, then he made the proposal clearly not out of love for the family, but simply for PR.

The winners of the first season of "Island of Love" could not save their couple and their relationship lasted about a month. Despite the words of love, marriage proposal, loud statements that the guys will participate in the competition and fight for the wedding million, the guys broke up.

At first, viewers blamed only Vanya, who could not save their relationship and he himself decided to part with Iroy. Moreover, they perfectly saw his attitude towards the chosen one, who "sawed" the girl for any reason. Vanya complained that Ira did not cook for him, she was sloppy and so on. The other day, on the air, viewers were able to see why exactly Barzikov began to treat Pinchuk like that and decided to leave her. It turns out that he found in her phone a curious correspondence with a certain girlfriend. It turned out that Ira was waiting for the casting of a young man and called herself the main character. Moreover, it turned out that she was away somewhere in the company of an unfamiliar young man. Vanya was also very hurt that after their separation, Ira immediately went to drink and have fun with the guys in the pool, taking courtship from Denis. Vanya is determined towards his ex-fiancee and called her "empty talk".

Ira hastened to tell her truth. According to her, she said about the casting only to make Vanya jealous of her, realizing that the girl needed someone else besides him. To account "main character" Ira stated that it was only joke and no more. But Ivan Pinchuk himself suspects of infidelity, because he did not even let him check his phone, but turned it off and hid it in the sofa. In addition, Ira cannot forgive him for the fact that he himself had a great time in the company of other girls in the sauna, restaurant. Moreover, Pinchuk decided to confirm her accusations and published Ivan's correspondence with other girls who wrote to him that they miss and love him. The young man reciprocated them. Ira also believes that all this time Barzikov specifically pointed out her shortcomings to everyone in order to look more “worthy” against her background.

It has been very difficult for Ivan Barzikov to hide his irritation with Elizaveta Polygalova lately. He was furious over trifles, cursed, humiliated and insulted his girlfriend. Ivan did not give Liza the right to vote, demanding that she do everything as he likes and as he wants, not paying attention to the fact that she also has her own desires. At some point, it became clear that nothing good would come of them and the couple broke up. But some viewers are sure that Irina Pinchuk is to blame for everything ...

Ivan Barzikov realized WHAT he lost only when he lost it, but it was too late. He tried to return Irina, but she had already started a new relationship. Ivan continued to call and write to the girl, but she ignored him. Upon learning that Pinchuk answered "Yes" to a marriage proposal from a football player, Ivan decided to drop everything and return to Moscow. But I could not return Irina ...

These are the rumors going around the web. Do you think there is no smoke without fire, or do Pinchuk fans just really want it to be like this?

03/12/2016 - 16:54

Pinchuk Irina is expecting a baby from Barzikov. The news about Pinchuk's pregnancy will be broadcast on Doma-2 on December 3. But Irina's subscribers and all the fans of the couple Vanya and Ira have already learned about this event and raised the entire Internet to their ears.

Presenter Vlad Kadoni informed Barzikov about Ira's interesting situation. Having told Ivan about Pinchuk's two-week delay, and also that she had asked for a pregnancy test, Vanya took this message in cold blood. Maybe he does not believe the girl and thinks that she is just promoting herself for the sake of broadcasts. Or maybe everything is seething inside him, but he hides real emotions, because he has a relationship with Elizaveta Polygalova. Irina, meanwhile, is silent about her pregnancy and does not comment in any way. Two days ago, Ira was offered to fly to the Seychelles with couples who will fight for a million in the "Wedding for a Million" contest, and she agreed.

Recall that Ira Pinchuk and Ivan Barzikov built relationships and Vanya even made an offer to Ira, but about two weeks ago the couple broke up, Ivan left Irishka. Soon he began to build relationships with Polygalova Liza, who flew in from the Seychelles, refusing to have a relationship with Gleb Zhemchugov.

Fans are looking forward to watching further developments, as it is very interesting: What will Ivan do? What will Irina do? Will she fly to Love Island now? Is she really pregnant? We'll all know soon...

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