Return to sexual activity after childbirth. Sexual life after childbirth and caesarean section

Obviously, becoming a mother is a wonderful feeling that fills life with meaning.

Even if you gave birth to a child, remember! You are still a desirable woman whom a man loves.

Most of the fair sex claim that the first sex after natural childbirth is very similar to “the very first time.” And there is a completely physiological explanation for this statement. The birth of a baby is the most exciting and important event in the life of a family. The first weeks after childbirth significantly change the normal rhythm of a woman’s life. And this leads to certain rearrangements.

The human body is a purely individual biological system that reacts to external stimuli in completely different ways. There are women who, immediately after giving birth, dream of passionate love with their husband. But there are not too many such “priestesses.” Official statistics claim that 50% of women in labor experience sexual disorders within 3 months. In 18%, apathy towards intimacy continues for up to 1 year. How to behave in this case? What methods exist to normalize attraction to your partner? How quickly is first sex possible? These questions interest hundreds of millions of people. Let's look at these problems in detail.

Rules for sexual life after childbirth

Physiological and psychological basis

The return to intimate life after childbirth should occur gradually. Most couples will no longer experience the same sensations in bed that they had before. This replacement of feelings is not associated with a loss of interest in each other. The basis of this transformation is a different (more mature) view of the partners. Parents begin to be united by spiritual rather than sexual kinship. So why is it worth delaying the start of intimate life a little after the birth of a child?

In practice, a young family often faces one problem - lack of sex due to the birth of a baby. Maybe the partners' former passion has faded? This is far from true. Love and ardor will definitely prevail when physiological and psychological reasons return to normal. First of all, the female body really needs a break. Secondly, subconsciously not every woman is ready for love after psychological stress.

After childbirth, restoration processes occur in the body of the “newly made” mother:

  • After the baby is born, the uterus gradually clears. Over the course of 60 days, the internal organ removes lochia (specific secretions). This process is characterized by a gradually fading character;
  • The woman's perineum has certain damage. It is for this reason that any kind of penetration can provoke sharp pain. A dangerous infection can easily penetrate through unhealed sutures, which will bring additional disorders and diseases.

Thus, loving spouses have to wait until sex becomes a source of happiness, and not of worries and fears. But when the rehabilitation period has passed, and there is no intimate life, then we are talking about psychological discomfort. Let's consider the main reasons that may precede this situation:

  1. Significant change in priorities. This can be called a natural instinct. Now the mother pays all her attention to one baby. She simply does not think about pleasure, but is guided by a reflex that manifests itself in caring for a newborn;
  2. Having a complex about your body. It's no secret that most women are very worried about their shape. Now that excess weight has appeared, the tummy has enlarged, stretch marks have formed, post-operative sutures are healing, the wife may experience serious worries. In this case, the man must support her and convince her otherwise.
  3. Postpartum depression. The burden of responsibility can unsettle even the strongest woman in character and determination;
  4. Chronic fatigue. Mom is on “duty” 24 hours a day and does all the housework. Thus, the emotional sphere is under serious stress, which affects activity in bed.

Science has long established that at the time of breastfeeding, a woman produces a special hormone. These biologically active substances cause sensations that are similar to orgasm. It is for this reason that a woman does not need intimacy with her husband. That's why she doesn't need sex.

How long should you abstain from sex after childbirth?

The separation of the placenta creates a continuous wound in the area. This surface is unprotected. Therefore, infection can easily penetrate the organ and provoke the development of additional disorders and complications. Even a slight accumulation of dirt during sexual intercourse can become a source of dangerous inflammation. It is for this reason that doctors recommend waiting until after childbirth and improving the condition of the female vagina. After all, it is the muscular organ that stretches significantly when a baby is born.

Most of the fair sex are firmly convinced that sex after a caesarean section can be started earlier than the recommended weeks of abstinence. This reasoning is absolutely wrong. Even if the operation does not extend to the vaginal area, the placenta site still requires healing. A special scar is formed on the uterus, which should strengthen and harden. How soon can you start having sex? This question is purely individual and depends on the personal characteristics of the body.

Intimate life after caesarean section

The CS surgical procedure is a complex surgical procedure that involves cutting the abdomen and uterus. It is worth noting that the muscular structures of the vagina remain completely intact. As a result, the woman begins to experience different sensations from sex. In some cases, the recovery period may be longer than with natural childbirth. The quality of the sutures applied depends on the level of professionalism of the operation performed. If everything is done carefully, the healing process will be short-lived. The first sex after childbirth can take place after 6-8 weeks.

This information is of an average nature, since the body is a strictly individual system. Some women can begin caring for a child without any problems while still in the maternity hospital, others recover up to 30 days after surgery.

The best option for determining the condition of the uterus is ultrasound. Digital technology allows you to clearly verify the scarring of the sutures and determine how long you can no longer have sex. A qualified physician can provide this information. In some cases, full sexual life can occur within six months. If you ignore the recommendations of a specialist, you may experience additional complications.

Exercise system for rehabilitation

After what time is it rational to start intimacy in bed? How to reduce the agonizing wait? A set of health-improving exercises for intimate muscles after childbirth is an important platform for recovery. The vagina undergoes significant changes after the birth of a baby. The muscular organ is stretched and requires normalization to its previous size.

To speed up this process, rehabilitation doctors recommend performing special exercises.

For example, the Kegel task helps to significantly increase sexual tone and increase blood supply to the organs of the reproductive system. Wellness actions clearly control orgasm. Experienced sexologists recommend that women “stop urinating” when the urination process is active. This area of ​​muscle fibers must be gradually trained. The main point of this workout is to relax and tense the muscles at different paces. You are allowed to do the exercises at any time convenient for you.

Returning the same sensations from sex after childbirth is a real art that closely correlates with health training. How long should they be produced? It all depends on the state of the woman’s body and her biological potential, which is inherent in nature itself. Physiologists say that the sensitivity of the vagina after the birth of a mother’s baby decreases significantly.

Arnold Kegel's simple exercises were originally intended for people who suffered from urinary incontinence. However, later clinical studies showed that healing actions have a positive effect on the sexual tone of a woman’s body. As a rule, sex after childbirth becomes much more pleasant and desirable for the fair sex. Thus, simple systematic exercises can improve your intimate life and improve family relationships.


About 1/3 of women begin to experience orgasm only after childbirth. As a result, sex becomes better and reaches a new level. A strong hormonal shock during breastfeeding activates the work of all systems of the mother’s body. A woman’s psychology undergoes a significant transformation and becomes more open to the world around her. At about 30 years old, a woman’s sexuality is fully revealed. Often it is at this age that she is ready to give birth to a child.

A normal psychological state directly affects good lactation. Adhere to the recommended time limits established by your attending physician. A relaxing massage is perfect for relieving physical stress. You need to choose contraceptives wisely. Contraception should not affect the quality of breast milk. Approach this issue wisely and look positively at what is happening around you.

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After the birth of a baby, a young mother has a lot of worries: feeding the baby, caring for her and herself, while no one has canceled household responsibilities! She continues to cook, wash, clean and remain a wife. After childbirth, a woman needs support, tenderness and affection, and after some time the spouses come to a common decision to continue their sexual life. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple in intimate relationships between a man and a woman after the birth of a baby.

Reasons for lack of sex immediately after childbirth

Each birth is entirely individual. The weight of the child, its location, the condition of the woman, and the medical staff determine how well the process of the baby’s coming into this world will go. Sexual activity after childbirth is possible if the young mother is in good health.

There are several points that make intimate relationships difficult or impossible.

  1. Physiological reasons. After childbirth, a woman’s hormonal levels change, so libido may disappear and vaginal dryness may occur. Also, sexual life after childbirth may fail due to weakened muscle tension in a woman. As a result, she does not get the pleasure she deserves.
  2. Medical reasons. Difficult natural childbirth or caesarean section entails a fear of pain in the young mother. If the stitches have not healed, then you should wait a little with sex, otherwise a woman’s sex life after childbirth will turn into a nightmare.
  3. Psychological reasons. Fear of getting pregnant again, being unattractive to the husband (especially after a partner birth), waking up the child, not experiencing pleasure - all this comes from the psychological state of the woman after childbirth.

Beginning of sexual activity after natural childbirth

Natural childbirth is a process in which the woman herself helps the baby to come into the world. This does not require surgery.

After such a process, every woman has a cleansing of her body. At this time, she begins to experience bleeding similar to menstruation, and the uterus gradually returns to its previous appearance. Also, a young mother may notice that she has become more feminine and has acquired rounded breasts and buttocks. Naturally, such changes will not go unnoticed by the husband. He, like a normal man, has a desire and desire for his woman. Therefore, spouses ask themselves the question: “Sex life after childbirth: when can you start and will it be full?” Doctors note that after a natural birth, if there are no contraindications, you can have sex within 4-5 weeks. But there are many reasons why these deadlines are significantly shifted. We will look at them below.

Sex after Caesarean

Sexual activity after childbirth in the first month is strictly prohibited for women who gave birth by cesarean section. And in the second month this is difficult, because sex involves tension of some muscles, their work. And this can lead to sutures coming apart and severe pain. It must be taken into account that it takes time to restore the uterine mucosa and the sutures on it. In the case of surgical intervention during childbirth, it is important for spouses to know how long it will take for sexual activity after childbirth to be safe. Gynecologists advise starting it no earlier than 1.5 - 2 months after surgery. For your own peace of mind, before continuing your intimate life, you need to go for a consultation and examination with a doctor. After all, a suture on the skin heals faster than on the uterus.

Lack of sexual desire: psychological aspects

After the birth of a child, young spouses may experience fear before starting sexual life. This may also be facilitated by the mental characteristics of the woman who gave birth and the man who was present at the birth.

The lack of desire to have sex after childbirth may be due to some psychological reasons. Although sexual activity after natural childbirth may begin earlier, there is no guarantee that the woman is psychologically ready for it. Representatives of the fair sex always want to look beautiful. It's no secret that pregnancy can result in extra pounds. On this basis, plus postpartum psychosis, various complexes may appear: about appearance, inconsistency with a man’s expectations in sex, fear of the influence of sexual activity on milk production. If the husband was present at the birth, the wife for some reason thinks that he will grow cold towards her. All these complexes are common myths if the spouses have strong family relationships. The birth of a child only strengthens them, even though the man has seen the woman’s suffering, even though she has changed a little. To start a sexual life after childbirth, sincerity in relationships, agreement and trust are important. Then there will be no reason to deny yourself pleasure.

What could be the physiological reasons for a long absence of sex?

Such factors include complications after childbirth and lack of desire, which is expressed at the physiological level.

Sexual life after childbirth can be complicated by medical reasons such as stitches being altered and their healing taking a long time. You just need to be patient and wait for the right time for intimate relationships.

Another reason, no less important for spouses, is vaginal dryness and its expansion after childbirth. As a result, sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure to the woman and man. Vaginal dryness is caused by the hormonal background of a young mother’s body; lubricants can be used to solve this problem. Another possible problem is low vaginal muscle tone, which prevents it from returning to its original shape. As a result, the woman is not able to experience orgasm, and the man does not experience the same pleasure as before. Naturally, who would like such a sex life after childbirth? Reviews from young mothers indicate that only after 8-12 months they were able to feel like a lioness woman in intimate intimacy with her husband. We see that you just need to be patient, and then your sex life will return to normal.

The third wheel, or Fear of sex because of a child

Another reason for a woman’s lack of sexual desire is the feeling of a third wheel in the room - a child. She constantly twitches when he grunts, worries that he will not wake up on time, and so on. To do this, you need to plan the time and arrange a romantic dinner, being sure that the child is sleeping. A simple solution to this problem is to go to another room during intimacy.

Contraception after childbirth

Many couples think in advance about how a woman can avoid getting pregnant again. There is an opinion that with constant breastfeeding before the onset of menstruation, spouses do not need to use protection. But this is not a 100% contraceptive method. Each woman's hormonal background is individual. And if one after childbirth can get pregnant only a year later, then the other - in a month. There are many methods of contraception, some can be used immediately after the baby is born, others cannot. If you do not know what methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy to use, then you need to contact a competent specialist.

When is specialist consultation necessary?

We looked at the main reasons why sex after childbirth may not bring any pleasure. In the case of slight deviations from the norm of physical and psychological health, with the support of the husband, these problems can be easily solved. But if a married couple is not able to cope with them on their own, then there is no need to neglect the consultation of specialists such as a gynecologist, psychologist, or sexologist. Then sex life after childbirth will acquire a new taste for husband and wife.

Naturally, after childbirth, physiological changes occur in a woman’s body, which leave an imprint on the sexual side of the relationship between spouses. In the first 6–8 weeks after the baby is born, gynecologists do not recommend having sex after childbirth. This is due to the fact that during this time there is a reverse development (involution) of all organs and systems that have undergone changes in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. The exception is the mammary glands, the function of which reaches its peak in the postpartum period.

The most pronounced involutional changes occur in the genital organs, especially in the uterus. After the birth of the placenta, a large wound surface remains, which takes approximately 4–6 weeks to heal. During this period, lochia is secreted - in the first days they are bloody, gradually their color changes from red to brownish, by the 4th week the discharge almost stops and soon disappears completely. Sexual activity after childbirth can facilitate the penetration of infection through the slightly open cervix into the uterus, and the released blood and open wound surface will only contribute to the rapid development of inflammation.

After vaginal birth, complications often occur in the form of incisions or ruptures of the perineum, vaginal walls or cervix. It also takes time for stitches to heal after childbirth. Even if there were no ruptures during childbirth, the tone of the muscles of the vagina and perineum after natural childbirth is significantly reduced. The recovery process after childbirth depends on the condition of these muscles before pregnancy, on whether the woman trained them while expecting a baby, on age and genetic characteristics.

In women after a cesarean section, the vaginal walls do not change, but the recovery of the uterus after childbirth is slower. In addition, it takes time to heal and form a full-fledged scar on the abdomen.

So, 6-8 weeks after giving birth, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist who will determine the condition of the uterus, cervix, sutures on the perineum or vaginal walls, scar after cesarean section, and take a smear on the flora to identify signs of inflammation. After this, the doctor will give recommendations on when you can resume intimate relationships.

Sex after childbirth. Possible problems

When resuming sexual activity after childbirth, a couple may encounter the following problems:

Vaginal dryness. After childbirth, most women experience a sharp decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. As a result, the amount of natural vaginal lubrication produced decreases. For this reason, sexual intercourse can be uncomfortable and even painful for a woman. In this case, it is worth stocking up on a special lubricant (lubricant), which can be bought at the pharmacy. You just need to carefully monitor the composition of these products and not use those that contain hormones if a woman is breastfeeding.

Painful sex after childbirth may also be associated with the presence of stitches and scars in the perineum and vagina. Sometimes the configuration of the vagina may change due to the sutures. Pain is also often observed in the area of ​​the abdominal scar after cesarean section. Of course, over time, as the tissue in the area of ​​the tears and incisions heals completely, these sensations will pass. But until this happens, in order to avoid discomfort or eliminate it, you need to choose a position during sexual intercourse in which minimal pressure is applied to the scar. You can consult with the gynecologist who is observing you, who will recommend local medications to speed up the recovery of tissue in the suture area after childbirth, approved for use by nursing mothers.

Weakening of the tone of the vaginal muscles and its expansion can leave their mark on the sensations during the first sexual intercourse. However, this phenomenon is temporary and the problem will go away within a few months, especially if the woman can find very little time to do Kegel exercises, which consist of contracting the pelvic muscles that support the vagina. These muscles can be felt when you voluntarily stop urinating or tense the vagina.

To quickly restore their tone after childbirth, it is advisable to perform exercises every hour for 3 weeks. The technique is very simple: for 5 seconds you need to tense the muscles of the perineum and anus (as if you really want to go to the toilet), then you should hold them in a state of maximum tension for 5 seconds, then gradually relax them over another 5 seconds. Then, after a 5-second rest, the exercise is repeated. At one time you need to do at least 30 contractions - it will only take a few minutes.

It must also be said that many women do not experience any problems with sex after childbirth - on the contrary, they say that the attraction to their husband has become stronger and the orgasm is brighter.

Let's do without surprises

A very important aspect of sexual relations after the birth of a baby is the issue of pregnancy protection. Doctors believe that the minimum interval between births should be at least 2 years. During this time, the woman’s body is completely restored.

The choice of contraceptive method depends on the regularity of sexual intercourse, breastfeeding and the preferences of the spouses. It is also necessary to take care of pregnancy protection in cases where the menstrual cycle has not yet resumed, since even in the absence of menstruation, ovulation, that is, the release of an egg from the ovary, can occur. Let's look at the main methods of contraception after childbirth.

Interrupted sexual intercourse. The use of interrupted coitus is a very ineffective method of contraception. Firstly, not every man is able to clearly feel the onset of ejaculation and control himself at this moment. Secondly, a certain amount of sperm is released during sexual intercourse. According to some data, they are the most mobile and viable, which, accordingly, makes the likelihood of conception very high. In addition, during repeated sexual intercourse, sperm that remains on the walls of the man’s urethra after the first ejaculation may enter the vagina. The effectiveness of this method of contraception is only 70–75%.

Lactational amenorrhea method. This method of contraception is based on the absence of ovulation during breastfeeding. While feeding the baby, the hormone prolactin is released, which increases milk production and has a contraceptive effect by suppressing the function of a woman's ovaries.

For the contraceptive method to work successfully, the following conditions must be met:

  • the child is exclusively breastfed, without the use of supplementary feeding or additional water;
  • the baby suckles at the breast at least every 3 hours during the day;
  • the interval between night feedings should not exceed 6 hours (the more often the feedings occur, the more effective the contraceptive method);
  • absence of menstruation;
  • no more than 6 months have passed since birth.

However, with increasing intervals between feedings and the introduction of supplementary feeding, the method of contraception becomes ineffective. In addition, the more time has passed since childbirth, the higher the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy. In some women, even despite breastfeeding, ovarian function may resume as early as 1.5–2 months after birth, resulting in ovulation and pregnancy. If a woman has returned to menstruation, even if less than 6 months have passed since giving birth, she must choose another method of contraception after childbirth. The effectiveness of the method depends on the interval after childbirth: in the first 6 months, if all conditions are met, pregnancy occurs in approximately 1–2% of cases, from 6 to 12 months – in 4.5–7%.

Barrier methods of contraception– condom, diaphragms, cervical caps. Barrier methods of contraception do not affect the process of breastfeeding and the condition of the child. Therefore, they can be used without restriction in any period after childbirth. Efficacy ranges from 90–98% with a condom, 70–80% with a cervical cap, and 77–98% with a diaphragm.

Spermicides exist in various forms - foam, sponges, gels, soluble films, tablets, ointments or suppositories. Spermicides contain a chemical that destroys sperm and a carrier that spreads the product into the vagina. They do not contain hormones and act only locally, so they can be used during breastfeeding. In addition, spermicides have a moisturizing effect, which is a positive thing for women who do not produce enough lubrication during the postpartum period.

Among the disadvantages of spermicides, the following can be noted: some forms of spermicide release require you to wait a certain time before sexual intercourse; Some women, especially in the postpartum period, may experience skin irritation and allergic reactions to spermicide. The effectiveness of spermicides is just over 60%.

Intrauterine device (IUD)- an intrauterine contraceptive device, which is a small device made of plastic with copper, silver or gold. The IUD is inserted into the uterus by a gynecologist. The mechanism of action of the intrauterine device is that it inhibits the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity, reduces the lifespan of the egg and prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall. Insertion of an intrauterine device is possible 6 weeks after birth. Before this, you need to undergo examination by a gynecologist. The IUD does not affect milk production, so its use is safe during breastfeeding. In addition to conventional intrauterine devices, there is a hormonal intrauterine system. It secretes a small amount of a hormone, an analogue of progesterone, which further blocks the growth of the endometrium and prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterus. During lactation, a hormonal IUD can also be used 6 weeks after birth.

The negative aspects of this method of contraception after childbirth are: increased risk of developing an inflammatory process in the uterus; increased likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy (with the use of a hormonal IUD, this risk is extremely small); There are quite a large number of contraindications, the main of which are chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

For non-hormonal IUDs, the Pearl index1 is about 1–1.5, for hormonal IUDs it is about 0.5.

Hormonal contraceptives. During breastfeeding, a young mother can take not all hormonal contraceptives, but only those that do not contain estrogens - hormones that pass into breast milk and can pass on to the baby. Nursing mothers can use hormonal contraceptives containing only gestagens - analogues of the hormone progesterone. These substances enter the woman’s body in very small quantities, and even less of them penetrate into milk. These hormones are safe for the baby. Such contraceptives can be in the form of tablets (mini-pills), injections (shots, most often long-acting) or implants implanted under the skin for several months. These products can be used 6 weeks after birth.

The advantages of these funds include their high efficiency. The Pearl index for modern contraceptives is 0.1–0.5. The disadvantages are the need for daily intake at a precisely defined time and the presence of contraindications - therefore, before starting to take these drugs, be sure to consult with a gynecologist.

Surgical sterilization– tubal ligation. This is an irreversible method of contraception after childbirth. It is most often performed during a cesarean section or after childbirth at the request of the woman. May be recommended for women over 35 years of age and with two or more children.

In order for everything to return to normal when you resume intimate relationships after such an important stage of your life as pregnancy and the birth of a child, there is no universal recipe - everything is very individual. But by showing patience and mutual understanding, you can ensure that sex after childbirth brings even more pleasure than before.

Gynecologists often hear the same question from young mothers: “when can you have sex?” Young mothers are more interested in this issue than fathers, since the entire pregnancy and childbirth falls entirely on the fragile shoulders of women. Women, while carrying a baby, change completely, both physically and psychologically. Their vulnerable and delicate body is preparing for the arrival of a child, which completely rebuilds it. Nature made sure that women were able to bear, give birth and feed their children. It’s sad, but this can significantly affect intimacy after the baby is born.

The process of pregnancy itself changes a woman's body. Many mothers cannot regain their previous shape for a long time. Weakened abdominal muscles, stretch marks, excess weight remaining during pregnancy - all this provokes complexes that a woman accumulates within herself, which negatively affects the intimate relationship between a couple.

The opportunity to resume sexual intercourse for the first time appears approximately seven weeks after the birth of the child.

Reasons for refusing sexual intercourse after childbirth:

  • Difficult childbirth;
  • The presence of ruptures in the internal tissues of the perineum and muscles of the uterus;
  • Divergence of the pelvic bones during labor;
  • Previous caesarean section.

All these reasons can delay the resumption of sexual intercourse until the female body is completely restored.

You should not neglect the recommendations of the gynecologist, because only the attending physician can check how well the genitals and vagina have recovered after the birth of the baby, and whether blood is flowing there well. Mothers who have given birth are advised to visit a gynecologist one month after the birth of the baby if the birth was without complications.

If after childbirth and discharge of mother and baby home, pain, bleeding, and fever continue, then you should urgently contact a gynecologist. These symptoms may be caused by an infection that occurs during the postpartum period. For this reason, sexual contact also remains strictly prohibited.

Bleeding that occurs after the birth of the baby can continue for one to three weeks, gradually “fading away.”

A woman should listen to her body, because only she knows it like no one else. It must be said that the renewal of the desire for intercourse after childbirth depends not only on health, but also on the psychological state and mood.

Postpartum period

During the postpartum period, a woman changes psychologically. She often gets tired, irritable, and impulsive, which can be caused by postpartum depression or even psychosis. This prevents sex from being as enjoyable and emotionally fulfilling. During this period, the support of the husband is extremely necessary. A young mother, looking at herself in the mirror, often finds fault with the reflection and tries to see in it an insufficiently attractive woman, which significantly reduces self-esteem. Compliments from a loved one are very important here. The husband and father in one person must understand that during this period the emotional connection established within the couple is important. Help caring for a newborn should be evenly distributed among new parents, allowing each family member to devote at least a little time to each other.

The first intimate intimacy should be in a romantic mood, light candles, use aromatic oils, turn on pleasant music, cook together or order a delicious dinner at home, which will certainly allow you to relax and improve the mood of both partners. However, for the first time after childbirth, having sex should be careful; do not forget about the occurrence of bleeding, since the woman’s body may not fully recover.

To begin sexual intercourse, it is best to use intimate caresses, which will relax you and give you the opportunity to feel whether sex will be pleasant or whether it will still bring not entirely pleasant sensations. Also, many women after childbirth are afraid of vaginal dryness. To eliminate such problems, you can use intimate lubricant. Of great importance is how the woman’s obstetrics went, whether it was a natural birth or a caesarean section.


Caesarean section occupies a separate place in the list of procedures that help childbirth be painless and safe for both mother and baby. A caesarean section is a surgical intervention during childbirth that may be needed at any stage of pregnancy. There are many indications for a caesarean section, for example:

  • Premature placental abruption;
  • Incorrect placement of the fetus;
  • The occurrence of bleeding for unknown reasons;
  • The umbilical cord wraps around the cervical groove of the fetus several times;
  • Death of the fetus in the womb.

Detection of all of these causes requires urgent surgical intervention. Immediately after the operation, a recovery period is required, which lasts from 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, the suture is completely healed, and postpartum bleeding also stops. Intimacy should bring pleasure to both partners; correctly selected positions during sexual intercourse play a big role in this. Whether during a caesarean section or during a natural birth, it is best to start with a position where the man is behind. This position allows you not to put pressure on the abdominal muscles and control the penetration of the penis into the vagina, while the man must be careful not to harm his companion.

Among women who have given birth, there is an opinion that after the birth of a baby during the first six months there is no possibility of getting pregnant again, but this is not so.

The ability to become pregnant in the female body is restored after a month and a half. In women who gave birth by Caesarean section, after two months. For peace of mind and safety, you should use contraceptives, this allows you to completely relax during sexual intercourse.


Contraceptives should be treated with caution after the birth of a child, but this only applies to medications that contain hormones. For nursing mothers, medications are currently available that do not contain hormones that can affect the development of the baby through breast milk. But before purchasing, you need to get a face-to-face consultation with a gynecologist.

A good method is, but the downside is that it can only be installed after five to six months after childbirth, when the female body has fully recovered. The selection of the spiral is also carried out by a gynecologist. Condoms will help protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, but they tend to break and no one is immune from this.

Each couple should choose a method of contraception that will suit both partners and not interfere with intimacy and sexual intercourse with unpleasant sensations, which will distract from the mood.

The birth of a baby is the responsibility of both parents. Mutual understanding and support play a big role in the life of a family; how quickly a woman returns to normal after birth depends on this. How long can postpartum depression last, which manifests itself differently in each woman? And this affects the resumption of sexual intercourse between the couple and intimacy. A woman feels confident if she has a calm, balanced man next to her who is happy to become the father of her child. Sexual intercourse in this case only strengthens the bond between spouses. This gives confidence to both parents in general, both emotionally and psychologically.

Young parents, supporting each other, at the birth of a baby understand more about family values ​​and personal space. And sexual contact only strengthens their union.

The first sexual intercourse after the birth of a baby is a responsible decision for a woman, because in her subconscious there may be fears about the occurrence of pain, that her loved one will be disappointed in her, that she does not have the same shape as before before pregnancy. And here a man must prove himself as a caring partner who still loves his soul mate, but many times stronger than before. After all, only a loving woman can sacrifice her body, health and beauty to give her beloved a child.

Very rarely, a woman who is expecting a child and meeting him may think about how much the intimate side of her relationship with her husband may change after childbirth. But when the time comes to think about it, many women can put off this moment because with the birth of a child they no longer have enough energy and time. But it's not right. After all, after a little person appears in your life, sex can have many more facets and bring much more pleasure. And not only physically, but also mentally.

Of course, you still have to wait a while with sex. After all, immediately after giving birth, doctors insist on abstaining. And this should continue for about 4-6 weeks. During this time, the uterus will recover and heal a little, and the risk of infection will significantly decrease. If some complications arise during childbirth, for example, ruptures, then the period without sex should be increased even more, up to two months.

Also the reason is that the organs that directly took part in the birth of the child must heal at least a little as they become very sensitive to various infections. But still, a woman in the postpartum period really needs the support and affection of her husband. Therefore, this is the best period to show your love and understanding. Also, a man should not forget that when a baby is born, there are much more worries. And accordingly, it takes a lot more effort and time. Of course, this is very difficult for a man to understand, so if a woman wants daddy to feel what caring for a child is like, then he should at least partially take part in it. For example, you can bathe the baby together, change his diapers one by one, and stand up to the baby at least once a night when he cries.

Another reason why women do not want to have sex after childbirth is pain. In most cases, they are caused by the fact that the vagina remains dry for some time after childbirth and in such situations you can safely use lubricants. Pain can also occur due to stitches or scars. But this problem is also resolved quite quickly. Now there are many special ointments that can very quickly not only relieve pain, but also promote rapid healing.

But the most difficult problem to perceive is that associated with the tone of the vagina and almost all women face it. It is very difficult to avoid, but you can correct the situation very simply and relatively quickly by performing Kegel exercises. It would be very good if the practice of these exercises began during pregnancy. This will help not only give birth less painfully, but also after the birth of the baby, the muscles will quickly return to their previous shape.

When can you have an intimate life after childbirth?

When it comes to having sex for the first time after childbirth, it is worth paying attention to the woman’s psychological state. A woman spends a lot of her emotions on her child at first. And there’s nothing you can do about it, because this is how nature intended it. But still, you shouldn’t take on all the child’s care. If daddy helps mother, this will only strengthen the relationship.

Also, do not rush a woman too much into starting sexual activity. After all, she will definitely feel when her body is ready for such a relationship again.

When having sex for the first time, you should be very careful, because you need to check your body for readiness for sex. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about the kind words and affection that a woman needs most at such a moment. And it’s also worth remembering that sex after childbirth becomes much brighter, because you already have your favorite treasure, which should only strengthen your love even more.
