Rich girl, poor guy. rich girls

An excellent book that will allow you to find a lot of beautiful girls online.

If we talk about dating girls on VKontakte, then the method of Yegor Sheremetyev will be the best here.

Egor, I want to express my respect and personal gratitude to you, although I did not buy your courses, you are one of the very few seduction trainers on the Internet who gives really ACTIVE advice!

Konstantin, Moscow, 25 years old

Egor, your book helps, and it really helps, thanks for the advice and professional advice ... I will gain experience over time!

Dmitry, Kazan, 20 years old

Hi Thank you with the past, thanks to your technique I went with a bang))) God bless you Yegor health and success in all projects and plans)

Eugene, Voronezh, 26 years old

From the course "Secrets of successful VKontakte dating" I learned a lot of useful information, learned how to fill out the page correctly, how to talk, what to write about. All this is very useful! And if anyone wants to take this course, then of course I recommend it!

Vyacheslav, Novosibirsk, 25 years old

Lessons - class!! I'm going through everything step by step, now at lesson 12. Each lesson is supported by practice. There are results! in two weeks I shot 6 numbers and twice the girls themselves left the number. I meet not only in VK, but also in the photo country and in the chat of the city (I asked, I saw I fell in love), there the girls are already "ready to sit" a couple of your cool openers and communication is established! - the first begin to classify you. At first I trained on nice girls, then I switched to pretty ones, now I choose 3-4 girls for the evening and process them (if I may say so).
Yesterday I went to a non-stop night at the cinema with my girlfriend. I'm not going to stop there :)
Thanks Egor Your lessons are super!
They help a lot - successful correspondence, learned a lot of cool, new "catch phrases" that can be used in communication :))

Arthur, St. Petersburg, 20 years old

Hello dear Egor! I wanted to express my deep gratitude to you, your advice helped me a lot and now I'm going to meet the first girl from the social network "Vkontakte" and I hope she seems like an unusual, interesting guy ... My life began to change, I made a lot of interesting acquaintances!

Alexey, Novocheboksarsk, 21 years old

Egor, thank you so much for your advice! Help for all 1000!

Victor, Kyiv, 19 years old

Thanks for all the info, four phone numbers in one day helps a lot!

Andrey, Nizhny Tagil, 22 years old

Egor thank you very much, it became easier for me to communicate with girls and they want to communicate with me even more thanks to you!!

Vlad, Yaroslavl, 20 years old

Hi Egor! Thanks for the book - it's wonderful. Your "favorite mistakes" from the mailing list provide subtle insight into the mistakes many people make. I am in my 50s, and my goal is not to get as many women into bed as possible, but I am sure that this will help to better understand them and build the right relationship with them.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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When we hear about rich women, images of famous actresses, top models and wives of wealthy men pop up in our heads.
We are in website decided to break the stereotype and show you the very women who own their own millions and even billions.

12. Sheikha Moza, Qatar

Age: 58 years old
State: $10 million

This spectacular woman is Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Misned, the second wife of the Emir of Qatar and the mother of 7 children. It not only takes an active part in the political and public life of the country, but also pays attention to the development of science and technology. With several honorary doctorates, Sheikha Mozah has also earned fame as one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet.

11. Ivanka Trump, USA

Age: 35 years
State: $740 million

The eldest daughter of Donald Trump could live relying on her father's money, but decided to earn her own millions. Ivanka owns several companies, successfully runs a business, participates in television programs and even wrote a book. Devoting free hours to her family, Ivanka finds time for herself: look how luxurious she looks at 35.

10. Pansy Ho, China

Age: 54 years old
State: $3.4 billion

Pansy Ho is the daughter of Stanley Ho, the owner of a gambling empire in China. Pansy has 16 siblings, but she alone has made her own billions. Today, her fortune significantly exceeds her father's.

9. Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus, France

Age: 55 years
State: $5.3 billion

The richest Russian woman in the world is Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, born Margarita Bogdanova. After the death of her husband, she inherited the company and the Olympic football club. Currently, Margarita holds the position of CEO in her own company, in addition, she remarried and is raising 2 children.

8. Kerry Perrodo, Singapore

Age: 66 years old
State: $5.3 billion

Kerry received several billion dollars after the death of her husband. Hubert Perrodo owned one of the largest private oil companies. Now the company is headed by their son, and Kerry is involved in charity work and at 66 looks great.

7. Charlotte Casiraghi, Monaco

Age: 31 year
State: $5.7 billion

Charlotte Casiraghi is 8th in line to the throne of Monaco. Grace Kelly's granddaughter works as a journalist and devotes her free time to equestrian sports. And what to hide, Charlotte inherited from her grandmother not only royal wealth, but also a bright appearance.

6. Christy Walton, USA

Age: 68 years old
State: $6.1 billion

The widow of the heir to the global Wal-Mart network has long been one of the twenty richest people on the planet. Today, Christy Walton's fortune has decreased, but she remains one of the most famous female philanthropists in the world.

5. Iris Fontbona, Chile

Age: 74 years old
State: $13.7 billion

Iris Fontbona is one of those who inherited her fortune after the death of her husband. Having become the richest Chilean woman in the world, at 74, Iris runs the family business and, admittedly, looks great.

Padding around the form

In our society, it is customary to pay for girls. Usually, men pay for women both at the stage of courtship and after the transition of love relationships to the "family" level. Women, in turn, are subordinate to the man, take care of the children and perform their household duties. Such a family is considered traditional, and despite the fact that at the present time quite often couples are inclined towards equality, however, most couples still live according to the algorithm described above.

And then, out of nowhere, a girl appears, to whom the guy has feelings. And she, it would seem, also has sympathy for this guy, but then he finds out that this girl can not only pay for a trip to a restaurant, but also buy him with giblets. What to do in such a situation? After all, a man is used to earning more and an overly wealthy girl will terribly beat her pride. What to do? You can, of course, not try such a peculiar relationship, but you can get such a girl, making your life much better.

How to behave with a wealthy girl?

A girl's large fortune can affect her assessment of life and even her attitude towards you. However, despite this, you should not change your attitude towards her because of money. Pretend that you do not notice her capabilities, behave with her like with an ordinary girl and then she will be yours.

Is romance necessary?

Rich guys often don't bother with any creative ideas in relationships. Such relationships often slip into everyday life and women stop feeling happy, even despite the decent financial situation of the guy. On the other hand, wealthy girls often lack romance. Their world is too material, so try to provide her with bright emotions and she will be grateful to you for it.

Do you have ambitions?

Any girl dreams of dating a man who seeks to take everything and more from this life. And even if you now have a low social status, then show your beloved that you want to change this. Show her your willingness to move forward and she will appreciate it.

Take care of your appearance

They say a man should look a little better than a monkey. However, be a neat monkey! Watch your appearance, do not chase the high cost, but try to look neat. You can be attractive in cheap clothes, if you choose them with taste.

Be yourself

You do not need to indulge the girl in everything, even if she provides for you. Believe me, there are a lot of slobbers who are happy to bend under her for money. However, she needs a real man who will have his own opinion and be able to push him in a dispute with his girlfriend. Therefore, be a real man - lead your beloved along even if she is carrying a bag of gold coins!

Be sexy and mindful

A woman, despite a bag of money, always remains a woman. In any case, she needs a good lover and a sensitive husband who can pay attention to her. Become him and she will not worry about your financial condition.

Pitfalls in a relationship with a rich girl

Most likely, your girlfriend received her bag of gold coins from her parents. In this case, the girl must obey them, and the parents, knowing about the capabilities of their daughter, may consider you another gigolo. But you didn't come for the money, did you? Show the girl's parents the same confidence and ambition that you show her. After all, her father is a man like you, and it is unlikely that he began his life with a bag of money on his shoulders. I am sure he will understand you if your intentions are sincere.

Do not lie!

Be ready to meet high requirements not only in words. If you lie with beer on the couch all day, then her parents will not appreciate it and you will be left with nothing. A man should not only earn, but also be responsible for his words.

Avoid advisers

Every girl has friends. And these girlfriends, seeing your low or average social status, will not always treat you positively. Perhaps they will start humming to your girlfriend about a prosperous life with Vanya in a brand new Ferrari or with Petya, who has a whole chain of hotels somewhere in Spain. Just ignore them. Be calm, and if your girlfriend listens to these "advisers", then so be it.

Should you date a wealthy girl?

If you want it, then it's worth it. Why not? If a girl received an inheritance from her parents, then she is not at all special. Yes, and with the work she could just get lucky. In any case, a woman will always remain a woman. The same capricious and wonderful, like everyone else. Therefore, you just need to slightly adjust your attitude towards her and she will be yours. If your intentions are sincere, then you will succeed. Good luck! Padding around the form

With rich partners - the goal of many men- and financially secure, and those who want to get a good job and live sweetly at the expense of another. And this becomes a way out for those young people who do not see prospects for a decent existence in the future, except for this one. Increasingly, young people indicate their external data in questionnaires and mark that they would like to meet a wealthy woman, they are even ready to move in with her if she lives alone.

"Gigolo", which we remember from the time of the work of Dumas, has undergone changes for a long time, and few people are now interested in whether an attractive young man who does not have wealthy parents and a well-paid job lives with a rich woman on the payroll? Many young "stars" from among the precocious ones do just that - having found themselves a rich older woman. It is expected that she will pay for their expensive clothes and the standard of living they aspire to. Time passes, priorities change, and for slender athletic men with beautiful faces, it is no longer shameful to look for a lady who will pay for all their whims for their sexual services, and they consciously take this step.

Moscow will be able to provide you with acquaintance with rich women, because whoever seeks will always find. In small towns it is difficult to find a rich woman who wants to have fun, or take a young man for permanent maintenance. Therefore, the probability of search increases in cities such as Moscow. Rich Muscovites for the most part will not be against such a novel.

Of course, some may also want a man who helps them around the house and with children, but now you can more often meet a man who wants a fairy tale brought to life in exchange for sexual services. This man does not hide his intentions, he speaks directly about them, because he is confident in his demand and is consciously focused on the fact that all his expensive toys will be paid for by a rich mistress. He's not shy about being contained. Having sex for him is also a job that he must do well, and this job should feed him ... if he considers himself a professional in it. After all, time is fleeting, and the quality of sexual services provided by a man may not be the same as a woman needs. While a man is young, he tries not to miss his chance.

Dating rich womenMoscow will provide you with us - and then act! Ultimately, this is an honest exchange, even if there are no feelings involved. And if it's love ... even more so! We wish that each of you get what you expect.

Difficulties in relationships

Rich girl, poor guy

In our society, it is accepted that a man most often pays when meeting a girl, during a relationship, and after the creation of a family. And the woman meekly “submits” to the will of the man, takes care of the family and shows her femininity. Of course, you will say that now such behavior is becoming less obvious, and you will be right. But still, the bulk of the guys still adhere to such rules.

And here, on the guy’s horizon, a gorgeous girl appears, who he likes madly, but there is a small trifle in her: she has so much money that she herself can “buy” any man for herself. And, of course, this state of affairs could not affect her attitude to life. And even more it strikes at the ego of a man.

However, this does not mean that the guy does not have the right to get himself such a girl and make his life much better. You know how temperamental girls with "great" opportunities are.

How to behave with a rich girl

Money and opportunities can influence the behavior of a girl and her attitude towards you, but money should not affect your own behavior and attitude towards such a girl. To put it simply: "Do not be afraid of her money, and she will be yours."

Romance and creativity. When a guy has money, he loses the desire to strain and come up with something in a relationship with his girlfriend. Relationships begin to take on a rather boring and insipid look. And at one point it just gets boring.

On the other hand, if you want to get a rich girl, then you have to offer her a great way to spend time other than driving around the city and drinking coffee. Make her life brighter, and she will be grateful to you.

ambition. Any girl wants to meet a man who can and wants to snatch a bigger piece in this life. And wealthy girls will want it all the more. Therefore, if at the moment you have nothing, then show the girl that you have goals and a willingness to go ahead!

Appearance. It is said that a man should have the appearance of a little better than a monkey. But even a monkey can look stylish and neat. We do not chase expensive things, we buy practical and neat clothes. So even in jeans for 1000 rubles you can look dignified and desirable! Remember!

Confidence and attitude. If everyone starts flirting with this girl, then you simply have to act independently. Why does such a girl need a man who will obey her in everything? Enough for a couple of meetings, and then she will go looking for a normal man with balls and her own opinion. This is exactly how you should be! Know how to follow your course and lead your beloved woman with her bag of gold coins.

Sex and attention. A woman is always a woman. She needs a good man in bed, who will not only do his job for five, but also carefully listen to her experiences, anxieties and thoughts. Although let's be honest: if a man knows how to listen and win over, then the quality of sex is no longer so significant for a girl.

Pitfalls in a relationship with a rich girl

As a rule, a girl receives a sum of money from her parents, who have some requirements for her chosen one. They may consider you an ordinary gigolo who started this relationship for the sake of dad's money. And maybe 9 out of 10 times they will be right. But you are not like that?

This delicate situation can be overcome with the help of your confidence and ambition. You may not have anything now, but you sincerely love their daughter and are ready to storm with your bare hands, just to win. Fathers are the same men, they will understand and support you.

But her friends and acquaintances can have a significant negative impact on her:

“How did she start dating a guy not of her level. What awaits them in the future? Are you really going to leave Petya for a BMW and go out with an ordinary guy? Are you completely crazy?"

In such cases, you simply do not need to argue with them and do not try to prove anything to your girlfriend. You must be confident and calm and systematically lure the beauty into your web. If she jumps off under the onslaught of "friends' advice", so be it. It is better to immediately clarify the whole situation than to regret later and worry about the lost time.

Consequences of deception

If you promised to be strong and successful, but you yourself turned into an ordinary sofa lover, then very soon you will feel the wrath of the girl's parents. They will do their best to expel you from their family as a defective male product. After all, if a man promises, then he keeps his word.

So is it worth it or not to date a rich girl?

Why not? Firstly, you are dating an ordinary girl who, by a lucky chance, got wealthy parents, or a good job. This is exactly the same girl with all the quirks and whims that other girls are. You will only need to slightly change your behavior and attitude towards her, and she will be yours forever.

Good luck and may love overcome all obstacles.
