Day of workers of the pharmaceutical and microbiological industry in Belarus. Pharmaceutical Industry Worker's Day - congratulations and gift choice

It is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of a pharmacy without a competent pharmacist. When there is no way to see a doctor, we go to these specialists for help. They know everything and even more about medicines, which means our health is under reliable protection. The Day of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist in Ukraine is celebrated on the sixteenth of September: if you don’t know how touching and beautiful to congratulate a person on their professional holiday, see our selection.

Congratulations in prose

Our dear pharmacist, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday! May your invaluable knowledge bring even more benefits and health to people, and may every competent recommendation end in a quick recovery! However, your life should not be limited to your favorite work. Be simple happy man who has comfort in the house, and harmony in the soul. Congratulations!


For every Ukrainian, a pharmacist is the most important person when it comes to finding and choosing the right medicine. Therefore, on this festive autumn day, I want to wish you a great future and a swift career development. Each of us has our own dreams. But your most beautiful: may someday you still become the inventor of a pill for all diseases in the world! And we will tell you a simple human thank you for every important find and advice. Let there be more in your personal life happy days, happy holiday to you!


My congratulations today accepts the most talented pharmacist in the country! Your work is practically priceless: you keep our health and even save people's lives. Thank you so much for every safe and really effective medicine. A pharmacy without you is just a warehouse of incomprehensible packages! But out of all this variety, a person needs only one small pill. But the price of this pill may be whole life… So keep making us happy professional success, be happy, healthy and just as smiling! Happy Pharmacist's Day!


The work of a doctor, of course, is priceless. But the final recovery of the patient depends only on you, our dear pharmacist! It is you who relieve ailments, pain, ailments. You don't just accurately match ingredients we don't know. You are working hard for the good of the whole country! But today your main concern is rest. Accept words of congratulations, flowers, smiles and gifts. Remember that your life is sure to be full family happiness, pleasant joys and financial well-being. Good luck in everything!


On this day in all corners of the country sound my sincere congratulations pharmacy workers! In that wonderful holiday I would like to wish what you wish every day to your grateful customers - good health. May you never have to apply your knowledge to yourself. May the house always reign family warmth, a financial well-being does not dry out. Sell ​​more vitamins, not serious drugs. Congratulations!

Congratulations in verse

Happy pharmacist's day, our congratulations
Take everything from the heart today!
As our beautiful feelings manifestation,
We wish you to live in true glory!

We wish you to always be proud of yourself,
To reach great heights!
We wish you a very happy work
And never lose heart!

Let your work be respected without fail,
May you have no equal in the life of the century!
And stay the best by all means,
After all, you are a sincere, glorious person!


On Pharmacist's Day, we wish you to understand
In the recipes of the most complex, difficult!
We want to confess our love to you now
And we dedicate this verse to you!

We want to wish you always happy
Any job could be done!
So that you are happy with everything in life,
To cherish the experience of a pharmacist!

Let there be everything that is needed in life:
Love and friendship, joy and success!
Live in harmony with your team
And always be the best!


I want to wish you on Pharmacist's Day,
May you be active in your work!
For careers to flourish
And you were held in high esteem everywhere!

May you be desperately lucky everywhere
May great honor await you always!
May there be a place in your life for a miracle!
May grief never come!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
Let it be with the mood only okay!
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
We wish you the best news!


Day of the pharmacist now comes
And everyone congratulates you today!
May milestones please you more often in life,
May there be much happiness and success!

May your customers always trust you
Let them buy medicines more often ...
Let all recipes be clear
For you in winter, spring and even summer!

We want you to work hard
And never make a mistake in life...
Become a very important person in life
And a century to manage your pharmacy!


We are pharmacists throughout the vast country
We want to congratulate you very modestly today!
Congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist from the bottom of our hearts
And we will send you a congratulatory verse!

We want to wish everything to be beautiful,
So that your life is like a miracle!
So that you enjoy your work
And in my life I have never been upset!

May you be admired more often
So that you live now a hundred times sweeter!
Let them praise you and respect you very much!
May more poetry be dedicated to you!

SMS congratulations

Congratulations on the day of the pharmacist,
I wish you accuracy in everything
I wish you patience
To the sick attention, sorry!


Let the pharmacy pay you a lot,
Let there be a mini dress under the robe,
Let in fashion bag money rattle,
Instead of potions and pills lie!


Congratulations on the day of the pharmacist,
We wish everyone good health
Sell ​​drugs famously,
But swallow them less often!


Happy Pharmacist's Day!
On this day Drive away melancholy and laziness,
Put a smile on your face
And wait for buyers today!

Cool congratulations

Pharmacists of Ukraine
Congratulations on the holiday
On the recipe for congratulations
I will leave for you.

Wish pharmacists
I want success
Invent pills
Joy and laughter.

I wish in the world
Everyone became healthy
To make you the medicine of happiness
Created for people.


Pharmacists in Ukraine
Everyone is smart and cute
Because their day
They are not bad at all!

We congratulate you guys
We wish you well
So that work does not interfere
Build amorous affairs!


Help get medicine
From every bad ailment
Here they can teach life
Yes, arrange everything in this life ...
Employees of all pharmacies
As well as kiosk sellers
Thank you man
Oh, everything in pharmacy is not easy ...
When it's time to help
...and in our Ukraine
If you need it, then it will be good
We are getting better!


Pharmacists, Happy Holidays, friends!
You are in charge of public health.
After all, nothing is worse than doctors
Treat the sick.
We wish you health and success,
Thanks for the medicines and potions.
But we, in order to meet less often,
We will do procedures for hardening.


You, pharmacists, are glorified by the country,
This mission is honorable.
With the help of your managed in full
Forget about illness willingly.

Prizes and awards are given to you
On a holiday for all pharmacists.
Praise, be proud and sing odes
your magical recipes.

Today they go to pharmacies to stand
Not in line for medicine.
People are in a hurry to congratulate you!
Health is now like wealth.

Exact date when Day medical worker in 2018 in Russia has not been established, but we can definitely say that there is such a day. Here you need to look not at a specific number, but at what date every year will be the third Sunday of June - the day when the celebration of the Day of the Medic in our country has been fixed at the official level for the third decade.

It turns out that this year they celebrate June 17, which, traditionally, falls on a Sunday. Doctors love this holiday, consider it their main professional day throughout the year and look forward to it. It should be noted here that on the Day of the Medical Worker, not only doctors are congratulated, but all people whose professions are directly or even indirectly related to medicine.

About the date of the Medic's Day

When the Day of the Medical Worker in 2018 in Russia, the date depends only on what date the third summer Sunday falls on. Let's say that in 2017 Medic's Day was celebrated on June 18, but in 2018 the third Sunday of summer will be June 17, on this day we will celebrate Medic's Day. In general, the tradition of celebrating this day was established at the legislative level back in the days of the USSR in 1980.

An interesting fact is that the union no longer exists, but anyway, in many countries that were once part of a large state, Medical Worker's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June - according to an old, good and established tradition. That is, on June 17, Medic's Day will be celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine and Belarus, Kazakhstan.

It is important to understand here, and this is not emphasized in many sources, that every medical worker celebrates his professional holiday. That is, we are talking not only about doctors and nurses. On Medic's Day, nurses and housewives, as well as chemists and biologists, even medical equipment engineers are congratulated. Let Medic's Day not be an official day off, but due to the fact that it always falls on Sunday, it's great to relax in a large or small company.

Who to congratulate on Medic's Day

So, when in 2018 in Russia, what date is this day celebrated? June 17 in the year that is now on our calendar. Congratulate medical workers, we are talking about all employees medical institutions, you can still from Friday. As a rule, in the working team it is on Friday that solemn events, certificates are handed out, gratitude is expressed.

On the Day of the Medic, congratulations are expected not only by doctors, but also nurses and nurses, paramedics and midwives, housewives, chemists and biologists, even pharmacists and people who design and manufacture medical equipment. Prizes on this day, as a rule, are awarded to doctors for special merits. For example, for an operation that saved a person's life, for the use of a new method of treatment or the discovery of a new diagnostic method. You can also add here the discovery of a new direction in medicine and just an important contribution to the development of this industry, loyalty to the profession and one's work.

About the medical profession

The final, most important and important worker in the medical field is precisely the doctor, it is the treatment of the patient that falls on his shoulders, in his hands is the life and death of a person. At all times, this profession was considered honorable and respected, in Ancient Greece even believed that doctors become only from God. Every person seeks medical help during his life.

A feature of modern healthcare is that people are increasingly in need of treatment chronic diseases and not just acute illnesses. The doctor should be not only a doctor, but also a psychologist and just good friend who is able to support in difficult times.

On Medic's Day, you need to congratulate not only people close and dear who work in medicine, but all representatives of this field who have ever come to your aid. Believe me, doctors love this day and they are pleased to hear gratitude from the patient, but just a healthy and happy voice of a person in whose life you once took a direct part.

From the history of the holiday

Today is the date when the Day of the Medical Worker in 2018 in Russia repeats what was established in 1980 and was first celebrated in 1981. That is, for the first time, Medical Worker's Day was officially celebrated in the USSR on the third Sunday of June 1981, and a decree was signed stating that the holiday was established annually, in the fall of 1980.

Since then, in many countries that were once part of the USSR, the holiday has been preserved precisely on the third summer Sunday at the legislative level. Like many years ago, on this day of congratulations and kind words waiting for doctors, nurses and obstetricians, paramedics and laboratory assistants.

Today at modern Russia medical workers can be awarded two honorary titles, as a rule, they are awarded precisely in honor of the Medical Worker's Day every year. The first title is the Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation. Those who have devoted 20 years of work and made a great contribution to the development of domestic medicine can receive it.

The second official honored title is the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and the award is given to a person who has worked in medicine for 15 years or more and has made a significant contribution to the treatment of people.

For health!

Now you know exactly when the Day of the Medical Worker in 2018 in Russia is June 17. This event is always celebrated on Sunday and among doctors this is extremely popular. As a rule, many are going to celebrate the event in nature, arranging picnics and outdoor games. Someone will gather at home for festive table. It is important on this day not to forget to congratulate the doctors. If you don’t want to disturb a person on a weekend, then you can congratulate on Friday on the eve of Medical Worker Day or on Monday, the first day of the working week.

Like other aces in their field, pharmacists have their own professional holiday.

Pharmacist's Day is celebrated on September 17th. On the professional holiday of pharmaceutical workers, pharmacists, technologists and other employees of this industry, Styler gathered best regards and congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist.

Day pharmaceutical worker industry representatives always celebrate noisily. We invite you to congratulate colleagues or just those involved in the holiday with the help of funny congratulations on the Day of the pharmacist.

Congratulations pharmacists,
We sincerely wish you happiness
And love and inspiration
And universal luck!
Let them buy drugs
This enriches you
You give health to everyone,
You live very well!
May seven be strong
Life is nice and easy!
On this festive day
Our heartfelt congratulations!

Being a pharmacist is not easy
There is a lot to remember and know.
Answer all questions
And greet everyone with a smile.
On this holiday, your native
We wish you health!
Like your own pain
The pharmacist accepts.
Here are congratulations from the heart,
He deserves you.
We ask God to take care
your life for years.

Today is a pharmacist's holiday,
He deserves congratulations.
And we send with a festive accent
Hello and a couple of gentle lines!
Let there be accurate calculations
Him to wonder powder
Easy to get rid of worries
Illnesses, coughs and troubles!
Let there be strong tinctures
Potions - fabulously tasty,
Stomach patients - persistent,
Experiments are not boring!

All professions are needed, all professions are important, and the profession of a pharmacist is no exception! Who better than pharmacists knows what medicine will help to cope with the disease, knows how to create it and knows how to store it properly? In the hands of doctors and pharmacists, the main asset of the nation is its health! We trust it to you and thank you for your concern. Happy Pharmacist's Day, good luck and prosperity!

I congratulate pharmacists on their professional holiday. I wish you happiness, health and successful business development. The work of a pharmacist is an important component of the treatment process, since the receipt of high-quality and effective medicines by the patient largely depends on pharmacists. Let the assessment of the work of pharmacists always be the phrase "Just like in a pharmacy."

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Pharmacist! On this day, I want to wish you to be well versed in your work, to be able to give competent recommendations and always be held in high esteem! I wish you to enjoy life and appreciate your work, because you really help people become healthy!

The pharmacist is very important person helping to find the right medicine. On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, I want to wish you a great future in which you will invent a pill for all the diseases that exist on the planet! Thank you for important discoveries and discoveries. May your life happiness and prosperity burst out of the test tube and begin to please you more and more every day!

On your professional holiday, Pharmacist's Day, accept my congratulations! You work to keep us healthy and to save lives. Thanks for the action and safe medicines, for the fact that in pharmacies you can buy any drugs. I sincerely wish that you yourself had to use them less often! Be healthy, strong in body and spirit, young in soul and heart.

The recovery of the sick is one hundred percent dependent on you. It is you who gives relief from pain, ailments, ailments. Your work is not just the exact ratio of ingredients, but painstaking work for the benefit of the nation. I wish you a lot of health and a lot of smiles on the day of your professional holiday! May there be a lot of joy, fun and material prosperity in your life. May happiness and comfort dwell in your family forever. Happiness, prosperity, prosperity!

The day of the pharmacist for workers in this industry is always quite exciting and at the same time a very pleasant event, which they are looking forward to with particular impatience. This is due to the fact that on this day, more than ever, pharmacists and pharmacists feel the full significance own work, accept words of gratitude from the first persons of the country.

Feeling proud in these moments for your profession is very nice. And it is not in vain that these people deserve great respect from society, since it is not easy daily labor each pharmacy employee in particular, his dedication, talent, knowledge and experience is the key to the health of each of us.

The day of the pharmacist is celebrated by all those who have at least something to do with the pharmaceutical industry, which today is own production and a significant part of domestic products on the drug market. And in recent times pharmaceutical enterprises of our country bring the conditions for the production of medicines to the level of world requirements.

This situation in the industry is not encouraging. Moreover, it causes respect and pride for the work, perseverance and responsibility that come to the fore for our pharmacists. After all, their calling is to take care of the lives of thousands and thousands of people. And their work is so necessary, because from time to time everyone takes medicine: children, adults, pensioners, ordinary workers, ministers, and the president.

Any modern or the most insignificant medical procedure today requires high-quality and reliable pharmaceutical support. Therefore, Pharmacist's Day should pay tribute to those people who provide this support to everyone.

Pharmacy, like medicine in other respects, belongs to ancient specialties. The experience of treatment and knowledge of medicines accumulated over thousands of years remains an important component of the struggle of civilization for existence in various social conditions. AT present time The main task of domestic pharmacy is to provide patients with safe and affordable medicines. And this is one of the most important, obligatory and difficult tasks.

Pharmacist's Day in Russia does not have a specific legal date for celebration, but it is customary to celebrate it in September, namely on the third Saturday of this autumn month. It is not customary to celebrate this day too magnificently and widely. But without solemn awards, congratulations, nice words and thanks don't go unnoticed.

In addition, on this day, pharmaceutical industry workers hear a lot of warm words, sincere well-being and creative success. And high spirits always creates a sea of ​​flowers and smiles. Same required attribute are the awards and the concert program.

Pharmacist's Day is the holiday when it is worth rewarding for everyday hard work, high professionalism and perseverance of those people who set as their goal the improvement of the health of each person and the population as a whole. The most important thing that we have - our health - depends on their work.

Many diseases, thanks to their work, do not pose a serious danger to humanity. And everyone, having come to the pharmacy, counts on a hint from the pharmacist.

When Pharmacist's Day only received the status of a holiday, the pharmaceutical industry itself was not so developed in our country. Today, we produce almost all solid and powdered ones).

In addition, a very promising direction of the current production is the production of generics. In other words, these are more affordable medicinal analogues of imported drugs, which are in no way inferior to them in quality and action.

We rarely think about what is stored in our first aid kits. But it is worth getting sick, as even the simplest medicine will not be at hand. The modern rhythm of life does not always give us the opportunity to pay due attention to our health and visit doctors in a timely manner. The help of a competent pharmacist, if the case is not very serious, is simply invaluable: he will give precise advice and will help you choose not only the right, but also the medicine that is cost-effective. Pharmacy workers not only advise the population, but also actively follow the latest developments in the region and even prepare medicines according to prescriptions. Pharmaceutical Worker's Day is a professional holiday that has become a tribute to this important work. Help

Alternative titles: Day of the Pharmacy Worker, Day of the Pharmacist and Pharmacist

How to celebrate: traditional celebrations take place on this day. Best Employees award prizes, valuable gifts and diplomas. Organization leaders announce organizations. Seminars, conferences, receptions are held, concert programs. On the air of radio and television, as well as on the pages of newspapers and on news Internet resources, you can see materials about the achievements of the industry and its best representatives.

Who is celebrating?

First of all, memorable date applies to pharmacists and pharmacists. However, the sixteenth of September is celebrated by all those who have at least some relation to the process of production and sale of medicines.

From the history of the holiday

After Soviet Union collapsed, Ukrainian pharmaceutics revived, and medicines produced in our country got back good name: in other words, they have again become popular and in demand in the market. Naturally, the pace of production also increased. All this happened thanks to the attraction of foreign investments, excellent scientific base and well-established production process. Now medicines produced in Ukraine successfully compete with foreign counterparts.

It is worth noting that Ukrainians themselves are increasingly choosing domestic funds. Thanks to such achievements, in 1999 it was decided to establish a professional holiday on which we could congratulate all pharmacy workers.

About the profession

A pharmaceutical worker is a specialist who is involved in the creation, storage, and sale of medicines. He not only knows the details of the composition medicinal product and how to use it. One of the competencies of a pharmacist is communication with people. They can work not only in a pharmacy, but also in companies that sell medicines. Also, the scope of their activities affects factories, laboratories, warehouses, hospitals. Currently, about three hundred and fifty thousand such workers are working in our country. The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine includes ten thousand private and state pharmacies, as well as about six thousand pharmacy kiosks.

  1. The scale of the industry can be estimated by simple numbers. In 2015, 1.4 packages of medicines were sold in the country. This is approximately thirty pieces per citizen;
  2. The average Ukrainian resident spends about fifty dollars a year on medicines;
  3. Farmak is a company that consistently remains the leader in sales;
  4. Last year, the export of medicines will amount to about 270 million dollars. Approximately how much is the world's most expensive painting by Cezanne, which is called "Card Players".

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