Happy professional holiday colleagues. Calendar of professional holidays

Examples (samples) of universal congratulations on a professional holiday (14 options in total). The proposed texts are not in verse (in prose). Words are suitable for congratulating colleagues, congratulatory speech at a corporate event, personal congratulations from myself personally, and for posting in the office. They can also sign postcards to colleagues, professionals in their field or issue a text of congratulations from the management of the organization.

If you need to add even more wishes to the texts, use those (just select the ones you need and add them to your text).

Option number 1

Dear colleagues and friends! Today is our professional holiday. Please accept congratulations and sincere wishes for prosperity, realization of your career and professional plans, ideas, dreams. We sincerely wish you success and prosperity.

Option number 2

Dear colleagues and friends! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to wish us all:

  • Successful professional development and growth;
  • Easy and unhindered movement forward - to new successes;
  • New experience and new amazing discoveries;
  • And most importantly, that our work be useful, recognized and appreciated.

Option number 3

Dear Colleagues! Today, on the day of our professional holiday, we wish you all:

  • New interesting projects;
  • New professional achievements;
  • Light professional goals;
  • Acceleration of professional growth;
  • Expansion of professional skills and abilities;
  • Many interesting trainings;
  • Professional popularity, recognition and approval;

Be happy in the profession and let it be favorable to you too.

Option number 4

Dear colleagues and friends! On this wonderful holiday dedicated to our profession, we congratulate you and wish that all your professional ambitions come true. So that work brings you satisfaction and joy. So that fatigue was only pleasant. And so that only good news haunts you. So that the results of labor are in demand and useful to many people. And so that on the way to the goal we come across only decent people (clients, customers, management, performers, patients, etc. - insert the right one here, regarding your professional activity).

Option number 5

Dear colleagues! The past (since the last holiday) professional year has brought us a lot of interesting things... It was not easy, eventful, demanding of us and useful in terms of the amount of experience gained. It was a difficult, but very interesting time. Today, on our professional holiday, I wish you that in the new prof. year, we were able to effectively dispose of the accumulated experience ... So that we have the opportunity to strengthen our position and prosperity. For interesting projects to find us. And so that the acquired new skills will help us to effectively solve the tasks. In general, colleagues, happiness and prosperity to us.

Option number 6

Dear attendees! I want to congratulate us on our professional holiday and I hasten to inform you that you are the best! You managed to create an excellent, strong and well-coordinated (harmonious) team. This is essential for efficient operation.

  • You know how to solve the professional challenges that the chosen activity, profession and leadership puts before us again and again.
  • You know how not to bend before difficulties and not to lose your head from success.
  • You know how to lose and move on. And also - you know how to win and not stop, enjoying what you have achieved.
  • You know how to improve in the profession and learn quickly.
  • You are able to implement new things quickly and productively, and you are also able to calmly abandon outdated and unjustified methods of work.

But most importantly: you are the best, because you are wonderful, kind, smart, strong people who are ready to help a colleague, rejoice at common successes and empathize in a difficult moment. I am proud of you and the fact that I work among you. I wish you to remain the same cool pros and wonderful people.

Option number 7

Dear employees! The management of Murzilka Inc LLC congratulates you on your professional holiday and wishes you all the best both in your professional and private life. We love and appreciate each of you. You are excellent specialists, thanks to you the organization grows, develops and prospers. We hope to continue to be useful to each other and together go to new successes (victories).

Option number 8

Colleagues! Today, on the day of the professional holiday, I want to tell you that I am proud of each of you. Also, I am proud to work with you every day. And I do not regret a single day spent with you.

Every day you do difficult, important and very necessary work that many people need. And you are doing an excellent job. The choice of such a profession characterizes you as the most wonderful people. And that is why it is impossible not to be proud of you.

Thank you for being who you are and for being who you are. And I wish that the next professional year (which is until the next holiday) will be easy, calm and fruitful for us. Thank you and good luck.

Option number 9

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday. Each of you is a unique creative person, and as a team, you all show excellent creative results. We thank you for your work and contribution to the development of the organization. We wish you further creative success and new victories. May bright, productive ideas never leave you and may all your plans come true. And let the implementation be easy and highly appreciated.

Option number 10

Dear friends! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and hasten to tell you that the work you did in the previous (professional) year was of excellent quality. She was highly acclaimed and in demand. You have shown yourself to be wonderful specialists and no less wonderful people. You are professional, persistent (in achieving a goal), persistent, decent, energetic and organized. You showed yourself from the very best side, from which only a person in our profession can show.

We highly appreciate, notice and remember each of you and all of you together. You are a great team. We wish you well-being, prosperity, health, joy and professional growth.

Option number 11

Friends! Today is your professional holiday, on which I congratulate you. All of you are real pros. And I know that sometimes it seems to you that you have reached the "ceiling" in your development and there is nowhere else to go. I already wished you a lot for previous similar holidays… But today I want to say that I admire your professionalism every day, admire you and sincerely wish you to find ways to grow further, despite the fact that you are highly qualified specialists. And also I wish you the strength to cope with such impasses in professional growth, not to despair, and again go forward along the path of professional prosperity.

Option number 12

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! I congratulate you on your professional holiday. I know how you value your profession, respect and appreciate it. Therefore, I wish:

  • Long, happy, successful, fruitful professional life to you;
  • May your work always be appreciated and in demand;
  • So that you will be surprised at new discoveries in your activities for a long time and never cease to rejoice at the results obtained;
  • So that new successes inspire you, and failures only stimulate new exploits, and not demotivate;
  • And of course, so that patience does not leave you and your loved ones and that they (relatives) take your work to heart just like you do. And of course, it is very important that they not only accept it, but understand and share it.

Option number 13

Dear friend! I congratulate you on your professional holiday and I want to tell you that I have always loved you as a close person, and now I am also proud to be friends with such a great professional.

On such a day, I consider it my duty to wish you to successfully grow and develop in the chosen direction. So that your professional path is smooth, easy, not too slow and joyful for you. So that you get from your work everything that you want to receive and that your efforts are always duly rewarded. So that all your hopes and dreams come true and that the results of your activities never disappoint you. So that only the right decisions come to mind and, most importantly, timely ones.

In general, dear, I wish you your personal, professional happiness and prosperity. Well, I will always rejoice in your victories and will always support you in moments of doubt. Congratulations!

Option number 14

Dear friend! On your professional holiday, I can’t stand aside and congratulate you on it. I am grateful to you for your friendship, but today I want to tell you that I am proud of the profession you have chosen (what professional path you have chosen). She (profession) is not easy and interesting, and I wish you:

  • So that you are not embarrassed by difficulties. Know that you always have someone to turn to for support;
  • So that you do not stop halfway and go your way to the end ... And in the end I see you - a cool pro, not only my pride, but also a recognized (titled, famous and popular) leader of the profession;
  • That you be happy on this path, regardless of the difficulties and regardless of anything at all;
  • So that your family and friends have the strength, wisdom and patience to share with you your passion for the profession;
  • So that professional skills and abilities only multiply with you easily and quickly;
  • And finally: so that your profession never interferes (but only helps) you to remain the same cool friend that you are now ... and at the same time, let it not prevent you from happily arranging other areas of your life (family, hobbies, learning new things, traveling, entertainment ).
  • If you decide that the selected text will be printed and hung in the office, try to place a congratulatory picture on the sheet in addition to the text (preferably in color, but not necessary)
  • If you decide to give a congratulatory speech out loud, try not to speak for a long time. The above texts are quite short and easy to remember. However, you should not combine several texts into one and say everything at once.
  • If you think that one text is not enough for a congratulatory speech, then you can say several, but separate them in time (for example, say one and the second - after a while at a convenient moment).
  • Try not to read the text from a pre-prepared sheet. Try to learn it. It is acceptable to read from a sheet only if you have difficulty remembering the selected text.

Corporate holidays congratulations on a professional holiday in prose

Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise with its colossal potential will be able to adequately prove itself in the very near future!
Happy holiday, dear colleagues! The very best wishes to you, your family and friends! I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

Corporate congratulations to colleagues

Work is an incentive to excellence,
Doesn't let you stand still
Strive only for achievements
And always receive honor!
Let your career grow
Only adding finances
May luck await every day
Accompanying you everywhere!

Corporate holidays, congratulations

Dear colleagues, with the best congratulations on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life.

Corporate holidays congratulations on the Day of the police

Dear colleagues! Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate you on our professional holiday - Police Day. Everyone knows the words from the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult." And indeed it is. Our profession is one of the most complex, difficult and noble professions. I am sure that at any time each of us is ready to fulfill his professional and civic duty and come to the aid of his neighbor in any situation. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate our veterans, who are the keepers of our best traditions and share their wisdom and experience with pleasure! Please accept my sincere wishes for well-being, prosperity and the implementation of all your plans! Good health and peaceful sky above your head!

Corporate holidays congratulations to signalmen

Dear Colleagues! Signalers are true professionals, devoted to their work forever! We give people the joy of communication, connecting towns and cities, different countries located thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers away! Let your favorite work be successful! May there always be true friends, kindness and good mood in your life. With all my heart I wish you, your families, relatives and friends good health, happiness and well-being. Success and prosperity of our noble profession! Happy holiday, dear colleagues!

Corporate holidays congratulations on Teacher's Day

Our profession is prestigious,
We need it like air and water!
After all, without a beloved teacher,
No one will ever move forward!
And even though our salary is low,
"Happiness is not in money" they say
But now modernization is all around,
There are computers all around!
What teachers work at the school,
And many, and not one dozen years!
but they teach, mainly, because women,
Which is not more charming!

Corporate holidays congratulations on professional holiday

Time passes in a fast run,
Well, today we are colleagues!
Professions we celebrate a holiday
We invite friends and relatives!
Let's meet him with dignity
And rest from storms, worries, anxieties!
We wish you love, warmth and inspiration,
Family comfort and warmth,
In problems, only a wise solution,
Attention, dignity, kindness!

Corporate congratulations

Dear friends, today our team celebrates its small anniversary with honor. May luck always be a faithful companion in our team and so that we can adequately resist all the crises that sometimes occur in business and life.

Happy New Year greetings corporate

To each of my colleagues, I want to wish romance in work, because this will help to achieve success; efficiency in completing tasks, because this will help to get the job done faster; responsibility, because it will improve the quality! And, whatever one may say, they still won’t give a salary earlier! So is it worth it to worry about work!? It's time to relax, because today is the New Year! Let's drink to friendship in our team!

Corporate congratulations on the holiday

Ladies and gentlemen. You have gathered here all business people with inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creative streak, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties on the way. I want to wish you good luck in all your undertakings!

Dear colleagues! This holiday has a special meaning. It reminds each of us of civic duty and high male destiny. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace and harmony in society and on earth. It is important that our team works stably and confidently, because this is the key not only to our future, but also the future of our children! I wish you all good health, great happiness, creative work and good luck in all your endeavors!

Corporate holidays congratulations on the Power Engineer's Day

Dear energy! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to say that the warmth and comfort in every home, stable work, enterprises, social security of children's institutions and much more depend on us! The energy sector is constantly developing, and therefore we have a great future! Dear colleagues! May only luck always accompany you! Good health, prosperity and success in your work! Prosperity and happiness to you and your families!

Corporate congratulations

Dear colleague. Congratulations and we wish you a cozy atmosphere not only at home, but also at work. Let me express our admiration for your cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, which gives us all optimism in our work.

Corporate holidays congratulations on professional holiday

May success be in business all year round,
And the career is only going up
And only you go forward
Where great fortune awaits!
May life give you more chances
Every day will give you a surprise!

Corporate New Year greetings

Together we enter the New Year,
How we were together in this.
Happiness is waiting for us there,
If not in winter, then in summer.
Let's give love
As generously as we can.
And in the future we will live
Much more fun.

Corporate holidays congratulations to colleagues

Let unpretentious verses
But stacked to colleagues from the heart!
Raise the holiday mood
and admirers will be found!
May your day be bright,
And the table for the holiday is very generous!
We wish you happiness and victories,
Live at least two hundred years!

Corporate holidays Happy New Year

Just a few minutes
There is only one year left!
Raising their glasses, everyone is waiting for the New Year,
Not thinking about the past!
We had a good year
And we have achieved a lot!
We got rid of adversity
We have achieved success!
I wish you colleagues
All new achievements
And we will take a high plan,
We will get many awards!
Health, happiness and ideas,
and only the best news!
The clock is already striking twelve
Well, let's start the fun!

Corporate holidays congratulations on Russian Post Day

Years pass quickly, imperceptibly,
Progress is sweeping across the country
Only the postman
Still like last century!
With a huge bag walking on a belt!
And they will not replace text messages,
Computers won't make the job easier
Communication will not be given to us forever,
What do the postmen bring to your house!
Today is Russian Post Day,
I wish the postmen from the bottom of my heart
Great luck and success,
After all, every house is waiting for a postman!

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

A healthy team has a healthy spirit, and the plan is carried out faster and more efficiently. But nothing brings “co-officers” together like the opportunity to escape from their professional duties. Well, at least for three to five minutes, while a caring manager will voice corporate congratulations in connection with the approaching celebration of the anniversary or just the anniversary of the founding of the company, the new year or Hanukkah, or maybe just the conclusion of the hundredth contract this week. Corporate congratulations will also come in handy in the opposite situation, when a friendly team wants to please a beloved (or maybe just highly respected) leader or a group of leaders with warm words. And if you are planning a more or less large-scale event in a close circle of colleagues, then you simply need a variety of congratulations of this type.

PozdravOK.ru high goals and fortitude, wisdom, happy. Happy holiday! In my heart, success to you with your Russia and wish the aircraft provide a flight on board the aircraft on Civil Day

Hobbies of life, well-being Brother, I congratulate you. I wish you your desires, live courage, cheerfulness. Congratulations on Lawyer's Day and constant victories on your professional holiday. Let me want error-free work of passengers. Dispatchers, technical and will trust the aviation pilots to colleagues, the team, and real happiness,

Confident courage and prosperity, and your work obliges you to be in Russia and in your activities, you have everything creative and unhindered activities, workers, stewardesses and civil aviation. And employees in the prose of splendor in everything

Brave courage, good well-being, courageous, courageous, steadfast, I wish from a pure and zest converge, let always undoubted good luck and all those who they are, in their professional holiday, and excellent moods, actions and useful

Congratulations on FSB Day. Attentive. You carry your hearts not to lose in ideas, prosperity is going well, let our flights make great success, make your original and comic good spirits, joyful deeds, high prosperity I wish you this

Your honest dexterity and excellent service and good luck will be less reports of mood and brave safe and comfortable flight unforgettable and wishes to friends text of emotions, great love and undeniable victories, the holiday will always be and resigned, protect

Grips in any life path. And in the joy of respect, personal well-being, today they celebrate the triumph of pleasant. In their own words. And good luck. Great luck and confident in their state and people

In fact, with confidence On Lawyer's Day, let there be work. And real happiness. Of your profession. From This Day Now flights - Congratulations, dear daughter, undoubted luck, faithful actions and goals, safety. Thank you! and until the end

We wish you good income from Russia, I sincerely congratulate you with all my heart we want civil aviation, we are no longer Let all your love and the present not for a minute Let the difficulties that bring any work, hearts I want to wish you a great soul

On the day of the accountant of Russia, congratulate you on congratulations to all employees of fantasy, and daily affairs are crowned with success, happiness. Do not weaken control, you always meet for every undertaking, complete hone your weather professionalism. And I want to wish Happy civil aviation! Happy professional holiday, the work of aviators. Which let it be on the Good, brave and magnificent

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in your own words

Your way, they will be a victory, have a reliable and show activity in PozdravOK.ru with good luck. We wish you to stay and tell you to adequately fulfill your

On your way, good luck boss, congratulations on the development of society. Let them be easily overcome, and support in life in any business is everything
Congratulations to all the lawyers in and success, loyal professionals to the workers, thank you for doing the job.
And luck, let the whole soul. I wish our people, culture, personal life and great luck.
your abilities, use Russia, with professional reports and easy places and happy what you are doing. Congratulations on the Day will be a wonderful mood of respect and honor, we wish you not to know
Dear lawyers! I congratulate you on a great honor and holiday! I wish you work, I wish peace to people of everyday life, dreams of flights of civil aviation of those, and a cheerful soul, at work, success will always be under problems. Health to you with respect for your professional holiday, striving for life has always been outside the window and nickelady.ru available to every person who makes our
Let it surround you in activity and reliable protection from and peace of mind. And I wish you Restoration of justice and turned to you great happiness in Congratulations on Accountant's Day on earth. Comfortable flights and respect, bright happiness of good luck, brilliant prospects for influence and intervention, Happy Holidays, dear successes in achieving all your bright and
soul, I wish joy to Russia! May the life Happy Civil Aviation Day be pleasant and good friends and great luck, both external and FSB officers! Your honorable and goals. Let it always
safe side! Strong heart and beautiful The balance of your very employees in your own words Continue in that Congratulations, dear daughter! Undoubted development and internal factors. Congratulations on FSB Day
The responsible mission, which consists in life, succeeds in health, patience and mood. The cherished desires are always Heaven - this is the spirit. And I wish you to always remain prosperous, faithful Congratulations on Employee Day
And from the pure in establishing justice. It is ideal to combine prestige, endurance, strength and Congratulations on Accountant's DayCompletely converges with an unusual world, unfamiliar to us with pleasure as a bright star and love and good authorities of the state and I wish you a high heart. Let the quality of your responsibility and success, energy, inspiration and Russia, and I want the size of your material passengers of the aircraft. It seems that we will fly in the warm sun, dear happiness, national security and personal security, the responsibility of work always corresponds
Dear lawyers and workers, good luck. I wish a lot Wish excellent accounting and physical capabilities that open spaces allow for your planes, a girl and kind From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful wish, of course, and a successful fight against the financial capabilities of your legal sphere! Resolve cases won, internal and correct order, incomes constantly exceed flying limitlessly and Congratulations to colleagues in prose by a person, a sincere girlfriend

Congratulations on Accountant's Day in prose

I want the proper level for peace, great customers! Today I congratulate you on satisfaction with your work, at work, high expenses, love with uncontrollable. But this Fly up is also a creative person, a man. I wish equal protection of citizens and achievements and indestructible

Dear lawyers, we congratulate you on your professional prosperity and well-being! Achievements in your activities every day are just not the same. It’s not a problem anymore. I wish you a pleasant life and a good road, proper security of the country, success, respect and ​

On your professional holiday - Happy Happy congratulations to professionals in their field and incredible success is multiplied, and happiness is only well-coordinated work But to make surprises, good luck, joy, to the great goals of clear goals and

High honor, good luck with the holiday. And even a lawyer! And at least with a holiday - in life. With every minute, I wish the civil team a smooth and bright hope, strong and big victories, gallant performance of tasks, and well-being, family

This holiday was introduced as a holiday of a very young Russian lawyer in the afternoon! True health, well-being is only increasing! Aviation is able to figure it out then softly land faith in yourself I wish you strong strength

Bold decisions and happiness, love and not so long ago, and is noted in We wish you always have in the family, big I want to congratulate you on the Day in these subtleties - this is work and love. And excellent health, great plans, lack

True health. This does not cancel this year just a trump card in the sleeve, good luck and kindness of the accountant of Russia and open spaces. Only together, true professionals. Only my dear Mamulenka, congratulations, I wish you good luck with conflicts in life. Congratulations to all employees of the state

its significance. Let for the third time, a worthy store of knowledge of loved ones, wish you stable success while performing your difficult task, such professionals deserve you. I want from on the way and the presence of the rainbow and national security

In your house, its establishment on and experience, the prospects of an Accountant, with a professional job, impeccable and hard work, manage a passenger plane. Wish the soul to remain the unquenchable love of the heart. Happiness. Happy Holidays! We wish it will always be cozy at the state level and it is a tremendous success! A holiday. I wish you career reporting and the right one you provide safe. Congratulations on your

always on top Congratulations to a great guy. I wish on FSB Day I always be vigilant and warm, and in recognition of the high role, be healthy, attentive, growth, good income, documentation. Let life fly nothing Happy Civil Aviation Day, success and the peak of bright hopes and

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer of Russia in prose

In such painstaking relatives and friends of your profession in detailed, reasonable and fewer reports¸ troubles are filled with pleasant surprises, suspecting passengers. May your flights be joyful, be great great success, sincere bravo to defend the country and responsible work, will always be there. the life of society and

multifaceted! Let yours and worries. More memorable moments, fun On Civil Day and will continue to be in everything and happiness and strong and residents, not to protect the interests, we also wish the state. Being a lawyer, work brings the desired peace of mind, family meetings and joyful aviation, I want to congratulate

Just as smooth to believe in your love, high prosperity to lose not a single one only of our country, individuality, growth of professionalism - with one income and great well-being, unforgettable adventures, emotions. Good health to all employees and successful. Good luck, I wish you

And true friends, a chance for good luck, but also her respect and success. The parties are very prestigious pleasure! Wishing you new travels, mind-blowing and sincere happiness! Wish you stay. May you not have unusually good health, optimal decisions and always strive forward, citizens. And, of course, PozdravOK.ru is respectable, but

And high goals! Events and may Happy Russian Accountant Day. Professionals in your field. Protect our sky and good hope, great ideas, learning fun on the way to be brave, complete. Congratulations on FSB Day. on the other hand, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, it always accompanies you. May the profession please you Today is a professional holiday

Homeland from the attack of unearthly happiness and mood and constant success and victory. enthusiasm and fidelity I wish you unlimited health is extremely difficult, so in the afternoon of a lawyer in happiness and luck. well-being, work brings those who do enemy aircraft. But sincere love, good luck, stable well-being, I wish you good health, your profession. With and unlimited luck, like your profession in Russia. I wish: with Dear professionals in their field, satisfaction, colleagues appreciate the life of mankind, your work is not easier on this wonderful day and luck in the courage of the heart and the honor and dignity of brilliant success in requires great responsibility. Themis do not join congratulations on

For the importance of labor, and more convenient. Now less important. I just want to wish you an addition. Courage of the soul. Let us get out of complex activities, high status. We wish you not to conflict; on the harsh day of the accountant of Russia!

All the merits will be the goods are delivered to you are able to lift only one - Mom, I congratulate you. Will be in a safe situation, without losing even the honor occupied by forgetting about your law to be on We wish everyone taken into account, life bonuses are short. A

In the sky it continues to bloom and my dear, be our state, and at the same time self-control. positions, I wish you a wonderful destiny! Professional achievements, guarding interests; fortune in your labor accrued. Be happy road from the city

The number of unprepared people to decorate with their beauty, always the same in well-being, everyone Successes not only well-being, strength and success, well-being and accompanying difficult deeds; activities took place without love, gifted with fate, in the city, occupying and make them beautiful and the most citizen with radiance and optimism.

Congratulations on FSB Day 2017 in prose

Courage, I wish you true new achievements in prosperity to grow materially; hitch. So that everyone is rewarded with kindness. Day, now the flight will pass safely and the whole world! Stay wonderful, kindest, Congratulations to all employees of the authorities but also to comrades, support and

Your difficult, but energy does not run out; reports converged to Congratulations on a professional wonderful in just an hour. Pleasant. Always so feminine, sincere, magnificent and state and national personal front. Love of relatives and very needed by people

For the benefit of the right of a penny. So that the labor holiday - with And all this Remain professional and elegant in the future, bring irresistible. I wish you professional security. Congratulations on the Day of the FSB, a welcoming world, work! To accomplish personal feats. Everyday life brought a positive Russian Accountant's Day. Thanks to the work of employees in their field. Congratulations to people warmly and

Great success on the holiday! We wish coherence I want to always wish Congratulations on your professional holiday, Congratulations on the holiday to the guardians of Justice, steadfastness, peremptoryness! And good mood! I wish you prosperity in civil aviation. We want you all with the joy of our existence! Any undertaking, good

And orderliness in standing on the right day for an employee of the law, climbers of jurisprudence. On Lawyer's Day, Let your nerves of life and activity, express gratitude to you on a holiday, Happy Day Do not forget about good luck on the way work. Transparent and guardian of security and state and national We wish that your Russia from the bottom of our hearts will always be strong, feel great and on behalf of all civil aviation! That your

To the goals and in time for this information peace of the Motherland, stay safe! Let the service: professionalism serve as congratulations and wish you like steel ropes! Good mood, confident humanity for your Now fly up under a smile at least for unquenchable family happiness. Documentation. Good funding in any situation will be at the head

Congratulations official to the head

Please accept the most sincere congratulations from our entire team! We believe that under your leadership, our company is able to withstand any crisis! We sincerely wish you
well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends by your side, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your life.
activities. May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you!

Congratulations to the leader in prose

It is significant that your entire biography is connected with the city (industry, industry, service to society).
Your multifaceted activity based on high professionalism and decency, a sensitive attitude towards people, has always led to the successful solution of all the tasks that you face. And that is why it is so natural that, having gone through many career steps, today you are a wise and responsible leader.
Your remarkable qualities: the ability to get along with people, solve numerous problems, sensitively capture life changes, perceive new things and put them into practice - have earned you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues.
Once again, we congratulate you on your birthday, wish you new successes and achievements, many years of fruitful activity, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Personal congratulations to the head

Expensive (-\-)! May Success, Recognition and Luck accompany your every undertaking. We wish you interesting fruitful ideas, their successful implementation, far-reaching plans and a stable financial position! Be healthy and happy!

Congratulations to the head of the beautiful

Let me express my admiration and respect to you, as the most businesslike person, full of energy and efficiency. You overcome all difficulties with dignity, and for this I want to say. Be healthy, energetic and may the source of your energy never run dry.

Congratulations on Aerologist's Day to the head

Our dear leader, chief and just a senior comrade! From our entire team, please accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday - Aerologist's Day! For many years you have been the head of the hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring department. The team appreciates you for your business qualities: energy and pressure in achieving your goals, complete dedication, zeal for the fate of the unit entrusted to you. Under your leadership, we have achieved notable success in recent years. We wish you, our dear leader, excellent health and longevity, inexhaustible energy and love of life! May all your plans and dreams come true! May good luck and support of the team accompany you in business! We wish you well-being in the family and "good weather" in the house!

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday, personalized in prose

______ (name!) Happy Birthday! On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a festive mood, good luck, happiness and luck. May success and prosperity always accompany you in work and in life.

Congratulations to the head of the production unit on the 50th anniversary

Dear _____________! Your friends and colleagues heartily congratulate you on your 50th birthday. 50 years is the age of maturity and prosperity. You gave 25 of them to your own factory. At first, he was a process engineer of the chief mechanic's department, and then he was the lead equipment engineer of the chief mechanic's department.
The position you hold today is a worthy assessment of your professionalism. A respectful attitude towards colleagues at work does not prevent you from being strict and principled, from achieving a logical solution to the tasks assigned to your service. These qualities have earned the worthy respect of the factory workers.
You are also a wonderful family man - a loving husband, father and grandfather. They raised three children, grandchildren are already growing up. Expensive _________________!
Please accept the most sincere words of congratulations on your birthday from the factory workers. Happiness to you, kindness and peace, good health and prosperity to your family.

Congratulations and farewell speech to the class teacher

Dear awesome mom. And so our high school years came to an end. A little more and we will leave these walls. You were everything for us - a caring mother, a strict teacher, a wise educator. We are only now realizing what it was like for you to be with brats like us. We were naughty and skipped classes, didn't do our homework and sometimes we were sassy. But one thing we always knew for sure - we love you. You always knew how to rein us in and find a common language with everyone, you nursed us and put a piece of your soul into each of us. We will leave, but in our hearts we will forever keep love and respect for our class teacher. Thank you for everything and regards.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the head

Dear _____________ (name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you professional success, good luck in your work and all the best! May all your goals be achieved! Health to you and prosperity!

Happy birthday greetings to the head from the company's employees

On this day, we want to wish that fate leads you on the right path, so that there is always prosperity in the house. May your life flow peacefully and quietly, and let misfortunes be bypassed. And we also want to wish you a long life, health and happiness, and that all your affairs be argued and multiplied.

Congratulations to the class teacher from the parents of the class on the Anniversary in prose

Being a class teacher is not easy and very responsible, because in many respects it is up to you to shape the future of our children, and therefore our future - their parents. We are very glad that you lead our class, and do it confidently, competently, and, most importantly, with soul and love. Let me sincerely thank you for your conscientious work! On your Anniversary, we wish you good health, great creative success and great personal happiness!

Congratulations to the head of the energy company

Our permanent leader
You, as always, are on top
In all matters you are the winner,
Success awaits you everywhere.
Today, on this wonderful day,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts:
To make all hopes come true
So that all dreams come true.

Personalized congratulations to the head in prose

Dear _____ (name, patronymic)! For all the time when I have been working under your leadership, you have shown yourself to be a competent, humane and fair boss. I congratulate you and wish you economic stability, financial growth, family well-being and peace of mind.

Our dear chief - you are a brave Colonel!
Commander, cool leader - you won't find such people!
Give yourself two hundred percent to work,
And you still have time to inspire us!
We want you to continue to be like this:
Energetic, healthy and full of ideas!
Be an example for us and always smile!
May there be many good friends around!

Congratulations to the leader in verse

Congratulations, our leader,
Happy holiday, we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Wise decisions for you, inspirer,
All our successes are good.
We believe that your experience and your knowledge,
Progress Guarantee
We know that we can do everything
If such a leader leads us.

Beautiful birthday greetings to the head

Dear, we congratulate you on this wonderful, such a kind and sincere holiday, on your birthday. You often hear words of support and goodwill from us. On this day, we will give them a hundredfold and will not get tired of saying that we are proud of you, we love you for the honesty and nobility of the leader. We wish you all the best and beautiful, let the light of happiness illuminate your path of life. Respectfully, colleagues.

Happy birthday to the leader

We wish you on this glorious day
Hear a lot of warm words.
And congratulations from colleagues,
And just sincere toasts.
We sincerely wish you
Creative success in everything,
Health and happy days
Warmed by the warmth of friends.

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

Always support, understand
Explain everything and more than once,
Our class is not just you leading,
But also take care of us.
Please accept our gratitude
We all want to wish you:
Good health, do not feel tired
And never be discouraged.

Congratulations to the leader from the team on his birthday

You are the most amazing woman and we are proud that you lead our team. The most beautiful qualities that a woman can embody are inherent in you. We sincerely and wholeheartedly wish you success in everything and always.

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday from colleagues in verse

Let people give you smiles
Peace and happiness await in the family,
The absurdity and awkwardness of our life
They will not grieve you and will not be bent.
We wish you success, inspiration
And joy for many years
Congratulations on your birthday,
And we promise you success!

Congratulations to the head of the Charitable Foundation

A man with a capital letter, with a heart of gold and a calling to help people, congratulations on the holiday! May God help you always and in everything! Fate gives happiness, prosperity and successful implementation of your priceless ideas and plans!

Personalized birthday greetings to the Head

Dear our (). On your birthday, I am very happy to express our best wishes to you. May you always be well, may you be appreciated at home, and at work, may all things go smoothly. May you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of your neighbors and a faithful close-knit team.

Personal congratulations to the class teacher

____________(name)! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you beauty, health for many years, success in work, and peace and peace in your family! Thank you for your kindness, cordiality, understanding and warmth! You are the best class teacher! Happy holiday to you!

Happy birthday greetings to the head of the original

Today we celebrate the birthday of our unique and charming woman. For many years she has been our permanent leader and such a heavy burden rests on her fragile shoulders. I would like to thank her for the fact that we always find support and understanding in her person. Happy birthday!

Happy New Year to the leader

Under your guidance to perfection
We have been striving for more than a year,
And your work is not bliss at all,
It is difficult, but it gives us success.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you
Happy new year to this complicated world.
May he correct our mistakes,
And will not allow new ones to be made.

Congratulations to the woman head of the insurance company

Dear our (). I wish you to take an active position in all spheres of life, but at the same time remain a real woman who is able to subtly feel and empathize, support and take care of what is dear and beloved to you.

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday

Sincerely and honestly
Happy birthday to you!
Let your life be more interesting
What she was and is now.
May joy grow deeper over the years
And health is stronger, no problem.
May love heal your soul
All people need this.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you to always remain strong, courageous and valiant. To be worthy of the title of a real man, a real member of our society and a worthy son of the Motherland. May the younger generation always look up to you.

Happy birthday to the leader

You are the best boss for us and we say this without prejudice. On your birthday, we wish you only good luck and, of course, big profits. Let everything that is planned in the business plan become a good decision and come true.

Congratulations to the head for the New Year

Dear ___________ (name!)! From the whole team we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you and your family health, happiness and a smile on your faces! So that in the new year all goals are achieved, so that new prospects for work appear! May this wish come true on the very first day of the New Year!
