Ideas, finds, original solutions for creative girls for a bachelorette party. Bachelorette party ideas

We have prepared detailed instructions on how to organize the best bachelorette party. How to choose the right day, where to start preparing for the holiday, how to correctly draw up a list of guests and send out invitations, how much a cool party will cost and what you can save on. We will answer these and many other questions in detail in this article.

Traditionally, the bachelorette party is organized by the bridesmaids or bridesmaid. Usually, girlfriends happily respond to the offer to arrange a get-together and prepare a real surprise for the bride.

If The budget for a bachelorette party is unlimited, It makes sense to contact a holiday event agency and get a professional organization of a turnkey bachelorette party. This will help you save time and effort. Specialists will arrange everything, come to agreements with everyone, draw up a script, select presenters and photographers.

Cost of organizing a bachelorette party turnkey may vary depending on the location and number of services. On average, the price range is from 15,000-20,000 and above. But there is no need to be upset if you are limited in funds. A stylish, memorable bachelorette party can be held inexpensively and tastefully. Next we will tell you how.

Who should pay for the bachelorette party?

The second point that is worth paying attention to is at whose expense the event will be held. Usually girlfriends chip in for a gift for the bride. All expenses for holding a party: rent of a restaurant or SPA center, photo shoot, car rental, usually paid by the bride.

How many days before the wedding should you have a bachelorette party?

Previously, the bachelorette party was held immediately before the wedding day. Today it is more convenient to do this, firstly, on weekends, when most of the guests are not working. Secondly, it is better to hold a bachelorette party in advance, since a sleepless night, fatigue, and alcohol can significantly spoil the appearance of the girls. Hence, the best option is the next weekend before the wedding.

Let's start preparing for the bachelorette party

It is very important to start preparing for your bachelorette party at least a couple of weeks in advance. You need to carefully plan the meeting place, the format of the event, book a table in a cafe, write a script, and agree with a photographer and driver.

When the date of the bachelorette party is set and the place is chosen, we begin make a guest list and send out invitations. You need to invite really close friends to your bachelorette party, with whom you will have a pleasant time. You can make invitations for guests yourself.

The invitation can be in the format of a short video or presentation with photographs that will notify friends about the event.

You can make classic printed invitations. The invitation must correspond to the general theme of the celebration and reflect its idea.

For example, bright, colorful invitations are suitable for a Hawaiian party. To go to a nightclub, make invitations in the form of entrance tickets.

In the invitation, indicate the date, time, meeting place and style of the event and the festive dress code.

Learn more about what must be included in the invitation text.

The best bachelorette party ideas

Today, the possibilities for holding a bachelorette party are endless. It all depends on your imagination and budget. We offer you the top 10 ideas selected by us:

  • Outdoor picnic in Boho style, Rustic. This is a summer version of the event. An evening of bohemian relaxation in nature with friends. Dress code – light lace dresses, loose-fitting light-colored sundresses. An abundance of jewelry, wreaths of flowers in the hair, ribbons. You can organize a small table with snacks and cocktails. A wonderful holiday will be complemented by interesting competitions and photo sessions.
  • Sauna or SPA salon. An ideal option for girls who love to take care of themselves. Here you can combine business with pleasure - relax with close friends before a serious event, as well as tidy up your appearance and relax. Book a massage or beauty treatment. A small amount of light cocktails will set the mood for a friendly conversation. Relaxing in a sauna with a swimming pool and relaxation treatments will refresh you and give you positive emotions.
  • Snowboarding and skydiving– classes are not only for brutal men. For adrenaline lovers, we suggest having a bachelorette party in the most unusual place. Book a parachute jump or learn how to fly in a wind tunnel. Play paintball, go to the skating rink. There are many options for holding it, the main thing is that your friends share these hobbies.
  • Home bachelorette party. This option is perfect for those who do not want to turn the celebration into an evening of wild madness. Organize a culinary battle or invite a specialist to conduct a master class for the bride and guests. One of the varieties of a “home” bachelorette party is the popular “Pajama Party”. In a cozy atmosphere with only your closest friends, watch old photographs or a movie. Organize a competition for the best story about meeting the bride, play board games.
  • Bachelorette party in a creative workshop or dance studio. This is an option for the most active and inquisitive. Have fun and usefully - take dance lessons. Then you can surprise your wedding guests. Or attend a seminar or master class on some interesting topic.
  • Amusement park. A bright and creative way to spend a bachelorette party. Dress code: colorful dresses, suits. Go on the rides and have a lot of fun. If desired, the amusement park can be replaced, for example, with a water park.
  • Quest around the city. This is the most mysterious and intriguing option to celebrate a bachelorette party. Following the prescribed instructions, move from one point to another. It could be a walk down memory lane, or a chase for an interesting prize. You can continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant.
  • Rent a limousine or small bus for the whole evening. Drive around the city, take a lot of funny photos. Along the way you can stop at various bars and clubs. If your city has navigable rivers, you can have a bachelorette party on a yacht.
  • Bachelorette party in the style of “Queen of the Dance Floor”. Book a table at a nightclub and have a night of dancing. Light up the dance floor! Well, what would a bachelorette party be without a hot male striptease? An alternative could be going to a bowling alley or karaoke bar.

When developing an event plan, you need to take into account, first of all, the interests of the bride.

Organizing a themed party- a more painstaking task. Choose a theme, for example, “Hawaiian Party”, “Hipsters”, “80s Style Party”, “Retro Party”, “Mafia”. Warn your guests in advance so they have time to choose outfits and accessories. An integral part will be a fantastic photo shoot in costumes and a visit to the Jazz club.

Dress code

The main highlight is same part Every girl has a toilet: a hat, a ribbon, a bow, a hairpin or a veil. The bride and her bridesmaids wear the same things: T-shirts, shorts or dresses of the same color.

Often, as an addition, a light mesh fabric is used, gathered at the back of the head with a pin and depicting the bride’s veil. Girlfriends' veils can be of different colors. How to quickly make it from scrap materials - detailed, step-by-step instructions.

Organza skirts reminiscent of ballet tutus are also popular.

If possible, order identical T-shirts in different colors with cool inscriptions on the back: “Waiting for offers,” “I’m next,” “My mom needs a son-in-law.”

You can get by with minimal costs if you sew your own skirts or use the denim style. Every girl has jeans in her wardrobe, and they go very well with white T-shirts or T-shirts.

Be sure to read the article in which we collected.

You can have an unforgettable bachelorette party at home. You can read about how to do this on the website.


Pay special attention to choosing a photographer. In a couple of years, you will want to revive pleasant memories, and good quality photographs are best suited for this.

When choosing a photographer, carefully view his portfolio. Some photographers specialize in portrait photography, others in street or studio photography. Choose a professional who is close to you in spirit. He will be able to capture not only the events of the day, but also capture your mood and emotions. Arrange with him in advance for the date you need.


The next thing to take care of is transportation. If you decide to order a limousine or yacht, you need to book a date in advance and make an advance payment.

Main expense items

In each specific case, the bachelorette party budget is calculated individually. The most budget-friendly option is to have a house party, or go to a nightclub with free entry.

Let's look at the main expenditure for a bachelorette party. Prices may vary depending on the city.

  • Limousine rental– from 1500-2500 rub/hour
  • Rent a yacht, boat– from 7000-10 000 rub/hour
  • Photographer– from 1000-2000 rubles/hour depending on the degree of professionalism
  • Order a cake– from 1000 rub/kg
  • Program in the SPA salon– from 2000-4000 rubles/person.
  • Order a stripper– from 2500-3500 rub/hour or program
  • Master Class– from 1500-2000 rub. Without material
  • Dance lesson– from 300-500 rubles/person.

For budget savings You can make some things yourself, for example, props for a photo shoot, costumes, accessories. Note: so-called fixed price stores, where all products are priced at the same price, are a treasure trove of inexpensive props for themed parties. You can find many interesting things in them.

The easiest option is to get together at someone's house, drink a couple of cocktails, watch a good movie and just have a good chat with the girls. Maybe among your friends there is someone who wants to teach a culinary master class. Making your own treats will significantly reduce costs.

The ideal bachelorette party is a carefully planned event. The most important component of his success is the pleasant, spiritual company of his closest friends. The rest is your imagination and a little creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment! This day should be one of the best days of your life!

A bachelorette party is a kind of farewell to your free life, so you need to have a lot of fun. The tradition of celebrating a bachelorette party came to us quite recently, so few people are familiar with how to organize a farewell to their “bachelor” life.

The main thing in the article

Ideas for a themed bachelorette party

In order for you to remember the celebration for a long time, you should not organize boring gatherings in the women's circle. Be sure to choose a theme for your bachelorette party. You'll have a fun themed party.

Celebration options:

  • Holiday on a yacht. If you live in a big city, rent a yacht or ship. Don't forget about the buffet and dancing. If space allows, organize a dance party with a DJ. You can celebrate a holiday on a boat as a party in a nautical style
  • Party at the club. This is the classic and most affordable option. So, you don’t have to order a stripper, because the night program in such an establishment includes performances by dancers of the erotic genre
  • Limousine ride. Rent a luxury car, don't forget to buy drinks and food. Visit beautiful places in your city. You can combine such a bachelorette party with a photo shoot
  • Extreme party. It is suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts. You can start it with skydiving. Some cities have interesting underground cafes in the style of the Addams Family
  • Spa party. This option will allow you not only to get yourself in order, but also to relax properly. Buy a spa membership for the most common treatments. Be sure to include massage, face masks and wraps in your program
  • Picnic. Outdoor recreation is appropriate in the warm season. It is best to organize a celebration at a camp site. Of course, you need to buy groceries and think through the menu. If the camp site is outside the city, you should take care of a transfer.

Ideas for holding a bachelorette party at home

This celebration option is suitable for thrifty women. After all, most of the expenses go towards organizing the wedding. Many people think this option is boring, but in fact it is not. After all, a bachelorette party at home is not just about eating goodies at home and drinking, it is about fun and an interesting pastime.

Options for celebrating a bachelorette party at home:

  • Pajama party. This is a classic pajama party. The girls gather at the bride's in the evening, putting on pajamas or nighties. They eat pizza, drink beer or martinis and tell interesting stories. This option is ideal if there are very close friends among the invitees. The evening smoothly turns into night and morning. All the girls spend the night with the bride.
  • Spa party. In order to get a lot of pleasure and benefits for your body and face, you don’t have to go to the Spa. It is enough to invite a massage therapist and cosmetologist to your home. All the girls will be delighted with such a bachelorette party
  • Party in oriental style. All girls put on appropriate makeup and wear translucent tunics. The evening takes place to oriental music. Girls smoke hookah, sitting on pillows and drinking wine
  • Economic evening. This is a fun idea for girls who love to cook or sew. A chef from a restaurant is invited to the bride’s home and conducts a master class on making sushi or rolls. You can organize a master class on making handmade soap or a beautiful vase from coffee beans
  • Evening with striptease. A stripper is invited to the bride's home. He dances an erotic dance, and the girls drink champagne and chat.

Be sure to prepare competitions for your home bachelorette party, so you won’t be bored.

How to make a bachelorette party at a club unforgettable?

First, decide on the theme of the party. After all, some clubs offer an excellent striptease program, and in some the main direction is disco or music in the style of the 80s. Ask your friends where they want to go. If some of your friends are former members of the school choir, invite them to a karaoke bar.

  • You can rent a VIP room. This pleasure is not cheap, but at least you can retire and do whatever you want
  • Send out invitations. Be sure to indicate the dress code. Clothing depends on the theme of the evening
  • It is necessary for the friends to arrive at the club in advance and all congratulate the bride together.
  • Be sure to discuss the menu and drinks in advance. It is also important to discuss financial issues. Booze and cocktails are not cheap, so the bride’s friends may agree to help financially
  • Consider gift ideas
  • Prepare competitions and purchase everything needed for them
  • You can meet at a bar or order a taxi and pick up all the participants of the bachelorette party right from home

Fun competitions for a bachelorette party

Bachelorette party competitions can be aimed at the bride or bridesmaids. Usually, aptitude competitions are held for the future wife. Fun and active competitions are organized for girlfriends.

Competition options for a bachelorette party:

  • Professional suitability. For this competition it is necessary to prepare answer options. The presenter should have questions in the folder. For example, what should a wife give her husband for his birthday? Answer options: moped, bicycle, lunch or your own option. After the competition, the bride is awarded a certificate of “suitability”
  • Honest answers. For the competition, all the girls sit in a circle. You need to light a long match and pass it around. On whom it goes out, he must sincerely answer the question. Questions are printed on pieces of paper and rolled into tubes. Such convolutions are selected randomly
  • Pantomime. This is a traditional competition during which those invited to a bachelorette party are divided into two teams. The host thinks of a word related to the wedding. One of the girls shows what the presenter wished without words. For example, a veil, a wedding cake, a fight between guests.

Ideas for bachelorette party outfits

This is usually done based on the theme of the party. You can order identical outfits from a tailor for all the girls. But usually some accessory is simply chosen, which should indicate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Outfit options:

  • If the party is in a cowboy style, then the girls wear jeans, plaid shirts and hats. Hats can be rented from your local theater.
  • If you are planning to relax in a club, then girls usually wear short dresses. To emphasize the idea of ​​the holiday, the bride wears a short white veil, and the bridesmaids wear a veil made of colored tulle. This has been very popular lately. You can unite your girlfriends with identical leg garters. They should be different colors
  • If you are having a pajama party, then everything is simple, the girls wear pajamas. Of course, it's best if they are the same
  • They often organize a party in a nautical style. In this case, girlfriends can wear vests and captain’s caps
  • A party in the style of the 60s implies the presence of beautiful sun-flared dresses. Girls make babettes from hair. It is advisable that the dresses be made from the same fabric. On the contrary, you can choose outfits of different colors, but the same cut

Do they give gifts for a bachelorette party?

In general, there is no such tradition, but it is very nice to give and receive gifts. Accordingly, girlfriends usually discuss the idea of ​​a gift in advance. There are two ways to do this:

Each of the girls will give something from themselves or the girlfriends will collect a substantial amount and choose a good and necessary gift. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, analyze the character of the bride. If she likes to cook, give her something for the household. If she can’t imagine her life without sports, give her a certificate to a fitness club. Ask the bride in advance what she wants.

Comic gifts for a bachelorette party

Such gifts will help lift the spirits and cheer up all those invited. There are many options for funny gifts, here are some of them:

  • Rolling pin with the inscription "Heavy weapons"
  • Intimate maid, cat or bunny costume
  • Gifts from a sex shop
  • Boxing gloves with the inscription “I don’t like to fight”
  • An immodest cake. Usually made in the form of a male torso. This gift must be made by a professional
  • Corset and stockings

You should not give watches, piggy banks, candles, or figurines. It is believed that these little things can bring discord into married life.

DIY gift for the bride for a bachelorette party

Handmade gifts have always been most valued. Of course, you can prepare a beautiful card. A photo album using the scrapbooking technique would be ideal. If you and your girlfriends love to cook, then you can bake themed cakes. They are also called shameless. These are cookies made from biscuit or shortbread dough, which are painted with colored glaze. The cakes can be in the shape of a male sexual organ or a female breast. If the bride is pregnant, you can bake cookies in the shape of a baby and decorate them with icing in different ways.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party. Choose a topic that is closest to you and your friends.

VIDEO: Bachelorette party in Chicago style

Surely every woman is familiar with the concept of a bachelorette party. Some girls attended it as invited friends, others organized it. And still others attended a bachelorette party before their own wedding. Or maybe they took part in its planning and organization.

In the modern world, the concept of a bachelorette party - get-togethers with girlfriends and a bachelorette party before the wedding - is divided. In the first case, each of her close friends can arrange an arbitrary holiday for herself and her friends. And this can happen at any time and with any frequency convenient for all participants. The only rule of such a bachelorette party is that only representatives of the fair sex are present.

The second case is special. A bachelorette party before a wedding doesn’t happen often, ideally it’s the only time in your life. At least for the culprit of such an event.

That is why the rules of the bachelorette party before the wedding are larger and more important. After all, a bachelorette party is a traditional long-standing ritual, the roots of which go back to ancient times.

Even before the emergence of Christianity in Rus', every girl on the eve of her wedding said goodbye to her girlhood at such gatherings. Of course, compared to those times, the rules of the bachelorette party have changed. If earlier special ritual sad songs were obligatory, in which faithful girlfriends mourned with the bride the end of her carefree unmarried life, danced in circles and performed many other obligatory traditional actions, now a bachelorette party is not held like that at all.

Now one of the unwritten rules of a bachelorette party is to have a really fun time, during which the future newlywed should have time to try something new, which would be inappropriate for a respectable married lady to try, burdened with the happiness of family life. And, of course, take your mind off the hassle and bustle during pre-wedding preparations.

So, what are the rules for a bachelorette party before a wedding that are relevant today? What do the unwritten rules of wedding etiquette allow and disapprove regarding this event?

Bachelorette party rule 1. Gender of participants.

The very concept of a “bachelorette party” implies the presence of only females at the celebration. However, this rule does not apply to those people who participate in creating a festive atmosphere: magicians, strippers, waiters, bartenders, members of musical groups. All these men are not direct participants in the event. Therefore, the first rule of a bachelorette party does not apply to them.

Bachelorette party rule 2. Organization of the holiday.

Long gone are the days when the rules of a bachelorette party required mournful ritual songs, sad round dances and tears of the bride and her bridesmaids about saying goodbye to their unmarried life. And a bachelorette party should not imitate gatherings on a bench with old ladies gossiping about everything they saw and heard.

The bachelorette party rule says: careful preparation, planning and organization of the event is needed. It is necessary to come up with a scenario, prepare several contests or fun competitions for girlfriends so that none of the invited girls get bored, so that all the guests present at the bachelorette party are involved, and clearly think through which entertainment venues will be visited at this time.

Bachelorette party rule 3. Venue.

The rules of the bachelorette party do not dictate the conditions for choosing the venue for the entertainment event. However, there is still one criterion: in no case should the bachelorette party interfere with other people. That is, you cannot have a bachelorette party in the apartment of one of the bride’s friends, having first kicked out the husband or father of this very friend for an indefinite period of time.

Remember the first rule of a bachelorette party? No men except service staff and entertainment show participants. And no inconvenience for loved ones!

So if one of the participants in the bachelorette party is the happy owner of her own apartment or house and lives there in splendid isolation, this is a suitable location for the bachelorette party. If there are no such conditions, then you will have to find the right establishment that matches the bachelorette party scenario. Or opt for a scenario that is intended for a certain type of establishment.

Bachelorette party rule 4. List of girls invited.

Like any important event, in addition to the script and the presence of an entertainment program, a bachelorette party needs to draw up a list of guests. Of course, if the bride leads a rather secluded lifestyle and has only a few very close friends, such a list does not make sense. However, this bachelorette party rule is relevant for those girls who have many female friends and relatives.

This bachelorette party rule states: only those girls and women whom the main character, the bride, is sincerely happy to see should be present at this event. If those present at the holiday are those whom the bride does not like very much or who are frankly unpleasant to her, then the bachelorette party will be hopelessly ruined. That is why the rule of a bachelorette party and wedding etiquette in general recommends taking care to prepare and present invitation cards only to those guests who will not spoil the bride’s mood.

Bachelorette party rule 5. Taking into account the wishes of the main character of the bachelorette party before the wedding.

According to established tradition, organizing a bachelorette party falls on the shoulders of the girl whom the bride invited to act as a witness at her wedding. Of course, now more and more often the number of bridesmaids is much more than one. But according to the law, the signature of the witness of the marriage is in the singular. So, the bride’s many “maids of honor” at the wedding are more likely a beautiful decoration and the bride’s desire to see around her on this important day only the familiar faces of people close to her.

So, the rules of the bachelorette party do not prohibit the bride from organizing this tribute to traditions. But if, nevertheless, the bachelorette party is organized by the same “main bridesmaid,” then the rules of the bachelorette party require that you check with the bride the time, date, style of the celebration and other important nuances. Otherwise, the girls will gather at the strip club, and the bride will get angry, upset and leave the bachelorette party. This kind of plot development must be avoided!

Bachelorette Party Rule 6. Necessary transportation.

No matter who organizes the bachelorette party, the rules of etiquette require that each of the invited participants be provided with transportation. This is especially true when the bachelorette party is planned in a suburban area or in another city. Or country.

If the journey to the bachelorette party venue is really long, and the girls decide to get there on their own, the bachelorette party organizer should be prepared to pay their fuel costs. Or pay for the taxi they used, if there was such an agreement.

Bachelorette party rule 7. Gifts and souvenirs for invited girls.

Since there are supposed to be fun contests and competitions so that the guests do not get bored, you should definitely purchase or make your own gifts for the winners. And of course, memorable souvenirs for all participants of the bachelorette party before the wedding. They can be presented in a more original way, for example, by arranging a win-win lottery.

Bachelorette party rule 8. Gift for the future newlywed.

One of the basic rules of a bachelorette party is that invited guests prepare a gift for the bride in advance. It can be common, or each of the girls will get something of their own. But a gift for the bride must be present.

Important! Watches, knives and mirrors cannot be used as gifts. Even if these are expensive antique exquisite things.

Traditionally, the bachelorette party is organized by the bridesmaids or the closest friend whom the bride chooses as a witness (best friend). But this is traditional, in a big city, often few people pay attention to traditions and the bride herself is often the one who organizes the bachelorette party.

In order not to turn the bachelorette party into ordinary gatherings in a cafe over a “glass of tea,” the friends are preparing a program for this day. The program of course depends on the budget. In my practice, there were brides who celebrated their bachelorette party in Barcelona, ​​and there were those who hired an organizer for their bachelorette party. It’s not that expensive, in Moscow you can find it for 10-15 thousand rubles (without a menu or the cost of specialists), but it takes away the headache from friends and even the bride herself regarding the scenario and coordination of the event.
If you need such an organizer, I can find it.

Who pays for the bachelorette party?

Usually friends chip in for a gift for the bride. All expenses for the party: rent of a restaurant or SPA center, photo shoot, car rental, are usually paid by the bride. Sometimes they do without a gift and all expenses are paid by friends together.

When to have a bachelorette party.

I want to immediately warn you, do not have a bachelorette or bachelor party on the eve of your wedding. This is an emotional and not always sober event, and does not at all contribute to a good complexion. 🙂 It is best to hold a bachelorette and bachelor party 2-3 weeks before the wedding.

You need to carefully plan the meeting place, the format of the event, book a table in a cafe, write a script, and agree with the photographer. Therefore, expect that it will take about 2-3 weeks to prepare, considering that everyone is working and, as usual, no one has enough time for anything.

A bachelorette party is a great reason to spend quality time with your loved ones and do something truly memorable. I am sincerely pleased with the trend that modern brides are increasingly abandoning limo rides and clubs and prefer to spend their bachelorette party in a more original and memorable way.

Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding.

Of course, in this matter everything depends on the budget. Let me give you a few different examples:

  • Outdoor picnic in Boho style, Rustic.
    This is perhaps the most successful format for a beautiful photo shoot on this day. Each of the girls will receive beautiful photographs and will naturally remember this event. Of course, this is an event option for the warm season. Dress code – light lace dresses, loose-fitting light-colored sundresses. Lots of decorations, flower wreaths in hair, ribbons. A small but beautiful table with cocktails and snacks. The main emphasis is on photography and gatherings with friends
  • Sauna or SPA salon. This is a more all-weather option for a pre-wedding bachelorette party. In this case, you can also arrange a small photo shoot in swimsuits. With cocktails, etc.
  • — Breakfast in a cozy cafe, in summer — on the terrace overlooking the city. Fragrant coffee, fresh juices, pancakes, croissants, fruits? the same can be organized in the park
  • - party-photo shoot (possibly stylized) in the studio with dress fitting, makeup, buffet table
  • culinary master class (you can choose the cuisine of a certain country or an unusual dish) or a master class on making your favorite cocktails
  • master class on drawing/scrapbooking/floristry. Among the wide variety of such master classes, there are many events where no special skills are needed, and even the most beginners leave with beautiful results
  • If possible, you can escape with your girlfriends for a few days to another city/country
  • brave/active brides and bridesmaids can choose horseback riding, a water park, or a parachute jump for their bachelorette party
  • A day at the spa is a more standard option, but no less enjoyable.

T-shirts for girlfriends

To stand out and make the holiday original, you can print T-shirts for your girlfriends.

Bachelorette party photographer

be sure to invite him to the bachelorette party.
It doesn’t make sense to invite you for a long time, but for 2-3 hours, to take you all together young and beautiful. 🙂

Well, you've been waiting for it - the wedding is just around the corner. A little more, and a wedding ring will appear on your ring finger, and the status of “married” will pleasantly warm your soul.

How to have a fun bachelorette party with friends?

Every girl wants her party to be better than that of her friends who have already crossed the threshold of the registry office.

This means that you need to try to come up with something original so that the invited girls will have fun and interesting.

The task is clear, let's start implementing it.

First, let’s determine in what thematic manner we would like to organize our bachelorette party. There are a lot of ideas for carrying it out, and it’s important not to make a mistake here.

Much depends on your character, hobbies, social circle, financial capabilities, finally. Taking these nuances into account, bachelorette party options can be grouped as follows.

Bachelorette party at the club: ideas for a bright party

Bachelorette party with a blast on the dance floor

You are modern, active and always love to be “in trend”. Club life is your element, which means your bachelorette party should be organized with chic, brilliance and dancing until the morning. Let a short skirt, high heels and a fashionable clutch become the dress code for a disco-style party.

Bachelorette party with friends at the club - dancing until you drop!

It’s hard not to notice a group of such beautiful girls, which means you are guaranteed free cocktails at the expense of the establishment and the best songs on the dance floor. They come with a good mood to boot.

Bachelorette party at a karaoke bar

Another option is a karaoke bar. A great opportunity to let your broad soul unfold and test your vocal cords for strength.

Fun bachelorette party at karaoke!

Having chosen this place for a bachelorette party, your girlfriends can present you with a prepared musical gift - a mix of their favorite songs, or sing a composition they composed specifically for the occasion.

Ideas for a bachelorette party at home

You are a calm, balanced and homely girl. You love to cook, come up with new recipes, and in your free time you enjoy handicrafts. Noisy youth parties are alien to you, so even for a bachelorette party there is no desire to leave the apartment. You can have a good evening at home!

A bachelorette party at home will be especially original if you choose the style of the party in advance.

It could be a culinary evening in Pin Up style, a stylish feast in vintage style or a cocktail party at home in bright retro colors!

For example, arrange a tea party with delicious buns, embellishing it with all sorts of games, competitions or sincere conversations. Or have a pajama party with a pillow fight!

Game for a bachelorette party: “test of endurance”

The bride (that is, you) is placed in an impromptu circle and tries to persuade her to refuse to get married. Get ready, you may come across very tempting offers, with approximately the following content:

  • Do you want me to give you my favorite dress and shoes that I brought from Paris in exchange for an engagement ring?
  • So what, are you going to wash dirty shirts and take out socks hidden under the sofa - do you need this?
  • Are you really ready to listen to your mother-in-law’s instructions, obediently nodding your head?

A bachelorette party before a wedding is a very fun and memorable event.

The girlfriends prepare their questions in advance, it will be more interesting. Your task is to be unperturbed and find “iron” arguments for disagreeing with them. In a humorous style, of course.

Organize a slideshow for your bachelorette party

That's why she is young, so that there is a place in her for songs around the fire in a pioneer camp, and night swims at sea, and awkward dates that make you laugh even after years, and much more.

Every girl has such interesting memories. What if you put them together and have a retro photo party? This evening you will learn a lot of new things about your girlfriends, and you will also tell a lot about your secrets.

Cocktail competition for hen party

The bachelorette party becomes a kind of home bar where the most delicious exotic cocktails are prepared.

A prerequisite is to come up with an original name associated with men.

The bachelorette party cocktail competition will leave no one behind!

Well, as the hero of the party, you will choose the most delicious drink with an equally “delicious” name.

Creative ideas for a bachelorette party

Extreme ideas for a bachelorette party

You are young, energetic and reckless. You love extreme sports and know first-hand how adrenaline can boil in your blood. It’s not hard to guess that your friends are the same. Sitting in straw hats on a picnic and choking on sandwiches to the nightingale trills of such a group of girls will be boring.

But jumping with a parachute is just the thing. The male half will quietly sigh with envy upon learning exactly how the friends decided to introduce the bride into family life.

Extreme bachelorette party: skydive!

If there is no parachute club in your city, you can completely replace it with karting, jumping or any other type of active pastime.

There will be plenty of bright emotions - guaranteed. And don't forget to grab a couple of bottles of champagne to celebrate a successful day ahead of your own wedding.

Original ideas for a bachelorette party

Ideas for a bachelorette party photo shoot

You are photogenic and have a striking appearance. You need to know how to use beauty, so why not turn your bachelorette party into an exciting photo shoot. You can rent a studio or shoot outdoors, or you can combine both.
