The standard of female beauty: Male view of the ideal figure. Venus of the 21st century - what is it

What do you think the ideal figure is? You should not show the model from the cover of a women's magazine in response. This is just a well-photographed schoolgirl, who probably does not look so impressive in real life. In fact, each man has his own standard of female beauty. Moreover: its parameters change with the advent of a new era. So before you start adjusting your figure, read our guide to the standards of female beauty - in history and in the eyes of men, and decide how far you are ready to go ...

The standard of female beauty

Female beauty is such a force that fascinates, intoxicates a man, and sometimes deprives a sense of reason. The standard of female beauty is a changeable, fickle phenomenon, as well as fashion. At all times, the parameters for assessing appearance - the ideal figure, the length and color of the hair, the shape of the eyes, the shape of the lips, etc. - were different. But what did not leave and does not leave indifferent a man in a female body?

In ancient Greece and Rome, a straight nose, a rounded eyebrow line, large bright eyes, snow-white skin and golden curls were considered the standard of female beauty. The generally accepted standards of that time were Venus de Milo and Venus Tauride. A graceful woman has always been considered the ideal of beauty, and Ancient Egypt was no exception in this regard. The image of a beautiful lady - the Blessed Virgin - became the standard of beauty in the Middle Ages: a thin straight nose, an elongated oval face, a high forehead, large and bright eyes, a very tiny mouth.


In the era of the early Renaissance, special importance was attached to the elongated oval of the face and long neck. To lengthen the oval of the face, the ladies shaved their hair in front and plucked their eyebrows, and in order to make the neck seem as long as possible, they shaved the back of their heads. A woman was considered beautiful if she had long, thick hair the color of copper or gold. Large-bodied and skinny women were not fashionable. Women were supposed to have broad shoulders, not a single bone should be visible on the chest. Women's legs with a small foot have come into fashion.

Baroque and Rococo

During this period, small breasts, small feet and a small nose, white skin and white teeth, long hair and a long body, thin fingers and thin lips were considered the standard of female beauty. The hips in those days were supposed to be rounded.


A woman should be blooming, white-skinned, natural. Such a standard of beauty prevailed in this era.


In the late 60s of the 19th century, health, freshness, liveliness, magnificent forms and bright colors began to be valued in a woman. Men were driven crazy by naked female shoulders. Particular importance is attached to feminine sophistication and a mysterious look.

At the beginning of the twentieth century

The standard of the figure was very feminine: large hips and lush breasts were valued. Ideal height - 165 cm.

In the 20s

At this time, traditional ideas about a woman are completely changed. She looks more like a young man. There is a convergence of female and male appearance. The girl should be athletic, mobile. Narrow waist and narrow hips are in fashion.

In the 30s and 40s

The ideal of a female figure is narrow hips, a thin waist and small breasts. Since the beginning of the Second World War, a fragile female figure with a thin waist, broad shoulders and a military-sport bearing is considered the standard.

In the 50s and early 60s

Marilyn Monroe becomes the ideal of female beauty. Her plump lips, graceful waist, seductive hips, slender chiseled legs and luxurious bust drive the president of America crazy.

Mid 60s and 70s

Since the mid-60s, Brigitte Bardot and Audrey Hepburn have become the ideal of beauty. Fragility, thin eyebrows, long legs and a small bust are in fashion.

In the 80s and 90s

A sporty, spectacular woman is in fashion. The standard of female beauty is defined by supermodels. Height - not less than 175 cm. Volumes - 90-60-90.

Today, the standard of female beauty among European men is:

athletic figure
Sensual lips
High chest
Long legs
Round hips
Slim waist
bewitching eyes
Long hair
small nose
Slim stomach
Long neck

Studies conducted in the developed countries of Europe and America have shown that the external data of a woman play a major role in the eyes of a man. But different nations have different standards for them. Some men are excited by a stunning figure, others by high breasts, third by long legs, fourth by wasp waist. Men - immigrants from the African continent - like the rounded shape of the female body.

Men choose

At one of the Ukrainian forums, men expressed their thoughts about what attracts them in women. The author of one of the answers to a given topic, let's call him Alexander, writes that he examines a woman from head to toe, like a commodity. He likes brunettes with shoulder-length hair, a European-type face, not too thick eyebrows, but not plucked, blue eyes, a slightly upturned nose, with a long neck, but not like a giraffe, legs without cellulite, and the woman herself should not be flat as a board.

Another, let's call him Victor, writes that he is attracted to a woman, not her body. The body is a doll, and you will not live with a doll. The body can only be admired. A beautiful body is like a work of art, but you can’t get into bed with a masterpiece - it doesn’t warm ...

A third participant named Wagner expressed this opinion: “I like dark women with elastic rounded ass, big eyes, medium fullness. The rest doesn't matter to me."

According to ongoing research, only three percent of women can arouse instant interest in a man's soul.

What do men admire?

I asked this question to my friends living in Germany.

Renat, 37 years old, engineer: « First of all I pay attention to the parameters of the female figure. This is the main thing for me. I absolutely do not like women with a boyish figure who do not have breasts and priests. I don't like skinny women. Very beautiful women with long white hair.

Heinrich, 57 years old, doctor: « A woman should be height 165-170, with a large developed chest, with a narrow waist, with rounded hips. The eyes should glow and radiate energy."

Richard, 45 years old, programmer: « I like women who have a healthy appearance, beautiful hair, a graceful figure, but not skinny. It’s good to look at a fashion model, but to go to bed with her ... No, I don’t want to hug bones. ”

Tufik, 31, locksmith: « A woman must have easy gait, full lips and a good figure. She must be sociable and with a lively mind ... Must have a sense of humor.

Waldemar, 41 years old, driver: « Now it's not a problem to do the operation and turn into a fashion model... Make a different face... Lose weight or gain weight... But the main thing in a woman is her spiritual beauty. Although of course it's nice if a woman looks impressive.

Virgis, 40, businessman: « I do not even know, what to say. Moderation - in the length of the legs and in the volume of the chest. A good figure ... Eyes ... But they do not belong to the body.

For every woman find your man. Many women sometimes cannot understand how an ugly woman, from their point of view, was able to win the heart of a handsome man. There is only one conclusion: women, do not lose hope. If you have not yet succeeded in everything in your life, then believe that there will be a holiday on your street. You just have not yet met the man who will consider you the perfect woman.

Every man has his own tastes, his criteria by which he evaluates a woman, in fact, like ours. But you must always remember that women are the most beautiful creatures living on earth! This fact should not be questioned!

Which women do you most often pay attention to? What women cause you admiration? What woman is worthy of the title of "standard of the XXI century"?

Thinking about these questions, you probably remembered an acquaintance or girlfriend who fits the described parameters. She does not have silicone breasts and pumped up lips, but she attracts the eye. She is never in a hurry, but manages to look good, work and raise children. She does not complain about anything, she always gives wise advice and you do not want to leave her. What is the secret and features of a woman - the standard of the XXI century? How to approach the modern ideal and become it?

How to distinguish a woman - the standard of the XXI century?

Finding the standard of a 21st century woman is very easy. She walks with a straight back, is relaxed, does not look away when meeting and smiles in response even to strangers. She does not impose herself and is genuinely interested in others.

The ideal woman of our time always looks good. She has a natural, unadulterated beauty. Bright makeup and miracles of medicine have nothing to do with it. Painstaking daily self-care is the key to success. But the main thing is health. Only a healthy woman can be truly beautiful.

The model woman does not sit on unbalanced diets. In the 21st century, she makes a choice in favor of a healthy diet and sports. This makes her slim. Not thin, not model, namely slender. It should be noted that occasionally this woman can afford something harmful. And he will do it with great pleasure! Moreover, she always eats so tasty and appetizing that even the most well-fed person next to her will reach for another piece.

The ideal woman always has shiny and beautifully styled hair. Her makeup is not vulgar and emphasizes natural beauty. The standard of the XXI century has an impeccable manicure and pedicure. Unshaven legs are taboo for her. There is not a single extra hair on her body. Her skin is clean and soft. Such a woman of perfection always smells pleasantly of expensive perfume.

The ideal woman of our time will not wear a provocative outfit. She will prefer a closed dress below the knees, which will emphasize her figure. This will make her even sexier and more seductive than a short skirt or crop top. The standard of a 21st century woman prefers style to fashion. She knows how to dress in such a way as to emphasize all her advantages and hide her flaws. It seems like they don't exist at all.

A perfect woman always looks self-confident, satisfied with life and happy. She is well brought up, but not stiff. This woman will gladly drink beer with friends, but she will do it in a special beautiful and feminine way. Whatever she takes on, she does everything easily and without haste.

The ideal woman of the 21st century works very hard on herself. She knows how to effectively plan time, set goals and achieve results. It is constantly evolving and improving. Instead of watching TV after work, she has another rest - self-education.

And despite the busy schedule, the standard woman manages to be an ideal wife and mother. Her children are brought up in a huge amount of love and care. She has enough time and patience to instill in children independence and love for the world around them.

The great woman of today does not try to seduce all men. For her, the main thing every day is to seduce only one man - her husband. Therefore, she always keeps the house clean. Her man should dream from the very morning about returning to a cozy house with his beloved. There is always delicious food and there is a treat for even the most demanding guests.

It is worth noting that the ideal woman in the XXI century is a wonderful lover. The point is not to know the methods of special oriental wisdom, although this is a common thing for her. A woman who deserves the title of a standard knows how to enjoy sex. She does not pretend in bed, but really enjoys it. A night with such a woman is unforgettable.

The ideal woman energizes her man, is always by his side and inspires him to great deeds. And she doesn't want anything in return. The man himself is ready to go to new heights for the sake of the ideal beloved.

Self-confidence, contentment and life wisdom allow a standard woman to remain self-sufficient and independent. She successfully runs a business, implements her own projects and brings the most amazing things to life. Whatever she thinks comes true. Her secret to success is that she never sits idle. The people around pick up the enthusiasm of the standard woman and gladly go to meet her. In addition, she is not afraid to ask for help and knows how to be grateful.

How to become a great woman of the XXI century?

Great women are not born, they are made. If you want to be one of them, get ready to work hard on yourself. Don't be afraid of difficulties! Such work will bring you a lot of pleasure and benefit. So where do you start?

Remember your best March 8th. How did you look? What did you do that day? What did you feel? Most women on this spring day are very close to the standard. They are in a good mood, look gorgeous and smile. A new fitted dress adds self-confidence and femininity.

Take the first step towards perfection. Arrange a women's holiday 365 days a year! Try to wake up in the morning with a sense of celebration. Make the start of the day energetic. You need to have time to do all the routine things before the start of the working day and then the evening is free. It can be given to your family, self-education, favorite business, dream. Don't stay up late. You need to get enough sleep, because tomorrow is again a “holiday” day and you need to do a lot.

Always keep your posture and, looking into the eyes, smile at people. At first, this will seem like a very difficult task, because most people go and look at the ground. But great women are not afraid of difficulties. Do you want to be one of them?

Plan your day from the evening. Spending ten minutes on your to-do list can save you valuable time the next day. To keep your home clean and comfortable, spend 20 minutes before bed cleaning. And don't forget about the 1 minute rule: everything that can be done in a minute should be done without delay.

It's easy to get along with your husband. Forgive him for all his shortcomings. Try to understand it. When a loved one comes home from work, you should not dump all the problems on him and ask stupid questions. Just hug him and invite him to dinner. Set the table for a holiday. All the best in the house should be for him, not the guests.

A relaxed husband will ask how you or your children are doing and tell you about his problems. Most importantly, never criticize him. Support any of his undertakings, even if it seems absurd. Praise and thank him. The energy that you give to your loved one will definitely return.

Find yourself a hobby. It's great if your favorite thing is work. But it’s much better to come up with an occupation that you like, which will bring additional income. .


Compare the standard of a woman of the XXI century with the description of the great women of other eras. You will find a lot in common. Throughout the ages, the ideal woman has been self-confident, happy and satisfied. She enjoys everything she does and has no regrets. She can easily compliment another woman and is not shy about admiring men. She is desired and loved. Do you want to become the same? Turn tomorrow into the 8th of March! And one day you, too, will be called the ideal woman of our time.

Over the past 100 years, not only music, fashion for clothes or other attributes of human life, but also the ideals of beauty have changed dramatically many times. In different years of the last century, ideal women looked completely different. Here's how they changed and why today's ideal has reverted to the 1910 model.

1. 1910s: The Gibson Girl

This standard of female beauty was created by the American artist Charles Gibson at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Her main parameters: high growth, narrow waist, large breasts and wide hips. The styled hairstyle and big eyes gave the image a special charm. The shape of the hourglass figure was achieved with the help of a corset.

2. 1920s: Flappers

Flappers - the name of the emancipated girls of the 20s of the last century, who became a symbol of the generation of the "roaring twenties". They took off their corsets with relief and were able to take a deep breath. This ideal of a woman was distinguished by a special halo of youth and vigor. Outwardly, they looked the same: short haircuts, a lean build of a boyish type, dresses to the knee or just below the straight line and a low waistline.

3. 1930s: Feminine curves

During the Great Depression, US women returned to the sophisticated fashion of the 1910s, only without the expensive and uncomfortable corset. Tight-fitting dresses, an hourglass figure, and wavy, neatly styled hair were popular.

4. 1940s: Strong Woman

While the men were busy in the Second World War, the women had to completely change their lifestyle and go to work in factories. They had already received the right to vote and could work in any job. Historical events also influenced the image of the ideal of a woman: now she was a strong independent woman with a taut figure who could do any necessary work. In this photo, Betty Grable is a typical representative of the ideal figure of that time.

5. 1950s: Hourglass

With the return of men from the war, the need for strong women disappeared and feminine hourglass shapes returned to fashion. It was this type of figure that was the ideal of that time. Thin people even drank pills to get a little closer to the cherished forms. Fitted dresses, which emphasized the chest and fitted the hips, came into fashion again. Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor are the main standards of the ideals of the 50s.

6. 1960s: "Reed"

The fashion for a radically new woman is perfectly reflected by the face of the generation - the English model Leslie Hornby ("reed" Twiggy). The beauties with feminine curves were replaced by thin androgynous girls with small breasts. The image was created with the help of short even dresses and skirts, combined with a short haircut and underlined eyes. The fashion for such painful thinness covered the whole world. Many girls with feminine forms were out of fashion, which is why they tried to lose weight with the help of diets or pills.

7. 1970s: "Queen of disco"

Thinness was still in fashion, but now the girls also had to have an athletic physique. For this, millions of girls have taken up dancing, aerobics and roller skating. Overalls, flared trousers and hair with highlights were in fashion. This portrayal of Farrah Fawcett became a major reflection of the 1970s reference.

8 1980s: Athletic and leggy

In the 80s, fitness and a healthy lifestyle became especially popular. Hundreds of gyms and fitness centers are opening. The ideal is a fit girl with long legs. The embodiment of the ideal woman of that time was the actress and model Jane Fonda. It was at this time that Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford began to conquer the podium.

9. 1990s: Heroin Chic Girl

"Heroin chic" is a trend in fashion for appearance, which was dominated by pale skin, dark circles under the eyes and a thin physique. At the time, the subject of heroin and drug use became popular in popular culture. Model Kate Moss is considered one of the founders of this trend.

10. 2000s: Athletic and fit

Sports are back in fashion. Fit girls of athletic build are valued. Particular attention is paid to the abdominal press. Singer Britney Spears in her performances demonstrates a typical toned figure, with light cubes on her stomach and a navel piercing.

11. 2010s: Curvy Gibson Girl Returns

Today, the image created by Gibson at the beginning of the century has returned to fashion. Abandoning corsets, extreme hourglass body curves are now obtained with the help of plastic surgeons. A prime example is Kim Kardashian.

What kind of men did women of the past like?

The idea of ​​male body standards has not always been the same. Different historical eras dictated their own rules, leaving an imprint on the appearance of the strong half of humanity. 145 years ago, the ideal of male beauty differed significantly from today's stereotypes. "Cognitively" has collected for you the image of the ideal man, from the end of the 19th century to the present day. Let's see what men were considered beautiful for almost 150 years.

1. In the 1870s, high-calorie food was not easy to get, so a well-fed person was usually a member of the upper social class. A rounded tummy and slightly puffy cheeks are the trend of the 19th century.

The ideal of the male body in the 1870s

On the territory of the state of Connecticut at that time there was a prestigious "Club of fat men", a member of which could afford a man who weighed at least 90 kilograms. The community became so famous that it soon spread throughout the American states. The photo below shows members of the Fat Men's Club (1894).

"Fat Men's Club", 1894

2. In the 1930s, ideas about the ideal male body changed. The figures of Hollywood actors became a role model in those days. Slenderness is the main feature of an attractive guy of a bygone era.

The ideal male body of the 1930s.

Kerry Grant is a role model in the 30s of the 20th century.

3. In the 1960s, men became thin, stopped cutting their hair and playing sports. Bad habits have become a fashion trend, which has affected the health and appearance of men.

The perfect guy from the 60s.

Long hair and a lean body are the main virtues of men in the 1960s.

4. Since the 1980s, gyms and health clubs have adjusted the ideal of male beauty. The era of bodybuilding has started, which could not but affect the body of the strong half of humanity. A role model is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bodybuilder since the 80s.

Perfect Arnie.

5. The 1990s are changing. Active hobbies for sports are losing their popularity. It is replaced by a pumped-up, but not too muscular body. The role model is the hero of Brad Pitt from Fight Club.

The perfect image of a man of the 90s.

The desire for beauty and external attractiveness, of course, is primarily inherent in us women. However, one should not think that for so many centuries men did not care about their appearance. On the contrary, in other centuries, the representatives of the stronger sex could easily be compared with the ladies in caring for beauty and grooming. Well, they don’t want to be just a little more beautiful than a monkey! By the way, the first establishments for combing were open just for men. Women, for a long time, were forced to take care of themselves exclusively at home.

Unisex from Egypt

Quite in vain, many consider the unisex style an invention of the 20th century! After all, even in ancient Egypt, the ideas about the beauty of female and male were practically the same - a person had to be slender and flexible, like a reed. Tall stature, a slender figure with a thin waist, almond-shaped eyes, fine facial features, a straight nose, full lips were valued.

A wig made of vegetable fiber or sheep's wool was put on a cropped head. Sometimes, to create even more head volume, two wigs were worn one on top of the other. A massive hairstyle, combined with a fragile physique, was supposed to create a semblance of an exotic flower on a thin bending stem.

Men shaved their faces, but often wore fake beards made of sheep's wool, which were varnished and woven with metal threads. The eyes were lined first with green, and in subsequent centuries with black. Be sure to draw wide elongated eyebrows. Egyptian men diligently decorated their clothes with precious decorative elements made of precious metals and stones.

body cult of ancient greece

Any modern man would be flattered to be told he was built like a Greek god. A proportional physique, elastic, developed muscles, light, fast, decisive movements, a clear, sharp, radiant look - this is what they aspired to in antiquity. This is how the Greeks represented their gods and tried to meet such standards themselves.

In general, at that time they believed that it was simply criminal to hide a beautiful inner world in an ugly flabby body. The program of education of every man from an early age necessarily included several sports.

The classic image of the Greek athlete took root among Europeans, and was repeatedly referred to in subsequent eras.

Hero of northern legends

Along with the ancient ideal of a man, the minds of European beauties have long been also excited by representatives of the stronger sex with a northern type of appearance. They are similar to the heroes of northern legends - tall, beautiful, courageous, physically developed.

Typical features of the Nordic appearance are: tall, blond hair, straight nose, well-defined cheekbones and blue eyes.

Knight in shining armor

In the Middle Ages, pumped up muscles and brutal masculinity would not have seemed attractive to ladies at all. During the heyday of courtly culture, the object of dreams was a gallant knight with long blond curls and blue eyes. In addition, the man had to have impeccable manners and dress elegantly. In all appearance there should have been refinement and aristocracy. Despite this, the medieval knight simply had to be distinguished by courage, dedication and determination.

During the Renaissance, masculinity and proud posture became popular again, but external grace was still valued. This is the standard of male beauty in Italy in the 16th century.

"Man-lion" and a pomaded dandy

Since the 17th-18th century, artificiality, decorativeness, and ubiquitous embellishment have come into fashion.

At the beginning of this period, many men aspired to be like a lion, so they wore red wigs, reminiscent of the mane of the “king of nature”. An imposing appearance has become one of the obligatory attributes of a secular person. In addition, the man simply had to have a melodic voice, dress elegantly, be an excellent rider, hunter and dancer.

By the beginning of the 18th century, it became widespread among the stronger sex to correct figure flaws with the help of corsets and pillows. A role model is a clean-shaven, adorned with overhead curls, pomaded, perfumed dandy, who sets pleasure as the goal of life. It can be said for sure that at that time men spent as much time on their appearance as women, if not more.

Romantic hero and diplomat

In the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries, a new trend appeared in art, as opposed to the pretentious baroque - romanticism. Naturally, a completely new type of person arises.

The characters in the works of Byron, Schiller, Walter Scott become "heroes of the time". Subtly feeling, proud, with a sad thoughtful look and a clean high forehead, a young man - this is the role model of that time. The spiritualized and noble Byronic hero drove the girls crazy with his mysteriousness and penchant for spiritual impulses.

By the end of the 19th century, when the spiritual throwing of romantic heroes was tired of everything, serious business men came into fashion: financiers, statesmen, diplomats. Outwardly, such a man should have been distinguished by smartness, severity. If we talk about clothes, then the above-described person should wear a laconic dark suit with a tie and a short haircut.

The Age of Diversity

In the 20th century, with the invention of cinema, the standards of male beauty are changing more and more rapidly. And here it is already difficult to single out any one stereotypical image, because a lot of beautiful and worthy of imitation men appear on the screens.

With their appearance and behavior, handsome men from different continents reflected ideas about male beauty, corresponding to a particular time, country, even a certain stratum of society. So now every woman could choose her ideal, relying solely on her own taste.

Today, almost everyone has their own ideas about the ideal man, and there is hardly a consensus. The 20th and 21st centuries are the era of diversity. Someone likes brutal machos, someone likes slender young men, and someone is crazy about intellectually developed "nerds". To each his own.

The main thing to remember is that when choosing your man, you still first of all need to focus on his inner qualities, and not on his appearance.
