Violet pigment removes yellowness. Troubleshooting methods

A noble blond is the dream of many girls. A large number of shades make it possible to find your ideal tone, which will highlight all the advantages of the face and hide imperfections. However, not everyone can get this capricious color. Often, after dyeing, girls are faced with a problem: after the first wash, the hair turned yellow and the color became dirty. What to do in this case? Do you really have to give up the desired coloring? Let's try to figure it out.

Reasons for the appearance of yellowness after dyeing

The appearance of yellowness on blond hair is not a rare phenomenon. Sometimes it pops up the next day after visiting the hairdresser, and sometimes it takes 1-2 months. It causes one thing - disappointment. This happens for various reasons. Let's consider options for the problem and ways to eliminate it:

Yellowness in hair after dyeing

  • the natural color is so rich and bright that it breaks through even through coloring pigments. It dominates, as a rule, up to 3-4 staining procedures. An experienced master, of course, will cope with the task. But before you take such a risky step, think about whether it’s worth ruining your hair for a radical change in color;
  • hairdresser's mistake. Incorrect selection of paint or an error in carrying out the procedure - all this can cause the appearance of yellowness. There is only one way out - change the master;
  • Improper care can cause an unpleasant shade to appear. After the lightening procedure, the hair scales are open and rust and salts from the water become clogged. Therefore, change your water filters more often.

When visiting the salon, ask to rinse with bottled, still water.

How to lighten your hair correctly

Women's logic is simple: cut long hair, curl straight hair, straighten curls. The same goes for hair color. But jokes aside, how can you get the long-awaited shade if you, for example, are a burning brunette? Dyeing dark hair is a complex and time-consuming process. The best option would be to contact a specialist. This way you will save both time and nerves. In addition, when lightening yourself, there is a high risk of drying out your hair. But what the hell, maybe you have talent, and the coloring will go smoothly, without incidents. In any case, you need to know the process in advance, even if you go to a specialist for the procedure.

Bleaching dark hair

Before you make an appointment at the hairdresser, try to imagine as clearly as possible the shade you need. Look for the exact name on the Internet. This way you will make the master’s work easier, and protect yourself from unpleasant surprises.

If you want radical changes, but doubt your choice, trust a professional. He will select the ideal color for your type of appearance, and will make sure that after the procedure you come out with perfect hair.

When lightening dark hair, use cream dye or bleaching powder. The task of the products is to neutralize the red-red pigment that settles deep in the scales. Owners of a dark blond shade should choose cream paint. It brightens and tones at the same time.

Bleaching powder

Black hair requires more drastic action. In this case, use powder. It is capable of bleaching hair by 7-8 tones. After applying the powder, the hair needs to be tinted. Lightening dark hair takes more time and effort, so think again if it's worth it. If your decision is unchanged, ensure that your eyebrows do not reveal your natural color.

Beauties with a light brown natural shade can get by with more gentle, traditional methods of lightening, such as honey, chamomile or lemon. Another soft way is highlighting. It will add volume to your hair and refresh the overall look.

If you encounter the problem of yellow hair after the fact, the main thing is not to panic. Under no circumstances should you go for re-dying in the hope that the additional procedure will hide the imperfections. If he doesn’t hide it, it will only get worse. There is a great risk that exhausted hair will not withstand such pressure. They will become brittle, dull, or begin to fall out.

The right solution in the fight against unwanted yellowness is the use of professional products in combination with folk ones.

Store-bought compositions will correct the color, homemade masks will consolidate the result:

  • tinted shampoos marked “Silver”- the main weapon of any blonde in the war for an even color. Such products contain a bright purple pigment that neutralizes any yellowish discoloration. Do not keep it on your hair for too long - there is a high risk of getting a purple tint, no more than 2 minutes;

Tint shampoo

  • Mousse tonic or color activator is a reusable product. Use after every hair wash. The ammonia-free formula does not damage the hair, and allows you to maintain the desired shade until the next coloring;
  • tonic pearl-ash shades- an inexpensive but very effective option. As they say: in war, all means are good! And no joke, despite its cheapness, this product copes with the task perfectly in 1-2 applications. The main thing is to read the instructions carefully;
  • Essence Ultime mask- it won’t do anything supernatural, but it will prevent yellowness in the future. A few applications and the color is fixed! The product is also used by natural blondes to enhance color saturation.

Mask "Essence Ultime"

Eliminating yellowness with homemade masks

Don't underestimate homemade skincare products. They do an excellent job and, moreover, additionally moisturize and nourish the hair follicles. Homemade formulations are budget-friendly and affordable; most ingredients can be found in your own refrigerator.

  • Lemon rinse is magical! Strain 1 lemon into 1 liter of water and you're done. Incredibly easy to prepare and use rinse aid. Regular use for 5 - 7 minutes will get rid of split ends, dullness and yellowness;

  • pharmaceutical white clay- solves the problem perfectly. The recipe is simple: 1 tablespoon of honey and 5 tablespoons of clay. Add clay and a little hot water to honey melted in a water bath - the mask is ready. Use the mask regularly before washing your hair, for 30-50 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and shampoo;
  • glycerin mask with chamomile solution removes yellowness of any degree, but frequent use can reveal light brown undertones. You should not use it more than once a month. Half a glass of chamomile decoction must be mixed with 50g of pharmaceutical glycerin. Apply to hair before washing, wrapping it in film or bag. Leave for at least an hour.

To maintain rich color, hair must be nourished. The hair scales are open and easily vulnerable. Therefore, they need additional protection in the form of oil masks. Before each shampoo, apply oil to the entire length of your hair in combination with a few drops of vitamin E.

It is advisable to wear this composition for at least one hour; if you are in a hurry, then apply it for at least half an hour. This time is enough to nourish the dried structure. Olive, burdock, castor, grape seed and almond oil are suitable.


For more details on how to remove yellowness from hair, watch the video below.


Beauty requires not sacrifice, but attention. Regular coloring and use of professional products in combination with wise folk recipes will allow your hair to always look great. The main thing to remember is: don’t skimp on paint and a hairdresser. Negligence in choice can lead not only to unwanted color, but also to damaged hair. And this is much more difficult to fix.

Find out how to remove yellow tones from hair at home. Does it spoil your appearance and prevent you from becoming a blonde? In this case, determine the causes of this phenomenon and eliminate them: our useful tips will help you do this quickly and effectively. Find the best whitening mask recipes here.

Yellow, straw-colored hair instead of pure white is a common result of bleaching, highlighting, and lightening. This occurs due to the unpredictable chemical reaction of the dye with the natural pigment contained in the hair. Everything here is very individual: the same paint can give different shades of white and yellow on light brown strands. Some people take this completely calmly, but most women still want to achieve a pure, white color in order to join the ranks of full-fledged blondes. Useful tips on how to remove yellowness from hair will help you do this at home quickly and effectively. The first step on the path to radiant white locks is to find out the reasons why dyeing your strands ultimately led to their yellowness.

Causes of yellowness

When thinking about how you can remove yellowness from your hair, you will first have to try to determine the reasons why your curls reacted this way to the dye. This will help, firstly, to correct the mistake made, and secondly, to avoid it in subsequent procedures for coloring light brown strands.

  • Poor quality paint

Unpleasant yellowness of hair after dyeing very often appears as a result of using low-quality, cheap or simply expired dye during the procedure. Think about it: where did you buy it? If it's in a prestigious boutique specialized for hairdressers, that's one thing. If on sale in the nearest shopping center, then the results of home dyeing could well give a yellowish effect. It is very difficult to choose your own bleaching dye to match the tone of your curls. The master will do this quickly and efficiently (if he is a good hairdresser from a reputable salon). Correcting mistakes: the choice of lightening agent should be made by a master.

  • Wrong coloring

Unexpected yellowness of hair after bleaching could appear due to an unprofessional procedure. The effect of the dye on the original pigment largely depends on compliance with certain stages of dyeing: for example, on the exposure time of the bleaching agent on the head, which should be determined in accordance with the original shade of the hair. Failure to observe such nuances, a typical approach without taking into account individual characteristics, is fraught with a sad result - yellow hair after dyeing. Working on mistakes: bleaching, highlighting, lightening, coloring is best done in a salon, where the specialist knows all the features of such procedures.

  • Errors with rinsing

Few people realize that very often, with high-quality dye and a conscientiously performed procedure, the whole thing can be ruined by improperly rinsing the hair immediately after dyeing. The strands at this moment are as defenseless as possible, the hair scales are still slightly open and can absorb dirt, dust, and harmful active substances from the outside. This happens if the paint is washed off with running water after the procedure. It contains rust and harmful iron salts, which, penetrating into the open scales of the hair, enter into chemical reactions with both the dye and the original pigment of the strands. The result is yellowness, often even with some kind of reddish, dirty tint, which creates the effect of an unwashed head and unkempt hair. Work on mistakes: wash off lightening dye from hair only with high-quality water - purified through filters or still mineral water.

  • Lightening dark (black) hair

The most difficult thing is to get rid of yellow hair if its original color before bleaching (highlighting, dyeing, etc.) was black or very dark. The natural pigment in such cases is strong and will try to regain its superiority. In this case, it is almost impossible to make white hair without yellowness. Theoretically, you will have to bleach your hair many, many times, but not even the strongest strands can withstand this. Regular coloring threatens serious damage to the roots and curls themselves, which will lead to their loss and fragility. Work on mistakes: before the procedure, consult with a professional whether white hair color without yellowness is possible with your natural, original pigment, so as not to be disappointed in the results later.

The above reasons for yellowness in hair after dyeing are the most common, although in some cases the resulting shade depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the original color of the strands. There are often cases when even a professional master is unable to cope with the effect of yellow hair, since it is caused by cellular processes beyond human control.

Finding out the reasons will help you avoid making annoying mistakes when bleaching in the future.

But what if they have already been committed? There are several effective ways to get rid of yellow hair at home.

4 ways to eliminate the effect of yellowness on hair

There are certain products developed against yellow hair, both store-bought and home-made. However, no one can guarantee that in your case they will work 100%, and you will immediately become a blond blonde after using them. Everything is again very individual: the first method works on someone’s hair, someone’s strands stubbornly do not want to part with the nasty yellow tint, even if they have tried all 4. There can be only one piece of advice: try, experiment and don’t lose hope.

  1. Method 1: “silver” shampoo against yellow hair , which can now easily be found on sale labeled Silver Shampoo. Such products contain an active pigment of bright purple color, which is capable of neutralizing the yellow tint for a sufficiently long time and giving the strands the desired whiteness. Products from the trusted German manufacturer Schwarzkopf are especially popular. The only drawback of silver shampoos is the risk of leaving them on the hair too long: in this case, they can acquire a bright ashen, light lilac, or even eggplant tint.
  2. Method 2: excellent remedy - tint shampoo for yellow hair or balm of pearl, platinum, silver, mother-of-pearl colors. Their mechanism of action and disadvantages are exactly the same as Silver Shampoo. However, many Russian companies produce them, the prices are quite low, but the duration of exposure on the strands is relatively short: after two or three washes, there will be little left of them.
  3. Method 3: you need to do it right hair rinsing after every wash. The first rule: use only filtered water (or still mineral water, or settled water) for this purpose. Second rule: in a liter of rinsing water, dilute rhubarb infusion (a couple of glasses), which has whitening properties, or concentrated lemon juice (a glass). With regular use, they will help quickly and effectively remove yellowness from hair. You can find a lot of advice online about rinsing unsuccessfully bleached strands with an infusion or decoction of chamomile. It's better not to do this. Yes, it lightens the curls, but it does not bleach at all, as lemon, rhubarb, and cinnamon do. Chamomile can only aggravate the situation and increase the yellowness in the hair.
  4. Method 4: whitening hair masks , prepared at home, cope with their task quite effectively and remove the hated yellowness from the hair. Their action is explained by the presence of active components in their composition, which nature has endowed with excellent whitening properties. Do them every other day - and by the end of the second week there will be no trace of yellowness left. True, unless your original pigment turns out to be more powerful.

These 4 ways to get rid of yellow hair have been time-tested, approved by many professional hairdressers, and there are many positive reviews about them online.

However, in this case one cannot discount the individual characteristics of each person.

There are women whose natural hair pigment is very strong and strong. If, when reacting with paint, it gives the effect of yellowness, there is a risk that nothing will remove it. In this case, you will either have to come to terms with this lifelong situation, or change your hair color to a darker one: brunettes look no less attractive than blondes. At home, the most popular way to combat yellowness are cosmetic hair masks with a whitening effect.

Recipes for masks against yellowness

Anti-yellow hair masks can be done every other day to achieve a faster effect. After the first time, you don’t need to hope that you will immediately become a blond beauty.

Be patient: in this case, regularity of procedures is very important.

If, however, the strands have become much lighter after the first mask, you can do them less often, if necessary, when the yellowness gradually appears. The duration of action of these funds is from 40 to 60 minutes. To rinse your strands after the mask, do not forget to use filtered water diluted with rhubarb decoction or concentrated lemon juice. This will enhance the effect of the mask.

  • Honey

In a water bath, melt natural, fresh, not candied honey (a glass, no less, depending on the length of the hair) until liquid and very warm. Pour the honey into a deep cup and lower one strand after another into it, soaking each of them generously. To prevent honey from dripping from already treated hair, you can also wrap it in strands in several layers of foil at once. But this is optional. Make insulation from cellophane or polyethylene film and towels. For the first time, it is recommended to use the mask for only an hour to evaluate the result. If you are satisfied with it, the next time you have free time, you can keep the mask on your head for up to three hours.

  • Rhubarb + white wine

Grind the dried rhubarb root to a powder. This can be done in a coffee grinder. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting raw material with good white wine (two glasses). Put it all on the stove, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and wait for the wine to evaporate. When the liquid is reduced by half, remove from heat, cool, filter and rinse your hair with this bleaching broth after washing.

  • Kefir + vodka + shampoo + lemon juice + egg

Lightly heat fresh kefir of medium fat content (50 ml), mix it with good vodka (two tablespoons), add shampoo familiar to your hair (one tablespoon), pour concentrated lemon juice (50 ml) into the mixture, and lastly add whipped raw egg.

  • Rhubarb + glycerin

Grind the dried rhubarb root in a coffee grinder until it becomes powdery. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 150 grams of the resulting raw material, add glycerin (60 grams), leave it all covered for half an hour.

If the yellowness of your hair after bleaching or highlighting depresses you, don’t put up with it. Try to get rid of it in all the ways you know to become a full-fledged blond blonde and drive all men crazy with your gorgeous curls. Don’t give up if something doesn’t work out: one recipe doesn’t work - try another, a third, the next. If several methods in a row do not work, you will have to put up with this property of your hair or switch to the brunette camp, which is also not so bad.

Effective ways to remove yellowness from hair

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Today, many girls, in pursuit of beauty, are increasingly resorting to hair lightening. But the result does not always turn out the way we expect. Often, instead of a beautiful blonde shade in the mirror, we see red.

Causes of yellowness

For many girls, the problem of yellowness in hair after bleaching is a serious problem. Why does it happen that it appears?

Causes of yellowness in hair:

  1. use of low-quality or expired products (paints, rinses, etc.);
  2. incorrect technique for lightening curls;
  3. the presence of iron in the water with which the clarifier is washed off. It just dyes unprotected hair yellow, the hair seems to “rust”;
  4. washing off the paint with too cold or too hot water;
  5. lightening very dark hair. Dark hair itself has a pigment that can give it yellowness.

Such hair problems most often arise if the lightening was done independently at home. Due to lack of experience, many girls violate several bleaching rules at once, so they end up with yellow hair instead of a beautiful blonde.

By using the services of professional hairdressers in beauty salons, such problems can be avoided. Specialists in their field probably know about such “side effects” of lightening, which means they are ready in advance to carry out the procedure in such a way as to avoid an undesirable shade on the hair.

How to prevent the problem

If you do not want to have yellowish hair after bleaching, then before you start the process at home yourself, prepare your hair for the procedure. Preventing yellow hair from appearing is much easier than getting rid of it later.

  • First, evaluate the condition of your hair and its color. Thin and weakened hair that needs to be restored must be treated with special strengthening masks and balms. Split ends that cannot be “reanimated” are best cut off. Only after this can you begin to directly bleach.
  • The right paint is the key to success. Therefore, do not waste time searching for a good and high-quality product. It’s better to buy an expensive but high-quality product once than to try to get rid of yellowness in your hair later, which can cost several times more.
  • It is recommended to lighten the hair at the back of the head, only then in the parietal part, and leave the bangs and temples for last. Professionals know that hair on the back of the head takes longer to discolor than on other areas.
  • Also, the most rational option would be to visit a professional hairdresser and consult with him. Find out from him which products are best suited for your hair.

What paint does not give a yellow tint?

We present to your attention a list of dyes that do not leave yellowness on the hair after bleaching.


The manufacturer of permanent paints Garnier is quite popular among women. It represents a wide range of products.

There are different shades of light here - super-lightening, natural, sand or platinum blonde.


This manufacturer's product range includes Revlonissimo NMT Super Blondes paint. It allows you to lighten your curls by several tones in just one application.

The use of this dye will not only provide the desired color, but will also be gentle on the hair due to the protein and essential oils contained in the composition.


Another well-known manufacturer. He released Loreall Paris Casting Sunkiss long-lasting gel color. Its advantage is that all the necessary components are already mixed here in the required proportions. You just need to take the paint and distribute it evenly throughout the strands. The range includes 3 types of lighteners: for dark, light brown and blond hair.

The presented brands are the most famous and popular. And which paint is better to choose, everyone decides for himself.

What kind of hair and how to dye it correctly

Dark-haired girls have the hardest time lightening their hair without causing harm. In addition, it is not always possible to achieve the desired color the first time. If you choose the wrong proportions of dyes, you can see yourself in the mirror with a variety of hair shades - from red to green. Therefore, lightening dark curls must be approached with all seriousness.

To lighten black dyed hair, you can use two methods. The first is bleaching with hydrogen peroxide. The second method is lightening with cream paint. At the same time, this product does not color the hair, but makes it lighter. By the way, it is worth considering that lightening black strands may require repeating the procedure.

Tinted shampoos

If after lightening you are unhappy with the color of your hair and a yellow tint appears on it, you need to take effective remedies. To remove yellowness from curls, you can use tinted shampoos. At the same time, be careful, you need to choose such a product only for blondes. Shades include platinum, silver and pearl.

Another method is to use Silver Shampoo. This is almost the same tinted shampoo. It is precisely designed to remove unwanted shades from hair. When exposed to it, the yellow color is washed out and replaced with white. Carefully read the instructions for use, as leaving the shampoo on your hair for too long threatens to turn your curls lilac.

Recipes for masks, rinses and other means to remove the yellow tint

Another method of combating yellowness in hair after bleaching is the use of natural lightening agents. There are a huge number of recipes for such clarifiers.

Lemon rinse

After washing your hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair with lemon juice. He is .

Chamomile rinse

By rinsing your hair with chamomile infusion, you can achieve a slight lightening of yellowed curls. But you won’t be able to completely get rid of yellowness in your hair with this infusion.

Honey mask

For people who are allergic to honey, the use of this mask is contraindicated.

Honey is one of the most powerful natural lighteners. It has many beneficial properties. In addition to lightening, it nourishes and strengthens hair well.

Take liquid honey. If the honey is thick, you need to melt it until it becomes liquid. It is not recommended to apply high temperatures to the product, otherwise it will lose all its properties. Apply evenly over the entire length of the hair. We put on a shower cap. Wrap a towel on top. After an hour, wash off with cool water. If you like the result, next time you can keep this mask on for about 3 hours.

Here are some tips for those who want to lighten their hair without getting a yellow tint.

  • Choose a lightening dye specifically for your hair.
  • Choose quality lightening products.
  • Consult with your hair stylist before you decide to bleach your hair.
  • If you are not sure whether blonde hair will suit you, try on a wig or create an image of yourself as a blonde through special applications on the Internet.
  • For best results, lighten your hair quickly and accurately. Wear gloves. Don't forget about balms and rinses.

Thus, by following a number of simple tips, you can lighten your hair without consequences. If, nevertheless, a yellow tint appears on your hair, do not be upset. It can be removed using all sorts of means, both specialized store-bought ones and those prepared independently from natural ingredients.

Many girls strive to lighten their hair to become blonde. For this, various means are used, including dyes and tonics, but often instead of the expected white hair color, yellow hair is obtained. How to change the shade to a cooler, whiter one?

How to remove yellowness from hair

The yellowness that appears after lightening can be removed in a beauty salon: a specialist will use a professional product to remove the dye. Thanks to this procedure, the yellow pigment of bleached strands is completely eliminated. In addition, the master can tell you how to remove yellowness from your hair yourself: what folk and professional remedies should be used.

If for some reason a woman does not want to contact a specialist, she can achieve a beautiful color on her own using hair bleaching compounds such as “Blondex” or “Supra”. However, the best effect is achieved after using dyes for bleached hair in shades of silver, pearl, platinum, and ash. These tones perfectly remove yellowness and give a beautiful white color. Another option to wash off an unsightly pigment is to use a special tinted shampoo or balm. Such products have a rich purple color, due to which the yellowness disappears.

How to get rid of yellow hair after bleaching

As a rule, a yellow tone appears in brunettes who decide to dye their hair in light colors. Natural dark pigment is difficult to remove, so lightening results in a bright yellow tint. As a result, the hairstyle looks worse than expected. Sometimes strands become reddish after incorrect application of dye. Women who carry out the procedure at home often leave the composition on their hair, “burning” it, as a result of which the bleached strands appear yellow.

Another likely cause of yellowness is oxygen. After dyeing, air enters the hairs through the cuticles, which causes oxidation and the white dye is washed out. After this, all that remains is an ugly yellow color. What dye to remove yellowness from bleached hair? For this purpose, experts recommend choosing products with a clarifier percentage of up to 4 and without ammonia. This ratio is achieved by adjusting the proportions of the dye and oxidizing emulsion. The amount of the latter is increased by 2 times (the total ratio of components is 1:2).

In addition, you can quickly remove yellowness from bleached hair using mixtons. They are used not for coloring, but for the purpose of tone correction. The lighter your hair, the less mixton you need. Stylists advise using a special tinting dye to correct a yellow tint, rather than other compounds, since the dye in it minimizes damage to the structure of the hairs and envelops them, creating a protective layer.

How to lighten hair without yellowness without using dyes? Alternatively, you can remove red hair from bleached strands using special rinses and shampoos. Such products have a gentle effect on hair tone, washing away the yellow pigment and leaving only the desired color. In addition, it is possible to bleach strands using tonics. They are added to various hair hygiene products. However, tonics are only a temporary method of dealing with the problem, since they are capable of dyeing strands in a certain shade for a short period of time (7-15 days).

In addition to the listed means for removing yellowness from bleached hair, some achieve a beautiful white color using traditional methods. Which one to use is up to you. The following masks help to cope with yellow pigment:

  1. Honey. Natural or artificial honey is applied to the head, left for 8-10 hours, and then washed off with regular shampoo. Thanks to a chemical reaction occurring inside the hairs, the yellowness goes away.
  2. Lemon. You will need a third of a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice and kefir, a little shampoo, 1-2 tbsp. l. vodka. Mix the ingredients with the beaten egg. Apply the mixture to your head for an hour, then rinse your hair with nettle infusion or water with vinegar added.
  3. Onion. A large onion is crushed using a meat grinder/blender. The resulting slurry is poured with a small amount of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Cover the head with the cooled mixture, put a bag and a towel on top. You can wash off the mask after 1-2 hours. To prevent clean hair from smelling like onions, rinse it with a solution of water and vinegar.

What dye to lighten hair without yellowness

When choosing a coloring product, you should pay attention to packages that are marked “without yellowing.” Ashy, cool shades are the most effective. You will not be able to remove the yellow pigment with warm sunny, wheat, or honey-colored paint. A high-quality coloring agent is available not only to beauty salon workers, but also to ordinary women. What dye can remove yellowness from bleached hair:

  1. Estelle. Moreover, it is better to give preference to the professional line of Estelle Deluxe products. The paint in this series perfectly tints and colors strands. After use, the hairstyle acquires a rich, long-lasting shade, softness and shine. Approximate cost – 250 rubles.
  2. L'Oreal Casting. An excellent choice to remove yellowness from bleached strands. The brand presents a rich palette of tones, so every woman can find the perfect shade. Approximate price – 300 rub.
  3. Garnier Color. The paint has earned the love of girls who want to lighten up and get a beautiful white color. Garnier does not contain ammonia, so it does not damage the hair, giving a long-lasting, beautiful shade. Cost – 170-190 rubles.
  4. Schwarzkopf Diamonds. Due to the durability of this paint, there is no need to regularly paint the desired color - you can simply lighten the regrown roots. Schwarzkopf Brilliance has proven itself to be a product effective against yellowness.

Yellow hair color is a common problem for those who dye their hair blonde or light shades. This is especially true for girls who naturally have very dark hair color, but want to be. Why is this happening?

Why does hair turn yellow after dyeing?

Important! To avoid turning green when dyeing from yellow to ash (ash is a combination of two colors: blue and green), choose shades that contain yellow neutralizers (rose-red or purple). For example: Londa 10/16 (10-tone depth/1-ash, 6-violet)


To tint your hair you will need:

  • oxide from 1.9% - 4% and the desired shade of paint
  • mix in proportion: 1 part paint 2 parts oxide
  • apply to clean, dry hair
  • keep for 15-25 minutes (visual control is needed here so as not to over-expose the mixture and get too rich a color)
  • wash off, dry.

Remember, a beautiful cosmetic color will not last forever on your hair. Because it is artificial and does not adhere well inside and on the surface of the hair. After time it will wash out. Any coloring requires care. Only well-groomed hair looks beautiful and healthy.
