Palmistry on nails. Onychomancy - divination by nails

What do white spots on nails mean in palmistry? Often white dots appear on the nail plate: some consider them a sign, others - a violation of the processes in the body. If white dots appear on the nails, palmistry explains their presence.

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What do white spots on nails mean?

Palmists assure that hands are a reflection of life, character, and the future. It is important to pay attention to, and palms. There are signs associated with the appearance of white spots on the nail plate. Clairvoyants are sure that the appearance of points is provoked by stress.

White spots on the nails symbolize stress experienced about 7 days ago. Compensate for trouble with a positive moment. The occasion for joy is chosen based on individual needs. There are tips on how to neutralize the stress experienced.

Complete renewal of the nail plate occurs on average in 100 days. A person on each finger has a different growth rate of the plate. The closer the white spot is to the middle of the nail, the higher the likelihood that an event will soon occur that will neutralize the experienced stress.

When the spot moves horizontally to the side where the thumb is located, they speak of experiences. Movement to the side where the little finger is located is explained by active actions. On each nail, a white spot occurs for a specific reason, and psychological stress is eliminated in a specific way.

White spot on thumb

The appearance of a white dot symbolizes problems in the personal and psychological spheres. The causes of stress are dissatisfaction, disappointment in oneself. The sensation is imperceptible to others, but obvious to a person. The phenomenon is provoked by the absence of what is desired (praise, attention, things, bestowal in relationships), and the ego is wounded.

A person is offended that they did not notice him, ignored him as a person, for example, ignoring a man when a girl wanted to be invited to the cinema, but there was no date. Stress is provoked by a belated realization of the manifestation of talent, that a missed chance to appear from the best side.

How to compensate: they try to prove themselves again, step over themselves (if they don’t want to get out of the “shell”), do everything to get praise. Win a game, a competition. You should not be afraid to assert yourself at the expense of positive qualities and skills.


White spots on the index finger symbolize problems in the organizational sphere. This is a violation of the established family order (the partner left for another, the children have grown up and do not want further custody). The woman realizes that she no longer manages anything, there is no one to take care of, the role that she played for many years has ended.

Provokes stress non-compliance with subordination in the service. For example, I had to become a student from a leader in order to improve my skills. Retirement has a similar effect.

How to compensate: to restore strength, change, rebuild social relations. They are looking for a person to take care of: a new man, another child, after all, a pet. They offer a new project at work, which should be managed, organize a holiday. The main thing is to take fate into your own hands.

Middle finger

If a white dot appears on the nail plate of the middle finger on the hand, these are problems in the everyday sphere. The cause of stress is disagreement, quarrels in the family, the death of a loved one, divorce, moving, languor (succeed - fail). Psychological traumas, for example, dismissal, often provoke stress.

How to compensate: save the appearance of a new person. You need a surge of strength that new acquaintances bring to life. Often helps to change the place of residence, place of work, the purchase of antiques.

ring finger

The presence of spots on the nails of the ring fingers indicates that a person has a disorder in the creative sphere: creative stagnation, unrealized talents. Stress is provoked by new everyday tasks for which a person is not ready: unplanned repairs, buying expensive things, a sudden trip.

Sudden expenses are provocateurs: an accident, a breakdown of equipment, clothes torn by accident, a damaged manicure. For representatives of the male and female sex, different things act as provocateurs.

How to compensate: to get rid of stress and obsessive states, provide themselves with creative success. If a person draws well, writes poetry, is engaged in applied art, they create a masterpiece.

Organization of a party, delivery of a report leads to creative success. A meeting with old friends, first love, a visit to relatives cheers up.

white dot on little finger

The appearance of a mark indicates problems in the public sphere. The person is disgraced, humiliated, self-esteem has dropped due to justified or not criticism (reproaches from superiors, friends).

It provokes stress. In women, the cause of stress is negative comments about appearance, the need to study new information.

How to compensate: attending a pleasant party, visiting old friends. If stress is provoked by study, testing, as soon as the exams are over, the stress is compensated.

White spots on the nails of the hands are associated with inner experiences. White dots are clues that determine in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife there is a disorder, and suggest what to do to compensate for the stressful state.

Palmistry - divination by nails

Chirology is the oldest science that studies the shape and type of nails, which determine the character of a person, his strengths and weaknesses.

In the dictionary, this concept is defined as “the doctrine of the connection between the shape of the hands and the drawings of fateful signs on the palms of the hands with the bodily and mental properties of a person.”

Palmistry is a hand reading method based on chirology. Often he helped people find their place in life, because the strengths of character guessed in time and used for good in time led to significant results and helped to avoid many troubles.

Divination by the hand was adopted in ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Rome. The great Pythagoras and the Roman emperor Caesar are said to have believed in him. According to the hills of Jupiter and Mercury, located on the palmar side of the hand, any palmist could describe the entire biography of a person and predict his future fate.

In Russia, after the adoption of Orthodoxy, long nails were considered diabolical attributes. Many superstitions have been associated with nails in general. So, for example, cutting nails was allowed only on Thursday, and already cut nails had to be thrown into the water. Otherwise, any evil spirits could intervene in the fate of a person.

For a long time, scientists considered palmistry akin to witchcraft. In the Middle Ages, for such hobbies, people were generally sentenced to be burned at the stake without delay. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the rapid development of science and technology, doctors began to take seriously the legacy of past centuries.

In the 1930s, the science of dermatoglyphics emerged, studying the patterns on the fingers and palms. According to the state of these patterns, scientists have learned to identify hereditary diseases, and long before they began to actively manifest themselves. Soon, 36 signs were described and recorded, by which congenital pathologies can be detected - such as Down's disease, epilepsy, aortic dissection and some forms of schizophrenia. Such a diagnosis often helps to identify a serious disease in time and, if not completely cure, then at least weaken its effect. So, for example, as a result of aortic dissection in a person, sudden death can occur for no apparent reason. Having established a hereditary pathology by skin patterns on the palms, doctors can warn a person about the danger that threatens him and take any measures to treat this disease or try to change the state of the affected organ by surgical intervention.

The first false nails appeared in the ancient Indian tribes. During sacred rituals, shamans attached to their nails the claws of some animal, which was the patron of this tribe, which helped to quickly transform into it and find out the future fate of the tribe or ask for help.

According to the skin folds of the palms, doctors can establish pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, curvature of the spine, acute leukemia, glaucoma, duodenal ulcer, rheumatism and other diseases of the internal organs. Diagnosis reveals a hereditary predisposition to a disease, and therefore the further development of the disease can be prevented. Thus, thanks to chirology, early diagnosis of the disease is possible.

In the 1930s, the first map was published, denoting all the projection zones of the internal organs on the surface of the palm. A little later, the Korean researcher Ryu Teu developed his own topographic map, according to which he successfully made diagnoses. The scientist correlated painful internal organs with sensitive areas on the palms and, on the basis of this, designated the zones and associated them with certain organs. However, this information was not enough for serious scientific conclusions. The study of this issue continued. What is the basis of the connection of the internal organs with the skin of the palms and feet has not yet been scientifically established.

It is assumed that there are projection nerve connections of the palmar region with the VII–VIII cervical spinal segments. Further, the connection extends to the center of the special zone of the neck. Thus, the hands and palms are the peripheral region of the cervical thickening of the spinal cord, and this is the reason for the relationship with many internal organs. According to classical acupuncture, many vital channels descend on the hand, which are responsible for the vital activity of certain internal organs.

The first cosmetics appeared in France under Catherine de Medici, when in 1566 it was officially announced to come to court with a painted face and powdered hair.

It was at this time that the condition of the hands and nails began to be given special importance. This was due to the catastrophic spread of diseases and the constant outbreaks of epidemics. However, nail care was reduced to hygienic procedures. It was strictly forbidden to wear long nails, especially those painted in an unnatural color. For such behavior, a woman could be accused of witchcraft and sentenced to severe punishment.

Internal organs are also projected onto the soles of the feet. Japanese researcher Y. Hirasawa has studied more than 600,000 feet over a 30-year practice. Based on his observations, he was able to correlate certain diseases of any internal organs with a pattern on the skin of the foot with great accuracy. The ratio was established by how painfully a certain area on the skin of the foot reacted to the impact (pressure, etc.). And if a person's disease was known, then the painful area was associated with the affected organ. So, after a long practice and numerous observations, the scientist established a natural connection between the internal organs and areas on the soles of the feet.

The soles represent sacral segments I-II, closing in the center of the lumbar thickening, and, therefore, they are connected with the spinal cord, which, in turn, is directly related to the internal organs.

Chinese sources claim that the kidney canal passes through the plantar surface of the feet. In the very center of the sole there is a point, by which acupuncture treats acute tonsillitis, palpitations, insomnia, jaundice and some other diseases. This point is called Yun-tsyu-an and is often used in the provision of ambulance. To relieve convulsions in children, the Chinese also use acupuncture of this point.

In 1975, the book "New Chinese Acupuncture" was published, which described new projection zones and points on the soles of the feet.

American researchers A. Bergson and V. Tuchak, using the topography of the soles of the feet, carried out diagnostics and treatment called "reflex pressure therapy". The book “Zone Therapy”, published by other American scientists, contained the principles of the method of treatment by the influence of finger massage on points and zones corresponding to certain organs. With the help of a simple impact on these points, without medical instruments, according to the authors of this book, pain can be relieved. Such treatment is carried out with fingers, a brush, or with the help of any improvised objects - a pencil with a rubber tip, a stiff brush, pins, etc. The authors of the book did not claim to be innovative in this area, they only brought to greater perfection raytstherapy - treatment with irritation .

Various diseases were cured in this way. For example, arthritis can be cured by regular finger massage of the soles of the feet. It is enough to do such a massage 2-3 times a day for several minutes, and after 2 weeks you can expect a positive result. Headache, according to the authors of the book, is easy to remove by vigorously rubbing the interdigital area in the region of the 1st and 2nd fingers of the hand. Eye fatigue is relieved by massaging the soft part of the big toes. Massaging the entire surface of the feet will get rid of a runny nose. With a severe runny nose, rubbing the soles of the feet should be alternated with squeezing the toes at the base of the nail phalanges.

Foot massage has been widely used in many countries of the East since ancient times. Hindus to this day believe that the legs are a field through which you can influence any internal human organ.

About 72 thousand nerve endings protrude on the surface of the feet, it is not surprising that the massage of this part of the body leads to a striking effect. With the help of this massage, many serious diseases are cured, such as bronchial asthma. During massaging, Indians use sesame or almond oil in excess, which further increases irritation and leads to a greater effect. The pressure on the skin should be medium, not too strong, but not weak. For an adult, the optimal pressure should be approximately 6 kg.

In the treatment of various diseases, different massage techniques are used. For example, in the treatment of hemorrhoidal crises, the sole of the feet is massaged by striking it with the edge of the palm. Sometimes it is recommended that patients walk barefoot on round stones, which stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs and reduces the amount of congestion in the hemorrhoidal veins. For the treatment of kidneys, patients are recommended to sit on a chair and roll rolling pins with the soles of their feet; also used are irritation of the skin of the feet with a massage brush and walking barefoot on a special rubber mat. Diseases of the heart and brain are treated in a similar way.

Walking barefoot on hot sand, coniferous needles or sharp stones, according to experts, stimulates the nervous system well and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Walking barefoot on warm, soft sand, indoor carpet, grass, etc. has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Currently, many of us are deprived of the opportunity to walk barefoot, and this is undoubtedly detrimental to health. Cold hands and feet are the first signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It also means a predisposition to colds. Violation of the internal temperature of the body in some particular area leads to a violation of the function of heat transfer of the whole organism. A decrease in foot temperature is often associated with kidney disease or leads to a violation of their function in the future, if special measures are not taken. Doctors know that patients with brain disorders often complain of cold feet and hands. Exposure to the skin of the foot or the palmar surface of the hands helps in the treatment of this kind of disease. This is a kind of signal to start healing activities in order to avoid the development of the disease or prevent it.

In 1925, the German scientist G. Schinner published studies on the diagnosis of diseases based on a long-term study of the condition, shape, and color of the nail phalanges of the fingers. According to a certain condition of the nails, he was able to accurately diagnose. So, for example, in chronic bronchitis or congenital heart defects, the so-called drumsticks are observed on the nail plate.

The great Socrates believed that walking barefoot hardens the body and positively affects the thought process. The Spartans even had a rule that required all young people to walk barefoot until the age of 18.

In May 1927, a full member of the Riga Society for Psychical Research V. A. Vrade made a sensational report. He gave eight two-hour lectures in Russian on the theory and practice of leadership (chirology). The speech took place at the Riga Society for Psychical Research and caused an unprecedented resonance not only among scientists. A little later, Vrade's book was published, which included the main part of the previously read lectures. Following Vrade, some experts continued their studies in this area. There are new scientific studies.

According to contemporaries, “Vrade was one of the first modern scientists who tried not only to generalize psychological observations of the human manner of holding and gesticulating, but turned out to be perhaps the first of modern psychologists who managed to most fully present and systematize his observations on the connection of human character , psychological characteristics of a person with the appearance of the nail plate: its color, shape and even the manner of cutting nails!

In the 16th century, even ladies of noble birth were forced to cut their nails very short so as not to arouse the indignation of the Church. However, it was allowed to polish the nail plates in a natural way, which was immediately taken advantage of by fashionistas from the capital. For these purposes, they used polishing powder and a special device in the form of a small board covered with high-quality suede - a buff. After polishing, the smooth surface of the nails radiated an amazing shine.

V. A. Vrade believed that the length of the nails and their shape can give the most accurate psychological characteristics of the individual. About this in his book the following is said: “A nail of normal length occupies exactly half of the upper joint of the finger. If the nail occupies less than half of the upper joint, it is considered short, if more than half - long. The manner in which the nails are cut does not play a role, and in the following provisions, only that part of the nail that cannot be cut or trimmed is considered.

Long nails characterize thoughtful, calm, restrained, polite and compliant people. If the nails are very long, then slowness, distrust, secrecy, embarrassment and lack of criticism are observed.

People with short nails are more logical, more active, prone to criticism and control, quick to word and deed. If the nails are very short, then irascibility, aggressiveness, pickiness and intransigence are observed. Very short nails on thick fingers are a sign of poor memory and inability to learn. People with short nails are not successful in activities in which they have to come into contact with the public, as they easily become impolite and obnoxious due to their own criticism and objections. But in any activity connected with control, cash, management or management of property, the originality of their character is best used and they succeed.

French women were the first women in Europe who actively used lemon juice to treat nails and give them strength.

Further, the scientist writes that hard nails result from strong bones and indicate good health of their owner, which, in turn, is necessary for achieving success in life. “Very hard nails,” says Vrade, “resembling claws in structure, – anger, painful pride, intolerance, greed for money. Soft and thin nails - soft bone - soreness, weakness. The habit of biting or biting nails - nervousness, hypochondria, often abnormal sensuality. Such people easily cause quarrels and squabbles with their words.

Vrade gives very brief and clear characteristics, based on the structural features of the nail plate: “Short soft nails with impending, as if hanging on them meat - a very developed sensuality. The nails are flat, wide and slightly curved upwards - for people who easily deviate from the truth, who want to pretend not to be what they really are. Cone-shaped nails - the desire for truth, beauty, for everything good. Nails are round in appearance and shape, resembling hemispheres - a predisposition to pulmonary diseases. This observation was made by Hippocrates, and therefore the nail of this form is called the hippocratic nail.

In the 16th century, new recipes for hand care cosmetics began to appear in France, which were created by medical scientists specifically for individual orders. All recipes were kept strictly in secret and were inherited like unheard of wealth.

Further, Vrade writes: “A healthy nail has a white hole at its base. A missing or too large socket indicates nervousness (nerves of the heart). White dots and spots on the nails also indicate nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation, and according to ancient legends, they are a sign of happiness and good luck. The nail of a healthy person has a good shine and pink color, close to skin color in shade. Dullness, pits, dots and spots, abnormal growth, longitudinal or transverse lines, and a color different from the color of the skin, always indicate imperfect health. Nail care also makes it possible to judge the character of a person. So, people who constantly have dirty nails are dirty in their thoughts. Too careful manicure of the nails indicates that too much importance is attached to the outer side of life to the detriment of its inner content.

The conclusions of the scientist were made on the basis of the experience of chirologists of the past centuries, whose knowledge was collected bit by bit, since they were practically lost during the years of the Inquisition, and on the basis of their own long-term clinical observations.

Modern dermatologists have already found out the indisputable relationship between the nail plates and internal organs, and. since the state of the body largely contributes to the formation of character, there is also a feedback, that is, according to the state, shape, type of nails, one can determine the character of a person. Modern psychologists have also come to this conclusion, using the characteristics of the nails of the hands and the shape of the fingers to establish the mental state of a person, his inclinations, etc.

Gradually, manicure and pedicure gained incredible popularity in Europe. And all thanks to the exceptional cleanliness and commitment to excellence of the French King Louis Philippe, who regularly had these procedures.

Well-groomed hands, as it turned out, not only decorate, but also indicate that their owner (or owner) is very demanding of himself and those around him, neat and punctual. Groomed nails make a rather repulsive impression on others and indicate that their owner is at least a sloppy, unclean person, this also applies to his thoughts. It is no coincidence that it is the hands that give out the age of their owner, because the skin of the hands (including nails) is most susceptible to external stimuli. Often, by the condition of the hands and nails, one can accurately guess the profession or occupation. For example, short-cut, neat nails on the hands of a woman indicate that she is either a pianist, or works with a computer keyboard, typewriter. The information contained in the form of nails is much more voluminous. Nails can rightfully be called a mirror of our character. What can tell the shape of the nails?

The trapezoidal (pointed) shape of the nails indicates a strong character. The owner of such nails is an extremely self-confident person. On the way to achieving the goal, he does not have such obstacles that could stop him. Such a person seeks not only to realize himself, but also to change the whole world, and his method of saving the world is the best and has not been tried by anyone before. And if someone does not agree with this, then for the owner of trapezoidal nails, if not an enemy for the rest of his life, then at least an unfair and limited person.

The result of such an attitude to the opinions of other people is total loneliness. However, a person who is confident in his rightness does not give up on his goal and tries to change the world alone. Fortunately for others, resentment of people of this type is short-lived. These people can achieve the greatest success by doing painting, literary creativity, music, etc., since their horizons are quite wide, and their vocabulary is saturated. It is not difficult for them to maintain a conversation with any person and on any topic. However, making a favorable first impression on the interlocutor, in the future, these people lose confidence and attractiveness due to their excessive pride.

To get rid of excessive irritability and increased nervousness for people with trapezoidal nails, soft therapy using special methods will help.

The owner of rectangular (oval) nails is a typical optimist. We can say about this person that he is well versed in any business, whether it is the sphere of thinking, mental work, or the sphere of labor, production. Everything that this person meets on the path of life, he seeks to understand and study from A to Z. Such a person cannot sit in one place for a second, he tries to be in time everywhere - energy is just in full swing. He leaves all the failures and sorrows in the past, but never forgetting about them. His motto is “Learning from mistakes”. He always strives forward, while not really thinking about what goal he is pursuing and what achievement of this goal will bring him.

A series of relaxation exercises and yoga classes will help people with oval nails relieve excess stress and calm the nervous system.

Square (shovel-shaped) nails indicate that their owner stands firmly on his feet, is very disciplined and loves order. He is imperturbable to the extreme, able to maintain composure and prudence in any situation. Sanity and practicality are the main character traits. Nothing can knock this man off balance. He uses even his mistakes and failures to enrich his own experience and tries not to step on the same rake in the future. Self-confidence allows him to boldly walk through life, calculating, however, every step one step ahead. He is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, but he tries to avoid them as much as possible. In relation to close people, he is very attentive and caring, which invariably evokes reciprocal feelings. Excellent relationships with loved ones allow him to be sure that in difficult times he will not be left without support.

Round nails indicate that their owner is a sentimental, dreamy and extremely romantic person. The tendency to fantasies often prevents him from looking at things realistically. Sky-high heights and castles in the air - this is the world where he prefers to dwell. Due to his romanticism, this person often takes the side of the “humiliated and offended”, but, unfortunately, is not always objective in his assessments. Natural modesty often makes him deviate from the intended goal, if there is a serious obstacle on the way to it. He prefers to hide in the shadow of brighter and stronger people. He remembers all his wrong steps, misses and mistakes for a long time and painfully worries. This is a man of rare warmth, and everyone around him considers him a real treasure.

People with round nails should especially monitor the condition of the respiratory system and spine. To do this, you need to regularly do gymnastics and perform exercises aimed at strengthening the spine and associated with active breathing.

Chirology forecasts are deeply individual, and it is by no means possible to draw any general conclusions. The general picture of the condition of the nails, their shape and color, the color of the skin of the fingers, the location of dots and lines on the palmar and back sides - only all this taken together will help to draw the appropriate conclusions and outline the character of a person with all the subtleties and nuances.

Of course, one can not trust chirology as a science, but this does not relieve us of the obligation to take care of our nails. After all, no matter how great character traits a person possesses, dull, dirty, broken or, worse, bitten nails with burrs will invariably make the most unpleasant impression on others. To prevent this from happening, you need quite a bit - just some 40-50 minutes to do a manicure.

Not only the shape of the nails can determine the nature and inclinations of a person. A lot can tell about the nature of the shape of the foot. A poorly developed heel, a smooth foot, a small notch in the middle (a sign of flat feet), indicate that the owner of all these forms is an ambitious person, although he constantly doubts himself. He likes to command, but avoids any responsibility, preferring to throw it on someone else. These people are prone to contemplation, they have a highly developed intuition. Many politicians, military designers were the owners of such heels.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) is involved in the construction of a number of enzyme systems as an intermediate carrier of the methyl group. It has lipotropic properties, therefore it is involved in transmethylation processes. Affects the processes of hematopoiesis. Vitamin deficiency leads to damage to the nervous system and digestive organs, which can result in deterioration of the skin and nails.

A clear, embossed, rounded heel indicates a very sensitive nature, sensitive to everything beautiful. These people are in constant search for perfection. They do not tend to sacrifice anything for the sake of their loved ones, but they love it when these very sacrifices are made in the name of "Their Majesties."

The high instep of the foot speaks of the proud disposition of their owner. Such a person is distinguished by an intractable character, he always claims leadership in any team. Nevertheless, people of this type have a very high intelligence, a tenacious memory, although they lack initiative. A prominent representative of this type is the American actor Clint Eastwood.

A low rise, as a rule, is observed in people who are accommodating, sociable, always ready to heed the advice of friends and relatives. They gladly accept help.

A wide foot belongs to down-to-earth people whose requests are specific. They are sober about life and can make reasonable compromises. Not infrequently, these people are prone to alcohol abuse and extremely lustful.

Vitamin B 12 found only in animal products.

A narrow foot is inherent in creative people with a complex, contradictory character, which often leads to fatal situations. In love, they are devoted, although very jealous.

Long, straight, toes with regular oval nails indicate that their owner is a balanced and worthy person in all respects.

Short spread fingers are usually observed in people who are obstinate and absurd, capable of provoking a scandal from scratch. Among the people of this type is the actress Sharon Stone.

Fingers "in two tiers" are vicious and fickle people.

If the second finger is longer than the thumb, then for men this means a complaisant character and even softness, and for women - independence and sexual activity.

A small and “non-working” little finger speaks of a great unrealized potential. It was such a little toe on the leg that the Queen of England Elizabeth II had.

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Nail diagnostics

Onychomancy (from the Greek swollen - nail) is a direction in palmistry that deals with the prediction of possible events in the nails, which takes into account the shape and color of the nails, the size and location of spots and damage on them.

There is a certain logic in this ancient method of prediction: like rings on wood, the structure, color and shape of nails testify to the character traits and reveal the disposition of their owner. A thumbnail without a hole means inappropriate behavior and aggressiveness, a curved shape of the nail means self-will, the tips of the nails that are strongly bent towards the palm mean stinginess and selfishness. Narrow nails are a sign of irritability and ambition; small ones - pride, stubbornness, narrowness of thinking, hypocrisy; wide and flat - weak and timid character.

If you focus on the average length of the nail, equal to half the upper phalanx, you will notice that some of the nails on our hand are shorter, and some are longer. Long nails characterize thoughtful, restrained and compliant people. If the nails are very long, then they belong, as a rule, to a slow, distrustful, secretive and alien to criticism person. People with short nails are more logical, active, quickly orient themselves in a life situation. Usually they cannot succeed where communication with the public is required, due to their quarrelsomeness and habit of criticizing everyone around.

Even the white spots that sometimes appear on the nails have their own interpretation:

On the thumb - to work;

On the index - to care;

On average - fortunately;

On the nameless one - for a new thing;

On the little finger - to love.

round nails“endow” their owners with impressionability and emotionality. These romantic dreamers are vulnerable natures; sometimes they do not know how to present their strengths in a favorable light. - However, their ability to take care of themselves and dress with taste, sincere openness and kindness are surprisingly endearing.

Tapered nails testify to the desire for truth, beauty and everything positive. A semicircular base and a clear crescent-shaped hole add touches of balance and sanity to the character of a person.

square nail shape gives the owner of the hand self-confidence, loyalty and the ability to radiate peace and tranquility around him. A solid appearance, a balanced character and a view of life from the point of view of common sense make it possible for such people to always plan for the near future, make decisions independently and overcome any obstacles. Their undeniable advantages are credibility, reliability and quick response.

Rectangular nails ideal on the hand of a clerk who can be trusted with any job. But if you take a closer look at the gray mouse performer, you can see that he is trusting and always positive, knows how to enjoy every minute, treat failures philosophically and not get hung up on troubles. Indefatigable energy and optimism make such a person a pleasant conversationalist.

Trapezoidal shape of the nail gives out a nature with virtues, erudite, possessing the gift of eloquence, but vulnerable and secretive. Narrow, elongated spatula-shaped nails are found in irritable critics and desperate pioneers. The reason for the low energy potential is isolation and impressionability, as well as excessive demands on oneself and others. Owners of trapezoid nails could be pleasant in communication if it were not for their conceit: this quality prevents them from finding harmony with themselves and others.

The Japanese characterize the appearance of the nail with poetic names, for example, "Fire Dragon" or "Blue Amakawa". However, do not go too far: too thorough everyday manicure is an indicator that a person cares more about the outside of life to the detriment of its inner content. Whatever shape or length the nails are given in a beauty salon, they will always retain the structure given to them by nature and leave an imprint on the character of their owner.

Do you want to look into the future and find out what awaits you there? This is very simple to do: you just need to take a closer look at your nails. It is divination by nails (onychomancy) that can determine the fate of a person with high accuracy, tell about his character. We tried to collect all the signs about the nails here, having carefully studied which you can, once you see the nail plate, having examined its color, shape, length, spots, draw up a portrait of a person, his habits, character, mood.

What are the nails silent about

Nail shape

Square nails usually speak of a solid, strong, self-confident, often with high self-esteem, but at the same time a closed personality. The owners of the round shape of the marigold are kind, impressionable and emotional, they do not always know how to present their strengths, they are very vulnerable, but at the same time they know how to take care of themselves, they have excellent taste. When you see a person with a conical shape in front of you, know that you have a balanced and sane person in front of you, striving for everything positive, not tolerating lies. Trapezoidal nails are most often found in erudite, eloquent people, with high conceit, in most cases it is difficult for such individuals to find harmony with themselves and the world around them. If the nails are elongated, have the shape of a “blade”, then you are dealing with a critic, an annoyed person.

The external condition of the nails

Long nails are usually in distrustful, slow, suspicious personalities, while short ones are most often worn by people who are accustomed to criticizing themselves and others, but at the same time, the owners of short nails are always logical and consistent. If a person has very short cut nails, then this rather indicates his conflict. Bitten nails indicate an imbalance, nervousness of the individual, which often gives in to stress. Seeing the hooked shape of the nails, remember that you are faced with a greedy, but consistent and executive person.

Spots on nails

The presence of white, grayish spots on the nails indicates frequent stress, tension, and accumulated fatigue. If the speck is bluish, then the owner will face trouble or failure in the future. White spots on the fingers indicate:

  • surprises, gifts - on the thumb
  • enemies who are planning trouble - Medium
  • the beginning of a romantic relationship, the creation of a family - on the nameless
  • upcoming trip, vacation - on the little finger.

As you can see, one of the branches of palmistry - onychomancy is one of the interesting types of fortune-telling, having studied which, you can accurately understand people.

The shape of nails in divination by hand is considered as an addition to the main interpretation.

A normal length nail occupies half of the nail phalanx. If it occupies less than half of the nail phalanx, the nail is short, if more, the nail is long.

When divining on the shape of the nail, only that part of it that is connected by nerve endings to the finger is taken into account.

Interpretations of divination by nails

Long nails characterize thoughtful, reserved, polite and compliant people.

People with short nails are more active, quickly orient themselves in life situations.

Hard nails are a sign of health. Very hard nails, resembling claws, indicate malice, morbid pride, intolerance and greed.

Soft and thin nails indicate soreness and weakness.

The habit of biting and biting nails is a sign of nervousness, hypochondria.

Short, soft nails with impending, as if hanging on them "meat" speak of excessive sensuality.

Nails that are flat, wide and slightly curved upwards indicate a lack of morality and a sense of justice.

Cone-shaped nails testify to the desire for beauty and high ideals.

Round and large nails - a penchant for science and a wide, benevolent perception of life.

The nails are round, resembling hemispheres in appearance and shape - a predisposition to pulmonary diseases.

Narrow nails are a sign of irritability and ambition.

Divination by spots on the nails

Dull and brittle nails with colored marks and pits, irregular shape and uncharacteristic skin color indicate poor health and adverse life circumstances.

A healthy nail at its base is bordered by a white hole. The absence of it or the presence of too large a hole indicates a predisposition to nervous diseases.

By the well-groomed nails, one can judge the attitude of a person to his person and the general culture of a person.

White, black, pink, red spots and dimples are considered unfavorable, bringing misfortune.

White marks in the center of the nail reinforce what they mean, both good and bad, located away from the center of the nail - weaken.

On the thumb, white signs portend illness.

On the index, they mean heart and love interests.

On the average, they indicate upcoming difficulties, a difficult state of mind, and for some, a tendency to commit suicide.

On the nameless - creative success, on the little finger - success in commercial activities, trade.
