How to deal with your neighbors dog barking. Neighborhood relations: where to go and what to do if neighbors are noisy? The neighbor's dog doesn't sleep at night

Dog - best friend person, but sometimes your best friend just can’t shut up and gets very annoying. It's especially annoying when your neighbor's dog barks all night or freaks out every time you walk by. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to calm your pet and promote peace and quiet without going overboard.

Talk to your neighbor first

The first thing you should definitely do is talk to your neighbor before you try anything else. There is a possibility that neighbors may not even realize that their dog is barking too much, for example, if they spend all day at work. Or they may be aware of the problem and in the process of solving it. Give them the benefit of the doubt and avoid harsh accusations, as this will only make them defensive. It is also very important to do this in person. Leave anonymous note on their door - this, at first glance, perfect solution, which will allow you to avoid litigation, but it is also the method that will be easiest for neighbors to ignore. Talk to them personally and let them see the person who is being affected by the problem. Use this as an opportunity to get to know them and become friends so they will want to solve the problem themselves. If you refuse to talk to your neighbors, you are part of the problem.

Helping neighbors

If they are inexperienced owners dogs don't know what to do, push them in the right direction. Show them resources online or give them the phone number of a professional dog trainer in your area. If you do all the work and give them the basic information, they will more likely will do something.

Block your dog's field of vision

If your dog starts barking every time you enter your yard, blocking his field of vision may help. The dog is most likely just trying to protect its territory, and if it can't see you, then you won't pose a threat to it. Install a privacy screen on your fence or plant trees and shrubs along your property line.

Make friends

Of course, barking can be caused not only by your appearance, but also by the sounds you make and even your smell. And if blocking the field of vision doesn't work, it's time to work on the dog. Naturally, with the help of kindness. The dog barks at you because he sees you as a threat to himself and his family. So if you want her to stop barking, you need to stop being a danger. Dog trainer Jen DeHaan encourages you to become friends with your dog. Politely ask your neighbor to meet the dog and play with it for a while. You want the dog to become accustomed to your presence and your scent. DeHaan also recommends having your neighbor bring the dog into your yard so it can become familiar with the area and the many new smells it contains. Food is also in a simple way to a dog's heart, but you should never feed someone else's pet without the owner's permission. A dog may have trouble digesting foods that other animals have no problem with, he may be on a special diet due to health problems, or he may have allergies. The last thing you want to do is ruin your neighbor's pet's health. If you still want to use this method, ask your neighbor what kind of treats his dog prefers, and also find out if it will be a problem if you give them to your dog periodically.

Be persistent

Finally, your dog may bark at you if you go to a part of your yard that you rarely visit. She needs to get used to you being there, but she can't do that if you go there once a week. Find a way to spend more time there. Put on your headphones and read a book, tidy up the garden, or play sports outdoors. IN as a last resort you can take old T-shirts, shoes and socks and place them near the fence so that the dog can get used to your scent. Create conditions in which the dog can get used to your presence.

Use a dog whistle

Dog whistles produce sound in the ultrasonic range, which means humans cannot hear it. But dogs can, and the sound drives them crazy. This is why they are useful for training. If you've talked to your neighbors but it hasn't yielded any results, you can use a whistle to teach your dog discipline yourself, right from your home. Here's how it works:

  1. Buy a dog whistle. You can purchase it online for $10-$15.
  2. Keep the whistle where you can easily grab it at any time.
  3. As soon as the dog starts barking, whistle.

This will initially cause the animal to bark even more, but persistence will yield results. The dog will hate this sound (don't worry, it doesn't hurt), but eventually he will learn that every time he starts barking, this sound comes, so he will stop. There are even special smartphone apps that imitate the sound of a dog whistle, but they may not be loud enough for the neighbor's dog to hear them. A real dog whistle will definitely be loud enough and you can use it even if you live in a high-rise building.

Use a sound training device

If you don't think you can handle the task, you may want to consider purchasing a special sound training device. You can hang such a device on a tree front side to the neighbor's yard, and every time the neighbor's dog starts barking, this device will emit an ultrasound that resembles the sound of a dog whistle.

File a formal noise complaint

If none of the methods work for you, there is one last option: writing a formal noise complaint addressed to the appropriate authority. Noisy pets are often a deal-breaker for homeowners' association agreements, especially if the barking starts after a certain hour in the evening. And in some areas, special services can punish residents whose animals disturb the peace. However, you will need to check your local laws first. Many laws define “excessive noise” as “noise that is unreasonably annoying, disturbing, offensive or unreasonably disruptive to the comfort of one or more occupants of property in a house or area within reasonable proximity of the property where the dog or dogs". In most cities the laws are the same or similar. If you file a complaint, your neighbors will receive a warning. If the noise continues and you have proof of it, they will appear in court.

“If you don’t have a dog, your neighbor won’t poison it.” We all remember this humorous song from our favorite New Year's film. However, even in ordinary life many are able to experience emotions close to decisively stopping the endless barking of a dog or howling from a neighbor’s apartment. Let's try to figure out if your neighbors dog is constantly barking, what you can do without harming yourself and the animal.

In our multi-storey buildings, the walls are often made of such thin partitions that we sometimes hear our neighbors and everything that happens in another apartment, just like in our own home. If someone decides to get a dog, then, of course, very soon the residents of all nearby apartments will find out about it. When a dog greets its owners with a loud bark or, fulfilling its functions as a watchman, scares away uninvited guests, usually no difficulties arise. But it happens that the owners leave the house for the whole day or the whole night, and the dog gets bored and begins to bark or howl loudly. People whose family has Small child or a sick person, this can cause a lot of inconvenience.

In our country, home peace, as well as evening and night rest of citizens are protected by law. We have Law No. FZ-52 of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of citizens.” Article 23 of this law, as amended in 2017, requires everyone to maintain silence at night - from 23.00 to 07.00. The noise level during this period cannot exceed 30 decibels. During this time, you cannot carry out any repair work, listen to loud music or watch TV, play musical instruments, move furniture or make trouble. But even during the day, the sound level, which is allowed by law, should not be higher than 40 decibels. IN different regions Small adjustments to the time period when silence must be observed are possible. For example, in Moscow this time is from 21.00 to 08.00 on weekdays, and from 22.00 to 10 a.m. on weekends.

That is, if your neighbors dog barks in the evening, at night or early in the morning, interferes with your sleep or gets you up too early, then, referring to this law, you can complain about your neighbors. The same applies to noise in daytime, if it exceeds the permissible level. To understand approximately what those same allowed 30-40 dB are, we note that this is the level of ordinary human speech, and, for example, a car alarm reaches 80-100 dB, the sound of a drill - 140, the noise from a passing car - up to 80 dB.

The neighbors have a dog howling and barking, where can I contact them?

First of all, if your dog bothers you with endless barking, you need to talk to his owners. Responsibility for the behavior of the animal lies entirely with its owner. He must take measures to ensure that the dog does not create problems for others. But perhaps they have no idea what is happening in their absence. To solve the problem, they should increase the time of walks and their intensity, so that when returning home, the dog sleeps “without hind legs", or not leave him in the apartment alone for a long time.

There are many ways to solve the problem. In some countries, for example, all owners of dogs, especially large ones, are required to perform a small, simple operation on their pets, which completely eliminates the owners and their neighbors from such disagreements. Most people want to avoid spoiling their relationships with their neighbors, so sometimes it's enough to simply tell them that a dog's barking is bothering you. However, if after the conversation nothing changes, then you should act differently. You can contact several authorities for help:

  • write a statement to your local police officer;
  • contact the house management;
  • write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • file a claim with the regional branch of the administrative court.

To contact any of these authorities, you need to properly prepare, collect all the evidence: video, photo and audio documents, witness statements, etc.

Appeal to the district police officer

You can contact the local police officer yourself or through the house management. To do this, you need to write a letter to your management company, and it will already file a complaint with the district police officer. If dog barking annoys not only you, but also other residents of the house, you can draw up a collective letter, which usually has great influence on both the regulatory authorities and the violators themselves. No matter how you act, the district police officer is obliged to accept your letter or give a written response. Over the next two to three days, he needs to talk to the dog's owners and tell them about the consequences of not complying with the law.

If after his visit nothing changes, then you complain to the district police officer again. This time your neighbors will have to pay a fine - from 500 to 3 thousand rubles. For further ignoring the claims of others, they will have to pay from 4 to 5 thousand rubles.

All your letters with registration marks and replies from the district police officer with the transfer measures taken save. You may need them in the future.

Contact Rospotrebnadzor

Another body that monitors compliance with the law is Rospotrebnadzor. Here they will not only help you solve the problem, but will also conduct an examination, the results of which can be attached to the statement of claim.

To do this, Rospotrebnadzor employees create a commission that will come to you, use a special device (sound meter) to measure the noise level and draw up a report. The commission will operate in accordance with GOST standards “Noise. Permissible levels in residential and public buildings." The date and time of the examination are scheduled in advance. The commission measures the noise level during a barking dog separately in your apartment and in your neighbors, and enters this result into the act. You receive a signed and certified document immediately after the examination.

Going to court

According to the law, you can contact the judicial authorities if your previous actions did not have any results. All your letters and the examination report will become evidence of the measures you have taken.

It should be remembered that the statement you write to the court can only contain reliable facts supported by documents. No speculation or slander. Do not forget to indicate that you are familiar with the fact that, according to Article No. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you are responsible for all information that you provide to the court. After explaining the situation in your letter, attach evidence to it:

  • audio materials: loud barking recorded on a voice recorder, your conversations with neighbors;
  • video materials: time of day captured during filming and dog barking or howling;
  • letters to the district police officer and other authorities, as well as official written responses about the results of the inspection;
  • results of the examination of the Rospotrenadzor commission;
  • if you have witnesses, then attach their testimony too.

The court must accept your application and resolve the issue within two months. In addition to solving the main problem, you can demand financial compensation for harm to health (in this case, you will need to attach prescriptions from a doctor for medicines and medical report), expenses for the examination, lawyer consulting and other costs associated with legal proceedings.

It is worth noting that very rarely the problem of incessant dog barking is resolved in court, but if no preliminary measures work, then going to court becomes last resort in an attempt to defend your right and your family’s right to a relaxing holiday.

But in in this case be careful not to start a conflict.

If the dog's owners refuse to make contact and the situation is not resolved, you have the right to seek help from law enforcement agencies. Write a statement to the local police officer and ask him to take action.

If even the local police officer did not help resolve the problem, and the atmosphere is heating up, feel free to go to court. The law will be on your side. You will probably be able to get rid of your neighbors' dogs this way. For example, if it is proven that the barking exceeds the noise level established by law, the neighbors will face a fine equal to four times the minimum wage. Moreover, the amount of punishment may increase several times, depending on the number of people filing a lawsuit. If the floor and stairs of the entrance are regularly soiled, this is also a violation. Please also inform the judge about this.

Still, try to get rid of your neighbors' dogs before trial. At the same time, do not take revenge on your neighbors, do not harm or threaten to sue. Try to talk in a calm tone and offer a reasonable solution. This will turn out to be much more effective than conflict.

Stray dogs are a real problem in big cities. Gathering in packs, they often attack cats, children, and sometimes just passers-by. Shooting and generously scattered poisons are a cruel temporary measure that does not improve the situation


Containing the number of stray animals is a task of national importance, but modern domestic methods do not meet the requirements of efficiency and humanity. What to do? First, think about who might be bothered by dogs in your yard (garage cooperative, enterprise). Take a closer look at the grandmothers from the next door. Ask if there have been any cases of these dogs attacking people. And if so, when and under what circumstances.

If it is reliably established that the victims were attacked on the road to the DEZ (Directorate of the Single Customer), this service deals with housing and communal services and animals on its territory. They have contracts with private companies that kill dogs. The state allocates money for this; all you need is a written application.

If there are not many dogs and they do not bother anyone, then you need to take care that there are not too many of them. Sterilizing a dog is not the cheapest option, but the effectiveness of this method has been proven. Territorial animals protect their area, not letting in other flocks, and do not bear offspring. A stable yard group is maintained for several years to the delight of children and compassionate old ladies.

Not all cities have funds that take care of homeless animals using private donations, or public shelters. If you haven’t found any in your city, try contacting animal rights activists - they will be happy to support you and help you raise funds.

Video on the topic


A humane population control program in Russia is a matter of the future. In most regions in 2011, this problem is being solved using inhumane, sometimes cruel, methods.

Helpful advice

Sterilization and vaccination against rabies, as well as a collar, will help yard dogs avoid popular wrath, but they will not save them from determined animal haters. If the dog is young, try placing it in good hands, for example in the private sector.


  • Population regulation (animal protection forum) in 2019
  • Doghunter Forum 2019

A person either loves dogs or he doesn’t. There can be many reasons for this dislike. One of them is smell. Even zealous fans of this type of animal cannot but agree that dogs smell rather unpleasantly, especially when wet. And this happens for a rather simple reason.

Hugging a wet dog is still a pleasure. And it’s not even about the raw wool, but about the smell that comes from it. It would seem a strange circumstance. The dog itself has almost no smell, the water also has no odor, but when they meet each other, they produce this unforgettable amber, popularly simply called “dog.” The reason for this smell is quite obvious.

The dog's fur is covered with a special oily secretion produced by the skin glands of the animal. The purpose of this secret is to create a protective film designed to protect the coat from bacteria and environmental influences, including getting wet. This lubricant covers the dog's entire fur, which is why some people note that after fiddling with animals, a certain greasy substance remains on their hands.

Secret lubricant

When the coat is moistened, the body strengthens the work of the glands responsible for the formation of this protective film in order to prevent the dog from getting completely wet. And it is this secret that has the very characteristic dog smell. If a dry dog ​​only slightly “smells”, wet fur with its aroma can knock off a person who is not accustomed to this smell.

Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene, change your underwear more often. Increased and inflammatory diseases skin. It is also not recommended to wash off the natural protective film from the skin. Avoid taking hot showers with soap too often. At the beginning of the appearance of ulcers, ultraviolet radiation can be used in small quantities.

Make sure you get more elements such as iron or phosphorus in your diet. Eat foods containing groups B, A and C. Dramatically reduce the consumption of sweet refined foods, do not eat a lot of sugar and chocolate.

Modern cosmetology not only allows you to get rid of minor flaws appearance, but also change your image almost every day. Permanent coloring can turn a blonde into a brunette in a couple of hours. If you want to lighten hair dyed black, you will have to tinker a little longer. If you immediately try to change the color, it will cause great harm hair Therefore, it is better to get rid of black hair color in several stages.

If your neighbors dog howls or constantly barks, then you can write a complaint to the district police officer, Rospotrebnadzor, and even to the local administrative court.

IN apartment buildings The quality of the walls and all structures is not always such that all neighbors live without hearing each other. More often than not, it’s the other way around: the neighbors’ lives take place in full view of everyone, since the audibility between apartments is much better than we would like. A dog barking or howling, especially large breed, can be a real test for hearing and nerve cells residents of the entire entrance. An animal, separated from its owners, during the day and sometimes at night, disappearing at work, is sad and can howl for hours. How can you legally deal with this? unpleasant situation and regain peace of mind, let’s look at it in detail.

Silence law

Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999, often called the “silence law,” limits the permissible noise level in residential buildings:

  • From 07.00 in the morning until 11.00 in the evening, the acceptable level is within 40 dB (times may vary in different regions of the country);
  • For the rest of the day, the acceptable level is within 30 dB.

To put this into perspective, car alarms produce sounds on average of about 125 dB. Although each region has the right to make certain amendments to the norms of this Federal Law, nevertheless, these criteria - “time - permissible noise level” are observed everywhere.

Thus, each of the residents of an apartment building who violates the requirements of Federal Law No. 52 may be brought to administrative liability in in the prescribed manner. All that remains is to measure the noise level emitted by the dog, so that this law can be appealed to in further proceedings.

Who should I contact with complaints?

The solution to the problem should begin with negotiations with neighbors. It is quite possible that they do not even suspect that in their absence the dog creates problems for the other residents. If peaceful negotiations do not bring any results, then you should start drawing up a complaint.

Apply for misconduct neighbors you can:

  1. To the district police officer, he is obliged to accept the application and conduct an explanatory conversation with the neighbors, and in the absence adequate reaction and upon receipt of repeated complaints, it has the right to issue a fine. If the district police officer refuses to accept the complaint, you should request a written refusal, and then contact higher management;
  2. To Rospotrebnadzor, which is obliged to conduct an inspection based on citizens’ appeals, and record the result of the inspection in a report. This act will serve as evidence in further proceedings in court;
  3. To the local administrative court.

Our lawyers know The answer to your question

or by phone:

Complaint to the district police officer

As already mentioned, the district police officer is obliged to accept a complaint from citizens, or issue a written refusal to accept it. After the complaint is accepted, the district police officer must come to the address indicated in it within the next 24 hours to talk about the violation with the neighbors. In this case, the procedure for punishment for violating public order will be explained.

If nothing has changed after the district police officer’s visit, and you continue to listen to the dog howl day after day, then you should contact the district police officer again with a new complaint. In response to a repeated appeal, the violator will be issued a fine:

  • First time - from 500 to 3 thousand rubles;
  • Second time - 4 thousand rubles;
  • Third time - 5 thousand rubles.

It is imperative to save not only copies of complaints indicating the incoming registration numbers assigned by the district police officer, but also official responses that will be sent to the applicant by mail indicating the measures taken in response to the complaint and their results.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Contacting this organization will allow you to receive the result of the examination, the reliability of which will not be questioned by law enforcement agencies, so it can be attached to the statement of claim in the future.

To measure noise levels, specialists use sound level meters that comply with GOST 17187-81. When an application is received from citizens with complaints about exceeding the permissible noise level, a commission goes to the site and carries out the following: standard actions in accordance with GOST 12.1.036-81 “Noise. Permissible levels in residential and public buildings":

  1. They visit the applicant in his apartment to take measurements.
  2. Record the measurement results in official document- act of inspection of housing conditions.
  3. They visit the offender’s apartment.
  4. They take measurements in his apartment.
  5. Enter measurement data into the prepared report.

Since it is possible to find everyone at home on a day off, such an event is usually scheduled on a day off. However, the time and date should be discussed in advance in order to get an objective picture. After completing the verification, the applicant is given the result in the form of a signed and certified document.

Because the current legislature requires mandatory implementation pre-trial settlement conflicts, all the work you have done previously is the very settlement. All documents (complaints, inspection reports) will serve as evidence of the measures you are taking to peacefully resolve the conflict with your neighbors. And in the absence positive result you go to court as a last resort.

It should be admitted that there are not many examples of disputes with neighbors over a dog going to court. Usually the case is resolved for more early stages, either after a visit from a local police officer, or after paying fines. But an extreme option cannot be ruled out, when only a judge can help neighbors get rid of a howling dog.

A complaint to the court must contain only objective data. No speculation is allowed here. It is imperative to complete the document with a phrase indicating awareness of liability for false denunciation under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fine up to 120 thousand rubles, imprisonment for up to 2 years, etc.).

A carefully worded statement should be supported by evidence, which may include:

  • Audio recordings of your negotiations with your neighbors about the cause of the disagreement;
  • Video recording recording the howl of the dog and the time of day;
  • Copies of complaints to all authorities;
  • Testimony of other residents of the house;
  • Expertise of Rospotrebnadzor.

Properly composed statement of claim accepted by the court for consideration and paperwork. A decision will be made on the case within two months, but in some cases Due to the workload of the courts, processing may take longer.

What can you demand in court?

According to Federal Law No. 52, citizens living in multi-apartment residential buildings have the right to receive compensation for harm caused to health by the actions of other citizens who do not comply with sanitary legislation. Thus, in court you can demand:

  • Compensate for harm to health (you will need to prove it - attach a doctor’s report, prescriptions for medications);
  • Expenses for conducting examinations;
  • Legal costs (lawyer fees, state fees, execution of a power of attorney and certification of copies of documents).

If we are talking about residents of municipal apartments, then the last resort will be a demand for eviction, but it will need to be supported by a very impressive evidence base. If we are talking about the owner of the apartment, then, upon a claim on behalf of a local government body, the apartment can be sold at public auction, and the owner can be reimbursed for its value minus legal costs.

Good afternoon We have such a problem. We live on the 4th floor of a 5-story panel building with poor sound insulation. 4 years ago the neighbors right next to us got a dog small breed(something like a Jack Russell terrier). For 3 years everything was calm and she did not interfere with life. I don’t know what happened about a year (or a little more) ago, but this dog began to squeal, howl, and bark - first at night, then during the day for many hours. Verbal attempts to point out the problem to neighbors led nowhere (they simply deny the possibility of this fact). However, it was later discovered that the dog squeals and barks when no one is home. Due to the fact that this nightmare continued, we contacted the housing department at our place of residence, for the first time orally. The fact of the appeal led to the fact that the dog was forced to register and was verbally warned that it should not cause disturbance to the neighbors. Literally immediately after this, for 4 days in a row, we heard barking and squeals every morning from about 8.00 to 10.00, and on some weekends - from the morning until late in the evening. This forced us to contact the housing department with a written statement, to which we soon received a response. In short, it was written that a master came out to our entrance to confirm our words. At the moment she arrived, the entrance was quiet, the owner was present in the apartment. The dog was quiet and friendly, and the owner was given (again!) a verbal warning to remain quiet. Those. They just sent us an unsubscribe, because... When the owners are at home, the dog behaves quietly. However, the arrival of the master did not change the situation in any way. In this regard, over the next few days I took several videos from my apartment, as well as going out with the camera into the entrance and near the neighbors’ apartment, during these attacks of squealing and barking, registering the date and time using mobile phone, which is also visible in the video. Even taking into account the fact that the shooting was carried out incl. From my apartment, with the doors to the entrance closed, this barking can be heard quite clearly. We again turned to the housing department with a request to somehow solve the problem. I suggested that the ZhES employee watch the video to make sure that we were not lying (by the way, a neighbor who also lives on the 3rd floor and has an adjacent wall with the problem apartment, and the neighbor above him, have similar complaints about breaking the silence. having an adjacent wall to our apartment on our floor). The ZhES employee did not watch the video, telling us to call him at work if the barking happened again, so that he could come and hear with his own ears how the dog barks! But the problem is that she doesn't bark when ordered!! In general, the problem is still not solved. In addition, the neighbor and her daughter, the owner of the dog, began to behave aggressively, provoking verbal conflicts when they met and accusing us that we were deliberately teasing their dog by visiting their neighbor who lived next to them. Please explain to me what rights we have and whether it makes sense to go to court. Because the ZhES is not doing anything, and we are already tired of living with a squeal at night and in the morning and all day long. Thank you!
