In what position is the most likely to conceive a child. What is the best position to get pregnant quickly? Tips for early fertilization


Sooner or later, in the life of every woman, there comes a moment when she decides to become a mother. To make this desire come true as soon as possible, doctors recommend having sex in certain positions.

It is widely known that planning a pregnancy prospective parents need to be responsible. Before you start trying to conceive a child, you need to visit a doctor, pass the necessary tests, and, if there are any problems, undergo treatment.

There are couples whose health is in perfect order, but the long-awaited pregnancy still does not occur. In these cases, the problem may turn out to be very simple: attempts to conceive go wrong. In order not to get into such a situation, before you start planning a baby, you should study the positions in which conception is most likely.

Correct postures

In order for conception not to take long, future parents should not have sex every day. The optimal number of sexual intercourses when planning a child is considered 1 time in 2-3 days. It has been scientifically proven that with too frequent ejaculation, the quality of sperm deteriorates: the number of active forms of spermatozoa decreases, their mobility decreases.

The best positions, in which conception is most likely to occur, are those in which there is the closest contact, and the seminal fluid enters directly into the uterus.

To conceive a girl

Sometimes, future parents try to plan the desired gender of the child. In order to conceive a girl, the couple should adopt the following poses:

  • missionary position: the woman is in the supine position, her partner is on top. This position ensures that the sperm immediately enters the uterus and further into the fallopian tubes;
  • on the side: to take this position, the expectant mother needs to lie on her side and bend her knees under her. The man should be behind and also on his side;
  • back pose (“doggystyle”): the lady is in a kneeling position, the partner is behind.

Conception with various features of the location of the uterus

Anomalies in the position of the uterus are quite common. The most common are the bends of the organ anteriorly or posteriorly, its bicornuate or saddle shape. Often they do not cause any discomfort, and if a woman has not been examined before, she may not be aware of her features. Problems can arise when planning a pregnancy, when numerous attempts to conceive a child do not bring results. In these cases, certain postures can help a woman become a mother.

Back and front bend

In the normal position, the uterus is located in the center of the small pelvis and has a slight anterior inclination. At the same time, an obtuse angle is formed between her body and neck. This position of the organ provides free access of spermatozoa from the vaginal cavity to the uterus.

Sometimes there are deviations in the position of the uterus:

  1. Retroflexion (back bend): the organ is strongly tilted back. At the same time, his body and neck form a right angle.
  2. Hyperanteflexia(anterior fold): the organ is excessively displaced towards the bladder. An acute angle forms between her body and neck.

These anomalies can be congenital or acquired during life. There can be many reasons for this - prolonged labor, often recurrent inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, excessive physical activity, tumor processes of the reproductive system. Only a gynecologist can determine whether treatment for a tilted uterus is required. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, the first thing you need to do is visit a doctor. It is likely that the bending of the organ anteriorly or posteriorly will create an obstacle to the penetration of seminal fluid through the cervical canal into the uterus.

The most effective position for conception when the uterus is bent backwards is the position behind. In this case, the woman should lean forward. A variant is possible when both partners are in the supine position on their side.

To conceive a child in a woman with an anterior inversion of the uterus, the following postures must be used:

  • the woman lies on her back, a pillow or a roller from a blanket is placed under her buttocks, the partner is located on top;
  • the partner is in the supine position, her legs are bent at the knee joints and brought to the stomach or are on the shoulders of the man.

The bend of the body in one direction or another is not a sentence. In most cases, using the correct postures and following the doctor's recommendations, it is possible to get pregnant in a few ovulatory cycles.

To increase the chances of a successful pregnancy when the uterus is bent, doctors recommend increasing the time the seminal fluid comes into contact with the cervical canal. To do this, after sexual contact, the expectant mother must be in a prone position for 20-30 minutes. The birch pose with raised legs and pelvis up is also recommended. Hygiene procedures after intercourse are not desirable.

Saddle uterine body

The saddle shape refers to many variants of the bicornuate uterus. At the same time, a slight depression is determined in the area of ​​the bottom of the organ, resembling a saddle in shape. The division into two horns is not expressed. In the transverse size, the uterus is expanded.

If the anomaly is slightly expressed, the chances of conception are high. The optimal postures are “behind” and lying on your back with your legs brought to your stomach. After intercourse, you need to relax and rest for half an hour.

pear shape

The pear-shaped uterus is normal until the first birth. In a woman, after the birth of her first child, the organ acquires an ovoid shape.

Any special positions for conception are not required for women with a pear-shaped uterus. The recommendations are similar to those given to couples without any pathologies:

  1. To conceive a child, it is necessary to have sex in positions that provide maximum access of seminal fluid to the uterus: the position “behind”, “on the side”, “woman from below”.
  2. After sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to immediately get out of bed, you need to lie down and relax.
  3. Hygiene procedures should be postponed for a while. This will help the spermatozoa to reach their goal sooner.

When the uterus deviates from the longitudinal axis to the right or to the left, the position for conception is selected depending on the side of the inclination of the organ. If the uterus is shifted to the left, you should have sex in the “woman on the left side” position, and the man behind. The same principle is applied when the body deviates to the right. After sexual intercourse, you must be in a position on your side for 20-30 minutes.

The birth of a healthy baby is a happiness that, sooner or later, all couples strive for. But time passes, and it is not possible to conceive a child. And then a lot of questions arise before the spouses, one of which is whether the posture during intercourse affects conception?

What can help pregnancy

Many factors influence the possibility of pregnancy:

  • age;
  • general health;
  • hormonal background;
  • methods of contraception;
  • the days of the cycle in which the couple has intimacy;
  • psychological attitude and much more.

If you set a goal to conceive a baby, you need to take into account all the little things.

Today, many girls use hormonal contraceptives, which, in turn, affects their reproductive system. Stress, frequent overwork are reflected in the hormonal background and the general condition of both female and male organisms. Therefore, in many cases, even the position during sex can significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant.

For the successful conception of the long-awaited peanut, a married couple should not have health problems. Get examined by the appropriate doctors, take the necessary tests. In general, make sure that your reproductive ability is normal.

Every woman knows that you can only get pregnant on certain days of your menstrual cycle. It will be useful to draw up a special schedule, where you will mark the most “favorable days”. Sexual activity, emotional mood also affect the process of conception.

If you constantly think about a pregnancy that never comes, it is unlikely to come. Relax, enjoy making love with your spouse. Children should appear where love and joy reign.

The regularity of sex also plays an equally important role. Sexologists advise doing it 4-5 times a week. The number of active spermatozoa with frequent ejaculation in men decreases. So there is no need to try too hard.

The best positions for conception

Sexologists identify a number of positions that are most favorable for pregnancy:

  • missionary position - with the woman lying on her back and the man on top of her. In this position, the man's sperm enters directly into the uterus, and then into the tubes, where fertilization takes place;
  • side position - while the woman lies on her side, bending her knees under her, and the man behind her is also on her side;
  • the “doggie” pose, or “doggy-style”, - the partner is on her knees, the man is behind her.

Which position to choose depending on the position of the uterus

The choice of a special position during intimacy directly depends on the position of the uterus.

Normal position of the uterus

Normally, the uterus is located so that an angle of 90 ° is formed between its neck and the vagina. In this case, you can ignore the special positions, just lie down after making love on your back for 15-20 minutes.

Normally, the cervix is ​​at right angles to the vagina.

Curvature of the uterus

If the uterus is positioned so that the angle is turned back or forward, the uterus is bent. The bend can be either to the left or to the right.

As a rule, if the bend of the uterus is due to an anatomical feature and is not pronounced, this does not have any effect on the rate of conception. But if the bend is strong, then the sperm accumulates in the vagina and it is difficult for it to enter the uterus. In these cases, it is recommended to check with a doctor for the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvis or adhesions. If there are no health problems, the doggy-style pose is suitable for you.

Usually, the bend of the uterus is detected as a congenital condition, that is, it is an anatomical feature of a woman.

The best position for ejaculation when the uterus is bent is doggy style. You get on all fours and slightly bend your back, the partner is attached to you from behind on his knees or standing. So the cervix is ​​​​displaced closer to the center, and the likelihood of sperm passage increases.

Pose "doggie-style" allows for deep penetration

Tips for Increasing the Chances of Fertilization with a Twisted Uterus

To increase your chance, follow the rules:

  • after intercourse, perform the exercise "birch". It is necessary to stay in this position for approximately ten minutes;
  • if you get hard, ask your spouse to help you. Let him hold your legs and body. In addition, doing this exercise together will relieve emotional discomfort and allow you to relax;
  • after performing the "birch" lie on your stomach. This will allow the sperm to gain a foothold in the uterus. Lie down like this for another ten to twenty minutes.

"Birch" must be performed for 10 minutes, and then lie down on your stomach

Saddle uterus

Anomalies in the development of the main female organ are varied. But this rarely affects the process of conception. Basically, the problem is associated with sedentary spermatozoa of a man or inflammatory processes in a woman's body.

With a high probability that a fertilized egg will not be fixed where it is needed. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the timely passage of ultrasound in order to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. The choice of posture does not play a huge role in this case.

The pronounced saddle shape of the uterus can interfere with the implantation of the embryo, because of this, pregnancy cannot occur.

Does the choice of position during intercourse affect the gender of the child

Dear women, do not console yourself with hopes that certain positions in sex or any other magical rituals can affect the sex of the unborn child. It all depends on genetic predisposition and other factors.

Although many argue that if you really want a girl, it will turn out to be a girl.

I think this is absolute nonsense about the pose. And “For fast boy sperm to overtake girl’s” - then you don’t have to keep a pose, but make a girl a couple of days before ovulation. Although this may not be true ;-)) We had a classic pose, I remember because my husband worked in another city and this was the only PA for the cycle. Ovulation was on the 3rd day after PA. Promise a girl


Unwanted positions during sex

The feeling of comfort and pleasure is the main guideline in choosing a position for conception. Don't let your partner feel uncomfortable. Listen to his/her opinion and wishes.

During sex, positions that bring discomfort should be avoided.

It is undesirable to use postures:

  • in which the partner experiences pain. If you feel unwell or feel pain during sex, you need to change your position. If this does not help, stop intercourse;
  • where the woman is. This reduces the chances of getting pregnant, because the spermatozoa simply flow out of the vagina and do not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus.

If the conception of the desired baby is delayed for a long time, consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. An experienced specialist will conduct the appropriate diagnostics and tell you what to do in your particular case.

If future children are a settled issue, and the stage of preparation for pregnancy has been successfully completed, it is time to proceed to the most important thing. What are the most effective positions for conception? A detailed review is in our article.

You can get pregnant quickly in any position if both partners are healthy. Therefore, before you start trying, you need to undergo examinations and, if necessary, be cured. And also (that is, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, eat the right food). Perhaps then you don’t have to think at all about the position in which you can quickly get pregnant. You simply will not have time, because conception will occur without any effort, easily and pleasantly. Even if not in the first month, but quickly enough.

And yet, doctors believe that there are better positions for conceiving a child. Why are some poses more effective than others?

  • The "correct" position involves deep penetration. After all, the closer the sperm is from the egg, the shorter the path. And the more likely it is that the sperm will overcome it with honor.
  • The force of gravity helps. Simply put, sperm flows where it is required, and does not flow out.
  • A man's orgasm is strong enough to help sperm penetrate deep into a woman's body.
  • The maximum volume of sperm is allocated.
  • The vagina is straightened, not curved, there is no additional interference for deep penetration.


This chapter does not answer the question of how to get pregnant 100 percent. This is only a recommendation, which position will contribute to the conception of a child.

Missionary (classic)

The woman is on her back with her legs spread. The man lies on top, helping himself with his hands. The missionary position has several options. To get pregnant quickly, you can put a pillow under the female buttocks: the pelvis will rise, and the penetration will be deeper. It is believed that the “classic” is the best position for conception: in this position, the maximum volume of seminal fluid is released, which quickly enters the uterus.


Great position for getting pregnant. This is also a missionary version. But at the same time, the man leans on his knees, and the woman raises her pelvis. It is better to use a pillow under the buttocks. But you can do without it.


How to get pregnant the first time? The knee-elbow position will help. The man is behind, the woman leans on her knees and elbows. Or, as an option, on straightened arms. But on the elbows it is preferable - the sperm almost does not flow out.

Side (spoons)

"Spoons" is one of the best positions for conception: comfortable and relaxed. After ejaculation, a woman is advised to lie down without changing position.


The girl's legs are on the shoulders ("shoulder straps") of a man. For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to get pregnant quickly. Because the penetration is very deep, the female pelvis is raised and the sperm remains inside.

"Lying Lotus"

The difference between the “Lying Lotus” position and the “classic” position is that the legs are raised up, and the sperm practically does not flow out.

spider web

This is a side pose facing each other. The woman wraps her legs around the man as tightly as possible.

  1. Read the article, take note and ... try to forget. There is nothing worse than the ghost of a gynecologist with glasses and a candle looming over your bed. He will nag: “to the right”, “more intense” and “well, what are you doing, at this angle the sperm will never reach the egg” ... In general, do not create a personal hell for yourself out of a pleasant occupation.
  2. The best pose is the one you like. Effective positions only slightly increase the chances of getting pregnant, but do not guarantee this. But if you focus on the “correct” conception, then the husband risks earning problems with potency. Not to mention the fact that the girl will definitely not be able to relax. Do you need it?
  3. Relentlessly practicing the Kama Sutra is a bad idea. With very frequent contacts, the quality of sperm decreases. Rare sex also does not add chances, since there is a risk of not getting into ovulation. The optimal mode is 4-7 coitus per week.
  4. A female orgasm (not necessarily at the same time as a male one) increases the chances of conception.
  5. Immediately after coitus, the girl should not run into the shower. You have to lie down calmly. It is advisable to raise the pelvis (for example, with a pillow). Some experts recommend standing in the “birch” position during conception, so that the force of gravity will help you get pregnant faster.
  6. Consider the day of the cycle. The main efforts should fall on the days before, during and immediately after ovulation. How to quickly get pregnant after menstruation? Count 11-14 days from the onset of menstruation - this will be a favorable period for ovulation.
  7. Read helpful tips about.

So, the positions in which you make love are important for conception. But they are not important. Much more important is your health and your sincere relationship.

The onset of pregnancy cannot be 100% predicted, but by adhering to some simple rules, you can increase the likelihood of conception at times.

Choosing a position for getting pregnant

The position during sex does not have a decisive influence on the possibility of conception, some generally deny the relationship between the position in sex and pregnancy. But if you want to know in what position you cannot get pregnant, then you will receive a unanimous answer from experts - you can conceive a child in absolutely any position.

According to most couples, the best positions for getting pregnant are:

  • classic missionary position;
  • doggy style;
  • on the side (man behind).

In general, “favorable” sex positions for getting pregnant are united by a common characteristic - a woman should be in a position in which sperm will not flow out. Keep in mind that the position has an impact on the likelihood of conception only at the time of ejaculation and after it. And this means that you may well use your favorite positions, including the position of the rider or standing, during the entire sexual intercourse, changing them to "favorable" in the finale. Thus, you increase the likelihood of conception and at the same time do not turn sex into a routine. As you can see, the choice in which position is better to get pregnant is completely up to you and your partner.

The most common advice for those who want to get pregnant is the birch pose after sex. The advice is not without meaning, because in this position a woman will be able to save the maximum amount of sperm. If you find it difficult to keep your legs up, lie down with your feet on the wall. Or simply tuck your legs in towards your stomach while lying on your back – this pose is just as effective and much easier to perform.

Other Ways to Increase Your Chances of Conception

In the case when there are no significant health problems, almost any posture will do, however, erosion and other diseases can be more difficult. In any case, relying only on positions is not worth it, increase your chances of conceiving a child with the help of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, if necessary, take multivitamin complexes, try not to overwork and avoid stress. It is desirable for both partners to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, to treat chronic diseases (if any). General strengthening procedures and moderate physical activity will benefit.


Currently, among today's youth there is a trend of family planning and children. Couples try to build their lives according to a pre-agreed scenario: get married, get a home, have a well-paid job and have children. Perhaps such time management will be better, since both partners will be psychologically prepared for the birth and upbringing of a child.

However, it is not always possible to conceive a child immediately at will. In such cases, you can use various methods that contribute to the fertilization of the egg. For example, experiment with a partner, learn the best positions for conceiving a child.

Choosing a position for conception

The position of the body during sex, in which the best state for the fusion of the egg with the spermatozoon is achieved, was not invented.

Effective positions for conceiving a child are developed by gynecologists who specialize in human reproductive function.

Often the optimal position for fertilization depends on the structural features of the genital organs. Therefore, if you experience difficulties, pain during intercourse, consult a gynecologist. An experienced specialist will determine the individual structure of the body and advise favorable postures for conception.

  • “Doggy style”
This position can be called knee-elbow in another way: a woman leans on her knees and elbows, slightly raising her pelvis. In this position, the penis is directed directly to the cervix and is able to penetrate deeply into the female womb, and the high position of the pelvis prevents the flow of sperm. The pose can be slightly modified. Then the woman needs to remove the support from her elbows and lie on her stomach, leaving the lower body in the same position. At the end of intercourse, stay in this position for a while or lie on your stomach. The knee-elbow position is convenient for women who have a displacement or curvature of the uterus. According to popular belief, during fertilization in this position, boys are most often born.
  • "Missionary Pose"
In this position, the partners take the classic body position when the man is over the woman lying on her back. The missionary position is comfortable and provides deep penetration if there are no abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs or the cervix is ​​located above it. After having sex, to achieve the maximum effect, a woman should perform the “birch” exercise. Keep your legs in an upright position, for convenience, you can put a pillow under the buttocks.
  • "Spoons"
Partners lie on their side either facing each other, or the man hugs the woman from behind. In this position, the partner is able to control the pace and strength of frictional movements. This position is recommended when the uterus deviates to the right or left. Moreover, the partner should lie on the side in which the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bdirected. Thus, sperm can linger in the vagina. After the total act, lie down on the desired side for a while.
  • "General"
Another position that promotes conception. The woman lies on her back, and throws her legs over the shoulders of her partner. Without changing the position of the body, the female partner can spread her legs wide in the air. During intercourse, a man can caress a woman, giving her more pleasure. The horizontally positioned pelvis of a woman favors the penetration of sperm.
  • "I want a girl"
The name of the pose corresponds to the desire of the couple to conceive a girl. To do this, a woman sits on top of a man lying on his back. Moreover, one of her legs stands behind the male thigh, and the second is between his legs. One of her hands rests on her knee, the other is on a man's chest. In this position, the partner takes the initiative.

It is worth noting that having sex in the positions described is not necessarily on the bed. Try to achieve pleasure on the sofa, ottoman, table, etc.

Increase the possibility of getting pregnant by making love with a partner on the days of ovulation, when the egg is ready for fertilization and leaves the ovary into the abdominal cavity. These days, spermatozoa have the maximum chance of merging with the female cell.

It is possible according to the characteristic physiological symptoms, calendar calculation, rapid test, as well as in the gynecologist's office. Conception is most likely to occur within 5 days before ovulation and 1 day after it. It is also calculated that the maximum activity of spermatozoa is reached around 5 pm.

What prevents conception

Among the huge variety of sexual positions, there are those that prevent the male organ from penetrating deeply into the female body and reaching the sperm of the uterus. As a rule, with this position of the partners' bodies, after a man's orgasm, sperm flows out of the vagina under the influence of gravity.

These include sitting postures, during which the pelvis receives insufficient blood circulation. And also when standing, the cervix is ​​located at the top, and even with intense ejaculation, spermatozoa may not reach their cherished goal.

However, you should not think that sex in these positions will protect you from unwanted pregnancy. Only modern methods of contraception can guarantee a high degree of protection.

The motor activity of spermatozoa is negatively affected by sexual intercourse using lubricants, in a hot bath or pool. High temperatures, chlorine-containing substances, fragrant foams and bath shampoos make male cells inactive and reduce the possibility of conception.

All efforts to conceive a child may be in vain if the partners are psychologically negative. You don't have to worry about whether or not you can achieve your goal. First of all, you must enjoy your partner. Positive emotions and favorable postures will eventually lead to the desired result, and soon you will say: “Honey, we will have a baby!”
