How to deeply cleanse the pores on your face. General information about the cleansing procedure

Pores are ducts of the sebaceous glands. Their purpose is to protect the skin from irritating external factors by secreting a special secretion. But they can also cause certain cosmetic defects. Problems arise due to enlarged pores, which occurs when the skin is oily. Large amounts of sebum mixed with dirt, dust and dead epithelium clog the ducts. This leads to the appearance of pimples and large blackheads (comedones), stretching the pores. This can happen if the face cream is chosen incorrectly, as well as if you overuse flour, sweet and fatty foods.

Duct cleaning

Before tightening your pores, you need to clean them, as they are clogged with sebum. The process of cleaning the pores on your nose may differ from the process on other parts of your face.

Facial cleansing services for acne and blackheads are provided by beauty salons, but they are not cheap. It is much easier and more economical to do this at home using folk remedies.

Cleaning pores leads to the following positive effects:

  • normalization of metabolic processes in epidermal cells;
  • improving the quality of cell “nutrition”;
  • eliminating the problems of enlarged pores;
  • preventing skin inflammation due to the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in clogged pores;
  • activation of collagen production, strengthening of fibers, increasing local immunity.

Classic cleaning

If you have makeup on your face, before cleaning, you must remove any remaining powder and foundation from your nose. A small piece of clean cotton cloth or gauze should be dipped in boiling water, cooled slightly and applied to the nose.

This process should take 10 minutes. As the fabric cools, it must be dipped in boiling water. This should lead to maximum expansion of the pores, which will facilitate the process of removing dirt from them. After steaming, you need to apply a strong solution of hydrogen peroxide to your nose with a cotton swab to loosen the outer layer of the epidermis and facilitate the release of sebaceous plugs.

Next, by lightly squeezing the skin, you need to remove these plugs. It is advisable to wrap your fingers with a clean bandage. Those sebaceous plugs that do not come out should be pryed out with a thin needle pre-treated with alcohol. After this, you need to mix a teaspoon of fine salt and soda. Dip a thoroughly soaped piece of sponge into the resulting mixture and wipe your nose with it. Then you need to rinse your face with water and treat your nose with peroxide again.

Gelatin mask

This product allows you to most effectively get rid of blackheads on the nose. The effect of such a mask is not inferior to professional products.

Before you start cleaning, you need to steam the skin of your nose in the same way as in the previous method. To prepare the mask, you need to pour a teaspoon of gelatin with a tablespoon of fresh milk and leave for half an hour until the gelatin swells to its maximum.

The resulting composition must be heated in a water bath to 40 degrees and applied to the surface of the nose. It is recommended to press the mixture as tightly as possible onto the skin when applying. The mask should be kept on for half an hour. During this time, the gelatin completely hardens.

The resulting film must be removed with a sharp movement, similar to how one removes a plaster. On the reverse side there will be a large number of removed plugs.

other methods

An egg white mask will help to quickly cleanse pores:

  1. 1. To do this, the whipped egg white should be applied in a thick layer to the skin of the nose.
  2. 2. Cover the top with a paper napkin, onto which apply another layer of mask.
  3. 3. Wait half an hour and then tear off the napkin as described above.

To cleanse your skin at home, it’s easy to prepare a scrub:

  1. 1. To do this, rinse 3 tablespoons of rice, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight.
  2. 2. In the morning, drain the water and mash the rice until it becomes mushy.

The procedure for cleaning pores must be done weekly in the summer, and twice a month in the winter.

Narrowing pores

The next thing you need to do to tidy up your facial skin is to tighten the pores on your nose. The pores need to be narrowed, because when steaming they expand as much as possible, which can lead to infection and, as a result, inflammation.

To narrow the pores on the skin, masks are used, the recipes of which are very simple. After rinsing and treating the skin with hydrogen peroxide, let it dry and wipe with ice cubes. This is preparation for applying masks.

Problem: how to clean the pores on the face worries most women. Clogged pores ruin even the most beautiful makeup. Deep and high-quality cleansing of the skin can help eliminate this deficiency.

Cleansing is the most important task in facial care. Many home remedies and special remedies can remove blackheads, as well as prevent acne and make your skin look healthy and fresh.

In addition to problems with internal organs, clogged pores can be caused by contamination of the facial skin.

Residues of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dead cells prevent sebum from reaching the surface, which causes enlarged pores and the occurrence of acne.

To choose the right methods for cleansing the surface of the face and methods for narrowing pores, you need to know the exact causes of this disease.

There are the following reasons why the excretory ducts become contaminated:

  1. Influence of hereditary factors.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Oily or combination skin type.
  4. Problems with the digestive system.
  5. Impaired functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
  6. Food high in animal fat, seasonings and carbohydrates.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes.
  8. The influence of bad habits: smoking and drinking harmful drinks.
  9. Excessive use of cosmetics.
  10. Abuse of frequent exposure to the sun, which impairs the functioning of the sebaceous glands and leads to dehydration of the surface of the face.

Also common causes of pollution include constant stressful situations and long-term medication use.

Effective cleaning at home

Particularly high-quality cleansing is required for enlarged pores, which often occur in people with oily skin types. Contamination with sebum contributes to clogging of the excretory ducts, as a result of which the surface of the face loses its attractiveness.

  • To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to cleanse the skin regularly.
  • Pores are cleaned at home using special products.
  • Cleaning mixtures should consist of drying and astringent components.

Lemon, aloe or medicinal chamomile are suitable for this. Tonics containing zinc oxide are used for basic care. After cleansing mixtures, apply moisturizer.

An important tool used in skin care is a cosmetic stick. It allows you to carefully treat the surface around the eyes.

Simple tips will help you decide how to clean the pores on your nose:

  1. Every day you need to use milk or a special gel. Such products contain extracts of iris, chamomile or cloves.
  2. For proper care, you need to determine your own skin type. This influences the choice of the appropriate product.
  3. Do not rub your face or rub it too hard with a hard towel.
  4. Liquid in the excretory ducts prevents their rapid contamination. High-quality moisturizing is recommended for any skin type.
  5. Matte makeup cream allows you to maintain the smoothness of your face for a long time.

Once every two weeks, the skin should be cleansed of dead particles. To do this, exfoliating procedures are performed: .

A self-prepared mask will help to effectively cleanse the pores on your nose. To do this, a teaspoon of gelatin is mixed with a tablespoon of milk and left until the gelatin swells. Then the solution is heated until completely dissolved. The hot mixture should be applied to the skin with patting movements. The mixture hardens into a solid mask. After 30 minutes it can be removed with one sharp movement.

Cleansing with activated carbon helps quickly remove all blackheads. Creams and masks based on this substance have a moisturizing and smoothing effect.

You can prepare a mask with black clay and activated carbon. To do this, clay is mixed with activated carbon, warm milk and a teaspoon of gelatin and left for 15 minutes. A mask with activated charcoal, rose water and a few drops of essential oil will help soothe irritated skin.

Effective masks with activated carbon will help hide many imperfections and quickly cleanse heavily contaminated excretory ducts.

Other gentle cleansing options:

  1. Soda facial scrub
  2. Oatmeal scrub recipes
  3. Recipes for masks with blue clay

A stronger cleansing effect can be achieved using peelings:

Carefully read the contraindications and techniques for performing peeling yourself!

Main stages of cleansing

When deciding how to clean the pores on your nose, you should follow a certain sequence of the cleansing procedure.

Clogged pores are cleaned in several stages:

  1. To soften the skin of the face and open the excretory ducts, steaming is performed. Herbal compresses are also used. A herbal infusion of calendula or sage will help steam the pores on your nose. It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction.
  2. To remove impurities, use scrubs and other homemade products. If your skin is oily, you need to cleanse it twice a week. If you have a dry face, you can cleanse your skin once a week. For oily skin, stronger products with abrasive properties are selected.
  3. Pore ​​narrowing is done using certain masks. Skin pores are treated with a weak solution of lemon juice or.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the skin is moisturized. To do this, choose a cream with nutritional properties or fatty oil.

Clogged pores can be deeply cleaned in the following way:

  1. After steaming the face, the index fingers are wrapped in a bandage and moistened in a peroxide solution. Without strong pressure, the largest excretory ducts are cleaned. Then the nose is wiped with peroxide.
  2. Prepare a mixture of baking soda, salt and a small amount of water. Using the solution, you can massage the skin of your nose. Then the product is washed off with water.

At regular Using the procedures, the pores in the nose area will gradually decrease. The key principle here is regularity!

Pores on the face become clogged as a result of using low-quality cosmetics. Products based on mineral oil deeply contaminate the skin. For problem skin, cosmetologists recommend using less oil-based cream. And replace the foundation with a lighter product.

If, after regular procedures with special care products, the excretory ducts are still dirty, then you need to contact a specialist.

Modern means

When home recipes do not help, you should turn to professional cleansing methods. It is worth trying special strips for cleansing the pores of the nose and chin. They come in three types: with activated carbon, with green tea and classic.

Effective cleaning can be done in salons that offer the following cleaning methods:

  1. Vacuum facial cleansing is popular. This involves using an instrument called a drainage tube, which is suctioned to the skin and helps open and clear the excretory ducts. The procedure is recommended for oily skin and redness.
  2. Ultrasonic facial cleansing helps to clean the pores well, which allows you to open the pores. This method has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. You can do high-quality cleaning using the skin. This method allows you to deeply cleanse the pores and eliminate the causes of inflammation.
  4. is a hardware method that gently exfoliates and stimulates the skin. Such a tool activates the growth of new cells.

To keep your face looking good, you need to take care of it daily. However, even in this case, the pores on the face may become dirty. Clogged pores look unsightly. In addition, this problem precedes an even more significant one - the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Not everyone has access to the services of beauty salons, so let's find out how to clean the pores on your face at home.

Why do pores get clogged?

The answer to this question interests many people. This problem most often worries teenagers, since during adolescence, hormonal changes occur in the body, affecting the formation of unwanted comedones. People with problem skin often develop pimples and blackheads, as dirt easily gets into enlarged pores and remains there because the outlet is clogged with secretions from the sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones and subcutaneous bumps are formed.

In adults who face the problem of clogged pores and the formation of blackheads, this is due to hormonal imbalances. In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist and find out the exact cause, after which you should follow the doctor’s instructions. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe hormone tests for you and only after that will determine the direction of treatment to restore the skin.

Those with dry and oily skin should also carefully monitor their face, because this skin is prone to clogged pores.

Improper skin care and inappropriate cosmetics can cause clogged pores. Particles of cosmetics getting into enlarged pores are closed with plugs. Since sebum continues to be produced, it accumulates on the surface, provoking the onset of inflammation.

Girls who like to put a lot of makeup on their face also run the risk of getting a lot of blackheads and acne, since the facial skin does not breathe at all under its thick layer.

The cause of the appearance of blackheads, pimples, and blackheads may be an unhealthy diet. Fatty foods, chips, mayonnaise, crackers and various sauces cause the release of large amounts of subcutaneous sebum, which accumulates in the pores along with impurities.

Instructions for cleaning facial pores

In order to achieve the ideal effect, you need to cleanse your face in a certain sequence:

  1. Steam your face. First, soften the skin of the face to open the pores. To do this, you can make steam baths with herbal decoction. The duration of the procedure for normal skin should be 5 minutes, if the skin is prone to dryness - 3 minutes. You can add essential oils to the decoction. It is not recommended to do this procedure if you have skin diseases.
  2. We remove contaminants. A mask or scrub is ideal for removing dirt from pores. If you have oily or combination skin, then you should repeat this procedure twice a week, if dry or normal - once. Rinse your face with cool water and pat dry gently with a towel. If you choose a facial scrub in a store, then carefully select it for your skin type.
  3. We narrow the pores with diluted hydrogen peroxide, aloe leaf juice or lemon juice. Green tea or masks to tighten pores are also suitable for this purpose.
  4. Moisturize. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to moisturize your facial skin. You should not use fatty creams to avoid clogging enlarged pores.

Pore ​​Cleaning Recipes

There are many recipes used to remove dirt from pores.

Add table salt to cosmetic milk and stir. Afterwards, apply this mixture to your face and leave it for 1 minute, then remove it from your face with warm water. To avoid skin injury, do not use this mask if you have acne or other inflammatory processes.

Mix 2 tsp. gelatin and 3 tbsp. milk. Place in the microwave to warm up for 10 seconds. After the mixture has cooled, apply it to your face with a brush. Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes, during which time it will harden and become hard. Start removing it from your nose. All your unwanted blackheads will remain on this hard film.

Take oatmeal flakes and pour hot water over them, wait until they swell, and then spread them lightly over your face. Keep it on for five minutes and wash off with warm water. This mask will cleanse and soften your face.

Squeeze the cucumber juice, mix cucumber juice, olive oil and milk in equal proportions. Leave on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

Take the protein, beat it until foamy, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. The mixture must be stirred and applied carefully to the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water, then wipe your face with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Video: egg white pore cleanser

How not to clean your pores

Follow several rules when cleaning your pores, as there is a high risk of worsening the situation:

  1. You should not start cleaning your pores while there is still makeup on your face. Before cleaning your pores, you need to remove all makeup, otherwise it will get deep into the pores.
  2. Hands should not be dirty and neither should tools. Everything must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  3. You can’t steam your skin for a long time, everything should be in moderation.
  4. Carefully select cosmetic products for cleaning pores and use them only as directed.
  5. You shouldn't start cleaning your pores at home if you're not sure you can handle the task. This can result in serious skin problems. In such a situation, it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Cosmetics for cleaning pores

In stores, the selection of different cosmetics for facial skin care is rich enough that you can get confused. On the other hand, you have the opportunity to choose a product that is ideal for your skin type and cleanses it well. Below is a rating of facial care cosmetics.

Facial mousse La Roche Posay Effaclar H. This cosmetics is gaining great popularity now. The mousse can be selected specifically for your skin type, even if it is problematic. This mousse perfectly cleanses oily facial skin and softens it without causing dryness. And of course, clogged pores, pimples and blackheads disappear. Many girls have already confirmed the effect of this mousse with positive reviews.

Vichy Normaderm Anti Blemish Care 24H Hydration face cream. The cream is able to fight all blemishes on the face. Acne, pimples, clogged pores - it perfectly copes with these problems, as noted by fans of this cosmetic product.

Soft exfoliating mask-gommage Uriage Hyseac. Not all exfoliators can target oily skin, leaving it soft and flawless, like the Uriage Hyseac Gommage Mask does. It contains clay and active substances. Owners of this product note changes - the skin becomes soft, matte, smooth and without clogged pores.

Micellar solution Bioderma Sebium H2O. This solution copes well with problematic skin on the face. It softens the skin, eliminates imperfections, and can be used for washing. It is easy to use and prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

Here are four of the most popular beauty products that top the rest. You just need to choose a product for your skin type and use it.

Video: three-step cleaning using Chinese products

There are several tips for proper facial skin care.

  1. To choose the right cosmetic product for your face, you need to determine the type of skin on your face. After all, your future care directly depends on this. There are 4 skin types: oily, dry, combination and normal. What type is your skin?
  2. To ensure that your skin is always in perfect condition, you need to take care of it morning and evening: first we cleanse it, then we tone it, and then we moisturize and nourish it. This type of care is convenient at home. Morning and evening procedures will prevent inflammation from developing on your skin.
  3. It is important not to use toners with alcohol if you have oily skin. For dry skin, choose tonics and nourish the skin with creams before going outside. If you have a combination skin type, then choose your own care for each area.
  4. Never wash your face with tap water, it is too hard and damages the structure of your facial skin. Boil water and add a little soda.

Follow these facial skin care tips and your skin will become perfectly smooth and beautiful.

Clogged pores are one of the most common skin problems that lead to discoloration and breakouts. You can solve it by contacting a beauty salon. Specialists will select for you certain procedures that will effectively cleanse the epidermis without damaging it. However, you can deep clean pores at home. One of the most effective means in this case will be masks.

General information about the cleansing procedure

Efficiency of application

Regular cleansing procedures give the following results:

  1. Deep cleansing of pores from impurities.
  2. Narrowing of pores. This will prevent their re-contamination and improve the appearance of the epidermis.
  3. Cleansing of toxins and toxins from the deep layers of the epidermis.
  4. Saturation of the skin with oxygen.
  5. Also, depending on the components, the mask can nourish the skin with useful substances, moisturize it, smooth out wrinkles, improve color, and make the contour clear.

Note that you can achieve this effect by following certain rules.

Rules for cleansing pores at home

Any procedure requires compliance with certain recommendations. In this case, these will be the following points.

  1. The first thing to do is steam your face. A bath will help to do this. You just need to boil some water, pour it into a small basin, bend over it and cover your head with a towel. It is enough to sit like this for 10 minutes.
  2. No need to use a scrub.
  3. Before using the mask, you need to perform an allergy test.
  4. Keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes. Increasing the time can have a negative impact on the skin, even causing burns in some cases.
  5. The face mask should be washed off with water and lemon juice, but only if its juice is not included in the composition.
  6. To prepare the mask, you need to use only fresh products included in the recipe.
  7. The frequency of the procedure is at least once a week.
  8. After you have made the mask, you do not need to use any cosmetic products to nourish and moisturize the skin. Such manipulations will lead to blockage of the pores, and the procedure will be useless.

Deep cleansing of pores at home, performed according to these rules, will give a quick effect that will last a long time.

Deep pore cleansing: can be made at home using masks with oatmeal, milk, cottage cheese, crushed eggshells, raw egg whites, edible gelatin, natural olive oil, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, oils, lemon juice and sauerkraut

Recipes for masks to cleanse pores

Oatmeal mask


  1. Oatmeal - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 0.5 cups.

If you have dry skin, then milk should be replaced with water. The selected product should be slightly warmed and poured into the oatmeal. Stir well and place the mask on your face while massaging it. This recipe will deeply cleanse the epidermis and nourish the skin.

Mask with cottage cheese


  1. Cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Boiled chicken egg shell - 1 pc.

First, grind the shells. Then mix it with cottage cheese and pour milk. This recipe will not only cleanse pores of impurities, but also moisturize the skin.

Mask with gelatin

You need:

  1. Gelatin - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Milk - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Chicken protein - 1 pc.

Mix gelatin with milk and place in a water bath. Wait for the gelatin to completely dissolve. Next, the composition needs to be cooled. After this, add the protein and beat. Apply the mask to your face, leave for 15 minutes, then wash. This mask helps get rid of blackheads and deeply cleanses the epidermis. Can be done on girls with any skin type.

Oil mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Cucumber - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Kefir - 1 tablespoon.

Remove the skin from the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting pulp in a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Place the mask on your face for 20 minutes. When the specified time has passed, wash your face with cool water. This mask will cleanse the skin and moisturize it.

Yeast mask


  1. Yeast - 1 tablespoon.
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide - 1 tablespoon.

Pour hydrogen peroxide into the yeast until it forms a paste. If it turns out very thick, then the amount of peroxide can be increased. Apply the mask to your face. This procedure will cleanse the skin, tighten it and improve color.

Protein mask

You need:

  1. Protein - 1 pc.
  2. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Tea tree oil - 3-4 drops.

Beat the egg white into a thick foam and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Place the mask on your skin for 15 minutes. After the specified period has expired, wash your face with cool water. This procedure will improve your complexion and moisturize your skin.

Cabbage mask


  1. Sauerkraut - 1 handful.

Take cabbage and chop it finely. Place it on your face. This mask will help cleanse the skin, even out the color and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Deep cleansing of pores at home, carried out according to the recommendations described above, can replace salon procedures for you. Carry out the procedure regularly and you will notice a positive effect.

Enlarged and clogged pores cannot be hidden with cosmetics: even with the best foundation, the surface of the skin becomes uneven, and the face has an untidy appearance due to the abundance of blackheads. You can improve the condition of skin with clogged pores even in advanced cases.

Salon procedures and proper care will help you with this. 10 most effective tips to help those who don’t know how to clean pores.

Due to irregular or insufficient cleansing, excess sebum and impurities accumulate in the pores, which stretch the skin ducts. The result is enlarged pores and blackheads. Daily cleansing is the first and most important step towards clear pores.

Blackheads appear most often on oily skin, so use foams and gels. To cleanse dry skin, pay attention to two-phase liquids, mousses, and also creams for washing with oils.

2. Remove makeup thoroughly

If you are too zealous with decorative cosmetics and do not wash it off well, you are guaranteed to get clogged pores. Choose a separate makeup remover. For example, it could be milk, oil or micellar water. In the second step, use a gel or foam cleanser to remove any remaining makeup and the first product.

Use tonics or lotions after washing: they complete the cleansing process, protect the skin from drying out, and eliminate the feeling of tightness. They even out the tone and texture of the epidermis, accelerate cell renewal, thereby improving the condition of skin with enlarged, clogged pores.

4. Use retinol and acids in your daily care

Introduce creams with retinols and acids into your cosmetic diet. Retinols regulate the secretion of sebum, the excess of which accumulates in the pores in the form of plugs. Acids gently exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis - these can be fruit acids or salicylic acid. The former are suitable for normal skin, salicylic is more preferable for problematic skin with inflammation.

Peels and scrubs remove the superficial stratum corneum, cleanse pores, improve blood circulation and smooth out facial contours. They are necessary for both oily and dry skin. For dry epidermis, choose peels based on glycolic acid: it delicately exfoliates, as a result, even deep-seated plugs in the pores come to the surface, after which they can be easily removed.

If you have sensitive skin on which redness often appears, then choose enzyme peels - they are the most gentle, so they will not harm even the sensitive epidermis. Enzyme-based peels delicately remove dead cells without damaging the skin.

If even small pores are clogged, the skin looks lumpy and dull, then it makes sense to take a course of peelings in a beauty salon. Maintain the results with acid peels for self-use - they have a minimal concentration of acids, so they are safe for home use.

6. Go to a beauty salon for a cleaning.

Mechanical or hardware cleaning will help improve the condition of problem skin with clogged pores. If there is a large accumulation of blackheads on the face, then the fight against enlarged clogged pores should begin with cleansing, since trying to narrow or somehow disguise clogged pores is completely useless.

Mechanical cleaning is the most effective way to remove large and small blackheads. This is a somewhat traumatic procedure, but there is no alternative to it if the sebaceous plugs are deep and tight. Cleaning in the salon includes several stages: cleansing the skin; applying a special mask to open pores and soften their contents; removing sebaceous plugs using a Uno spoon or your hands; applying an anti-inflammatory mask.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a less painful, but also less effective procedure. It will not help clean pores with deep sebaceous plugs. Ultrasonic cleaning removes minor impurities, exfoliates the stratum corneum, smoothes the skin microrelief and improves complexion. Thanks to light micromassage with ultrasonic waves, facial skin becomes smoother, well-groomed, and radiant.

Look for masks with activated carbon - it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the skin well; with kaolin - this is a universal cleanser for all skin types that eliminates excess oil, minimizes inflammation, and as a natural absorbent cleanses pores of impurities. For oily, problem skin, look for clay-based masks with zinc, charcoal and volcanic ash.

Cleansing strips can be your assistant for painlessly removing blackheads - they are easy to use and help quickly tidy up the T-zone. However, such strips are ineffective in the presence of dense sebaceous plugs that sit deep in the pores.

8. Avoid comedogenic cosmetics

The fight against clogged pores requires an integrated approach, including a review of the decorative and skincare cosmetics you use.

First of all, exclude cosmetic products with substances that are known to be highly comedogenic: lanolin, a number of vegetable oils (coconut, cocoa butter), petroleum products.

An unbalanced diet is not the most obvious, but, meanwhile, one of the significant causes of pore contamination. Excessive consumption of fatty foods, processed foods, sweets, and lack of vitamins lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne. Normalize your diet - make up for the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, eat more vegetables and fruits (fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract), drink more fermented milk products for healthy intestinal microflora, and you will notice how this will better affect the condition of your skin.

10. Don't touch your face

Finally, last but not least, try to touch your face with your hands as little as possible. Germs and bacteria live on our hands and can be transferred to our face. The result is that the skin becomes inflamed and the pores become clogged. Develop the habit of touching your face as little as possible, and you will be less likely to experience inflammation and acne.

Clogged pores are the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, insufficient cleansing, and excessive use of thick decorative cosmetics. Cleanse your skin well, use acid or enzyme peels, and cleansing clay masks to give your face a well-groomed appearance. If the pores are severely clogged, you first need mechanical cleaning, and only then corrective home care.
