How to get rid of brittle nails? Mechanical damage to the nail plate. Brittle nails - causes and ways to strengthen them

Many of us are faced with the problem of brittle and splitting nails. This forces us to hide our hands in shame and look for ways to eliminate this seemingly cosmetic defect. The condition of our nails can be negatively affected by various external or internal factors, and the appearance of such a symptom should not be left without due attention. Sometimes, to eliminate such a cosmetic defect, it is enough to just put on rubber gloves or refuse to use aggressive household chemicals, but in some cases, only a course of treatment for the underlying disease that provoked a change in the structure of the nail plates will help restore the health and beauty of your nails.

That is why, in order to eliminate such a problem, it is always necessary to accurately determine the cause of brittleness and splitting of nails, and only after that begin their restoration, and in some cases, treatment of the underlying disease. What reasons can lead to disruption of the structure of the nail plate? How can you get rid of them? How to restore the beauty and health of nails? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What external causes lead to brittleness and splitting of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by the following aggressive external causes, leading to dry and brittle nails:

  • prolonged contact with water;
  • frequent exposure to low or high temperatures (dry and hot air, hot water, etc.);
  • aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals (household chemicals, nail polishes, nail polish remover, building materials, etc.);
  • use of low-quality nail files;
  • improper care of hands and nails;
  • improperly performed manicure or nail extensions;
  • mechanical injuries.

The external factors described above lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nail plate or its mechanical damage. As a result, the nail begins to peel, becomes dry and brittle.

What internal reasons lead to brittleness and splitting of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by various internal reasons that provoke a malnutrition of the nail tissue. These include:

  • poor nutrition or aggressive diets leading to insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins from food (deficiency of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron);
  • period of active growth of children or adolescents;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • onychomycosis (caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermaphyton floccosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Alternaria, Aspergillus and other types of fungi);
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (functional disorders, etc.);
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs (intestines, etc.).

The reasons described above lead to disruption of the nutrition of the nail plate and changes in its structure. As a result, the nails begin to peel and break, and grooves, depressions, or areas of discoloration appear on them. In such cases, it is not possible to improve the appearance of nails with the help of external means, and you can get rid of the problem that has arisen only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence (i.e., treating the underlying disease, giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition).

What do nails look like with some diseases?

Overdrying of the nail plates, caused by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals or exposure to aggressive factors and chemicals, is manifested by delamination and increased brittleness of the nails. They lose their integrity, become dull and grow poorly. In such cases, a person needs to eliminate aggressive external factors, normalize nutrition and properly care for nails.

With the development of diseases of the internal organs, in addition to delamination and increased fragility, the condition of the nail plates can change as follows:

  • the appearance of dents and depressions on the nail - when;
  • yellowish tint of the nail - with;
  • cyanosis or paler color of the nail - in diseases associated with circulatory disorders;
  • shiny, brittle and soft nails without a hole (sometimes with tubercles) - with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • thickened, peeling nails with transverse grooves in the form of stripes - with hidden or recently suffered infectious diseases;
  • a yellowish nail with white spots and bumps on the surface - with diabetes;
  • yellow spots on the nails - with lung diseases;
  • concavity of the nail (surface like a spoon) – with;
  • a nail with a small scattering of white (pearl-like) convex tubercles - with a hidden viral infection;
  • discoloration to yellow, gray and blackish, porosity, delamination and peeling of the nail (up to its loss) - with fungal diseases.

Based on the signs described above, the doctor may suspect one or another disease of the internal organs and prescribe a number of additional studies that will help determine the true cause of the change in appearance and delamination of the nail plates. After this, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease, which will not only eliminate dysfunction of organs and systems, but also guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the nails.

General recommendations for eliminating splitting and brittle nails

When nails become split and brittle, it is important to eliminate external aggressive factors that may affect their health:

  1. When coming into contact with aggressive detergents or other chemicals, soil, building materials, hard or metal sponges, use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid prolonged contact with water.
  3. Limit exposure to high and low temperatures (wear gloves, use protective creams, etc.).
  4. Careful use of graters for cooking.
  5. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  6. Carefully trim your nails with high-quality nail scissors. The optimal shape for nails is oval or rectangular.
  7. Use only high-quality nail files (it is better to purchase glass ones). When filing nails, movements should be directed from the corner of the nail to the center. You should not file the sides of the nail plates.
  8. Learn how to do a manicure correctly or contact only an experienced specialist.
  9. Do not use low-quality nail polishes and nail polish remover containing acetone.
  10. Do not paint your nails constantly (it is advisable not to apply polish more than once a week). Give your nails a complete “rest” from polish 1-2 days a week.
  11. Before applying brightly colored varnishes, apply a special base for colored varnish.
  12. Avoid frequent procedures such as acrylic nail extensions and shellac-type coatings. It is better to avoid such procedures altogether if you have brittle and split nails.

To more effectively restore nail health, these recommendations must be supplemented with the following measures:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • replenishing the lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • proper nail care;
  • salon treatments (if possible).

How to balance nutrition when nails are brittle and split?

With increased brittleness and splitting of nails, you definitely need to think about the quality of your diet. It is an unbalanced diet and the abuse of strict diets for weight loss that often lead to the fact that the body receives an insufficient amount of those substances that are needed for the normal development of the nail plate.

To prevent and eliminate splitting and brittleness of nails, introducing into your daily diet foods that are rich in the following substances:

  1. Keratin: eggs, sea fish, poultry and meat.
  2. Calcium: cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds, egg whites, spinach, legumes, white cabbage and cauliflower, nuts and figs.
  3. Magnesium: buckwheat, oats, beans and soybeans, nuts, whole wheat grains, brown rice and spinach.
  4. Silicon: radish, radish, lettuce, nettle shoots, mushrooms and leeks.
  5. Sulfur: oats, buckwheat, seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, garlic, onions, radishes and radishes.
  6. Phosphorus: seafood, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and unrefined grains.
  7. Iodine: seaweed, seafood, sea fish, feijoa.
  8. Zinc: liver, meat, poultry, legumes, pine nuts and peanuts, wheat, oats, barley and buckwheat.
  9. Iron: liver, lentils, pistachios, buckwheat and barley, whole wheat, oats, cashews, peanuts, corn, dogwood and pomegranate.
  10. Vitamin B5: kidneys, beef liver and beef, eggs, sea fish, milk, brewer's yeast, legumes, rye flour, mushrooms and nuts.
  11. Vitamin B3: liver, chicken meat, peas, porcini mushrooms and champignons, eggs, nuts, corn, whole wheat and oats.
  12. Vitamin B1: pork, liver, nuts (pine, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews), lentils, cereals and pasta.
  13. Vitamin A: liver, butter, garlic, wild garlic, broccoli, processed cheese and feta cheese, sour cream, viburnum, seaweed and seafood.
  14. Vitamin C: bell pepper, rose hips, black currants, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges and broccoli.
  15. Vitamin E: nuts, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, rose hips, spinach, viburnum and sorrel.
  16. VitaminD: eggs, liver, sea bass, butter, sour cream and cream.

How to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals with split and brittle nails?

For faster nail restoration, it is recommended to take special vitamin and mineral complexes that contain the “building material” necessary for the formation of normal nail plates. Only a specialist can determine the lack of a particular vitamin or mineral, and that is why the selection of such drugs should be carried out by a doctor or in consultation with him.

The most popular and effective vitamin and mineral complexes for restoring the structure of nails are the following drugs:

  • Vitasharm (Veropharm, Russia);
  • Perfectil and Perfectil Plus (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • Revalid (Biogal, Hungary);
  • Lady'S formula (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Healthy hair and nails (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Ageless Skin (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Volvit (Kusum Healthcare, India);
  • Biotin (NOW Foods, USA);
  • Medobiotin (Medopharm Arzneimittel, Germany);
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma, Switzerland), etc.

The duration of taking such vitamin-mineral complexes is determined individually and depends on the degree of deficiency of vitamins or minerals. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions and follow all rules of administration.

How to properly care for split and brittle nails at home?

Despite the fact that splitting and brittleness of nails is a purely medical problem, proper cosmetic care and therapeutic procedures can make a significant contribution to the restoration of their structure. There are many recipes for strengthening nail plates that you can use at home and prepare yourself from foods, medications and oils.

Healing bath for nails with vegetable oil and green tea

Mix vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) and green tea (1:4 ratio) in a bowl. Heat the resulting solution to a comfortable temperature and place your hands in it for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime. Dry your hands with a paper towel and put on cotton gloves.

The oil and tea solution can be reused. It must be stored in the refrigerator (but no more than 3 days). The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

Salt baths for nails

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of very warm water and dip your fingers into the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Gelatin baths

Dissolve ½ tablespoon of gelatin in ¾ glass of warm water, heat it and dip your fingers in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week for a month.

Bath of infusions of pine needles and green tea

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of chopped pine needles and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add ½ cup of strongly brewed green tea to the infusion. Heat the resulting solution and dip your fingers in it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1-2 months.

Applications with burdock oil, iodine and lemon juice

Add 8 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of lemon juice to 200 ml of burdock oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Perform the procedure before bedtime. Moisten cotton pads in the resulting oil solution and secure them to your fingertips with an elastic band or thread (without squeezing your finger). Wear cotton gloves and do not take them off until the morning. Wash off the oil solution with soap and water. Apply applications 2-3 times a week for a month.

Applications based on olive oil, lemon juice and vitamin A

Take 10 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice and vitamin A to it. The procedure is best done before bed. Lubricate the nail plates with the resulting oil and wrap them with cling film. Wear cotton gloves and do not take them off until the morning. Such applications should be performed 4-6 times a month.

Applications of vitamins A and E

Purchase capsules of the drug AEvit at the pharmacy. Open the capsule, apply the oil solution to the cuticles and nails. Rub in with massage movements. Carry out this procedure daily (preferably before bedtime). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Applications of olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

Add 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine to 20 ml of olive oil. Mix, apply to the nail plate and rub in. Leave for 10-15 minutes and remove any remaining product with a paper towel. Such procedures can be carried out daily for a month.

Cranberry juice applications

Apply cranberry juice to your nails and rub in with massage movements. Carry out the procedure daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is a month.

Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lemon, black or red currant juice.

Applications from cactus juice

Apply cactus juice to the nail plates and rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water. Perform the procedure 2 times a week for 10 days.

If you brittle and brittle nails, which often break down for no reason, don’t miss this article. Weakness, delamination and yellowness nails- a problem for many women, but we all want to have well-groomed hands and a beautiful manicure. Fortunately, natural remedies can effectively help us strengthen our nails, and in this article we will tell you in detail how to use them.

Home Remedies to Strengthen Nails

1. Bath with olive and castor oil

A very simple and effective remedy that can be easily prepared at home. Ideal for nourishing fragile nails, it moisturizes and strengthens them, and combining it with castor oil turns into an excellent vitamin cocktail.

Mix 1 tablespoon each of olive and castor oil and apply to nails and skin of hands using a cotton pad. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then wash off with mild soap. If you repeat this procedure 3 times a week, you will soon notice a positive result - your nails will become strong and beautiful..

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is vital for our body: for strengthening bones, hair, nails and moisturizing and protecting the skin from free radicals. And with its help we will prepare medicinal nail enamel.

You will need vitamin E capsules, which can be easily found at the pharmacy, and clear nail polish. Add the contents of 1 capsule to clear varnish and mix with a brush. Regularly cover your nails with this composition - this will significantly improve their condition and eliminate brittleness.

3. Garlic

Surprised? Yes, garlic can really become your assistant in nail care - it has an antibacterial effect, which means it will protect them from fungal infections and toxic substances that can affect the condition of the nails.

In the evening, cut a clove of garlic in half and lightly massage your nails and cuticles with it, then wash off with baby antibacterial soap. Believe me, the smell will not remain on your hands.

4. Product for growing strong nails

We will share with you a super nourishing mask that will allow your nails to grow strong and healthy. It's very simple: mix 1 teaspoon of pulp, egg yolk, a little lemon juice and 5 teaspoons of milk. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply to the nails and skin of the hands for 10 minutes.

If you repeat this procedure 2 times a week, the result will not be long in coming.

5. Horsetail

Horsetail is ideal for strengthening, nourishing and healing nails. How to use it? Just boil four sprigs of this plant in a cup of water and let it cool. As soon as the broth has cooled to room temperature, dip your fingers in it for 15 minutes.

Repeat this procedure 2 times a week.

6. Lemon and almond butter

Another classic and easy to prepare remedy. You can find almond oil at a pharmacy or health store. For a nourishing and strengthening mask, you will need the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of sugar and almond oil.

First, mix lemon juice and sugar and soak your nails in this mixture for 10 minutes. Then use a cotton pad to apply almond oil to each nail. Effective and simple!

7. Nail whitener

Sometimes our nails take on an unpleasant yellowish tint. You can deal with it and whiten your nails using a simple remedy: add water and 1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar to a small container, soak your nails in this bath for 5 minutes.

Also useful for whitening nails: apply it to your nails with a cotton pad and don’t wash it off.

  • Avoid the bad habit of biting your nails, as this significantly weakens them and makes them brittle and lifeless. In addition, you can introduce an infection into your body.
  • Don't overuse nail polish. Your nails need to have access to oxygen, so take a break for a couple of weeks.
  • Do not use your fingernails to open any containers or perform other mechanical operations, as this may cause serious injury.
  • Get used to using household gloves when washing and washing. The use of powders and cleansers destroys the structure of the nails.

With the help of such simple recipes and tips, you can take care of your nails and shine with the beauty and well-groomed hands

Brittle nails are characterized by dryness, discoloration and the formation of bumps on the nail plate or their separation. Therefore, treatment for this problem will depend on the specific cause of their fragility.

In medicine this problem is called onychorrhexis. It "also known as brittle nails, is the brittleness of the fingernails or toenails that may be caused by excessive contact with detergents or water, nail polish remover, hypothyroidism, anemia, anorexia nervosa or bulimia, or occur after pre-oral retinoid therapy "


Nails can become brittle and brittle for a number of reasons, some of them related to daily hand care and too frequent manicures, and others due to health problems.

Environmental exposure

One of the common factors that cause brittle nails is chemical exposure. Aggressive substances may be contained in cleaning or detergents. Sensitive cells in the nail plate easily absorb them, resulting in decreased nail quality, dehydration, and peeling from the nail bed. The peeling process may begin unexpectedly.

Excessive exposure to water

Too frequent contact with water has a detrimental effect on the quality of fingernails and toenails, leading to dryness and brittleness, as well as cuticles and hand skin.

Water, especially cold water, has a detrimental effect on the cells of the nail plate and causes peeling, peeling and brittleness of the nails.

Swimming, hand washing and washing dishes are directly related to hand contact with water and therefore cause this problem.


Drying your nails with cheap polishes (including “medicated ones”) and nail polish remover makes your nails brittle after a few months

Some types of nail cosmetics, including polishes and nail removers, and disinfectants, contain alcohol, which leads to dehydration.

If used frequently, these products can cause drying and damage to the nails. Not all products will cause breakage, but frequent use may make the situation worse. For example, many people use nail polish remover that does not contain acetone, but the solvent present in such a product can dry out the nails.

Destruction of nail tissue

In addition to drying out, frequent use of nail polish removers can cause damage to the tissue of the nail plate, which will lead to its delamination. Try to use such products no more than once a week.


Vertical stripes on nails are a sign of aging.

This is another reason for brittle nails, since with age the body loses its ability to retain moisture in the body. This is perhaps the only factor that we cannot control.

Most often, people over 30 years old face this problem. The only thing that can be done in this case is to regularly use moisturizing creams, this will help slow down the effect of drying out nails.

But sometimes vertical stripes on the nail plate may not be associated with age, but may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction, the effects of stress, hormonal changes or diabetes.


Severe fragility and brittleness of nails can be caused by diseases affecting the nail plate.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is accompanied by yellowing, flaking, and brittleness.
Psoriasis causes excess cell growth. Unlike fungus, it is a non-contagious (non-infectious) disease. May occur simultaneously with psoriasis on the skin, or may appear only on the nail plates

Raynaud's syndrome

Nails may turn blue with Raynaud's phenomenon and may develop raised lines over time

According to Dr. Lowry, a disease such as Raynaud's syndrome, can cause brittle, thin, and weak nails that are prone to splitting.

This syndrome is usually characterized by poor circulation in the fingers and toes. The lips, ears and nipples may also be affected.

Changes in the color of the nail, tingling, a feeling of cold, or burning pain in the fingers after warming up near a heat source are all the main symptoms of Raynaud's syndrome.

Although the actual cause is unknown, doctors have linked the disorder to exposure to cold, chronic injuries, endocrine disorders, stress, and occupational activities that place stress on the fingers.


Before starting treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. This will help you choose the right treatment tactics, which will facilitate and speed up your recovery.

Vitamin supplements

Vitamins are often prescribed to treat brittle nails. In particular, for adults, a doctor may prescribe a course of vitamin B.

Another vitamin that will help cope with the problem is biotin. This water-soluble vitamin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats from foods, and also regulates their balance.

In the course of research, it was found that patients who took a course of biotin significantly improved the condition of their nails. About 2.5 grams of biotin supplement per day will help strengthen fragile nails. The course of treatment with this supplement is about 6 months, or until a healthy nail grows completely.

Drug treatment

There is also a treatment option with medications. These medications are designed to strengthen fragile, brittle, and peeling nails. According to, “these products contain hydroxypropyl chitosan (HPCH), which penetrates into the intercellular spaces and superficial grooves of the nail, providing physical support and creating a barrier against external factors.”

Another effective nail product is Nuvail. It provides protection against substances that dry out the nail plate.

Unfortunately, most of these products often come with a high price tag.

Nail strengthener

For people who suffer from brittle nails, the cosmetics market offers special products whose main function is to strengthen the nail plate.

However, they should be used with great caution.

The recipes described below for home use can improve the condition of your nails.

Liquid paraffin baths + heated hand pillows

Heated mitts

Warming paraffin baths or heated hand pillows (available on Amazon) will strengthen your nails and cuticles. For greater effect, you can use cuticle oil.

Use of rubber gloves

We recommend using rubber gloves when handling chemicals, household cleaners and when washing dishes.

Moisturizing hand cream

Using fragrance-free moisturizers will keep your cuticles looking healthy and prevent flaking. In addition, this will partially prevent your nails from drying out too much.

Diet rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A strengthens the nail plate and also reduces the risk of infection with certain diseases that negatively affect the health of the nails.

Foods rich in vitamin A include:

  • grapefruit;
  • most leafy green vegetables such as spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • apricot;
  • sweet potatoes (yams).

Moisturizing hand cleanser

Instead of sanitizers, choose moisturizing products for your body and hands, such as those from Dove.

Precautions during treatment

  • You should avoid acrylic coating until your nails are completely healed.
  • With calcium deficiency, the condition of the nails will deteriorate significantly, although this is not the main reason for their fragility.
  • Some remedies for treating and strengthening nails can significantly worsen the situation and even lead to serious damage.
  • The most common cause of brittle and split nails is dryness of the nail plate. In this case, high-quality moisturizing will be sufficient.
  • In rare cases, problems with nails are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs.
  • Sometimes the quality of the nail plate is determined by genetic predisposition.
  • Following a proper diet, protection from environmental factors, and proper health care in general will help maintain the strength and quality of your nails.

Brittle nails are most often caused by various diseases. These diseases can be of varying degrees of severity: from thyroid disease to a simple lack of calcium, vitamins A, E, F. In addition, nails are afraid of drying out, because the nail plates are 80% water and have a porous structure, so frost and water, The scorching sun and water can dry out your nails and make them brittle. Frequent coloring and the use of products containing acetone and formaldehyde also lead to nails becoming brittle, dry and dull. Heredity is also important, because fragility depends on the composition of the keratin protein.

In some cases, excessive brittleness and brittleness of nails may be hereditary or indicate problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a competent specialist. But, unfortunately, many of the causes of brittle nails are not hidden in this. So, in addition to heredity or diseases, we often harm the condition of our nails on our own, without even thinking about it.

Want to know how this happens? An unbalanced diet, improper or lack of nail care, frequent application of bright varnishes, and stress do not have the best effect on the condition of the nail plate, as a result of which it becomes thinner and the nail breaks. Deficiency of calcium and microelements, namely iron and silicon, leads to lamination and brittleness of the nail.

It has long been proven that detergents and household chemical products harm nails, but for some reason few of us put on gloves before washing dishes or cleaning. The same applies to fashionistas who are accustomed to constant trendy, bright manicure. Nail polishes and products containing acetone and formaldehyde invariably damage the nail, preventing it from recovering naturally.

And if you add to this a diet devoid of the full norm of vitamins, breaking your nails will become a logical phenomenon for you. It is worth mentioning bad habits, in particular smoking - nicotine destroys tissue, and brittle yellow nails are a prime example of this. Well, in conclusion, let’s mention age-related changes in the body, which in any case make themselves felt over time.

Treatment and prevention of brittle nails

To avoid brittle nails, take calcium and glucomed after consulting with a specialist, since brittle and weak nails are evidence of a lack of calcium, too dry and brittle - an excess of calcium and a lack of vitamins. Vitamins E and F enhance nail growth. In addition, it is recommended to lubricate brittle nails with vegetable oil, nourishing cream, take warm oil baths, rub oil with vitamin A into the nails - the vitamin penetrates the nail plate and the nail is restored. You should at least temporarily avoid contact of your hands with washing powders, detergents and cleaning products.

Treatment of nails involves the use of special strengthening agents, as well as the prevention and elimination of the causes of this disease. To ensure your nails continue to remain strong and healthy, you need to follow some tips:

  • Use nail polish remover no more than once a week.
  • Avoid acetone-based products completely.
  • If the varnish begins to chip and peel off, renew it first, do not rush to remove the old layer of varnish completely.
  • Always wear gloves when doing housework.
  • Gloves are necessary when you wash dishes, clean the house, clean sinks, do laundry, etc. when there is a risk of nails getting wet and getting chemicals on them.
  • Use a good nail file. It’s better if it’s glass or sandpaper; forget about metal ones altogether. Movements when filing nails should only go in one direction.
  • Eat right. Your diet must include calcium, proteins and iron. If you feel the need, add multivitamins or special nutritional supplements.
  • Check with your doctor regularly. Nail conditions can be caused by a number of diseases. Brittle and dry nails can hint at much more serious health problems.

Remedies for brittle nails

There are also specially developed products for treating nails on sale. In perfume stores you can, for example, find Crystal liquid for nails. It is used for brittle, peeling nails 2-3 times a day or 1 time at night. Nail treatment products are very convenient and can even be applied to nail polish. For example, nourishing balms are usually applied to the area near the cuticle - this is where the nail is most receptive to beneficial substances.

Nail care is often associated with certain problems. Under the influence of a number of negative factors, external damage can form on the plate, which spoils the beauty of women's hands. Therapeutic nail polish will help correct the problem - the product promotes strengthening, restoration, healthy growth, and the fight against fungal infections. Properly selected healthy cosmetics are easy to use and effective.

What is medicated nail polish

Many women who want to maintain the beauty and health of their natural nails face problems caring for them. Insufficient nutrients, mechanical damage, and stress can cause the nail plate to begin to peel, become brittle and thin, and lose its shine. Special medicinal varnishes will help you take care of the condition of your nail plates.

The products are used as a base for manicure or as an independent coating. Vitamins, minerals, healing oils and other components of the preparations penetrate deep into the cell structure, providing nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive external factors. You should purchase high-quality cosmetic products after consulting a dermatologist to reduce the risk of side effects.


When choosing a cosmetic product designed to solve problems with the nail plate, special attention should be paid to its composition. Experts recognize water-based coatings as the safest. A high-quality treatment product is distinguished by the absence of nitrocellulose, formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate among the ingredients, however, some manufacturers claim that these components help improve nail immunity.

The most common cause of fragility, delamination and tarnishing of the plate is the lack of sufficient nutrition, frequent use of decorative coatings, extensions, and constant contact with aggressive household chemicals. Compositions containing the following components will help ensure your hands are healthy and beautiful:

  • minerals (calcium, silicon, sodium, potassium, iodine);
  • vitamins (A, E, F, D, group B);
  • plant extracts;
  • oils (olives, argan, jojoba);
  • fruit acids;
  • proteins.


A proper manicure procedure should include applying a colorless base coat before the decorative one. Using medicinal nail polish in this capacity helps protect the plate from harmful substances and the negative effects of the external environment. You need to select a remedy in accordance with the cause of the lesion, therefore, before using a particular drug, you need to consult a specialist. There are several types of medicinal formulations on the modern cosmetic market:

  • Main strengthener – gives a healthy and well-groomed appearance, evens out the surface, protects from harmful influences. This product should be applied in 2-3 layers.
  • Regenerating base – the main function of clear varnish is regeneration. The healing properties of such cosmetics are ensured by a composition that includes many vitamins and healthy oils.
  • Complex strengthening nail polish - penetrates deeply into the structure of the plate, preventing pigmentation and promoting healing. The product should be applied in 2 layers, taking short five-minute breaks. This product has a comprehensive effect, improving the condition of damaged nails.
  • Conditioning varnish with a strengthening effect - nourishes well, provides protection against breakage, and promotes regeneration. It must be used as a base for the treatment of bending soft plates, applying in 1 layer.
  • Therapeutic conditioner – helps stimulate growth by moisturizing, strengthening and increasing strength. The product can be used as a stand-alone coating or as a base for colored varnish, applying 1-3 layers.
  • Antifungal - used as prescribed by a doctor when brittle and peeling nails are caused by infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Apply the medications to the affected areas in accordance with the instructions. Such therapeutic professional products are not used in conjunction with decorative coatings.


Therapeutic varnishes can have a narrow or complex effect, which depends on the type of product. Unlike decorative ones, such preparations, penetrating deep into the structure, provide the necessary nutrition, hydration, and protection from aggressive factors. The action of medicinal varnishes is aimed at eliminating the causes that cause damage, and not at masking problems.

Taking care of the health of the nail plate is a complex therapy. To improve the effectiveness of special coatings, you need to take vitamins and medications that will help cope with negative factors from the inside. Contact with household chemicals should be avoided by wearing rubber gloves when performing routine housework. About once a week you need to use special hand baths.

The best product for strengthening nails

The modern beauty industry offers consumers a wide range of therapeutic products. Manufacturers produce preparations containing minerals, vitamins and other substances that can give the plate strength, correct irregularities, and eliminate delamination. There is no universal healing base for manicure; choose the best medicinal nail polishes, focusing on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body. The most famous brands that have earned the trust of consumers are:

  • Eveline;
  • Trind;
  • Sally Hansen;
  • Zinger;
  • Frenchi.

Strengthening varnish

Frenchi brand medicinal cosmetic product Smart Enamel contains vitamins and other useful components. This composition moisturizes the nail plate, restores its structure, and promotes growth. The treatment course of using the coating is 4 weeks:

  • Name: Frenchi Smart enamel.
  • Characteristics: composition of the strengthening gel - calcium, vitamins E, B5, A, silk proteins, collagen, butyl acetate, nitrocellulose, keratin, ethyl acetate, phthalic dehyde, glycol copolymer, acetyl tributyl citrate. Bottle volume – 11 ml, varnish weight – 50 g.
  • Pros: effective, gives elasticity, eliminates dry nails, high availability in pharmacies.
  • Cons: thickens quickly, requires frequent renewal when used as a stand-alone coating.

Sally Hansen products take care of your nails, carefully strengthening them. Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear is water-based and contains components that help strengthen the plate. The remedy is available in different shades and can be used as a decorative coating:

  • Title: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear.
  • Characteristics: composition – water, cosmetic base, titanium, calcium, bioactive glass. Bottle capacity – 11.8 ml.
  • Pros: high efficiency with long-term use, variety of shades, reasonable cost.
  • Cons: rapid dulling of the coating, formation of cracks and chips, difficulties during application.

For nail growth

The healing varnish on a natural basis from IQ Beauty is intended for weakened and fragile plates. Its formula helps accelerate the growth of the plate, making it durable. Can be used as a stand-alone coating or as a base for colored varnish:

  • Name: IQ Beauty Hi-Speed ​​Hardener.
  • Characteristics: composition – water, cosmetic base containing silicic acid, extract from young bamboo, mineral salts, vitamins, amino acids, natural dyes.
  • Pros: covers the nail surface well, hides imperfections, strengthens, effectively accelerates growth, dries quickly, lasts a long time.
  • Cons: Contains formaldehyde.

Varnish for strengthening nails and their healthy growth from the Zinger company forms a smooth, even coating on the surface of the plate. The product contains a special complex with vitamins. Strengthening varnish reconstructs nails, makes them thicker, accelerates growth:

  • Name: Zinger Nail Repair.
  • Characteristics: ingredients - vitamin E, calcium pantothenate, silicon, natural musk rose oil, nitrocellulose, butyl acetate, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, water.
  • Pros: contains many natural ingredients, activates nail growth, has a pleasant color.
  • Cons: none identified.

To restore nails

Trind medicinal nail cosmetics are popular in the market. Caring Color is enriched with nourishing oils, strengthening agents and vitamins. Nail restoration varnish helps to heal flaky, brittle plates and eliminate pigmentation:

  • Name: Trind Nail Caring Color.
  • Characteristics: the composition is represented by strengthening components, natural nourishing oils, vitamins. Bottle volume – 9 ml. The varnish has a rich color palette.
  • Pros: effective, restores nails, prevents delamination, can be used as a decorative coating.
  • Cons: contains formaldehyde, the product is difficult to find in regular pharmacies.

The Orly company produces an effective restorative nail polish. The product makes them strong and smooth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use cuticle oil from this company:

  • Title: Orly Dough Cookie.
  • Characteristics: composition of the cosmetic product - isopropyl, nitrocellulose, okoume resin extract, camphor, acetyl tributyl citrate, ethocrylene, ethyl acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, butyl acetate.
  • Pros: good healing effect, easy application, long-lasting coating.
  • Cons: May feel dry.

From peeling nails

The Polish brand Evelyn offers customers a product rich in vitamins. Cosmetic products from the Nail Therapy Professional series prevent delamination and protect nails from the harmful effects of the external environment:

  • Name: Eveline 8 in 1Nail Therapy Professional Vitamin Booster.
  • Characteristics: bottle capacity – 12 ml. Ingredients: water, hydrolyzed soy protein, panthenol, propylene glycol, methylparaben, natural argan and sunflower oils, triethanolamine, paraffin.
  • Pros: fast and effective restoration of brittle nails, prolongs the durability of colored manicure, optimal price-quality ratio.
  • Cons: none identified.

Lambre brand product is intended for soft, flaking and bending nails. The composition helps make the plate elastic and elastic:

  • Name: Lambre No. 17 Strengthening Conditioner With Silk.
  • Characteristics: contains natural silk protein, powerful plasticizers, citric acid for whitening.
  • Pros: promotes effective regeneration, protection against delamination, improves the stability of decorative varnish, nourishes the nail plate.
  • Cons: none identified.

Antifungal varnishes

Fungal infections can lead to nail problems. Loceryl medicinal coating will help to cope with the disease:

  • Name: Loceryl.
  • Characteristics: active ingredient – ​​amorolfine, available in bottles of 2.5 ml, 5 ml.
  • Pros: effective for up to 10 days after application, is active against dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi.
  • Disadvantages: cannot be used if you are hypersensitive, possible side effects, high price.

Oflomil-varnish is a medicine intended for the treatment of fungus. Qualitative changes in the state of the plate can be detected after the first application:

  • Name: Oflomil-varnish.
  • Characteristics: medicinal coating that destroys fungal infections of the nail sheet due to the action of amorolfine. Bottle volume – 2.5 ml.
  • Pros: rapid penetration of medicinal substances into the nail structure, low price, no need for frequent application, used for preventive purposes.
  • Cons: Side effects may rarely occur.

Price for medicated nail polish

A manicure base with healing properties can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered in an online store (free delivery is often provided in Moscow and St. Petersburg). The cost of the medicinal base depends on its qualities and manufacturer. Prices for bases for strengthening and restoring the nail sheet vary from 200 to 500 rubles. Specialized drugs designed to treat fungal infections will be more expensive. Such medications cost from 800 to 2000 rubles.

How to choose medicated nail polish

Before you buy a drug that has a therapeutic effect, you need to read the information on the label, which indicates the expiration date and composition. The choice should be made based on the specific problem that needs to be eliminated. Experts give the following recommendations:

  • A calcium coating is suitable for adding strength to soft nails. It is important to remember that you need to take short breaks in using such a foundation.
  • If the nail sheet is peeling, give preference to strengthening bases with proteins, camphor, plant extracts (wheat, calendula).
  • Varnishes with vitamins E, C, A, group B will help cope with brittleness and tarnishing. The presence of healing oils of orange, olive, and jojoba will be a plus.
  • If unevenness is found on the nail plate, purchase coatings containing talc and silk proteins. These components will help fill the damage.
  • Choose products whose labels indicate a narrow spectrum of action. Experts believe that specialized coatings will do their job better than universal ones.
  • Only a doctor can prescribe antifungal varnishes, since it is important to take into account the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen.

