How to write a letter to a stranger sample. The first lines, or how to write a letter for dating

In one of the previous articles on the site talked about how and make it attractive to foreigners. However, this is not enough. By the time you receive the first emoticon from a man in private messages, you should ALREADY have a letter written to continue the correspondence.

Of course, there are self-confident women (mainly thanks to high level knowledge of the language), who compose a letter “on the go” and according to the mood. Are you one of them? Then our today's article, alas, will be of little use to you. Our material is focused on women who do not easily communicate in a foreign language.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you carefully study the first letter to a foreigner and, if necessary, seek professional help from a translator. It will cost you a couple of dollars to translate a thousand-character text on the translator's exchange, but in this way you will save yourself from many mistakes and disappointments.

There are many examples where poor knowledge of the language caused confusion and misunderstanding on the part of foreign men. And if you use dictionaries and auto-translators to compose a letter, be sure to check the result “on live media”. Even harmless synonyms can play a trick on you.

Today the website site team offers you own version letters to a foreigner, translated into five major languages.

Approximate content of the letter in Russian.

In translations, some words may be omitted or, conversely, replaced by synonyms and well-established phrases, the literal translation of which into Russian is difficult.

Good afternoon My name is Olga. I am 34 years old, I am from Russia.

About myself: responsible, caring, kind and faithful, but at the same time I can be quick-tempered and stubborn. Alas, I am not an angel.

Divorced, no children.

My hobbies are hiking and cycling, outdoor recreation, playing the guitar.

I want (dream) to live a long and happy life with a loved one. I am looking for a positive, kind (noble) and family-oriented man aged 35-45, non-smoker, who understands the difficulties of adapting to another country. Having children will not interfere with our relationship.

In a relationship with a loved one, trust and mutual respect are very important to me.

I hope to meet my destiny (half) here.

An example of the first letter in English:

Hi! My name is Olga. I am 34 years old. I'm from Russia.

About myself: responsible, kind and faithful, but sometimes I am quick-tempered and stubborn (headstrong). Alas, I am not an angel.

I am divorced, have no children.

My hobbies: hiking and biking, camping, playing guitar.

I dream to live a long and happy life with my loved one. I want to find positive, large-hearted and family-oriented man, 35-45 years old, not smoking and who understands the difficulties of adaptation in foreign country. Having children will not be a hindrance to our relationship.

Trust and mutual respect is the very important thing in relations with the man.

I hope to meet my solemate here.

Best wishes, Olga..

The question of overcoming the language barrier arises in almost every couple. If you are just starting your acquaintances and are not in the mood to search for a man from a particular country, try to pay more attention to English, because it is chosen as the foreign language being studied.

An example of the first letter in German:

Guten Tag! Ich heisse Olga. Ich bin 34 Jahre alt, ich lebe in Russland.

In knappen Worten über mich: ich bin eine verant Wortungsbewußte, sorgsame, gutherzige und zuverlässige Frau. Aber manchmal kann ich auffahrend und störrig sein. Leider bin ich keiner Engel.

Ich bin geschieden, aber die Kinder aus der Ehe (ebenso wie außer der Ehe geborene) habe ich nicht.

Ich habe einige Hobbys, zum Beispiel, das Spazierengehen, das Radfahren und die Erholung im Grünen, auch spiele ich die Zupfgeige gern.

Ich möchte ein langes und glückliches Leben mit einem Geliebten verleben. Ich suche einen positiven, edlen Mann, der 35-45 Jahre alt ist, der orientiert sich nach Familie, der ist einer Nichtraucher und der kann die Schwierigkeiten einer Adaptation in dem Ausland verstehen. Das Vorhandensein der Kinder ist keines Hindernis für unsere Verhältnisse.

Das Vertrauen und der gegenseitige Respekt in Beziehungen mit dem lieben Person sind einige der wichtigsten Sachen für mich.

Ich habe eine Hoffnung hier meine Liebe zu finden.

An example of a first letter in French:


Je m'appelle Olga. Je suis de Russie, j'ai 34 ans.

Ce que je peux raconter sur moi-même: responsable et attentive, optimiste et fidèle. A ma famille, à mes proches, à mes amis et à l'amour. En même temps je peux être parfois en peu impatiente et têtu. On n'est pas des anges, quoi.

En étant divorcée, je n'ai pas d'enfants. Si vous avez des enfants - ce n`est pas un problème pour moi. Une grande famille unie est le bonheur.

Mes intérêts: de longues promenades à pieds ou à vélo, les randonnées. J'aime la lecture et la musique, je joue de la guitare.

Je rêve de vivre une vie longue et heureuseavec l'Homme que j'aime. Je voudrais rencontrer l'homme de type: "nous allons faire tout ensemble", car la solitude est le pire torture pour un être pensant. Je cherche un homme de point de vue positive, généreux et axé sur la famille. Agé de 35-45 ans, non-fumeur et réalisant les difficultés d`adaptation d`une étrangère dans un pays et la culture inconnus.

En ce qui concerne les relations, l'essentiel, d'après moi, est le respect, la confiance et la fidélité mutuels.

J'espère de trouver mon sort ici.

Example of a letter in Spanish:

Buendia! Me llamo Olga. Tengo 34 años, soy de Rusia.

Acerca de: responsable, cariñoso, amable y leal, pero puedo ser irascible y terco. Por desgracia, no soy unangel.

Divorciada, sin hijos.

Mis aficiones: senderismo y ciclismo, camping, tocar la guitarra.

Tengo sueño de vivir una vida larga y feliz con un ser querido. Estoy en búsqueda de un hombre positivo, bueno y orientado a la familia (de 35-45 años), no fumador, uno que entiende las dificultades de adaptación en otro país. Haga que los niños no se conviertan en un obstáculo para nuestra relación.

En relaciones con una persona más cercana a mí es muy importante la confianza y el respeto mutuo.

Espero encontrar aqui mi destino.

Italian letter example:

Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Olga. Ho 34 anni, sono nata a Kiev e adesso vivo in Russia.
Io sono responsabile, premurosa, positiva, sono molta gentile e leale, ma sono irascibile e testarda.

Purtroppo, io non sono un angelo.

Sono divorziata, non ho figli.

I miei hobby: escursioni a piedi e in bicicletta, campeggio, suonare la chitarra.

Sogno vivere una vita lunga e felice con la persona amata. Voglio incontrare un uomo positivo, buono e orientato alla famiglia (35-45 anni), non fumatore, che capisca le difficoltà di adattamento in un paese straniere. Figli non diventino un ostacolo al nostro rapporto.

Nei rapporti con la persona più vicina a meè molto importante la fiducia e il rispetto reciproco.

Spero di incontrare qui il mio uomo.

Use our templates, but don't pretend to be someone other than what you really are. Each person is interesting for who he is. If you want to find the right partner for YOU, and not just someone else, be yourself. Describe yourself, not an imaginary "ideal". But be sure to: a) address the addressee by name, b) tell us a little about yourself, c) describe what kind of relationship you are looking for, d) end the letter politely with the hope of subsequent communication. Also about what can and cannot be written to a foreigner.

By the way, about 3 years ago, a friend of mine conquered her future husband by writing him the most ordinary letters (on a piece of paper during a lunch break, then there were no iPhones and tablets with Internet access), and then scanned and sent to email. Perhaps this is your choice? 🙂

Finally, I will give you an example of a letter that was once written at my request by a very smart, interesting and wealthy American. I asked him to compose a letter that could attract the attention of a man of his type (he is too good as a person). It is very simple and has worked many times as a relationship catalyst.

His version looked like this:

I'm educated, kind and tolerant. My heart is full of love to nature and music. I like reading, cooking, gardening. I am family oriented. I have an optimistic outlook, but I am alone. I hope to meet a man who needs my tenderness. I want to love and to be loved. I don't smoke.

Another man admitted that he would like to receive a letter from the woman with the following content. He, in my opinion, has very high demands, but I think you will catch the general direction of who men want to meet.

I'm adventurous and fun-loving. I like sky diving, piloting planes, hitting gnar gnar during winter time. I hold brown belt in kickboxing. All this leaves me very little time for ballet and music after work. I'm surgeon MD, but strive to maintain good work-life balance.

What do I want to find: I’m a “let’s do stuff together” type of girl. I enjoy going on dates from time to time, but the best type of relationship is one in which we get to be friends and enjoy the same things and activities.

Make up your own version that honestly describes your essence with better side. And ... wait for the responses!

Yushchenko Tatyana, specially for the site site

February 16, 2009

5. Content:
short letters not very effective for dating. A person is a complex nature, therefore it is impossible to put all his characteristics in one line. However, very often people, first of all, in response to the questionnaire, write short letters, sometimes one sentence long, or even a phrase. This is a kind of probing, checking the seriousness of the intentions of the person who posted the questionnaire. Respond to such letters only in the absence of other more interesting letters. But, what is most surprising, people continue to write such letters, and, sometimes, behind a short, uninformative phrase: “Hi! My name is Lesha. Let's get to know each other! ”, - a very interesting and noteworthy person may be hiding.

Letters - "personal data"- rather stupid letters, designed only for compatibility physical parameters. Usually this is not enough for dating. As a rule, getting to know you, they expect something special, something new from you. You must interest a person, give him what he is looking for on the net - and, as a rule, these are new sensations or a promise of the fulfillment of his desires. First of all, this task is facing men, as women online are looking for something more than just male society.

“My name is Michael, 29 years old, height 172cm. No bad habits, I don't smoke, I rarely drink and in moderation. By nature, he is a workaholic (I live by work that I like). Ready to meet and chat with possible consequences. If you don't mind, write, Michael.

Humorous and ironic letters- Irony and humor in the first letter are inappropriate, unless such behavior is part of your life, and you are ready to joke "all night long." Humor is usually characteristic of people under the age of 30, who are still romantic, and for whom the whole life is still ahead, and you need to live it cheerfully. If you are already over 30, but you want to have fun, then write about it in the next letter, but not in the first. Otherwise, you may simply be misunderstood, and you will look very strange in the eyes of the interlocutor. In general, a sense of humor is very valuable quality person, and therefore do not hesitate to use it when meeting.

“Surprisingly, this is the first ad written by a girl with a head on her shoulders, and not a makeup display case. And if the photo is yours, then you are amusing in your youth and insolence, but what is it for? Do you like to play tricks, to scoff? Good too! And yet .... I would like to talk with you, you, in my opinion, are the most amusing little man! B.P."

Romantic, sensual, emotional letters with "personal data" or with a brief mention of "personal data" Romance is a state of mind. If your state of mind is not like this, then never write romantic letters. Well, if you really are a romantic nature, or at least 10-20% romantic, then do not miss the chance to take advantage of this. A huge number of people come to the Internet who want to know the taste of romantic dating, especially when you consider that, in itself, dating through the Internet acquires a romantic connotation for some. The mere fact that young people aged 24-25 who write romantic letters to 40-year-old ladies and receive responses from them already says something. And if you write the same letter to a young girl or young man. In this case, your letter will have a great chance of being noticed. As for the question: “Should I write personal data or not?”, The answer is: Write, then you will throw off a certain veil from the secret of your personality, and this will begin to determine your further relations already at the stage of the first letter. If you do not leave personal data, then the person will be intrigued, and if he is as romantic as your letter is romantic, or accepts romanticism in principle, then this person will definitely answer you. Thus, in the case of the first option, people who are unsuitable in terms of parameters will be cut off, and in the case of the second, those who are unsuitable for the state of their soul. Which is better, you choose.

"Hi, mysterious stranger!
Intriguing greeting. Is not it? It just so happened that I don’t know you at all, but still your profile managed to intrigue me. I found it in the "passionate love" section and decided to write to you. After reading your profile, I simply could not tear myself away from the image before my eyes, which beckons and burns with its beauty. You seemed to accidentally entered my soul and remained in its depths. The elegance and grace of your movements is so attractive in the radiance of the sun that the azure sky that has enveloped our earth simply cannot keep this mighty source within itself, and launched it here - into the virtual. It probably sounds stupid and funny, but I suddenly wanted to take you away from the virtual and return you to real world feelings and pleasures. Let me try to make it. Please don't deprive the hungry traveler of that little tender living violet that he found in this virtual void. My name is Roman. It's been 26 years since I was born into this world. During this time, my main hobbies were economics, the Internet, psychology, cinema and art, but they did not bring me such feelings and emotions as the thought that we could be together. I look forward to your soon reply.

With love in my heart and hope in my soul.
Your Romantic »

And here is an example of a female letter that is simply amazing (trust me, on the Internet such letters are very rare in the mailboxes of men):
“Good afternoon, Vasily! By the way, nothing if it's just Vasya or Basil or something else? And then Vasily is somehow very official. This morning in my horoscope, for the sake of laughter, I read the forecast for today. There I was promised a romantic acquaintance, which will be of great importance to me on for a long time forward. Well, I think it's fate, not otherwise. But somehow no one comes up to me first, there are no charming strangers in the elevator, no one steps on my foot, no one asked for what hour. It's okay, I'm a pushy girl. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed ... In short, I go to a dating site and find a profile of a person who believes in love. Well, maybe in horoscopes they write not only nonsense, what if I have a chance?
And now a little about me. Small (152), thin (size 40), modest in appearance, but very temperamental inside. My name is Katyushka, I am 24 years old, I work as a nurse, I am divorced. I will send you two pictures. Looks like I got nothing on them. I really hope for an answer."

Problem letters Never write about your problems to the person you want to meet. Having problems will only repel you, not attract you. Everyone has their own problems and no one wants to solve someone else's.

" Hello,
Today in the morning a great sunny day was planned, but by the middle of the day the clouds began to thicken. The weather is changing. This is how my state of mind either flares up like a flame into which diesel fuel has been poured, then it goes out. It's probably okay. Emotions in a person have always been considered dignity. However, emotions need to be put somewhere, splashed out somewhere. After all, if the reactor starts to smoke, and then pour water on it, it can explode. It is better to spend energy gradually, without haste. For this, a person needs someone who will understand him, perceive him, become his friend, and maybe even something more. The latter depends on the circumstances. I will not talk about myself yet, I think, from my introduction, something has already become clear to you. A photograph completes the overall picture.
Waiting for an answer.
Maksim "

  1. What are you doing tonight, after our date?
  2. Do you think I like you more than you like me?
  3. Hello, can I talk to you? And then all sorts of girls stick around, trying to get acquainted ...
  4. Hello, can you tell me how to cook dumplings?
  5. You have a very happy nose!
  6. Can you tell me the recipe for birch jam?
  7. Hello! Today is an amazing day, can I cheer you up?
  8. Hello! Are you on VK too? And I. Do you play flute? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  9. Do you meet nice young people? Here I am!
  10. At your place beautiful eyes And what color are they?
  11. And I bet you can't guess what your name is?
  12. You probably won't give me a chance to meet you... But send me a smile if I'm wrong!
  13. I'm clearly not the first person to want to meet you. But I'm the best! Do you want me to prove it?
  14. Hello! I sell happiness! Do you want me to give it to you for free?
  15. Can you tell me where is the best place to spend my salary?
  16. I'm tired of waiting for you to make the first move. Hello!
  17. You have amazing eyes, I can't tear myself away from them.
  18. I look at you and understand that we definitely need to get to know each other!
  19. Tell me, how many did you send off today? I'm four. Oh, and cheeky girls!
  20. I looked at your photos and forgot to meet you. Hello!
  21. Do you believe in love at forty-eight glance? And then I look at your pictures for so long that I fall in love!
  22. How did you know I was online?
  23. Let's change? You give me two hundred grams of sadness, and I give you a kilogram of my joy?
  24. Can we talk already or will we just like each other?
  25. Do you remember me? I dreamed about you!
  26. Hey I'm reading right now interesting story. The guy met the girl, and they lived happily ever after! By the way, do you know how he met her? Said, "Hi, I'm reading an interesting story right now!"
  27. You know, before I met you, I was sure that I was gay!
  28. How about flirting?
  29. Hello! I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be the most beautiful girl?
  30. Can you help me learn how to talk to girls?
  31. Hello, I'm doing a census and I want to start with you!
  32. Hello, please change my free time to chat with you?
  33. You are very mistaken if you think that I want to get to know you. I want to invite you on a date!
  34. So two damn attractive people met. Hello!
  35. No, well, if you keep silent all the time, no one will get to know you. I'll help, hello!
  36. You know, I didn't have a very pleasant day. I was upset, but then I saw your avatar.
  37. Can you forgive yourself if you don't answer me?
  38. Have you ever had young people crawling at your feet? And at the hands?
  39. And if I were such a beautiful girl like you, I would get to know myself!
  40. And who are you dating? And come with me!
  41. Hello! I'm writing a book about what girls want. Won't you tell?
  42. A stunning girl like you should have beautiful font!
  43. Hello! I got lost in life and barely found you, will you lead me out of the dim world of loneliness?
  44. Can I flirt with you?
  45. You know, there are things that are easy to imagine together - black and white, day and night, oil and porridge, you and me ...
  46. Don't want to talk to someone who really likes you?
  47. What questions do you think guys get slapped for?
  48. You have a boyfriend? Maybe you need something better?
  49. Are you in love with your city?
  50. I love dogs very much. Could you tell me what breed is better to have?
  51. Are you professional stylist?
  52. You are beautiful! Can we switch to "you"?
  53. You spend a lot of time online, can we go to unwind?
  54. You're so beautiful! Or do you know a professional photographer?
  55. Imagine, I wrote you a huge text, and then they turned off the light. So just hello!
  56. Wow, I love this band too! And what is your favorite song?
  57. You have a very cute face!
  58. You have such beautiful eyes! Especially the left one!
  59. Gorgeous legs! And the right one is doubly gorgeous!
  60. I like your mouth ☺
  61. You know, you have such a cute chest! And there are two more of them!
  62. Nice dress! You know, the purse doesn't really fit.
  63. Have you heard the phrase that with whom you will lead, from that you will type? So, I like you, and I decided that I would get enough from you!
  64. It was difficult, but I was able to write to you! Reward with an answer?
  65. Have you ever ridden an escalator? Do you want me to ride?
  66. I think I have amnesia, otherwise I would have written to you!
  67. Do you happen to have a red thread? We would be able to make friends with her.
  68. Your beauty struck me so that I forgot what I wanted to tell you.
  69. Have you ever been offered a hand and a heart? I am a surgeon, I have a lot of them!
  70. Excuse me, can I tweak your plans for tonight?
  71. Didn't you just hit the "I like" button on my photo by accident? No? It's a pity…
  72. I wonder if your inner world matches your photos?
  73. It must be bad to be your girlfriend, because you overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
  74. I miss two things in my life - you and hair.
  75. When I see you, I understand how good it is that I am single!
  76. You know, your hair matches the color of my pillow perfectly.
  77. Must it hurt to fall from heaven?
  78. Girl, does your mother need a son-in-law?
  79. I bet ten thousand that I ask you out on a date and you say no?
  80. Marry me!
  81. Urgent, call an ambulance, I was shot by an arrow of love ...
  82. Give me your sadness I need it for experiments.
  83. Hello! Could you please wake me up tomorrow? I'm afraid to oversleep.
  84. Are you from a fairy tale?
  85. Do you know what love at first sight is? If not, I'll write again!
  86. Are you Alice, my contact?
  87. Girl, are you probably tired of the question about your son-in-law?
  88. I bought borjomi and salami, come eat!
  89. And here I am collecting a harem. Only you are missing.
  90. When are you going to take your first step? I'm tired of waiting and I'm doing it myself! Let's get acquainted!
  91. I've definitely seen you somewhere, can you remind me where?
  92. You are beautiful on the Internet, show yourself in life?
  93. Hello! Amazing places in your photos. Where is it?
  94. You wrote that you love “….” group. Do you have any of their songs on cassettes?
  95. Have you ever really seen interesting girl?
  96. You have a very familiar face! Were you at the club yesterday?
  97. You know the saying "listen to a woman and do the opposite"? Now, I don't want you to answer me!
  98. I have a great job! Man/Girl to go to the cinema with me. Don't you want to try?
  99. Hello. It's such a good day today. I want to cheer someone up. Maybe you?
  100. Today I saw you in a dream, but you managed to say only your first and last name. And so I found you!
  101. Do you have such Perfect eyes. I have been looking only at them for a long time, but I do not dare to write.

A beautiful love letter to your beloved man, boyfriend

Hello my lovely! It's been years since the day we accidentally grabbed the same ice cream at the counter, do you remember? And you didn't let go for a few seconds. And I was surprised at the impudence and decided to fight to the death for the last ice cream in this stall. Of course, then you made excuses, kept talking about my bottomless blue eyes, from which there was a noise in my head and my consciousness turned off. And I laughed merrily and did not trust a single word, because I knew what kind of guys can sing praises, just to powder the girl's head.

Until dawn, we wandered with you along the shore of the pond, along the linden alley. It seemed that this ice cream, already eaten for a long time, became our common star, one for two, like the one that slowly, slowly fell from the sky, so that we managed to make a wish together. And you never told me what you thought of that night. Do you remember, darling? We all walked and walked, holding hands and looking at each other as if we would never see each other again. But we met the next day. And than.

Do you remember the first time you wanted to kiss me? Do you remember how embarrassed and tangled your tongue at this request? And I was seething inside: the stupidest person! Why ask when you can see with your eyes! But you did not see, you were glowing with paint, although it was dark, and the distant lamp highlighted our shadows on the asphalt path. And how we kissed! Selflessly, to pain, to small cracks on the lips! Sweet and salty, remember?

You asked me to marry you on the bus when we were driving from the skating rink. It was so funny: disheveled hair that had fallen out from under the cap and stuck to the forehead, cheeks dyed crimson by frost and a bewildered look. Were you afraid that I would refuse? And I agreed! Immediately, without hesitation, without consulting with my mother and grandmother! It was then that they shouted that I was a careless, stupid girl who was dropping out of her studies and career because of the first person she met. They also cried, dressing me up on my wedding day, they both roared in a voice, no in three voices. I also cried with them, not knowing why. Maybe from happiness, or maybe for the company.

You went to the army, did not excuse yourself, although you graduated from high school. And he could hide behind our son. You didn't. I'm offended. Silly, how I did not understand male honor, pride. In general, patriotism - the word then for me was completely distant and alien. And only later I became proud of you, my love, I realized how important it was for you to serve your Motherland, protect the country, parents, me and your own son. How you rejoiced at his clumsy words! How he tormented him when he returned! I was jealous, yes, very jealous of both of you for each other. Alone, you belonged to me without a trace, and together you seemed to be able to do without me. Silly! How can you do without me!

And now I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, where you haven't had time to wake up yet. I look at you, my love, and I feel like the happiest woman in the world. I have a house, I have a son, I have you. So big, strong, smart and kind, you have been in my life for ten years. And you haven't forgotten about our date. Here it is, ice cream on the nightstand. You brought it at night and didn't wake me up. Melted. Well, let. We'll eat it together when you wake up.

Other beautiful love letters to your beloved man, boyfriend:

Your first letter

  • General tone of the first letter
  • First impressions last forever

    Your first letter is your first personal contact with a man, and it depends on it whether or not your relationship will be in the future. You will never get a second chance to make a first impression. There is an expression in English: "First impressions last" - the first impressions remain for a long time.

    The principle of constructing the first letter

    Whether you're responding to an ad or a potential candidate's email, the principle of building your first email is the same.

    The first letter to a man should be long enough to interest him, but not get bored - 1.5-2 pages. It should be informative, but at the same time entertaining and interesting. A little bit of humor is always welcome.

    And, of course, it must be in English (or in the native language of the man). A man is unlikely to run to look for an interpreter; rather, he would prefer to answer another letter. Prepare the initial "sample" of the first letter, and in the future you will only have to vary the details slightly, sending it to different men.

    Begin the letter with "Hi", or "Dear", putting the man's name after the address. "Hi" has an informal connotation, "Dear" is more strict, usually translated as "respected". Mention where you got the man's address from if you are the initiator of the contact. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as him, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are the initiator of the contact, mention where you got the man's address from. Say that you are looking for just such a partner as he is, and quote a few phrases from his own description.

    If you are replying to a man's letter, first of all thank him for his attention and warm letter, and say that you really liked it (I suppose if you did not like the letter, you will just write a short note with a refusal). It is important to show the man that you carefully read his ad or profile, and not just send the same letter to everyone. Quote or paraphrase a couple of phrases that you liked the most and say that you think that you might be right for each other (I think we may be right for each other) and that you would like to start corresponding with him to find out is that so (I would be happy to start corresponding with you and get to know each other better).

    Briefly tell us who you live with, whether you have brothers and sisters, what education you received, where and with whom you work. This whole "autobiography" should not take up more than half a page - but it is very important, Western people attach great importance to family ties.

    Next, tell us what kind of person you are, what you like and dislike, what you value in people, what you dream about, what place your family occupies in your life. If you have children, tell a little about them, especially if the man also has children. (For more on what to say about yourself, see What to say about yourself.)

    When talking about your positive qualities, sometimes it seems uncomfortable to "overpraise" yourself - give your description as if from the words of others ("My friends say that I am." - "My friends say that I am."). Tell us in detail about your hobbies - not just "I love music", but what kind of music do you prefer, what bands are your favorite. If you have animals in the house, tell us about them, about funny cases with them and in general about funny cases with you, if they are "in the subject."

    Ask a few questions about what you would like to know about the man, about his country. It is desirable that questions about the country be more specific, let the man understand that you already know a lot about his homeland, but would like to know more.

    A man should feel that he is interesting to you. Ask if he is going to come to Russia, and if he is going to, then when he plans to travel. Say that you will be happy to be his guide when he arrives.

    How to make your writing stand out from others

    Try to make your letter original, the way you yourself would like to receive. Constantly correct and supplement the original sample.

    At one time, within a few months, I wrote a wonderful first letter, to which I received about 9 responses for 10 letters sent (with an average coefficient of 2-3 responses). My knowledge of English at that time left much to be desired, to put it mildly, and I constantly had difficulty expressing my thoughts. How to find a way out of this situation?

    I used letters I received from men. When I found an idea, phrase, or expression I liked, I included it in my sample letter. Gradually, I came up with a great message - interesting, fun and, most importantly, 100% "English".

    Your letter should not give the impression that you are unhappy. It should come from a woman who is completely satisfied with herself, life and others, but who is not enough for the complete happiness of a loved one.

    Topics that should not be developed in the first letter: problems in Everyday life, shortcomings of Russian men, bad marriage, politics, your salary, money or health problems, drugs and alcohol in Russia, etc. You don't want a man to think that a foreign marriage is just a means to escape from the harsh Russian reality for you, do you?

    General tone of the first letter

    Try to carry on as if you were already friends. Do not be afraid of men - they are afraid of you. Ask the man to answer your letter, write that you are really looking forward to his answer.

    Be sure to include your photo. The photo does not have to be professional - a high-quality amateur one will do. If the photo is not from a studio, write a short comment about where and when it was taken.



    Since the time of Pushkin's Tatyana, the norms of etiquette have seriously changed. Writing to a man first today is not at all shameful, it is a sign of an active and purposeful woman. If you have registered in a dating service that involves correspondence, and you want to interest a man in your first letter, you should use the following rules.

    Top 10 Rules for Initial Chatting with a Man

    Avoid template expressions. Phrases from the series "Hi, how are you?" or "Do you want to meet?" beaten. The first impression that a man gets after reading them is that this woman is banal, she most likely has a small vocabulary. Better try to use more original expressions to start dating. Example: “Are you also looking for a pretty, outgoing and fun girl? Here I am!"

    The first letter to a man for acquaintance is an example of an unobtrusive sign of attention. Ask him about things that are important to him. This is not yet the moment when the candidate needs to be interrogated with prejudice. One or two questions are enough, and they should be pleasant, such that he himself wants to answer them. Based on the information from his profile or on his photographs.

    Example: “The photo in the background is such a beautiful landscape, reminiscent of Switzerland. You were there?"

    Encourage him to talk about himself. Give the interlocutor the opportunity to speak out, become a grateful listener. Let him know that you are interested in getting to know him.

    Stand out. In the first letter, it is important to hook the addressee. Tell us about your unusual hobbies or hobbies. But you shouldn't imagine that you are an ardent fan of snowboarding and climbing, if in fact you are terribly afraid of heights and prefer to relax by the fireplace with your favorite novel.

    Maintain intrigue. Don't tell everything about yourself at once. Don't clutter up the letter. It is better to give out “secret information” bit by bit. Men love it when a woman has a mystery. This increases your chances that he will want to know more about you and continue to get to know you.

    Don't write about problems. Don't scare your new friend. At the initial stage, communication should be easy and bring only pleasure. If the relationship moves into a more serious phase, you will have time to discuss all the pressing issues. Remember, this is the first letter to a man for dating. An example of phrases that can scare a potential groom:

    "All previous men have disappointed me."

    "I'm all alone, and I'm so sad..."

    "Hope you're not one of those people who don't answer emails."

    "My two children really need a father."

    Don't go overboard with compliments. Everything should be in moderation. Here is an anti-example of such excessive praise for you: “When I saw you, I immediately thought that you were the one I needed. You look like the man in my dreams. You are just perfect."

    Remove jargon. Keep a literary style and restrained tone, otherwise the addressee may think that you are not a serious person. If you communicate with a foreigner, he may not understand you at all.

    Avoid controversial topics. For example, questions of political preferences at the beginning of communication should definitely not be touched upon.

    Be yourself. This is the first letter to a man for acquaintance. He doesn't need a role model. He wants to know the real you. So, while observing all of the above, try to be sincere at the same time!

    If you want to get to know a man without racking your brains over the first letter, we suggest you do it via Skype. We will select for you really interesting candidates for husbands who will meet your needs, and we ourselves will establish initial contact with them on your behalf. Do you want to know how things are going? Ask your questions to our consultant. Contacts for communication here.

    Writing a love letter to a man

    Writing love letters to your loved ones is a long tradition, although somewhat modified. Now they write mainly emails, sms, messages through social media skype. Traditional paper letters still have their charm. You can touch them, inhale the scent of perfume-scented paper, press them to your heart, even kiss them (romantic people).

    Reason for writing love messages, is clear. But there are nuances: the content of love letters to a man depends on the nature of love. They are passionate, timid, sad, hopeless, pleading, joyful or filled with bitterness. There are messages addressed to a real partner (husband, boyfriend), a potential partner, your ex, someone else's man, or even a beautiful stranger.

    sad letters

    Perhaps, let's start with the sad ones, then we will consider more life-affirming variants of letters. Sad love letters to a man are the result of unrequited, sometimes hopeless, doomed love, sometimes asking for love, where there is hope for reciprocity.

    Letter of hope for reciprocity

    Associatively, Tatyana Larina is remembered, who wrote a similar message to Eugene Onegin. Such a letter can be sentimental, a little begging, touching, or vice versa, bold and passionate. The main thing is that the letter should be sincere, revealing emotional experiences. Like this:

    When I saw you, the ground left from under my feet, my breath caught, my heart beat faster. I then realized that I was waiting for you all my life. Please hear me, understand. You are my Destiny. I want to see you, enjoy your touches, hear the music of your voice, gently hug you, die from our kisses. I love you forever...

    Hopeless or unconditional love letter

    There is love unconditional, humble, accessible to the chosen "saints" women's hearts. The feeling is directed at someone else's partner or a man who does not reciprocate. The motto of such love is: “I don’t need anything from you. I'm happy that you exist." In such a message, sadness is bright, although love is unrequited. As an option:

    I breathe you. I wake up - I think about you, I wish Have a good day. I work - I remember your voice. I fall asleep - I imagine your face. I mentally wish you a good night. Your eyes are bottomless, your smile is the sweetest, the timbre of your voice is the most pleasant. You are my favorite, unique, desired. I perceive everything that happens through the prism of you: public transport, my work, any weather, music, films, books ... My heart is yours. My thoughts are for you. All of me is for you. Be happy, love! Too bad it's not with me...

    joyful letters

    Such letters are written by lucky women: a beloved partner is nearby, everything is harmonious, joyful, good. The message can be addressed to the past (memories of acquaintance), to the present, even to the future (modeling happy life together).

    A kind of recognition-memory revives feelings. Remember in the letter the day you met, your first date, your first emotions, funny situations. What did you like right away? What made you laugh? What's hooked? For example:

    You weren't alone when we met. I didn't like your companion right away. The thought flashed: "It's a pity that I'm busy!". Turns out it was a friend. How glad I was! You were wearing a plain T-shirt and faded jeans. You shook your shaggy hair, tried to please me, joked, looked into my eyes. I smiled, a little embarrassed. acted out the role snow queen, and she was drowning in sparkling blue eyes. The imaginary queen's heart melted. I was afraid you wouldn't ask for my number. You still asked...

    We write a letter of encouragement. You can list the qualities of a loved one that you like, recall small joint joys, secrets. Your partner will be pleased! For example, like this:

    You are special. I like your sincerity, the ability to listen to all my nonsense, to understand perfectly. I love your sparkling sense of humor. I love your courage. I'm proud of your mind. I melt from your tenderness. I like your romance, passion, ability to surprise, delight with surprises. Ready to love you forever! You are my ideal…

    About future

    We write a message to the future. We list the components of a joint happy life. What will life be like? How many children? Which house? We fantasize, modeling an ideal future with a loved one! Let's say:

    10 years will pass. We will only love each other more. Let's build beautiful house surrounded by a garden. The house will be full of friends. We'll have naughty kids. The son is your copy. Daughter is like me. We will love them, scold them for pranks (occasionally), walk in the park, travel together. Sometimes we will send children to their parents, arranging for ourselves romantic evenings. After such dates, I will be younger, bloom again. You will admire me, I will adore you. In 10 and 20 years we will be happy...

    Want to write a letter to your loved one? It's great if the beloved man is nearby. Then the letter will be joyful. If so far unlucky, you can write a sad letter. In any case, the writing process love letter- a pleasant activity or a kind of cardiac psychotherapy.

    We compose a letter to a man so as to get a 100% answer

    In our computer age, letters are no longer masterpieces of the epistolary genre. Gone are the days when they were written with goose quills by candlelight all night long in beautiful handwriting. When, before sending, a letter was smothered with your favorite perfume, decorated with kisses and official seals, and the received letters, tied with a silk ribbon, were carefully stored in expensive boxes for decades.

    Today, handwritten letters are extremely rare, many prefer faceless electronic messages. Therefore, it is especially important to give them sincerity, to make them individual and unique, in order to attract the attention of the addressee even with a few lines.

    On the site, we have already published an article about what can and cannot be written in letters to a man.

    But how to write the first letter to a man so that he is interested in it?

    First of all, each looking for a woman You may be advised not to wait for a letter, but to write first. Of course, for the most part, few women decide on this. But in vain. After all, this is a guarantee that you will not receive a letter from someone unknown whose profile does not interest you at all, and you will have a chance to wait for a response letter from a person who really interested you. Therefore, the more emails you send, the higher the chances of getting multiple responses.

    Of course, not all recipients will answer you. And there are several reasons for that. For example, if your photo and profile seemed too positive to a man, then he may not answer simply because he thinks that you are too good for him, or he thinks that you just want to use him as a chance to move to another country. Or are foreign grooms simply taught by bitter experience to think that it is too beautiful girl("a la model") will just love his money.

    A nondescript photograph of a woman will also not cause a desire to answer a letter, because many modern European men consider Slavic women the most beautiful, and may take their time to answer you in search of a more attractive photo.

    You may not even wait for an answer if a foreign man considers that your profile contains excessive requirements for candidates for the position of the second half. Promising foreign suitors are also afraid that Russian women in their letters often adhere to an assertive tone, and sometimes openly, already in the first letter, hint that they want marriage and children.

    By the way, the upbringing of many Europeans tells them that it is better to ignore the letter than to write a polite refusal about the fact that you are not suitable for them.

    In any case, there is no reason to be sad. No answer - it's okay - it just means that the silent addressee is not your man.

    So what do we write in the first letter?

    Read here examples of letters to a foreigner in different languages.

    First, the first letter should not be too long, but should also consist of two sentences too. It is enough to write 10-20 lines, in which there will be no unnecessary burdensome information, but at the same time, the letter should interest him.

    Be sure to address the foreigner by name, as a faceless letter implies that this is just a template addressed to several people. And addressing by name indicates that the letter is intended for a specific addressee, and also indicates your interest in him. Remember: your letter must be original, because it is likely that the man you are interested in receives ten letters of the same type a day, and yours should be out of this pattern. Agree, a letter that simply says “hello, how are you?” won't spark any interest.

    In the first letter, you do not need to write only about yourself, but on the contrary, indicate why you chose his profile, or find some common ground and talk about them. For example, if it is indicated in his profile that a man likes to travel, you can write that you also love it and indicate the places where you managed to visit.

    If you can’t think of anything at all, then just write honestly that you have recently registered on the site, are still inexperienced in meeting foreigners, and for some reason you liked his profile. Will it suddenly work?

    At the end of the letter, be sure to indicate your name, and it is also desirable to attach a photo. Moreover, the photo should not be the one that has already been placed in your profile, but a new one, and preferably recent. These two circumstances will oblige the man to answer your letter, because he will not have to waste time looking for you on the site, and he will immediately be able to evaluate everything.

    By the way, if you still muster up the courage to write a letter first, then take care of your profile. In addition to the fact that it should be original and unique, it can be "customized" a little. That is, after evaluating the questionnaire of the chosen one and noting a number of unique points, you can indicate something in your questionnaire that will correspond to his parameters for finding a bride.

    It is also worth asking one or two questions in a letter - this also encourages you to answer your message so as not to seem impolite. But do not build a letter out of questions alone - men do not want to feel like they are being interrogated, and most of them do not have the literary talent to write a multi-page response.

    Probably, it is not worth reminding that your letter must be literate, because an illiterate message will be regarded by European men as impolite, or even as an insult.

    Remember, your main task is to get a response to your letter.

    There are a few things that can almost certainly scare off a potential groom. Some of them are noted above. You can add to the list by saying that you should not write in an enthusiastic tone about how you dream of living in England (Germany, America, etc.) - this may suggest that you perceive a foreigner as a bridge in new life, and no more. It is also not necessary to express unflattering reviews about local men, it is more reasonable to simply modestly indicate that you could not find your soul mate in your homeland and therefore turned your attention to abroad.

    You should also not talk too frankly about yourself, if no one asked about your past, keep silent. Of course, if you are asked, you should not lie, answer sincerely.

    Sincerity must be in everything. In every letter. Of particular note is that you should not lie about your age and whether you have children. Understand, for most European men this is not a disadvantage.

    Having children indicates that you can have them, and age in most European countries is a shaky concept. After all, as you know, from the point of view of the majority of the inhabitants of mother Europe, their childbearing age comes after 27 years, and not at 18, as we do. And any, even your most insignificant lie, can be regarded as a sign that you will deceive in the future.

    Interest in oneself needs to be warmed up with each letter, constantly keep a foreign man in suspense, in good sense of this word, only in this way it is possible to ensure that virtual communication develops into a real meeting.

    Elina, especially for

    What was her surprise when, after the first messaging, the following flew in: “We are both adults and I would like to say right away that I have a small dick.”

    Veronica didn't even know how to react - send it to ignore, spam, throw it in the trash, or put a "favorite" star for more laughs.

    “Fool,” she said, unable to contain herself, and decided to ignore this unnecessary frankness. I wrote something neutral, I wanted to know more about how young saxophonists live in Moscow, what they play, what their inner world is undoubtedly rich ...

    On the other side, compliments and questions poured in, and among other things again: “Can my small size be the reason for refusing to communicate?”

    “Again,” Veronica was disappointed, but continued to communicate. She still tried to lead him to something good, positive, intriguing. After all, there are so many things you can tell a woman if you are a musician in a good jazz orchestra...

    But the musician did not shine with stories, and even unpleasantly struck Veronica with such a message:

    “And you, probably, just got divorced, and are now looking for adventure.”

    Veronica sighed - well, no way, she can’t do it at all interesting conversation. No talk about Louis Armstrong or at least Aleksey Kozlov, even Butman was never mentioned. Some kind of boredom from this musician. Veronica yawned and then remembered that his penis is small. Definitely not needed. But he himself prompted this idea!

    She stopped communicating in what is called "in English", hoping that her fellow saxophonist would understand her silence as a delicate refusal to continue ...

    But it wasn’t there, the saxophonist continued his tedious concert and wrote: “Answer me why you stopped talking, what is my fault.”

    Some time passed and Veronica decided to play the role of a kitchen psychologist and open the blind man's eyes!

    So she wrote a letter to a man with a small dick:

    "Dear NoName.

    I stopped communicating with you for the simple reason that you do not know how to communicate with women AT ALL. Who told you that you should talk about penis size in the first lines of correspondence? Don't you know that women are emotional beings and love with their ears? First, a woman must be charmed, inspired, whirled (fortunately, you seem to have something - you are still a musician), turn her on, bring her to white heat. But then ..., in the most interesting place, the size of your penis will not have such a huge difference.

    But I'll tell you a story from my life. My closest friend's husband has a very small manhood, according to a friend. And it certainly affects them. sexual life- it is more sophisticated and diverse, by the way. So this husband wonderful person, not at all offended by nature, on the contrary, he takes his courtesy - coffee in bed, breakfast preparation, cute whispers, passionate touches ... What a great fellow!

    But I'll tell you more about my friend's husband - he also walks! That is, my beloved old friend wears branched horns from her husband with a small dick. This prankster also brings coffee to bed to other women and whispers something sexual, they melt like ice from him. warm words. Sometimes his hobbies are serious enough, and then my cuckold rushes to me with a bottle of cognac, and we drink in the kitchen all night, and she whines that this treasure is being taken away from the family! This little brat who can't be stopped by size! He sobs and cries in all seriousness, swears to kill all his mistresses, arranges lengthy showdowns ... And when peace is concluded and the conflict is over, he again pats him on the back in a businesslike way and says: “Vanya, darling, I won’t give you up to anyone!”

    And you say size. Your problem is not in the member, but in the head. This is for Labkovsky. Such a psychologist. Adye!

    Then Veronica again climbed onto her page and found a new message from a new man: “Hello, dear lady. I want to get to know you. My penis size is above average standards. I hope this makes you happy. Attached is his photo!

    "Oh my God! Again!" - Exclaimed Veronica and resolutely slammed the laptop!
