How to make a web cigarette ring. The method is more complicated - with the help of the jaw

ABC of the vaper

It is not uncommon to meet a person with an electronic cigarette in the company of young people. This is hardly surprising in today's world. But here is a person who produces spectacular multiple rings and does amazing tricks with smoke, will already attract the attention of the company.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette, a regular one or a hookah, many young people are wondering. Today we will reveal some simple tricks in order to start standing out from the crowd of users of fragrant, and not so, smoke.

Before you start your own smoky performance at a party, or at home with friends, you should start with the basics of this art. And the first thing you should learn is how to make simple steam rings.

And do not be skeptical about this, because before you start more difficult tricks, you will have to thoroughly master your oral apparatus, learn how to use your tongue, jaw, and even Adam's apple. And the fact that you accidentally got two or three rings on the first try does not mean at all that you are ready for the next step.

How to learn to let rings? Before you can become a great lord of the rings, learn how to make a jellyfish or perform another smoke trick, you will have to practice a little in the basics.

You need to learn how to properly vape your first ring using a vape:

If you have grasped the principle of how to start steam rings, then smoke rings will not be difficult for you either.

Do the jellyfish, baby

Vaping jellyfish is no longer the level of a schoolboy. It requires perfect execution of ring-letting, and great perseverance.

Once you've figured out how to make rings, big ones and lots of them, vape tricks become much closer to you.

At the moment there are a great many of them and their number and complexity is constantly growing.

And if you really understand in detail how to make smoke rings, then you can try to take a big step forward in order to learn how to launch your first jellyfish.

The trick can be divided into 3 components:

  1. Creating a ring.
  2. Ring push.
  3. The final release of steam.

But all this is 3 phases of essentially one process. And now let's take a closer look.

A little higher, methods for creating rings were described, and, as a rule, a person embarking on complex tricks will be able to run the ring with their eyes closed. What you need to do - you need to release the ring, and catch it in the palm of your hand.

Moreover, you need to catch it on the lower part of the palm, the fingers will not play a role in the subsequent action. With a forward movement, you must push the ring in the direction of its movement so that the air cushion in front of your palm during the push gives the ring acceleration.

When you see the ring begin to receive extra speed from your palm, you should take some steam into your mouth. Not in the lungs, but in the mouth. The steam that you release in the next moment should be thick.

Approaching the ring with your face, as far as your personal smoke release technique will allow you, with one push, you should release steam in the middle of the ring. As soon as this clot passes through the ring, it will begin to wind around the ring, thus creating a unique visual effect of a jellyfish.

There are no limits to perfection in the technique of vape tricks. A little diligence, patience and a good device after a little time will make you a real conqueror of steam and smoke, and no company can resist your smoke show.

Many hookah lovers have ever wondered: how to blow smoke rings? It turns out that it is easy and simple to do this, and this technique is called - jellyfish hookah. But only a few learn this skill, most people give up this venture after the second or third unsuccessful attempt.

There are many different ways how you can make a joke with a hookah, namely, to create smoke rings. The essence of any of the techniques is that a person inhales smoke, and when exhaling, a tornado of smoke is created, which can be given an annular shape.

Performing tricks with hookah smoke is akin to an art, and therefore, training is necessary before embarking on a long learning process. Professionals of this business recommend beginners to follow some recommendations:

  • It is better to make hookah smoke rings indoors without drafts, as they can ruin the entire technical process;
  • If a person decides to blow smoke rings, then it is important to use strong tobacco of high grades, since the density of tobacco smog depends on its quality. Usually from a light tobacco product, it is lean and does not lend itself to ring formation;
  • All facial muscles should be relaxed. Before you start learning how to do tricks with a hookah, a person should take a few puffs in order to prepare;
  • It is important that when exhaling, the lips have the correct shape, namely in the form of a circle or the letter “O”. Beginners should practice in front of a mirror.

As a rule, each professional has a personal life hack that he uses in the ringletting technique. But before a beginner learns how to do hookah tricks and acquires personal tricks, he will have a long time of training.

Ways to create smoke rings

Before deciding how to make smoke rings, you need to decide on the method that a person will use when creating his personal smoke curtain. Most often, people modernize each ringing method for themselves, but for a beginner, you need to learn at least the basics.

  1. Lite way:
  • The person takes several preliminary puffs to develop the airway;
  • Then he takes several puffs so that the smoke fills the entire oral cavity;
  • Lips need to be shaped like a circle;
  • The tongue plays the most important role in this process, it creates a piston effect, or rather pushes a certain amount of air out of the mouth. The person pulls the tongue as far as possible, and then sharply straightens it and thereby throws out the air.

  • The man takes in a mouthful of tobacco smoke;
  • Lips need to be folded so that they have the shape of the letter "O";
  • At the moment of exhalation, the jaw sharply moves forward, then returns to its previous position in the same way.
  • Professionals usually first completely relax the jaw muscles, and in the process of exhaling they sharply tighten.
  1. How to make cough rings:
  • Before you start the rings, you need to carefully rehearse the cough. He must be weak. It is better to do this in advance;
  • The smoker picks up tobacco smog in his mouth;
  • Then he begins to exhale and coughs slightly, but a certain interval must be observed: 1 cough per second.
  1. Release rings by tapping:
  • The smoker takes in a copious amount of tobacco smog in his mouth;
  • The lips are given the shape of a circle, when using this method, the size of the circle can be 1 cm;
  • In the process of exhalation, the smoker makes a light tap on the cheek, as a result of which the outgoing air takes the form of rings.

But the manufacturers of hookahs do not stand still, knowing people's passion for blowing rings, they invented the jellyfish hookah, with which you can give different shapes to smoke without any techniques. Thanks to the original structure, this process allows you to relax even more.

Hookah is an old oriental hobby, our fellow citizens have been familiar with this type of leisurely and pleasant rest for more than a decade. And, although according to WHO, this way to relax is not completely safe, compared to regular smoking, hookah in terms of causing harm to health wins a lot. Plus, hookah vaping is a spectacular and relaxing pastime.

True admirers of the oriental smoking vessel speak of hookah smoking as a whole beautiful science that does not require haste and fussiness. Many vapers add entourage by creating original smoke rings. This unusually beautiful and breathtaking sight raises the only question, how to make hookah smoke rings? This technique is simple and accessible to everyone, you just need to learn some of its tricks.

There are many ways to blow hookah smoke rings.

To thoroughly understand an unusual skill, you should arm yourself with patience and first master the very essence of the technique. Only under this condition, hookah miracles will obey anyone who wishes.

Smoke rings are created using centripetal force, which creates a vortex that gives the vapor cloud the shape of a ring.

Technical aspects

Spectacular smoke rings are formed by a sharp release of smoky air into the surrounding space. On the outer side of the produced smoke volley, the surface area becomes larger than the inner one. This is what creates the shape of a round donut for the vapor cloud. The outer part of the ring, due to the active interaction with air molecules, slows down, but the inner one at the same time moves faster.

The round shape of the pair is given by the centripetal force

There is an effect of steam scrolling inside the ring itself. This forms the final shape of the circle. With the help of such a simple metaphysical science, the hookah maker surprises those around him with entertaining rings. But before learning how to blow hookah smoke rings, you need to know some of the rules that such science requires.

The necessary conditions

To perfectly master the science of launching smoky hookah rings, you need to know about important rules. Without their implementation, the rings will not work. The main conditions to be met are as follows:

  1. external conditions. To create spectacular steam rings, the hookah should be used indoors, where there is no draft. Freely passing air jets greatly complicate the creation of the effect.
  2. Tobacco quality. Know that the most beautiful rings are obtained by lighting a high-quality and fresh smoking mixture. If it smokes freely even at low temperatures and produces a rich smoke, then the rings will turn out faster and more beautiful. Lightweight tobacco, unfortunately, is not suitable in this case.
  3. Learn to relax your jaw. Before creating rings, make sure the mouthparts are working properly. And we must not forget to push the jaw forward with each release of steam.
  4. Lip exercise. In addition to an actively working jaw, you should be able to work intensively with your lips. The science of stretching them correctly is the basis for creating beautiful smoke figures. To do this, stand in front of the mirror, shape your lips, as when pronouncing the letter "O". Make sure that their circumference is perfectly regular, like that of aquarium fish, and the hole between the lips folded into a circle should be approximately equal to the diameter of a coin of five rubles. You should learn to fix this position of the lips and in the future operate with them when releasing the rings.
  5. Learn to cough. It is with the help of cough-like movements that smoky rings will form. Practice on this. It should be achieved that the cough becomes intermittent and at the same time sharp. Only in this case the rings will be obtained.

Getting Started with Science

Experienced hookah makers have created and developed many interesting methods for creating rings. Some of them are simple, others require preparation. An important role is played by the degree of one's own preparation, a good hookah and a suitable smoking mixture..

According to experienced hookah users, in order to be able to produce beautiful steam rings, preliminary training and, of course, free time are necessary. Such a science, like hookah smoking itself, does not tolerate haste and fussiness.

Method 1: easy

This technique is considered the most simple. Even beginners and inexperienced hookah players can master it. So, it consists of the following steps:

  1. Completely fill the mouth with steam.
  2. Shape the lips into an "O".
  3. The tongue will play the role of a kind of piston: it must be sharply pushed forward, while simultaneously pushing the required amount of smoke.
  4. To facilitate the task, try to pull the tongue away to the larynx, and then actively "throw" it forward.

The main thing to consider with this method is complete control over the operation of the language. If he behaves differently every time he releases smoke, the rings will quickly tear and distort. The clear advantages of this method include its simplicity and ease of access.

The easiest way is to give the lips a perfect circle shape and release the rings with the help of the tongue.

Everyone can launch smoke hookah rings in this way. But unfortunately, they will not be durable and will quickly dissolve in the air. The average duration of their "life" is only 4-5 seconds.

Method 2: Wood's technique

This method was named in honor of the American hookah admirer and all kinds of tricks with him, Robert Wood. True, the inventor "painted" rings and smoke patterns of stunning beauty using a specially created device.

Modern hookah players do not have it, therefore, taking Wood's technique as a basis, you should simply use the abilities of your own oral apparatus, in particular, the jaw. The process itself is as follows:

  1. Take the desired amount of steam into your mouth.
  2. Give lips a rounded shape.
  3. Sharply push the lower jaw forward, and then also sharply return it to its original position, while releasing smoky rings.

In this technique, the most important thing is to control the movements of the jaw. Experienced hookah practitioners advise to train the jaw muscles first in order to achieve the ability to completely relax them. When the muscles relax, the lower jaw drops, and then, as a result of a sharp muscle tension, returns to its original position again.

Wood's method allows you to create large rings and release them over long distances.

Using this technique, you can give the rings a great acceleration. This allows them to fly out over a long distance (up to several meters), which gives more effect.

Plus, rings released in this way can grow to large sizes (15-20 cm in diameter) and stay in the air for quite a long time (about 15-20 seconds). With practice, you can create real smoky masterpieces.

Method 3: coughing

This method is considered one of the most reliable. Rings are created by light coughing. Thanks to this simple technique, a hookah maker can release up to 3-4 rings per second, and at a fairly high speed. But one condition is necessary - to be able to control coughing. This reflex must be strong in order to fill the mouth with the necessary amount of steam, and at the same time relaxed, otherwise the rings will become deformed.

It is better to practice beforehand to impress the audience. Cough should be worked out by connecting the tonsils to the work. With their help, you can learn to block the exit of air masses from the lungs. You should learn to strain them, and then relax.

Method 4: fingers and cheeks

This is a rather original way to produce spectacular hookah rings. Rings are created by tapping your fingers on your cheek. It consists in the following:

  1. Take the required amount of smoke into your mouth.
  2. Give the lips the shape of the letter "O". Try to make them so that their circumference is approximately equal to the size of a coin of 10 kopecks.
  3. Then you should lightly tap your fingers on your cheek. In this case, a slight pressure will be exerted on the smoke that is in the oral cavity, which will lead to the creation of rings.

The finger tapping technique allows you to create many neat but small rings.

This technique will create many small, but neat rings. Their number directly depends on the speed with which a person will tap on the cheek. The more often you move your fingers, the more rings will come out. But there is also complexity. It lies in the difficulty of moving the right amount of steam to the lips to create a ring. This is where language can help. It should be pushed slightly forward, towards the lip opening, so that it helps the steam to move.

Method 5: through exhalations

This technique is simple and accessible even for a beginner. It does not require any effort and prior training. What we do:

  1. We collect steam in the oral cavity.
  2. We fold the lips into a circle (the shape of a 10-kopeck coin, as in the previous method).
  3. We strain our lips and at the same time pull them forward.
  4. We blow out the steam with sharp and frequent exhalations.

This method is simple, though the rings will not turn out so spectacular. Keep in mind that the first and last ring may be slightly deformed and twisted..

Creating the most effective rings

Over time, having mastered the simple methods of releasing rings, you can begin to master more exclusive options. Having mastered them, the bather will be able to truly attract the attention of the public. The rings will come out elastic, large and truly fantastic.

With practice, you can create complex and more beautiful patterns.

ring through ring

One of the most popular ways to create a beautiful smoky pattern among experienced hookahs. But it is easy enough to master for any hookah vaping fan. This technique allows not only to create beautiful rings, but also to pass them through one another. The first thing to do is to fully master the art of making rings using different methods.

Having chosen the most successful way for himself, the first ring is produced. It must be strong and durable so as not to dissolve ahead of time. After 2-3 seconds (when the base ring moves to the required distance), the next ring is created. And you need to aim it strictly at the center of the first.

Over time, having mastered this method, you can release a number of smoky circles in such a way that they pass between each other, creating a real pattern. After training, you can come up with and develop a whole show.

Steam and soap bubbles

This method of releasing hookah smoke rings belongs to the category of exclusive and most spectacular. The essence of the technique is as follows: the creation of a large soap bubble, inside which there are steam rings. To perform a spectacular trick, in addition to a hookah, you should arm yourself with a mixture for blowing soap bubbles and a suitable tube. This is done as follows:

  1. One end of the tube is inserted into the soap solution.
  2. Steam is gently and slowly blown into the second.
  3. Then blow out an ordinary soap bubble, which will contain hookah smoke inside.

With a certain skill in soap bubbles, you can make several smoke rings at once. Keep in mind that for large soap bubbles you will need a large diameter tube. Even an ordinary properly cut plastic bottle can be adapted.

Having thoroughly trained, you can become a real hookah magician. Such art will not only diversify leisurely rest with a hookah, but will make it spectacular and memorable, filled with unusual emotions and a real show.

Smoking an electronic cigarette is a great alternative for those who cannot or do not want to quit smoking, but want smoking to bring a minimum of harm to the body. The release of steam from an electronic cigarette brings the same pleasure as the smoke of conventional cigarettes and is absolutely safe for health. Smoking an electronic cigarette in the company of friends can be diversified by smoking tricks with the release of steam in the form of rings, many smokers want to learn this process. How to learn how to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette in order to get beautiful, even rings?

Is it possible to release rings from the vapor of an electronic cigarette?

Cigarette smoke rings have always attracted attention and every smoker, at least once, tried to learn how to make them. Some heavy smokers exhale bluish rings to perfection, daily honing their skills. To create rings, as a rule, thick, heavy smoke of strong cigarettes or cigars is used. Is it possible to make rings from the vapor that is exhaled when smoking an electronic cigarette? The process of forming a ball of steam in an electronic cigarette is based on the principle of an inhaler - the liquid boils and a thick vapor is formed, from which, after regular training and mastering simple manipulations of the lips, tongue, and lung function, you can get beautiful and even rings. Consider the most popular three methods.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 1 way

This method involves the lips and tongue.

  • Puff on the steam, fold your lips with a tube, the letter "O", in the center of which you need to place the tip of the tongue.
  • The tongue should not touch the lips.
  • Now exhale sharply and abruptly.
  • A jerky and short push of steam is produced by the lungs and larynx.
  • A sharp exhalation resembles a light, barely audible cough.

Practice several times, you should be patient and soon you will start to get clear, even steam rings.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 2 way

You can exhale the rings without the help of the tongue, this method allows you to release the rings faster and looks beautiful.

  • Inhale steam into your lungs, curl your lips into a tube in the shape of the letter “O”.
  • The lips stretched forward must be tightened and fixed.
  • Exhale the smoke of an electronic cigarette in sharp small and frequent pushes.
  • To master the technique, beginners can simultaneously pronounce the sound “OH” while exhaling.

Over time, you will learn how to make smoke rings without sound, only with sharp exhalations.

How to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette - 3 way

This method involves the lips and larynx, this e-cigarette smoke release method is called “W method”. Thanks to this technique, the rings acquire a clear outline.

  • To puff out a smoke ring, purse your lips and make an "oh" sound.
  • When this sound is pronounced, the lips first expand and then narrow, due to which smoke rings are obtained when exhaling.
  • A distinctive feature of the method is that when inhaling, steam is collected not in the lungs, as was the case in the first and second methods, but in the cheeks.
  • The clarity of the contours of smoke rings is affected by the circumference of the lips, so by changing it you can produce rings of different diameters.

To master e-cigarette smoke rings, use all three methods to find the one that suits you best. Experienced smokers when mastering the smoking trick recommend:

  • do not keep smoke in the throat for too long;
  • when tightening, you do not need to gain a large amount of smoke;
  • do not strain your jaw, facial muscles should be relaxed;
  • Electronic cigarettes do not need to be smoked like regular cigarettes, as they immediately release thick vapor. Therefore, the release of rings can be started at the first puff;
  • train indoors, without drafts that will distort the produced rings;
  • first you need to work out the correct shape of the mouth, and only then the exhalation of smoke;
  • releasing the rings, tilt your head back a little so that the smoke tends to rise.

Only regular training will lead you to the desired result, and soon in a noisy group of friends, at a party or in a club, you can safely demonstrate your ability to release beautiful and clear smoke rings from an electronic cigarette.

For decades, people have experimented with different ways of smoking hookah and have mastered many tricks in this area. Of course, the most famous trick is blowing smoke rings. This is when a smoker exhales a cloud of smoke using centripetal force to create a vortex that gives the smoke a ring shape. And the most frequently asked question on this topic: how to blow rings using a hookah? Before we look at the various ways, let's start with the scientific aspect of the matter.

Smoke rings are formed by the sudden release of smoke into the air.

– The outer side of the emitted smoke has a larger surface area than the inner side. This allows the smoke to take the form of a donut. The outer side of the ring slows down due to interaction with air molecules, while the inner part moves faster. Thus, the smoke scrolls inside the ring itself. Now you can apply this knowledge.

Now that the scientific part of the question is clearer, we can proceed to more interesting things - ways to let these same rings. Basically, people use three methods, each of which has its pros and cons. But before we look at them in more detail, make sure that four main conditions are met:

  1. When laying out the hookah, make sure you are in a closed, draft-free room. Drafts greatly complicate the creation of smoke rings.
  2. Make sure your hookah has good tobacco. If it smokes well at relatively low temperatures and produces a thick smoke, you will learn to blow rings much faster.
  3. Relax your jaw. Take a few puffs to make sure everything goes right. Exhale the smoke as usual, but at the same time push the jaw forward.
  4. And finally, the last and strangest step is to work out the letter O with your lips. The ability to properly stretch the lips is the key to effective ringing. Go to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Try to give your lips the shape of a perfect circle - like a fish. Make sure that the hole between the lips is at least the size of a five-ruble coin (unless you are using the ChiriO method, in which the hole can be smaller, the size of a coin of 10 kopecks). Hold that facial expression and learn how to shape it when needed.

Now for the different ways:

1. How to blow smoke rings - tongue (difficulty level: 4)

This method is considered the easiest. It consists in the fact that the mouth is completely filled with smoke, the lips are shaped like a circle, and the tongue is sharply thrown forward, which allows a sufficient amount of smoke to be released from the mouth. The easiest way to do this is when you deliberately pull your tongue back toward your throat and then throw it all the way forward. It will probably take you a few tries, but once you get the hang of this move, throwing the rings will be very easy. An important point in this method is to be able to control your tongue. The secret to blowing the right rings is consistency - if your tongue behaves differently each time, the smoke will come out of your mouth with a different density and the rings will quickly become distorted. The main advantage of this method is that it is easy to master and the rings as a result, as a rule, are quite dense. The weak side is that the rings have a rather short duration. They come out of the mouth at a relatively slow speed and only last a few seconds.

2. How to shoot smoke rings - with the jaw (difficulty level: 7)

The method using the jaw is considered the most difficult to master, however, at the same time, it is the most effective. If you really want to learn how to throw smoke rings, you must at least try to master it. It consists in the fact that a large amount of smoke is drawn into the mouth, the lips are shaped into a large circle, and the lower jaw is sharply thrown forward and returns just as sharply to its original position. Many do this by relaxing the jaw muscles, which allows it to drop sharply, and then tensing them just as sharply, which brings it back up. The main advantage of this method is that the rings are produced at high speed. As a result, the rings can fly up to 10 meters, grow in diameter up to 20 centimeters, and hold on for 10 seconds.

3. How to blow smoke rings - cough (difficulty level: 6)

The method of emitting rings by coughing is considered very reliable if it is successfully mastered. In addition, with this method it is easy to surprise other people. It allows you to release rings at a high frequency, up to 5 rings per second. The difficulty lies in learning to control your cough. You need to make it weak enough not to disturb the swirl of smoke, but at the same time strong enough to let the right amount of smoke into your mouth for a new ring. But once you learn how to do it right, the method itself will be very easy to master.

Practice coughing by using the tonsils to block the flow of air from the lungs. Then, first tighten them, and then quickly relax. There are other ways to use your throat to control airflow, choose the one that suits you best.

4. How to blow smoke rings - ChiriO (difficulty level: 5)

The last method on our list is the so-called ChiriO. This method allows the production of small rings at a high frequency. It consists in the fact that the mouth is shaped into a small circle, approximately the size of a ten-coin, after which you begin to tap your cheek with your finger. Thus, there is a small but sufficient pressure on the smoke that is in the mouth. By tapping your cheek quickly, you can release a whole series of small rings. The main difficulty of this method is to push the right amount of smoke closer to the hole between the lips to form the next ring. This can be done by slowly moving the tongue forward, which in turn will push the smoke towards the hole.

That's it: the ways and science of blowing smoke rings. It remains only to learn.

It may take some time to master either method, but it's worth it. Once you master one, you will master the rest too.
