How to make soft waves on. Hollywood wave hairstyle with ribbon

“Through every heart, through every network, my willfulness will break through. Me - do you see these dissolute curls? “You can’t make earthly salt.” Lines by Marina Tsvetaeva.

The poetess captured the essence of the psychological perception of people with wavy locks. They are seen as spontaneous, devoid of rationality, and creative.

Therefore, curls are associated in the subconscious with the feminine essence. Sometimes every lady wants to become eccentric, perky, rebellious. Let's find out ways to outwit nature, which gave straight curls instead of curls.

Waves on hair with an iron

The iron is designed to straighten strands. However, if you get creative, the device can replace a curling iron. You need to heat the iron, grab the strand in the middle and twist it around the clip.

Slowly move the iron to the end of the hair. We do the same with the rest of the hair. Shake the curled curls with your head down and fix them with varnish.

Hair waves ironing is created using several methods. An alternative to the first is to lower a hot clamp along the strand, bending it first down and then up. Instead of curls they come out light waves on hair.

The third way to create them is to work with strands. Each of them is 2 strands twisted into a spiral. We make a thin tourniquet and slowly pass it between the clamps of the iron. Having removed the device, we wait for the hair to cool down, and only then let it go.

The peculiar snails from the strands are also ironed with an iron. On an average head of hair there are about 10 of them. Secure the snails with foil. Rectangles are cut out of it. They are bent in half.

Waves on hair with curlers

The usual way how to make waves on your hair. Among the new products, we would like to mention hot rollers. From the name it is clear that they are heated. The heat ruins the hair, although it makes the styling process easier.

To preserve hair health, hot rollers, like curling irons, straightening irons, and hair dryers are used only a few times a month. Ordinary curlers are safe for hair. Carefully select the diameter of the Velcro.

Tall ladies with large features have big waves in their hair. Petite ladies with small noses and narrow faces suit small, tight curls.

Curlers are used on washed, slightly damp hair. They are separated and screwed onto Velcro. We start from the top of the head. Then it is convenient to curl the curls at the back of the head. We distribute curlers to the temporal area last.

The strands dry naturally on the curlers. We use a hairdryer in a hurry. It, as already mentioned, negatively affects the hair. Fine hair is especially sensitive to heat. They literally warm up right through, dry out, and break.

Wave your hair with braids

Tightly woven - the way to do it waves for medium hair or long. We start by washing our hair. Treat damp hair with styling mousse. We braid a braid, or braids. One will produce a large wave, and several will produce a small curl.

Hair waves They turn out more voluminous when twisting the braids into buns. We fix them with pins. It is important to braid your hair all the way to the ends. Otherwise, straight droops will remain at the bottom of the hairstyle. Need a quick wave effect? We run an iron through the braids, as well as plaits of hair. Hairdrying will also speed up the curling process.

Waves on hair using plaits

The principle is close to braiding. We wash our hair and divide it into strands. We twist them two at a time. We twist the finished bundles into bagels and secure them with pins. Here is the answer to the question, how to make hair waves at home.

Bagels don't have to be big. These don’t always dry out overnight. The ideal diameter of one “bump” is 5 centimeters. Usually, the hair has to be divided into 3-4 parts. On thick hair, sometimes 6-7 bagels come out, and on thin hair – 2.

Waves on hair using a curling iron

Wave hair curler It does it quickly, but it has a negative impact on the strands. Models with ceramic coating are gentler. It is typical for the latest generation of curling irons. It is advisable to use thermal protection means. We are looking for them in professional hair care lines.

We fix the strands on the curling iron as quickly as possible. We heat the device to the limit. This way, the curls set better and the structure of the strands almost does not deteriorate.

The curling iron makes it possible to do large waves in hair. They do not work when working with plaits, braids and snails. If the latter are braided on wet ones, then the dry ones are fixed with a curling iron.

They are held in the clamp for approximately 60 seconds. When all the twisted strands have cooled, beat them with your hands and spray them with a fixative.

Waves on hair using curlers

In the 21st century there are such. They resemble flexible sticks. The hair is twisted around them, bending the ends of the curlers into a bagel. In the past, installation was done with rectangular pieces of paper.

They were twisted by passing a thread through the center. How it was carried out hair curling? Waves received by winding strands on pieces of paper. These little snails came out, held at the base by threads.

Modern curlers, in the absence of special curlers, are made from wet wipes. No threads needed here. Flexible napkins are easy to tie. The main thing is to take a larger pack. Small napkins may not be enough to tie.

It is important to do curling on strands that have not yet dried. When they curl, unwind the pieces of paper or napkins. The curls are sorted out with your fingers. You will need varnish to fix it. Excessively thin hair on curlers becomes very tangled and can become knotted.

Waves on hair using brushing

Brushing - styling with a round, large brush. This is the opinion of hairdressers. People call brushing the brush itself. It gives waves together with a hairdryer. The strands are wound onto a brush and treated with hot air. The technique is suitable for owners of manageable hair of medium length.

Waves on hair without a curling iron come out airy, weakly expressed. These suit people with smooth facial features, for example, without sharp curves, rounded cheeks and lips that resemble a bow string.

Waves on hair with curling iron

Wave hair curler needed when creating retro images. It is not necessary to wash your hair. He makes a side parting on it. We leave a triangle at the back of the head.

We “break” the rest of the hair into horizontal sections. On the side of the parting where there is more hair, we leave 5-6 sections, and on the opposite side - 3-4.

Treat the upper sections with mousse. Gel will also work. Lubricate generously. We lay the top strands in a large wave. We grab each bend with tongs. Afterwards, we work with the occipital area. Here the hair is wrapped in curlers. Hold them and the tongs until the hair dries.

Wave your hair with texturizing spray

Texiurizing sprays are used on dry hair. The goal is a beach wave effect. Similar to how hair curls after swimming. The structure of the hair is affected by moisture from the air and water.

The spray is sprayed onto the hair. It will have to be crushed. You will get wavy creases. Styling with your head down will make them more pronounced. Having lifted it, we spray the hairstyle with hairspray. You can dry it with a hairdryer.

In Soviet times, sugar water was used instead of varnish and structuring gel. The curls came out no worse than modern ones. The downside is the stickiness of the strands. But by pouring the sugar solution into a spray bottle, we get the same spray, even if we sew on the label.

Waves in hair using carving

- a subspecies of chemical. The reagents used are gentle. The effect lasts 1-3 months, but minimally damages the hair. For long-term styling, they require daily treatment with fixing mousses and waxes. Otherwise, the hair after carving does not look like a cluster of tight curls, but a sloppy little heap.

During carving, the chemical composition is used to treat hair wound in curlers. Wooden ones are used. The plastic may react with the solution.

The size of the curlers is selected depending on the styling task. It looks especially impressive on short hair. They become lush, adding playfulness to the look.

Carving on long hair straightens quickly and is not elastic. The price of the procedure is not worth it. You also need to take into account the possibility of overexposure of the solution on your hair. This is fraught with chemical burning. It kills the strands, making them porous and brittle.

Finally, we note that for some people, to get curls, it is enough to cut their hair. Some people live and do not know that the gene for wavy hair has been passed on to them.

They straighten up under their weight. However, as soon as the braid is cut off, perky curls soar skyward. No chemicals, no flat irons, no curling irons or curlers are needed.

And those with straight hair dream of romantic curls - that’s just the way it is with women. If you are the owner of the notorious straight hair, then you probably often feel the need to make waves on your head, and you don’t always have the time and money to go to the hairdresser. And the more relevant the information is on how to curl your hair yourself.

Hair styling in waves is done using two methods: cold and hot.

There are two types - cold and hot. Both methods are suitable for creating waves, however, it should be borne in mind that cold curling is gentle on the hair, unlike hot curling. True, the cold method is not suitable for everyone - those with thick, coarse, straight hair are unlikely to be able to create waves without heat styling. Cold styling tools and methods include:

  • curlers (except hot rollers)
  • fixing agents: mousses, gels, sprays for creating curls
  • clips, invisible

Hot styling is styling using:

  1. hair dryer and comb
  2. curling irons
  3. hair straightener
  4. Thermo curlers

Hair styling in waves for medium hair

– the most comfortable: below the chin so that they can be pulled into a bun, but above the shoulders, which makes caring for them easy. There are plenty of ways to curl medium-length hair with waves:

  • Curlers. This is the most effective way to create waves in your hair. However, with thick hair, this process is quite labor-intensive; it is often impossible to distribute the curlers efficiently over the entire head alone. But the result almost always justifies the effort - the waves created with curlers last a long time. To create smooth curls that add tenderness to the look, rather than tight ones, you need to choose curlers of medium and large diameter. For medium-length hair, Velcro, foam, or classic curlers (with an elastic band) are suitable. The technology of curling with curlers is known to everyone - the hair is divided into strands, each strand from the end is “wound” onto the roller of the curler right up to the very roots or to the middle of the length, if your goal is retro waves.
  • Curling iron () is probably the easiest way to create waves on your hair. Thanks to the wide variety of curling iron models, it will not be difficult to choose a curling iron with a heating element of the required diameter - after all, the size of the waves depends on it. To create large curls, you need a large-diameter curling iron. Curling your hair with it is simple - you need to grab the end of a strand with a curling iron (yes, you need to divide the hair), carefully pull it through so that there are no creases, and wind the strand along the entire length of the curling iron. Hold for a while (exactly how long is indicated in the instructions for the tongs), carefully loosen the tongs and remove them from the resulting curl. If necessary, fix with varnish.
  • Hair styling mousse and bobby pins are another original and easy way to style your hair in waves. You need to separate your hair into strands, moisten each with mousse or styling gel and twist it into rings. Secure the tip of each strand with a bobby pin on your head, and when the hair is dry, carefully remove the bobby pin and comb the waves with your fingers.
  • Braids are a safe way to style your hair with waves. It is enough to wash your hair before going to bed, dry it slightly so that it is damp, and braid several braids (experienced hairdressers advise doing no more than six to get waves and not an African-American hairstyle). In the morning, after waking up, you can simply unravel your hair and spray it with hairspray, or leave it as it is - for many, even without additional fixation, the waves after such styling last throughout the day.

Hair styling in waves for long hair

Styling your hair in waves using an iron or curling iron

On long hair, waves do not last as long as on medium or short hair, and they need to be curled in slightly different ways, although some means of creating waves are universal for any length.

Large diameter curlers will help you create romantic waves on long hair. True, with the help of Velcro curlers you will not be able to curl your hair along the entire length. A hair straightening iron, contrary to its name and main purpose, is also an excellent assistant in creating wavy hair.

To curl a strand of hair with an iron, you need to grab it from the roots, pull it as tight as possible (but so that there is no pain), wrap the strand around the heating element (without unclenching the curling iron), and gradually move the iron to the tip.

It’s not difficult to braid long hair even on your own, you just need to braid it from the roots so that there are no creases. The technology is the same as for medium hair - the next morning you will get soft, gentle waves.

Curl mousse will help you quickly and easily create light, “natural” waves that will look like you were born with them. Simply distribute the fixative evenly throughout your hair and lift it with your hands, slightly lifting it from the ends to the roots. Let your hair dry, do not comb it so as not to spoil the effect.

Clips and modeling tools are handy for creating waves on long hair by hand. The method is described in the section for medium-length hair - strands, moistened with mousse or gel for fixation, are collected into rings and fixed at the roots with clips or bobby pins, and after drying, the hairpins are removed.

Another way to create waves using an iron: divide your hair into strands, twist each strand in turn into a rope and slowly run the iron along its entire length. Do not release the tourniquet until the hair has cooled.

Wave styling for short hair

Short hair usually means strands that are no longer than chin length. It’s clear that a boy’s haircut cannot be styled in waves. And, besides, the curling iron “takes” short hair worse than medium and long hair. Therefore, there are significantly fewer ways to curl short hair into waves than for hair of other lengths.

The most common ways to style short hair in waves

Hair styling with waves is always on trend!

Medium-diameter curlers - simply roll strands of the same width all over your head, dry with a hairdryer or naturally, loosen your hair and fix with hairspray or hair gel.

A round comb combined with a hairdryer is an option for quick wave styling. The principle is the same as in curling, only you have to wind the strands on a comb and dry them one at a time.

Hand styling is a simple technique, the same as for medium-length hair: spray your hair with a fixing spray or moisten it with mousse/gel, knead it with your hands from the ends to the roots and let it dry without a hairdryer.

Curling with a curling iron for short hair is done in several stages. First, all hair is divided into two parts - lower and upper along the circumference of the head. The upper part (it should be larger) is pinned at the top of the head with clips, large strands are selected from the lower part and wound onto a curling iron.

Then the hair is split off, the uncurled parts are divided into two more parts - approximately at the level of the temples, the upper ones are again removed to the top of the head, the remaining strands are curled to the full length, as close to the roots as possible. Then the rest of the hair is released - the strands should already be curled to the middle so that the waves look natural. The resulting hairstyle remains to be fixed with varnish.

Retro wave hairstyle

Waves on the hair are an indispensable element of retro-style hairstyles. A cold wave does not mean curls along the entire length of the hair, but a parting in the middle or side of the head, clear fixed bends starting from the roots and ending either at the level of the upper tip of the ear, or turning into a more complex structure from the rest of the hair. This type of styling is called undulation.

Our most famous lover of retro waves is Renata Litvinova. There is hot undulation and cold.

Before any type of undulation, it is recommended to treat your hair with a heat-protective spray or flax seed decoction, which is prepared as follows: per dessert spoon of flax seed - 300 ml. boiling water, the total amount is calculated independently, based on the length of the hair. The seeds are poured with water, and the broth is brought to a boil in a water bath. After this, the container with it is wrapped in a towel. When the broth has cooled, filter it through several layers of gauze 3-4 times and rinse your hair with it.

Hot undulation is a process that not every woman can carry out on her own. Previously, this method involved using only hot tongs and a comb. At the same time, the master did not touch the hair with his hands. Now, with the advent of irons, the process has become accessible at home.

Hot undulation process step by step

It’s easy to make waves yourself – at home!

Select a wide (3-4 cm) strand of hair from the side of the forehead, fix it at the roots with a curling iron and lightly pull towards the direction of the first “crest” of the wave. Moreover, the large convex part of the tongs should be covered with a strand. Leave for about a minute, while combing your hair in the direction of the next curl.

Grab below the already made wave so that the curling iron is positioned in the opposite direction than the first time - the convex part should “push” the strand towards the head. Hold for a minute or two and release. Make all other curls, alternating the first and second stages, then fix the wave with varnish.

Cold undulation

This is done using a fixing agent, a thin comb-tail and fingers.

  • To begin, as in the case of hot undulation, select a strand from the side of the forehead.
  • Treat the strand with a fixative, making sure that the hair at the roots does not remain dry.
  • Pinch the strand between your index and middle fingers, move it towards the first bend and secure the “peak” of the wave with a clamp.
  • To prevent the clip from leaving a mark on your hair, place tracing paper underneath it.
  • To form the second curl of the wave, place the comb-tail perpendicular to the head, close to the skin.
  • Move the comb along with the hair in the direction of the second “peak” of the wave, and secure the “peak” itself with a clip.
  • After the required number of bends has been made and all the curls are fixed with clips, you should put a net on your head to prevent deformation of the hairstyle, and wait until the hair dries naturally or use a dryer.

There is undulation with a straight parting, a side parting and no parting at all. Each case has its own nuances. For example, in the case of styling with a straight parting, the number of waves should be the same on both sides of the parting. If you choose a side parting, then the number of waves on the larger side should be at least five, on the smaller side – at least three.

A hairstyle without a parting implies different widths of waves - those that frame the face should be narrower than the waves at the back of the head. In any of the three cases, it is necessary to ensure that the waves coincide with each other, that is, the bends of two adjacent waves must be consistent and go in the same direction.

Three secrets to perfect waves

    1. Choosing a means of fixation. You need to take this seriously, because a gel bought at random can ruin your hairstyle. Ideally, the product should not stick your hair together or weigh it down.
    2. Let your hair cool down. Whatever procedure you carry out, do not complete it while your hair is hot. For example, if you curl your hair with a curling iron, do not touch the curl until it has cooled.
    3. If a regular styling product cannot cope with them, apply mousse to damp hair, dry with a hairdryer, and then proceed to shape your hair as if you had not carried out this procedure.

Hollywood wave hairstyle! The uniqueness of the styling is that you can do Hollywood waves on short hair and long strands - it will look amazing on any length:

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Every girl tries to be beautiful, especially for some special event or big holiday. In this case, choose a stylish look, perfect makeup, and, of course, a beautiful hairstyle. In this article we will talk about how to make light waves on your hair with your own hands, without using special curling irons. There are several ways to create beautiful waves without using curling irons or damaging your curls with hot hair dryers and straightening irons. Of course, it’s enough just to visit a beauty salon, where the lady will be offered different types of styling, but you don’t have to spend your money and do everything at home.

It is worth noting that the wave on the curls does not last long if a special fixative is not applied to the hairstyle. You can use varnish, gel, foam with medium hold, as well as any other types of cosmetics that help secure the result for a long time. It is also necessary to recall that it is better to use heated devices with additional thermal protection; it is equally important that their temperature is regulated.

Create waves with a hairdryer

A hairdryer is exactly the device that every woman has. With its help you can create beautiful and light waves that will look natural. To consolidate the result, it is necessary to dry the still slightly damp curls, and first apply a special gel or mousse to the hair to create a styling. So, if a lady is interested in the question of how to make light waves on her hair on her own at home, without using a curling iron, then the girl should read the information below.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

We can’t get by with just a hairdryer, for this reason it’s worth taking an additional brush, as you can easily create a voluminous hairstyle with its help. Since we need to make beautiful waves, we should use a small or medium-sized round curling comb. In addition, it is worth preparing a large comb in advance, especially for ladies with long hair. Using a comb, the hair is divided into separate strands, and it is recommended to use different sizes to get the most natural styling.

Each individual element is fixed with the help of large hairpins, this will make it easier to deal with the strands, since the remaining curls will not interfere. The loose curl begins to be gradually wound into brushing. In this case, curling is done not from below, but starting from the root zone, so the curls will come out more natural and voluminous.

It is very important to dry each strand with a hairdryer until completely dry. If the curls remain slightly damp, the hairstyle will completely fall apart in just twenty minutes.

Do this with all your hair; if you want to make your hair more voluminous and stylish, you can twist each strand in a different direction.

Once the curls are done, you can create additional volume on the head; this is done using regular hairspray; the strength of fixation depends entirely on the thickness of the hair and its density. A thick hairstyle requires a stronger fixation, while thin and sparse curls can be secured with a weak hold hairspray. When you need to create a romantic look, you should use round styling combs with different diameters. At the same time, it is very important not only to alternate them, but also to twist them in different directions.

Making waves with an iron

Now you can learn how to make light waves on your hair without using a curling iron, but using a regular iron. This method can come to the rescue when a woman does not have curling irons and needs to create her hair as soon as possible. A special thermal protection must be applied to dry hair, as the iron gets very hot and can damage the curls.

You can take a comb and use it to first separate one strand from the forehead to the back of the head, and then also from ear to ear. Thus, we end up with hair that is divided into four equal sections; from above it looks like a cross. Any three separate parts must be secured with hairpins, and one part should be left.

The remaining curl is divided into three more partings, or four can be made. Now you can take a curl in the very middle with an iron, then secure the hair between the plates and start rotating, thereby curling each curl. As soon as everything is finished with the first part, start winding the remaining strands. The finished curls are lifted slightly with your fingers or left as is. The hairstyle is secured with varnish.

Create waves with curlers

For ladies who don’t know how to make light waves on their hair at home, without using devices harmful to their curls, there is another option. In this case, we use ordinary curlers; you can curl slightly damp or almost dry hair on them.

It is worth considering that small and medium curlers are made to make curls, but we need a wave effect, so it is worth preparing large curlers.

This procedure requires mandatory preliminary preparation of the hair, so the head is first washed, but this is done exclusively with shampoo, without any balms or masks. The hair is dried with a towel, and then a styling product is applied to the curls; ideally, mousse and foam are used. As soon as the curls become slightly damp, you can begin to curl the strands. To do this, the head of hair is divided into eight or ten parts using a comb.

They begin to curl the curls from the back of the head, gradually moving to the crown and forehead. You will have to keep the curlers on your hair for at least one hour, and if you leave it for a longer time, the waves will turn out denser and more beautiful. The hairstyle can be slightly separated with your fingers and then varnished to maintain the style for the entire celebration.

Hot rollers are also used; this option makes it possible to do your hair in a shorter time. There is also no need to wash your hair before the procedure, since you can use curlers on dry curls, and then fix everything with hairspray. But for better fixation, it is better to wash your hair, apply mousse to it and dry it naturally. Only after this they begin to create waves.

Creating light waves on short hair is both easier and more difficult at the same time. The length of the hair is shorter, but it is harder to handle with a curling iron. Try the installation method described below, you may like it and use it.


  • comb
  • curling iron
  • Polish for hair
  • thermal protectant
  • hairpins

Laying process

1. Apply heat protectant and comb your hair.
2. Separate the top layer of hair and pin it with a bobby pin on top.

3. Take large strands and curl them with a curling iron; if your hair is too short to curl, curl only the ends.

4. Remove the clip and part your hair horizontally again, this time from temple to temple. Pin everything above this line with bobby pins.

5. Separate a strand, wind it on a curling iron as close to your head as possible. Continue until you have curled all the loose strands.

6. Remove the hairpin and let down the remaining hair - there won't be too much of it. Twist the strands again, but now you can start somewhere in the middle and not twist from the roots. This will make your curls more natural, romantic and soft.

7. Spray your hair with hairspray.

  • It will be easier and faster to use a curling iron with a large attachment.
  • To make the hairstyle more voluminous and playful at the very end, take a few thin strands and twist them into a curling iron, then comb them a little with your hands.

Tips on how to create light waves on your hair are especially popular, since girls with naturally straight hair want wavy curls, and those with curls want smooth hair. Today, hot tongs and curlers have been supplemented by high-tech devices such as stylers, diffusers and curling irons. Despite this, the general principles of curling remain unchanged.

Light waves on your hair can be done even in your own apartment. This is a labor-intensive procedure, but once you take the time to do this, your hairstyle will look like the salon version. Although curling technique is not the only fundamental factor, several general recommendations should be taken into account.

When creating waves on long hair, you need to use medium hold products to make the curls soft and natural.

Before curling your hair, you should wash your hair thoroughly using conditioner. This will allow them to be light and obedient, which is the key to a beautiful hairstyle.

The final procedure for styling finished curls should be preceded by a little practice so that neither your hairstyle nor your mood are spoiled before the important event.

Using a curling iron to create curls

Here it is worth remembering great-grandmothers who heated metal tongs over the fire and wound strands of hair around them. This process is quite long and unsafe: you can burn your hair.

Despite the fact that the general principle of such curling has not changed, the process itself has become safer: technical devices independently heat the hair to a fixed temperature. Special coatings help them with this and protect them from overheating.

Let's look at this method using a curling iron as an example. Before the procedure, you need to wash and dry your hair. It is better to do this with a towel rather than a hairdryer, since they will already be exposed to heat.

The more thoroughly your hair is dried, the longer the waves will be visible on it; to give it lightness, it should be left slightly under-dried.

The main process is curling the curls, but to get light waves, you need to use a large-diameter curling iron and take wide strands for curling.

When everything is curled, you need to shake the curls and comb them with a large-toothed comb. Moreover, it would be appropriate to fix the resulting effect with varnish.

Using a flat iron

As the name suggests, the iron is designed to straighten hair. However, modern girls also use it for other purposes: they curl their hair in the same way as with a curling iron. If you take medium curling irons, their width is significantly greater than the size of curling irons, so there is a chance to get more voluminous waves.

To wind a strand of hair onto an iron, you need to separate it and intercept it in the middle, and wrap the lower part of the curl completely. During rotation around its axis, the upper part of the taken hair is twisted. They are heated and carefully released.

After processing all the hair, it should be combed and fixed with hairspray. This is necessary in order to obtain the most frequent waves.

A tourniquet and iron are used. The uniqueness of this method is manifested in its simplicity. If we compare it with the previous version of curling, it is not so labor-intensive, since here the waves appear all at once.

When clean hair is half dry, apply mousse and curl it into a tight braid. This is acceptable for those with long hair. As for the short and medium options, this will be problematic.

Gradually the entire strand of hair is processed with an iron. This is done slowly (from top to bottom) so that all hair can warm up well. This treatment is repeated several times, although the exact number of procedures depends only on the power of the device.

After the tourniquet is completely processed, you should wait for the hair to cool completely. If you untwist it, the waves will not last long on your hair.

The hair is not combed, but separated with fingers and fixed with varnish.

Waves on long hair with curlers

You can make waves by choosing large curlers. Before fixing them, the curls are washed and dried. Drying, as in all previous cases, is not carried out completely, so that mousse, spray or foam can be freely applied.

It is better to start curling strands with curlers from the top of the head, moving to the back of the head, only then move to the side surfaces. When all the curlers are “put on”, they need to be dried with hot air. This procedure is especially effective when using iron curlers, since the hair warms up well and the curl lasts longer.

You need to remove the curlers 20-30 minutes after drying. Further procedures are standard: combing and spraying with varnish.
