Beautiful sachets for your own hands. Aromas of herbs, recipes for compositions and how to make aroma sachets with your own hands

A sachet is a small bag filled with fragrant flower petals and various essential oils. Such products are used to refresh the space. For example, they are placed in the bedroom or closet where linen is stored. The aroma of flower petals and essential oils fills the air, helps to calm down and be in good shape. Do-it-yourself sachets can be a great gift for any occasion.

How to make sachets at home?

Before creating a product, consider what shape it will be. These gizmos are made not only in the form of bags, but also in the shape of a heart, geometric shapes - the end result depends on your imagination. You can buy materials for making sachets at a specialized store, and you can buy herbs at a pharmacy.

To create a sachet at home you will need:

  • white button
  • lace 3 cm wide
  • filler - lavender
  • embroidery fabric 4*4cm
  • green and purple floss
  • black fabric marker
  • narrow satin ribbon
  • black threads

Step by step instructions for making a sachet:

  1. Cut the lace into pieces 14 cm long, 3 cm wide.
  2. Sew pieces of lace with a curly edge down, attach the last piece with a curly edge up.
  3. Fold the rectangle made of lace in half, sew the side and bottom seams.
  4. Turn the bag right side out and add the lavender flowers.
  5. Cut out an oval from your embroidery fabric and embroider a lavender flower on it.
  6. Sew an oval to the bag.
  7. Tie the pouch with black satin ribbon and sew on a button. Aroma bag is ready!

Do-it-yourself aromatic sachet master class with photo

Sachets are a great way to flavor your room, closet, car, bathroom. Scented pillows are a French invention. The French gave them a name and turned them into a fashion accessory. They used different fabrics, embroidered bags with beads, sewed on lace. Try to make such a thing yourself according to our instructions!

To make an aromatic sachet, you will need:

  1. fabric glue
  2. thin felt in different colors
  3. natural cotton
  4. threads
  5. bag fillers (various herbs)
  6. sewing machine
  7. disappearing fabric marker

Let's start making aromatic sachets:

  • Take a sheet of felt, draw a square 10 * 10 and leaves for the pillow.
  • Cut out the leaves from colored felt.
  • Cut out a 10x10 felt square, draw diagonal lines on it with a marker.
  • Apply glue to the diagonal lines, attach the leaves to the felt square. The first leaves, which were larger, also spread with glue and attach small leaves of a different color to them.

  • Sew on the leaves with a sewing machine.
  • Put a felt square on a regular fabric, cut it out. Sew the squares around the perimeter with the front side inward, leaving one part not sewn up (for stuffing with various herbs).
  • Turn the bag inside out, cut off the corners so that they do not interfere.
  • Put dried flowers in a bag and enjoy the pleasant aroma.
  • Sew up the pillow with a hidden seam.

Sachet of rose petals

Sachet of rose petals

Rose petals are great as a filler for aromatic sachets. The aroma of roses has a positive effect on a person: it affects the parts of the brain, forms harmony between the body and soul, awakens emotions, fills with strength and energy, enhances sexual desire between a man and a woman.

To make a sachet with rose petals, you will need:

  • pieces of cloth
  • filler - rose petals
  • sewing machine
  • threads
  • satin ribbon

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the fabric into squares 12*13 cm.
  2. Place two squares together right side up. Decorate one square with a satin ribbon.
  3. Sew the fabric, leaving a small opening for filling the sachet.
  4. Trim the corners carefully so that they do not stick out.
  5. Turn the bag right side out, straighten the product, sew on the machine from the outside. Do not sew up the hole.
  6. Pour the rose petals into the sachet, sew up the hole by hand.

Essential oil sachet

Aromatic sachet with essential oils have a refreshing and invigorating effect. To strengthen your immunity, fill the bag with a mixture of: rosemary, lemon balm, thyme, mint, sage, cinnamon, salt and drop two drops of lavender essential oil into it. Here are some recipes for combining herbs and essential oils:

  1. Rosemary, cloves, lemon.
  2. Rose, lavender, lemon.
  3. Clove, mint, rosemary, lemon.
  4. Rose, lavender, frankincense, lemon.
  5. Rose, lavender, ylang-ylang.

To make an aromatic bag you will need:

  • two fabric squares 8*8 cm
  • dry herb: clove, mint, rosemary, lemon
  • clove essential oil
  • satin ribbon
  • threads
  • sewing machine

Let's start making a sachet with essential oil:

  1. Cut out two identical squares from the fabric.
  2. On the first square, lay the second (front side).
  3. Sew on three sides.
  4. Cut off the fabric at the corners of the bag.
  5. Finish the cuts with a zigzag.
  6. Fold the bag into a pyramid, sew along the edges, leave a small hole.
  7. Turn the pyramid right side out.
  8. Fill it with grass, drip a drop of essential oil.
  9. Sew up the hole with a hidden seam. Attach a satin ribbon for beauty.

Material ideas for making sachets

Sachet filler is made from dried plants, pieces of roots, essential oils, dried flower petals, fragrant spices. To save money, collect the plants yourself and dry them at home. Herbs for filling are almost never used in their pure form, usually several types are mixed at once.

Useful properties of herbs:

  1. Lavender is good for headaches, insomnia, hypertension. With the help of this plant, anxiety goes away, mental clarity appears, stress is relieved.
  2. Acacia is an excellent antidepressant that improves sleep.
  3. Basil has a pleasant aroma. The smell of basil affects the nervous system, relieves fatigue, headache.
  4. Melissa is a great sleeping pill that brings peace and tranquility.
  5. Rose petals promote sound sleep, relieve headaches, and calm the nervous system.
  6. Jasmine invigorates, gives strength, relieves fatigue.
  7. Dried zest of orange, lemon and tangerine has a stimulating effect, increases efficiency, enhances sexual desire between a woman and a man.

Having made several sachet bags, you can give them to friends, relatives and just acquaintances as a token of gratitude or attention. Using the above tips and adding a little imagination, you will get a real handmade masterpiece. Do not forget that the smell should be combined with the place where you want to place it.


Sachet (fr.) - a bag, a bag.

Sachet - a pad with fragrances, designed to scent linen or repel moths.

Sachet - a bag with spices and fragrant herbs. Dipped for a while in broth or soup for flavoring.

Sachet - an embroidered cloth bag for storing handkerchiefs, combs, etc.

Sachet - a kind of packaging in the form of a small flat package.

Sachet (for rooms) is used for aromatization of rooms, linen or repelling moths. As flavorings, as a rule, a mixture of finely ground fragrant plants and resins is used. The aroma of the sachet can be preserved for a long time.

How to do

First you need to choose a fragrant mixture. Its composition is a matter of your taste or goals, for which sachet will apply. Fragrant mixtures will remind you of summer, the spicy East in the cold season, or they will help create the mood of the New Year holidays.

Fragrant "filling" is placed in a bag. There is absolutely nothing complicated in tailoring a sachet. In fact, these are two identical pieces of fabric sewn together. The bag can be fabric or mesh. Any form can be given. Sasha can be decorated in any original way.

A mixture of flavors is laid out in a bag, which is then sewn up. When the smells disappear, we open the sachet and fill it with a new “filling”.

Flavors and their effects

1. Coffee

This filler is able to neutralize unpleasant odors. The aroma of coffee lifts the mood and awakens the appetite, so this sachet is perfect for the kitchen. You can use both whole beans and coarse ground coffee.

2. Dried citrus peel

Citrus fruits cheer up, increase efficiency and repel moths. You can place such a sachet both in the closet and on the desktop. The aroma can be enhanced by dropping a little essential oil of lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin on the peel. But citrus oils are very "volatile", so you will have to renew the fragrance quite often.

3. Spices

In a sachet, you can add cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods, ginger root and bay leaf. Of course, it is better to place such a sachet in the kitchen to increase your appetite.

4. Fragrant soap

Put a piece of fragrant soap in the bag so that your favorite smell accompanies you all the time.

5. Fragrant teas

In any tea department you can find a huge variety of teas. And flavored tea (with aromas of fruits, berries or flowers) will be an ideal filler for sachets, as it combines the smells of tea and an aromatic additive.

6. Dry herbs

You can bring them from the dacha, or you can buy them in the vegetable row. The choice is great: basil, fennel, thyme, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, marjoram, sage. The aroma of mint soothes, relieves irritation, pacifies. This herb is the most popular flavoring.

7 Flavored Sea Salt

You can buy ready-made, or you can give the aroma of sea salt with essential oils or your favorite perfume. Salt can be replaced with rice, sawdust, wood shavings, etc.

8. Coniferous plants

Pine buds, needles, cones and pieces of bark are used. This is the most suitable flavor for the New Year holidays. Again, the aroma can be enhanced with pine essential oils. Coniferous smells are uplifting, good for the lungs, deodorize the room and have antibacterial properties.

9. Dry flowers, petals and forest herbs

Lavender, rose petals, jasmine, chamomile, calendula - the choice is very large. Choose the aromas of which flowers or medicinal herbs are more to your heart.

10. Wax

A subtle honey flavor will help give your sachet some beeswax. Grate it and mix in a jar 1:1 with sea salt, let stand 2-4 days. Get a filler with a delicate aroma of honey. But do not leave such a sachet in direct sunlight or near a battery, as the wax may melt.

1. All herbs and flowers that you plan to use in the sachet mixture should be finely chopped with your hands, but not to the state of dust.

2. For the bag, it is better to use light natural fabrics - cotton or chintz. The bag can be decorated with lace, decorative buttons, braid, appliqué or embroidery.

3. Bags of lavender or hops have a beneficial effect on sleep. Such a sachet would be appropriate under a pillow or on a bedside table.

4. For drawers with underwear, it is better to use not an ordinary sachet, but sheets of paper sprayed with floral or citrus oils, as well as your favorite perfume. Such sheets should be placed at the bottom of the box.

5. To combat moths, you can use sachets filled with dried citrus peel, thyme, lavender, ginseng, cedar or sage.

6. In the Eastern tradition, cloves and cinnamon are considered “money” spices, acorns are symbols of fertility and wealth, and patchouli herb is considered stability and constancy. Make a mini sachet with this filling and carry it with you in your purse. Suddenly, a fragrant bag will attract eyes to you. Good luck!

Enjoy your favorite fragrances anytime, anywhere with a simple sachet.

Aromatic sachets have long been used by housewives. A sachet is a small decorative pillow filled with hard aromatic herbs and dried flowers. They were traditionally placed in closets next to clothes and linens, as well as at the head of the bed.

Now aromatic sachets are no longer hidden in cabinets, although this method of use is not outdated. This is a simple and wonderful way to scent the space around you: room, bathroom, closet or car.

Today, manufacturers offer many options for scented pads with scented blends. But, I am sure that it is much more pleasant to make an aromatic bag with your own hands, when you know exactly what is included in its filling.

Sachet scents should be chosen wisely and tastefully.

For linen, it is better to use: dried oregano, dried lavender, mint, blackcurrant leaf, rose petals, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, clove stars, lemon. Thanks to them, clothes will always be fresh and fragrant.

You can buy ready-made mixtures of dried flowers for sachets (you can find very interesting options in stores, for example, with the smell of the sea).

In the nursery, it is best to hang an aromatic pillow where rose petals, sage grass, dill seeds, lavender flowers, chamomile, chamomile, lemon balm and sage soaked in essential oils are sewn up.

Verbena, geranium, rose petals and valerian are popular in the bedroom.

The aroma of lemon balm will bring you calm and tranquility, refresh, relieve headaches and give you a sound sleep.

The smell of citrus is more energizing, it may even prevent you from falling asleep, but it will wonderfully help you forget about the daily routine of a working day.

Coniferous smells of cedar, juniper or pine act as antiseptics, soften mood swings, and relieve heart pain.

Do not allow such fragrances as jasmine, daffodils, lilies, lilies of the valley, bird cherry - no matter how much you like them, otherwise you have a chance to spend many restless nights fighting headaches and nightmares.

The most popular scent is lavender. Firstly, it lasts for a long time, secondly, it drives away freeloaders such as moths, and thirdly, it has a very beneficial effect on our health, it has a calming effect, and relieves stress.

Fragrant bag fillers can be herbs with pleasant odors or natural plant extracts (essential oils). You yourself can create compositions, the aromas of which will permeate the space around you.

Scented sachets are easy to make with your own hands. I want to bring to your attention several types of aromatic sachets.

They are different in appearance, content, as well as the materials from which they were sewn.

Let's start with a rectangular sachet, which you can decorate to your liking, but the materials are completely different.

I took an ordinary canvas for the bag itself, and used pink chintz and printed calico for decoration.

For the filling, I used a purchased aromatic sachet of dried flowers left after creation. Other natural ingredients can also be used: dried fragrant herbs, dried orange slices, coffee beans and even flavored tea with a pleasant rich smell.

Let's start by cutting out the details of our bag: height 17 cm, width 13 cm.

I cut off decorative stripes by eye. I loosened the pink chintz along the lower edges, pulling out the longitudinal threads.

We put the stuffed calico with roses on the pink chintz, fasten everything with pins on both sides of the patterns, at an equal distance from the bottom edge of the bag.

We sew our decorative strips along the lower and upper edges of the printed calico, and then we sew the bottom of the bag.

We make sure that everything matches with us and we sew on the sides. We sew the formed corners of the bag obliquely and turn it inside out. We fold the upper edge and process it on a sewing machine.

If you have a very small bag filler, then it is better to sew an inner bag of a slightly smaller size, for example, from madapolam (French madapolam - by the name of the city of Madapolam in India, - a plain weave cotton fabric, smooth and hard to the touch, with a glossy surface ) or other very thin fabric.

Place the filler in the Madapolam bag, sew it up, and then put it in the main bag.

We tie the bag with either a ribbon or a linen rope and decorate it to your taste. I used foamiran. That's what I did…

Now I want to talk about another type of aromatic sachet, when sawdust or unflavored tea is used in the filler with the addition of aromatic oils or cosmetic fragrance.

Here I decided to give the sachet the shape of pillows and decorate them with a satin ribbon.

From the materials I took yellow printed calico with a pattern and Madapolam: width-13 cm, length-15 cm.

Filler sawdust, which can be bought at any pet store.

Let's start with cutting out our pads.

Two cushions made of printed calico with a pattern and one made of yellow calico. We also cut a bag of Madapolam.

To begin with, we sew our bags on a sewing machine, leaving one side free, which is narrower.

Now let's start creating our filler. We take a small amount of sawdust, which could approximately fit in our bag.

We put it in some container and add our aromatic oil or cosmetic fragrance there, no more than 5-7 drops. We do not drip everything at once, but 2 or 1 drop and mix to disperse the contents.

Instead of sawdust, you can use tea without aroma additives. I used sawdust and cosmetic fragrance.

We place our tasty-smelling sawdust in a Madapolam bag and sew it up, and then into the main pillow bag.

We fill with aromatic sawdust only one pillow, yellow, and we will fill the other two with padding polyester.

Now we need to sew our pads so that the seams are not visible. We take a needle and thread and carefully sew it with a blind seam.

It remains to decorate our pillows with a satin ribbon.

We place our yellow pad in the middle, fix all the pads with hot glue, squeezing a little glue into the middle, and stack the pads on top of each other. We take a satin ribbon and wrap our pillows with it, gluing its ends with hot glue in the center of the top pillow.

We make roses from the same satin ribbon and decorate the pillows with them.

To create a harmonious and beautiful composition, I used ready-made leaves from artificial flowers. Complemented with white ready-made flowers.

Nothing even came out...

A handmade aroma bag can be filled with the aroma that you collect yourself.

Think about what you prefer most of all, what fruits, flowers, herbs your family loves - in this way, without much difficulty you will create the desired composition.

Such fabric bags also serve as a wonderful decoration of the premises, a source of pleasant aroma and freshness, as well as an excellent means of aromatherapy. Handmade scented bags can also be a good gift for your family and friends.

Creative success to you!

Its main purpose is to eliminate unpleasant odors in the room. It is not difficult to make it yourself - for this it is enough to have on hand the necessary ingredients that will be used as filler, and fabric for the case. How to make a sachet at home - read on this page.

How to prepare sachets at home?

If plastic windows are installed in the room, then it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, since such windows do not allow air to pass through, which contributes to the formation of mold and fungus on the walls.

To create the most comfortable conditions, it is recommended to use natural and safe flavors: flowers, leaves, herbs, spices and essential oils. Sachets are very popular and effective - fabric bags filled with flower petals and aromatic herbs. It is important to mix the flavors correctly here.

If you already know how to make sachets, do not forget about the rules for storing them. Ready-made pads with different aromas should be stored separately from each other so that there is no mixing of completely different smells. The same essential oils are recommended for use by adding them to water. The fragrance will then last for several days.

Note to the owner. As a filler for a sachet, you can use flowers, leaves, herbs, various spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, anise, cloves, etc.), dried citrus peel (lemon, orange, tangerine, lime, etc.) , essential oils of rose, lavender, geranium, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, etc. In addition, a fixer (a dried piece of violet root or coniferous resin) is always placed in the sachet, which absorbs, mixes and preserves the aromas of the dried filler components.

How to make a sachet with your own hands?

Look at the photo, how to make a sachet with your own hands - it's very simple!

To make a sachet in the traditional way, you should mix dried flowers, petals, buds, herbs and leaves, add citrus zest. Spices can be used whole or broken into small pieces.

After that, you need to add a piece of violet root or resin and a few drops of essential oil to your liking. To stir thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into a storage container, close the lid and leave to infuse for 1 month. The mixture should be shaken periodically and mixed gently. Then the composition must be transferred to a fabric bag.

Now you know how to prepare sachets, which means that your room will be rid of unpleasant odors!

Aromatic sachets - used since ancient times, forgotten, and in recent years have been successfully revived and become popular again. Why? Yes, everything is very simple. Our ancestors also knew about the healing properties of various herbs and the healing effect of aromas on the human body. Queen Cleopatra, rightfully considered the first cosmetologist, used aromatic herbs and oils to maintain her beauty. Now they talk about Cleopatra's beauty recipes with a certain reverence, it is believed that many of them have been lost, but some have come down to us.

But something we digress. We are talking about aromatic sachets. About what it is, what it is used for, and most importantly, how to make an aromatic sachet yourself.

Aromatic sachets are bags filled with medicinal, fragrant herbs and, as a rule, soaked in essential oils.

In ancient times, when cleanliness was not the main virtue not only of ordinary people, but also of the nobility, when lice and fleas were their constant companions, to scare away these bloodsuckers, as well as to give a more pleasant smell to their bodies, gentlemen and young ladies wore aromatic sachet. These are reliable facts known from history. It is very picturesquely written about this in the book by M. Daniel “The Secret Paths of the Bearers of Death”. The book details the history and evolution of bloodsuckers living on humans. Were distracted again.

So. Aromatic sachets. First of all, it's useful. Medicinal plants added to the bag have beneficial properties, aromatic oils enhance these effects. The main thing, when drawing up fees, is to remember what impact they have.

We also bring to your attention a master class on the manufacture of decorative bottles with dry products.

So, for example, lavender calms the nervous system, relieves headaches, reduces inflammation of the joints and muscles.

Rosemary, which has a wonderful aroma, has long been used for aromatization. Rosemary also acts as a tonic and tonic, and at the same time relieves nervous tension. Rosemary also helps to cure colds.

Violet has long been considered a magical flower. It is believed that in a sachet or charm, violet brings peace and light. Gives people energy recharge, balances the emotional state, gives a charge of vivacity and positivity.

Making an aromatic sachet, in general, is not difficult. To do this, we are preparing a collection for aromatic sachets. In our case, we will make sachets of lavender, chamomile, rosemary and violet.

All herbs were bought in the market, from a familiar grandmother, who collects them herself.

We put in the container:

  • rosemary - 1 part;
  • lavender - 1 part;
  • chamomile - 1 part;
  • violet - 1 part.

Now grind all the herbs with a mortar. It turns out a mixture of crushed herbs. When rubbed, the aroma spreads throughout the kitchen!
