Ice face massage. ice cubes for facial wrinkles

What are the benefits of ice facial massage? How to prepare herbal massage cubes? Morning massage is useful in that it tones the skin, makes it smooth, velvety and whitens age spots.

We freeze a decoction based on chamomile, parsley in molds in the freezer and massage our face in the morning.
Facial massage is also good if ice is prepared from decoctions and infusions of herbs, fruits, vegetables. Water for cosmetic ice must be clean and of high quality - drinking or mineral.
Facial massage with ice cubes at home How to do a hot compress Take a small terry towel, dip in hot water, squeeze, apply on the face, covering the forehead, cheeks and neck. Hold the compress until the towel cools down. After that, remove the towel, take an ice cube, massage your face with soft circular motions (do not hold the ice in one place so as not to overcool the skin). Do this gently so that the ice cube glides over the skin. At the same time, support the skin along the wrinkles with your free hand so that it does not move. We use 2-3 ice cubes for one procedure.
After a morning facial massage, you can repeat the compress, after which rinse your face with cool water, dry it and apply a nourishing cream.
It is useful to carry out an ice massage immediately after a bath, taking a bath or a hot compress. Facial massage with herbal ice cubes

Dandelion ice
Barely blossomed buds and young dandelion leaves (500 g). run through juicer
Add 1st. l olive oil. Mix. To freeze.
Ice from dandelion flowers and leaves effectively reduces wrinkles, especially on aging skin.
Hypericum ice
Pour 2 tablespoons of flowers and St. John's wort with boiling water. Insist overnight in a tightly closed glass container. To freeze.
Ice from the infusion of St. John's wort well narrows enlarged pores, eliminates acne.
Ice from sage
1 tsp leaves and flowers of sage pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and leave for 40 minutes. Strain. To freeze.
Due to the content of essential oils, tannins and vitamins, ice from sage infusion improves metabolism and blood circulation, nourishes the skin. Especially useful for oily skin, excessive sweating. mint ice
Pour 1 cup of mint leaves with a glass of boiling water. Infuse in a sealed container for 40 minutes. Strain. To freeze.
Peppermint ice well tones the skin, eliminates small pimples, narrows dilated blood vessels, and removes wrinkles.
strawberry ice
Freeze juice from 200 g of strawberries.
Strawberry ice disinfects the skin well, reduces pores, increases its resistance to chapping, smoothes wrinkles. You can make strawberry, watermelon, melon and peach ice.
citrus ice
Rinse the peel of one orange and one tangerine. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist in a closed glass container during the day. Strain. To freeze.
Citrus ice reduces skin fatigue, restores freshness, elasticity and has nourishing properties.
You can freeze the juice of orange, tangerine and grapefruit, diluting it with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 2.
How to get rid of nasolabial folds with ice cubes
What ages a woman the most? Yes, you are right - these are sharp folds that go from the wings of the nose to the lips. To make them less noticeable, I suggest one simple procedure:
Spread a fat cream or olive oil on the lower part of the face. Take an ice cube and wrap it in a scarf or bag made of soft fabric. Perform the procedure lying down, without a pillow. trying not to pull the skin until the ice melts. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.
When done daily for two weeks, wrinkles around the lips will noticeably smooth out or disappear altogether.
Useful tips for beautiful skin
For the beauty of the skin of the face, you need to drink water necessarily and in sufficient quantities. After all, with age, the level of moisture decreases, wrinkles appear due to dry skin. To avoid wrinkles, sensitivity and tightness of the skin, moisturize it not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
There is a very simple way out: always keep mineral or boiled water in the refrigerator. Refresh your face from time to time by splashing with cool water. It will invigorate you and saturate your skin with moisture.
Pour mineral or boiled water into a spray bottle and periodically spray the skin, blotting excess water with a tissue. Your skin will be perfectly hydrated throughout the day.

It's no secret that human skin is the fastest subject to aging. Or maybe it seems to us, because it is simply in front of everyone, unlike the internal organs, which age just as quickly, but in view of their internal location, you do not see this.

This fact of aging is especially unpleasant for a woman who always wants to remain beautiful, desirable, delightful and amazing. Any woman wants to always look younger and more graceful than she really is.

That is why when the first wrinkles begin to appear on a woman's face, the woman panics. Immediately, she begins to go to extremes and use various masks, creams, serums and other means aimed at removing wrinkles and preventing new ones. And there are those who immediately resort to the help of plastic surgeons just because they want to quickly reduce the first mimic wrinkles.

As strange as it may sound, one of the most effective ways to remove wrinkles is ice. Of course, the mere fact of frozen water will not be enough here, however, ice with the addition of various herbal remedies, such as string, chamomile, plantain, sage, green tea, St. John's wort, nettle, mint, lime blossom is quite capable of giving excellent results for facial skin. At the same time, the method is recommended not only by folk healers, grandmothers and other underground figures, but also by high-class cosmetologists.

The people have always used ice for the face as a cosmetic product. Especially in the morning they wiped the skin with this remedy. Today, cosmetologists are also advised to replace washing with plain water by rubbing the skin with ice.

The fact is that melted water is biologically active. Skin cells that are stunted and lethargic from environmental or age-related dehydration are saturated with melt water, then they straighten out, and the skin subsequently becomes smoother. And such a short cooling of the skin with ice helps to increase blood flow to the face, which improves its metabolism. This procedure helps to improve skin tone, elasticity, helps to narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles. This alone helps to prevent the aging process of the skin, connective tissue, thanks to this procedure, a natural blush will appear on your face, and the skin of your neck and face will rejuvenate.

How to wipe your face with ice cubes?

If you want to reduce wrinkles on a fading face, then rubbing your face with dandelion ice cubes will help you. To prepare it, we take half-blown dandelion flowers (about half a kilogram), skip them on a juicer. Add to this juice a large spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), mix well and freeze.

To prepare other ice cubes for all occasions, we recommend that you do this - boil clean drinking water (although it will be even better if you use mineral water), add the weed you need to this water (depending on what effect you want get), cover the container with hot infusion with something dense for about five minutes, then you can open it and wait until the solution cools down. Pour the resulting infusion into a container in which you will freeze, and put this container in the freezer.

It is advisable to use ice cubes for rubbing once or twice a day. Wipe your face with ice cubes in a circle, along the lines of the skin, without necessarily bypassing the skin around the eyes. Take small breaks, because skin contact with ice should not exceed five seconds, otherwise the skin may turn pale. You need to wipe it quickly enough, but with frequent breaks, you need to wipe it so that the entire cube melts - quickly running the cube over your face several times will not be enough. After the cube has melted, you do not need to wipe your face, because the infusion should be absorbed into the skin.

It is very good to wipe your face with ice in the morning, because it helps wake up the skin and tones it, removes circles under the eyes and swelling. And in the evening, with the help of ice, you can even remove makeup from your face, especially if you have sensitive skin around the eyes.

Ice face massage

It is especially recommended to massage the skin of the face with ice in contrast, after a hot compress or a bath. Then you need to take a soft towel, dip it in hot water, wring it out of the water and put it on your face. The compress should be kept until the towel cools down. Immediately after removing the towel, wipe the skin with a prepared cosmetic ice cube along the massage lines of the skin. We do it gently, so that the cube even glides over the skin. After the massage, you need to blot the skin with a soft towel and rub a soft and nourishing face cream into the skin.

It is good to do this massage once or twice a week. However, you should not do this face massage with ice when it is cold outside or when you are enough for a long time spend in cold air. You should not get carried away with ice and someone who has blood vessels very close to the surface of the face.

If you do not believe us that ice really freezes skin aging, then you can believe the experiments that were carried out by experts. For a whole month, two women at the age of twenty-seven took care of their faces. One of them did this by daily rubbing her face with ice twice a day. The second one just washed up. The results of the study showed that the woman who used ice helped her face slow down the aging process of the skin, while the second one had the same effect.

However, we remind you that the use of ice for the face is not recommended in cases where it is cold outside, when the skin is severely dehydrated or irritated, and with severe vasodilation on the face.

Take care of your face from the very youth, then it will please you much longer.

Ice facial massage

Ice facial massage perfectly tones the skin and strengthens blood vessels. This procedure is useful to carry out after a bath, bath or hot compress.

Performing an ice massage is very simple. Massage your face with an ice cube in circular sliding movements, following the direction of the massage lines. You have to move fast enough. In no case do not hold the ice cube in one place, otherwise you will overcool the skin. After the massage, rinse your face with cool water, pat it dry with a soft towel or napkin and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Massage ice can be made from fresh berry or fruit juice. Berry ice disinfects the skin well, tightens pores, reduces wrinkles, and prevents skin chapping.

The general rules for facial massage also apply to ice massage.

Do not forget about contraindications. In addition to the diseases mentioned earlier, a tendency to catch a cold is added here. If you have a runny nose from mild hypothermia, ice massage is definitely contraindicated for you.

For one procedure, from 1 to 3 ice cubes are consumed.

Healing ice for massage is easy to prepare yourself by freezing decoctions of medicinal herbs in ice molds. We offer several recipes for massage ice.

mint ice

Required: 1 st. l. crushed mint leaves, 1 cup water.

Cooking: Boil water, brew mint, leave for 40 minutes in a sealed container and strain. Pour the resulting broth into ice molds and freeze.


Ice with sage

Required: 1 tsp chopped sage herb, 2 cups of water.

Cooking: Boil water, brew sage, insist for 40 minutes in a sealed container and strain.

Pour the resulting broth into ice molds and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

Rejuvenating Dandelion Ice

Required: 0.5 kg of fresh half-blown dandelion buds and leaves, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Cooking: vegetable raw materials pass through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice. Thoroughly mix dandelion juice with olive oil, pour into ice molds and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

Citrus ice for skin elasticity

Required: zest of 1 tangerine and 1 orange, 2 cups of water.

Cooking: boil water, brew orange and tangerine zest, insist in a glass bowl for a day. Then strain, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

Berry-cucumber ice

Required: 0.5 cups of white currant, 1 cucumber, 1 cup of water.

Cooking: crush the white currant, pour hot water over it, insist for 15 minutes, strain. Squeeze juice from cucumber, mix with infusion. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

Ice with white lily and herbs

Required: 1 st. l. chopped rosemary herb, 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs and chamomile flowers, 2 white lily flowers, 2 cups of water.

Cooking: pour vegetable raw materials with hot water, insist for 1 hour, strain. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

Cucumber-parsley ice

Required: 1 cucumber, a bunch of parsley, 1 glass of water.

Cooking: chop the cucumber on a coarse grater, mash the parsley thoroughly until juice is obtained. Mix vegetable raw materials, pour hot water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Pour the resulting infusion into ice molds and freeze.

Application. Use for ice facial massage.

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When the hot summer comes, the sun is really hot, and our skin needs special care. Her condition is aggravated by heat, ultraviolet light and dust. But there are ways to keep your skin young and healthy.

The beauty and health of the skin is based on its absolute purity. It is necessary to apply and use decorative cosmetics as little as possible, because in the hot sun, mascara and shadows will simply flow, and lipstick will be smeared. For all the summer months, your main decoration should be flawlessly clean skin. Do not deny yourself a refreshing shower. Vivacity will come in the body, and the skin will get rid of dust and sweat. When it comes to facials for different skin types, there are certain rules for cleansing.

For oily skin, it is good to use cold water or chamomile infusion for washing. To perform a deeper cleansing, you can use toilet milk, which must be applied to the face and neck, and then rub in a circular motion from the chin (rub the neck from top to bottom). Then, the milk that remains must be removed with a warm wet swab. Then the face should be rinsed with cold mineral water and dried with a paper towel. For very oily skin, the use of soap (once a day) is recommended. The principle is the same.

Cleansing dry skin should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Water for purification should be used boiled or mineral at room temperature. It is better not to use soap, but to use special foams that have an active moisturizing effect (with coconut or soybean oil in the composition). If the skin is very sensitive, then washing should be replaced with rubbing with milk. And to remove its residues, you need to use a non-alcoholic tonic.

To cleanse any skin, it is useful to use herbs, but not pure juice, but an infusion. The leaves are manually crushed and poured not with boiling water, but with warm water. Next, the mixture is placed on a steam bath and infused for twenty minutes. Then the infusion needs to be cooled, then the active components and volatile aromatic substances will remain. It is not recommended to make a decoction from young leaves, since all valuable properties are lost during the preparation process.

Any skin - oily, dry or sensitive needs moisture. Due to moisture, the stratum corneum of the skin is destroyed and excess cells are rejected. In the summer months, any skin can be strengthened by washing with cold water and rubbing with ice cubes. Due to the resulting temperature difference, blood circulation improves. Therefore, it is recommended to do regular face massage with ice - small cubes. Thanks to this useful procedure, the face will become more attractive, mood will noticeably improve, tone will increase, and health will become stronger.

How to massage your face with ice

Before performing an ice massage on the face, you need to warm up the skin. The easiest way to make a hot compress is to soak a small towel made of soft material in hot water, then wring out and apply to the skin of the face and neck. You need to keep it until it cools down completely. After that, start massaging your face with a pre-prepared ice cube. The movements should be soft and circular, while trying not to stretch the skin, especially where there are wrinkles. For one session, you will need two to three ice cubes.

After the facial ice massage is completed, it is recommended to repeat the compress. After that, the face should be rinsed with cool water, dried and covered with a nourishing cream. It is especially useful to make such a massage with ice, for the preparation of which decoctions and infusions on fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs are used.

mint ice
In order for the skin to be in good shape, small pimples disappear, dilated vessels narrow and wrinkles do not appear, mint ice is needed. You need to take fresh mint leaves (a tablespoon) and pour boiling water over them (one glass). You need to insist for forty minutes in a sealed container. Then the infusion is filtered and frozen.

Ice from sage
Sage ice is needed to improve metabolic processes and blood circulation, as well as to improve skin nutrition. Sage, leaves and flowers (a teaspoon) are taken and half a liter of boiling water is poured. The dishes must be tightly closed with a lid and infused for forty-five minutes. Then the infusion is filtered, poured into molds for making ice and frozen. Sage is famous for its content of essential oils, vitamins and tannins that are good for the skin. Sage ice is especially effective for oily skin, as well as for heavy sweating of the face.

strawberry ice
It is also useful to do facial massage with strawberry ice. To do this, it is enough to freeze the juice from two hundred grams of strawberries. The skin is disinfected, pores are reduced, skin resistance to chapping is increased, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Ice made from strawberries, peach, watermelon and melon has the same properties.

Ice orange and tangerine
To keep the skin fresh and elastic, you can pour half a liter of boiling water over the peel of one tangerine and one orange. For a day, this infusion should be infused in a glass container, which is tightly closed with a lid. Then the infusion is filtered and frozen. Ice from orange and tangerine has nourishing properties, relieves fatigue from the skin, makes it supple and fresh. For the same purposes, you can use the juice of orange, tangerine and grapefruit. It must be diluted one to two with mineral water and frozen.

Dandelion ice
You can also use ordinary dandelions to make ice. With the help of a juicer, half a kilogram of young leaves and buds of dandelions is twisted, one tablespoon of olive oil is added to the resulting mass, then everything is thoroughly mixed and frozen. Dandelion ice is useful for effectively reducing wrinkles, even if the skin has begun to sag.

When doing facial ice massage, do not forget about the neck and thyroid area. This procedure is healing, invigorating and has a positive effect on the entire body. But you need to remember that ice massage is dangerous for people with weak blood vessels or vessels that are located too close to the surface of the skin. In this case, broken blood vessels may appear on the skin.

Wiping the face with cosmetic ice cubes has long been a proven remedy for improving skin condition. Pieces of ice can shrink pores, tone muscles, improve blood circulation, reduce wrinkles and give a blush. The advantage of this procedure is that you can prepare ice at home, moreover, of the shape, color, and from the infusion that you want. The procedure hardens, relieves skin irritation, gives elasticity, improves skin condition and rejuvenates it for several years. In the morning, wiping your face with ice cubes, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day! But it is very important to know how to wipe your face with ice cubes correctly.

Instructions for use

There are different rules for using ice cubes. Let's consider the main ones.

You can not massage the skin with ice, you need to carefully and quickly spend it once on the face. It is necessary to wipe the face along the massage lines. Namely, from:

  • chin to earlobes,
  • corners of the lips to the middle point of the ears,
  • the middle of the upper lip to the upper point of the ear,
  • one wing of the nose to the ear on the corresponding side,
  • inner corner of the eye along the eyelid from above,
  • outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the nose,
  • the middle of the forehead to the temples,
  • bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose.
Note! Before wiping your face with ice, you need to slightly melt the ice in hot water. This is necessary in order for the ice to form a protective layer that will not damage the skin.

Note! After wiping the skin, do not dry with a towel. It is better to wait until the skin itself absorbs the beneficial substances.

To get moisturized skin, you need to apply a little cream to the still damp skin of the face and let it absorb.

Do not go outside in windy or cold weather for at least half an hour after the procedure.

It is better not to risk the procedure if there are damaged or inflamed areas on the skin of the face. It is necessary to treat inflamed skin with the help of herbs.

  1. For oily or combination skin, solutions with such herbs as: burdock, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort are suitable.
  2. For dry skin, ice with plantain, mint or birch is recommended.
  3. Normal skin - sage and linden are ideal.
  4. For problematic skin, it is advised to use ice with aloe.
  5. If a woman wants to whiten her skin, then she should make a decoction of rice. She must grind the soft rice through a sieve and then freeze it in the refrigerator.
  6. For problems such as bags under the eyes, it is advised to use ice with a solution of chamomile, St. John's wort, green and black tea. They take solutions in equal parts, then let it brew, and then freeze the miraculous solution.


These ice cubes are very easy to make.

  1. First, prepare a solution for the future cube. The solution may consist of fruits, vegetables, green and black teas or herbs. It all depends on the type of skin, its condition and the wishes of the woman. The water used must be mineral, drinking, but not carbonated. It is also undesirable to use chlorinated water, since mineral water is considered more useful - both when taken orally and for skin procedures.
  2. The solution is then sent to a small mold, such as a yogurt mold. The mold itself should be placed in the freezer.
  3. We are waiting for the solution to turn into ice. When the solution starts to freeze, you will need to remove the top frozen layer and throw it away, as it contains the most harmful substances. In no case should they get on sensitive skin.

Note! You can not store ice from herbs, fruits, vegetables, green and black tea for more than 5 days, since such ice has already lost its healing and beneficial properties.

If desired, you can wipe with healing ice not only the skin of the face, but also the skin of the neck and décolleté. This improves the condition of the skin of several parts of the body at once. And you can apply this procedure more than once a day, since there is no harm from it. The more regularly this procedure is carried out, the better the condition of the skin becomes.


Contraindications for use are:

  • too sensitive skin
  • burning sensation and pain,
  • the presence of wounds and / or inflammation,
  • enlarged pores,
  • the appearance of small vascular "asterisks",
  • skin dehydration.

First you need to get rid of these listed shortcomings, and then move on to the procedure itself in order to rejuvenate yourself by a couple of years.

Any girl and woman can follow simple tips for making healthy ice cubes.
