Makeup for big bulging gray eyes. Spectacular makeup for big eyes

The most ideal eye shape is considered to be round, like Aishwarya Rai, which is easy to make beautiful makeup for large eyes.

Look how amazing her eyes look in the photo, which were made in the shape of an amygdala with a black pencil! This eye makeup is suitable only for this type of eyes. If you are the owner of such eyes, then I envy you in black)) It should be noted that the eyes of a standard European face are considered small, and on the contrary, they should be enlarged using various make-up techniques.

But even round eyes are not always perfect, they can be excessively large, and even bulging. Therefore, it is important to find your own technique for applying shadows and other eye decorations, and choose the right color scheme so that all this together helps to hide imperfections, emphasizing the beauty of the natural form.

One of the common misconceptions is that big eyes are shown only dark tones, which is a taboo for narrow eyes for and, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use light shades with a pronounced bulge. All this can be easily overlooked, since the main thing in eye makeup is the application technique, the drawing of shadows and the awareness of one’s pros and cons. contour pencil or liquid eyeliner own contour, as this will make the eyes generally unrealistically huge.

When doing makeup for large eyes, it should be remembered that using shades of the same color with the iris makes the latter dimmer than it actually is.

Contrasting shades, on the contrary, enhance the original color and make the eyes brighter and more expressive. It follows from this that in order to achieve an accentuation of eye color, you need to use contrasting colors. On green eyes, the accent is created using red shades, copper, plum, pink and brown; the beauty of brown eyes can best be emphasized with a turquoise or lavender hue; the depth of blue eyes will be highlighted by orange, copper, plum, pink, peach, gray. But, of course, makeup should not be determined by one eye color, everything is much more individual here, and it is necessary to take into account the shade of the skin and hair, and other nuances.

Let's watch a video on how to correct the shape of bulging eyes.

The shape of the eyes itself is also important in choosing the right type of makeup. To make makeup for large round eyes look perfect, you need to follow some important recommendations of makeup artists:

  • you can stretch your eyes a little in length, applying eyeliner along the lash line, starting from the inner corner and gradually expanding the contour to the outer corner. After shadows are applied to the eyelids, they need to be shaded towards the temporal part;
  • With an almond-shaped neckline, absolutely any type of makeup is suitable, the main thing is to successfully choose a palette of colors that can best emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the look;
  • Makeup for large bulging eyes is done using dark shades of shadow on those parts of the eyelids that protrude. Dark strokes need to be stretched a little up, in the direction of the eyebrows. Use as shadows matte shades, for example, blue, gray purple and blue dark;
  • If the eyes are at a clear distance from each other, that is, widely spaced, then you can visually make this feature less noticeable in appearance with the help of dark shadows, if you apply them to the inner corners of the eyes, and then shade well towards the direction of the eyebrows. Partly hide the problem will help eyeliner on the inner corners of the eye.

It is much more difficult to do makeup for bulging eyes, but any owner of this feature in appearance can handle this task at hand, you just need to know the basic principles of working with paints. The most suitable option in this case is when the work begins with tones of medium intensity, turning into more saturated and dark closer to the outer corners of the eyes. Mother-of-pearl shades that enhance the effect of bulging eyes should be avoided with bulging eyes. To make the shape more almond-shaped, you can use a contour pencil and shadows, extending the line along the lower eyelid beyond the eye, in the direction of the temple.

Big eyes even without make-up look beautiful and bewitching, but well-executed makeup for large eyes will give them additional charm and colorfulness, correct them and make them appropriate for the occasion. If you apply cosmetics casually or show excessive imagination, then the eye make-up will come out too theatrical. All you need for this makeup:

  • Liquid eyeliner or contour pencil;
  • Shadows of the desired shades;
  • Mascara.

Makeup for large eyes: the right color is chosen!

Another useful lesson for day makeup for big eyes.

There is no need to be shy to use the opportunities provided by modern decorative cosmetics and use the advice given by professional cosmetologists. Properly and beautifully done makeup for big eyes will allow you to be irresistible in any situation, no one will pay attention to cosmetics, everyone will see only flawless eyes.

What is the main charm of large eyes - they do not require an increase, it is quite enough to frame them gracefully and give depth. For this, only the thinnest, smoothest contour lines are used, with which a liquid eyeliner can perfectly cope, which can be replaced by a soft, sharply sharpened eyeliner. When drawing the contour, you need to avoid opening your eyes even more and draw a line along the inside of the lash growth, and not along the outside. You can express the bottomless depth of the eyes with the help of dark shades of eye shadow: beige and gray tones look perfect in daytime makeup, and brighter and more saturated shades in evening makeup. The central part of the eyelid is covered with shadows, then shading goes in both directions, crossing the border of the eyelid by half a centimeter.

Makeup for large eyes looks bold and even rough if it uses voluminous mascara. Such eyes do not need to greatly increase the eyelashes, neither in length nor in volume, so they should be painted over only in one neat layer, and preferably only along the upper eyelid. Black mascara is perfect for dark girls, and brown mascara for fair ladies. Also, for a harmonious make-up, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows: they should not be narrowed, because a wide cut of a neat eyebrow line is good for large eyes. But there are no special rules regarding the shape of the eyebrows, you can give them an arched or straight line, as long as it is combined with the image as a whole.

And finally, another video!

Most of the fair sex make a lot of efforts to visually enlarge the eyes and give them expressiveness. But some lucky women have big eyes by nature, however, they also need to be highlighted with makeup to make them as attractive and sexy as possible. Makeup for big eyes has its own secrets and nuances that you should know.

Note that large eyes are extremely rarely ideal, requiring minimal cosmetic editing. Often the large eyes are bulging, round, close or far set. Given these points, it is worth doing makeup so that the shape of the eyes approaches the ideal, almond-shaped, shape.

If the eyes are almond-shaped, then any technique can be chosen to perform makeup. Such eyes only need to be highlighted a little, to pay attention to their natural beauty, to enhance the attractiveness of the look. What you should pay attention to is the color scheme, which should organically fit into the overall makeup and emphasize the color of the eyes.

Eyes of a round shape should be tried to "pull out". To do this, the contour of the eye should be selected, starting from the inner corner of the eye. To the outer edge of the eye, the line needs to be slightly expanded. Shadows are applied all over the eyelid, shading them closer to the temple.

Correcting bulging eyes, it is worth using dark shadows. They are applied to the entire eyelid, while the most dark shade apply to the center of the eyelid and shade towards the outer corner of the eye. Black and deep blue shadows will give the look a magical appeal and expressiveness, while “revealing” them widely.

If large eyes are set wide, then the task of makeup is to visually reduce the distance between them. This can be done by very brightly and clearly highlighting the inside of the eye. The brow space is filled with light shadows, and then the entire eyelid is covered with the main shade. At the end, shadows of a darker shade are applied. They are distributed as close as possible to the bridge of the nose along the lash line. Note that if you apply dark shadows not only on the upper, but also on the lower eyelid, the eyes will become larger and brighter. Be sure to shade the shadows well, the less noticeable the transitions between shades, the more natural and organic the make-up sits. Finishing makeup for large wide-set eyes, apply mascara. It shouldn't be much. Considering that the eyes are already large, there is no need to apply mascara in several layers, weighting the eyelashes in vain. One layer is enough. When applying mascara, the focus should be on the cilia located at the inner corner of the eye.

If the eyes are set close, they need to be visually separated from each other. To do this, it is necessary to select the outer part of the eye, that is, the area that is located closer to the temples. The brow part is filled with shadows of warm shades and shaded so that a “tail” is obtained, tending to the temples. With an underwater pencil, the eyelash growth line is distinguished, while it needs to be slightly raised to the outer paradise of the eye. It is important to blend the underwater line to make the make-up more natural. The last step is applying mascara. Particular emphasis should be placed on the eyelashes located on the outer corner of the eye. Eyelashes of an internal corner of an eye remain practically not made up.

If the shape of the eyes completely suits you, then it is quite acceptable to experiment with different makeup variations. The main thing is to decide on a color scheme that will emphasize natural beauty, make the look more expressive and deep.

In conclusion, let's dwell on the features of makeup for large eyes. Do not forget that dark colors, as a rule, visually make the eyes smaller, while light colors, on the contrary, visually open the eyes. Note that a similar game of shades is used not only by makeup artists, but also by stylists when they select clothes.

When deciding on the color of the shadows, you need to take into account the color of the eyes. For example, brown eyes are suitable for brown warm shadows. In the makeup of blue eyes, it is worth using shadows of colder shades. But all rules have exceptions, and modern trends allow fashionistas to write their own rules. Thus, it is permissible to apply shadows that contrast with the shade of the eyes.

In makeup for big eyes, it is important not to forget about the eyebrows. Eyebrows-threads do not fit big eyes, and in general they have not been in trend for a long time. Eyebrows should be of natural width, but in a well-groomed condition. Excess hairs must be plucked in a timely manner. It is recommended to leave the color of the eyebrows natural, you can emphasize it with a pencil that repeats the natural color of the hair.

Video tutorial "How to do makeup for big round eyes"

Brown eyes are a real gift of nature, they look chic with any kind of makeup. We will talk about how to do makeup for big brown eyes.

Big brown eyes look chic and mesmerizing even without makeup. Therefore, happy owners of large expressive eyes need to know the specifics of their appearance and the features of applying makeup. If you make the wrong makeup for big eyes, they will look ridiculous and unnatural.

Consider the shape of large brown eyes and makeup features for them

Round eyes

Visually, such eyes seem to be slightly bulging, in order to remove this effect, the shadow must be applied from the inside of the eyelid, gradually shading towards the temples. If you use eyeliner or a pencil, then the line must be applied from the inner corner of the eye and gradually expand it.

almond eyes

Wide-set eyes

The only drawback that needs to be hidden in this form of eyes is the large distance between them. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully make up with dark shades of shadows under the eyebrows and smoothly retouch with the rest of the color component of the makeup for large brown eyes.

bulging eyes

Often girls with big brown eyes face this very problem during makeup. To reduce the bulge of the eyes, spread the dark shadow on the bulging upper eyelids and blend gently towards the eyebrows. It is best to use cold matte shades.

The basic rule for perfect makeup for large brown eyes is to use matte shades, no bright blush and shine.

For this you need:

  • Eyeshadow in your chosen color (matte is best)
  • Eyeliner or pencil
  • Mascara

1. Since you have large eyes, there is no need to enlarge them with makeup. That is why it is necessary to give the eyes the right angle, convey their depth and chic look. To do this, you need to apply thin, but clear lines. Everything should look elegant and neat.

2. The entire depth of large brown eyes will allow you to convey makeup using shadows of dark shades. Beige and gray tones are ideal for daytime makeup, they shade the eyelids well. Shadows must be applied to the middle of the eyelid and gently shaded in both directions, you can go a little beyond the eyelid, no more than half a centimeter. Do not use a combination of light and dark tones, the shadows should be in close colors. Otherwise, large brown eyes will look bulging.

3. It is also necessary to correct the section of the eyes, lengthen the rounded shape of the eye, and hide the convex one. Apply dark shadows to the moving eyelid, apply a lighter shade to the middle of the eyelid and gently blend. Do not use pearl shades, as they will enhance the effect of bulging eyes.

4. Girls with big brown eyes need to pay special attention to eyelash makeup. If you paint your eyelashes with mascara, then cosmetics on your face should be kept to a minimum. It is preferable not to color the lower eyelashes, as this visually enlarges the already large eyes.

5. Pay special attention to the eyebrows. You must have perfect eyebrow contour. Eyebrows should not be narrow or too thin, as the eyes under such eyebrows will not look harmonious. Eyebrows can be tinted, this will give them density and will be a great addition to makeup for large brown eyes.

Big eyes have always been considered the undoubted advantage of every girl, because it is they who make the appearance more expressive. Moreover, any make-up is suitable for such representatives of the fair sex. However, it should be borne in mind that makeup for large eyes has some features. For example, the wrong choice of shadows can spoil the whole image. How to create a harmonious and attractive composition?

Makeup according to eye color

To emphasize the beauty of the eyes, when choosing cosmetics, you need to consider their color range:

Features of makeup for brown eyes

Separately, it is worth mentioning makeup for brown eyes, since there is no brown color in the spectrum. Makeup for brown eyes can have several variations. Such makeup can be done in both dark and light interpretations. To create a daytime look, you should choose light colors, while a festive composition requires the use of dark shades.

To emphasize the golden hue of the iris of brown eyes, you can use turquoise or lavender shadows. To emphasize the depth of brown eyes, makeup artists choose white and gray tones. Plum, purple, blue-gray colors will also be an excellent option. For brown eyes, golden and bronze shades are perfect.

To make makeup for brown eyes beautiful, you need to use at least three shades. As for the choice of mascara, it is better to choose black or brown colors. But with the color of the eyeliner for brown eyes, it is quite possible to experiment.

Eye Shape

When creating makeup for large eyes, be sure to take into account their shape.. With the help of properly applied cosmetics, you can correct the flaws and focus on the merits of appearance.

Execution technique

When doing makeup for large eyes, you need to choose matte intense shades. At the same time, the use of sparkles and shiny textures should be abandoned. It is not recommended to use mother-of-pearl shades. When choosing a blush, do not choose too bright colors.

To get a beautiful make-up, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Apply a base under the shadows, which will ensure the durability of the make-up. After that, you can immediately make up both eyelids with a black pencil.
  2. Apply dark shadow along the lower lash line. You need to start from the middle of the eye and move towards the outer corner.
  3. With the help of light shadows, make up the upper eyelid, slightly going beyond.
  4. Squint your eyes a little and apply a black pencil to the outer corners.
  5. Using dark shadows, make up the outer corners of the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply white shadows to the inner corners of the eyes and lightly line the lower eyelid - this will make the look brighter.
  7. Apply black mascara.

It is important to remember that too thin eyebrows are not suitable for girls with big eyes.. They should have medium density and even curved shape - then the image will look harmonious.

With the right make-up, you can emphasize the dignity of your appearance and emphasize the beauty of big eyes. The main thing is to choose the right color range of cosmetics and strictly adhere to all the rules for its application. Use our advice and you will certainly succeed. Be always beautiful!
