Open a center for additional education for children. Procedure for opening a children's playroom

You can often hear from young parents that it is becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate their baby: not all mothers are ready to quit work and sit with their child all day long - and even if so, the baby still needs communication.

That is why over the past couple of years, along with municipal kindergartens, many private kindergartens and children's development centers have also opened. They all offer approximately the same services, but differ significantly in the level of teaching, the program used and the methodology for teaching children. Children's centers, for example, set a higher bar and try to help parents make their children more educated, successful and comprehensively developed.

Another thing is how much it costs to open a children's center. Primary investments for opening start from 500 thousand rubles and average about 3 million. Thus, the payback period reaches 3-5 years. This seems like a long time, but you and I understand that a children's center is not so much a profitable business as an opportunity to engage in useful, good and socially significant work, and at the same time make decent money.

Before we begin

How to open a children's development center? In principle, it’s about the same as a private kindergarten, but with a couple of interesting “buts”. On the one hand, you will have to pay more attention to the teaching methods, staff and arrangement of the club. On the other hand, you can not keep children full time, but invite them at a certain time, close for the summer, or work with children of a certain age - for example, to start collecting groups only for children 2-3 years old. Additional services also make sense: individual lessons and thematic clubs in English/music/or better yet, all at once, which will help increase your customer base and get more profit.

By the way, thanks to this flexibility, opening a children's development or play center is an excellent business idea for enterprising mothers. However, you need to understand that this area is quite specific and opening a development center is not so easy. If you have never worked with children before, then you definitely need to hire a person with extensive experience in administrative and pedagogical activities or turn to franchise offers.

By the way, about franchises. Their number has also recently increased rapidly, and each parent company, in addition to varying degrees of fame, differs in the format of the children's center and training program. But by turning to franchise offers, you will receive a clear algorithm of actions, an excellent business plan and the right to work under the well-known brand of some “Baby Club” or Sun School, which means a known good reputation and a competitive advantage over other children's centers.

Main risks: large investments, difficulties with registration and selection of personnel, high social responsibility.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a children's development center”


A children's development center can be opened closer to office and business life, so that it is more convenient for parents to take their children, and in residential areas that have not yet been captured by competitors. But in general, the following can be said about the room: size matters. For starters, you can get by with 100 sq. m, however, you and I know that the bigger the better - the future children's center should accommodate an activity room, a playroom, a dining room, a bedroom, a bathroom with a toilet, as well as a reception room and an office for staff. In an ideal world, the premises should be owned or have the option of renting with subsequent purchase.

To select a room, it is best to call a good specialist with you, because children deserve the best and firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological service know this. In general, in the same ideal world, firefighters and representatives of the SES should become your best friends and consultants who will help in arranging bedrooms and dining rooms and give advice on which fire alarm system is best to choose.


First, imagine that you are creating a cute apartment with playrooms. Bright walls, natural furniture, swings and slides, curtains and flower pots - so that everything is in the best light, it is better to contact a special company to develop a design project. Secondly, it’s time to remember that you are opening a children’s development center. An entire separate article can be devoted to the choice of educational methodology, so we will limit ourselves to the fact that it is better to order manuals and toys together with specialists - the same toys should not only be beautiful, but also safe, durable and with quality certificates.


The staff is what will become the pride, light and hope of the children's development center you open. You can even say that the success of your business largely depends on the staff: firstly, we are still expected to provide effective training, and secondly, if the children themselves want to stay longer and tell mom and dad how wonderful everything is, and they will spread the news about this to their friends and relatives, who are also potential clients - this is wine.

Any personnel, no matter how much experience they have, needs close attention at first: a probationary period is mandatory for everyone. Minimum set:
1. a teacher with specialized education who would inspire trust and respect among parents,
2. A methodologist who must have experience working with children in a public kindergarten, be well versed in existing methods and assess the child’s abilities,
3. psychologist - better aged and with experience working with children and
4. a household worker - perhaps an older lady, but who would treat our kindergarten as her own household, would be economical and could work under an irregular schedule.

Documents and licenses

But it’s worth dwelling on this point in more detail. In any case, we will have to go through the standard procedure to legalize our activities, but this can be done in two ways: register the children's center as a non-state educational institution or as a home kindergarten.

In the first case, in order to open a children's center, you need to register with the justice authorities as a non-profit organization - this takes about a month. To do this, you need to register the institution for tax purposes and obtain a license for educational activities from the Department of Education. Accordingly, for a license you will need a copy of the charter, a rental agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership, conclusions of firefighters and SES, with whom you should have already become friends, as well as a certificate of the availability of the material and technical base for carrying out educational activities, an educational program, information about teachers, staffing table, information on the number of pupils, etc.

If you don’t use the word “educational” or “training” in the title, but say that you are opening, for example, a play center, a child care center or a children’s development center, you can try to imagine yourself as a kindergarten at home. To do this, it is enough to get by with an ordinary individual entrepreneur, and assign the staff to positions with nanny responsibilities. For such a children's center you no longer need a license and an accounting department - you choose a simplified version and outsource everything. And the requirements are milder: for example, a fine from the SES will cost 3 thousand rubles for an individual entrepreneur, and on average 30 thousand for a non-profit educational institution. Another thing is that such children's centers delicately balance on the brink of legality: an apartment does not fully comply with fire safety bring it, and even if you bring it, she may violate Art. 17. Housing Code. Therefore, the best option would be to use a cottage, which is quite enough to occupy 40-50 people.


Your main and very first clients are parents with children from neighboring houses. Therefore, the first target of your marketing campaign is the surrounding yards. And here, as they say, all means are good: announcements at entrances, flyers, invitations to the opening with free ice cream, competitions for kids and parents with gifts... in general, go for it.

Whether you are opening a children's development center in a small town or in the center of a large one, the second stage is to introduce yourself to as many busy and solvent mothers and fathers as possible. To do this, you can connect both outdoor advertising and radio advertising. Separately, it is also worth mentioning about the website - it should be colorful, with good optimization and clear prices. It’s very good if through the website you can sign up for trial classes, additional clubs or, for example, watch children live.


Opening a children's development center is an interesting and promising business idea, which is especially relevant in large cities and will certainly interest not only enterprising mothers. However, children still deserve the best, which means this business will require a lot of investment, a lot of effort and the help of specialists at all stages, from choosing a methodology to buying toys. The staff in your business will play an even bigger role than beautiful desks and flowers on the windowsills, so it will take a long time to find them and pay well. In general, this area is quite sensitive and also with social responsibility, so if you have never worked with children before, you definitely need to hire a person with extensive experience in administrative and pedagogical activities, turn to franchise offers... well, or just give up and open a children's store.

In the confrontation between parents - adherents of free education and supporters of early childhood development, the latter have confidently won for many years. More and more parents are thinking about educational activities for their child almost from the cradle, and opening a children's center can become a profitable business idea. What is needed to implement such a project? Let's try to create a step-by-step plan on how to open a children's development center.

Step 1. Formulate the concept

Before drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the format of the future center. Universal children's groups with a mixed-age composition, where parents can “drop” their child for a few hours while they do business, are a popular service, but such a “kindergarten for an hour” has nothing to do with developmental education. Clients - parents must understand who they entrust their children to and what they pay money for, so carefully consider the concept of work:

  • age of children accepted;
  • principle of group formation (age range, other criteria);
  • main focus of development (comprehensive, creative, intellectual, physical, emphasis on a foreign language, etc.);
  • applied programs and methods;
  • short-term or long-term stay of children in the center;
  • Availability of individual lessons, psychological and correctional work with children.

This is the so-called “pedagogical” part of the project, which will make your center attractive and serious in the eyes of potential clients.

Who exactly these potential clients are will largely determine your next steps. If you are counting on children from wealthy families, be prepared for costs: from renting expensive premises to hiring the best teachers. If your category is “economy class,” you can get by with little financial loss by choosing a small room in a residential area and limiting yourself to a minimum of services and hired personnel.

Step 2. Register a business

To open a children's center, you must register as an entrepreneur. This is where the Education Law comes into play. Private individuals can engage in children's leisure activities, tutoring, school preparation and other services without licensing only in the form of individual teaching activities.

Without a license, you will be able to personally conduct classes, hire an administrator and technical staff at the center, but you cannot hire teaching staff to work with children, being in this status. Invited teachers must also be individual entrepreneurs, otherwise you will have to obtain an individual entrepreneur license or immediately register a legal entity, be licensed and become a full-fledged educational organization.

For starting a business by a person who has not been involved in the educational system for many years, the first option is preferable: it is simpler and cheaper. The official name of the center, appearing in all documents, will sound like your full name with the prefix IP, and in everyday life and promotional materials you can call your company anything you like: a development center, a club, a baby school, etc.

  1. Form an individual entrepreneur or by submitting documents to the tax office at your place of residence.
  2. When filling out the application, indicate the correct types of activities for, for example, 85.32 (childcare), 93.05 - personal services, 92.51 - club activities.
  3. Choose the optimal tax regime. Most likely, this will be “simplified”: it is not difficult to do accounting and submit reports on your own.
  4. Open a bank account.

Step 3. Get a license

If you want to hire teachers or decide to open an LLC, immediately prepare to obtain a license. You will need documents:

  • contract for premises for a children's center (rent or ownership);
  • conclusion of the SES and fire service on the premises;
  • certificate of state registration of the company;
  • LLC charter;
  • educational program;
  • a list of teaching materials and teaching aids available;
  • information about the teaching staff.

The specified package of documents must be submitted to the Education Committee and wait for approval of the license. This is not a quick or simple matter, and it is more advisable to start it when the business is already on its feet. At the initial stage, it is still prudent not to get involved in this complex process and for now work as an individual entrepreneur - open a children's entertainment center that does not require the involvement of professional teachers. If you did this, you can safely skip step 3.

Step 4. Decorating the room

To accommodate a children's center, the premises must meet certain requirements:

  1. Separate non-residential premises.
  2. Not a basement, semi-basement or basement.
  3. Ceiling height from 3 m.
  4. It is advisable to have a fire exit.
  5. A fire alarm system has been installed.

When making repairs, you need to follow the rules regulated by SanPiN

  • the room must have a designated place for undressing, a playroom also used for classes, and a bathroom;
  • walls – painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • ceilings – whitewashing or coating with water-based emulsion is recommended;
  • floors – smooth, without defects, not slippery;
  • electrical sockets and switches at a height inaccessible to children (from 1.8 m).

Having prepared the room properly, purchase the necessary furniture, toys, equipment for sports games, and materials for classes. After which the entertainment center without educational services is ready to receive children.

The educational organization is obliged to coordinate the use of the renovated premises with Rospotrebnadzor, and only after receiving permission to operate, invite students to visit it. There is no need to remind you that all equipment and toys must be safe and have certificates.

Where can I find a place for a children's club? The easiest way to solve the problem is in a small town - you can safely take any suitable premises on a passable street or an area of ​​50 square meters or more. m in a shopping center. In large cities, take into account the competitive environment (the location of similar establishments nearby is undesirable), as well as your target audience. An elite children's club cannot be located in a working-class neighborhood, and it is more convenient for grandmothers and mothers living in a residential area to take their children to classes within walking distance.

Having decided on the location, do not forget to think through the interior in accordance with the concept of your school.

Step 5. Selecting personnel

Even if your center is not yet fully staffed with children, you are unlikely to have enough time to keep order and deal with housekeeping issues. You will need 1-2 administrators (calculate the load depending on the operating mode) and a cleaner. In practice, in small children's clubs, the administrator is also responsible for cleanliness.

The issue with the teaching staff will be resolved depending on the format and level of your institution: what services you offer, how many groups you have, etc. Perhaps you will limit yourself to a couple of educators, but a full-fledged development center is unthinkable without English teachers, dance teachers, painting teachers, and a child psychologist. The staff can be replenished gradually as new services are introduced and groups are completed.

The selection of teaching staff is entirely your responsibility: do not hesitate to ask applicants for recommendations, check educational documents, and inquire about work experience. Not every person with a pedagogical education is able to get along with young children: be sure to supervise the work of teachers, attend classes, and get feedback from parents.

If you are positioned as an institution with a developmental function, your classes must produce results. Each teacher must develop criteria for assessing children's successes that will be understandable to parents - many of them are actively interested in what the child is doing in the center, and whether there is any benefit from it. There are no strict requirements in the club, which is primarily of an entertaining nature; it is important for parents that their child is well looked after.

But the main thing is that children should be happy to come to your center and become regular customers. If the child is not interested, after a few lessons the mother will take him away from you and, with a high degree of probability, give him to your competitor. Each teacher, with his personal qualities and attitude, must support the children’s desire to attend the club.

Step 6. Looking for clients

If you manage to please your young clients and their parents, they will serve you well by passing on the center's contacts to their circles. But this will not happen right away. The first visitors must first be found and interested. Start with free and low-cost promotional activities:

  • While you are making repairs, do not forget to post an announcement about the imminent opening;
  • arrange an eye-catching opening for the center (balloons, music, etc.);
  • make a bright sign and navigation;
  • take advantage of the opportunities of social networks and online communication: invite clients through “mom” forums, create your own groups;
  • distribute business cards to nearby office and shopping centers;
  • walk around playgrounds with leaflets;
  • agree with the nearest housing offices to place advertisements on their information boards;
  • don't be lazy to make a website.

How much does it cost to open a children's development center?

And now in numbers. How much money does it take to open a children's club, and how soon will it pay off? Let's consider the simplest option. Count on an initial investment of at least 600 thousand rubles. This includes:

  • organizational expenses (registration, bank account) – from 2000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the premises - from 250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment, toys, materials – from 200,000 rubles;
  • furniture - from 100,000 rubles.

The indicated amounts are approximate and are given as an example of a children's club operating in a residential area of ​​one of the regional centers. The room is about 80 sq.m. located on the 1st floor of a residential building, designed for 2 playrooms. Fixed expenses of the children's center consist of rent (this is the most significant part of monthly costs), wages, utility and other payments, and advertising.

How does the children's center make money?

  1. About 50 kids attend the club on a regular basis; their parents buy monthly passes for 8 classes. Some children go periodically (400 rubles at a time). The proceeds from these classes fully cover the basic expenses of the individual entrepreneur.
  2. The center accepts a child psychologist and speech therapist (by appointment).
  3. The club sells children's books, toys, art supplies, and holiday accessories.
  4. Creative master classes for adults and children are held 2 times a week.
  5. Children's events (birthdays, Christmas trees) are organized upon request.
  6. In the evening, one of the offices is subleased to a private psychologist.

With proper organization of work, the project can pay for itself within a year, but this is rather an optimistic scenario, since in reality, not everything works out right away. The average payback period for a children's center is 24–30 months.

Modern parents pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. In this regard, in our country, in addition to kindergartens and schools, many educational and entertainment institutions have appeared. We will talk about how to open a children's development center from scratch in this article.

Types of development centers

Why open a children's development center? First of all, you should choose a direction of activity. There is no specific model of such organizations, since such an activity is a creative process. Some development centers offer support for children literally from birth until they go to school. Other institutions have a narrower specialization. They develop the child in only one direction - drawing, sports, music, etc. There are also centers that prepare children for school.

After this, the following actions should be taken:

  • Develop a business concept;
  • Officially register the children's center and obtain all necessary permits for its activities;
  • Find and rent suitable premises;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment;
  • Hire staff;
  • Organize an advertising campaign.

It is worth noting that developmental centers for children differ significantly from ordinary kindergartens. Firstly, they offer a wide selection of all kinds of training programs. Secondly, the development of children is carried out by qualified employees who do everything to satisfy the wishes and needs of clients.

Registration of activities

If the name of the institution does not contain the words “educational” or “training,” you can open a children’s club without a license. According to the current legislation of our country, this is quite possible, which cannot be said about opening a private kindergarten. Therefore, entrepreneurs who provide child care register a children's development center as a business. In fact, this may be an ordinary kindergarten, so when choosing a preschool educational institution for your baby, pay special attention to this.

Are you interested in how to open a children's development center legally? Everything is very simple. You need to register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office at your place of residence. If you plan to hire personnel in the future, it is advisable to immediately register a legal entity.

During registration, you need to select the correct OKVED codes:

  • 85.32 - provision of social services to children;
  • 95.51 – opening of a club-type children's institution;
  • 93.05 – provision of personal services.

Before opening a children's club or development center, you should inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. After this, you can expect guests with checks. The condition of the premises must be checked by SES employees and the fire inspectorate. If everything is in order, they will issue you the necessary permits and you can start your business.

Selection of premises and equipment

The premises for the development center should be chosen depending on the area of ​​activity. If you want to prepare children for school, you will need separate classrooms for classes. In principle, you can rent space in one of the municipal kindergartens. This will allow you to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, since such premises meet all established requirements. Please ensure that there is nothing unnecessary in the room that could lead to injury. Every classroom should have good quality lighting and ventilation. You should also check the electrical wiring, heating and plumbing.

The room should be divided into several separate zones:

  • Reception;
  • Staff room;
  • Classrooms for study;
  • Game room.

In addition, it is necessary to equip two toilets - one for children and the other for adults. If children will stay in the center for a long time, a separate area for daytime sleep must be equipped.

What do you need to open a children's development center?

  • Furniture. Buying ready-made children's furniture is a thankless task. In addition, such pleasure will cost you a tidy sum. It is extremely rare to find high-quality furniture at affordable prices in stores, so it is best to make it to order. This will allow you to save a lot and get exactly what you need;
  • Activities supplies and toys. You shouldn't skimp on this. Choose high-quality children's products, not Chinese consumer goods. In this case, the toys will last a long time;
  • Educational materials. At first, you can purchase textbooks, notebooks, cards, etc. only as needed, depending on what classes you are going to teach. To make cardboard aids last longer, they need to be laminated;
  • When developing a business plan for how to open a children's development center, do not forget to include in it a cost item for the purchase of office equipment.

To work you will need:

  • Xerox;
  • Printer for printing educational materials;
  • TV for watching cartoons and various educational programs.

The walls in the room can be decorated with children's drawings of your previous students. They will be an excellent advertisement for parents who will bring their children to the center.

Children's development center staff


Before opening a children's development center, you need to select qualified personnel. The success of your business largely depends on this. Regardless of the format of the institution, the staff must include the following specialists:

  • Educators;
  • Psychologist;
  • Methodist;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Household worker.

Methodists and educators receive an average of 20–25 thousand rubles. The administrator is paid 13–14 thousand rubles. The salary of a housekeeper and a cleaner ranges from 8–10 thousand rubles. These are average wages. Naturally, they vary and directly depend on the region of the country.


So, you have firmly decided that I want to open a children's development center. For such a business to bring good profits, you need to choose the right range of services.

To do this you need:

  • Determine the age of the children who will be trained at the center. As a rule, such institutions are intended for children from 1 to 6 years old. All students should be divided into groups according to their age;
  • Try to develop your own training program. Of course, this will require special professional knowledge. Don't miss this important point, as it could become your competitive advantage in the future;
  • Create a detailed class schedule.

Attracting clients

At the start of a children's club you will need extensive advertising:

  • Bright sign;
  • Banners;
  • Road signs;
  • Billboards;

Also, do not forget to place advertisements in the media and on the Internet. Another effective way is to post information on social networks and on thematic forums. When your own client base appears and the club begins to become popular, you will not have to spend a lot of money on advertising. At first, you need to draw up a detailed plan for an advertising campaign and allocate funds for it monthly.

Financial investments

Now let's talk about expenses. To quickly prepare documents, it is advisable to seek help from a specialized company. It will cost you 20–30 thousand rubles. You will have to spend at least 300 thousand rubles on equipment.

Also, when drawing up a business plan for a children's development center, you should take into account fixed costs:

  • Rent of premises – 65 thousand rubles;
  • Meals for children – 2.5 thousand rubles daily;
  • Staff salary – 75–100 thousand rubles;
  • Security – 10 thousand rubles.

Don’t forget about the variable costs of purchasing stationery, dishes and other things. In addition, money will be needed for advertising and attracting customers. When the business begins to develop, you can create your own website on the Internet, where clients can familiarize themselves with the proposed list of services.

Profitability and relevance of business

We figured out how much it costs to open a children's development center. Now it's time to talk about profits. You should not expect big income in the first year of work. During this time, you can only find clients and advertise your business within your locality.

Modern parents pay special attention to the individual development of children. Since they are constantly busy with career and personal growth, there is no free time left to raise a child. In this regard, the business of opening development centers is a fairly promising and relevant area of ​​activity. Families with good incomes are willing to pay decent money for vocational training and proper child care.

If you want to understand whether it is profitable to open a children's development center, you must first understand the sources of income:

  1. Developmental activities;
  2. Preparatory group for preschoolers;
  3. Studying foreign languages;
  4. Drawing;
  5. Dancing;
  6. Music.

In addition, you can offer clients the organization of various children's parties, birthdays, as well as concerts and various competitions. Expanding the range of services will allow you to earn additional income.

On average, from one client, the children's center receives 7-10 thousand rubles of net profit with full board, or 2-4 thousand rubles when attending certain classes. Net income for 1 month is 50–70 thousand rubles. It's quite profitable. Such a project can be implemented in any region of our country.

Profitability and payback periods

The payback period for an institution is 1–2 years, depending on its format. To bring your net income closer, find out about the development center. Equipment for it can be purchased from specialized companies that deal with. It is most profitable to purchase inexpensive toys in bulk from domestic manufacturers. Another option for additional income is master classes for parents and children, which can be held 1-2 times a week. Some development centers also offer the services of a child psychologist and speech therapist.

At the formation stage, business profitability will not exceed 12–15%. Over time, in order to increase the number of customers, you can open branches throughout the city or in small towns. You can also rent a larger space next to the development center. The most important thing is to choose the right assortment so that parents who bring their children to classes can buy everything they need there.

  • It is advisable to open a children's club in new areas of the city, where there are usually problems with free places in kindergartens;
  • If you are not sure that you can organize such a business from scratch yourself, you can buy a ready-made business of a children's development center or purchase a franchise to work under the guidance of professionals;
  • Find some “zest” for your center that will attract customers. For example, you can organize monthly holidays with fun competitions and clowns;
  • Don't forget that this business is seasonal. Throughout the summer, there has been a lull in children's centers as parents send their children on vacation. During this period, it is better to take a break from work or organize a summer children's camp.

If you love children, this

Most modern parents have used the services of various children's development centers at least once in their lives.

Surveys show that in almost all large cities more than half of parents with children aged 8 months to eight years are going to take or are already taking their children to special developmental classes.

If just recently visiting such centers was quite expensive, today such services have become available to most people with an average income. It is for this reason that owning your own developmental children's center is a fairly profitable business.

Despite the fact that there is fierce competition in this segment, opening such a business is quite a profitable and attractive investment due to the fact that there are more young children every year, and there are not enough good preschool institutions for everyone. If you said to yourself: “I want to open a center like this!”, then you will have to prepare thoroughly.

Video about the opening of a children's development center

What do you need to open?

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary to conduct a small marketing research, which is best entrusted to a specialized organization.

Marketing research

If you do not want to spend money on professional advice, then you can conduct the research yourself. You need to find out the number of similar organizations in your area or city.

You can interview potential clients, e.g. parents in clinics, playgrounds and kindergartens.It is recommended to ask questions about where it would be more convenient for them to take their kids, as well as what kind of developmental programs they are interested in. The main goal of the survey is to find out what exactly guides them when choosing a children's center.


Recently, a new law “On Education” was issued, which allowed individual entrepreneurs to officially carry out educational activities if they have employees with pedagogical education. Now, to open a children’s center, it is enough to simply open an individual entrepreneur and obtain a special license.

To do this, you either need to have a teaching education yourself or hire employees with such qualifications.

In addition, you will need to develop a program according to which your institution will operate and submit it to the education department.

Children's development center from scratch

To organize a development center for children, you will need suitable premises. Most novice entrepreneurs prefer premises with a small area - 50 m2.


The main criteria that must be followed when choosing are its location (preferably in the city center or in the center of a large residential area), the minimum need for repair work, as well as the availability of a place where parents can wait for the completion of classes and a bathroom.

The choice of location for your children's center directly depends on the target audience for which your institution will be designed. And also on convenience and your preferences.

Before renting a room, you need to assess your own financial capabilities. If your children's center claims to serve wealthy parents, then it must have excellent renovation, highly qualified teachers and a professional administrator. Be prepared that this will cost you a lot.

Remember that a premium class establishment simply must be located in the central part of the city, so renting premises will be quite expensive.

If you decide to open a children's center with a low cost of services provided, then you can rent a room on the ground floor of a multi-storey building in one of the residential areas of the city. You should decide in advance in which area it is best to open a children's center, taking into account the distance from your place of residence, the presence of direct competitors and the solvency of the population.

The area of ​​the rented premises directly depends on your tasks and goals. As a rule, the area of ​​the classroom should be at least 30 m2. Shopping centers and office buildings are good places for a children's club.

The main requirement for the rented premises is its location on the ground floor so that children and their parents do not have to take the elevator or stairs.

When organizing a children's club in a shopping center or office building, you will need several training rooms, since they will most likely have a small area.

In addition to the main room, a children's early development studio should have a waiting room. Some managers, trying to save money, try to do without such a room. In this case, parents will have to wait for their children on the street and most likely they will stop coming to your establishment.

Thus, taking into account the training room, waiting hall and bathroom, the area of ​​the children's center should be at least 50 m2. If you do not have the necessary amount to rent such premises, you can open a children's center consisting of one classroom, but this will significantly limit the scope of services provided.


To properly open such an establishment, qualified personnel will be required. This applies not only to teachers, but also to administrators.

Statistics show that it is much easier to find a professional administrator than a teacher who understands and loves children, and is also able to captivate them with classes and find an approach to each child.

You can hire recent graduates or students for the position of administrator who will receive visitors, answer customer calls, schedule all classes and solve other organizational issues.

You will need at least two administrators to work in shifts. At first, you can perform the duties of an administrator yourself until you find a suitable candidate. With qualified teachers the situation is much more complicated.

Professional teachers with experience working in preschools or schools will cost much more than administrators. In addition, it is worth remembering that the presence of a higher education diploma, diplomas and certificates does not guarantee that the teacher will be able to find a common language with the kids and will not discourage them from attending the training center and developing.

Practice shows that graduates of a pedagogical challenge can quickly find a common language with children and ensure more effective development of the child than more experienced teachers.

It is best to interview all potential employees in person. Be sure to pay attention to the applicants’ appearance, as well as their communication style, try to evaluate their initiative, passion for work and innovation.

In some cases, mothers of children apply for the position of teachers. They do not have a specialized education, but are interested in a variety of developmental methods and attend various seminars and courses, and are also interested in new trends in the field of education of preschool children. Having an appropriate diploma is, of course, a very important factor, but in some cases it can be neglected.

Furniture, equipment

You will also have to purchase furniture and various types of equipment depending on the types of services you intend to provide. You will also need furniture for the waiting room to make the children's parents feel comfortable.

All purchased equipment must be made of environmentally friendly materials so as not to harm the health of children.

Toys and supplies

To operate a children's development center, you will need a variety of toys, such as construction sets, cubes, mosaics, puzzles and pyramids. They must be of high quality so as not to harm the health of children. In addition, you will need a variety of materials, such as notebooks, albums, cards, markers, etc.

You can buy such items in bulk, because they quickly become unusable. Look for suppliers on the Internet, ask your friends. This will help you save a lot.

We attract clients

There are different types of children's centers. You will have to independently determine what types of services you are going to provide; this will directly determine which clients you will have to work with.

Choosing a profile: additional classes or replacement for kindergarten

The most optimal directions in the activities of such centers are preparing children for school, as well as developing skills useful for the child’s future life, such as communication skills and leadership qualities.

If you plan to conduct classes with groups of children once or twice a week, then a small room is enough. This is convenient for mothers on maternity leave - they are doing a useful activity with the child, and it is not expensive.

A developmental center where children will stay all day will require an additional bedroom, a kitchen and an increased staff. In this case, your studio will be called a private kindergarten, which means you must design it accordingly: with all the necessary certifications, permits and commissions. This is a troublesome and not entirely acceptable option for starting an educational career.

Developmental techniques

You will also have to choose which developmental techniques you will use in your children's center. It is recommended to independently master the basics of child development methods in order to choose the most suitable option and have the ability to control the educational process.

The most common methods that ensure the development and creativity of a child are:

  • systems of N. A. Zaitsev,
  • Waldorf method,
  • Glen Doman system
  • Montessorri method.

With all the abundance of pedagogical technologies, the best results are obtained by a combination of several methods and an individual approach. It’s great if your employees have both theoretical training in this matter and are able to create something of their own on this basis.


Don't forget about advertising. At the initial stage, to attract customers, you can use the distribution of leaflets, posting advertisements, as well as advertising on the Internet on thematic websites and forums. In addition, free classes contribute to the growth of the client base, as they allow parents to decide whether your center is suitable for them or not.

Nothing will bring more clients to your center than demonstrating your abilities and word of mouth. Alternatively, take part in some social events with your students. Or conduct an open themed lesson on the playground.

Business plan

Price issue

So, let's calculate the starting costs. First of all you will need:

  1. rent a room and carry out renovations there ( from 150 thousand rubles),
  2. purchase the necessary equipment ( approximately 200 thousand rubles),
  3. buy toys and supplies ( from 80 thousand rubles).
  4. For the salary of an administrator, teacher and cleaner you will have to spend approximately 65 thousand per month,
  5. utilities will cost you approximately 15 thousand rubles.

In total, the first month of operation of your children's center will cost approximately 510 thousand rubles.


The average cost of a subscription for eight visits is about 2000 rubles or 250 rubles per visit.

Considering that the attendance of an average children's center operating in two shifts is thirty people per month, the average income is 30 * 250 * 30 = 225,000 rubles.

Thus, the full payback of the children's development center occurs in about a year.

Nuances of the work of a children's development studio

Is it possible to open a children's development center in an apartment?

If you want to save money, you can organize your own children's center in your own apartment. The only drawback of this approach is that when teaching children at home, due to the small amount of free space, you will not be able to receive many clients.

The other side of the coin: the SES authorities may refuse to issue you a permit. Then either work with the children “undercover” or bring everything into line with the inspectors’ instructions.

Age categories of children

As a rule, children in development centers can be divided into three main categories:

  • Children who do not yet go to kindergarten can visit your center in the morning.
  • Older children will come to you after 18:00, as this is when they are picked up from preschool.
  • Junior schoolchildren - for them you can offer additional classes in a foreign language and art lessons.

Franchise opening

A good option for creating your own business is to open a franchise children's center. Thus, at the initial stage you will not have problems with clients, since thanks to a well-known brand, visitors will trust you. In addition, you will definitely be helped with teaching materials and development equipment.

However, for such “courtesy” you will have to regularly pay tribute. This is about 15-20%. Consider all aspects of such work carefully before agreeing to it.

A children's development center can become a profitable business for its owner. But it still shouldn’t be led by a person who understands nothing about raising children. This is a very complex industry. Anyone who opens such a center must be at least a little enthusiastic about their business.
