Patriotism and worldview of the military army. The role of warrant officers and midshipmen in the patriotic education of military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

A serviceman is a patriot, bearing the title of defender of the Fatherland with honor and dignity

1. Introductory speech.

Article 15 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation states that a serviceman is obliged to show patriotism. Here is how the Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius defines patriotism: “Patriotism (pariotes - compatriot, patris - homeland), love for the homeland; attachment to the place of one's birth, place of residence.

Is it only love for the Motherland that constitutes the meaning of patriotism? The fact is that patriotism is not just a feeling, but also a position in life, a conviction, which for a person is the motive for his actions and actions. For a serviceman, being a patriot means being ready to make every effort to ensure the reliable defense of the Fatherland, not to spare it, protecting "... one's blood and life itself ...", as it was said in the old text of the Military Oath.

Patriotism is the basis of the honor and dignity of a serviceman, which are manifested primarily in the combat traditions of our army and navy.

The topic of our today's lesson will be the key concepts of military ethics - patriotism, military honor and military duty.

1. What is patriotism?

2. What are the features of the feeling of patriotism of a soldier?

3. What do you know about military patriotic clubs and societies?

4. What are the features of the activities of these organizations?

5. What combat traditions associated with a sense of patriotism did you remember from the OBZh course for the 10th grade?

6. What is the loyalty to the Battle Banner of the unit?

7. What is military honor and how is it related to military duty?

Patriotism of the military. The combat capability of the Russian army.

There is an opinion that “the decrease in the desire to serve in the army is not associated with a decrease in patriotic sentiments among the people. The ideas of patriotism are still widespread among the population: only 9% say that the idea of ​​patriotism is not important to them. Others rated it as important to varying degrees. Namely: 48% say that the idea of ​​patriotism is “certainly important” for them. At the same time, the degree of patriotism decreases in young age groups.

compared with older people: if among young people under 25 the idea of ​​patriotism is “certainly important” for 31%, then among people over forty it is 44%, and among people over 60 years old 57% call it very important.

Military personnel, pensioners and businessmen speak the most about their patriotism, the least of all - the unemployed, students and housewives.

“Patriotism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Being one of the most significant values ​​of society, it integrates social, political, spiritual, moral, cultural, historical and many other components in its content. [...]

Love for the Motherland, being the moral basis of military service, contributes to the formation of a sense of responsibility among military personnel [...].

The patriotism of servicemen influences the nature of military service, the fulfillment by each of the servicemen of their constitutional duty.

The current international situation is characterized by the growing instability of international relations, the expansion of the conflict-forming basis at the global, regional and local levels in various spheres of the life of the world community, the strengthening of the militarization trend and the active use of military force in the foreign policy of states, and the increase in tension in some areas adjacent to the borders of Russia.

Patriotic consciousness is the motive that increases the sense of duty among the defenders of the Fatherland, strengthens their spiritual strength, and causes a more responsible attitude to their official duties.

Love for the motherland helps to cope with the intense rhythm of military service, successfully overcome numerous difficulties in everyday army life and in a combat situation. On the one hand, these difficulties are due to the nature of the tasks being solved by the Armed Forces [...]. On the other hand, they are caused by insufficient material and technical support for the educational process of the troops, the lack of proper care of the state for its defenders, and the weakened attention of some senior commanders to the needs and requests of their subordinates.

Military service requires from a serviceman special clarity, accuracy, and prompt execution of all orders. This is what distinguishes it from other areas of public life, where specific norms for the performance of duty are not expressed with such clarity and clarity [...]. The regulation covers all aspects of service, life, and even outside of military relations. [...]

Patriotism acts as one of the factors for strengthening the combat potential of the Russian Armed Forces, primarily its spiritual component. It unites military teams, increases their responsibility in the performance of combat training tasks, the requirements of commanders to increase combat readiness, organization and discipline. [...]"

Russian military morale and military reform**

The morale of the army has always worried the minds of military leaders, scientists, commanders. The works of military theorists: Clausewitz, Foch, Bernhardi, Jomini, Russian commanders Suvorov, Ushakov, Nakhimov, Milyutin, Brusilov, Zhukov and others contain ideas and deep thoughts about the role of morale in the war, the life of the army.

The morale of a warrior is a special state of social consciousness, when a person is able and ready to achieve the goals and objectives set with the maximum exertion of spiritual and physical strength.

“According to the assessment of the military leadership of the country, this state as a whole ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces, which is confirmed by numerous examples of organization, endurance of the personnel of units and formations performing combat missions in hot spots and hotbeds of military conflicts. [...] it should be noted that in recent years, a number of factors have intensified, which negatively [...] affect the morale of the army, reducing the level of its condition”.

Concrete areas of educational work, priority in terms of strengthening the morale [...] is the education of:

—patriotism of military personnel, their loyalty to military duty, readiness to serve the Russian state;

— high professionalism, morale, combat and psychological qualities that meet the requirements of modern warfare and the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces;

-conscious military discipline, respect for the Constitution of the state, the laws of Russia, the norms of international humanitarian law;

—feelings of pride in belonging to the Russian Armed Forces, military professional honor and dignity;

- high cohesion and coherence of units and subdivisions, relations of cooperation, and mutual assistance;

—respect for the history and combat traditions of the Russian army”;

-respect for servicemen - representatives of various faiths.

military honor

“Military honor is a concept that is difficult to formulate. Its necessity, as a condition of military life, is recognized by all, but its essence remains almost elusive. Delving into this concept, one cannot fail to notice that "Military Honor" is an extremely complex phenomenon, which, of course, explains its elusiveness. It is undoubtedly inherent in the army and constitutes its characteristic feature in all epochs of human existence.

Deprivation of military honor

“Existing under military criminal laws until 1882, it consisted of the following: the convict was escorted to the place of execution in the proper form; upon the announcement of the verdict, if the convict was an officer, cadet or lower rank from the nobility, insignia, epaulettes or shoulder straps and uniform were removed from him and a sword was broken over his head; if the convict was a lower rank not from the nobility, then only the insignia, shoulder straps and uniform were removed from him. Then the convict was exhibited on the scaffold to the shameful black pillar for 10 minutes.

Shameful deprivation of military honor was necessarily appointed upon sentence to death by hanging and could be appointed, at the discretion of the court, upon sentence to death by shooting, as well as exile to hard labor and in Siberia to a settlement for military crimes. The rite was performed before the ranks.

“Honor is nothing but special rules, based on a special order, by which a people or a particular class distributes its praise or censure.”

“Military honor has always been inherent in the army and has been its characteristic feature in all historical eras. In contrast to the concept of honor in general, military honor is a collective (corporate) honor, since it is possessed not by one person, but by a team - the army. Everyone knows such concepts as the honor of the regiment, the honor of the battery, the honor of the company.

On what basis did the concept of military honor develop? First of all, it is participation in the war. War is a difficult test for a person. He risks his own life, sacrificing it to an abstract notion of the common good. Therefore, some kind of stimulus is needed that could suppress the feeling of self-preservation in a person.

Therefore, participation in the war from ancient times acquires an honorable and even religious character. Feats are exalted. The winner is surrounded by a halo of glory. All this contributes to raising the feeling of military honor in the victorious warrior.

The concept of military honor in Russia included the exceptional loyalty of servicemen to the throne and the fatherland. The principle of humanity was also brought up in the soldiers - a sense of compassion for the defeated enemy.

An example of this is the noble, on the part of the Russians, attitude towards the defeated and captured Turkish on Shipka and Plevna.

“In modern conditions, the entire multinational people of Russia, and especially its Armed Forces, need their own progressive ideology that ensures high social and public activity. It should be based on values ​​proven by the thousand-year history of the development of the Russian State and its society: “statehood”, “patriotism”, “fatherland”, “duty”, “honor”.

In order to win, a simple and clear idea must live in the heart and mind of a warrior, understandable to everyone who goes to their death for it, for example, defending the Fatherland, ensuring the sovereignty of their Motherland. Even today, in crisis conditions, when the entire system of worldview values ​​is said to have collapsed, Russian soldiers show courage and heroism (Chechnya, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Kosovo, etc.).

The fact is that military personnel mainly represent that part of society that is the most slowly changing its worldview, in addition, they are not allowed to change it dramatically by the idea of ​​a sense of honor and dignity, which in their minds are closely related to loyalty to the military oath, to the Fatherland, constitutional debt.

Military honor accumulates the requirements of such values ​​as military patriotism, military duty, military responsibility and means the need for their unconditional fulfillment.

It is the special moral foundations and style of behavior; united by the concepts of "military honor" and "dignity", "increased responsibility for the fate of Russia and its security" (involvement in the cause of defending the Fatherland), "military partnership", "military rituals and traditions", "military uniform" are combined into one group of military-corporate value orientations. This group is inherent in all categories and groups of military personnel.

The above values ​​determine the meaning and significance of the serviceman's attitude to the performance of his professional duty.

The difficult socio-economic situation in the country, changes in spiritual and moral guidelines and values ​​of life have largely influenced the attitude of draft youth to military service. Young people have an increasingly negative attitude towards conscripted military service.

The same negative attitude towards service in the Armed Forces, towards the performance of one's military duty in the last decade, we find in other sources. Remember how difficult it was to recruit young people into the army a few years ago. The number of conscripts decreased from year to year, but the number of those who openly refused to serve in the armed forces increased at an alarming rate. During the survey, 55% of the young men expressed their desire to serve, and only 8% openly declared their unwillingness to serve. At the same time, 37% will serve only because they obey the requirements of the law [...]; [...] up to 80% of conscripts, according to data, do not want to serve in the army; almost every fifth student believes that military service is one of the types of state activity that does not deserve special attention. Every tenth conscript agrees with them. At the same time, among the soldiers and conscripts, there are also many who believe that military service is a low-prestige and unpleasant job that should be avoided if possible (9.3% and 17.9%). “I don’t want to serve in the army, and no one will force me.” Such statements are popular among young people today. After all, no one is talking about the sacred duty of protecting the Motherland. Alas, the old spiritual guidelines collapsed. The children of workers and peasants join the military system, the rest avoid service under all sorts of pretexts. The number of refuseniks and deserters continues to grow.

An analysis of these sources shows that the negative attitude of young people towards the army will increase. And this will affect, first of all, a decrease in the quality of the personnel of the Armed Forces, which will cause irreparable damage to Russia's national interests. [...]

Only recently sounded the alarm about the unauthorized abandonment of the unit (desertion). The general public became aware of cases when young people who left the military unit were allegedly wanted for 3-4 years, but in fact no operational measures were taken to search for them. Impunity is the best soil for growing lawlessness in society.

Why did this become possible? Moreover, why do young people no longer want to fulfill the duty of a citizen to protect the Fatherland? How did it happen that today such concepts as duty, honor, dignity, mercy and patriotism are forgotten?

It is possible to answer these questions only by understanding the causes of the crisis that has hit both Russian society and the army. One of them is an underestimation of the role of education and a clear neglect of the tasks of educating young people.

The formation of military honor among servicemen who are conscripted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be carried out most effectively in comparison with mass experience if:

— the military honor of conscripts will be considered as one of the priority goals of the process of moral and psychological support and moral education of the troops;

- designing the process of formation of military honor among military personnel who are conscripted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be aimed at developing emotional, rational, effective-practical and improving all components of military honor;

- a system of leading means will be used at each stage from public-state training classes with a quick change in the forms of conduct and characterized by greater emotionality and visibility, military labor with the forms of conduct: the implementation of elements of the daily routine, combat training classes, various types of training, simulators, all kinds of outfits and guards, competitions, reviews of units,

- use military labor with competitive forms of conduct: training and combat alarms, competitions for the best unit, for the best in one or another subject of combat training, war games "


Questions to consolidate knowledge.

1. Define patriotism.

2. What is the manifestation of patriotism among military personnel?

3. Give examples of the feats accomplished by Russian, Soviet and Russian soldiers on the battlefields.

4. How is the feeling of patriotism achieved and nurtured among the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

5. What traditions to perpetuate the memory of patriotic soldiers exist in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

6. What are the traditions of the army and navy. Associated with the education of loyalty to the battle banner of the unit and the naval ensign of the ship.

7. What is military honor?

8. What are the ways to instill military honor among the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

9. How do you understand the expression "officer's honor"?

10. How is military honor manifested in everyday service, combat?

11. Do manifestations of "hazing" in the army correspond to the concept of "military honor" and why?

12. What punishments existed in the Russian army for those who violated military honor?


1. In the story "Duel", Lieutenant Romashov accepts a duel challenge, and then promises his opponent's wife that he will remain alive. Was Romashov's death inevitable in this case? Why? How is his act related to the concept of officer and military honor?

2. As you know, there is a tradition of perpetuating the memory of patriotic soldiers who died in the battles for the Fatherland by entering the name forever into the lists of the unit. How is this tradition manifested in the part in the lists of which the name of the hero is listed?

3. Give examples of fidelity to the naval flag, which have become the fighting traditions of the Russian fleet.

4. Duels according to the European dueling code existed in the Russian army from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Now, to protect the honor and dignity of military personnel, there are legal procedures provided for by law. What does it say?

5. (For lovers of history.) Give examples of the mass manifestation of a sense of patriotism by Russian and Soviet soldiers on the example of several wars (battles, military campaigns).

Young people should be educated with a conscious desire to build and protect their Fatherland

You can learn military science from a young age. Photo from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

At one of the meetings with the youth of Russia back in September 2012, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that how we educate the youth depends on whether Russia can save and multiply itself. Will it be able to be modern, promising, effectively developing, but at the same time, will it be able not to lose itself as a nation, not to lose its originality in a very difficult modern situation.

In the future, the leadership of the country set the task at a qualitatively new level to organize work on patriotic and military-patriotic education, the improvement of youth, the development of military-applied sports and physical culture among them in general, based on all the best that was in the previous system.


Patriotic education of the younger generation is a long-term program. The state needs to invest money in it, since this is one of the main tasks of any country that wants to educate a new generation capable of fulfilling and defending all the leading directions of its development in the future.

Patriotism without a certain ideology and constant information support of the state is impossible - after all, patriots are not born.

The ideology of modern Russian patriotism should be based on educating young people in a conscious desire to build and protect their Fatherland. At the same time, the main emphasis must be placed on respect for our history and traditions, the spiritual values ​​of our peoples, our thousand-year-old culture and the unique experience of the coexistence of hundreds of peoples and languages ​​on the territory of Russia. To instill in the younger generation a feeling of love for their homeland, as for their mother.

A mother may not always be right, she can be overly strict, but she is a mother. And we love her not for something, but because ... because she is our mother.


All institutions of power need to participate in strengthening traditional values.

At present, the “Russian Movement of Schoolchildren” has been created in secondary educational institutions, the main task of which is to educate adolescents and form a personality based on our own system of values. Taking into account the experience of youth and children's organizations that have been in the history of our country, this movement can play a very important role in the current education system, primarily in the education and socialization of students.

It is active and purposeful work in this direction that will lead to the fact that young people will consciously appreciate the place where they were born and grew up, a sense of responsibility for their country and its future will appear - this can be called real patriotism with confidence.

Today, most young Russians consider themselves patriots, but often this patriotism has the character of some kind of bravado, since, calling themselves patriots of Russia, they practically do not know the history of their own country. At the same time, some of them do not want to fulfill their constitutional duties; juvenile delinquency and drug addiction remain high. Such problems exist in all regions of our country, especially in the largest cities. The feeling called true patriotism lives inside a person. And at crucial moments, it suddenly breaks out. Today, some of the youth perceive all sorts of magnificent events, their excessive overorganization, many times out of place repeated phrases about patriotism with a degree of irony. After all, when we start talking about something incessantly, we devalue the very concept of patriotism.

True patriotism is brought up in the lessons of literature, history, geography. Without loud words and programs.

The very history of Russian multinational statehood testifies that true patriotism has nothing in common with the ideas of racial, national and religious exclusivity. A sense of patriotism, a system of values, moral guidelines is laid in a person in childhood and adolescence. Here a huge role belongs, of course, to the family and the whole society. And, of course, the educational and cultural policy of the state itself.


Today, a scientific search and substantiation of new forms and methods of educating modern youth of high moral principles, which are the source of personality formation, is needed.

An additional impetus in this work was the All-Russian military-patriotic movement "UNARMIA", created on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and with the support of the President of the country. In a short time of its existence, it has covered almost all corners of our country, having its structural divisions in 84 regions. Any student, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the movement. Participation in it is voluntary.

Among the main tasks facing the UNARMIA, such as:

- instilling in young people a sense of patriotism;

- fostering commitment to the ideas of internationalism, friendship and military partnership, countering the ideology of extremism;

- instilling in young citizens respect for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the formation of positive motivation for military service and the comprehensive preparation of young men for the performance of military duty;

– study of the history of our country and the military-historical heritage of the Fatherland;

- promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening physical hardening and endurance.

To organize interaction with the Yunarmiya movement, appropriate positions have been introduced in the military commissariats.

Representatives of the all-Russian military-patriotic movement "UNARMIA" are planned to be involved in the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in the form of military-patriotic education during the youth-patriotic action "Conscript's Day", ceremonial events associated with sending young replenishment to the troops.

Schools, educational institutions at all levels should truly become centers for the patriotic education of youth, and not institutions for the provision of services. However, for this, it is probably necessary to revise some school curricula in the humanities. After all, a huge amount of educational literature is still being published, in which the history of Russia is often covered in a distorted form, and individual historical events are simply grossly falsified. At the same time, social, political, legal, spiritual and moral ideas, the education of the public consciousness of young people, as well as their psychological and spiritual education, have so far been in the background.

On the example of the closest neighbor - Ukraine, we see how, in a short time, thanks to the introduction of “new” textbooks of history and literature into schools, the ideals in the education of the younger generation were transformed, practically sinking to the recognition of Nazi ideology.

Listening to homegrown "liberal oracles" who claim that there is no ideology in the United States, one simply wonders: is it the primitivism of their thinking or the active propaganda of the American way of life in our country? It has already become clear to the majority of our population, especially recently, that the United States is a country with a strong hegemonic-ideological thinking, which is cultivated in its own country, and then throughout the world by all means available today. The main ideological slogan of this propaganda lava is the assertion that America is the most democratic country, the most powerful militarily and economically, and it has the best state system in the world. That is why all other countries should learn from it and imitate it. Figuratively speaking: America is above everything. True, the country that previously professed such a slogan ended badly in May 1945.


At the same time, along with the positive trend of a significant improvement in work with youth, there are currently problems that need to be addressed with the most serious attention.

In the context of information confrontation and propaganda attacks by our “liberal well-wishers” on negative coverage of patriotic and military-patriotic topics in relation to the younger generation in our country, there is a need to adopt new forms of competitive struggle against them, especially in social networks.

Today, the Internet is an important factor in the education of young people. Previously, when it was not there, the family, school, mass media were engaged in the upbringing of a person from his birth, which systematically laid in the consciousness those moral and moral values ​​that had priority in society. Without disputing the need for the Internet today, we have to state that its complete lack of control by the state and society in terms of ideology has a devastating effect on the process of education and a negative impact on the state of moral and moral foundations among the youth.

On various sites on the Internet, original information cocktails still appear, consisting of distorted and unverified facts, as well as outright lies on the issues of the military development of the state.

That is why we need to be constantly ready for mandatory clarifications of the real position of the Ministry of Defense in various publications, regularly post information materials on various sites most visited by young people that help increase the prestige and attractiveness of military service by conscription and contract.

The active involvement of the Internet resource today can be used with the greatest benefit to create a stable positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it will become a real conductor of the ideas of building a modern army among the population of the country, especially among young people, bringing them information from primary sources through social networks.

The system of military-patriotic education in the Russian Federation

Essence, tasks and principles of military-patriotic education

Patriotism is the most important source of life for the state, the army, and the individual, including the Russian soldier. It is difficult to overestimate its role in the history of Russia, in asserting national pride and dignity, protecting the Fatherland, and ensuring national security. Therefore, one of the central places in the system of education of soldiers is occupied by state-patriotic education, the essence of which is the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among the personnel of the army and navy, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Patriotism was and is a characteristic feature of the mentality of the Russian people, the spiritual basis for the development of Russian statehood.

The past of our Motherland convincingly testifies that at all times the state-patriotic idea has been one of the main factors ensuring the vitality of society. Patriotism has its origins in antiquity, during the period of struggle against numerous foreign invaders, when the traditional moral values ​​of our people were formed.

On a patriotic basis, the national-state unification of Rus' took place, which at the same time strengthened the patriotic idea itself, firmly connecting it with statehood. It should also be emphasized that already at the beginning of the 17th century, the "Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs" fixed patriotism as a military-professional quality and norm of behavior for soldiers. And during the reform reforms of Peter I, state patriotism began to be placed above all values. Service to the Fatherland, diligence in state affairs were declared the main virtue and even enshrined in the "Table of Ranks" as an indispensable condition for obtaining ranks, titles, awards. This moral quality was especially valued among Russian officers. The patriotic idea of ​​selfless, selfless service to the Fatherland was at the heart of his morality and culture. Officers can rightly be called in Russian history the most patriotic stratum of society, and patriotism is the soul of the Russian army.

Already in the 18th century, a system of patriotic education began to take shape in Russia, and in the Russian army, in modern terms, a system of military-patriotic education. Thus, the “Instruction of an Infantry Regiment to a Colonel” ordered commanders to carry out work on the patriotic education of soldiers through regular clarification and reading of charters, articles, orders, as well as stories about the glory and power of Russia. As an immutable rule, it was assumed that each officer would be a shining example and bearer of patriotism. All this, of course, was reflected in the courage and heroism of soldiers, sailors, officers, generals and admirals, shown by them in the wars that Russia had to wage. Military-patriotic education was one of the factors of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the 65th anniversary of which our country will celebrate next year.

It should be emphasized that the cardinal changes in the country in the 90s of the last century had a negative impact on the spiritual and moral atmosphere in society, including patriotic education.

The state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" notes that "The main tasks of patriotic education in our country in recent years have been addressed in the course of the implementation of the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005", the main goal which was the creation of a system of patriotic education.

At present, such a system has basically developed.

However, the implementation of the current program of patriotic education, designed until 2010, in the country and in the Armed Forces takes place against the backdrop of social and state difficulties and contradictions. Here are just a few of them:

1. Under the guise of spiritual freedom, Western values ​​are imposed on society, egocentrism instead of collectivism, the cult of violence instead of companionship, the thirst for profit instead of labor in its civilized and noble senses.

2. There are attempts by some writers and publicists to prove that in Russia patriotism causes a chain nationalist reaction. Meanwhile, patriotism in its rational, theoretically substantiated form has nothing in common with nationalism.

3. Significant deterioration in the material conditions of life for a significant part of Russians, their alienation from culture, power, economic management, the colossal social stratification of society negatively affects the authority of state power.

5. A negative impact on the formation of patriotism in the conditions of the Armed Forces is exerted by the weakening of the combat power of the army, the processes of its significant reduction, the decrease in the prestige of military service, the insufficiently high financial situation of military personnel and other negative factors.

At the same time, certain measures have been taken in recent years that have made it possible to intensify work on patriotic education in the country and the army, and to solve some problems in its organization.

“An integral part of patriotic education,” notes the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation, “is military-patriotic education aimed at developing readiness for military service as a special type of public service. Military-patriotic education is characterized by a specific focus, a deep understanding by each citizen of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military service, the conviction of the need to develop the necessary qualities and skills to perform military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops. , military formations and bodies".

The patriotic education of servicemen is organized and carried out within the framework of a unified system of military education of servicemen. In recent years, it has been built on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation (2003), the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", the Concept of Education of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of March 11, 2004), the departmental program of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010" (Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 28 of January 19, 2006 d) and other documents.

They further developed the system of patriotic education, the elements of which are the subjects and objects of education, tasks, principles, content, directions, forms and methods of education.

The practice of recent national history has confirmed that the system of patriotic education cannot remain unchanged, it is constantly being improved. Its change and development is due both to the achievements of the priority tasks of the system of patriotic education, and to the changes taking place in the economic, political, social and other spheres of Russian society, as well as the new conditions of the modern world.

In accordance with the state program, the subjects of patriotic education are federal structures of various levels, scientific and educational institutions, public organizations, the media, creative unions and religious denominations, and the family. In the Armed Forces, such subjects are military command and control bodies, commanders and chiefs of all levels, headquarters and services, educational work bodies, military teams, military cultural institutions, the media, and public organizations in military units.

The objects of education are officers, ensigns, midshipmen, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors), cadets, students of military educational institutions and female soldiers who are serving in the military.

The subjects of patriotic education with specific capabilities and means solve the problems of patriotic education of certain groups of the population and citizens of the country as a whole.

The main tasks of military-patriotic education are:

Formation of patriotic values, patriotic self-consciousness among citizens of the Russian Federation;

Education of fidelity to the combat and heroic traditions of the Russian army;

Establishment in society of a conscious attitude towards the fulfillment of the constitutional duty to protect the freedom and independence of Russia, ensuring its security and sovereignty;

Active opposition to anti-patriotism, manipulation of information, propaganda of mass culture based on the cult of violence, distortion and falsification of the history of the Fatherland;

Formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, development of friendly relations between peoples;

Instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the state - the Coat of Arms, the Flag, the Anthem of the Russian Federation, other Russian symbols and historical shrines of the Fatherland.

Military-patriotic education is carried out taking into account the following basic principles:

The unity of national and international interests of the peoples of Russia, which implies the love of Russians for their multinational state with respect for all the peoples of the world;

An integrated approach that involves the coordinated, purposeful work of all state and public structures, using various forms and methods for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

Activity and aggressiveness, providing for perseverance and reasonable initiative in transforming the worldview of citizens and their value orientations, focused on the national interests of Russia;

A differentiated approach that involves the use of special forms and methods of patriotic work, taking into account each age, social, professional and other population groups, various categories of military personnel;

The organic unity of military-patriotic education with practical military training, meaning the inseparability of words and deeds, concrete work to train citizens in military affairs, to form their military professional qualities;

A comprehensive account of changes and trends in the development of military affairs, the international military-political situation, providing for the implementation of military training at the level of modern requirements and various military specialties, taking into account specific military threats and dangers to Russia's national interests.

These principles are interconnected and implemented in unity.

The main directions, forms and methods of work of officers in the patriotic education of personnel

In the patriotic education of military personnel, there are a number of directions for its organization and implementation, the main of which are the following.

1. Formation of military-professional qualities necessary for the military defense of the Fatherland in the course of everyday training, combat training. This side of patriotic education occupies an important place in the daily activities of commanders and educator officers. In the classroom for combat and public-state training, in the process of military service, they strive to support the patriotic undertakings of soldiers, popularize examples of exemplary performance by soldiers and sailors of their military duty.

Education on a positive example, a selfless deed is a particularly strong and effective means. In this regard, a wealth of experience has been accumulated. Promotion in the service, entry into the Book of Honor, propaganda of those who distinguished themselves at the meeting, in wall printing, photo and radio newspapers, in combat leaflet and military press, publication of leaflets specially dedicated to advanced soldiers, sending letters of thanks to parents, enterprises and organizations in the field past work and studies of soldiers and sailors, evenings honoring excellent students, masters of military affairs - all this creates a positive public opinion, encourages personnel to be equal to the advanced, most conscious and active defenders of the Motherland.

Simultaneously with education on a positive example, painstaking work is organized to correct negative traits in the behavior of individual soldiers. Commanders and superiors point out to such soldiers their wrong actions, explain that patriotic duty requires not verbal assurances of love for the Fatherland, but specific patriotic deeds. They use a variety of methods in the interests of overcoming shortcomings, actively using the forces of the army and navy public for these purposes.
2. An important area of ​​military-patriotic education is heroic-patriotic education based on the study of military history. To educate with history means to promote, preserve and increase the heroic past and present of our people and its Armed Forces. Centuries-old experience shows that the deeper you know the history of your Fatherland with its heroic past, the stronger will be the feeling of love for it, the more accurately you will comprehend its present and future.

Propaganda of the heroic deeds of compatriots in the process of military service is carried out both during combat training and during hours of cultural work. Warriors have a particularly strong influence on encounters with heroes whose tales of courage and selflessness sink deep into the souls of young people.

Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), "Afghan" veterans, combatants in the North Caucasus, as well as participants in local wars are organized in many Houses of Officers and clubs of units. It also organizes viewing of feature films and documentaries on a heroic-patriotic theme.
An important role in solving this problem is played by the museum and rooms of military glory, in which soldiers get acquainted with the heroes and military history, military relics and documents of the war years. Books of the history of parts (compounds), historical forms, books of honor serve the same purposes.

To promote the glorious pages of the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia, lectures, reports and conversations are held in many parts and on ships about significant dates and days of military glory: the Battle on the Ice, the battle on the Kulikovo field, the battles of Poltava and Borodino, the defense of Sevastopol, the most important battles during the Great Patriotic War and others.

3. One of the areas of patriotic education of military personnel is education on the military traditions of the Russian army. Military traditions are part of national-state traditions. They are understood as stable, historically developed, passed down from generation to generation, specific forms of social relations in the army and navy in the form of order, rules and norms of behavior of military personnel, their spiritual values, moral attitudes and customs associated with the performance of combat training tasks, organization military service and military life. They are based on such military virtues as devotion to the Fatherland, fidelity to civic and military duty, military honor, courage, selflessness and mutual assistance. The army is alive and growing as long as there are bearers of these concepts in its ranks.

According to the spheres of military activity, they distinguish: a) military traditions, reflecting the experience of glorious military victories; b) traditions of the process of education and upbringing; c) traditions of military life of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

An important place in the system of military traditions of the Russian army is occupied by combat traditions as elements of military heritage that remain relevant for combat training of troops and ensuring victory in battle.

The main combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces include the following: courage and mass heroism; fidelity to the military oath, battle banner and St. Andrew's flag; selflessness and self-sacrifice in battle for the sake of achieving a common victory; mutual benefit and military fraternity; respect for the commander and his protection in battle; contempt for traitors, preference for a worthy death over captivity; military prowess; giving military honors to those who died in battle; concern for the preservation of the lives of subordinates in battle and others. A warrior who maintains these traditions and is ready to follow them cannot but be a patriot of his country, its faithful and devoted son.

4. Along with military traditions, an important role in shaping the personality of a patriot warrior is played by military rituals, which are understood as the historically established forms of behavior of military personnel during rituals, solemn and mourning ceremonies performed in the daily life of troops, during festive celebrations, important acts of military service and other cases.

Military rituals embody the noble ideals and lofty goals of serving the Russian soldier to his Fatherland. They cover three main spheres of military relations - the sphere of combat activity (taking the military oath, presenting military banners and state awards, solemn honoring of heroes, burial with saluting of honors, etc.), the sphere of combat training activity (taking up combat duty, combat reviews, general battalion and regimental checks, divorce and changing of guards, etc.), the scope of everyday activities (ceremonial meetings and rallies dedicated to public holidays, important events in the life of the country, military unit (ship), etc.). Military rituals contribute to the formation of high moral and combat qualities among military personnel, cause them to moral uplift, a sense of pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of Russia, to their unit.

5. An important direction in the patriotic education of military personnel is the explanation of the meaning and content of the national-state symbols of the Russian Federation - the coat of arms, flag and anthem, as well as public holidays. For this purpose, they use such forms of work as themed evenings, quizzes, competitions, film lectures, lectures, conversations, meetings with famous people, and others.

6. Among the most important areas of patriotic education is also education based on traditional Russian spiritual values, on morality and ethics. Our historical experience shows that the patriotic unity of people is based on belonging to a single national-spiritual way of life with its moral and ethical values, the most important of which are selfless service to one's people, loyalty to the Military Oath, military valor, military camaraderie, honor, nobility, humanism and others. .

The Russian army has always been one of the armies of the world, which was characterized by noble deeds and aspirations, and the officers were examples of the highest culture. The Russian soldier has always been valued in the world for displaying the greatest humanity, the strictest discipline, and a loyal attitude towards the civilian population.

Raised on the values ​​of high morality and morality, the Russian army often came to the aid of other peoples in delivering them from foreign yoke, in restoring the economy and culture, and in carrying out a peacekeeping mission. Convincing confirmation of this is the military operations of the Russian Armed Forces in South Ossetia and Abkhazia to force Georgia to peace, where Russian soldiers convincingly proved their fidelity to civic and military duty, devotion to their Fatherland, while showing courage, steadfastness and heroism.

When solving problems of patriotic education of military personnel, such areas are also used, such as: constant interaction of military units with state and local authorities, public organizations and military-patriotic associations; participation of military personnel in search work within the framework of the All-Russian Memory Watch; conducting classes on military affairs with pre-conscription and draft youth, and others.

In the practice of military-patriotic education, various forms of work are used. The already named forms include: evenings of military glory, lessons of courage, celebrations with the introduction of military banners, meetings, rallies, processions, events with the participation of internationalist soldiers, patriotic clubs, care for monuments and memorial cemeteries, laying flowers on memorial days , discussion of military-patriotic films, holding reader's conferences and others.

Among the methods of military-patriotic education, the most popular are the following methods: persuasion, examples, reliance on the life experience of the educated, individual approach, a combination of intellectual and emotional impact.

Thus, in recent years, the system of military-patriotic education has been further developed. It has clearly defined tasks, directions, forms and methods of education, which make it possible to successfully and effectively form in military personnel the qualities necessary for the defender of our Fatherland.

In the opening remarks, it should be emphasized that the patriotic education of military personnel is the most important component of all educational work with personnel, the role and importance of which in the conditions of crisis phenomena in the country and the creation of a new image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is increasing significantly.

When studying the first question, it is necessary to reveal the main elements of the system of military-patriotic education, while paying special attention to its essence and tasks.

In the course of considering the second question, it is advisable to reveal the main directions, forms and methods of work of the officers in the patriotic education of soldiers, and also to analyze the state of this work in the unit.

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions, answer questions from the audience, and give recommendations for studying the literature.

1. Education of patriotism: essence, content, recommendations. Tutorial. - M., 1998.

2. Education of patriotism. Method, aid. Issue two. M., 2003.

3. State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010". - M., 2005.

4. The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of 11. 03. 2004.

5. Patriotic education of military personnel on the traditions of the Russian army: Textbook / Ed. S. L. Rykova - M.: VU, 1997.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Viktor Strelnikov

“Patriotism is love for the good and glory of the Fatherland and the desire to contribute to them in every way”
N.M. Karamzin


Many public and state figures, such as N.M. Karamzin, S.N. Glinka, A.I. Turgenev, called through their work to “lay down their lives for the Fatherland”, which closely echoes the Gospel of John: “There is no greater love than if someone lays down his life for his friends.”

Already in the time of Peter I, patriotism is considered above all virtues and practically becomes the Russian state ideology, the words "God, Tsar and Fatherland" reflect the main values ​​of the time. The Russian soldier served not for the sake of his honor or the emperor, but in the interests of the Fatherland. “Now the hour has come that will decide the fate of the Fatherland,” Peter I addressed the soldiers before the Battle of Poltava. - And so you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state handed over to Peter, for your family, for the Fatherland ... And know about Peter that his life is not dear to him, if only Russia would live in bliss and glory, for prosperity your his…" . This approach to military service was enshrined in the Military Charter of 1716, Russian laws, as well as in the "Institution for Battle" and the "Military Article" written personally by Peter I.

But citizens of the Russian Empire connected the concept of patriotism not only with military service. Civil patriotism was very widespread, and at the same time had the features of "conscious patriotism", which had nothing to do with either xenophobia, or anti-Semitism, or ethnic nationalism. “Conscious patriotism” was well described by the great Russian patriot, philosopher Vasily Rozanov: “A happy and great homeland is not a great thing to love. We must love her precisely when she is weak, small, humiliated, finally, stupid, finally, even vicious. Precisely, it is precisely when our mother is “drunk”, lying and all entangled in sin, that we should not leave her.”

Due to the formation and development of new class, political, ideological and other features, in Soviet times, the Fatherland began to be defined, first of all, as socialist, while reflecting the emergence of the Soviet state social system. Representatives of the communist movement, speaking of patriotism, rely on the interpretation of V.I. Lenin: "Patriotism is love for the motherland, one of the deepest feelings, fixed for centuries and millennia of isolated fatherlands." In the article “On the National Pride of the Great Russians,” Lenin defines proletarian patriotism: “Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, class-conscious Great Russian proletarians? Of course not! We love our language, our motherland, we are working most of all to raise its working masses (that is, 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists ... ".

During the Great Patriotic War, when the question of the fate of our Fatherland was being decided, the people and the army displayed patriotism of unprecedented strength, which was the basis of spiritual and moral superiority over Nazi Germany. Remembering the difficult days of the battle for Moscow, G.K. Zhukov noted that “it was not mud or frost that stopped the Nazi troops after their breakthrough to Vyazma and reaching the approaches to the capital. Not the weather, but the people, the Soviet people! These were special, unforgettable days, when the common desire of the entire Soviet people to defend the Motherland, and the greatest patriotism raised people to a feat.


Here is what the Patriarch said about patriotism Alexy II:

“Patriotism is undoubtedly relevant. This is the feeling that makes the people and every person responsible for the life of the country. Without patriotism there is no such responsibility. If I do not think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because the house is not only comfort, it is also the responsibility for the order in it, it is the responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, does not have his own country. And a "man of the world" is the same as a homeless person.

It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is as natural to a person as the feeling of love for God. It can be distorted. And humanity throughout its history has more than once distorted the feeling invested by God. But it is.

And here is another very important thing. The feeling of patriotism should in no case be confused with a feeling of hostility towards other peoples. Patriotism in this sense is consonant with Orthodoxy. One of the most important commandments of Christianity: do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you. Or, as it sounds in the Orthodox doctrine in the words of Seraphim of Sarov: save yourself, acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved. The same patriotism. Do not destroy in others, but build in yourself. Then others will treat you with respect. I think that today this is the main task of patriots in our country: the creation of our own country.

The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990 stated that over the course of a thousand-year history, the Russian Orthodox Church has educated believers in the spirit of patriotism and peacefulness. According to the definition of the Local Council of 1990, patriotism "manifests itself in a careful attitude to the historical heritage of the Fatherland, in active citizenship, including participation in the joys and trials of one's people, in zealous and conscientious work, in caring for the moral state of society, in caring for the conservation of nature" .


In the last decade in Russia, patriotism has become one of the most controversial topics, widely discussed in various areas of the reformed Russian statehood. The range of opinions is quite large: from the discrediting of patriotism as an analogue of destructiveness and conflict potential with a fascist and racist bias, to the calls of the first persons of the state for the unity of the Russian people on the basis of the integration potential of patriotism, the adoption of the State programs "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005" and "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", as well as "The Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation", in which patriotism is defined as "love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, up to self-sacrifice, to his defense."

Patriotism is inextricably linked with internationalism, alien to nationalism, separatism and cosmopolitanism. “Patriotism is a special orientation of self-realization and social behavior of citizens, the criteria for which are love and service to the Fatherland, ensuring the integrity and sovereignty of Russia, its national security, sustainable development, duty and responsibility, suggesting the priority of public and state principles over individual interests and aspirations and acting as the highest meaning of life and activity of the individual, all social groups and strata of society.

But, despite the fact that the above official documents clearly outline the concept of patriotism and its role at the present stage of development of Russian statehood, in the public mind the attitude towards this concept is far from unambiguous. Which, in particular, is demonstrated by the statements of various political and public figures.

Gennady Zyuganov:“The appeal to our history, especially to the history of the Soviet period, allows us to draw an important conclusion: at each new stage of development, the idea of ​​the unity of patriotism and socialism was refined and filled. We, modern communist patriots, communist statesmen, are the legitimate heirs of the ideology of Russian patriotic socialism. This ideology is based on the age-old life experience of our people, which from time immemorial has both love for the Motherland and a thirst for justice. Russia achieved prosperity and power only when this love and this thirst united in a single impulse. Therefore, even today, patriotism and socialism must go hand in hand in the revival of Great Russia.”

Irina Khakamada:“... I am among non-traditional patriots, namely, those people who do not associate patriotism with thoughtless faith in their own state, but who associate their fate with their country, because it is this country that allows a person to realize himself as a free person, and whose dignity is respected by the authorities”.

Edward Limonov:“... Those in power, who at one time committed the destruction of the USSR, using democratic ideology, have now adopted patriotic ideology and are exploiting it. Although, in my opinion, they absolutely do not care what to exploit, whom and how.

For their part, representatives of the United Russia party urge not to blur the concept of patriotism and not engage in populism, but to pursue a balanced state policy in matters of patriotic education. Party leader Boris Gryzlov connects the concept of patriotism with the history and greatness of Russia: “The wealth of Russia is not only its subsoil, not only and not so much oil and gas, but the huge creative potential of the Russian people, our unity, our love for the Motherland. It was national unity and patriotism that more than once decided the fate of our country. Thanks to popular unity and patriotism, Russia has become a great power and will remain so for centuries.”

In general, today we can state the presence of a significant number of divergent opinions on issues of patriotism, the lack of a common understanding of patriotic education in society, as well as the lack of consistency and clarity of state policy in this area. And these are problems that are waiting to be solved.


“...Issues of patriotic education should remain the focus of our state activities. Moreover, this work should be carried out, as they say, with an understanding of the responsibility of the task, it should not be stereotyped, it should reach the heart.<…>The question of patriotic education cannot be formal, it must be precisely in line with the personal ideas of each person about his place, with his perception of the country, the Motherland. Therefore, of course, this needs to be done, done both at school and in student groups, but done in such a way that it creates a corresponding desire among our young people, schoolchildren and students to study the history of the country, creates a sense of belonging to today and pride, of course, for the events that took place in the past.

D.A. Medvedev
(From a videoconference in the reception room of the President of Russia, April 9, 2009)

Patriotic education, being an integral part of the general educational process, is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities and public organizations to form citizens of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The modern Russian system of patriotic education, represented by state and non-state organizations, is the result of the evolution of the historical forms of patriotic education that existed in our country.


In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was a system of educational institutions that made it possible to effectively solve the problems of patriotic education. These institutions successfully trained both military and civil service specialists for the Russian state. We are talking about the system of cadet education and imperial lyceums.

Cadet corps in Russia began to be created in the 18th century to prepare young people, first of all, for military and civil service. During the years of its existence in the pre-revolutionary (until 1917) period, cadet education underwent a series of reforms associated with attempts to create a coherent education system built on uniform principles of education and upbringing. In the process of reforms, the component of military education either strengthened or weakened, but invariably remained an important distinguishing feature of this type of educational institution.

Already in the first Russian cadet corps, professors of the Academy of Sciences and teachers with a university education were involved in teaching, since the task was to train highly educated citizens capable of responsible public service in this educational institution.

On the initiative of Peter I, in 1701, the "Navigation School" was established, which later became the Naval Cadet Corps. The first proper cadet corps in Russia was established by Empress Anna Ioannovna in 1731 (Corpus of cadets of gentry children, later renamed the Land gentry cadet corps).

In addition to military disciplines, following the example of Denmark and Prussia, the program of this educational institution included the basics of exact, natural and human sciences. This was of particular importance due to the fact that in Russia of those years there was no strict division into military and civil service, often the military transferred to civilian service with the preservation and even increase in rank. There were cases when the cadet corps was transformed into a civilian educational institution, for example, in St. Petersburg, the Mining School became the Mining Cadet Corps, and later it was transformed into the Mining Institute.

The Corps of Pages of His Imperial Majesty was considered the most elite military educational institution of Imperial Russia. It was created back in the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna in 1759, according to the nominal decree, “So that those who, through that, to a constant and decent mind and noble deeds, most succeed and from that courteous, pleasant and howling perfect could show themselves, like the Christian law and their honest nature commands. Over its more than a century of history, the Corps of Pages has trained hundreds of valiant officers, statesmen and public figures.

In addition to the cadet corps, the so-called Imperial lyceums developed. The most famous of them is the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which has been operating in Tsarskoye Selo since 1811, and since 1843 was located in St. Petersburg. In Russian history, the lyceum is known, first of all, as the school that brought up A.S. Pushkin. The lyceum was founded by order of Emperor Alexander I and was intended for the education of noble children. The program was focused primarily on the training of government officials of the highest ranks.

In Soviet times, the centralized system of patriotic education closely echoed the ideological component of the political regime, and also had a number of differences from the tsarist system. In general, the following system-forming elements can be distinguished:

  • education within the framework of the October - pioneer - Komsomol movements;
  • Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools;
  • youth military-patriotic associations and clubs.

Octobrists, pioneers, Komsomol members

In 1923-24. in Moscow, the first October groups began to appear, in which children were accepted - the same age as the Great October Socialist Revolution. In these groups, children were preparing to join the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin. When joining the ranks of the Octobrists, children were given a badge - a five-pointed ruby ​​star with a portrait of Lenin as a child. The group's symbol was a red October flag. The activity of the Octobrists took place mainly in the form of a game and was organized by teachers and counselors. Every year on April 16-22, the All-Union October Week was held. All-Union ("Merry Pictures" and "Murzilka") and republican magazines were published for the Octobrists.

The pioneer organization in the USSR was formed by the decision of the All-Russian Conference of the Komsomol on May 19, 1922. Formally, admission was carried out on a voluntary basis. As a rule, children were accepted as pioneers from the age of 9 (usually in grades 3-4 of the Soviet secondary school) and remained in it until the age of 13-14, when admission to the Komsomol began. Various organizational events were held among the pioneers: reviews, concerts, sports competitions, trips. The paramilitary children's game Zarnitsa gained great popularity. However, many of these events were, in fact, too formal.

First of all, excellent students and activists became pioneers, then other children. They rarely took pioneers, usually only inveterate hooligans. There were refusals for religious reasons. In the twenties and thirties, the pioneers taught the illiterate, helped adults organize orphanages, and raised funds to help workers in foreign countries. In July 1930, the pioneers reported to the 16th Congress of the Communist Party about their work: “We have educated over 1,000,000 illiterates. We sent 20,000 radio receivers to sponsored villages. We sent over 500,000 books to the pioneers of the village…”.

On November 8, 1942, detachments all over the country came out to the All-Union Sunday Work "Pioneer to the Front". The guys sawed firewood, cleaned the wards in military hospitals, collected scrap metal, helped the families of front-line soldiers clean their apartments, prepare for winter. Pioneers collected money for the defense fund. The first pioneer tank that smashed the enemy was called the Gorky Pioneer.

The All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM), also known as the Komsomol (Communist Youth Union), was a political youth organization founded on October 29, 1918 and operated under the leadership of the Communist Party. Sixty years after the founding of the organization, by 1977, over 36 million Soviet citizens aged 14-28 were members of the Komsomol. Initially, the VLKSM accepted mainly the children of workers and the poorest peasants. In the future, the social base of the VLKSM gradually expanded, and in the 60s-80s of the 20th century, almost all students of secondary schools were accepted into the VLKSM. Membership in the Komsomol was actually a necessary attribute for a successful career of a young citizen of the USSR, and was a kind of system for training young personnel.


On January 23, 1927, the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAKHIM) was established. In the circles of military knowledge, the population mastered small arms, studied the hand grenade, and the basics of tactics. Artillery, machine-gun weapons, tank devices, telegraph apparatus, armored vehicles, and means of protection against chemical weapons were studied in military-technical circles. Naval clubs worked successfully.

From the first days of its existence, OSOAVIAKHIM launched a wide aviation propaganda. The country, which was in a hostile environment, needed its own air fleet, flight personnel were needed. Thrown to the masses, the slogan "Komsomolets, on the plane!" Became the motto of the youth of the 1930s.

After the war, in 1948-1951, there were DOSARM, DOSAV, DOSFLOT, which grew out of OSOAVIAKhIM. On August 20, 1951, they united into the All-Union Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy, better known to us under the abbreviated name DOSAAF.

This organization was instructed to focus on the development of mass defense work, propaganda and dissemination of military, military-technical, aviation and naval knowledge among the population, on preparing pre-conscription youth for military service, and developing technical sports. The work of DOSAAF of the USSR was built on the basis of the initiative and initiative of members of the society under the leadership of party organizations and was associated with Soviet, trade union, Komsomol, sports and other public organizations.

The basis of DOSAAF was the primary organizations that were created at factories, factories, state farms, collective farms, institutions, educational institutions, house management, etc. Any citizen of the USSR who had reached the age of 14 could be a member of DOSAAF. Of course, the activities of this organization were not without formalism and "obligation", so characteristic of the Soviet system: in a number of cases, mass admission to DOSAAF membership of schoolchildren, students, workers and employees took place under compulsion, for example, under the threat of deprivation of bonuses, scholarships (or some other punishment. In this regard, DOSAAF was jokingly called by the people "a voluntary-compulsory society."

Nevertheless, DOSAAF of the USSR played an important role both in strengthening the defense of our country and in the patriotic education of Soviet youth.

Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools

During the Great Patriotic War, on August 21, 1943, the country's leadership adopted a Decree "On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation", which, in particular, stated:

“To arrange, train and educate the children of the Red Army soldiers, partisans of the Patriotic War, as well as the children of Soviet and party workers, workers and collective farmers who died at the hands of the German invaders, to organize ... nine Suvorov military schools, such as the old cadet corps, 500 people each each, a total of 4,500 people with a term of study of 7 years, with a closed boarding school for pupils ... ".

Boys from the age of 10 were admitted to Suvorov military schools with a training period of 7 years. At schools, junior and senior preparatory classes were organized with a one-year term of study in each class. Children between the ages of 8 and 10 were admitted to preparatory classes.

In the 1960s, the Suvorov military schools were reorganized. Some of them became boarding schools and came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. In the remaining Suvorov military schools, the terms of training and the recruitment procedure were changed. Schools began to accept young men aged 15–16 who had successfully completed eight grades of school. In connection with the transition of the secondary school to a 10-year term of study, the question arose about the terms of training for Suvorov students. In 1969, a decision was made to switch schools to a two-year term of study. Appropriate changes have been made to the programs.

Suvorov, Nakhimov and special military schools and schools brought up: 65 Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor and Russia; over 1000 generals; Secretary of the Security Council of Russia; three ministers of the Government of the USSR and Russia; four Deputy Ministers of Defense; more than 20 military district commanders and their deputies; more than 100 army commanders and representatives of command staff at the operational-strategic level. Among the former Suvorov students are two academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 500 doctors of science, about ten people's artists of the USSR and Russia, more than 30 champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games, many dozens of world champions and thousands of masters of sports.

Youth military-patriotic organizations

In the USSR, the heyday of the activity of youth military-patriotic clubs fell on the second half of the 1980s. Then officers and soldiers began to return from Afghanistan, for whom the war exposed not only their own conscience, but also numerous shortcomings in the system of pre-conscription training of youth in the USSR. Afghan veterans, without any instructions from above, obeying their sense of duty, without any special mutual agreements, created a unique system of military-patriotic education, which was based on love for the Motherland, the Army and their children, the best army techniques and combat experience of the war. in Afghanistan.

Creating a new military educational system, Soviet officers and sergeants practically made a brilliant discovery by offering society, the army and the state an internally integral and clear methodology for pre-conscription training and military-patriotic education. First of all, sports disciplines (of a general nature and hand-to-hand combat) have taken their rightful place, in contrast to just sports sections, where they have a narrow practical meaning. Sports training has become one of the most important military disciplines. Great importance was attached to patriotic education, which in the conditions of the weakening Soviet state and its ideology was of great importance. Thus, the military-patriotic club was able to combine the sports section, the best forms of army training and ideological and patriotic education. All this was united by the lofty idea of ​​military service to one's people and country, which ultimately gave rise in the young man to a feeling of sacrificial love for the Motherland.


At the moment, there are about 2,000 organizations in the Russian Federation that are directly related to the military-patriotic education of young people. These organizations, according to the most conservative estimates, cover more than 100,000 boys and girls. In various forms, all the methods of military-patriotic education that have existed since Soviet times have been preserved - such as the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, DOSAAF, military-patriotic clubs - and many new ones have also appeared. Most of them fit into the framework of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010". As a result of the adoption of this program, organizations working with children and young people have found a single point of reference for their many activities.

The structure designed to solve organizational, methodological and informational tasks in the system of patriotic education of citizens is the state institution Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (“Rosvoencenter”). This organization was formed in 1997 by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation with the aim of developing and implementing "programs and plans to solve problems of a military-historical, memorial and cultural-educational nature, to support and consolidate the movements of war veterans, veterans of military service and law enforcement agencies" . Since 2001, the main activity of this state structure has been to ensure the implementation of the State Program for the Patriotic Education of Citizens adopted in the Russian Federation, and subsequently to develop the conceptual foundations for the next one, designed for 2011-2015.

The conductors of the goal of patriotic education are the subjects of educational activities, which are the state represented by federal, regional and local authorities; educational institutions of all levels; various kinds of public organizations and religious associations; cultural institutions; a family; labor and military collectives; mass media and others.

The main structures whose purpose is patriotic education, today, can be divided into three groups: state, public-state, and public. Examples of the first are the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools and cadet corps, the second - DOSAAF as a public-state organization, the third - various military-patriotic, search, military-sports associations and clubs, military-patriotic clubs under the Russian Orthodox Church and various scout organizations.

Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools and cadet corps Together they make up the system of cadet upbringing and education. Cadet education in Russia in the latest period of its history is a rather heterogeneous phenomenon. Cadet corps differ in the history of creation, in departmental affiliation, and in the age of pupils. "Cadet corps" refers to educational institutions operating on the basis of various documents, using different approaches to the inclusion of a military component in educational programs and having other significant differences. Today in Russia there are more than 200 military training and educational institutions that are called (or call themselves) cadet. They are formed and carry out their activities in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Suvorov (Nakhimov) military school is a specialized educational institution for youth of school age. Admission before 2008 was possible only for males. Until recently, such schools gave their pupils a secondary school education and at the same time prepared them for admission and study in military universities.

DOSAAF. Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy - All-Russian public organization for the assistance of the army, aviation and navy, a mass defense-patriotic organization of workers, the purpose of which is to help strengthen the country's defense capability and prepare workers to defend the socialist Fatherland. On December 17, 2009, an extraordinary congress of ROSTO, the successor organization of the Soviet DOSAAF, was held. The congress approved the transformation of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Defense Sports and Technical Organization - ROSTO (DOSAAF)" into the All-Russian Public-State Organization "Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of Russia" (DOSAAF of Russia).

The renewed organization DOSAAF is intended to become the basis of pre-conscription training in our country - this is stated in the recently approved Concept of the federal system for preparing citizens for military service until 2020. According to the document, the number of army specialists trained by DOSAAF in the near future should be 200 thousand people annually. For comparison: over the past 10 years, DOSAAF has trained about 1.3 million specialists. That is, on average - 130 thousand per year.

scouting movement. Scouting is a worldwide youth movement dedicated to the physical, spiritual and mental development of young people so that young people can take a constructive place in society. This is achieved through non-formal education with an emphasis on practical activities in the open air, called the Scout method. The Scout organization is voluntary, apolitical, independent. The approximate number of Russian scouting for 2007 is 30,000 people. Now in Russia there is no single scout organization. The largest Russian Scout organizations are: Organization of Russian Young Scouts (ORYUR), National Organization of Russian Scouts (NORS), Russian Union of Scouts, Russian Association of Girl Scouts, Brotherhood of Orthodox Pathfinders.

Military-patriotic and military-sports movement. Military-patriotic clubs are a system of public associations whose activities are aimed at developing among young people a high patriotic consciousness, an exalted sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty, and the most important constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. The educational methodology of military-patriotic clubs includes a sports element, military training based on the experience of military operations, and patriotic education. To date, there is no single methodological basis for military-patriotic clubs. Each club or group of clubs use their own educational and methodological developments, which are based on different army, sports training programs.

Military sports clubs originated in the 80s of the last century. It is no exaggeration to say that this movement was all-Union. Classes in clubs gave young people very good general physical training, the basics of military knowledge, as well as an understanding of such words as "love for the motherland" and "male friendship".

search movement. The activities of search organizations are aimed at searching for missing soldiers and their subsequent identification on the basis of mortal medallions and archival documents, and the activities are also aimed at instilling patriotism and readiness to defend the Motherland among adolescents and youth. Currently, there are 6 interregional public organizations of search associations: "North-West" (Novgorod), "Center of Russia" (Kaluga), "Union of Search Teams of Russia" (Moscow), "North of Russia" (Leningradskaya region), "Warrior" (Kursk), "Southern Frontier" (Rostov-on-Don), as well as a significant number of individual search teams or clubs.

Military-patriotic clubs under the Russian Orthodox Church. Starting from the second half of the 1990s, structures of military-patriotic education began to take shape in the Orthodox education system. The number of military-patriotic clubs at parishes and monasteries is growing. The purpose of these organizations is to instill in adolescents moral and spiritual guidelines based on the Orthodox Faith, love and loyalty to their Fatherland, to instill readiness and ability to defend their Motherland and its shrines.

One of the activists of the Orthodox military-patriotic movement, the founder and head of the Volunteer Squad club A. Kravchenko, notes: “The Orthodox Church has always been, along with the service class and the people, one of the main pillars of the Russian statehood. And as such, she has always dealt with issues of protecting the Fatherland. Let us recall how St. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Dmitry Donskoy at the Battle of Kulikovo. Or how the militia of Minin and Pozharsky was born because the fiery call of Patriarch Hermogenes for the liberation of the country sounded. And such examples are countless. All the most prominent Russian commanders were, as you know, deeply religious people. Moreover, until 1917 there was a coherent system of approaches to the education of soldiers, based entirely on Orthodox traditions. So the increased attention of the Church to the military education of young people today is quite natural. Unlike those who are trying to turn the defense of the Motherland into one of the ways to earn money, the Church sees military service primarily as a service to God and the Motherland. We in the military-patriotic clubs adhere to the same point of view.


Problems of cadet education and upbringing

Modern Russian cadet education has a number of structural problems. First, there are no unified cadet education programs at the federal level. Secondly, the problem lies in the organization of training and retraining of teachers in cadet schools. The third problem is the inadequacy of the legal framework governing cadet education, which requires amendments to the Law on Education. The fourth problem is the problem of licensing cadet schools.

In November 2009, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation held hearings on the topic: “On the situation with the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as with the participation of Suvorov, Nakhimov and cadets in military parades on Red Square.” Members of the public were concerned about the trend of the emerging reduction of the Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools to the level of some "schools with a cadet bias."

The meeting participants were concerned about the trend towards the almost complete withdrawal of military components from the educational process at the Suvorov Military Schools (SVU), Nakhimov Naval Schools (NVMU) and the cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense. Representatives of the public were especially outraged by the fact that it was now decided not to use the Suvorovites in military parades anymore.

Based on all of the above, a number of problems can be identified in the system of cadet education in Russia, these include:

  • the absence of a single body coordinating and controlling cadet educational institutions (licensing, controlling function, etc.);
  • lack of a system for training educators for educational institutions of the cadet type;
  • lack of unified programs of cadet education at the federal level;
  • unfinished legislative base regulating cadet education;
  • withdrawal of military components from the cadet educational process (reduction in the number of hours of military training, change of military uniform to civilian, withdrawal of combat banners).

Problems of DOSAAF Russia

Modern DOSAAF has inherited a number of problems from Soviet times. An acute problem for bringing the level of pre-conscription training in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation at present is the state of military equipment transferred to educational institutions of the DOSAAF of Russia for organizing the training of specialists. Of the total amount of equipment, about 90% of the weapons and military equipment used to train citizens in military specialties in the DOSAAF of Russia are outdated. The sports base of DOSSAF Russia requires radical modernization, where up to 47% of sports facilities need reconstruction.

Currently, there are a number of problems affecting the quality of training of recruits in the DOSAAF of Russia. The main ones include:

  • non-compliance of the state of the educational and material base of DOSAAF of Russia with the level of technical equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;
  • the orientation of educational institutions of DOSAAF of Russia only to the course system of training, which does not provide citizens with sufficient professional education with the possibility of social adaptation after military service;
  • a significant reduction in the possibilities of DOSAAF of Russia in satisfying the interests of citizens in military-applied sports.

Problems of the military-patriotic and military-sports movement

Military patriotic and military sports clubs play an important role in the patriotic education of young people. They form a healthy lifestyle in children and adolescents, carry out their moral education; in practical terms, such clubs help state institutions solve the problem of preparing the reserve of the Armed Forces. However, today military-patriotic, military-sports organizations are faced with a whole range of problems, in particular, such as:

  • lack of a balanced state policy in this direction (legal regulation, financial policy);
  • lack of a unified educational and methodological base;
  • the absence of a single state body that controls the activities of military-patriotic and military-sports clubs.

Problems of the Russian search movement

Currently, a number of problems can be identified in the system of search organizations in Russia. These include:

  • lack of comprehensive state support for the search movement;
  • lack of a modern regulatory framework (the federal law “On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland” is outdated);
  • the absence of a single all-Russian coordinating information and methodological center for the search movement;
  • the absence of a unified archive on the development and history of search movements in Russia.

Problems of a systemic nature

In addition to the problems discussed above that affect certain forms of patriotic education, there are also problems that are of a general nature and cover all components of the system of patriotic education in Russia. Among them, the following can be distinguished:

  • regulatory and legal: there is no necessary regulatory framework designed to provide a legal basis for the activities of non-state patriotic and military-patriotic associations, the legislative framework of the search movement needs to be seriously improved; state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" and the programs developed on its basis in the relevant ministries and departments, as well as the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are characterized by weak consistency, uncertainty about the main priorities and goals, and low efficiency of implementation mechanisms;
  • organizational: in the field of patriotic education, there is still no systematic, permanent, effective mechanism for coordinating and managing activities, especially at the horizontal level - between ministries, departments, bodies and organizations in matters of patriotic education of youth; there is no single body of coordination and management;
  • financial: there are no transparent mechanisms for financing patriotic education by the state, and, as a result, the distribution and spending of allocated funds is not efficient enough; in most subjects of the Russian Federation, which are subsidized, funding for patriotic education is unacceptably low, and in a number of regions it is not carried out at all; at the same time, extra-budgetary sources of financing of patriotic education are attracted insufficiently;
  • material and technical: educational, material and technical support (UMTO) of many state and public organizations of patriotic education is unsatisfactory, especially in subsidized subjects of the Russian Federation; the use of non-state organizations of patriotic education (military-patriotic, military-sports, search) of the UMTO of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, DOSAAF, as a rule, is difficult, commercialized and due to numerous restrictions;
  • structural: there is no due attention on the part of the state to non-state institutions of patriotic and military-patriotic education (military-patriotic and military-sports clubs, search movement, etc.);
  • scientific and methodological: many of the most important tasks for the scientific and methodological support of patriotic education have not been solved, their purposeful development is not being carried out, the scientific potential in the relevant research (primarily military and educational) institutions is not being realized; pedagogical science practically ignores the patriotic and military-patriotic component in education.

Summarizing, it should be stated that the root of all these (and many other) problems is that, despite certain efforts made by the state, our country still lacks a comprehensive and balanced approach to solving the problems of patriotic education of citizens. It must be admitted that an integral system of patriotic education, which allows its coordination at the state level, has not yet been created in the Russian Federation. To solve this problem, coordinated efforts of the legislative and executive authorities, domestic pedagogical science, as well as all interested public organizations are required.


With different interpretations of the term "patriotism", at the state level, all political movements, parties have a clear understanding of the need to form a system of patriotic education that would permeate all layers and social groups of society.

Despite the collapse of the system of mass patriotic education of citizens in the post-Soviet period, today a very clear request has been formed in society for the revival of this system.

However, scattered attempts by state bodies to create new or modernize existing educational structures left over from the USSR turn out to be unsuccessful and are more reminiscent of prompt patching up of holes. This is often associated, on the one hand, with an attempt to rely only on state and public-state educational structures, not taking into account their objective difficulties, the loss of their former influence on young people and the loss of a significant part of their material and technical base. While numerous and already proven independent organizations and associations that have significant potential to attract young people and, most importantly, driven by sincere enthusiasm, still do not have proper support at the state level. On the other hand, solving the problems of economic recovery of the country and overcoming the crisis phenomena of the economy probably did not allow state bodies to apply a systematic approach to the issue of patriotic education of future generations of citizens, to involve all interested public institutions in this process, to unite and direct their efforts.

Today it is quite obvious that it is necessary to abandon the tactics of patching up holes and approach the solution of this problem in a comprehensive manner, starting to create a new system of integral patriotic education of Russian citizens. At the same time, it is important to link state and public forms of patriotic, military and pre-conscription training into a single system with transparent administration and financing mechanisms.
