A wedding gift is inexpensive and good. Surprises at the wedding from friends

Options for wedding surprises for newlyweds.

On the eve of the wedding, many brides and grooms think about what to give their soulmate. In general, a wedding is a very rich day for gifts, but this does not mean that your present will be superfluous. It is a gift from you that can be the most pleasant and long-awaited.

There are several directions in which you can move. These are purchased gifts or made with your own hands. But most of all, creative gifts are valued. They can be given to guests.

Gift options:

  • Song. You can write the words yourself. Or just sing karaoke to the music
  • Dance. It's best if it's a special production with other dancers supporting you. Such a dance is learned in a dance studio
  • Poetry. You can compose them yourself or pay for the versifiers
  • Case for phone or mug. It can be crocheted or knitted
  • Poster. Make a cute poster from your photos together
  • Video clip. Get your loved one on film beforehand. You will need to make a cut from the video

It is best to prepare interesting and unusual gifts. You can buy some ready-made thing, but it's very boring. The best option is something creative.

Gift options:

  • Book of love. This is a photo album with your joint photos
  • Song. Make up the words yourself or re-sing someone else's work
  • DIY gifts. It can be a wooden craft or a ceramic vase. Now almost every city has a pottery workshop.
  • Portrait. Order a portrait from a photo. Such gifts are made in creative studios
  • Theatrical performance. This could be a short skit with you.

Gift options from friends can be quite unusual. It is better if these are non-standard and funny presentations.

Gift options:

  • Box with exotic butterflies
  • Hot air balloon ride
  • wedding portrait
  • Quest
  • Calendar with photos of the newlyweds

Of course, usually cash gifts are prepared for the wedding. Most often they put them in an envelope, but it's boring. Therefore, it is worth making a bouquet of money or a blanket.

Options for interesting surprises:

  • Painter. Invite a master who will paint a wedding portrait in a short time
  • Fireworks. Prepare a beautiful show to end the evening
  • Fireplay. This is a beautiful fire show.
  • Clown. Invite a clown or an illusionist

Parents often give expensive gifts. Usually it is furniture, appliances, money. But gifts can be supplemented with interesting and unusual surprises.

Surprise options:

  • Robes with embroidery or initials of the newlyweds
  • Paired cups with names
  • wedding doves
  • magician performance
  • Comic diplomas

A sister is a close person who is always with a brother or sister. Such a related person can provide a lot of pleasant surprises.

Surprise options:

  • Soap bubble show
  • Show of a mime or caricaturist
  • sky balls
  • Show with snakes

Of course, if you have some kind of talent, you can use it and prepare a lot of interesting ideas. The easiest way is to knit something for the spouses. It can be the same mittens.

Surprise options:

  • Children's group performance
  • Eastern dance
  • Quest or interesting contests
  • Souvenirs

Of course, if you are not very close with the newlyweds, then it is better to give money. Such a gift will always find something to spend on. But if you communicate closely enough, you can prepare some unusual surprises:

  • Subscription to the spa salon
  • Subscription for dinner in an expensive restaurant
  • Skydiving

Making such a ball is quite simple.


  • Lots of small balls
  • Pump
  • Large transparent ball
  • Soft toy
  • Plastic bottle
  • Scotch


  • Cut off the edges of the plastic bottle on both sides and cover with tape so that the edges are not sharp
  • Inflate a huge balloon several times with a pump or vacuum cleaner
  • This will allow it to stretch.
  • Now pull the neck of the ball onto the pipe from the bottle
  • Use the pump to inflate small balloons and push them into the big one.
  • Insert a toy and confetti
  • Inflate with a vacuum cleaner and tie a balloon
  • It hangs indoors and bursts

Surprise poster: how to make?

How to make a poster, you can see in the video.

VIDEO: Poster for the newlyweds for the wedding

First of all, the idea must be original and memorable for the newlyweds.

Surprise options:

  • Butterfly dance
  • Performance by clowns or mimes
  • Kayak or boat trip
  • Rafting for lovers of extreme recreation
  • Hiking in the mountains

Surprise scene for a wedding: how to do it?

First of all, decide on an idea. Best of all, if it's some kind of funny fairy tale about the newlyweds. Below are videos with interesting scenes for the newlyweds.

VIDEO: Scene for the newlyweds

The coolest, original wedding surprise: ideas, videos

Of course, choosing a surprise is based on the preferences of the newlyweds. It would be foolish to give a balloon flight to people who are afraid of heights. The most interesting ideas of surprises, you will see in the video.

VIDEO: Wedding Surprise Ideas

Now a lot of agencies provide unusual quests and competitions for newlyweds. You can use their services or prepare a surprise yourself.

VIDEO: Wedding gifts

You probably pleased each other with gifts before the wedding, so why not do it during your holiday too? A surprise can be not only some thing, but also a creative number, a promise, a letter. Below we will tell you when, how and what you can give each other for a wedding.

What to gift?

Of course, there is no unequivocal answer to this question, because each couple is unique, therefore, gifts to each other will also be different. During the preparation, pay attention to each other and notice what your significant other paid attention to, listen to desires and dreams. A gift does not have to be expensive and chic, it is much more important on this day to just prepare a pleasant surprise for your loved one, as another way to confess your feelings.

It can be not only a material gift, but also a song, a dance, a written verse, and even a promise. Come up with something original that you can promise. For example, the bride promises the groom 7 borscht a month (we exaggerate this), and the groom, in turn, promises to miss 3 fishing trips in favor of watching movies together. Here, of course, it all depends on the characteristics of your couple and your sense of humor.

Try to avoid platitudes, think about your significant other's hobbies, favorite movies, places, memories. The more personal the message your gift carries, the better.

How to organize?

The delivery time depends primarily on the timing of your event. If you have a host, be sure to let them know that you want to set aside extra time for this, and they will tell you when is the best time to do so.

Many give gifts after the exit registration, while uttering the cherished words of love. Most importantly, do not forget to take your gifts and all the necessary props on the wedding day, entrust one of the guests (or the steward, if you have one) to look after them. You can also give gifts during the first meeting of the bride and groom or, conversely, in the evening, during a banquet.

If any of you have prepared a creative number, then it is better to insert into the entertainment program no earlier than an hour after the start of the wedding dinner, so that everyone can first eat a little and relax. If the timing of the evening includes time for presenting gifts to guests, then gifts to each other can be a great introductory part: first you thank each other for being you, and then the guests for sharing this day with you.

Prepare your favorite music in advance to serve as the background for your words to each other during the gift giving, and dim the lights slightly to create the right atmosphere.

9 gift ideas for each other

  1. Photo album. Collect your pre-wedding photos together and compile your pre-wedding album with personal comments.
  2. Picture of a favorite place. Surely your soulmate has favorite places, cities, countries. Or significant places for your couple. Give a picture of this place and let it always be there.
  3. CD / flash drive with your favorite songs.
  4. Promise. Come up with a funny promise and give a certificate for its fulfillment. But when you come up with a more original promise, be prepared to fulfill it!
  5. Creative number. A dance, verse, song, addressed personally to your soulmate, will be able to add variety to the entertainment program and please your loved one.
  6. Travel. If you have not planned a honeymoon, then it's time to give a joint trip to another city or country, at least for the next weekend, to be alone.
  7. Lovely little things. A gift that will be a reflection of a hobby or hobbies will be a special sign of attention. By the way, you can do something with your own hands.
  8. Love letter. Of course, you constantly say cherished words to each other. But your soul mate will be very pleased to receive a real love letter.
  9. Board game set. For future family gatherings. This will emphasize your desire to spend time together. You can pack games in a huge box with a bow.
Anna Trushkova-Vasilyeva August 9, 2018

Often wedding gifts are useful and practical. A food processor, a set of bed linen, a washing machine ... They say, equip your life and don’t need anything. It's wonderful, but a wedding is first and foremost a celebration. And the holiday needs bright, joyful impressions. We offer to show imagination and prepare surprises for the wedding of the newlyweds. Here are some ideas to brighten up the best day of the newlyweds' lives.

What to give a young couple?

Primarily, remember two main rules:

  1. No malicious jokes and jokes below the belt! Humor should be soft, kind and lyrical.
  2. Find out the preferences and features of the newlyweds. For example, don't give a nut cake if the groom is allergic to nuts. The best way is to consult with the couple's relatives. They will help you and tell you how to surprise the newlyweds.

Salute - a surprise gift for a wedding

The main thing in the gift - surprise and positive emotions. Here are some ideas to help make your holiday unforgettable:

  1. Bed linen with photos of the young- an original wedding surprise for the bride and groom. An alternative option is mugs or t-shirts with the names of the newlyweds.
  2. Pyrotechnic show. Don't limit yourself to homemade fireworks in the backyard of a restaurant. Hire pyrotechnicians and impress your friends with fiery miracles. Huge flowers, flaming hearts, the names of a happy couple... Everything that your imagination tells you. Most importantly, make sure you hire professionals. Safety is paramount.
  3. Relaxation. Sometimes young people can afford only a modest banquet in a restaurant. A honeymoon remains an impossible dream. Organize a trip for lovers to a beautiful, exotic place. A more budget option is a weekend in a luxury hotel. Such a surprise wedding gift will be a great start to a life together.
  4. Service with family symbols. Remember the hobbies of the newlyweds and come up with their family coat of arms. Lovers of outdoor activities will like a fire and two crossed oars, football fans - a ball on a green field. Instruct the designer to make a beautiful drawing and order its printing on a snow-white service. If you draw, you can draw the drawing yourself.
  5. Wedding Surprise Video. Record a funny video for the newlyweds. It can be a slideshow of joint photos, wishes from friends and relatives, funny songs, and even inserts from Hollywood blockbusters. If you wish, you can use the installation and add fun. For example, to congratulate friends on behalf of famous actors.
  6. family book. Buy a beautiful album and turn it into a treasure trove of memories. A photo story of the love of the newlyweds, memories of relatives and friends, genealogies of the bride and groom ... It is better if both friends and relatives of the young will prepare the gift.
  7. Wedding surprise box. Inside there may be bright tropical butterflies, tickets for a quest, certificates for training in a driving school or swimming with dolphins (although for this it is better to prepare not a box, but a chest). And you can hide your favorite sweets there, if young people have a sweet tooth.
  8. cool souvenirs. It can be a huge clay horseshoe with the inscription "Council and love", decorative hammers to forge your destiny. And you can present 5-6 plates and ask the young people to immediately break them for happiness.
  9. Money.“Well, like everyone else,” you say disappointedly. But you can arrange a useful gift in an unexpected way. For example, hide banknotes in a bouquet of artificial flowers, attach them to the branches of a money tree. Or put money in a big balloon that says "Pop me." Probably the most amazing wedding gift ever.

How to surprise newlyweds at a wedding: unusual cutlery

Of course, these are not the only gifts for a married couple. There are many ways to make a pleasant surprise for young people from relatives and friends. Soap bubble show, hot air balloon ride, comic certificates of the "Best Husband" or "The Most Beautiful Bride" ... Everything that will please the newlyweds. Take action!

Preparing a surprise for the bride from the guests

Who said that a gift should be a pair? Girlfriends can prepare a separate surprise for the newlywed. Here are some tips you might find helpful:

  1. A joke souvenir. For example, a nail file to “saw” a spouse. Or a set of rolling pins in a drawer labeled "for being late." It is better to make rolling pins of different sizes - for being late by 5, 10, 30 minutes and so on.
  2. Scene or song. Get together as a girl team and sing the song of her favorite group. If the team is female, go out in the images of the singers themselves. Or you can remake the song, dedicating it to the newlywed.
  3. Surprise box. It could be a ticket to a concert or a movie the bride and groom wants to watch. Better yet, gift a piece of jewelry that matches her favorite dress.
  4. Fancy hat. Give the newlywed a cloche or “pill” that she has long dreamed of. Or order a mind-blowing hat with artificial fruits, flowers and birds. And if the young - a fan of antiquity? Give her a beaded kichka - a headdress for married women. Perhaps the most unexpected surprise for the bride at the wedding.
  5. Any handmade gift. Can you sew or knit? Present vests and booties for the future heir. Are you taking pictures? Create a collage of good photos of a friend. And you can contrive and make a box with a surprise with your own hands.
  6. Jewelry (for example, earrings for her): girls will definitely appreciate such beauty!

Gold earrings with cubic zirkonia, St. Petersburg Jewelry Factory(price link)

What to surprise the groom for the wedding?

The newlywed can also receive a gift from friends, relatives and the newlywed. Here are some surprise ideas for the groom:

  1. Balloon car or motorcycle. Is your friend saving up money for a car? Give him an envelope with money and tie him to an inflatable toy. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time.
  2. Dance. You can perform a daring male dance of some people (naturally, after taking lessons from professional trainers). You can invite a dance group. But the best option is the bride's dance for the chosen one. It can be anything - improvisation or a stage dance prepared in advance. The main thing is to be beautiful and with soul.
  3. Original video from the newlywed. Does the young man love skateboarding or does he glue model airplanes with enthusiasm? Let the bride learn this and record her progress on video. Be sure to end the video with a comment: “Now I can do it too, because I love you!” One of the most unusual surprises from the bride to the groom.
  4. wish book. Make up a notebook, on the same pages write wishes: “breakfast in bed”, “play Heroes for 4 hours in a row”, “no shave on Sunday”. The newlywed can use it during their honeymoon as they see fit.
  5. CD or flash drive with your favorite songs. Give the newlywed a collection of his favorite songs Or maybe you sang them with a guitar with the whole company? Then sing yourself and present the record to a friend.

Groom Surprise Ideas


A bright surprise for the newlyweds is a cool way to turn a banquet into an exciting, wonderful event. The main thing is originality and a sincere desire to please. And the rest will follow.

There are many options for congratulations, consider several possible positions that are used as congratulations from the bridesmaids for the wedding. This choice of gift will certainly please your girlfriend and will be a pleasant surprise for her.

When you are invited to a wedding by your best friend, you will naturally think about giving an original and memorable gift. As a rule, congratulations at the bridesmaids' wedding are different from all the banal and hackneyed congratulations and envelopes with money. If you decide to make an interesting one for your girlfriend, then this information will be useful to you.

A gift from the best friend on the wedding day will remain in the memory of the newlyweds for a long time

Congratulations on the wedding of the bridesmaids with humor

Each solemn event is much more interesting when it is carried out with humor in cheerful motives. That is why it is advisable to give something funny and cool for the wedding of your best friend in order to bring joy not only to the heroes of the occasion, but also to all the guests present. You can choose a surprise for a wedding from the bridesmaids from such approximate options.

An original gift in the form of two pairs of boxing gloves so that family scandals and showdowns can be resolved at any time in the ring. And wearing these gloves, any, even the smallest conflict seemed ridiculous and easily resolved without a fight.

Such a cool gift will remain in memory for a long time.

Design a black box with a surprise, to open which the newlyweds will need to complete several funny tasks or answer tricky questions. The most important task is to convince everyone that there is a very important and valuable gift in the box, which is worth working for.

Make a certificate for the husband that grants the right to use the wife.

Such a gift will please the groom, the main thing is that it should contain something like the right to kiss his wife, talk about love with her, give gifts to his wife, bring flowers, etc.

Give a head of ordinary cabbage, which is sorted into leaves in advance and fastened with a beautiful ribbon. The present should be presented with the words: "the first one who finds a baby doll in his head, your baby will have such a gender." When the newlyweds unpack the cabbage completely and do not find the doll, you need to tell them: “such adult married people, but still believe that children are found in cabbage!”

It is important that the congratulations from the bridesmaids on the wedding with humor be equally funny for both spouses.

Congratulation-surprise on the wedding from the bridesmaids with a creative approach

Bridesmaids are very close people, almost like sisters, so they will not be able to make a banal gift. The ideal option would be a wedding surprise from the bridesmaids, which is made with all my heart and a pure heart. Possible gift options with a creative approach.

Bridesmaids are important guests at a wedding.

Sing the bride's favorite song or record it in a recording studio.

Make a video clip that is dedicated to the bridesmaid, with some general photos or videos.

Organize some kind of theatrical fun scene.

Sew a cute handbag with your own hands, or make a piece of furniture that will be a long memory.

You can make a wedding box for storing money or congratulations yourself

Make a beautiful box for storing various valuables and items.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulating the bridesmaids at the wedding with a creative approach is, let it be not the most expensive, but from the bottom of the heart.

Congratulations from the bridesmaids on the wedding with creativity

Congratulations from the bridesmaids to the wedding can also be with money, only for their submission it is advisable to use creative options, and not just a paper envelope. For example, there are several such options.

Give a beautiful umbrella, but not a simple one, but a money one. To do this, you can attach money to the inside of the umbrella and present it open.

An interesting wedding surprise from the bridesmaids is an ordinary brick, which is beautifully tied with a bow along with an envelope with money. You can give it to young people by saying these words: “I give it for the foundation of your house.”

Pleasant surprises are valuable at any moment, but they are especially often remembered during the holidays. Why not take care of such a question on your wedding day? This is, of course, not about an apartment in the city center and not about a luxury car: more affordable, original and spiritual little things can also greatly cheer you up and be remembered for a long time.

Original wedding surprises from friends

The simplest, but not always easy, wedding surprises from friends are skits, dances and songs prepared in advance. You can even order your favorite singer or a group of newlyweds, or maybe a dance group. However, not everyone can bring this option to life, and it is often desirable that the surprise presented does not end on a specific evening, but remains a good memory for many years.

If one of the close friends was well aware of the origin and development of the relationship of the spouses, they can write a whole book dedicated to this story. The originality lies in the fact that it is not required to compose long texts, turning someone else's life into a voluminous story: rather, an album with extended comments should be made. In addition to photographs, cinema and concert tickets, dried flowers, and possibly lines from correspondence are pasted into it. Dates, key phrases, thoughts are added. It is required to leave half of the album-book empty, explaining that the story will continue there, because the wedding does not put an end to it. Such a reminder will warm the soul of the newlyweds for a long time, and subsequently become interesting for their children.

A simpler version of such a set of memories is a computer one. You can create a whole video about the relationship between the bride and groom, especially if there are not only photographs, but also video clips. In the end, you can add a variety of video congratulations from friends who, for some reason, could not come to the celebration. Children's photos will be especially valuable in such a nostalgic presentation if the young people have been friends since school.

An interesting idea can be called drawing up a family tree. The work, of course, is long, because it is desirable to mention not only the parents of the young, but also grandparents, and at the bottom it is desirable to leave space for those who will strengthen families even more strongly - for future children. Such a gift can be prepared by those who are well acquainted with the family of the spouses.

It is up to you to decide how extensive to make the pedigree: the main thing is to draw up the available information, choose a beautiful frame, best of all, with glass, and, with words about how tightly 2 families are intertwined together, present the product to the bride and groom. If none of the friends is so aware of family ties, a similar surprise can be made by the parents of the young.

How to make a beautiful surprise for your husband on a wedding celebration?

It is somewhat more difficult to make a beautiful wedding surprise for a husband: few men dream of fairy tales from childhood or want a poem to be dedicated to him. Therefore, literary options most often disappear, and it remains to reflect on more mundane ideas. However, this is by no means an unsolvable problem. Men also love pleasant surprises and are able to show their sentimentality. When choosing a gift, one should start from the nature of the spouse: is it a practical person who does not see the point in trifles “for the soul”, creative, looking for inspiration in everything, or a romantic who will even be happy with a song performed by him from the side of the second half.

If a man is active, loves sports and prefers to spend his weekends outside the city or in a sports complex, there are many options. For example, if there is a major sporting event in the city - a serious competition, you can buy tickets for two. Firstly, he will be pleased with your attention to his hobby, and, secondly, he will be flattered by your desire to join and share this day with him. Of course, the exceptions are cases when a man prefers to attend competitions in a purely male company.

In the case when the husband’s schedule is not so busy that home rest is all he dreams of, it’s worth giving him a subscription to the sports complex. And a person who is seriously involved in sports will like the opportunity to take a few lessons from a well-known and strong coach. In addition, you can simply update his inventory: buy roller skates, a bicycle, boxing gloves, and other elements that can also take part in a wedding celebration: for example, as a means of bride kidnapping.

A creative person is always pleased with attention to his work, so by the day of the wedding you can order or make your own book with his poems, or even record a CD with songs. Moreover, you can perform any of them at the celebration itself, of course, saying a few words about its author and the feelings that you experience when you hear it. His song or music can even become the basis for a pair dance in front of the guests. In addition, the design of the banquet hall in the form of an art gallery will be a wonderful surprise, where photographs or canvases painted by the husband will become exhibits. And if a creative man has a sense of humor, you can make a cartoon on any of his photos, or even make up his portrait from a variety of epithets that describe his virtues.

Many men appreciate practical gifts: it can be a long-desired gadget - from a watch to a navigator in a car; addition to the wardrobe - cufflinks, tie or scarf; and even a set of tools related to his hobby or work - from a billiard cue to a perforator. A business person will be pleased with graceful fountain pens, which you can sign in the registry office, thus making a seemingly familiar stationery significant for both and carefully stored.

And in order for any such gift to become a surprise and cause a storm of emotions, you should think about how best to present it on your wedding day. The most successful is not the ceremonial exchange of bundles, but the use of a gift in any scene or competition.

Getting ready for the wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary, especially if not much time has passed since the marriage, also deserves pleasant surprises, not limited to a simple romantic dinner. For example, a print wedding (1 year) is characterized by feelings, like on the day the romance began, and it is important to show that nothing has changed. Many couples even repeat the scenario of their wedding celebration, thereby saying that for them it was like yesterday. Therefore, surprises for the anniversary can be inherently close to those that are being prepared for the wedding day.

In particular, why shouldn't the husband have a bachelor party again, but without his knowledge? It is enough to design such a situation in which he will urgently go to his friends, and there the assembled company will already be waiting for him, barbecues, a bathhouse and spiritual gatherings. However, here it is recommended to do without extremes - you should not cry into the phone, announcing your abduction: you can joke about such things only if you are sure that your spouse will react correctly. But a simple but urgent need to help one of your friends or even a fake organization of a romantic dinner in the country, while faithful comrades will be waiting there instead of your wife, will work with fewer consequences. And, of course, you should make sure that this evening the spouse is not busy with anything serious: business negotiations or other matters.

Romantic options for wedding anniversary surprises are not tied to a specific period of marriage. For example, a booked balloon ride, which along its route can even repeat the movement of a wedding cortege and end with a comic registration ceremony in nature. No less interesting can be the sudden abduction of the legal wife from work (preliminarily agreed with the authorities) and her delivery to a country house or favorite restaurant, where a holiday has already been prepared with people close to your family.

If you want a more secluded holiday on this day, you can use the classic plots: a dinner on the roof with the launch of paper lanterns, the preparation of an erotic dance, a repeated proposal to seal your union in marriage, while replacing your wedding rings. In addition, you can make a small gift from the material that represents a specific marriage anniversary. So, in a few years, a whole collection of cute little things will be accumulated, the appearance of which will become a good tradition for your family every year. In addition, each of the spouses can create a small slide show or video dedicated to the past year, after which it will be interesting to look at the events through the eyes of their other half.
