Romantic date - ideas that do not require special expenses and are free. Romantic date for two, ideas for an unusual date with a girl

An original approach to organizing a romantic date can not only ignite a spark in a budding relationship, but also renew fading feelings. If your union has already become a habit and even a little boring, then this will surprise your partner and make you look at you with completely different eyes. An unusual format for a date will help bring lovers’ hearts closer together, and in the future this meeting will become another reason for warm memories, a topic for discussion and, perhaps, the beginning of a common hobby. For example, an exciting journey across the rooftops or a parachute jump can leave such strong impressions that you will certainly want to repeat them in the future.

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    Before implementing one of the proposed original ideas, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

    • A date should not scare your partner. It is advisable to find out in advance the main fears of a guy or a girl, so that during a meeting you don’t accidentally make them come true. For example, if a girl is terrified of drowning, then you should not arrange a boat excursion for her on the nearest body of water. It would be no less cruel to organize a date on the roof for your beloved guy if he has had a fear of heights since childhood.
    • A date should not be an unpleasant surprise for your partner. If a girl was expecting dinner at a restaurant and came in a chic evening dress and high heels, and a man decides to arrange a walk for her and walk her through the whole city, then such a date is unlikely to delight her. Therefore, you need to thoroughly think through the future meeting in terms of suitable clothing and shoes and do not forget to warn the invited party about this.
    • A date should not threaten your partner's health. It would be very nice and original if a young man decides to take an unconventional path and invite a girl not to a cafe or cinema, but to a zoo or botanical garden. But before inviting you to such a meeting, you must find out whether your beloved is allergic to certain types of plants or animal fur, otherwise the date may end for her in a hospital bed.

    If all of the above conditions are met, there is a chance that the original date will be unexpected, but pleasant for the person.

    How to invite a guy out

    Unusual ideas for a romantic meeting

    To make a romantic meeting memorable for a long time, you can use one of the listed scenarios. Many interesting options for an original date have already been invented, from which all you have to do is choose the right one:

    How to surprise a girl

    Dinner on the roof

    To implement such a scenario, you can use the services of a special company. Professional organizers themselves will prepare the place for the future date, set and set the table, and provide suitable lighting. In some cases, they even organize musical accompaniment so that the couple can dance against the backdrop of the city at night.

    But the services of such companies are quite expensive, so you can arrange a romantic evening on the roof yourself. To do this, it is enough to get the keys to the attic of a suitable high-rise building and make sure that the place of the planned date has not been chosen by some group of hooligans. You can bring some food and a bottle of champagne with you in a beautiful basket. You should also put a small tablecloth, a couple of glasses and cutlery there (disposable forks, spoons and knives are suitable for a picnic in such a place). Modern technologies make it possible to provide a couple in love with music if at least one of them has a mobile phone with them - you just need to first download a few romantic melodies to it. Such a date does not require large financial expenditures, but it will leave vivid impressions for both lovers for a long time.


    A walk together is not very suitable for a first date, because not every girl will decide to be alone with a stranger. In this case, it is worth joining a group excursion on the ferry. But after several meetings, you can diversify your leisure time by riding together on the nearest body of water. Renting a small boat will not cost much more than movie tickets, and a lot of impressions are guaranteed for both participants.

    Of course, we must not forget about safety. Even if you are a good swimmer, you should not give up life jackets.

    Walk around the city

    Even if both lovers were born and raised in the city in which their meetings take place, this does not mean that it is impossible to organize an interesting excursion for two young people to various attractions. It is worth searching for relevant information on the Internet, studying houses where famous people stayed, and streets where there are original buildings.

    In the cold season, when walking around the city is not comfortable, you can arrange a trip to the museums. Almost every city has local history museums. They can display collections of butterflies that will not leave any girl indifferent, and stands with weapons that will be interesting to any man.

    Lesson in a pottery workshop

    Recently, in almost every city there are organizations organizing master classes in various types of art. You can have an original date in a pottery workshop. By the end of the lesson, the guy and girl will have learned how to make simple vessels from clay.

    Even if the product of joint creativity turns out to be asymmetrical, such a vase will be a good result of a fun day, and in the future it will decorate a shelf in the home of a married couple, reminding them of their first dates.

    Romantic evening at the hotel

    Such a date is suitable not only for young people who do not have suitable territory for meetings, but also for a married couple who wants to escape from the drabness of everyday life. A beautifully furnished room for newlyweds, no need to cook dinner and do cleaning, sparkling champagne in glasses, a swimming pool or sauna, a magnificent view from the window - all this will bring the necessary romance to the relationship even among spouses who have known each other for a long time.

    Naturally, you should not organize such a meeting on the first date. Not every girl would risk going with a stranger to a hotel room. A date in such a place will be a good surprise only if the couple has already reached a certain level of intimacy and the invitation to spend the evening in an intimate setting will not scare or alienate any of the partners.

    Ice skating or biking

    The walk will become especially interesting if one of the partners does not know how to ride at all or has not tried it for a long time. Then another will willingly teach him.

    Before the meeting, you need to warn your lover about the planned event so that the person can choose comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for sports activities.

    Visit to the circus or zoo

    There is no need to listen to excuses that this is children's entertainment, and adults should choose more serious activities. After going to the zoo, a lot of positive impressions are guaranteed. Scientists say that watching animals improves mood and has a calming effect on people.

    Visiting such places will allow you to get to know each other better, because it will show whether the partners have the same attitude towards children or animals. If, when going to the circus, a girl is annoyed by noisy or crying kids, then you need to understand that in the future she is capable of showing the same intolerance towards the child.

    Hiking with a tent in nature

    Communication in the fresh air will allow you to get to know each other in a calm atmosphere and talk about topics that are not discussed in a noisy company. The sound of the forest or the smooth flow of a river evokes memories of childhood or dreams of future achievements.

    But when creating a romantic atmosphere, we must not forget about more mundane things. Before going outdoors, you need to worry about taking a certain amount of food, cutlery, and warm clothes. If you plan to cook kebabs, you must not forget skewers and marinated meat, as well as means for lighting a fire. For a simple snack, pizza, a thermos of tea and a couple of fresh buns are suitable. It would be a good idea to think about where the picnic participants plan to sit. Even in the forest, suitable logs are not found at every step, and sitting on the ground is dangerous to your health.

    Any girl will appreciate the care of her companion if he remembers to bring her a cape or a warm sweater. They are very useful when an outing includes spending the night in the fresh air.

    Hot Air Balloon Flight

    Such a date cannot be carried out in every city - not many companies provide such services. A hot air balloon flight is an expensive activity, so not everyone can afford an excursion of this kind. Usually the cost of one flight for two people is no less than 5 – 20 thousand rubles.

    Visit to a dolphinarium or water park

    The positive side of such a date for young people is the opportunity to immediately see and evaluate the figure of the invited girl, as well as find out the degree of complexity of the beloved. A shy girl is unlikely to decide to go to a water park with a young man she doesn’t know well, but with a cheerful and relaxed friend she can have a lot of fun, racing down the slides and simultaneously diving into the depths.

    Water parks often provide saunas and jacuzzi where you can relax together.

    Singing together at karaoke

    Singing your favorite songs dedicated to each other can be a fun addition to a regular date night. If both partners are endowed with an ear for music and a voice, then they can perform songs as a duet. Such creativity will bring lovers even closer together.

    But there is no need to persuade if your partner refuses to sing. Perhaps he lacks natural abilities, and persistence in this matter hurts his self-esteem.

    Home entertainment

    To have an interesting time together, you don’t have to go out somewhere. There are many activities that will be exciting for both partners even within the walls of their own home - cooking their favorite dishes together, putting together puzzles, reading books, watching movies or photo albums, drawing, folding origami, solving crosswords, playing computer games, training pets. There are also a large number of interesting board games for two. Such a date does not require financial expenses, but can give even more positive emotions than going to a club or an expensive restaurant.


    The list of possible date options is limited only by the imagination of the participants. If people have fun spending time together, then there will definitely be suitable activities that will be interesting to devote their free time to.

    During dating, the attitude of both partners towards the common cause is very important: if both participants show enthusiasm and enthusiastically jump at any proposed idea, then they are really interested in each other. If one of the partners is bored and rejects one idea after another without offering anything in return, then building a relationship with him will be problematic. Most likely, he is simply not interested in continuing dating.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

In winter, there are few places for dates: parks disappear, night trolleybuses are banal, and rooftops... brrrr.

10 most unusual encounters

Tired of the cinema-cafe-club scheme? It's time for you and your boyfriend to look at your romantic encounters from a slightly different angle: these are experiences you should have together. By the way, psychologists believe that unusual dates strengthen relationships. After all, when you have already discussed all the bands, films and books in the world, the vivid memories that you two have experienced together will come to the rescue.

1. Performance at the center of contemporary art

We don’t know how you and the boy feel about the beautiful and sublime, but what makes contemporary art interesting is that it can be bright and high-quality, and at other times... pretentious and funny. To truly enjoy watching a performance at the center of contemporary art, do not pretend to be serious connoisseurs or sophisticated connoisseurs - treat it like a show!

Look at the schedule at contemporary art centers in your city: there will probably be some kind of performance there once a month. Go there in a good mood: if the performance is funny and absurd, you are guaranteed a great evening, when your involuntary chuckles, in contrast to serious art critics sternly shaking their heads, will simply lift everyone's spirits. Or maybe the performance will be very powerful and touching, you will experience true catharsis, and it will be imprinted in your memory for many, many years. In general, until you see it, you won’t know!

Ps: the main thing is not to offend the artists.

2. Horseback riding

Romantic, elegant, free... sign up for a horse ride in the forest with your boy. Of course, this will start with a “driving” lesson, and only then you can enjoy free driving in nature.

By the way, this is an excellent reason to let the boy play at being a caring knight: jumping off a horse is much more difficult than getting on it.

3. Mystical adventure

Have you ever heard of places of power? There are certain points on the map where energy accumulates and, according to legend, a portal to another world opens...

A New Age date you won't forget. Go to Sin-Kamen in Pereslavl-Zalessky, or to the Istra Pyramid, where various witches and psychics go to “recharge” their amulets. Of course, you don’t have to believe in all this, meditate under a mysterious oak tree or evoke the spirit of Pushkin, but you must admit that this magical place, overgrown with the most contradictory rumors, will definitely not leave you and the boy indifferent.

4. Poetry evening

A poetry salon is not necessarily a gathering of would-be authors at Balzac's age who talk about unhappy love at a free microphone. For example, you can go to a performance by Vera Polozkova - a completely modern, talented young lady who reads poetry that everyone can understand.

Or at a special student event, when young members of the Literary Faculty read their works, fairy tales and poems in turn. Usually they rent a room for this in some cafe or club, it’s very romantic.

5. Vacation in Zombieland

What adventure-loving gamers who spent their entire youth at the computer can’t come up with... for example, the following idea came to their bright minds: what if virtual reality was transferred to real reality? Can you imagine what it's like to be inside a computer game like Silent Hill? The organizers of such events took care of everything: they keep a psychologist on staff in case of a panic attack, active rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (in case the disguised “zombies” suddenly turn into real ones), and, of course, a doctor - so that, if anything happens, they provide first aid. help.

But these games are considered quite safe: after all, the organizers think through everything to the smallest detail and do not want to injure customers at all.

How does this happen? You sign up for the game (they last from a day to three), and then arrive at the appointed time at the named place. Usually the games take place in abandoned hospitals or in nature, but again, do not be afraid, everything is provided for.

Then you are given a special task, weapons, uniform... and go ahead, kill scary zombies!

Agree: you've never had a date like this before.

6. Thai adventure

An oriental spa for two is real magic for connoisseurs of pleasure. Book yourself a double treatment at the Thai spa and you can enjoy exquisite massages, amazing aromatherapy and unforgettable desserts together.

By the way, boys who say they don’t like spa treatments are outright lying: it turns out that 20% of Moscow spa clients, according to unofficial statistics, are male.

7. Fishing

Believe it or not, fishing can truly be a romantic and sophisticated pastime. Because you can go fishing in the most beautiful places in the country! Enjoy the silence, nature, fresh air, and, of course, being next to your beloved boy - all this will turn fishing into a really interesting date.

And you don't have to actually catch the fish: you can release it as soon as it's hooked.

For fishing to turn from a typical male pastime into a real date, you need to choose a special body of water where nature is truly magnificent. And, by the way, fishing is a way to share with a boy his typical “male” pleasure, to accept one of his hobbies, which until now he probably shared only with his own grandfather or father.

8. Tea ceremony

Always wanted to cook a romantic dinner, but didn’t think that beef cutlets, even with candles, could even look romantic? Tired of banalities and clichés? Give your boyfriend a real tea ceremony!

You can choose Chinese or Japanese - it is believed that the latter is much more complex. One way or another, the taste of tea and incense sticks, flavored with an oriental atmosphere, will definitely be remembered by both of you. And the ceremony can be completed by launching a paper lantern.

Decorate your apartment in an oriental style, place pillows on the floor, prepare incense, and most importantly, delicious, aromatic tea! And finally, write down your most cherished desires with the boy, put the piece of paper in a flashlight and send them into the sky.

9. Open-air cinema

Have you seen those Hollywood movies where couples meet in a drive-in to watch the movie right from the car? Now this glorious tradition is practiced here too! An ordinary movie is boring, but an open-air movie is a completely different matter.

The only main thing is to catch a weekend with good weather: otherwise, your next date will already be under a blanket, with anti-angina lozenges and a thermometer.

10. Hot Air Balloon Flight

Unusual, romantic, fabulous... of course, a date at the heights will literally not leave anyone indifferent.

Have you ever kissed at the height of a skyscraper? Here's a reason for you to try it!

Be sure to choose a place where a dozen curious tourists won’t drop you into your cart: otherwise, the flight cannot be called a “date” in the classical sense. Make sure that you have a proven instructor with you so that the club exists for a long time and enjoys an excellent reputation. Well, topography is not the last point here: the more beautiful the place over which you flutter, the better.

Of course, unlike, say, a parachute jump, a hot air balloon flight is not so scary. After all, the ball rises and falls smoothly, flies and lands quite level, and if it is large, you can even move around in it. In addition, even small children and elderly people are put on it - so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Get inspired:

  1. Public lesson modeling and drawing, a workshop on design or wood carving, a master class on soap making or chocolate making... why not try it?
  2. Charity festival. Do you want to see what kind of dad he will be someday, and at the same time do a good deed? Sign up to volunteer at a charity festival where you and your kids can make kites, sculpt with plasticine, and just have fun!
  3. Cooking lesson: Chefs often open their kitchens and show how to properly prepare pasta carbonara or tiramisu.

In general, the main condition for an extraordinary date is the mood, the expectation of a miracle, the search for something non-trivial. Experiment!

Sometimes it seems like first dates are an endless cycle of dinners at bars and restaurants. Undoubtedly, everyone has been to these at least a dozen times. Don't get me wrong, this is a completely normal dating option, it's just that many people are not attracted to the prospect of going to the same bars and spending the same time, but with different people. Not to mention, you don't want to wake up hungover after hanging out with someone you might not like.

The first date should be fun. And of course, you shouldn't feel obligated to do something you don't like, like drink alcohol. That's why we offer you alternative first date ideas that will help you get out of your comfort zone, will be fun and unusual, and maybe even help you continue to get to know the person you just met.

Bring everything with you

One person brings drinks, and the second is responsible for snacks. Together you choose some fun place (a park or somewhere in nature) and spend time there. While this picnic option is best suited for the warmer months, it can be a lot of fun if you bring a thermos of hot chocolate and head out for a walk in the snow.

Cooking master class

Cooking is always a great option for a date, but you may feel awkward at the home of someone you don't know on a first date. Take a cooking class together instead. It can be a little pricey, but if you're really interested, you can find discounted options. Just pay attention to such offers. You never know when these masterclass tickets might come in handy.

Ice cream

You can meet at a convenience store and make your own ice cream or frozen yogurt. Besides the benefit of amazing taste, you can learn a thing or two about your partner just by watching them make their choices. Did he/she want to add colorful sprinkles to his ice cream? Obviously, this is a very bright personality. Ice cream with fresh fruit? Surely you are dating a person who takes care of his health.

Wine degustation

Of course, tasting at a wine store or restaurant can be quite fun. But can you really remember all the nuances that the sommelier told you about? And do you really want to spend quite a lot of money on just one bottle of wine? We don't think so. It's best if each of you brings your favorite wine (it's best if you set a maximum amount you can spend on one bottle), you meet in the park and have an impromptu tasting. Don't like wine? You can do the same with beer, champagne or whatever you like.

Three-course dinner... in different places

Eating a long dinner can feel overwhelming, especially on a first date. You can choose three different places to eat. This way you will feel more at ease with your new acquaintance, and this dinner option is quite unusual.

Food festival or street fair

Who wouldn't want to go to a pickle festival? Or hot sauce? Or oysters? The more unique it is, the better. You can go for walks, try different snacks, and enjoy time with your partner. At least this is a very convenient place to not feel inconvenienced and to say goodbye calmly if something goes wrong.

Breakfast date

Why not take the stress out of a dinner date and meet in the morning? Pancakes in sweet syrup can be a good alternative to super fancy dishes. In addition, eating familiar foods will help you relax.

A park

Theme parks weren't just for teenagers or birthday celebrations. This type of date can be quite fun, and the steep slides will help you hold hands for the first time if you're feeling a little awkward. Plus, nothing says romance like balloons and cotton candy. Plus, a theme park is a good excuse for you if you decide to eat an extra piece of cake.

Open air film or concert

If the weather is warm, you can enjoy your favorite movies and music outdoors. There are many street concerts, theater performances, films... Your options are endless. Plus they are often free. Look through local news magazines or newsletters - you never know what you might find.

Walk with coffee

A date at a coffee shop can be pretty boring, but if you order a coffee and then take a leisurely stroll, it will be much better. Choose places to go that you both haven't been to before, this will provide you with more adventure.


This date can be quite fun, and it's also harmless. It's a great way to laugh, swim and soak in the water.

"Hunting" for adventure

This kind of date is easy to arrange. Imagine what you would want to do if it was your last day. Get creative. You can even write a short list. And let your partner do the same. These can be either the simplest things or more complex ones.

Getting closer to nature

No, no one is suggesting walking around naked (although who can stop you from doing that?). Instead, you can go cycling, try rock climbing, go hiking or try your hand at golf. Fresh air makes this date much more enjoyable.

Imagine you are tourists

No matter where you live or how long you've been in the city, there are always places you haven't been before. Use your first date as an opportunity to check out these places. Perhaps visiting a historical site isn't the most romantic thing you've ever done, but how would you know if you haven't tried it yet. Plus, you can always drink or snack before or after.

Watch the sunset

...or sunrise if you're feeling super ambitious. A beautiful setting makes a date more enjoyable, and it's a great time and place to bring your favorite snacks and drinks. This is the perfect time to meet someone.

Sport competitions

You can attend competitions of teams from the lower leagues. The fact is that tickets to big sporting events are usually very expensive. But you have an alternative. Competition between local teams can also be fun.


It's an amazing place to get to know each other better and a great excuse to relive some of your best childhood memories. The large number of animals also means you'll have no shortage of things to talk about.

Ice rink

A skating rink or skate park is a fun way to have an active first date. Plus, it will help you become closer as you help each other. In addition, low temperatures provide an excellent reason for hugs.

Painting class

Nobody expects you to be the next Picasso. On the contrary, the worse you draw, the more fun your first date will be. Plus, it's not hard to find classes that serve wine, or you can bring your own favorite drinks.


Funny shoes, beer, bar snacks... sounds romantic enough. In fact, if you want to get close to someone new, there's no better way than combining conversation with a fun activity, especially one that's completely doable regardless of your skill level. To make the date even better, you can come up with some kind of joke bet on the game.


This is an amazing place where everyone is on an equal footing, regardless of whether you are a former theater star, only sing in the shower, or can't hit the notes at all. Just try to avoid overly romantic songs. This is not very appropriate on a first date.

Meeting with friends

If you are afraid to meet someone face to face for the first time, you can join a group of friends. And even if it's not the most ideal first date, at least you'll go on the second without fear.

Listen to live music

You don't have to spend a lot of money on a ticket to enjoy good performers. Many bars have live music or local bands. If the weather permits, you can go to an outdoor concert.

Bar with billiards or board games

Gone are the days of sipping drinks and stressing out the awkward pauses that many experience during a first date. Many bars have darts, billiards or board games. Pick your favorite and have some friendly competition.

Dance lesson

Choose a type of dance that will be new to both of you and opt for a beginner class.

Game "Truth or Dare"

It's like high school, isn't it? But such a simple game will help you maintain a conversation with a new person. In addition, you will have a chance to learn more about your partner.

Planetarium or museum

If it's too cold to stargaze outdoors, you can head to the planetarium. It's a fun excuse to visit a place you never have time for, not to mention it's romantic.

Visit a psychic

Yes, this is more than an unusual date, but it will give you a lot to talk about. Plus, you can find places that aren't too expensive, so your date will be affordable. Just make sure you don't get too caught up in your previous romantic life, as the first date isn't the best time to do that.

Your own adventure

So many ideas, so little time... If you're looking for adventure, just offer a few options and let your partner choose what you'll do. This will ensure that you have a good time together.

We believe that first dates determine the development of a relationship. There's nothing wrong with a classic dinner and a movie, but wouldn't it be better to add a little spice to your relationship? After all, the first impression is the most important, and you probably want your significant other to think that you are fun to be with.

If something similar doesn’t come to your mind, use our list!

1. A night at the theater

No, not a movie. Theater with live actors and actresses. This is our favorite date idea. Many people do not use the theater as a place for dating, because they do not realize what amazing emotions it brings. Definitely better than any movie! If your partner is a creative person, she will appreciate the idea.

2. Sports

If she is active and athletic, and looks more at home in a stadium seat than in a theater, take her to the game! Even if you don’t follow the successes of your team, find something that will be interesting to both of you.

3. Her favorite sport

Add to previous point. If she plays sports, attend her training session and then go to a healthy food cafe.

4. Mountaineering

I think mountaineering is one of the most fun things to do! It's best to have a competition between the two of you. If you want to add excitement to the game, set a prize. And the winner will receive a kiss.

5. Fishing

Okay, we know what you're going to say, but it's not as strange as it seems. If you know that your girlfriend loves nature and you yourself are interested in it, go to a lake or river. And it’s not so important that you have a boat or you will fish from the shore, the main thing is that you will have the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better. Plus, many girls love to see a guy “in action.”

6. Master class

Have you ever been to a pottery painting or cooking class? If not, believe me, it's really interesting. And creating new things together unites and creates shared memories.

7. Museum

Perhaps a museum with classical art is not a pleasure for everyone, then museums of modern art will come to our aid. Many people note that there is nothing funnier than walking through the Museum of Modern Art with a loved one and trying to understand what the author wanted to say with his masterpieces.

8. Play sports together

Few people are ready to go on an intense training session with a stranger. But for light cardio - why not? Moreover, this is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. If she goes to your gym or runs every morning, offer to do it together.

9. Diving

Going for a swim is always good, but if you want to do something unforgettable together, it's diving! Typically, the city has a couple of indoor pool diving centers, so this idea will work even in winter.

10. Amusement Park

Oh, this is a lot of fun! First of all, shared joy unites. Challenge your spouse to archery, rides, or compete in dancing. The impressions will remain unforgettable.

11. Karting

What could be more fun than driving a small car to the races? If you are active and love sports, this is the best place for a first date. Adrenaline and competitive spirit - hold on. And you can go back to your childhood a little :)

12. Paintball

This is one of the more eccentric ideas, but still a lot of fun. Paintball is not for the weak - it is a very active and sometimes traumatic sport. But there is no pleasure comparable to the energy you get from chasing “enemies”, from realizing your agility and building a strategy aimed at winning.

13. TV show

14. Picnic

Simplicity has its own uniqueness. When was the last time you ate among nature, sitting on a checkered mat? If the weather cooperates and you have a beautiful park in mind, make a few sandwiches and go on a date. For more fun, bring a kite.

15. Cook dinner

They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Why not try the same tactics with a girl, but not cook dinner yourself, but do it together? Find something special with lots of ingredients to make the cooking process last and you can enjoy your time together. It may seem difficult at first, but believe me, it is not at all.

16. Bowling

There's nothing extraordinary about bowling, you say? This is exactly what the majority thinks, and they don’t take their significant other there. That is why you will surprise your girlfriend with an invitation. The first date is the most important and will let the relationship ball begin to spin between you. Even if you're not a bowling champion, it's always great to learn new things together.

17. Light a fire

You'll need to find a place to start a fire, but if you have a fireplace, that'll work too. Fire has special, attractive properties; it cleanses and brings together. After dinner or a few snacks, sit back and enjoy the fire and crackling wood fire. If there is confusion or some tension between you, this is a great place for a first date.

18. Horse racing

At first glance, the idea of ​​horse racing seems a little boring, but the whole point is to place bets and compete with each other. Bet on another horse, and let there be slight tension between you. We guarantee you will have a great time.

19. Look to the sky

The starry night sky has no equal. Take a walk under the night sky in the park or just sit on a bench enjoying the heavenly beauty. Just sit back and try to count the stars together. Believe me, it's unforgettable. These are the memories that will last a lifetime.

20. Bring out the child in you

Find a big playground and remember your childhood. Play hide and seek, ride on a swing, catch up with each other - there are a lot of options. Awaken your inner child and let it go. In our opinion, this is one of the best ways to get to know each other without fear of looking stupid, because at such moments in life we ​​are real. All that will bother us is to hide better or the task of not being caught.

21. Volunteering

Not only does it teach us in a global sense to be better people, to share, to think about others and to change the world for the better, it is a great way to show your other half what is important to you. Try doing this together, help homeless animals, spend the day with children or in a shelter for the elderly. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to see how your other half behaves with others.

22. Live music

Invite your girlfriend to an evening with live music. And no matter what style of music it is, make sure you can dance. Even if in the end your relationship does not develop into something more, you will not forget this night.

23. Geocatching

Geocatching is a new menstrim that has already captured Europe and America. This is something like searching for treasure using GPS. You'll need a account, a GPS device, and a little creativity. That's it - you're both ready for an unforgettable adventure. Read more at

24. Be a Tourist

Another first date idea is to be a tourist in your own city. Sometimes we neglect mass tourist places and entertainment for guests of our city, but believe me, they also have something special. When we are close even to something beautiful, after a while we begin to perceive it as everyday. Take the opportunity to learn more about your city by looking at it through the eyes of a tourist.

25. Progression game

One of the best ideas is to change locations. The idea is to change the location every time the dish is served. Start with an aperitif in one place, for the main course choose a restaurant with panoramic views of the city, and for dessert find a place with a fireplace. And it will definitely never be boring with you!

26. Master class from the chef

Many restaurants and cafes offer various master classes with their chefs, ranging from the familiar Japanese sushi to the delights of French cuisine. Even if neither of you have any special achievements in cooking, this is a great way to get to know each other.

27. Haunted House

In every city there are such houses that everyone talks about, bypasses, and about which there are legends. I suggest going there. The main thing is to make sure that it is safe for your health.

Every person is unique. Therefore, before inviting your significant other on a first date, you should think about what exactly she is interested in and what will make her feel joy. And even if your relationship does not develop, you will remain in her memory forever.

Coming up with an idea for a second date can seem like a daunting task. You have already made a good impression, but now you don’t have the slightest idea where to take your “newly made couple”. Use the following fail-safe tips. You, of course, can repeat yourself and go to the same establishment a second time. But the best second date is movement. Shopping center, roller skating or picnic. In such places you have the opportunity to move around, flirt more and get to know each other better.

Here are some second date ideas that will guarantee a third date.

Shopping mall

While shopping or just going shopping without the purpose of buying here and now, you have a lot of topics to talk about, both important and humorous. The shopping center allows you to see people in a natural environment and a relaxed atmosphere. Shopping is a great way to learn about the real tastes and interests of your chosen one. Since both people are constantly on the move, it makes communication much more energetic and lively. The guy will immediately understand whether the girl knows how to save money, and she, in turn, will see how generous her new boyfriend is.

Swap meet

Walking around a flea market, you can find many wonderful things that you have never seen or haven't seen for many years. This provides a virtually endless source of conversation. If your first date wasn't very dynamic, this is a great idea for a second date. Most often, these markets have live music and very unusual cafes with good food. Be sure to buy your girlfriend a small souvenir during your date.

Bowling/roller skates

Bowling is a great way to have an active second date. First, the guy needs to make sure that the girl does not consider herself “too cool for activities like bowling or roller skating.” But if a girl immediately agrees, it means she loves adventure, she is active and fun. The only rule is to have a carefree time and never be upset about a lost game.


The movie theater is a great place to ask a girl out on a date, but not for the first date, because it's hard to spend time with someone when you can't talk during the movie. It's best to go to the premiere. But if you want to be alone, choose a film that has been in theaters for a long time, then the theater will be guaranteed to be half empty. Always take into account the girl’s viewing interests and choose light films to watch: comedies or romantic dramas.

Live music

Live performances by musicians are always accompanied by an explosion of emotions, so a concert can be a great bonding experience.
For a second date, it is better to find a small concert - in a club, restaurant or on the street. You should not spend a lot of money on famous star tickets at this stage. And you will be able to communicate much more among a small handful of people than in a stadium among 15,000 people.

Bike ride

We're not talking about tight suits, mountain slopes and fast bikes. Just invite a girl on a relaxing bike ride around a nearby area: it could be a picturesque view or an interesting city block. But don't tell the girl where you're going. Women love a little mystery and the confidence that they can rely on a man. This type of date will help you determine if the girl is willing to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. One “but” - warn in advance so that the girl comes in jeans or shorts.


A picnic is a classic and fail-safe option for a second date. A good way to add variety to your camping trip is to plan a picnic for the whole day. The park is your standard picnic spot, but you can go somewhere else like the beach or lake.
The second outdoor date is sure to be casual and easy, after the formal and tense first meeting.

Dinner at home/cooking together

Women adore men who can cook. The dishes don't have to be extravagant, as this date should primarily showcase simple cooking skills rather than Jamie Oliver's high-flying skills. Although if you are a chef at heart, you can impress a girl with your risotto or boeuf bourguignon. Don't experiment and rather cook dishes that you are really good at. It's best not to start until your girlfriend arrives, but be sure to make sure you have all the necessary ingredients. And don't forget about the wine.


Bring out the child in you and your girlfriend. An amusement park will help you relax much better than all other places. Here you can fool around, flirt, overcome your fears together, eat cotton candy and scream your heart out on a roller coaster. Your second date is sure to be active and very emotional.

How to Create Sexual Tension on a Second Date

The best way to create sexual tension is to bring it up in conversation. Let your girlfriend know that she makes you think too ambiguous thoughts when she is next to you in the cinema or wherever you are.

You can play a little and demonstratively define an invisible wall between you to make it clear that you do not want to cross the line of what is permitted. But no one forbids throwing glances or accidentally touching during a date. This technique shows that you are not a sexual maniac and are not trying to provoke aggression on the part of your girlfriend. It's fun, flirty, and she's sure to like it, albeit subconsciously.


The most important component of a second date is calm or vigorous activity. This will allow you both to enjoy yourself, be yourself and create a relaxed atmosphere.

Try one of the ideas above and you'll definitely get a third date.
