Wedding toast from a friend. Cool, original and funny wedding toasts

Some mistakenly believe that wedding toasts are solely meant to encourage guests and newlyweds to drink as much alcohol as possible. A well-written speech can encourage the newlyweds to think seriously about their future lives, or simply bring a touch of fun to the feast.

Close relatives often make toasts in their own words, but not all invitees have innate eloquence. In addition, the best man and bridesmaid need to have cool short speeches in their arsenal in order to fill a pause in the holiday on occasion.

Wedding toast from a friend

The best man and bridesmaid are entrusted with a difficult mission - to be constantly ready to keep the celebration from dying down. Therefore, it is better to prepare cool wedding toasts in prose or poetry in advance.

  • Naturally, you need to touch on the topic of children. Ask if the newlyweds know where they come from? To the general mirth, explain in your own words that the old methods of having a baby - stork, cabbage and the store - are no longer relevant and offer to drink for the fourth method without naming it. Let your guests guess what you are talking about.
  • Depending on who speaks - the best man or the bridesmaid - you can proclaim a toast to the groom or his half, wishing him / her patience and indulgence, since the one who is smarter does not enter into disputes. You can hint in your speech that one of the spouses is always right, and the second is the wife / husband. It depends on whose friend you are.
  • Be sure to offer a drink to the parents of the bride and groom. Express your gratitude to them in your own words for raising such a wonderful couple, add a couple of unobtrusive good jokes in the form of a toast, showing respect.
  • Describe to the lovers the enchanting sunny landscape, which is replaced by the magnificent coolness of the night. Advise them to keep their feelings and not get fed up with passion, to alternate tenderness with passionate confessions, and minutes of excitement with hours of peace. Then their marital relations will be diverse and will not bore them for many years.

It is easier to speak short, but precise and witty toasts than to memorize entire poetic opuses. But prose must be poetic and beautiful. Mix romance, lyrics and humor in your speeches. Then the guests, moving from tears of tenderness to unconstrained laughter, will not be able to get bored.

Funny wedding toasts

Alternating serious toasts to the health and well-being of the bride and groom, as well as their parents, with funny speeches, you can not be afraid that the degree of fun will drop to zero.

  1. You can take funny jokes and retell them in your own words. For example: “Moishe, who always gave $10 to a beggar, today gave only $5, explaining that now that he got married, he had to cut costs. To which the indignant beggar replied that he was not going to support Moishe's family. So let's drink to the fact that the husband always knows how to ensure the well-being of his betrothed!
  2. When speaking short speeches in your own words, make effective pauses to focus the attention of the guests on the main meaning of what was said: “A wife, asking her husband what he appreciates more in women - intelligence or beauty, heard that these qualities are not important for him, because he is married on her. Our newlywed also has an original taste (significant pause). He thinks his fiancee has a brilliant intellect (pause). And incredibly attractive appearance. We drink to the lucky one who was lucky enough to get such a treasure as our newlywed.
  3. From a conversation between two friends: “How many husbands have you had? I'm even embarrassed to say. - Yes, okay, the 21st century is in the yard. I'm not ashamed to admit that I had 5 of them. - And I have only one! “I wish you, dear newlyweds, to experience such a feeling of shame all your life! Bitterly!"
  4. Sometimes cool toasts are very thoughtful. Tell the newlyweds this anecdote-parable: “on the day of the celebration (25 years of marriage), the husband, with a sigh, announced to his wife that he had married her due to a misunderstanding. - How?! exclaimed the indignant wife. “It’s very simple, on the day we met, I whistled, calling for a taxi, and you turned around” - “So let’s wish the newlyweds that all the misunderstandings in their lives are only for the good, and mistakes lead to a happy coincidence!”

Toasts from parents and for parents

  • Often the mother of the bride is almost more sinister than the groom. There are cool toasts that can smooth out conflicts between mother-in-law and son-in-law. Speech from the parents (mother of the newlywed): “After meeting the new boyfriend of her daughter, the mother announced that she was so unpleasant to her that she would gladly become his mother-in-law!” - "Let's raise our glasses to wise women who can find a common language with any man!"
  • The toastmaster can offer such a comic speech for the bride's parents in her own words: “One couple in love decided to run away and get married without blessing. One night, a young man came to the house of his beloved and called her. Climbing out of the window, she asked him not to make any noise, otherwise her father would wake up and prevent their escape. To which the lover replied: “Do not be afraid, he is very busy right now - he is helping me hold the stairs you are descending” - “Let me drink for parents who are able to sacrifice their peace for the sake of the happiness of their children!”.
  • Support from the groom's parents is very important for the bride. It is worth expressing it in a benevolent comic toast on behalf of the father-in-law or mother-in-law: “When my son was small and came home dirty, I warned that this was the last time. When he first brought a deuce, I strictly said that I see it for the last time. And now, my dear young ones, I look at you and say - so that I see this for the first and last time!

Cool wedding toast options

Variants of toasts based on the sayings of great people

    As the famous French writer Hugo said: "If love is real, it will never know satiety and will not be able to cool off." These are brilliant words! So let's wish the young spouses every day of family life to enjoy each other's company and never get enough of the sweetness of their love!

    The French writer Albert Camus once said: "Come always by my side and be my friend." I believe that spouses are not only lovers, but also faithful, devoted and closest friends for life! I want to wish the young family to always keep pace with each other, looking in the same direction and having a common goal! May their journey be easy and pleasant for both! Bitterly!

    Dear young! As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote: "Love wears such glasses through which copper seems to be gold, poverty - wealth, and drops of fire - pearls." So let's drink to the fact that in your family you see all this with the naked eye!

    Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: “In family life, the most important screw is love, sexual desire, one flesh, everything else is unreliable and boring, no matter how cleverly calculated.” I propose a toast to the "most important screw" in your life - to your love!

    Dear young! The great Spaniard Cervantes said:
    "The lover, in whose chest everything is again and again
    Doubt feeds on love
    Her holy peace is unworthy."
    So let's drink to the fact that our bride and groom never doubt each other!

    French writer Andre Terrier wrote: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." Let's drink to the fact that the newly created family has many, many happy days, from which their happy life as a whole would be formed!

    Bernard Shaw said: "Marrying is stupid, not getting married is even more stupid." Our young people chose the lesser of two stupidities. And they did it right! We raise our glasses to you and your happiness!

    The great writer A.P. Chekhov said that everything in a person should be perfect - not only the face and appearance, but also the soul. Today I want to wish the newlyweds every day and hour to be the most beautiful for each other in the whole wide world!

    The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, having an obstinate wife, Xanthippe, liked to talk about marriage. On the one hand, he argued: “Whether you marry or not, you will repent anyway,” and on the other hand, he assured: “Get married, no matter what.” I want to raise a glass to the beautiful women who have made us never regret allowing ourselves to be bound in marriage. For women's wisdom, love, tenderness and care! For the bride!

    A loving person sees beauty in everything. Its light and brilliance ennobles spiritual impulses and eradicates shortcomings. As Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world!". I raise a glass to the sincere love of this couple and to the radiant beauty of the bride!

    Dear newlyweds, I want to quote Chekhov for you: “Don't calm down, don't let yourself be put to sleep! While you are young, strong, cheerful, do not get tired of doing good. I have only one addition to this statement - do not get tired of giving love to each other! I raise this glass to the happiness of the young!

Everyone at least once in his life was at someone's wedding, and he had to deal with such a problem as a wedding toast. Everyone wants to tell the newlyweds something special, incredibly beautiful or somewhat funny, so that his words will be remembered for a long time. But it happens when you yourself can’t find the right words, it is because of this problem that we have created a selection of different toasts, from which everyone will emphasize something most suitable for themselves.

The article presents a wide variety of toasts, starting with the category "from parents", ending with just short and funny ones. Now you don’t have to sit for hours with a pen and a notebook and think over your words. Everything you need is below in the article.

If the wedding is not soon, bookmark the site so as not to lose such a high-quality selection of unique congratulations. Here you will find, both for yourself and for all relatives, those cherished words that are spinning on the tongue, but cannot be broken.

Wedding toasts from parents

The most precious people in life are our parents. Having a rich life experience behind them, they will support in difficult times, rejoice for their child, warm them with warmth. Young people owe their achievements, successes, achievements to their parents. A wedding celebration is a holiday not only for the newlyweds, but also for their parents. The years flew by, the beloved son or daughter grew up, created a new family. Wedding toasts from parents are always imbued with warmth, love, and joy. If you are looking for the right words, use the congratulation examples below.

Variants of toasts from parents at the wedding

On a solemn, beautiful wedding day, the bride and groom want to receive a parental blessing, hear warm, tender words of parting words, share the joy of the holiday with their relatives. The hearts of the newlyweds freeze with delight and a little bit of uncertainty. Approving the choice of a son, daughter, blessing the newly-made husband and wife for a long journey, parents pass on their experience, trying to warn against mistakes. What to wish your beloved children, raising a festive glass?

Toasts from the parents of the bride, the groom about love

As the great Omar Khayyam said: "Love - it can be different." The happiness of being with your loved one, the pain of separation, the desire to help and support, mutual understanding, tenderness, health care - you can’t count everything. On the day you get married, we want to wish you that love for each other brings only joy, is easy, and patience is iron. May this quivering feeling burn in your hearts forever! We want to wish that after passing through years, distances, separations, meetings, your family will keep the best that connected you together! We raise our glasses to our children! "Bitterly!"

Looking at the sunny splashes of champagne in a glass, we are in a hurry to congratulate our young ones! We wish you to get drunk only with happiness, let out tears of joy, so that you can take your breath away with delight. Become true friends for each other, who are always happy and interesting together. And let the world wait. Be a reliable support for your soul mate, because life presents us with obstacles, surprises, testing the strength of feelings. May your souls and hearts always sound in unison, love will help you overcome adversity. For our newlyweds: "Bitter!"

Congratulations to the newlyweds...

We congratulate the newlyweds on this blessed hour.

With all our hearts, we wish them the radiance of happy eyes.

Let the life of the newlyweds

It sparkles like fireworks

There will be no days: heavy, gloomy,

May they be around for a century.

Let the kids grow up together

Planting trees, building a house

May the bride live happily

With his prominent fiancé.

Let their house be a full bowl,

And a guiding star

They shine like a silent angel -

All my life, all the long years!

A toast from dad to any daughter

The grain is my favorite! You have grown and turned into a beautiful flower. So exotic and beautiful that the heart stops with delight. But neither the winds nor the rains can break his proud character. I wish that your husband carefully looked after you, as for the most precious orchid, spoiled you like the most whimsical violet, blowing off dust particles. Gratitude for care, love, attention will be the joyful laughter of the kids in the house, a cozy hearth, warmth and harmony in the family. "Bitterly!"

A toast from the bride's parents

We are very glad on this blessed day to congratulate our young people. Most recently, you, my daughter, learned to take the first steps, to pronounce the first words. The years have flown by. You matured and once invited (name of the groom) to visit. Your eyes, shining like stars, told us a lot. It's time for you to start a family. Let the heart be light, the soul - pure, feelings - unfading. We want to wish more healthy children, because the laughter of a child is the main value in life. And we, for our part, promise to pamper, cherish, and love our grandchildren. Bitterly!

As a symbol of marriage is a wedding ring, so let your love be endless. The wife's golden character, nerves of steel, husband's endurance are an invincible alloy. No storms, hardships will separate your hearts. May your souls, united in a bizarre dance, keep its warmth and energy until the golden jubilee. We raise this toast to the eternal love of the young!

Toasts from the groom's parents

Son! Today, there is an addition to our family - my mother and I have a daughter. As you already noticed, beautiful, skillful, cheerful, perky and smart. Take care of your girl, because you are our real man. We want to wish you to be bold and courageous, affectionate and gentle. Let the years rush, children grow up, and harmony and grace reign in your family. We raise our glasses to our children, love, peace, prosperity to your family! "Bitterly!"

Video: original toasts from parents

A wedding is a celebration of a young family. Parents, relatives, friends: everyone wants to congratulate the bride and groom. What original toasts to come up with? Warm, tender words of love, support and attention are a special gift for newlyweds. The original wedding toast from the parents will be a comic congratulation to the newly-made wife and husband in verse, read in the style of rap. And how much delight will cause the artistic talent of dad and mom! After all, the main thing is hidden behind jokes and laughter: admiration, love for children, wishes for a long happy family life in harmony and peace. See more in the video.

Are your parents conservative? Prefer classics, pay tribute to traditions? Then, toasts from parents to dear children, uttered from the bottom of their hearts, will be a wonderful congratulation. Watch in the video below how many tender words dad has in store for his beloved daughter, how a strict mother suddenly suddenly burst into tears, confusing words. Parents are overwhelmed with emotions: for their children, a new stage in the life path is coming. And let the young remember that in the parental home they will always warm, feed, give advice, provide support.

Funny wedding toasts

Being invited to a wedding, a person begins to think about how beautiful and interesting it is to congratulate the heroes of the occasion on entering family life. As a rule, most of the congratulations are said to the newlyweds during the banquet. The speeches of those present are touching, solemn or parting. Funny toasts for a wedding are very popular, which are able to amuse guests and give the celebration a light, pleasant atmosphere. A beautiful witty congratulation will definitely stand out among others and will be remembered for a long time by the bride and groom.

When thinking over a funny toast for a wedding celebration, it is necessary to take into account several important points: the length of the congratulations, the acting during the speech, the degree of relevance of the joke. A cheerful wish should be short, capacious and should be uttered with soul. A guest making a funny toast should rehearse it well a few days before the wedding. It also matters which words to choose: it can be a parable, an anecdote or a self-written speech. But in order to please everyone, the joke must be kind and friendly, evoke positive emotions in everyone.

Options for short funny toasts for a wedding

Funny wedding toast about four qualities

Once the hero of the occasion said to me:

- Oh, how I dream that my chosen one was faithful, kind, well-run the household, and even so that an unearthly beauty!

What I thought:

My friend is crazy! It is almost impossible to find these qualities in one woman, and he definitely cannot cope with four! But what do I see? Here, next to (Name of the groom), a girl is sitting who makes the dream come true - she is faithful, kind, economic and incredibly beautiful. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that my friend got such a beautiful bride, and so that the hero of the occasion herself always sees only the best, worthy qualities in the groom!

Funny wedding toast about children's fairy tales

I want to tell the heroes of the occasion that miracles happen on the wedding day, and fairy tales become true. I can prove! Once I congratulated my brother on the wedding. That night, he and his newly-made wife decided to read the children's fairy tale "Ivan the Tsar's Son", and nine months later they had a baby boy! Then I walked at the wedding of a second cousin, after which the newlyweds decided to re-read Marya the Artisan. Guess what happened next?

A year later, I was invited to celebrate the celebration of a friend: the bride and groom read Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs that evening. Eight children are no joke to you, gentlemen! I propose to raise a glass so that after today's holiday, the heroes of the occasion read "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"!

Funny wedding toast about jealousy

Jealousy is an interesting thing! It is said that it works differently for men and women. For example, if a man is jealous, he becomes stupid, funny, and even loses the respect of his wife, but jealousy makes a woman affectionate, supple. Perhaps it is, but let's drink to the young wife being affectionate just like that, without trying to verify the truth of these words!

Funny toast for a wedding about happiness in marriage

The world knows many anecdotes that make fun of relationships in marriage: supposedly after marriage, everything immediately rolls somersaults, but let's try to remember at least one good one! I have one in mind, listen! One man was asked how he lives with his newlywed, to which he said: “We lived happily, carefree for twenty-five years ... until we met each other.” I want to wish the young people that their happiness begins without fail from today's wedding day and never leaves their home!

Funny wedding toast about the bed

One elderly couple was once asked: “How did you manage to live together for more than seventy years, preserving love, tenderness, respect?” To which the couple replied: “It’s simple. We never had a double bed in our house – only a single bed.” I propose to drink to the wisdom of the elders, and I wish the newlyweds to use their secrets, and never get bored on this single bed! Bitterly!

Funny toast about the first wedding celebration

According to an old legend, the first wedding took place in paradise. In front of the newly-made spouses, roses, the queens of flowers, lowered their buds in a bow, and jasmine delighted the couple's sense of smell with its sweet fragrance. The bright lilac bloomed inflorescences at their approach, and the young nightingale did not stop singing. So let the heroes of the occasion, like those two from the old legend, observe a beautiful world around them, full of bliss and beauty!

Funny toast about two reasons

The red fellow wanted to marry a young lady, but she refused him. Then the guy decided to ask, what is the reason for her refusal? The girl replied: “I have two reasons. The first is yourself, and the second is someone else.” The beautiful bride, the queen of today's celebration, nevertheless decided to marry (Name of the groom). The first reason is the newly-made spouse, who is not deprived of many virtues, and the second is the absence of someone else. Let's raise our glasses to the groom!

Funny wedding toast from the hero of the occasion mother-in-law

Somehow, curious people came to the sage and began to ask their questions. One of them was a youth who asked, “Who do you think was the happiest man on earth?” To which the sage answered without hesitation: “Adam! Because he didn't have a mother-in-law." But in my opinion, if the first person had such a kind, loving, caring mother-in-law as mine, then he would have managed to become a million times happier. Let's drink to the beautiful mother of my beloved!

Funny wedding toast about the meanings of the word marriage

As many here know, the word marriage is a homonym that has several meanings. The first is a marital tandem, the marriage of a couple in love, and the second is a defect in the product. Unfortunately, it happens that these two seemingly unrelated concepts are closely intertwined during the life of a husband and wife. Dear heroes of the occasion! I want to wish you to live in peace, mutual understanding, harmony, so that your marriage never becomes defective. For your happiness! Bitterly!

Funny toast in the form of a wedding joke

There is a trial in the case of a terrible accident - there was a head-on collision of two cars, everyone survived. The judge calls a woman who was sitting in one of the cars and asks: “Tell me, what happened? How did the accident happen? To which she replies: “How happened! I, as usual, sat in the front seat, controlled the movement of the car. And my husband was driving. I want to tell the heroes of the occasion that a car called "family" is a vehicle that is not easy to drive. May their journey be easy and happy!

Video: funny wedding toast

In order to easily tell a funny toast that will cause an explosion of laughter among those present and charge the atmosphere with positive emotions for a long time, you need to spend some time preparing. A good congratulation should not take much time - as a rule, a speech lasts less than a minute. All invitees are encouraged to rehearse their performance, although even without prior preparation, the toast has a chance to turn out to be funny, funny and bring smiles to the guests, as in the video below.

Cool wedding toasts

The wise man was asked:
When is a perfect relationship between a husband and wife?
“When the husband does not hear what the wife says, and the wife does not see what the husband is doing,” the sage replied.
So, in an ideal family, the husband should be a little deaf so that the wife can grumble, and the wife should close her eyes a little so that the husband can get a little out of control. We will not drink for those who do not see everything and those who do not hear everything, but we will drink for an ideal family! Let's drink to a simple and good relationship between our young beautiful couple!

The word "marriage" has two meanings - marital relations and marriage - in the sense of defective products. Often the second meaning appears in the first and it turns out a kind of defective marriage. But I want to say that this never happens if the union of two hearts is based on understanding, respect and love. So let's wish the newlyweds to keep these foundations of the family, let's wish them marriage without marriage

There is such a modern parable, a story with some hint, when two girlfriends are talking and
one asks the other:
- How many times have you been married?
“It’s embarrassing to even say,” another answers.
“Well, well,” the second consoles, “in our time, you can no longer be ashamed of anything, let's say how much!”
- Only once! was the answer.
So I want our newlyweds to be - in a good way of course - also ashamed. For them to have
only one marriage is today's only happy and reliable union!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you lightness and heaviness! I wish you always be easy on your heart and heavy in your pockets!

Traditional toasts

Real life is made up of many little things
empty words, disputes, life situations.
Life is a garland of colorful
- bright and cloudy - days.
And from your discretion
and peace depends on consent
and the well-being of your life, dear newlyweds!
So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main
in your life - happiness and joy.
For your happiness, newlyweds!

There is a pretty effective

There is a pretty effective way.
make marriage strong and happy.
Husband and wife each take a piece of paper
and each one individually begins to fill them.
On the left half of the sheet, the wife writes all the good things,
what is in the husband, on the right - everything,
what you don't like about it.
In the same way, the husband fills out his sheet.
Next, the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets,
they are carefully glued together and ... thrown away!
And each of the spouses memorizes the left half
and repeats every day.
There is no person about whom there would not be
what to write on the left half of the page,
especially when it comes to our newlyweds.
I propose to drink for all the good
what is in our groom and our bride!

Be healthy, live richly,
As far as your salary will allow you.
But know: the salary is always not enough.
Ask all the ancestors: they will add to you.
Don't be afraid of panties, don't be afraid of diapers:
Have boys, have girls.
But children bother parents -
Give them to their ancestors: they will educate.
But most of all we wish, however,
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.

In a folk tale

In the folk tale "How a man divided a goose"
it is said that the savvy peasant
gave the head of the goose to the master,
because he is the head of the family, and the neck is for the mistress,
because as she turns, so be it.
Let's wish our young
so that the husband is always the head,
and the wife - with the neck, but the head acted
and the neck together and in harmony!
Bitter, friends!

Toast to the newlyweds

By law, you can only have one wife. Married people say
that this law protects men who are unable to protect themselves.
From women.
So let's drink to the fact that our young husband would never want to have a harem.
But not because he was afraid of not coping with several women, but because
that his wife alone is worth a whole harem. For the young! Bitterly!

I would like to wish the young:
In joy, separation or sorrow
Always remember the first hug
Forget about the last fight.

We often hear these days:
it's not a miracle that they disperse, it's a miracle that they live.
And we wish you to live wonderfully.
And even more - marvelously marvelous!

A bachelor boasts to a friend

A bachelor boasts to a friend:
- I will have a beautiful, smart, faithful and economic wife.
- All this is good.
But how do you manage all four?
Our fiance was lucky, his [NAME] is beautiful, and smart, and faithful,
and economic. It remains only to cope.
However, I am sure that the young man can do this task.
For the young! Bitterly!

Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote:
“In family life, the most important screw
is love, sexual attraction, one flesh,
everything else is unreliable and boring,
no matter how smart you think."
I propose a toast to "the most important screw"
in your life - for your love!

Original toasts

A typical event for our time happened
with one tipsy visitor to the bar.
When he was returning home, he was attacked by bandits.
and demanded "life or purse".
The poor fellow had to part with the money.
Let's drink to our young
only the wife took away the wallet,
and he gave his life to her! Bitterly!

All those present undoubtedly

All present undoubtedly know the nine
God's commandments: do not kill, do not steal,
do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc.
Do you know the commandments of the feast?
Let's remember them!
First: sober at the wedding - a spy, to be at the wedding,
Yes, not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little,
and drink it all. Third: who gets drunk well,
he will remember well. Let's raise our glasses
for these blessed time-tested commandments,
and vow never to break them
in the name of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds

Dear newlyweds!
Departing today
sail your new family crew!
Let's drink for a long prosperous
sailing your ship on a stormy ocean
life and for overcoming
them all worldly storms and storms.
Happy sailing!

Dear guests!
Again for love, she deserves it
We'll drink like in the old days!
Let through all the hardships and obstacles
She leads us to happiness!

None of the scientists can still
answer the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live all their lives
with this mystery in their hearts, they will never be able to unravel it!

When a wife leaves a man, a friend remains.
When a friend leaves, the work remains.
We wish our newlywed,
so that he had both the first and the second, and the third!
Successful career to him in life, good work,
so that the family lives with prosperity, happily and amicably!

There are three words
denoting the desire of people for each other:
infatuation, infatuation and love.
Each of these states is beautiful,
and in our present case it is not necessary to separate them.
I want to wish our young
all three of these conditions in one bottle!

Unusual wedding toasts

On the first of September, the student went to school for the first time.
After class he comes home
and immediately approaches his parents with fists:
- Why didn't you warn me ... that this bagpipe was for ten years!
We must warn the newlyweds
that the bagpipe, the beginning of which we celebrate,
not even for ten years, but for life!
Let's drink to
so that this bagpipe will always be a joy to them!

I notice one anatomical paradox in our newlywed...
Do not wonder!
His heart is not on the left, but on the right ...
where his young, charming wife sits.
We wish that this phenomenon
preserved for all their long happy lives,
so that his heart always reaches out to his wife,
and the wife's heart was drawn to her husband,
and so that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms,
vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather.
Let's drink to your happiness!

Our dear fiance is a lucky astronomer

Our dear fiance is a lucky astronomer.
He was the first to discover a star, and there is no doubt
that in beauty, charm and intelligence - a star of the first magnitude.
So let this star illuminate his life path with the light of love,
care, devotion. That he always wanted to say:
Burn, burn, my star, dear star of love,
I have one cherished one, there will never be another.

Cool wedding toast to friends

How to come up with a good wedding toast to friends? It would seem that there is nothing easier: sat down, scribbled a couple of lines, and everything is ready. However, if you think about it, everything turns out to be much more complicated. After all, you want not just to blurt out a couple of banal phrases at the table, but to do everything possible so that the young are delighted with congratulations.

So, do you know what fun wedding toasts from friends should be like? Should they be short or long? How to joke correctly so as not to offend the young? Use rhyme or write a couple of simple phrases in prose? As you can see, there are many controversial points, but do not be sad, because finding the right solution is quite simple if you know a few tricks.

Battlefield - wedding table

As soon as the registry office is behind, it is the turn of a huge banquet. Naturally, the number of guests may be different, but this does not change the fact that you will have to say a toast to your friends in front of the public. This, of course, is not a performance on stage, but everyone will have a certain amount of excitement.

And if for some this is not a hindrance, then for the second, all thoughts in the head can be confused from excitement. And then, as in a stupid movie, instead of congratulations, only stupid phrases and constant hesitations will sound. How to avoid it?

In fact, everything is quite simple - you need to prepare a speech in advance. After all, if you learn the words well, then the risk that embarrassment will happen will be minimized. In addition, having a large margin of time, you can compose a very cool wedding toast to your friends. Especially if you know a few tricks.

Preparing to write a toast

So, tomorrow is the wedding day, which means that today you need to put some things aside and add a good congratulation. Where to start this creative process?

  1. First you need to decide on the style of the toast. In general, two major areas can be distinguished here: poetry and prose. The first is suitable for those who are good friends with rhyme, the second for everyone else.
  2. Next, you need to decide how serious it should be. Again, everything here depends on the ability of a person to joke: if he is good at it, then no one forbids him to use humor. But if everyone is used to the fact that their friend is a serious person, then such a trick can be misinterpreted.
  3. In conclusion, you will need to figure out the size of the toast. Here you need to be guided by only one rule: there should be exactly as many words as you can remember. Although you can read a congratulation from a piece of paper, the lines memorized by memory will cause a much more pleasant effect.

If everything is clear with this, then let's move on to more illustrative examples of how to make a toast for the wedding of friends.

Use of rhyme

This option is well suited for those who love to write poetry since childhood. Although now many may think that such a creation can be found on the Internet, it is worth noting that such tactics may turn out to be erroneous. Firstly, this is insincere, and secondly, there is always the possibility that this toast was chosen by someone else or that young people have already heard it before.

Here is an example of what a cool wedding toast to friends can come up with using a rhyme:

On this day - beautiful, bright - I want to wish you

A lot of money and health to take a walk,

And when you settle down, then let it go to the house

A white stork will fly to you with a baby hero.

But seriously: only happiness, because it is the most important thing.

There will be happiness - everything else will be just fine!

How to write a toast in prose?

Do not despair because you have problems with rhyme. After all, you can always write a cool toast for a friend’s wedding in your own words and at the same time use only prose. The main thing is to remember some features of this genre.

First, try to use metaphors. This will help decorate your speech with beautiful phrases and words. But just know the measure, because an excess of these techniques can make the text too pretentious and cold.

Secondly, even if you want to write a toast to a friend’s wedding in your own words, this does not mean that you cannot peep into the available examples. The main thing is not to copy someone else's work, but only to use it as a model.

Thirdly, do not forget to mention both the groom and the bride in your congratulations. After all, this is their common holiday, which means that the words should be addressed to both of them.

Fourth, if you want your toast to be fun, be creative.

Here's how you can arrange such a toast for the wedding of friends:

  • My dears, I want to wish you one thing - bright colors of life. After all, a person is not eternal, and I sincerely want you, sitting in your old age on a bench, to say with a smile on your face: “Our life was wonderful.”
  • Dear bride and groom, let everything that we wished for you come true on this day. May all your dreams come true one way or another. After all, you deserve it. Bitterly!

wedding toast to best friend

Congratulations addressed to the closest friends should be included in a special category. After all, they are part of the family, even though you are not united by blood ties. And therefore, the composition of such a wish should be approached with special enthusiasm.

What should be a wedding toast to your best friend? First of all, you should think carefully and remember all those qualities that delight you. A congratulation, sealed with such genuine admiration, will be able to touch him to the core.

You can also use some memories from the past. For example: " When Andrei first met Anya, he came to me and said: "I found my princess." Even then I realized that in our small family there would be one less bachelor. But I do not regret it, because I see that he is in reliable and gentle hands. And therefore, let your fairy tale never end, and, of course, bitterly!»

For those who are at odds with humor

The most difficult thing is to compose a funny toast for a friend's wedding. Cool phrases and jokes from the Internet will not help here, and stupid humor will only ruin everything. Therefore, choosing this genre for yourself, you should be well prepared, otherwise you will have to blush at the wedding.

So, the wedding toast should be bright, and even more so, it should not offend the feelings of the young. And therefore, use only light humor, without all sorts of vulgarity and ridicule. As an example, we will give a small toast that can show the main idea of ​​such compositions.

« I want to drink for the fact that after the feast, at night, passion and desire attacked our young people. And although I believe that our friends are strong fellows, I still hope that they will lose this battle. After all, then passion and desire will reign in their lives until the very end, and what could be more important for marriage?»

A toast from a witness at a wedding

The role of a witness at a wedding is very honorable and quite important. One of his responsibilities is the need to give a wedding speech with congratulations for the newlyweds. This is not a simple set of pleasant beautiful words and phrases - these are wishes for a young couple for long happiness and love. Therefore, you should not rely on impromptu, it is better to think over and come up with a speech even before the start of the celebration.
First you need to choose which toast will be pronounced. The toast can be quite long, for example, be a parable or have a long interesting backstory. There are short and capacious toasts containing literally 2-3 phrases, but these phrases are filled with deep meaning. Considering that a wedding is a rather joyful event, which means that funny, cool toasts will become quite appropriate. However, you need to carefully monitor that the cool toast is witty and does not go beyond the bounds of decency, does not hurt the feelings of the groom, bride, their parents or guests. Also at the wedding you can often hear toasts in verse.

The best wedding toasts from a witness for newlyweds

"For the happiness of the young!"

A philosopher once said: "The seekers in life are quite numerous, the finders are hard to find." However, there is no shadow of a doubt that at this wedding the newlyweds are the happiest people who have found each other. Let the warm and cozy hearth illuminate the joint family life throughout life with the warmth of feelings for each other, devotion and fidelity. For the happiness of the young!

short toast

I drink this glass so that my husband, 10 years and 20 years after the wedding, looking at his stunningly beautiful wife, still loses his head, but not his mind.

parable toast

One traveler visited many countries, visited many different cities. He learned many different interesting stories and beautiful traditions and customs. And I decided to find another one. In one of the cities, he saw a walking couple in love. The traveler approached them and asked: "And how do you declare your love?" Then the young man, without answering, hugged his beloved by the waist and kissed him tenderly. "Like this!" - the guy answered the traveler. I propose a toast to love, whose deeds and deeds are more eloquent than any

Wedding toasts from the witness

In nature, any weather phenomena are permissible: clear calm and bad weather, storms and hurricanes. The natural alternation of these phenomena is necessary for crops and harvests. However, as soon as the wind or rain crosses a certain power threshold, they begin to perform a destructive function. I want to wish our newlyweds that their family climate will never be destroyed by bad weather and quarrels. May the sun always shine in your family!

I am very happy for you, my best and beloved friends. From today and for the rest of your life, you have crossed the threshold of married life. New times begin for you, filled with happiness, love and care. From now on, all your joys and sorrows will be shared by two. After all family life - this is a very serious thing. I wish you to go through it together and never forget about this wonderful day, because it will never happen again. Bitterly!

I won't repeat all that...

I will not repeat everything that numerous guests have said before me. I just want to once again from the bottom of my heart congratulate you on this wonderful day. This morning I witnessed the excitement of my best friend, I felt with what timidity and confusion she stepped onto the carpet of the registry office, and I see how happy she is now. So let your whole future life consist only of good moments, going on the rise, as today.

I'm like my closest friend brides, I hasten to congratulate our dear newlyweds on their wedding day. I solemnly promise that I will invite you to my wedding. I vow to catch the bridal bouquet tonight and get married within this year. I promise to come to visit you four times a month and annoy you with endless stories about my adventures. And I will definitely be the godmother to your first child!

Dear bride and groom, today is a very serious and wonderful day for you! You are so happy and beautiful. I wish that in your house there will always be as many flowers, friends, guests as today. So that the feelings that overwhelm your hearts today: love, tenderness, caring for each other, add more and more new emotions, colors and sensations to your life every day. On this day, I want to express my gratitude to the parents of the bride for being able to raise such a wonderful friend for me, as well as to the parents of the groom for raising and raising this worthy man who became my husband. girlfriends !

Congratulations on the wedding to the grandson


From an early age I gave love and care,
Tried to please everyone.
But time flies, never stands still
Let me congratulate you on the wedding of the young
I wish you sincere love and happiness,
Live together to my age.
You will always remain an integral part of me,
So be healthy, do not be reduced to nothing.


I'm proud of you, you are something more now
Than just grandchildren to me.
Congratulations on your wedding, try more often and longer,
Love each other without melting feelings.
May heaven protect you
Let life spread the road with flowers.
May life bring miracles for you
And you will achieve happiness in life yourself.


Accept congratulations from your grandmother,
A wedding is a wonderful event.
Give each other joy and fun,
And in family life, make discoveries.
Love to you and happiness, success, warmth,
May your days of married life.
Become an example of respect and kindness,
So that you remain faithful to each other.©


Accept congratulations from grandma,
My dear doves,
Today you stepped into a new life,
As they say, with a light hand.
May your happiness be endless
Keep it every day and hour.
I congratulate you heartily
I sing the anthem of love for you.
I am very very happy,
that I see you now.
'Cause you're so beautiful
That there is no more beautiful than you.
Stay at this level
Always, always, always.
And let the noisy
Year, year, year.


We wish to live up to a hundred years,
Always have a cheerful look,
Raise great kids
Raise glorious grandchildren,
Both great-grandmother and great-grandfather
You must become!


As if a cloud had passed
And again the sun ... Gloomy - not a trace!
So the granddaughter is getting married -
From now on, he leaves home forever, -
From a soft pink childhood
There, where there is a bright light of love ...
Let us take a look at you
How to follow your youth!
And the holy wish is only this:
Long years to you, love, kindness, advice !!!

Best Short Wedding Toasts

They say that in an ideal family, the wife does not notice where the money comes from, and the husband does not delve into where they go. May you have a truly perfect family.

Short wedding toasts in verse.

Be healthy, live beautifully
Love each other, be happy!

We wish you not to know troubles,
To know neither grief nor bad weather,
And to last for 100 years
Health, vitality and happiness.

At this festive table
I drink to your home
He was famous for peace and labor,
For happiness and fun in it!

You have a big celebration today

You have a big celebration today,
Family and friends will raise a toast.
After all, it is happiness that now there are two of you,
Let there be a strong new family!

The woman is the flower of love, the children are the flowers of life, and the man is the gardener. The more a man loves flowers and the better he takes care of them, the more delightful and beautiful they become. I want to wish the newlywed strength, patience and skill in order to grow a beautiful flower garden!

wedding toast from friends

For many, a honeymoon trip is the last opportunity to see the world, because after that gray everyday life begins. This in no way applies to our young ones, for I believe that their honeymoon, which they are going to spend together on the island of Love, will last forever ...
So let's drink to the young and to the beautiful island!

What happens in the first year of marriage? He speaks - she listens. Second year: she talks - he listens. Well, in the third year: both talk - the neighbors listen.
So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds live their whole lives like the first and second years, listening to each other! Then Love will show them the way to happiness!

At the wedding, one of the men present, who by this time had managed to divorce twice, ended his speech like this: "... I'm not saying - make your wife happy, I just wish that you didn't make her suffer very often ..." .
Let's drink, dear guests, for wise words! And we wish the young, as little grief as possible! Bitterly!

Glory, glory to the newlyweds,
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them...

Live in harmony.
Love each other
So that life is full of happiness.
Raise the kids
Keep faithfulness
Let's drink to the bottom of all this!

For you young ones the palaces are blue
In all cities they create
So that those golden days were more memorable
When they call you family!

Miracle! Miracle! Dear guests, our wedding celebration was visited by the young god of marriage - Hymen. He flew to us on his snow-white wings. The flame of his marriage torch burns dazzlingly bright. Choirs of girls sing hymns of praise to him. All these are sure signs that our newlyweds will always love each other and live in peace and harmony.
Glory to Hymen, who united our young people! Bitterly!

The Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova wrote down the thoughts of various philosophers, writers, church leaders about marriage and the family. All these thoughts were in tune with her tender, loving heart.
“The secret of happiness,” she wrote, “is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small, quickly forgotten pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love too need her daily bread."
Wonderfully said. I wish the young to do as Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova advised, and then they will be happy. And the bread of love will always be on their marital table. For the young! Bitterly!

People say that marrying a daughter is like surviving a fire. But the people say nothing about what the groom's parents have to go through. The question is, so to speak, delicate. But I hope we will cope with the "rampant elements" together with our new relatives.
Happiness to the young and health to us, their parents!

"The duty in the family is selfless love. Everyone should forget his "I", devoting himself to another. Everyone should blame himself, not the other, when something goes wrong. Patience and patience are needed, impatience can ruin everything. From both There should be a desire on the part of the parties to make the marriage happy and overcome everything that hinders it, "- so thought the smartest of women, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova. A kind, sensitive, tender mother, she knew the secret of marital happiness.
I wish the young to take advantage of the instructions of this noble woman, and then the marriage union of our young, their life path will be illuminated by angels. For the young! Bitterly!

Many guests invited to a wedding do not like or do not know how to make long and difficult to remember toasts.

But one should not think that it is impossible to place folk wisdom or spiritual wishes in a short toast.

We offer short wedding toasts in prose, in your own words, which are not difficult to learn and quickly say to everyone at the table.

On this page we have collected for you the most beautiful and touching wedding toasts for every taste.

The house of family happiness is built from the walls of friendship, the roof of love, and a fireplace of comfort burns inside. Let's drink so that our young people are more than enough!

There are three words that denote the desire of people for each other: passion, love and love. Each of these states is beautiful, and in our today's case it is not worth separating them. I want to wish our young people all three of these states in one bottle! Bitterly!

Love is not a fire, it will catch fire - you will not put it out. The fire of love burns in the hearts of our young people. This is sacred fire. So let's fill our glasses, glasses, wine glasses and drink together so that it never goes out in their hearts!

I wish the young people that there are only three black stripes in their lives: a black Mercedes, which they will drive, black caviar, which will always be on their table, and the Black Sea coast, on which they will rest!

First love kills boredom, and then boredom kills love.
Let's drink so that boring love does not meet on our way!

Dear young! I have a simple and short toast. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia - wisdom. Follow them and God bless you in your family life.

When a husband comes home early, he thinks: “What should I read?” And when he comes home too late, he thinks: “What should I compose?” So let's drink to the fact that our newlywed will never forget how to read between the lines, and the newlywed will never become a literary classic!

The beautiful hostess of the hearth will amaze guests with just one smile. Let's drink to the groom's luck! Now he has found a reliable rear. Bitterly!

A spouse is a support in life. By strengthening the pillars, we lengthen our life. So let's drink to the spouses and to the fact that they always love and support each other!

As one writer said, happiness lies in understanding. And in family life it is very important - mutual understanding, sincere support, respect. Let's drink so that there are plenty of such qualities in the family life of our newlyweds!

On this happy wedding day, I would like to wish the young people to always remain in love with each other, sensitive and attentive, ready to protect their soulmate at any moment. We wish that in your life there is a lot of space for the flowers of life - children.

In Greece, there was the goddess Nike, who brought victory in battles. She held in her hands a palm branch, a symbol of primacy. Let's wish the bride to bring her husband victory, good luck, like a real Greek goddess!

Family life is like the sea: sometimes calm, sometimes a storm of 10 points. And only the strongest ships can withstand its fickleness. Let's drink to the ship of your love and let it sail on the right course for many, many more years!

Let family life be like this champagne: playful, stormy and not boring, and most importantly, that it always contains a drop of love potion.

In ancient Russia they said that where there is harmony, there is treasure. I wish the young people that they always get along with each other, and then they will definitely find a treasure in the form of love and harmony.

To live in love and harmony until the silver wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron restraint. So let's drink for a reliable alloy of two metals, for the merging of the souls of the newlyweds!

In childhood, when fairy tales were read to us, they ended with the Prince marrying the Princess, and what happened next is unknown. Let's raise our glasses to make your family life magical and inspire storytellers.

Many men dream of having a harem. So that every day there are many women who bring interest to his family life. May our fiance never want to have a harem, because his wife can replace a thousand women!

The meaning of life is the family, this is our mission, in fact, for the sake of the family and our children, we all live! May your life be happy, and the smiles and joy of your loved ones warm your hearts with warmth and comfort!

Friends! I propose to drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a man, because he did not find any other way to close a woman's mouth. Bitterly!

Let's raise our glasses to the young, because their souls are now performing a symphony of love in unison, this can be seen not only in their radiant smiles, but also in their radiant eyes! Bitterly!

I wish you that immediately after the wedding, you will be attacked. Let desire and passion attack you on a dark, dark night. And you will never be able to fight them off!

May your life go smoothly along the path. We wish you to live golden until the wedding!

Let's drink to the mathematics of family life: to addition, thanks to which a married couple has developed; for subtracting both from the number of bachelors and unmarried; for dividing all the sorrows and difficulties in half; for the multiplication of your kind by the birth of children! For the young!

None of the scientists can still give an answer to the question: what is love? Everyone agrees that love is a mystery that has remained unsolved to this day! So let our newlyweds live with this mystery in their hearts all their lives and never be able to unravel it! Bitterly!

I wish you that your golden carriage will carry you through a happy, easy life, deftly going around all difficulties and obstacles. So that the road leads through the unprecedented beauty of the garden, and everyone who is dear to you is nearby. For the well-being, happiness of the young!

As they said in ancient Babylon: take hold of your chest - say something. Took a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “Let two loving hearts never part, grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” With legal marriage you!

The secret of a successful marriage lies in one folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but for as long as possible! That is - you go quieter, you will continue! So let's drink to the slowness of the young!

I propose to drink for the young, let the countdown of the most wonderful part of their life begin for them today. Let the hands of the clock freeze forever, fixing the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only on happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young and their families!

The spectrum of wishes is always the same: Happiness, health and banknotes!

The life of a modern person is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Our fiance is a real astronomer. He opened an incredibly beautiful star, his charming bride. Let's raise our glasses so that she always has the strength to illuminate her husband's path with the light of care, devotion, love!

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Honeymoon is the happiest time for spouses: a time of carelessness, lightness, passion, loftiness of feelings, tender awe of lovers. Let's wish the couple that their honeymoon lasts a lifetime.

Marcus Aurelius believed that "people exist for each other." So let's drink to the fact that in this newly-made family it was so. Young people, live for each other!

Love is uplifting. Let us raise our glasses to the sublime love that raises us to heaven.

In the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you are not ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

We wish you such amazing love on your wedding day, which will understand women's logic, forgive men's stupidities and acquire children's pranks!

Newlyweds, tell me, please, how do children appear? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where to find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go shopping. But I want to drink for the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven! For the young and their future children!

In our time, there is an expression: it is not a miracle that they disperse, it is a miracle that they live. And we want you to live amazingly!

They say marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish heaven to keep your union, and let all life's difficulties and worldly problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Guys, a chic holiday - I can hardly understand whose wedding, and who will marry whom! I congratulate you and wish you harmony and understanding in your life together!

Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: “In family life, the most important screw is love, sexual desire, one flesh, everything else is unreliable and boring, no matter how cleverly calculated.” I propose a toast to the “most important screw” in your life – your love!

In the house of family happiness, friendship builds the walls, love creates the roof, but the stork brings comfort. For friendship, love and comfort, and for all this to be in the life of the young!

Dear young! The great Spaniard Cervantes said:
"The lover, in whose chest everything is again and again
Doubt feeds on love
Her holy peace is unworthy."
So let's drink to the fact that our bride and groom never doubt each other!

We wish you to live happily and amicably, to have everything you need in family life! Bitterly!

A famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” It really is. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years! Good luck to you, dear ones!

Your roads converged and today, you, young people, put two rings on each other. Now for you the sunlight will become twice as bright, honey - sweeter, and love - stronger. Let's drink to your faithful and indestructible union, now and forever!

Everyone knows philosophical concepts: form and content. So, one philosopher was asked:
How is form different from content?
He answered like this:
- If there is a form, then you need to ... take it for maintenance!
He is asked a counter question:
– But what if there is both form and content?
“Then,” says the philosopher, “you need to ... urgently marry!”
I propose to raise a toast to the groom! In my opinion, he is well versed in philosophy!

For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts!

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to the fact that the desire of men and the desire of women coincide! For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

The great Russian writer Dostoevsky said that happiness lies not in happiness itself, but in the way it is achieved. Today the bride and groom have climbed one more rung of the ladder leading to happiness. Good luck on this path!

As Balzac said: “Love endures domestic squabbles so badly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.” So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds find in each other as many of these qualities as possible!

Congratulations, newlyweds! Let your family nest be warm and cozy! Coo, pick each other's feathers and raise more chicks!

By law, you can only have one wife. Married people claim that this law protects men who are unable to protect themselves. From women. So let's drink to the fact that our young husband would never want to have a harem. But not because he was afraid not to cope with several women, but because his wife alone is worth a whole harem. For the young! Bitterly!

A wise man knows that the more often and more expensively you present gifts to a woman, the more priceless she becomes for him! I want to wish the newlywed that his young wife becomes a real treasure for him!

A bachelor boasts to a friend:
- I will have a beautiful, smart, faithful and economic wife.
– All this is good.
But how do you manage all four?
Our fiance was lucky, his (name) is beautiful, and smart, and faithful, and economic. It remains only to cope. However, I am sure that the young man can do this task. For the young! Bitterly!

Like it or not, the family is the most important unit of society and life is not the same without seven. But I wish to meet you all in nine months, in celebration of the expansion of this cell. Happy wedding day to you and for the health of your future children.

Dear young! As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote: “Love wears such glasses through which copper seems to be gold,
poverty is wealth, and drops of fire are pearls.” So let's drink to the fact that in your excellent family you see all this with the naked eye!

For the young, we have a mandate: live together, in a good hour! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! I propose a toast so that you always remember the words of the French writer Jean Rostand in your family life: “A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses” . Let's drink to your family!

Eva was very jealous. And, although there were only two of them in paradise, when Adam returned home too late, she counted his ribs just in case. Let's wish our young woman not to be so jealous, and her husband - not to give a reason to count the ribs!

French writer Andre Terrier wrote: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." Let's drink to the fact that the newly created family has many, many happy days, from which a happy life would be formed as a whole!

Love can be compared to a candle - its flame tends upward, which personifies the movement towards higher goals. It gives warmth and light. We wish the young that the candle of love always warms, illuminates the path.

A typical case of our time occurred with one tipsy visitor to the bar. When he was returning home, bandits attacked him and demanded “life or a wallet”. The poor fellow had to part with the money. Let's drink to the fact that only the wife takes away our young wallet, and he gives his life to her! Bitterly!

Dear young spouses! Let your joint steps on a prosperous family path be easy and confident. Let your successful family experience last for decades, and you will meet the crown wedding in selfless love and mutual consent.

Dear newlyweds! Your new family crew sets sail today! Let's drink for a long prosperous
sailing your ship on the stormy ocean of life and for overcoming all worldly storms and storms. Happy sailing!

Scientists have discovered an amazing fact: the hearts of two lovers who look into each other's eyes begin to beat in time. So let the hearts of our bride and groom always beat in unison!

On the first of September, the student went to school for the first time. After classes, he comes home and immediately approaches his parents with his fists: - Why didn’t you warn me ... that this bagpipe is for ten years! We must warn the newlyweds that the bagpipe, the beginning of which we celebrate, is not even for ten years, but for life! Let's drink to the fact that this bagpipe is always a joy to them!

Dear newlyweds! I wish that starting from today, lightness will increase in your hearts every day, and heaviness in your pockets!

None of the scientists can still give an answer to the question: what is love? Everyone agrees that love is a mystery that has remained unsolved to this day! So let our newlyweds live with this mystery in their hearts all their lives and never be able to unravel it! Bitterly!

One wise man said that wealth does not lie in the number of gold coins, but in satisfaction with one's life. Let's raise a glass of wine to make our couple truly rich!

Small toasts for a wedding are also good when there are few guests at the table, and everyone has to make a speech more than once.

On the wedding day, toasts should sound especially beautiful and interesting, because this day is one of the most important in life. It is not at all easy to come up with a toast yourself quickly and beautifully, it is easier to read the toasts compiled by professionals and choose the most suitable and original one. You can choose a toast in verse or prose, humorous or serious, toasts for every taste.

Once a woman complained to a priest during her confession that she and her husband began to live like strangers, the former passion was gone, quarrels and scandals entered the house. The priest asked an unexpected question in response:

Do you like flowers?

Of course!

If you noticed that your indoor flowers began to wither, what would you do?

I would change the soil in the pot, water it in time, wipe the dust from the leaves, add fertilizer, turned closer to the sunlight.

Your married life is like these flowers, it needs to be constantly looked after, it requires attention and affection. A woman in the family should be like a blooming flower, always look well-groomed, combed and smartly dressed.

So let's drink to the beautiful and wise wives who water their family flower with love and care!

Every house will become a palace,

Where the tender wife lives!

More expensive than silver and gold!

She is more important than all wealth!

For the best choice - for this young one!

Joking wish:

Let our young couple know

The whole secret of wedding ideas

What is soon in their new house

The storks will bring children!

Perhaps they will be found in cabbage,

Perhaps they will immediately bring into the house,

But neither despondency nor sadness

No one is waiting here from now on! Bitterly!

It turns out that our hero of the occasion - the bride - is a very dangerous person! She is an arsonist, and even the groom will not say otherwise, as she kindled a real flame in his heart. But now the bride is chained such a strong chain that she won't break it. So let's drink to the health and happiness of this captive!

There are no serious reasons

That it was impossible to drink for men!

But I will also drink for women -

There is a new family here!

Funny congratulations for a girlfriend

The bridesmaid is also in the spotlight of the holiday, as she is a certain personification of the bride's farewell to girlhood. Therefore, at the holiday they may be asked to say a few words on behalf of the best girlfriend:

Be healthy, live happily!

And be beautiful for each other!

I am the best friend for the bride,

And let the groom be the best friend!

I would like to wish young people:

So that in joy, in separation, or grief

They could hug each other tightly

And forget about the previous quarrel!

My girlfriend! On your main holiday,

High and friendly feelings are not melting,

I am a glass for your glorious union

Raise, because now you are a family!

Other examples of congratulations:

Interesting congratulatory speech

Once I happened to take a walk at my brother's wedding. After the wedding, on their wedding night, the young people read the fairy tale "Ivan the Tsar's Son", and nine months later they had a wonderful son! Then I walked at my sister’s wedding, on the first night they read the fairy tale “Marya is an expert”, and a beautiful girl was born!

Later, I walked at a friends wedding, and they read the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" on their wedding night, in due time they had seven sons and a beautiful daughter!

So we wish our young don't get bored on your wedding night, and read the tale of the glorious Tsar Saltan and his forty heroes !!!

There is a saying that in a married couple the man should be the head and the wife the heart. I propose to drink so that in the life of our young people there is no place for headaches and heartaches!

I raise a toast to

Once we all get together,

Let the champagne flow like a river

And we must bathe in it!

What do we wish the newlyweds?

So that they have a good path,

To make life as sweet as possible

And the house has always been a full bowl!

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky

And children give them joy!

Do you know why they have a bachelor and bachelorette party before the wedding? So that the young look at their drunken friends and quickly run to the registry office. So let's drink to that so that they always run towards each other with joy and love!

Funny and touching toasts for matchmaking

The original toast can be said in poetic form:

We congratulate you on your wedding day,

We wish you great joy.

We want to say seriously:

May millions of tender roses

Cover everything in your path

On what you must pass!

And let the fire of your love

It burns, it doesn't fade.

With a loved one, the path is easier to go,

And everyone knows about it.

You achieve understanding

Love you for a hundred years.

Know each other, respect

Love to you and advice!

Speech on matchmaking can be presented not only in verse. Such congratulations in prose look more sincere. Examples of some of them:

Toasts to newlyweds from parents are a tradition. Therefore, folk motives are often used in such congratulations:

We will give you a bow

So that you do not know the torment.

Also, cabbage

So that you don't feel sad.

And we will give you carrots,

So that there is always love.

Here, take a cucumber

To become faster groom - father.

Here are some grapes for you

So that your house is always rich!

Well, how many gifts,

And you owe us "Bitter!"

Remember this moment forever

Let it be sacred

From now on, you are not a bride and groom,

You are now husband and wife!

And let bad weather pass by,

Let the flame not go out in the chest.

We wish you good luck, we wish you happiness.

We wish you eternal love!

Original wishes for young people

Imagine an endless sea with a man floating in a boat. At times the sea becomes calm, then the person in the boat can rest. But the sea is more often worried, high waves rise, dangerous sea monsters swim nearby, then a person quickly wants to go to a quiet harbor, where it is warm and light from the care of relatives. Let's drink to the fact that the new married couple of duty and successfully sail on the waves of the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife! For the young!

So that you live happily, but not toil,

About the past, so that you do not have to repent!

And we wish again and again:

Advice to you, happiness and love!

One important ruler was asked the question:

How do you manage to maintain peace in your state for so many years?

He gave this answer:

When I see that my people are angry, in response I am silent; when they see my anger, they are silent. Simply put, they calm me down when I'm angry; and I calm them down when they get angry.

In a family, as in a state, it is important to be able to calm your soul mate. I drink for peace and tranquility in your family too!

A poplar and a birch grew in the forest, and they fell in love with each other, and began to pull their branches towards each other. Finally, their branches intertwined together. Our young ones, like poplar and birch, have finally wove their branches together. So let their branches of love hold tight and never unravel! Bitterly!

A funny wedding toast: “For a marriage to last until a golden wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron restraint. I propose to drink for this alloy of metals, for the copulation of the souls of the newlyweds!
