Ultrasonic facial cleansing: contraindications, features of the procedure and recommendations. Ultrasonic facial cleansing: advantages, indications and features of the procedure

Ultrasound facial cleansing is a painless hardware procedure aimed at effective and deep cleansing of the skin and pores from impurities, sebum, dead cells and blockages of the sebaceous glands. After the session, there are no traces on the face in the form of redness or swelling, in rare cases, the procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Such facial cleansing does not involve preliminary steaming, which allows it to stand an order of magnitude higher than other classic cosmetic procedures. Indeed, in addition to the rejuvenating and restoring effect, ultrasound in this case has a number of other undeniable advantages, including the absence of compression or stretching of the skin, the absence of violation of the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis (during the procedure, there is no need to additionally squeeze out, for example, acne with your hands, which thereby protects skin from unnecessary injury).

The effect of facial cleansing

As a result of exposure to ultrasound on the skin of the face, redox processes are enhanced in it, and ultrasound itself promotes the formation of elastin and collagen. A rejuvenating effect is achieved due to microheating and microvibration of tissues. Immunity also increases due to improved blood composition, metabolic processes are activated, and tissue regeneration is enhanced.

The effect is noticeable after several procedures in the form of a decrease in oily skin, narrowing of pores on the face, normalization of the sebaceous glands, smoothing of the skin relief. A similar technique can be used not only on the face, but also on the back, on the shoulders and in the décolleté area. After a course of procedures, the skin becomes even, radiant, smooth and renewed.

Indications for ultrasonic facial cleansing

The indications are:

  • porous skin;
  • reduced turgor and skin tone;
  • the presence of comedones;
  • acne (but not in the acute stage);
  • oily, aging, combination skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion.

Contraindications for facial cleansing

Contraindications are:

  • eczema;
  • pustular skin diseases (for example, boils);
  • herpes;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe hypertension;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • trigeminal and ophthalmic neuralgia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • vasodilation (multiple telangiectasias or increased capillary pattern);
  • condition after done .

Facial cleansing technique

The ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure includes three stages.

First stage

At this stage, a thorough preparation of the skin for the procedure is carried out. For these purposes, a special gel is first applied, followed by acid-chemical peeling using fruit acids. It is followed by peeling in order to completely remove dead skin particles. At the final stage of preparation, a special mask is applied, which has a warming effect, which is closed for a short time with a plastic film. To achieve the maximum warming effect, the film is heated with a special iron for 5 minutes. After removing the film, a special lotion is applied to the skin without fail, on the basis of which a massage is performed for 8-10 minutes.

Second phase

At this stage, ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out directly, the duration of which does not exceed 10 minutes. The surface of the face is treated with a scraper designed for this purpose, which emits ultrasound. With its help, the contents of the pores are pushed out. The procedure is painless, if necessary, can be supplemented with mechanical cleaning of the face.

Third stage

At this stage, the final actions are performed, which consist in rubbing the face with lotion, applying an antioxidant mask to the skin of the face. The mask is removed after 15 minutes, after which a special nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the face.

A similar technique for carrying out the procedure is called a complex facial cleansing, while there is also an express facial cleansing, which implies:

  • disinfection, skin cleansing;
  • deep cleansing of the face according to the type of pollution (this is scrubbing, enzyme peeling or superficial chemical peeling);
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • applying a restorative cream.


The advantages of ultrasonic cleaning include:

  • absence of pain during the procedure;
  • relatively short duration of the procedure;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period;
  • no skin damage during the procedure.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The disadvantages include only the need for frequent procedures (almost monthly), which is offset by the low cost of the procedure.

Number of procedures

It should be noted that facial cleansing is required regularly, so the frequency of procedures may vary depending on the type and condition of the skin. In this case, the interval between procedures can vary from 1 week to 1-2 months. To achieve the maximum effect, 4-8 sessions are recommended, the frequency of which will be 1.5-2 weeks. To maintain the effect obtained, ultrasonic cleaning of the face should be carried out 1-2 times a month.

In conclusion about the cost

I would like to note that the average cost of ultrasonic facial cleansing in beauty centers is about 1,500 rubles (from 500 to 2,000 rubles), while the price of the ultrasound device itself starts from 3,000 rubles. Therefore, with a little savings and the availability of the right amount of money, you can do ultrasonic facial cleansing even at home.

Ultrasonic face cleaning video

Ultrasonic face cleaning using ultrasound is one of the most modern and effective types of peeling, which will preserve the natural beauty and purity of the skin for a long time. However, it is important to take into account possible contraindications and nuances of the procedure, the neglect of which can cause negative reactions. It is them that we will consider next.


The set of contraindications for ultrasonic cleaning of the face is quite standard. Almost similar contraindications are noted by cosmetologists for many other types of cleansing:

  • respiratory diseases (including asthma);
  • inflammatory processes, often associated with purulent formations;
  • recent chemical cleaning of the face;
  • severe hypertension;
  • cancers at all stages;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • serious infectious diseases;
  • diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels (especially heart attacks, strokes and conditions after past illnesses).

Any professional cosmetologist before starting the procedure is obliged to diagnose your skin and determine how safe and effective the procedure will be in your current state of health. If planned, then before the procedure it is also necessary to study contraindications.

Be ready to answer questions from a cosmetologist about skin care and health, remember:

  • What cleansers have you used lately?
  • when the last cleaning was done.


For many cosmetic procedures, pregnancy is an important contraindication. Ultrasonic cleaning is no exception. Cosmetologists say that the benefit to the mother is much less than the harm to the child. That is why during pregnancy (and at all its stages!) Such skin care will have to be abandoned.

The effect of ultrasonic cleaning is a purely individual matter.

The main advantage of ultrasound is that it generally has a beneficial effect on facial skin tone and, with a complex effect, helps to cleanse it of minor imperfections. The procedure as a whole has a beneficial effect at any age, while peculiar advantages can be distinguished:

  1. Young age. One of the most serious problems of young skin is the increased production of sebum. Ultrasonic cleaning helps to stabilize the fat balance, as well as cleanse the skin of the imperfections associated with it - pimples, blackheads, deep impurities. If you start doing this procedure at a young age, you can “delay” skin aging, prolong its youth, tone and beauty, and also maintain a healthy color.
  2. Average age. During this period, as a rule, age-related changes begin to appear, the skin begins to “fade” and fade. Ultrasonic peeling comes to the rescue here too: it allows you to effectively exfoliate already dead particles, and also activates the production of collagen and elastin. It is these substances that are responsible for the youthfulness of the skin and its elasticity.

Cosmetologists note that even at an elegant age, ultrasound will help the skin regain balance, beauty and health. For women aged 55 years and older, this simple remedy will quickly remove dull skin, as well as fine wrinkles. To maintain a high-quality result, it is often not necessary to carry out the procedure: once every 2-3 months is enough to maintain the effect and consolidate it.

What can not be done after ultrasonic cleaning of the face?

It should be noted right away that the results of peeling are a purely individual matter. For some, this tool becomes a real salvation, while someone is simply dissatisfied with the result. However, it should be understood that the work does not end with the actions of cosmetologists. Ultrasound also requires a certain responsibility from the client in the form of follow-up actions, as well as an understanding of some features:

  1. You should be aware that really problematic skin cannot be cured in one cleaning session. This will require comprehensive care, consisting in the individual selection of facial care products, as well as internal cleansing through special diets. For very problematic skin, it may be worth starting with mechanical cleaning, and then regularly exfoliating with ultrasound. Which facial cleansing is better: mechanical or ultrasonic.
  2. It is also impossible to look younger by 10-20 years with the help of ultrasound. It is able to cope with shallow superficial wrinkles and restore the overall tone of the skin - but nothing more. Even with regular use, peeling is not the secret to youth.
  3. After the procedure, a drying effect is clearly felt: even on very oily skin, dryness appears. Therefore, for a couple of weeks after cleansing, use a high-quality moisturizer at least 2 times a day.

The key to a high-quality result is the regularity of the procedure.

Do not forget to carry it out in a timely manner, only then you can fully enjoy the care and effectiveness of this peeling!

Unlike mechanical types of cleaning, ultrasound peeling is a painless and relatively quick procedure that takes no more than half an hour. However, in order not to be disappointed in this cosmetic procedure, you should pay special attention to contraindications and certain features of this procedure.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is one of the safest and most gentle ways to cleanse the skin from surface impurities, blackheads (comedones) and the effects of acne. The procedure differs from other salon methods (mechanical, chemical or vacuum cleaning) by the special delicacy of the impact and absolute painlessness. Therefore, most women prefer this particular option of rejuvenation and facial care.

The use of ultrasonic waves solves several problems at once: it cleans clogged pores and at the same time provides a delicate massage, without injury and damage to the skin. After the procedure, the skin becomes visibly fresher and younger, as ultrasound has a deep and powerful effect.

The method is painless and versatile, it can be used for any type of skin without exception. Ultrasound therapy or ultrasonic peeling is applicable even for those with particularly sensitive and dry skin. How to do ultrasonic facial cleansing, what are its advantages and what are the features of the procedure, you will learn from our article.

Ultrasonic facial skin cleansing is a modern hardware cosmetology procedure, during which the skin is exposed to high-frequency waves generated by a multifunctional ultrasonic device. Ultrasound affects the skin at three levels at once:

  • mechanical - causes high-frequency vibrations in cells;
  • thermal - increases the temperature of tissues by several degrees;
  • physico-chemical - activates metabolic processes in cells.

During the procedure, medical or cosmetic gels are applied to the face. The influence of ultrasound contributes to their penetration into the deeper layers of the skin. The liquid medium, penetrating the epidermis under acoustic pressure, causes high-frequency vibrations that weaken the bonds of keratocytes (keratinized cells) and contribute to the separation of dead cells and the removal of excess sebum, comedones (black dots) and other impurities.

Simultaneously with the cleansing action, sound vibrations improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage due to the fact that they warm up the tissues and increase their temperature. Thus, a kind of massage of the superficial and middle layers of the epidermis is carried out. This contributes to the narrowing of pores, refreshing and rejuvenating the face and improving skin tone.

Under the action of ultrasonic peeling, metabolic and redox processes in skin cells are accelerated, which contributes to their active renewal. At the same time, the production of collagen and elastin fibers improves, the skin is evened and tightened, and the complexion improves. That is, the procedure, in addition to effective cleansing, also provides a noticeable rejuvenating effect. After the session, activated and renewed skin actively absorbs moisture and nutrients that saturate it from the inside. As a result, dryness disappears, the skin looks hydrated, young and radiant.

A huge advantage of the procedure is that it is possible to choose the degree of intensity and specifics of the impact. The beautician can adjust the settings of the device according to the client's age, condition, skin type and the presence of certain problems.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists advise the procedure of ultrasonic peeling for the following problems with the skin of the face:

Owners of problematic and oily skin are recommended to do the procedure once a month. Ultrasound facial cleansing is beneficial for both young and more mature skin. At a young age, the procedure allows you to regulate the production of sebum and thus helps to cope with acne, relieves enlarged pores and comedones. For older women, ultrasound cleaning will provide an additional massage of the skin and will help eliminate age spots, refresh, rejuvenate the face and increase the elasticity of the skin. Ultrasonic facial cleansing - before and after photos, allows you to evaluate the result of the procedure and make sure that this is one of the best and least traumatic ways of care, providing an ideal skin condition at any age.

The ultrasonic cleansing procedure has a number of contraindications, so before carrying it out, be sure to consult a beautician and find out if you can use this method of skin cleansing. The cosmetologist will not conduct ultrasound cleaning in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • blood diseases;
  • Cardiovascular disorders (circulatory failure, arrhythmias, the presence of a pacemaker);
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Neuralgia, paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • Pregnancy at any time;
  • During menstruation;
  • Acne (acne disease) during the period of exacerbation;
  • Benign neoplasms on the face;
  • Oncological skin lesions;
  • Conditions after chemical peeling or “golden threads” tightening procedure;
  • Vascular network "rosacea" in the area of ​​influence;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts) in the area of ​​the intended treatment.

In addition, ultrasonic cleaning is not recommended for three months after maxillofacial operations, in case of violation of skin sensitivity after an injury or neurological disease, as well as in case of deterioration of health and elevated temperature.

Procedures using an ultrasonic facial cleansing device should not be performed in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, eyes, heart, genital organs or direct acoustic waves to those areas where contour gel plastic was used.

As you can see, there are quite a few contraindications to the procedure, so a specialist consultation before the session is necessary. If none of the above conditions apply to you, you can safely go to a beauty salon for facial cleansing.

The ultrasonic skin cleansing procedure consists of the following steps:

Preparing the skin for the procedure. At the preliminary stage, the skin is thoroughly cleansed of dirt and make-up residues. To do this, use soft cosmetics that are compatible with the type of skin: gel, milk, foam. Such preparation will have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. It is not necessary to steam the face before ultrasound - peeling, which will significantly save the time required for the procedure.

Toning. Next, the skin is moisturized with a special tonic. This stage is especially necessary for mature, dry and aging skin. It will help increase the elasticity of the skin and improve complexion. Additionally, a mask is made that will open the pores as much as possible and loosen the upper stratum corneum.

Medical or cosmetic gels perform the function of a conductor, since upon contact with air, the force of the ultrasonic effect weakens, and the gel helps to resist this. In addition, the composition of the gels includes nutrients and components that help exfoliate dead cells.

Sonication. After setting up the device, the cosmetologist proceeds to the main procedure, during which he passes over the face with a spatula - an emitter, placing the tool at an angle of 45 ° to the skin surface. During the session, the skin will need additional hydration. To do this, use thermal or mineral water, which is sprayed on the face.

For oily skin, you can use cosmetics (lotion) with lactic acid, in the presence of inflammatory processes - lotions with salicylic acid. Cleaning is carried out in the direction from the side areas to the center of the face, moving the spatula emitting ultrasonic waves against the massage lines. During the treatment, the faces act carefully, without touching the area around the eyes, lips and without affecting the thyroid gland. Each problem area is treated several times with light circular movements. The procedure lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. During this time, the pores open and sebaceous plugs and impurities come to the surface.

After the main stage of cleansing, the cosmetologist makes a micro-massage of the face in the main directions of the lymph flow, using the flat side of the nozzle for this. If before that a medical or cosmetic product in ampoules is applied to the skin, then with the help of an ultrasound-cleaning device, it is additionally possible to carry out phonophoresis, during which the skin is saturated with nutrients and vitamins.

If there are problems such as increased fat content, acne, special anti-inflammatory drugs are applied to the skin, which, under the action of ultrasound, penetrate deep into the skin and have a therapeutic effect. Thus, you can cope with acne, even out the scars left after acne, remove enlarged pores and improve complexion.

. After the procedure, a mask or cream with a soothing, moisturizing and antiseptic effect is applied to the skin. This will help relieve mild redness and irritation of the skin, tighten pores and relieve inflammation.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a completely safe and painless procedure, during which no discomfort occurs. This is facilitated by the correct setting of the device and the choice of exposure power, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client. During the procedure, the patient may feel only the touch of the plate and a slight tingling or vibration when treating areas with close bones (for example, in the cheekbones).

After the procedure, the skin pores may remain enlarged for some time. To close them, you can wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing tonic, and then apply a moisturizer. At the end of the session, there is a slight reddening of the skin, which will disappear in a few hours. To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, follow some recommendations:

  • Within 12 hours after the ultrasound session - cleansing, you should not use decorative cosmetics, paint eyebrows or eyelashes.
  • It is not recommended to visit a solarium, swimming pool or sauna in the first days after the procedure.
  • The skin needs extra hydration and care. It is recommended to make masks with seaweed or cosmetic clay twice a week, use creams with a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is the best option before an important event, since the procedure does not have an aggressive effect and the skin does not need long-term recovery. No wonder it is called the “weekend procedure”, because it allows you to quickly put yourself in order and always look attractive.

Salon procedures are quite expensive and not every woman can do them regularly. If you like the result of the hardware procedure, we advise you to purchase a device for ultrasonic facial cleansing and do ultrasound peeling yourself, at home. Portable devices for home use are inexpensive (from 3000 rubles). The same amount or even more should be spent on a monthly visit to the salon.

After purchasing the device, you can do cleaning regularly, at any time convenient for you. The package with the device must include instructions that must be carefully studied before a home session. What are the steps of the procedure?

At home, the facial cleansing procedure can be performed regularly, once every 3-4 weeks. You should not use it more often, as this can provoke irritation, especially in cases where the skin is excessively dry and sensitive.

During the procedure, ultrasonic waves act at the cellular level, they trigger the production of their own collagen and elastin, accelerate the renewal of skin cells and improve metabolic processes. The use of a modern method allows for deep cleansing of pores, normalizes the production of sebum and prevents the appearance of acne. Regular procedures will help tighten the skin, improve complexion and even out its tone.

Unlike other methods of skin cleansing (mechanical or chemical cleaning), the skin is not injured and does not need long-term recovery. Reviews of ultrasonic facial cleansing confirm that this is an absolutely safe and painless method, but it should be used correctly and taking into account possible contraindications.


The cost of the procedure in the salon depends on several factors. This is the level of the clinic, the qualification of the cosmetologist, the type of equipment used, the use of additional procedures (phonophoresis, massage, soothing masks). Of great importance is the condition of the skin, the presence of certain problems (increased fat content, acne) and other defects. On average, the price of ultrasonic facial cleansing is from 2000 to 5000 rubles per session.

Both salon and home facial cleaning with ultrasound provides the skin with free breathing and cleanses the pores of "garbage": sebaceous plugs, cosmetic residues, environmental pollution. Unfavorable ecology and the atmosphere of large cities quickly make the skin dull and faded, the face fades and ages prematurely. The use of ultrasonic cleaning will saturate the skin with nutrients, oxygen, moisture and help restore the old tone, youth and freshness.

Facial cleansing is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetology. It can be carried out in the classical manual way (mechanical), vacuum, chemical, laser and ultrasonic. Let us consider in more detail the technology of performing facial cleansing with ultrasound, its effectiveness and advantages.

The essence of the procedure and its benefits for the face

Ultrasonic facial cleansing (US-cleaning) is a procedure aimed at deep cleansing of the skin by exposing it to ultrasound.

To perform the procedure, an apparatus is used that generates high-frequency sound waves. Human hearing does not perceive them, but these vibrations have a positive effect on the skin, because they penetrate deeply into its layers and produce a kind of lymphatic drainage and micromassage of all cells. As a result of such manipulations, the tissues warm up well, and the molecules begin to move quickly and actively participate in metabolic processes.

Thanks to ultrasonic cleaning, the skin of the face becomes not only beautiful, but also healthy:

  1. Pollution, particles of decorative cosmetics, toxins, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms are drawn out through the pores.
  2. Tissue regeneration and healing of wounds, cuts, scars, burns and other microtraumas is accelerated.
  3. Improves blood circulation and improves skin tone.
  4. The production of subcutaneous fat is normalized.
  5. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is restored.
  6. The blood vessels are strengthened.
  7. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes disappear.
  8. Improves complexion.
  9. Small mimic wrinkles are leveled.
  10. Reduces the intensity of hyperpigmentation.
  11. Existing age spots, freckles and acne spots are lightened.
  12. Black dots, minor inflammation and redness disappear.
  13. Dead skin particles are gently and painlessly removed.

Some cosmetologists claim that ultrasonic cleaning also helps to get rid of excess fat deposits in the cheeks and chin, but this statement is actually not true. The radiation intensity of preparations used for facial cleansing is no more than 2 W/sq. cm, and to achieve the "effect of weight loss" you need an indicator of 3 W / sq. cm.

Mechanical or ultrasonic: which is more effective?

The mechanical facial cleansing procedure has the same goals as the ultrasonic one - to cleanse the skin well and improve its general condition. However, the method of its implementation is completely different: comedones are removed with fingers wrapped in a sterile napkin and special tools for this work (Unna spoon, metal loops, etc.).

Ultrasound peeling is one of the more advanced methods in cosmetology than manual peeling, but both procedures remain popular. We offer a more detailed comparison of the characteristics of both technologies.

Comparison table for procedures: pros and cons, effect and prices

Ultrasonic Mechanical (manual)
Who is more suitable Women and men over 14 with normal or dry skinWomen and men over 14 with oily or combination skin
Duration of the procedure No more than 1 hour1 hour 30 minutes
Safety No risk of infection or complicationsThe possibility of infection both during the procedure and during the rehabilitation period. Temporary seals on the skin and scars may also form.
First result After the first procedureAfter the first procedure
rehabilitation period MissingRemain redness and inflammation on the skin (up to 2 days). Pain also persists for several hours after the procedure.
The average price of one procedure in salons 1700 rubles2000 rubles
The need to repeat the procedure and recommendations Does not require a specific course of procedures.
People with oily and combination skin types are recommended to do it once every 1-2 months, with normal and dry skin - once every 3 months
Does not require a certain number of procedures. It is recommended to do it once every 3-4 months

* Prices are for summer 2106.

The opinion of doctors and cosmetologists

Experts in the field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine confirm the effectiveness of the positive effects of ultrasound on the skin of the face. However, for people with problem skin and serious cosmetic deficiencies, they generally recommend combining ultrasonic cleaning with other types of cleansing (most often mechanical), as well as massages (most often with Jacquet massage) and other procedures using professional cosmetics.

High-frequency vibrations penetrate the skin by no more than 0.3 mm, which means that they will not work to remove severely inflamed acne and deep wrinkles.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is also called a “weekend treatment” because it can quickly improve skin condition before an important event.

What indications

Ultrasound facial cleansing is prescribed for people who have:

  • blackheads and blackheads;
  • aging skin;
  • puffiness;
  • excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • enlarged pores;
  • scars, minor wounds and burns;
  • problems with skin turgor;
  • excessive dryness of the skin and peeling;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dullness and pallor of the face.

Ultrasound face cleaning, unlike, for example, chemical cleaning, can be done even in the summer. Sound waves do not increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light, so age spots will not appear after prolonged exposure to the sun.

How this procedure is done in salons (with photo)

Before ultrasonic cleaning of the face, first of all, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist about the need for the procedure and contraindications. If you want to clean regularly, the specialist will also establish an individual course of procedures depending on the type of skin.

The process itself should include the following steps:

Video: How facial cleansing is done in a specialized cosmetology clinic

Some salons offer to complete facial cleansing with an additional procedure - phonophoresis or darsonvalization.

  • Phonophoresis is a procedure for introducing various medical or cosmetic products into open and cleansed pores using the flat side of a scrubber.
  • Darsonvalization is a procedure for treating the skin with a high-voltage pulsed electric current.

Since the pores remain open for some time after the procedure, it is very important to prevent them from clogging and drying out the skin.

  • 8-15 hours after cleaning, you should not use decorative cosmetics, as well as dye your hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • During the day you can not visit the pool, bath, sauna, beach and solarium.
  • 1-2 times a day, you should wipe the skin with ice cubes from decoctions of herbs (chamomile, celandine, mint, etc.), and then moisturize abundantly with cosmetic creams or lotions.
  • 2 times a week, you need to apply restorative masks with seaweed, cosmetic clay, sea buckthorn oil, yeast, egg white, lemon juice or raw potatoes on your face.
  • To moisturize the skin from the inside, it is also recommended to increase the fluid intake.

To obtain cosmetic ice, you need 2 tbsp. l. medicinal herbs pour a glass of water, boil over low heat for 5-8 minutes and leave to infuse on the table for about 2 hours. Then strain the resulting liquid, pour into ice molds and send to the freezer for a day. Then you can safely do an ice massage, wait until the skin dries naturally and only then moisturize.

Is ultrasonic peeling possible at home?

If desired, this procedure can be carried out at home. To do this, you will need to carefully study the technology of its implementation, as well as purchase an ultrasound device for home use and the necessary cosmetics.

When choosing a device, first of all, you should pay attention to the indicators that play a major role in its operation:

  1. Power. The higher this indicator, the better the device will cleanse the skin. As a rule, the power of ultrasonic devices varies from 0.2 to 2 W/sq. cm.
  2. Weight and shape. For the convenience of ultrasonic cleaning of the face, the equipment should fit well in the palm of your hand and weigh no more than 300 g.
  3. Manufacturing firm. It is recommended to choose a device from a well-known manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a high probability of buying a low-quality device that will not have a beneficial effect on the skin or will quickly fail.
  4. Price. Good equipment cannot be cheap, but choosing the most expensive is also not worth it. The main thing is that the device is included in the categories of all of the above parameters. The average cost of such pleasure is 5000 rubles.

In addition, you can purchase a device with two modes of operation: continuous and pulsed. Alternately applying the modes will achieve maximum results.

Video: Opinion on one of the most popular ultrasound devices

With the help of an ultrasound device, it is possible to clean the skin of almost the entire body, except for the genitals and areas of the heart and thyroid gland. But most often this device is used to cleanse the face and back.

What cosmetics can be used

Currently, the cosmetic market offers a fairly wide range of products for ultrasonic facial cleansing, differing in price, composition and principle of action.

At home, many people instead of special gels and lotions apply only hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or mineral water without gas to their faces. However, to achieve maximum results, it is still recommended to use professional cosmetics. The most popular of them is presented below.

Gallery of the most popular ultrasonic facial cleansers

PREMIUM lotion by Skintherapy
Hydrating (softening) gel for all skin types from Christina
Alo-Gel (aloe gel) from Holy Land
Colorless medium viscosity media gel Elcorapan gel with mud lake salts Anti-Age pectin rejuvenating gels
Korean self-heating mask from Cettua
Phoretic washing gel Beauty Style Ultraclean control

Experts warn: if you are not sure that you can carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing in accordance with all the rules, it is better to contact an experienced cosmetologist. He will assess the condition of your skin and correctly conduct a session, taking into account all contraindications.

What are the contraindications

It is contraindicated to carry out this hardware procedure on the face:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • in the first days of menstruation;
  • people who have pustular formations on the skin of the face and body;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • severe rosacea;
  • irritation on the skin of the face;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heat;
  • colds;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • severe forms of cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • There is an opinion that ultrasound can adversely affect the quality of breast milk or reduce its production, so it is highly undesirable to clean the face of nursing mothers.

    With extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor, ultrasonic cleaning should also be performed for those who have ever done silicone or gel plastic surgery of the face and wear dental implants (braces, pins, braces and crowns).

Among the services of beauty salons, one of the leading in popularity is face cleaning using ultrasound. Does the real effect of the procedure match what the cosmetologists promise?

Ultrasonic cleaning (peeling) of the face is a complex cosmetic procedure for cleansing the skin. It is aimed at solving such aesthetic shortcomings as:

  • oily sheen;
  • black dots;
  • external contamination of the pores;
  • decreased tone and dullness of the skin;
  • puffiness, bags under the eyes.

The results of ultrasonic peeling are impressive: immediately after the procedure, the skin is tightened and healed, it looks smooth and radiant.

The action of sound waves on the skin

Ultrasonic peeling refers to hardware methods of facial skin care. Hardware cleaning, in comparison with chemical and mechanical cleaning, is less traumatic.

During the procedure, a special device is used - an ultrasonic scrubber. The contact of the metal spatula of the instrument with a moisturizing agent allows invisible waves to penetrate into the layers of the skin: the dead cells are exfoliated and the pores are cleansed.

Under the influence of high-frequency vibrations, the skin is massaged at the micro level - this improves blood circulation and restores a healthy look to the face.

False Promises

The popularity of cosmetic services also causes the opposite effect: unscrupulous marketers in the description of the procedure often embellish the effect of sound waves on the skin. Because of this, women who decide to have an ultrasound face peeling have too high expectations for it and, having not received the promised result, speak negatively about the service.

Ultrasound is not able to get rid of the following flaws:

  • skin inflammation;
  • comedones;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • scars, scars;
  • hyperpigmentation.

High-frequency waves are only suitable for superficial cleansing of the facial skin. A more radical approach is needed to fix serious problems. In some cases, you can limit yourself to deep mechanical cleaning, but sometimes medication or even surgery is necessary.

Ultrasound peeling is not a panacea for acne and pimples. Moreover, the presence of acne is a direct contraindication to the procedure, since it is possible to infect and spread the rash to healthy areas of the skin.

How is the procedure in the salon?

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. make-up removal and superficial cleansing of the skin;
  2. moisturizing with a special substance;
  3. cleansing with a scrubber;
  4. soothing massage;
  5. applying mask and cream.

Before ultrasonic cleaning, no preliminary steaming of the skin is required: it is enough to wash your face with makeup remover.

The cosmetologist applies a hydrating gel to the cleansed skin, which softens the stratum corneum of the epidermis and expands the pores. After that, you can start cleaning your face.

Skin treatment with an ultrasonic device takes no more than 20 minutes. At the end, the master conducts a soothing massage, applies a mask to narrow the pores and moisturizer.

With the correct technique of the procedure, no discomfort occurs. You can only feel a slight vibration when the instrument comes into contact with the skin over the bone (nose, cheekbones). Some note the unusual sound made by the scrubber, but it does not cause much inconvenience.

After ultrasonic peeling, a slight reddening of the skin is possible, which disappears in the shortest possible time: after a few hours, you can return to the usual rhythm of life.

How often can I have the procedure?

Ultrasound cleaning of the face can be done several times a year. To achieve the maximum result, the procedure is carried out in courses: for example, 3 times in a row with an interval of 1-2 days. Then you need to give the skin a rest for six months, and use professional caring cosmetics during the break.

How to maintain the result?

Cleansing removes only superficial impurities, but does not eliminate the very causes of skin problems. Therefore, in order to maintain the effect of ultrasound peeling, it is important not only to undergo the procedure regularly, but also to maintain a clean face after visiting a beautician. To do this, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • use only high-quality cosmetics;
  • wash off makeup at night;
  • apply moisturizer;
  • protect the skin with the help of professional preparations (in winter - from frost, in summer - from ultraviolet rays);
  • 1-2 times a week wash your face with a scrub for deep cleansing and make nourishing masks.

It is important to remember that the cause of skin problems can be not only external influences, but also an unhealthy lifestyle: stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep. If you adjust the diet and adjust the daily routine, the result of the procedure can last noticeably longer.

Compared to other cleaning methods (chemical, vacuum, mechanical cleaning), the ultrasonic method has several advantages:

  • does not cause pain and discomfort;
  • leaves no traces;
  • can be done at any time of the year;
  • gives a feeling of lightness and freshness;
  • the result of the procedure is noticeable immediately;
  • does not take much time;
  • frequent use is possible.

If you follow the instructions, treatment with a high-frequency scrubber is absolutely safe. It can be applied to any type of skin.


You can not do ultrasonic cleaning if there is:

  • acne disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe heart disease (including implantation of a pacemaker);
  • disorders in the endocrine and circulatory systems;
  • acute viral infections with fever;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma;

Despite the fact that these contraindications are extremely rare, before the procedure, the specialist must find out about their presence with the client - this guarantees his competence and professionalism.

It is not recommended to resort to ultrasonic peeling during pregnancy. Ultrasound waves have not been sufficiently studied to completely exclude a negative effect on the fetus. A pregnant woman is exposed to them during an ultrasound examination (ultrasound), and doctors do not advise exceeding the prescribed “dosage”. Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure, so for the sake of the health of mother and baby, a trip to the salon can be postponed using homemade skin care products.

Doctors' opinion

From a medical point of view, problem skin often indicates disorders in the body. That is why doctors advise not to get involved in cosmetic procedures, including ultrasonic cleaning: if it is not possible to put the face in order by external influence, perhaps the reason lies inside.
