Alcohol and appearance. Reasons for changes in appearance in a drinking person

It's no secret that lifestyle affects our appearance. Late going to bed and lack of sleep will result in signs of fatigue on the face and bags under the eyes. And a large amount of sweets eaten can result in skin rashes. What can we say about alcohol? After all, this is poison in its natural form, friendship with which will not go unnoticed by appearance. Psychiatrist and narcologist Andrei Grishchenko spoke about the nuances of the influence of alcohol on the way we look.

– Andrey Borisovich, please tell us first how alcohol affects a person’s appearance and organs.

– This is a direct toxic effect of ethyl alcohol. As a universal solvent, it penetrates absolutely all organs and tissues, overcoming all biological barriers. In other words, it hits the entire body. And here, as they say, where it’s thin, it breaks. First of all, the internal organs of the cardiovascular system suffer. This also influences the skin as an indicator of health. Naturally, everything will be reflected on the skin - a bluish-brown tint in heavy alcoholics, a change in complexion - all this will happen. Plus, the nervous system suffers: this is evidenced, for example, by a change in gait in the later stages of alcohol abuse. Under the influence of alcohol, a chemical burn occurs from the inside. If the tissues do not have time to degenerate, that is, to be replaced by a similar material, they are replaced by connective tissues, due to which elasticity is lost and organ functions are reduced. And a cascade of reactions occurs: the liver is killed, then digestion, the absorption of necessary substances is disrupted, and further along the chain.

– What determines the degree of influence of alcohol on appearance, if we talk separately about short binges and chronic alcoholism?

– If we talk about acute libations, when a person drinks for a day or two without stopping, the following picture appears before us in the morning: puffiness of the face, tremors, dry mouth. All these are manifestations associated with acute poisoning, which is the consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. As for edema, they talk about a violation of the water-salt balance. The kidneys worked too well, the electrolytes were gone, and the body’s desire to retain water appeared. Water accumulates in the tissues, and not in the bloodstream.

If we turn to chronic alcoholism, when a person abuses alcohol for several years or even decades, there will be a complete degeneration of the body from the inside out. It is worth noting that at first the body will adapt to new conditions and resist. The liver will increase in size and fatty tissue will accumulate so that alcohol hits it more than the internal organs. This is a kind of defense mechanism. Therefore, weight gain in an alcoholic, which occurs at first, is a completely natural process. Especially when libations take place at the table, with a good fatty snack. Alcoholics are characterized by large bellies, which are also popularly called beer bellies. The accumulation of fat in the anterior abdominal wall is a compensatory effect from abuse.

– What are the differences between male and female alcoholism?

– First of all, both men and women suffer from the face. Characteristic puffiness, changes in complexion, bags under the eyes - we will observe all this both here and there. By the way, in people who abuse strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac), facial puffiness can be added due to the hypertrophy of the salivary gland. And the face swells a little. Well, and the loss of a sporty image, of course. There is no longer any talk about any sports or physical education. A person ages faster. We meet a 45-year-old who, in principle, is still a young man, but he has the appearance of a 60-70-year-old man.

– Is there a criterion by which you can calculate the difference in age of a person who drinks and who does not?

– Everything is individual. It depends on the dose and regularity of use. Naturally, it also depends on the body’s ability to resist. If the body is initially strong, healthy, and has good genetics, it will resist the harmful effects of alcohol longer. If there is a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, or the body itself is weak, then alcohol will finish it off faster. Then, even by the age of 30, you can see a person who will make a very depressing impression.

– If we return to the gender issue, who shows the symptoms of alcoholism faster and more clearly?

– Faster and brighter for men. This happens due to the nature of its use, because women often drink in secret and prefer weaker drinks. On the other hand, if changes under the influence of alcohol begin in a woman, they are, one might say, catastrophic in nature. Because we recognize representatives of the fairer sex who have a morbid addiction to alcohol immediately, from afar.

Under the influence of alcohol, a chemical burn occurs from the inside. If the tissues do not have time to degenerate, that is, to be replaced by a similar material, they are replaced by connective tissues, due to which elasticity is lost and organ functions are reduced. And a cascade of reactions occurs: the liver is killed, then digestion, the absorption of necessary substances is disrupted, and further along the chain.

The appearance of such people is very characteristic. We may still have doubts about the man - maybe he is some kind of liquidator or warrior, a man battered by life. But if a woman abuses alcohol, her face ages faster, and all the signs associated with this appear more clearly than in a man. Another interesting point is typical for women. It has been little studied, but occurs in the third and fourth stages of alcoholism. These are skinny legs. Thinness to the point of dryness is a characteristic sign of alcoholism in the fair half of humanity. In addition, it is important to note that women, as a rule, come to the attention of a narcologist already in the later stages. Hence the stereotype that female alcoholism is incurable. But we can’t cure any: neither male nor female. In drug treatment clinics they only stop binge drinking and minimize the consequences. And then psychologists work. And no one can give a 100% guarantee that a person will never reach for a bottle again.

– How to minimize the consequences of drinking alcohol?

– Firstly, never drink cheap alcohol and do not drink Russian vodka - the art of creating alcohol in our country has been lost irretrievably. That is, first of all, the selection of drinks is important: it must be of high quality. Secondly, the procedure should be accompanied by a good mood, there should be good company at a good table. We are talking about ritualization. Not just to drink to get drunk, but, for example, to celebrate a holiday, make toasts, communicate with people, relax, have fun. Thus, the psychological side of the issue is very important. And third is self-discipline. If you do not discipline yourself, a narcologist or other medical professional will discipline you. You need to take care of yourself, notice difficulties, and if you want to drown the problem with alcohol, it is better to go to a psychotherapist and figure it out without waiting for the harmful consequences of abuse.

The largest organ of the human body, therefore dehydration, which alcohol consumption inevitably leads to, causes irreparable damage to it. Along with short-term effects - dullness and fading, skin changes such as fragility, pallor and dryness appear. Moreover, alcohol completely deprives the skin of vitamins and nutrients that are necessary to maintain elasticity and tone. This also ultimately leads to premature aging. And yet, the toxins contained in alcohol provoke the formation of...

Among other things, drinking alcohol leads to a skin disease such as rosacea (rosacea), which begins with frequent and rapid blushing, and eventually completely disfigures. This happens because alcohol blocks the smallest blood vessels, which is why the skin turns reddish. As a result, the central part of the face may be covered with small red bumps and pustules, and veins of clogged capillaries will appear on the surface. However, as a rule, rosacea appears as a result of a combination of several factors - poor diet and heredity.

Effect on weight

Alcohol can lead not only to facial swelling and bloating directly during consumption, but also to weight gain. Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories: a glass of wine has 125 calories, and a bottle - 500. And only a few are limited to one serving. However, weight gain is associated not only with alcohol itself, but also with the unhealthy eating behavior that it provokes. Alcohol increases appetite and significantly increases cravings for fatty unhealthy foods after sobering up.

Effect on the eyes

Alcohol clogs the capillaries not only in the skin, but also in the eyes, so they become as if they are bloodshot. Alcohol abuse irreversibly affects the liver, so the whites of the eyes may turn yellow. In addition, alcohol leads to sleep disturbances, which can lead to the formation of circles and bags under the eyes.

Other factors

Regular drinking can also result in chapped lips, unhealthy and weak teeth - all this is a consequence of a lack of nutrients in the body. They come in significantly smaller quantities if you eat unhealthy food or completely replace it with alcohol, the processing of which already occupies a dominant position among all life processes.

How to minimize the effects of alcohol on the body

  • Limit your drinking to once a week. You won't gain weight overnight if you maintain a healthy metabolism all week.
  • If you plan to have multiple drinks, eat a nutritious, healthy meal an hour beforehand. Ideally, these should be proteins and carbohydrates, the nutrients from which will enter the body before the “empty” calories of alcohol are absorbed into the blood.
  • Drinking alcohol should be accompanied by plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Try to maintain healthy eating habits. Even if you crave fatty foods, choosing more nutritious foods will prevent you from gaining weight and will stabilize your blood sugar levels. If you choose an omelet over fried chicken and potatoes, you will feel much better and the cravings for food will pass.
  • After each serving of alcohol, drink a glass of water. This will not only prevent dehydration, but will also reduce the total number of drinks consumed.

Thus, the negative effects of alcohol on our appearance, from skin and eye damage to weight gain, can be minimized by maintaining proper

With constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, appearance changes. The characteristic signs and pathological changes in the body are revealed, first of all, by the face of an alcoholic. Plunging into addiction, a person becomes disfigured almost beyond recognition.

The processes that occur inside the body necessarily affect the appearance. The skin ages and acquires a purple-red hue, the nose turns blue and becomes covered with spider veins, and unhealthy thinness appears.

Internal organs suffer, all systems, such as endocrine, cardiovascular, genitourinary and others, chronic diseases appear and develop.

Usually it all starts with mild swelling and allergies, and ends with irreversible processes and often death. Throughout the world, alcoholism is not only an addiction, but also a disease. And it is precisely this disease, gradually poisoning the body, that makes itself felt in the face.

What can a person's face tell?

Appearance of an alcoholic- this is a symptom that will betray the drinker, even if he carefully hides his problem with alcohol. Depending on the stage, the face may change almost beyond recognition. There is no external impact on the body. All processes take place from within.

The liver and kidneys, our natural filters, are seriously malfunctioning. The metabolism ceases to function normally, as it is constantly under attack from a dose of ethyl poisoning.

Appearance at various stages of the disease:

External signs of alcoholism make it easy to distinguish such people from the general mass. They are immediately visible by swelling of the body, complexion, cloudy eyes, red whites of the eyes and lack of coordination.

But this state does not come at once, but develops gradually:

  1. Appearance may remain almost unchanged. Only slight swelling will be visible. It seems as if the person is sick and feels unwell. But over time, alcohol becomes addictive and has a strong effect even on young people, not sparing their appearance. The face begins to swell, a rash appears, bags and dark circles under the eyes. The person gradually enters the second period of the disease, where even greater changes in appearance await him.
  2. This stage is already chronic. Not only does the face and body suffer, but social degradation also occurs. The heart, kidneys, liver, brain and the body as a whole wear out. It is no longer able to remove excess fluid and gradually gains it, while the skin is dehydrated and loses color. A person stops taking care of himself and his hygiene.
  3. Significant damage to the skin and internal organs. A person can expect necrosis, ulcers, the development of chronic or acquired diseases (cirrhosis and Hepatitis C) and, as a finale, quick death. It will be difficult to recover from this stage. Because it is accompanied by diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, central nervous system, hepatitis. The body is so poisoned and weakened that it cannot cope even with basic functions. It is at this stage that severe swelling appears, the nose becomes covered with red-blue capillaries, hair falls out, nails become brittle and suffer from fungus.

Characteristic facial features of binge alcoholics

An alcoholic can be recognized quite easily, precisely by external signs. The drinker is transformed beyond recognition. Such addicts are like twins. Severe swelling, due to bags, reduced eye shape.

The body is unable to remove ethanol, fluid accumulates, and internal organs cannot withstand the load. High blood pressure causes the face to turn red. And due to the fact that the frontal muscle is constantly tense, it has an oval appearance.

The nose not only turns red, but also swells.

Violation of capillaries makes lips pale. Neuralgic changes also add their own pattern to the face. Facial expressions are transformed and a special “alcoholic mask” appears.

The body is constantly fighting against toxins that it throws out through the skin. As a result, it becomes covered with a rash, pimples, and becomes very dry, as alcohol causes dehydration.

This leads to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and aging. If you compare a photo some time ago before the onset of the disease and during its development, the person will be almost impossible to recognize.

Causes of facial swelling in drinkers

The reason that the face swells and over time turns into complete edema is frequent alcohol consumption. After treatment with liver enzymes, it is transformed into acetaldehyde. This substance is the cause of swelling.

It would seem that the body is dehydrated, but at a certain moment the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed and swelling is a clear sign of this. The body is constantly in a stress response and constantly accumulates moisture. Lymphatic drainage slows down and the amount of water is retained “in reserve.”

Also, obvious reasons for the swelling of an alcoholic are as follows:

  1. alcoholic cardiomyopathy, ascites and other diseases;
  2. renal failure;
  3. heart failure.

The mechanism of action of alcoholic poisons, regardless of the type of drink, is the same in its effect on appearance. Surrogates and low-quality alcohol have a faster impact on health. You can get rid of the puffiness effect only by undergoing detoxification for several months.

Why do alcoholics' faces turn red?

Redness– this is a clear manifestation of the disease at a protracted stage and by this sign you can immediately recognize the problem. When the nose turns red.

After taking a dose of alcohol, the face turns red after two to three hours, since the ethanol in its composition increases blood pressure, blood rushes to the head, and blood vessels dilate.

Over time, their elasticity deteriorates, the capillaries become clogged and burst, and a blood network forms mainly on the nose. Over time, micro-strokes occur and the skin becomes covered with spider veins. No cosmetics can hide this manifestation. It needs to be removed using special procedures.

Features of changes in men and women

Men. Representatives of the stronger sex do not consider beer to be alcoholic. Although dependence on this drink causes the most invisible and dangerous alcoholism.

When the drinking becomes stronger and more frequent, the man changes before his eyes. The young drunkard turns into an old man in appearance. The face turns red, especially the nose, and withdrawal symptoms (puffiness of the body) appear. Then the man loses weight. The skin becomes flabby, muscle and bone tissues are destroyed.

This is a feature of the development of the disease at a serious stage.

Women. Outwardly, you can almost immediately determine that this is an alcoholic. And it's quite easy to recognize. She is starting to look much older than her age by about 15-20 years. She becomes more aggressive because she receives an excess of the male hormone testosterone.

As a result, the pores suffer greatly, and the condition of the skin worsens. Its cover becomes coarser and loses moisture. If a woman continues to use, she will quickly age.

Horrifyingly, the damage alcohol causes to the body is irreversible. The withdrawal syndrome (swelling) partially remains with her for the rest of her life.

How to restore your face?

It is possible to restore your face after long-term alcoholism and return to normal life.

Of course, correcting the consequences is much more difficult than preventing them. Complete cessation of drinking alcohol will be the first stage of adaptation to social life. Then you can undergo a procedure to detoxify the body. This service is available in clinics and even in beauty salons and spas.

The person begins to gradually return to normal appearance, improving health. But recovery may take a month or even a year.

The body is weakened and will never be the same again, so it is necessary to take a break from exercise and lead a more gentle lifestyle, in which there is no place for alcohol. After all, drunkenness is a direct path to destroying your life. You can treat the consequences of its use, but it is better to prevent tragedy.

The general condition of a person’s body is always reflected in his appearance, and an experienced doctor can diagnose a number of ailments that the patient suffers from by just looking at his face. The most noticeable traces are left by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The face of an alcoholic shows not one or two characteristic signs, but a whole complex of pathological changes, which became more obvious the longer the addiction took place.

What can a person's face tell?

A person’s face can tell a lot about his character, habits, lifestyle, social and intellectual level and other individual characteristics. Being a kind of calling card, an attractive face contributes to success, building a brilliant career and establishing contacts with people, and, conversely, any flaws in appearance significantly complicate life.

Alcohol abuse leaves an indelible mark on faces, significantly changing features and making it impossible to hide this destructive passion in secret. The face of a drunkard is a very unsightly and repulsive sight, capable of causing only negative associations among others with all the ensuing consequences.

Characteristic facial features of binge alcoholics

In medicine, there is a term “the face of an alcoholic.” This concept is a collective image of the most typical features and characteristic features of the appearance of a person who abuses alcohol. First of all, such a face can be recognized by its characteristic puffiness and strong pigmentation. Swelling on the wings of the nose and eyelids is usually most noticeable, and the skin of the cheeks becomes pale.

The skin color becomes bluish, it looks dull and dehydrated, and enlarged pores often become inflamed. Purple vascular network, formed due to micro-ruptures of capillaries, is also considered an integral sign of alcoholism. The facial features become coarser and the gaze loses its meaning. A person looks much older than his age, which is primarily characteristic of women, who, even by giving up the bottle, will no longer be able to regain their former attractiveness and freshness.

Who would have thought:

Alcohol changes the body's hormonal levels, increasing the amount of male hormones in women and female hormones in men. It is for this reason that drinkers’ libido quickly fades and even external sexual differences are erased, turning them into asexual alcoholics.

Under the influence of alcohol, irreversible changes in the tone of facial muscles occur, which leads to sagging cheekbones and lips. The forehead, on the contrary, is constantly in a tense state, which, combined with half-closed, puffy eyes, presents a very repulsive picture. The pores of the skin noticeably expand and often become inflamed, which leads to the appearance of rashes and ulcers.

Causes of facial swelling in drinkers

One of the main consequences of irrepressible libations is dehydration of the body, which cannot but have a detrimental effect on the condition of the urinary system. The breakdown products of alcohol are dangerous toxins, to remove which the body uses all internal resources, forcing the liver and kidneys to work in an enhanced mode. Over time, this situation causes a failure in maintaining water balance and contributes to the emergence of a whole bunch of diseases.

It is kidney disease that makes the faces of alcoholics swollen and dry, as well as causing permanent “bags” under the eyes. Poorly filtered blood becomes poor in iron, oxygen and other transported substances and elements, which negatively affects appearance. The kidneys, being unable to work in extreme mode for a long time, simply fail. As a result, a hypertensive crisis may occur, ending in a stroke, including death.

Why do alcoholics' faces turn red?

The first and strongest blow when breaking down ethyl alcohol is taken by the liver, as a result of which the skin of the face and body acquires a jaundiced tint over time. Secondly, the cardiovascular system suffers from alcohol. The already fragile walls of the blood vessels become thinner and micro-strokes occur, causing purple stars to appear on the face and neck, and also giving them a characteristic purple color.

And finally, alcohol harms all metabolic processes in the human body. Endocrine disorders, unbalanced nutrition and vitamin deficiency lead to the formation of inflammation and characteristic rashes on the facial skin. In general, the skin looks unkempt, dry and covered with a network of wrinkles, and the lips lose their natural color, becoming purple-whitish.

Who would have thought:

Light alcoholic drinks, which are preferred, considered harmless, by young girls and young men from 16 to 25 years old, cause alcoholism with a 75% probability when consumed at least two to three times a week. This is 4.5 times greater than the probability of acquiring alcoholism due to drinking cognac, whiskey, vodka and other strong drinks with the same frequency. A tribute to fashion and a club lifestyle over the past 5 years have led to the fact that 40% of Russian youth of reproductive age and 30% of teenagers are at one stage or another in the development of alcoholism.

It is worth noting that redness and rashes on the skin themselves cannot indicate alcoholism, but in combination with other external signs, including unkemptness, puffiness and antisocial behavior, they are considered a significant diagnostic aspect. As a rule, the more advanced the disease, the more obvious the external manifestations of alcoholism become. Not surprisingly, all alcoholics look about the same over time.

Faces of alcoholics in the photo, before and after

Very quickly, the addiction to alcohol of famous people from the world of show business and politics, often caught by paparazzi cameras, becomes public knowledge. All the changes that occur to the face of a person suffering from alcoholism are striking in comparison with those photographs in which such a person was captured before acquiring a bad habit.

The Internet is replete with unattractive photographs of drunk stars and ordinary people, viewing which may well become a powerful incentive to give up alcohol. It is enough to look at a photo of a person before and after alcoholism to be firmly convinced of how serious the damage this addiction causes.

Alcohol, without a doubt, destroys human lives, destroying their psyche, crippling their health and causing irreparable harm to their appearance. Faces disfigured by addiction to alcohol can only evoke disgust. The faces of alcoholics, coupled with untidiness and the unpleasant smell of fumes, make them outcasts of society, and only with a powerful willpower coupled with qualified medical assistance do such people manage to return to normal life, lifting themselves from the very bottom.

Despite the fact that the damage caused by alcohol abuse to one’s appearance is the least of the evils caused by alcoholism, for many the fear of losing external attractiveness becomes a powerful reason for leading a healthy lifestyle and giving up the addiction.

How to get rid of it?

The only way that really works is to stop drinking. And start leading a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, sports, sleep. And then, of course, over time, the face will take its usual shape.

How is it changing?

Everything is very simple. At first the face just swells. Then characteristic signs appear: swelling, a red nose, a bluish tint to the skin, watery eyes and much more.

Alcohol addiction is a fairly serious disease that has specific symptoms and affects appearance. Even short-term alcohol abuse has a noticeable impact on one’s appearance, so an alcoholic can easily be identified by appearance.


Even after a single dose of alcohol in the morning, characteristic symptoms appear, such as a tired face with a grayish skin tone, a disgusting smell of fumes from the breath, purple swelling around the eyes, and a dull, faded hair color. If alcohol consumption occurs systematically, then the manifestations of alcohol on appearance become pronounced, and an invigorating shower or a good night’s sleep will not save you from them.

  • the skin takes on a gray tint, becomes excessively dry, metabolic disorders occur, which contribute to a change in figure in the direction of losing weight or gaining extra pounds;
  • a drinker's hair becomes faded and lifeless, and its ends begin to split;
  • the whites of the eyes become cloudy, they are penetrated by many red veins, which is associated with increased cholesterol levels;
  • due to high blood pressure, the face of an alcoholic may become very red, acquiring a brick tint;
  • nails become brittle, layered, and hangnails appear.

These signs of an alcoholic are especially pronounced in women who become dependent on alcohol. Appearance changes so much that alcoholism is easily determined at the first glance at a person.

The influence of various drinks on appearance

In general, the degree of impact of alcohol on appearance is determined by the intensity and duration of abuse. So, if a person has once abused a large amount of alcohol, then the result of such a short-term binge will be inflamed eyes and swelling of the face, which quickly disappear (within 1-2 days). When alcohol abuse occurs systematically, in a chronic form, the effect of alcohol on appearance becomes alarming: the skin on the face and body quickly ages, becomes wrinkled, excess weight appears, and a person looks much older than his age.

In addition, the degree of severity of the “alcoholic” appearance is also influenced by the fact which drink the person predominantly abuses. Strong alcohol such as vodka, whiskey, cognac, various low-quality drinks and surrogates deal the greatest blow to appearance. Wine has a less detrimental effect on appearance, if, of course, you drink it in moderation. If you abuse the grape product immensely, it will cause characteristic redness of the face. Such an alcoholic will constantly have swelling, and his appearance will begin to age quickly.

If you abuse beer, you should remember about its diuretic effect, against the background of which important minerals and vitamin compounds are washed out of the body in the shortest possible time. Beer is also a common cause of obesity in the abdominal area. Men who are accustomed to drinking a bottle or two of beer every night in front of the TV suffer especially from such alcohol.

How alcohol affects women

Women should remember that alcohol and beauty are categorically incompatible things. On the streets of Russian cities you can often find examples of such “duels” where alcohol came out the winner. Among representatives of the fairer sex who abuse strong drinks, their alcoholic weakness is immediately determined. They have:

  1. Sagging and loose skin;
  2. The figure and posture changes. The young woman looks like an old woman from the outside;
  3. The nose swells, the nasolabial fold stands out, the pores on the skin of the face noticeably expand;
  4. There are purple circles around the eyes, covering the wrinkled skin;
  5. Protruded vessels cause severe redness of the face;
  6. The body experiences acute vitamin deficiency, which immediately affects the condition of nails and hair. Nails constantly break and peel, hair splits and falls out;
  7. Rapid weight gain or weight loss caused by metabolic disorders.

Due to constant dehydration, the skin dries out and wrinkles so much that no super advertised cream will help it. Women suffering from alcoholism stop taking care of their appearance, and their desire to please themselves and other men disappears. And more often, such women find themselves no less than a drinking gentleman, who doesn’t care about her appearance.

It is dangerous that alcohol addiction in women develops rapidly, and their appearance also ages quickly under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, to preserve youth and beauty, abuse of any type of alcohol is strictly contraindicated for a woman.

How alcohol affects men

Alcohol has no less harmful effects on a man’s appearance. Like the female half, alcohol abuse in men worsens the skin condition. Men suffering from alcoholism look much older than their actual age. There is always puffiness on their face, and their nose becomes bright red and swollen due to dilated capillaries. In addition, men who like to drink tend to have difficulty breathing and sunken eyes. Due to blockage of the capillaries, the eyes of men suffering from alcoholism become as if bloodshot, and with concomitant liver pathologies, the whites of the eyes acquire a jaundiced tint.

As for the figure, it especially changes under the influence of excessive abuse of beer. In male beer alcoholics:

  • the body gradually takes on feminine shape;
  • a strongly protruding “beer” belly appears;
  • the hip part increases and noticeably rounds;
  • breasts appear;
  • muscles are noticeably reduced;
  • hair growth on the surface of the body decreases.

The reason for this feminization of the male body is the phytoestrogens contained in large quantities in the intoxicating drink. In addition, beer contains many easily digestible carbohydrates, which cause rapid weight gain.

How to improve your appearance after quitting alcohol

Many people believe that soon after giving up alcohol, the body will quickly recover and appearance will return to its former self. But this is not true at all. The work of internal organs seriously affects the appearance, and under the influence of alcoholism, the activity of all body systems has noticeably gone wrong. Therefore, the speed of restoration of the normal state of the skin, blood vessels and weight is determined by the normalization of intraorganic activity.

That is why it will not be possible to quickly restore its former appearance and fresh look. Although within half a month after stopping drinking alcohol, your face will look much better, the typical “alcoholic” swelling will subside. To speed up the recovery of the body, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, follow the principles of a healthy diet, move more, etc.

With a sufficiently long history of alcoholism, when various kinds of pathological disorders have arisen in the body against its background, drug treatment and blood cleansing may be necessary. At times, the body of alcoholics is in a terrible state, and it simply does not have the resources to recover on its own. Therefore, the first step to recovery will be an absolute abstinence from strong drinks and a medical examination.
