The limitless bank of the universe is a check of abundance. Universe “abundance check”: a check sample, the principle of operation of the technique, important tips and tricks

I am very impressed by the well-known phrase that one should not expect miracles from the world, one must be kinky by oneself! I absolutely agree with this statement and even constantly put it into practice. Today I want to invite you to fulfill your cherished dreams with the help of the Bank of Great Opportunities.

No interest or collateral is required, the main condition is the desire to receive money to fulfill your dreams and a positive attitude.

This magical technique of interacting with the powerful, with our Universe (which can rightly be called the Bank of Great Opportunities), is quite simple. Therefore, why not try it in action?

You will need a check to receive the amount you need. To do this, copy the image you like and print it. A personal checkbook that you no longer use may also be suitable.

Abundance check. How to fill

In order for everything to work, some conditions must be met:

1. The amount of money must be clearly stated, as well as your desire (specific goal).

2. It must be your desire, coming from the heart. And not for the intended purpose, such as paying off debts or repaying a loan.

3. It is also not suitable to wish to be appointed to some position with a fixed salary or from an expected source.

In that case, you don't give the universe room to maneuver. In the check it is important to indicate WHAT you want to receive, and not HOW it should happen. The Abundance check is a kind of artifact that will open an energy channel to get what you want. What matters is your desire and your willingness to receive it.

It is interesting:

For example, you need money to buy a car or a laptop, so write. Or do you dream of traveling to some country? Then let's apply for the right amount for this trip. Of course, you should not demand millions at once, as your energy potential may simply not be enough for this. Your money ceiling must be raised gradually.

Be sure to need specificity and adequacy. If you say that you need two million for small expenses, then you will only amuse the Universe and you are unlikely to get anything. The indicated amount should be comfortable and lifting for you, otherwise your disbelief and doubts will simply set your subconscious mind to the opposite result.

And one more important nuance. It is necessary to fill in the Check of Abundance on the growing Moon. Ideally - on the New Moon, within a day after it. In the check, enter your purpose, amount and your full name and surname. If you can’t decide on the exact amount, then write “paid in full” in the payment column.

After that, put the check in a safe place and just put all thoughts about it out of your head until the next New Moon. Just know that your application has been submitted and will be reviewed when your time is up. Do not disturb the Heavenly Office unnecessarily and do not escalate the situation.

On the next New Moon, you can fill in a new Abundance Check, because you probably have other cherished desires. When your wish comes true and you receive the required amount, burn the cashed check with words of gratitude and pour the ashes into a flower pot (preferably in the sector of wealth and abundance).

You can also connect to the energy of money and prosperity through.

Fulfillment of all cherished desires to you, good luck and prosperity in all areas of life!

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Simoron abundance check is quite a popular method that helps in attracting money. But in order for it to work, you need to know the basic subtleties of its application and creation. Let's take a look at them.

The subtleties of filling out an abundance check:

1. As you know, the universe realizes our intentions, the main thing is that they are sincere and do not cause resistance. Therefore, first of all, decide on your desire. How much money do you want to raise? Think well. Don't set the bar too high. Go gradually to larger amounts. It is recommended to guess the amount 2-3 times more than the one you currently have.

If you have material desires that you need money to fulfill, highlight them for yourself. And choose one of the most ... Useful when filling out a check.

2. Decided on the goal? Well done. Now download a sample abundance check:

I want to warn you right away that you can work with this technique only in the first twenty-four hours of the new moon.

Download the template and fill it out in a computer program, then print it out. Or print it out first, and then design it with a pen or marker.

3. Do not give this ritual too much importance, but at the same time believe in it. And approach filling the abundance check effortlessly.

Consider an example of design on this sample:

A. Fill in the date at the bottom, next to the signature universe - the exact number when you fill out the check.

B. In the white field located in the upper right corner, enter the amount you have previously decided on.

C. Amount in words - Write in words the amount shown in the upper right corner.

D. Recipient - your last name, first name and patronymic.

E. The goal is the desire that you want to fulfill. (if you don't know what you want, leave this field blank, but it's better to fill it in anyway).

4. After the work done, put the check in the box, in your magical place. And even if you have the intention to quickly materialize within a year, do not throw it away, save all samples.

5. When you reach the desired amount or your desire materializes, make a new abundance check.

6. Act, not missing new chances and ideas in your life.

Be sure to do creative visualizations or affirmations for money every day while feeling like you already have what you want.

The abundance check is an effective technique for attracting money and gaining prosperity. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, want to improve your financial situation and attract money into your life, then this ritual is for you!

The abundance check is filled on the day of the new moon. This is the time of the change of the lunar cycle, which is characterized by renewal and purification. It is believed that it is on the day of the new moon that you can correct or correct your destiny and start a new life.

Print this abundance check and fill it out within 24 hours of the new moon., but do not delay with this ritual. The earlier the better.

An example of filling out an abundance check

How to fill out an abundance check

In the graph "Receiver name" write your full name, surname and patronymic. In the graph "Sum" write the amount that you currently need and "Paid in full." In the graph "Signature" write the law of abundance.

You can not fill out an abundance check in a depressive and bad mood. Be sure to tune in to this ritual and be inspired to receive money soon, because material well-being will not come to you from this piece of paper, but from your intention and fuse. Perform this technique with the feeling that a miracle is about to happen.

Despite the fact that some people who have tried this ritual for the new moon say that it is not necessary to believe in it - this technique will still work, it is still recommended to believe in it and tune in to the inevitable receipt of money!

This technique for attracting money makes it possible to declare to the Universe about your exact intentions and desires. Try to bring miracle into your life! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Abundance Check

The abundance check is not directly related to the age-old knowledge of feng shui. However, both feng shui and the abundance check are aimed at achieving the desired results. And for this, all means are good, except for violence and the selection of money and goods from other people. In addition, Feng Shui just orients a person to achieve the desired goals with his own strength, knowledge and desire. And since both methods are aimed at the same thing, why not use the opportunity as an abundance check? In addition, on our website there are mantras and music for meditation, which are not directly related to the science of Feng Shui. And it depends only on your desire whether to use the rest of the tools, along with the tools and talismans of Feng Shui or not.

Now it's time to talk about such a powerful tool (if you believe in connection with the Universe) as an abundance check.

Throughout life, a person works hard not only for self-realization, but also in order to be able to satisfy his many desires and needs. And at any level of prosperity, he will always lack something. So, if yesterday we just dreamed of a car, even the most modest and simple, just to feel the wheels under us, then tomorrow, having enjoyed the taste of one dream, we are thinking about a new foreign car - such is the essence of man and it is difficult to change it.

This is probably why the abundance check was created. This magical instrument is also called the "bank of the universe", which does not depend on world crises, the stability of the currency and oil production. The loans of the Bank of the Universe are unlimited, absolutely anyone can use them, but only if clearly established rules are observed.

Abundance check: how to fill it out correctly?

It is recommended to take a blank sheet of a checkbook as the basis for filling out, but since the latter are quite rare in the post-Soviet space, such a check can be made independently, armed with a pen and paper. This will not affect its power in any way. If you do not want to do crafts and draw up a document manually, you can download the abundance check right from here and fill out its printed version.

Download abundance check

When filling out an abundance check, the sample below is best taken as a basis and adhere to strictly prescribed rules:

It has the right to life and another option for filling out an abundance check:

It is very important not only to follow the rules above, but also to know what you can’t or shouldn’t do when filling out an abundance check:

  1. You can’t set a deadline for the fulfillment of a wish on a check (thus you will tie the Universe to certain numbers and dates, which can disrupt its natural course).
  2. It is not recommended to write in the check the amount (if you still decide to follow the second option), “uncomfortable” for you, that is, so that you know exactly what you will do with it. You should not immediately aim at large-scale desires, for the fulfillment of which you are not yet ready, although you are very eager. Start with something simpler and more mundane, gradually increasing in scale and scope.

The completed check should be put somewhere in a secluded place where outsiders will not get, and forget about it, or rather, release the desire into the Universe, she herself will figure out where to get it from and when to fulfill it.

Check expiry date

Red envelope for money and checks

Like any real check, an abundance check is valid for a month, after which you can fill out a new check. However, do not rush to throw away the "redeemed" check. Make or buy a red envelope and keep your processed checks there. After all, this is a “document” confirming your relationship with the Universe.

Few people remember that an abundance check serves not only to attract material wealth, but also everything that, in human understanding, falls under the definition of abundance. It can be love, friendship, support, confidence in the future, the main thing is to correctly formulate your thoughts and not write in riddles.

History is silent about who exactly invented the abundance check, but there are more than enough adherents and admirers of this magical instrument. This is especially true for those people for whom the book "The Secret" or the documentary of the same name are the main life advisers. According to the theory presented here, the check of abundance is the “carrier pigeon” of a person’s dream to the Universe, which will certainly materialize all thoughts and desires. Confirmation that it really works is hundreds of thousands of people whose wishes and dreams come true one after another.

In the preface to filling out an abundance check, it is often indicated that it is not at all necessary to believe in the fulfillment of the desire entered into it. But in fairness it should be noted that it is unlikely that a person will fill out a check just to make sure that it “does not work”. Therefore, believing in this, we put the energy of our dreams and positively charged thoughts into the check.

Of course, there are examples with the "-" sign. Many complain that they did not achieve the desired result. Why? There can be a lot of options: they violated the filling algorithm, put an “uncomfortable” amount or dream for themselves, or maybe the time for fulfillment had not yet come, or, filling out the abundance check, the person did not fully believe in the power of this magical tool.

There is also such a version that nothing can fall on a person’s head (with rare exceptions), therefore, the Universe, in order to fulfill the desired, provides an opportunity to earn money if it is a material request or a chance to meet, make peace, find someone, etc. ., if we are talking about something spiritual. And a person, instead of accepting a chance as a guide to action, simply sits at home and waits without initiative for happiness to fall on him. This can only happen in the lottery, however, in order to win it, you must at least go and buy a ticket.

This is stated not only by various teachings, but also by the practice of worldly wisdom, dressed in a parable:

There lived a man in the world, no better and no worse than others, but he had one cherished dream - to win the lottery. His desire was so great that every day he went to church and lit candles for the fulfillment of his desire, prayed to the saints.

For many years he repeated his ritual, visiting the church, asking the Almighty for help and assistance. He did it so long and hard that even the angels could not stand it and turned to God with a request to help the poor fellow, to fulfill his cherished dream, because it was a pity to watch how he was killed human. But God replied that he would gladly fulfill his request if he bought a lottery ticket at least once.

When it comes to feng shui theory, there is often controversy about what the abundance check has to do with it. Many categorically deny their connection, giving logical arguments and explanations for this. But the answer is obvious: an abundance check is a tool that activates the energy of abundance, and everything that is done for the benefit of a person and activates energy can be attributed to feng shui.
