Black widows women. Black widows - induced curse or own mistakes

"Black Widow" lives in America. No, this is not a vamp, this is the most ordinary shiny black spider with two red skull-shaped spots on its abdomen. The female of this spider hangs a simple cobweb on a bush or grass in the hope of catching a fly or a mosquito.

Black widow males are very rare in nature, they are three or four times smaller than females, weak and not poisonous. After stormy love fights, hungry females eat males with pleasure, and after a while this insidious eight-armed or eight-legged “female individual” lays eggs in a cobweb cocoon and becomes a single mother.

However, "black widows" are found not only in the animal kingdom. These widow fatales are also among people, more precisely, in the female half of humanity. According to scientists, psychologists, parapsychologists and esotericists, among widows there really is a certain, and considerable, percentage of such fatal women who bring their husbands at best - trouble, and at worst - death. Moreover, the danger arises both from a man linking his fate with the destructive karma of widows, and from the fact that these women are energy vampires and suck life and strength out of their husbands. To live by constantly burying your men is considered one of the most powerful curses. Women who have buried more than two of their husbands are still popularly called "black widows".

The most famous and famous "black widow" of the past was considered a lady from the high society of St. Petersburg Sternval Aurora Karlovna. This very young beauty has a fiancé who tragically dies just a few days before the wedding celebration, and soon the girl accepts a new marriage proposal from her friend A.S. Pushkin, Colonel Alexander Mukhanov. The wedding was again scheduled, and again on the eve of it a terrible event occurs: Mukhanov suddenly dies ...

Two years pass. Beauty Aurora still marries, now for P. Demidov, a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. But again almost immediately becomes a widow ...

Six long years pass, and Aurora Sternval decides on another marriage. This time, her chosen one was the son of the famous writer and historian Andrei Karamzin. However, again the young woman was overtaken by evil fate: her husband was killed in the war against the Turks ...

The last victim of the "black widow" was the poet G. Even the novelist Maslov, who dared to write a poem about this mysterious fatal woman, suddenly fell seriously ill in the process of work and soon died in a hospital bed.

Until her death, and she died in 1902, Aurora Sternval, although she enjoyed great success with the strong half of humanity, never risked getting married again. She knew that a terrible curse hung over her. It was said that her mother, once angry with her own daughter, rashly cursed all those men who would fall in love with her ...

History knows many "fatal widows", including Russians, who died up to ten or even fifteen lovers and husbands.
The theory of karma explains this phenomenon very reliably: it is a terrible curse associated with grief.

Such curses, according to psychics, are imposed only by unusually strong sorcerers. At the same time, all esotericists unanimously say that most often women themselves are to blame for what happens to them. If each of the “black widows” analyzes her past life, each of them will remember a case when she or her loved ones cursed a man in their hearts, who, perhaps, betrayed her by leaving for another woman. This is what becomes, as a rule, the cause of the strongest resentment, which results in a curse with fatal words.

The first person cursed in this way, as a rule, will die seven years after the curse is pronounced, and from that moment on, the “black widow” begins a fatal life path. And this is also understandable: the curse, being a negative energy, does not cease to exist, it simply finds another owner. And in this case, it becomes the one who herself is its source.

Since that time, next to such a "black widow" men cannot live. It does not matter whether the marriage is official or civil. Every man who is next to such a woman - the bearer of a fatal curse, dies in an unexpected way. Someone can die from a quick illness, and someone will commit suicide. And whatever one may say, their fate is predetermined. Moreover, according to the esotericists, each next of the husbands dies much earlier than the previous husband.

Those who inadvertently show signs of attention to such a fatal woman may well suffer. As soon as a man pays attention to the "black widow", he is marked with the seal of death.

Many women, realizing the gravity of the situation and realizing that they have become "black widows" in order to deceive the fatal confluence of life, give up any personal life. I must say, this is the right decision if they do not have children. But, as psychics say, if a “black widow” has children, and especially if they are boys, then they cannot live in peace, believing that there are no men around, which means that the issue has been resolved. When there is at least some male representative in the house at the same time as her, then the blow from the curse automatically falls on him, which means that he dies. But if there is no adult man in the house, then the curse automatically passes to the child-boy. Most often, such children do not even live past the age of seven, and those who are already more than seven years old need to be wary of the tragedies that await them after each seven-year cycle of life.

A lot has been written about the “black widowhood” of the glamorous writer Oksana Robski. They say that every time she managed to get married in revenge, and not for love. She had a beloved man with whom the relationship did not work out, so Oksana married almost the first one who proposed to her. It turned out to be an unremarkable simpleton Andrei Antonov, who liked to drink and swagger. Even the birth of a daughter could not save this union. Once, after another scandal, in a fit of anger, Robsky kicked him out of the house. And after some time, Andrei died in a drunken brawl. When Oksana got married for the second time, all her friends envied her: a handsome and young rich banker gave her expensive gifts and foreign cars. However, one day, leaving the apartment, he died, stitched through with the killer's shots.

With her third husband, Michael Robski, the "black widow" was selling furniture. But one fine day, he suddenly disappeared, leaving his sonorous surname to his wife in addition to the mansion on Rublevka. It was rumored that shortly before such a sudden disappearance, he had some kind of global trouble. The writer for the fourth time was supposed to marry the famous Igor Shalimov, a football player. They set a wedding day many times, which never took place. And it is not at all excluded: someone advised the groom that you should not link your fate with such a fatal woman.

"Black widows", according to parapsychologists, in addition to their will, are the owners of powerful destructive energy. And therefore, the daily communication of such a partner with men literally kills the latter. After all, spouses, being vampires, “suck out” positive energy from them. Therefore, it is not surprising that sooner or later men begin to get sick. The "black widows" themselves, as a rule, do not even suspect that they exude evil. They think they are sweet, loving and caring. And this is true to some extent: after all, they are victims of someone's evil will. This type of curse that is cast on such women is called the “black widow veil.”

The mystery and mysticism of the "black widowhood" is still unsolved.

What weighs on them - a curse or a psychological attitude that makes them look for men for themselves and put them in the "risk group"? This question is still the subject of research and debate...

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Indistinctly talking with a colleague who yesterday told WHAT happened in her life and I thought about it, but said nothing.

Here's what I've read on the subject:

“Mine buried 3 husbands at the age of 38. Two died, one, the last committed suicide.


The black widow corruption is part curse, part induced negativity.

This type of corruption-curse over time, if not neutralized, will bring torment, misfortune and death. As a rule (more often) the black widow curse-damage is induced from the outside, intentionally. Sometimes innocent women suffer.

But in some cases, the cause of this damage to the black widow can be the lady herself with a negative, powerful energy that destroys the life of a partner who is next to her. Life partner, husband, friend, lover, etc., passes away early - dies, dies ...

And sometimes it just disappears from the face of the Earth under mysterious circumstances (left home and never returned). The cause of death can be any circumstance, from an accident to a heart attack or other fatal illness.

It is no secret that these ladies are beautiful, attractive and sexy and attract men of all ages. Often a man in love is absolutely unaware of anything, he is not able to understand what this relationship will bring him.

The damage to the black widow spreads gradually and the object of damage does not pay attention to the deterioration in health that begins to occur soon after meeting such a woman. Further, more - problems in business, relationships with others are getting worse and worse.

If you are lucky, then the black widow will be able to draw all the conclusions in time, thinking about the circumstances of the failures and weighing all the signs of an unpleasantly developing situation, the person becomes scared, he realizes that the woman next to him is a threat to his life.

This is followed by a series of scandals, a desire to leave, but it turns out to be a strong feeling, holding tightly. What to do in this situation?

Being next to this special, a man gets very serious trouble. Usually,
The “black widow” with its powerful, destructive energy will bring the partner to the most negative consequences. Sometimes, a woman herself does not realize that she is the bearer of such evil.

There are two ways out - to leave and break off relations with this woman, and remove the black widow damage, thereby saving people from the destructive and destructive effects of the negative program.

In conclusion, we can conclude: black widow damage is one of the most destructive negative effects on a person, and it is extremely difficult to remove black widow damage. Cases have been recorded when the "black widow" corruption-curse is inherited.

Personally, I knew such a lady - she, as for me, a beautiful soul, buried three husbands, lovers (after the last husband) also all disappear somewhere. From each husband she received an apartment and wealth. She rents apartments, travels wherever she wants, traveled the whole world. She has no children and never has.

I don’t blame her for anything, (God forbid), and no one blames her, knowing her personal qualities. By the way, this is a beautiful, stately, youthful lady, at 65 she looks 40-45, a natural blonde. Healthy, active, participates in all events of the city (large resort town). The whole city greets her and bows. Now, her mother and grandmother had the same thing. They say it's a family curse. At the same time, she is very happy and there are more than enough fans.


Black Widow

One of the worst curses is to live and constantly bury your men.

Those women who have buried more than two husbands are popularly called black widows.

This is a terrible family curse, which is associated with grief and tears.

Often such women, after what they have experienced, are simply afraid to build their personal life further. And they do it right.

So what is it and is it possible to get rid of this curse?

Why do people live in the world?

Why do they go to work every day early in the morning?

The answer is simple: in order not to feel lonely, in order to meet a soul mate, in order to love and be loved, but many of them are in order to forget about problems, about pain, about unwillingness to live in this routine. Kam is more fortunate in this life: a family, a beloved husband and a couple of kids, here it is happiness and you can’t buy it for any money! And someone just lives in the hope that happiness will come, and you will become a full-fledged person. You will no longer be afraid to meet your friends and find out that they are doing well, but you are not. That you are already over 30, and you are still single. Maybe the problem is with you?

My name is Valeria and I am over 40. Many of my friends have a family and children for a long time. It’s just that everything is terrible in my life, they say that after the black stripe there always comes a white one, but it just won’t come for me. Every day, looking at myself in the mirror, I hate my reflection. This is my burden, my burden that I have to carry all my life. And it all started at a young age.
When I was 16 years old, I fell in love, at that time it seemed to me that this was love, and only with time I realized how wrong I was. The blue-eyed man won my heart at first sight.

Everything spun so quickly and swiftly that I didn’t even notice how I destroyed his family, deprived my children without a full-fledged family. His wife came to me, fell on her knees and begged to leave him, to let him go. But I didn't care, I wanted to be happy. I realized too late that you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. His wife could not stand it and committed suicide. A week later, my beloved died of a heart attack. His children were sent to an orphanage.

Only 5 years later I found out that the girl Sveta died under mysterious circumstances, and her son Oleg went to prison.

Family happiness did not work out for me. All my boyfriends and husbands died under different circumstances: someone died in a car accident, someone from an illness, someone was killed. I even went to a fortune teller to grandmothers, but they all shrugged, not understanding the cause of my troubles. All these 10 years I found and lost, but death lived around me. Four graves of the deceased and a buried marriage are all that remain. All my friends were afraid to approach me for a kilometer. I was left completely alone, afraid of new acquaintances and new losses, I became a hermit, an outcast.
My life has become hell. Not a single mirror remained in my old apartment. Afraid to see there no one needed, and such a miserable creature, I threw them away. Passing by the mirrored windows, I no longer recognized that beautiful girl, she was a wrinkled, hunched 40-year-old lady.

Somehow I met a guy about 25 years old who was sitting in the passage. I immediately recognized him as the son of my first husband. He was the spitting image of him. The guy had all his veins punctured, and with the naked eye it was clear that he was a drug addict. He did not recognize anything and no one around, he did not recognize me either, and I decided to help him, at least somehow make amends. After all, in fact it is my fault for the ego troubles. I brought him to my house and began to help him. All my efforts, doctors and medicines were not in vain. Caring for this boy, I did not feel lonely and I knew why I live every day.
Walking down the street, I met Alexei, that was the name of the son of my first husband. We talked for a long time, and at the end he said:

“I recognized you, for the fact that you saved me, I am very grateful to you, but I will not forget that you killed my mother and sister until the end of my days. Life has not spared you, but you bear a well-deserved punishment.

You have ruined many lives, maybe not on purpose.”

And so our conversation ended. This is how a seemingly innocent act can turn out. For every decision we make, another innocent person may suffer.

Looking at my reflection, I realized that no one needs a forty-year-old woman with a ponytail with wrinkled skin.

Life has passed by and unfortunately the arrows cannot be turned back.

- the spider is very unusual and in some way is a collective term, since about 30 varieties of arthropods are hidden under it. These creatures gained fame because some representatives of this genus are distinguished by the ability to secrete an extremely toxic poison that can cause severe intoxication in humans and even cause death. Wherever this jointed animal lives, people are well aware of the degree of its danger.

Black widow - a very unusual spider

Representatives of this order are found almost everywhere where the climatic conditions are rather mild. They are widely distributed in the countries of East and South Asia, America, North Africa. Some of them are found in Australia and Oceania. In the northern regions, only a few species can live that are not as dangerous as their heat-loving counterparts.

The spider seems rather nondescript, so often a person, due to his own negligence, becomes his victim. Adults reach 2 cm in length. The female black widow is larger than any of her partners. Despite the increased toxicity, these creatures are characterized by an unremarkable appearance. Local residents in many regions with a tropical climate know what this black spider looks like, sometimes living next to a person’s dwelling, but even this does not always save them from a chance meeting.

The chitinous cover on the tarsi and cephalothorax is lacquered in black. Some varieties do not have additional decorations. The most poisonous member of this genus has a characteristic sign on the abdomen in the shape of an hourglass. The speck has a reddish tint. The rich red color of this element is very eye-catching and helps many predators to determine the degree of danger of the spider.

In some varieties, the spot has a pink tint. Steotoda, called the false black widow, is no less dangerous to humans. Despite the outward similarity of the creatures, the spot on the abdomen of this spider has a white or orange tint.

Spiders of this species have from 6 to 8 eyes, but they see very poorly and basically get all the necessary information, evaluating the vibration that comes from various living objects.

A real black widow has short legs that resemble a comb. On the hind limbs of these creatures are curved bristles. Such a structure of the paws is necessary for a spider to throw a trapping net when attacking prey.

In addition, black widows weave extremely untidy horizontal chaotic webs. It allows the spider to feel the slightest movement of the victim that has fallen into it. The females of this species are larger and more venomous than the males.

An adult healthy person can quite successfully survive the attack of this spider. At the site of the bite, extensive tissue death can occur due to their soaking with toxins.

The characteristic common manifestations of a black widow lesion include:

  • mild erythema;
  • muscle spasms;
  • severe pain in the bite area and in the abdomen;
  • salivation;
  • increased sweating;
  • hypertension;
  • anxiety;
  • headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • parasthesia;
  • vomit;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dyspnea.

Some victims of this spider develop kidney failure. Since the venom of black widows is neurotoxic, a person may have a serious injury to the nervous system, which can not have the most favorable effect on his mental state.

For children and the elderly, the attack of these creatures often has fatal consequences. Only the timely introduction of an antidote can reduce the destructive effect of spider venom on the body.

Only females of this species are distinguished by increased aggressiveness. The male tends to flee if attacked and is therefore considered less dangerous to humans.

Gallery: black widow spider (25 photos)

Spider black widow (video)

Black widow lifestyle

In choosing a home, these creatures are extremely whimsical. They often settle in the grass in the open steppe space, and in addition, in ditches, ravines, cracks in the ground and hollows of trees, minks of rodents. Under certain circumstances, these arthropods can live in people's homes. These spiders got their name due to the fact that often after mating, the female spider attacks the partner, which ends tragically for him. However, this does not happen in all cases.

Strong males who have mated for the first time in their lives are quite capable of running away from their partner in the future. However, several sexual acts deplete their reserves, so, already near death, they often become victims.

Despite the fact that all black widows, regardless of gender, are immune to poison, weakened males do often become a nutritious snack for their partners. After mating, the female starts producing offspring. Like other types of spiders, she weaves a cocoon into which she carefully wraps her young.

The exit of spiders from the nest usually occurs after 8 days. However, they need to make many molts to become sexually mature individuals. The life cycle of spiders living in the northern hemisphere is longer.

Black widows are very efficient predators. Their diet includes all types of insects, including praying mantises, which are much larger than them. But often small lizards and amphibians are found in the webs of spiders. Such delicacies in the spider's diet are not very frequent, since the enzymes that the black widow spider injects into the victim's body do not always allow large prey to be digested.

Black Widow (video)

Attention, only TODAY!

The black widow spider got its name due to a special ritual - the female eats the male after mating. However, this does not always happen, often in cases where the female takes her boyfriend for prey. And how dangerous is this creature for humans and how can it be recognized among other spiders?

The black widow is one of the most venomous spiders.


Black widows are a genus of spiders with 31 species, and they inhabit all continents without exception. Among them there are special representatives, the bite of which is very dangerous for humans.

The description of the black widow spider will largely depend on its species, but at the same time they all have features characteristic of their kind.

  • Dimensions - the body length of adult male spiders is about 1.2-2 cm, the length of the legs is approximately the same as the body size. Males are approximately half the size of females.
  • Legs - A black widow has 8 legs. A characteristic feature is paws-combs. On the back pair of legs are strong curved bristles that help the spider close the web over prey.
  • Color - the body of an adult black widow spider, as can be seen in the photo, is painted black with one red or orange spot that resembles an hourglass in shape, or with several red spots. In females that have not reached puberty, red spots have a white border. In European species, the spot is white-brown. The body of young spiders is white or yellowish-white, after the next molt it acquires a darker shade.
  • Vision - the eyes of a black widow are arranged in two rows, each of which has 4 eyes. The middle pair is the main one, the side ones are able to distinguish only light and movement.

On a note! Despite the large number of eyes in general, the black widow spider sees very poorly. He recognizes the presence of the victim solely by the vibration that it creates when it is in the web!


The fertilized female lays her eggs in a cocoon of cobwebs, which she fastens near her trapping net. The cocoon itself is a grayish ball with a funnel-shaped exit. The clutch is under the constant control of the mother until spiders appear from the eggs.

Development in the egg takes 2 to 4 weeks. Young offspring, just released from the eggs, immediately enters the struggle for life. Stronger individuals eat the weak, so not everyone survives. As a result, only a small handful of young black widows, often up to 12 spiders, leave the cocoon.

As mentioned above, immediately after birth, the body of young individuals is painted white. And only after a few molts have they darkened enough and will look like adult spiders from the genus of black widows.


Where does the black widow spider live? Each species is attached to its own territory. For example, 8 species of black widows were found in Eurasia, 13 species in South and North America, 3 in Oceania and the Australian mainland.

A certain type of black widow spider also lives in Russia, which is known as white. It can be recognized by its characteristic spherical abdomen, painted white or yellowish. At the same time, this black widow does not have a bright spot. Instead of a pattern, the white karakurt has four depressions on the surface of the abdomen, forming a rectangle.

Important! Despite the fact that the poison of the white karakurt is much less toxic than that of other black widows, it can be deadly for the elderly and children!

However, recently, due to significant warming, many species of these arachnids have changed their usual habitats. Increasingly, it is becoming heard about the appearance of a black widow spider in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Taganrog, the South Urals and the Rostov regions.

These spiders prefer to hang their web in dark, dry shelters and settle mainly in poorly lit places. Therefore, a meeting with them can occur in sheds, garages, toilets located on the street, as well as in abandoned animal burrows, hollow stumps and even in dense thickets of grass.

On a note! With the advent of cold weather, the black widow spider always moves to a warm room, and therefore in winter they can be found even in a residential building!

The consequences of a bite

Female black widows are always more aggressive than males, but if you accidentally disturb the latter, then even he is able to attack and bite a person. At the same time, the risk of an attack from a spider increases several times in the fall, when it moves into living quarters.

The bite of a black widow spider is moderately painful - feels like a pin prick. Typical symptoms are:

  • expansion of capillaries, which leads to slight reddening of the skin;
  • edema develops almost immediately;
  • after half an hour - an hour in the affected area, muscle spasms appear, which are accompanied by intense pain;
  • further, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall tighten, the pain continues to grow and becomes excruciating.

On a note! This symptom is often mistaken for a sign of peritonitis, but at the same time, palpation of the abdomen is painless!

Some additional symptoms may also develop, including:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • intense salivation;
  • rapid sweating;
  • vomit;
  • an attack of severe shortness of breath;
  • violation of the heart rhythm with an increase in heart rate;
  • anxiety;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • muscle twitches;
  • skin sensitivity disorder: from tingling and "goosebumps" to complete numbness.

An allergic reaction to the poison is also possible. After a bite, it is advisable to administer an antidote as soon as possible. After three hours, there is a high risk of aggravation of the already serious condition of the victim, up to death.

On a note! At best, delay is fraught with irreversible injury to the nervous system and deterioration of the mental state without the possibility of its recovery or even minimal improvement!

To avoid trouble, watch spiders when you spend time in nature or in a country house, and under no circumstances take them in your hands.

A very terrible negative program! A person who has such a program brings death with him. Death takes those people who connect their fate with a person who is cursed. As a rule, a woman is a “black widow”, but a man can also become “black widower."

Black widow corruption is partly a curse. This kind of corruption of the curse over time, if not neutralized, will bring torment, misfortune, and death. As a rule, the curse, damage to the black widow is induced from the outside, intentionally. But, in some cases, the cause of this damage to a black widow may be a lady with a negative, powerful energy that destroys the life of a partner who is next to her. Life partner, husband, friend, etc. dies early - dies. The cause of death can be any circumstance, from an accident to a fatal disease.

It's no secret that these ladies are beautiful, attractive and sexy and attract men of all ages. Often a man in love is absolutely unaware of anything, he is not able to understand what this relationship will bring him.

The damage to the black widow spreads gradually and the object of damage does not pay attention to the deterioration in health that begins to occur soon after meeting such a woman. Further, more - problems in business, relationships with others are getting worse and worse. If you are lucky, then the black widow will be able to draw all the conclusions in time, thinking about the circumstances of the failures and weighing all the signs of an unpleasantly developing situation, the person becomes scared, he realizes that the woman next to him is a threat to his life.This is followed by a series of scandals, a desire to leave, but it turns out to be a strong feeling, holding tightly. What to do in this situation?

Being next to this special, a man gets very serious trouble. As a rule, the “black widow” with its powerful, destructive energy will bring the partner to the most negative consequences. Sometimes, a woman herself does not realize that she is the bearer of such evil. There are two ways out of the situation - to leave and break off relations with this woman, and remove the damage to the "black widow", thereby saving people from the destructive and destructive effects of the negative program.

In conclusion, black widow damage is one of the most devastating negative effects on a person, and only an experienced specialist with magical knowledge and experience in magic can remove black widow damage. Lonely old age is guaranteed to you.

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