What to give a 7 month old baby to eat. Naturally nourished baby

By the seventh month of life, the baby is already becoming stronger and stronger. At this time, he is already familiar with some types of complementary foods - many children of this age have already tried not only cereals, vegetables and fruits, but have even tasted some types of meat.

According to most experts, the baby is already ready for new food experiments, and the composition of the menu of a seven-month-old baby should begin to gradually approach the diet of adult family members.

Nutrition for a seven-month-old baby can be organized according to several schemes - the most suitable one can be determined based on the type of feeding:

Eating Natural Artificial Mixed
Breakfast is light Breast milk Adapted mixture Adapted formula + breast milk
Breakfast is hearty Fruit puree

Porridge with milk

A little egg yolk

Porridge with milk

Fruit puree

Dinner Vegetable puree

Children's cottage cheese

Meat + vegetable puree Children's cottage cheese

Formula + breast milk

Dinner is light Meat + vegetable puree Porridge pureed Meat + vegetable puree
Dinner is hearty Breast milk Adapted mixture Adapted formula + breast milk

The proposed options are considered optimal for starting the gradual transition of a child at the age of seven months to an “adult” diet. If you adhere to them, you can avoid problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

A mild adaptation of the baby's digestive system can be helped by foods such as vegetable soups - with meatballs or with the addition of puree.

The proposed schemes assume a time interval between meals of four hours. At the same time, the baby’s menu needs to be formed so that it is not only balanced and complete, but also varied. It is useful for him to receive his usual diet in the morning and evening - this will help avoid unnecessary stress and ensure a comfortable transition to a new diet. The minimum number of feedings for a 7-month-old baby is 5 times a day.

If an infant wakes up at night and asks to eat, is naughty a lot and often and / or slowly gains weight, there is a possibility that he does not receive enough nutrients that he receives during the day. Then it is quite acceptable to add an additional meal - at night. Depending on the type of feeding, you can offer him the breast or give him formula. The diet should be adjusted after consultation with a pediatrician.

Examples of a balanced menu

In order to be able to plan your day, as well as teach your child to have an orderly routine, it will be useful to organize meals according to a specific schedule. In most cases, the daily routine has already been formed, but it is worth remembering that it must be subject to constant (but smooth adjustment) - the number of feedings and sleep breaks is reduced, which means changes in the routine are inevitable.

Sample menu for a 7 month old baby:

Time Baby Artificial
Product Volume Product Volume
06:00 milk 0.2 l mixture 0.2 l

Fruit (puree)

180 grams

80 grams

Milk porridge with butter

Fruit (puree)

180 grams

80 grams

14:00 Vegetable soup


170 gr Vegetables (puree)

Meat pudding

180 gr
18:00 Cottage cheese

Children's cookies

40 gr Cottage cheese

Children's cookies

40 gr
22:00 milk 0.2 l mixture 0.2 l

This menu composition for a 7-month-old baby is indicative - it is possible to make changes and additions to it depending on the preferences of the young gourmet, as well as his reaction to new dishes.

Almost all varieties of products have their own characteristics if they are planned to be included in the menu of a seven-month-old baby:

  1. meat is a source of protein, as well as a complex of vitamins and microelements. Children suffering from anemia, as well as infants (in the absence of contraindications) begin to receive this product at the age of six months. Up to a year, you can offer chicken, rabbit, turkey, as well as veal and beef, but not offal. It is recommended to give either a commercially produced dish or one prepared at home. Boiled and chopped meat can be added to vegetables or soups, and the minced meat can be used to prepare steamed cutlets, puddings or soufflés;
  2. porridge - mostly up to one year old children receive such dishes from buckwheat, rice and corn cereals. They are well digestible and contain a large amount of useful substances. In order to add variety to your diet, you can add some vegetables to them, for example, pumpkin - this will make the porridge even healthier, and it will also look very appetizing;
  3. egg - this product can cause allergic reactions, so it should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution. The baby is still too small to taste the white, so to begin with, you can give him an eighth of the yolk. If the body has accepted this innovation well, then gradually the amount can be increased to half a yolk - and such a dish can be on the menu only 2 - 3 times a week. If your baby is prone to allergies, you can boil him a quail egg instead of a chicken egg. Not all children like yolk in its pure form. Therefore, you can add it in crushed form to other dishes.

If a child refuses a new treat offered to him, this is not a reason to panic and despair. Perhaps he simply did not like the taste, or his body is not yet ready to accept such a product. It is better to postpone tasting this dish for a couple of weeks and try to prepare it using a different recipe. If you do not take your usual food two or more times in a row, this is already a reason to urgently seek medical help.

A few words about manners and etiquette

It may seem that it is too early to talk about these concepts - the baby has not yet learned to speak, but they are already trying to teach him manners. However, 7 months is quite a suitable age to start introducing him to food culture, or at least some of its elements:

  1. Eating should be a pleasure. This way you can avoid many problems with feeding in the future - the makings of a young “unwanted” child are laid precisely at such a tender age. It is impossible to force-feed if he definitely refused the offered product. However, you should try to find out the reason - sometimes it’s an uncomfortable temperature of the dish, and it may be enough to cool it a little or warm it up a little;
  2. time and place. Teaching a young gourmet to eat at the same time is important. It would be a good idea to form the habit of eating in designated areas. If he sits confidently enough, it is better to feed him in a special highchair. It should not only be convenient, but also safe;
  3. the art of spoon control. For adults, this is a common thing, but the little one will not soon learn to carefully and accurately put food into his mouth using this tool. Mom will need to arm herself with patience and mentally prepare for the fact that at first after each feeding she will have to wash the little one, the kitchen, and herself. However, this is the only way to teach him to be independent in matters of nutrition.

Regarding the last point, it is not at all necessary to hand the baby a spoon as soon as he is 7 months old. If neither he nor his mother are yet ready for such experiments, it is quite possible to postpone training for a month or two. The child himself can show that he is ready for this - if he reaches for a spoon and tries to scoop something from the plate - there is no need to interfere with him, such efforts must be supported and encouraged in every possible way.

The nuances of getting to know drinks

At seven months, the baby is already drinking clean boiled water, but the time has not yet come for him to become acquainted with tea, and especially coffee. Many mothers and fathers wonder whether it is possible to diversify the little gourmet’s menu with some tasty and healthy drinks.

It is quite acceptable to offer your little one homemade compote. In summer it can be cooked from fresh apples, and in winter you can use dried fruits. For the first tasting, 5 ml of compote is enough, and if the child likes it and the body accepts it well, you can gradually increase the daily serving to 100 ml. After this, you can add a little prunes or pears to the drink.

May also contain juices. To begin with, it is better to choose hypoallergenic ones, and at first give no more than a teaspoon per day. If any negative reaction occurs, the juice should be immediately excluded from the diet and offered again no earlier than after 3 to 4 weeks.


Feeding a baby in the sixth month

From the sixth month, you can include the following foods in your baby’s diet: an apple, thoroughly mashed banana or mashed banana and apple, mashed boiled carrots, potatoes or mashed carrots and potatoes, rice water, oatmeal. The cereals that you want to use for porridge must first be boiled in water and only then added milk. If your child has had signs of rickets, prepare porridge with vegetable broth.

Cooking porridge If you want to cook 10% milk porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), rinse the cereal thoroughly and cook it in water over low heat. When the cereal is boiled, it must be rubbed through a sieve. The resulting mass is poured with hot milk and boiled for several minutes. Add sugar syrup, butter, a little salt. For 100 g of porridge you need 10 g of cereal, 50 ml of water, 100 ml of milk, 3-5 ml of sugar syrup, 3 g of butter. Treat your child to milk porridge with pumpkin. It is prepared like this: wash and peel the pumpkin, cut it into cubes, add water, add sugar syrup and simmer for 30 minutes; then add the prepared - sorted and washed - cereal (oatmeal, buckwheat or rice) and simmer for another 30 minutes, until the cereal is boiled; rub the resulting porridge through a sieve, add heated milk and bring to a boil; add a little salt and butter. You can use the same recipe to prepare milk porridge with beets, carrots, turnips, and also with fruits. For 100 g of porridge, 100 g of pumpkin, 10 g of cereal, 75 ml of water, 50 ml of milk, 4-5 ml of sugar syrup, 3 g of butter are required.

Feeding a baby at six to seven months.

At 6.5-7 months, you can include the following dishes in your child’s menu: carrots with potatoes or carrots with rice; cauliflower with potatoes; low-fat meat broth (at 6.5 months) and meat (from 7 months); If the child’s body already copes well enough with complementary foods, use beans, green peas, red beets, broccoli, celery, prepare vegetable soups, porridges (can be with vegetables and fruits), mixed porridges from several types of grains. From 6.5 months, you can slowly give your baby low-fat meat broth. It is best to prepare veal broth, or you can start with chicken broth. Like all other dishes, introduce your child to meat broth gradually, starting with 1-2 teaspoons. Over 7-10 days, increase the volume of broth given to the child to 20-30 ml. Watch your baby's reaction. Some children experience manifestations of exudative diathesis when taking meat broths. If you notice symptoms of diathesis, stop giving the broth, consult your local pediatrician about further tactics regarding meat dishes. Meat broths are usually given before vegetable purees (20-30 ml of broth - no more). Otherwise, you will reduce your child’s appetite, and he will refuse the main dish. With the broth, you can give your child a small cracker of white bread.

The child tastes the meat.

Starting from the age of seven months, the child tries meat. You can add lean meat (for example, veal) to your child in all vegetable dishes. You can also add the yolk of a chicken egg to these blues. You can give your child liver in the form of puree. Beef or pork liver is boiled and rubbed through a sieve. Add a little broth or milk to the resulting mass. This is done so that the dish is not too dry. The liver contains a lot of valuable protein, iron and vitamins. It is especially useful to give liver dishes to children suffering from anemia. At 7 months, you can give your baby meat in the form of minced meat (passed through a meat grinder twice). Minced meat can also be added little by little to vegetable purees. At 5 months, give meat in the form of puree, and at one year, offer the child steamed cutlets. A child can already eat 70-80 g of meat per year. Use all meat dishes that you prepare immediately after preparation, do not store. If your child doesn't eat the whole portion, eat the rest yourself.

Canned meat.

Children seven months old (and those suffering from rickets, anemia, lagging behind in physical development and somewhat earlier) can be given lean beef, lean pork, veal, chicken, and tongue. On sale you have seen canned meat (including chicken) in small metal jars of 100 g. These canned foods are very convenient to use. Don't forget to look at the labels of canned goods. The age of the child for whom the canned food is intended must be clearly indicated. The domestic food industry produces canned meat of varying degrees of grinding. Homogenized finely ground canned meat is designed for children aged 5-6 months (for example, children suffering from rickets, retarded physical development, anemic); finely ground canned meat is intended for children 7-8 months; and coarsely crushed - for children 9-12 months. When you buy canned meat, consider the age of your baby. If you buy canned meat for future use, you must remember that their shelf life is up to one and a half years. Reheat canned meats before use. You can add them to vegetable purees (for example, potato); This dish turns out to be very tasty, because in addition to the meat itself, the canned food also contains onions, starch, spices, butter or vegetable oil. Your child may not be eating the entire jar yet. Still - 100 grams!.. What to do with the remaining canned food? They should not be stored in an opened tin jar - transfer them to some glass container with a lid. And then you can store it in the refrigerator. But no more than a day.

Preparing meat broth.

You can make meat broth for your child from lean beef or veal. Don't give preference to one or the other. It is not recommended to use bones to make broth. This broth contains a lot of fat. You will prepare the bone broth that you find tastier for your child later - when he is already in school. You must finely chop the meat used for the broth or put it through a meat grinder. Cook over low heat for up to two hours. Salt is added at the end of cooking. It is not recommended to add spices. But you can add greens - dill and parsley or celery. When preparing meat broth, you can use carrots and onions. When the broth is ready, strain it through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze and bring to a boil again. You can make chicken broth in the same way. You also need to cook chicken for about 2 hours. For 100 ml of broth you need 40-50 g of lean meat, 150-200 ml of water, 1/4 onion, some carrots, herbs - to taste.

Making meat puree.

Rinse the meat pulp well, remove fat and films. After cutting into small pieces, cover the meat with water and simmer over low heat until cooked. Scroll the cooked meat through a meat grinder several times and then rub through a sieve. You should add a little broth or hot milk to the resulting mass so that the meat puree does not turn out too dry. When the puree reaches the required consistency, bring it to a boil, add a little salt and butter. Do not discard the broth remaining after cooking the meat. By passing it through 2-3 layers of sterile gauze (excess fat remains on the gauze), you can cook a very nutritious vegetable soup for your child using this broth. For 100 g of meat puree you need 100 g of meat pulp, 50 ml of water, 4-5 g of butter. No spices needed. You can use just a little greenery.

Making chicken soufflé.

Preparing this dish is quite simple. First you need to boil the chicken, then separate the meat from the skin and bones. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Add flour, egg yolk, butter and hot milk to the resulting mass. All this must be thoroughly mixed, placed in a greased form and baked in the oven. To obtain 100 g of soufflé, you need 60 g of chicken meat, 1/2 yolk, 30 ml of milk, 3 g of wheat flour, 4-5 g of butter.

Approximate menu for a child at seven months.

A seven-month-old baby's menu should look something like this:
6.00 - breastfeeding;
10.00 - vegetable soup with meat broth - 20 g; vegetable puree - 150 g (add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and half a yolk to the puree); meat or liver puree 10-30 g; fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
14.00 - breastfeeding, one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
18.00 - oatmeal (buckwheat, rice) - 150 g; cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons; scraped apple or one of the fruit purees - 3 tablespoons;
22.00 - breastfeeding.
As you can see, the child’s menu is already quite varied.
If your baby is bottle-fed, his menu looks something like this:
6.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200 g;
10.00 - oatmeal (buckwheat, rice) - 150 g, cottage cheese - 4 teaspoons, one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
14.00 - vegetable soup cooked in meat broth - 20 g, vegetable puree - 150 g with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and half an yolk, meat or liver puree - 40 g, scraped apple or one of the fruit purees - 3 tablespoons;
18.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200 g; one of the fruit juices - 5-6 teaspoons;
22.00 - milk mixture or kefir - 200g.
As you noticed, vegetable, fruit and meat dishes are gradually replacing dairy dishes.
In winter, when the child does not get enough exposure to the sun, give the baby vitamin D. The child receives this vitamin in the form of a drug prescribed by your local pediatrician.

Every day you notice changes in your baby. This is no longer the tiny lump that you brought from the hospital. The baby has grown noticeably and is now showing himself as a full member of the family. At 7 months, the child communicates more, moves more, and eats and sleeps no longer like in the first half of the year.

What's new in physical development?

During the seventh month, the child grows by 2 cm and gains about 600 g; by the end of the month, the weight of the babies is 7.5 - 8.5 kg (± 1 kg), and their height is 66 - 70 cm (± 3 kg).

What a 7 month old baby can do:

  1. Some children can already sit without support and learn to sit on their own.
  2. Some are already crawling at seven months. While it is difficult for the baby to lift his body completely, so he...
  3. Lying on his stomach, he can lean on one arm and reach out with the other and grab a toy.
  4. Actively turns over in different directions. The baby’s physical development is now entirely aimed at increasing his activity, so this is the time when bruises and injuries begin. The baby's motor activity has increased, but the movements are still uncoordinated and awkward, while parents still tend to underestimate the baby's capabilities, leaving him alone in the middle of the sofa or bed. Children can roll from one end of the sofa to the other in a matter of seconds, so do not leave them alone.
  5. A 7-month-old child can hold a bottle himself and pick it up if it falls.
  6. In the crib he can stand up on his knees or fully on his legs, holding onto the railing.
  7. With support from the armpits, he walks.
  8. A 7-month-old child uses his hands more and more confidently: he transfers a toy from one hand to another, turns it in his hands.
  9. Picks up and throws the toy again. He hits it on the table, pulls it into his mouth, and examines it.
  10. Can put small ones into large objects.
  11. Hearing and vision are already fully formed. The child reacts by turning his head even to quiet sounds. But do not teach your baby to sleep in complete silence, allow a small sound background (TV or radio), otherwise in the future the child will begin to wake up from minor sounds.
  12. Many children already have their first teeth at seven months, but if they don’t, don’t worry, calmly wait until they appear until they are a year old. Heredity plays a big role in the timing of teething; if the parents got teeth at 9 months, then the child will most likely have the same. Some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. For some, it may pass without any problems, but the mother will know that a tooth is breaking through only by the white edge on the gum. But most children still exhibit signs that precede the appearance of a tooth:

  • Salivation;
  • Redness and swelling of the gums;
  • The baby bites everything: toys, your fingers and his own, puts his fist into his mouth;
  • The baby rubs its cheek on the pillow, pinches its face and ears;
  • Some children may have a low-grade fever (37).

What's new in mental development?

  1. Now the child understands the meaning of many words and can point his finger at familiar objects. Continues to communicate in babble.
  2. He knows his name and reacts to it.
  3. The baby distinguishes all relatives. A feeling of deep affection has already been formed in him. Of course, the baby is most emotionally attached to his mother and in her absence may now burst into tears, but this will not be associated with hunger, but with a loss of a sense of security and anxiety. Some children at this age may even experience separation anxiety, which indicates a big step in the child’s mental development.
  4. The baby can already guess by facial expressions and gestures about the feelings you are experiencing. He distinguishes intonations in the voice: gentle or strict, kind or evil. And when a child is scolded, he is already trying to understand his guilt.
  5. The baby learns to show his feelings: he grabs you by the face, by the hair, presses you, or, on the contrary, turns away.
  6. The baby's babbling becomes more and more complex. Gradually it becomes meaningful. The baby turns his head towards the object, which the mother named several times before (dad, kitty, woman), and can repeat the first syllable himself. Tries to attract attention with certain syllables.
  7. To the question “where?” can find with a glance what is being asked about.
  8. The kid understands that hidden things do not disappear completely, but they are simply not visible.
  9. The child is now ready to make friends with anyone, but he himself does not show initiative, but waits for it from the object.
  10. During this period, the right hemisphere (left side of the body) develops more intensively than the left (right side of the body), so you may notice that the baby uses his left hand more than his right. This is a temporary phenomenon and does not at all mean that the child is left-handed. ()
  11. At this age, babies may begin to be afraid of sharp or loud noises (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fan). Try to keep these devices away from your child. ( We read: )

Baby development test 7 months

  • A baby at 7 months should be able to roll over in different directions, sit with a straight back with support, roll over onto his side for a rattle from a supine position;
  • Sit with your child on your lap at the table. The baby will firmly grab the edge of the table, begin to rearrange the objects lying on it, and slam his hands on the table;
  • Deliberately ignore your child. The baby will begin to seek your gaze or even whine;
  • A child at 7 months shows interest in strangers, fear of strangers gradually disappears;
  • When the baby is lying on his back, cover his face with a diaper, the child should be able to free himself from it;
  • Give the baby a toy in both hands, and then offer another one. At first the baby will be puzzled, and then let go of one toy to take another.

What should you be wary of?

  • The baby does not try to roll over and sit up;
  • Doesn't knock the cube on the table;
  • Does not react to sounds, does not show emotions, tenderness towards mother, does not attract attention;
  • Cannot bring objects to mouth;
  • Cannot support its own weight in an upright position;
  • Doesn't follow a moving object with his eyes, doesn't babble.

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VIDEO 1: baby development at 7 months

How to feed a baby at 7 months

At this age, the child should already be able to drink from a cup on his own - ?

If you introduced complementary foods at 6 months, and your baby is breastfed, then by seven months one breastfeeding has already been replaced with porridge and vegetable puree.

The porridges are still gluten-free (buckwheat, rice, corn) and one-ingredient. You can give ready-made industrially produced porridges, they already contain milk powder and butter.

If you cook it yourself, then the porridge should first be 5%: for 5 g of cereal - 100 g of water, then - 10%: for 10 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid. Start adding vegetable oil to vegetable purees (preferably extra virgin olive oil), first 1 drop at a time and gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon. In porridge - butter (82%), first 1 g, and then up to 4 g per serving of porridge.

If you have successfully introduced vegetable purees, then start giving fruit purees (apple, pear, prune, plum, peach) and continue to introduce other vegetables in turn (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes). It should be noted that spinach and potatoes are somewhat heavy for a child’s stomach, so it is better to give them together with zucchini or cauliflower, so introduce them at the end of the 7th month, when the child is ready for multi-component food. From the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is better to feed only one-ingredient purees and cereals for two months.

At the end of the month, you can introduce the yolk, starting with 1/4 (and then 1/2 yolk), twice a week.

If your baby has teeth or started to grow, buy him special baby cookies that quickly dissolve in his mouth. Thus, at the full 7 months, a breastfed baby has approximately the following diet:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 7 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 11 hours - porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 -50 g, juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 - 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), cookies (crackers), juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 – 30 g.
  • 19 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 22 - 23 hours - breast milk 200 g. At night, continue to breastfeed as required.

If complementary feeding was introduced from 4 to 5 months, then at 7 months the child can begin to be given boiled meat (turkey, veal, rabbit, chicken), after having rubbed it in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

It is better to give meat with vegetable complementary foods, with the addition of vegetable oil or milk formula. You need to start with 1/2 teaspoon, increasing to 25 - 30 g. For a bottle-fed baby, the diet at 7 months will look like this:

  • 7 hours – mixture 200 g.
  • 11 hours – porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 – 50 g, juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 – 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, meat puree 20 -30 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 - 30 g.
  • 19 hours – mixture 200 g, cookies (crackers).
  • 22 – 23 hours – mixture 200 g.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Night sleep will become more restful and deeper, and its duration will be approximately 10-11 hours. Daytime sleep lasts 1.5-2 hours 2-3 times a day, while the duration and time of sleep may depend on the nature of the child, the situation, and the regime created in your family. It is especially useful for a baby to sleep in the fresh air. If you stick to a daily routine, your baby will wake up at approximately the same time.

How to help your baby develop

Continue the same activities with your child that you started in previous months, making the games a little more difficult and prolonging them. Do everything so that your baby develops speech and his babbling gradually turns into words.

  • Draw your baby's attention to the things you are talking about. Take walks not only during sleep, let the baby explore the world around him outside the apartment. Repeat the words until the child understands them. Use Doman cards (thematic pictures with words), with them children remember words faster. Look at and read children's books more often, let your baby learn to turn the pages himself.
  • Develop your child's fine motor skills.
  • Ask your child to do something (throw or pick up a ball, pick up a cube). Of course, the child must be able to do what you asked. After completing the task, be sure to praise your child.
  • Teach your baby to point his finger at an object, clap his hands, and wave his hand.
  • Surely you made friends during your walks. Go visit each other sometimes. Kids are already interested in watching other children play.
  • 6 – 7 months is the best age to nurture a child: “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, “Horned Goat” and play games with fingers:

This finger is the grandfather (we bend the thumb, and then everything in turn),

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This one is my baby (bend the little finger).

That's my whole family (we hold our fist).

  • Don't ignore your child's fear of strangers. Don't leave your child alone with them. The baby does not yet understand whether they are good or bad; for him, everything unfamiliar is dangerous. Try to take the baby in your arms in front of strangers and keep a distance in communication until you notice that the child himself is interested in or reaches out to a new person.
  • Teach your child to crawl - this is a necessary and very important stage that precedes upright walking. At first, the way all children move is different: some crawl on their bellies, some crawl with their butts forward, some crawl like a caterpillar. Only later will the baby learn the technique of “cross” crawling, when the leg and arm on opposite sides move simultaneously. The most difficult thing for a baby is to lift his tummy off the floor and synchronize his movements. Therefore, create conditions for learning for your child: comfortable clothes, free space, exercise and achievable goals in the form of toys.
  • A complete calendar of child development in one article “development up to one year by month” - >>>

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Does your baby sit confidently, is very inquisitive and open to everything new? These are sure signs that there is a seven-month-old growing child living in your house, whose food is becoming more varied every day. And although he still needs breast milk, new “adult” products should appear on the table, because the baby is growing, and he needs to replenish energy losses in sufficient quantities. What does a baby's menu look like at 7 months? What dishes are included in his diet during this period?


Meat is an essential nutritional element that is introduced into the diet of a 7-month-old baby as an important source of protein, vitamins B and PP, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Thanks to this composition, children suffering from anemia or bottle-fed toddlers may be advised to introduce meat into complementary foods from 6 months. The same rule applies if the baby is not gaining weight well.

The meat product is given in the form of ready-made canned food, sold in jars and undergoing a huge number of tests, or prepared at home. For children in their first year of life, dietary meats are used: veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken. By-products such as liver and heart are best not given for now.

They start feeding meat with a miniature portion, literally half a teaspoon, gradually increasing it. This product, like no other, promotes the development of chewing muscles, but in the seventh month it must be served crushed and pureed.

Usually the meat is boiled, ground in a blender or meat grinder and served along with soup or vegetable puree. Another option: first, mince is made, passed through a meat grinder twice, from which cutlets are formed and steamed. The most tender meat dishes are considered to be pudding and soufflé (due to the addition of milk and bread), recipes for which can be easily found on culinary sites.

Your child will appreciate meat pudding

Is it possible to give broth to children? Opinions here are mixed. Some consider it an extremely healthy component of baby food, while others consider it a mixture of harmful waste from cooking meat. Both have a grain of truth. Therefore, when you decide to feed your baby broth or cook soup with it, remember that it must be secondary, that is, the first portion of water after some time of cooking is drained and a new one is added. Give this decoction in small quantities, initially a teaspoon.


Despite the fact that egg yolk can cause allergies and is introduced into complementary foods with extreme caution, its obvious benefits should not be underestimated, in particular the fact that it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus and iron, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

The first time the yolk (not the whole egg) is given in the morning in the amount of 1/8 part and the reaction is observed. If everything is fine, subsequent portions are increased. The norm for a 7 month old baby is half an egg up to 3 times a week. Children with allergies are recommended to start their acquaintance with a quail egg.


The baby has probably already become friends with some of the representatives of the cereals. Let's look at the positive aspects of the main types:

  • Buckwheat is rich in iron and other microelements, is perfectly digestible, and has an original taste.
  • Rice porridge is considered a very nutritious porridge, which, moreover, is useful for babies prone to loose stools.
  • Corn porridge is one of the best options for allergy sufferers, as it does not contain gluten and, due to fiber, regulates intestinal function. Corn porridge is a good prevention of constipation, although not every adult regularly consumes it and may doubt the advisability of feeding it to children.

Continue giving porridge to your baby every day. For variety, you can add vegetables, such as pumpkin. It will not only enrich the dish with beneficial properties, but also give it a beautiful, appetizing appearance.


Your child will really like pureed apples, pears, and chopped bananas. I would like to say separately about the latter: although banana is an overseas food, it seems that this fruit is ideal for complementary feeding.

Children love bananas very much

Judge for yourself: they do not cause allergies, are well absorbed, the vitamin C content is almost the same as that of citrus fruits, and a large amount of vitamin K makes them beneficial for blood vessels and the heart. The starch included in the composition is broken down during digestion into glucose, which is so necessary at this age. Banana puree is easy to make at home: just mash it well with a fork or grind it in a blender. Older kids like to peel the banana themselves and eat it.

Fermented milk products

Breastfed babies have the opportunity to receive the best milk in the world every day, created especially for them. Regarding cow's milk, pediatricians agree that it should not be given until one is a year old due to the difficulty of digestion and possible allergic reactions. But fermented milk products are welcome.

Common foods of this type are cottage cheese and kefir. Cottage cheese is a generally recognized source of calcium, kefir is very useful for good digestion.


In addition to water, which is believed to be impossible to replace with any other liquid, children can make compote from dried fruits, and in the summer from fresh apples. When the baby gets used to such a drink, the compote can be supplemented with pears, prunes, and frozen fruits. Try not to add sugar to it, and if you really want to sweeten it, then just a little bit.

Scheduled meals?

Is it good to have a diet? Undoubtedly! Feeding on a schedule, like going to bed at the same time, organizes your day, helps you plan it productively and as correctly as possible. In most cases, 5 meals a day are maintained. Below is a sample menu.

For children whose diet includes breastfeeding

Menu for the artificial:

How to take a refusal?

What to do if the baby flatly refuses the offered dish? Well, like any other person with his own gastronomic preferences, he has every right to this.

“You won’t be nice by force”

Each child has his own pace of introducing new foods. If he turns away from one of them, do not insist; after two weeks, try to offer him again. Some flavors, like broccoli, take time to appreciate.

About eating etiquette

The child is growing up before our eyes, so a 7-month-old baby needs to be taught some manners of behavior in the kitchen:

  1. Since the baby is already sitting confidently, buy him a personal high chair that meets all safety requirements.
  2. Let the baby strive to master the art of using a spoon as a way to independently obtain food. Make a mental note that learning how to use a spoon is now more important than cleanliness and order in your kitchen.
  3. Eating food should be a pleasant experience. If your baby refuses a certain food, do not force-feed. But try to find out the reason for the refusal. Perhaps the food was too hot.

It's time to learn how to eat with a spoon yourself

Replenishing the cookbook

Many people think about what to feed their baby so that the diet is varied. Recipes for children are, in general, easy to prepare. Perhaps the recipes below will suit your child's taste.

Oatmeal with pumpkin

Oatmeal – 12 g, pumpkin – about 50 g, 70 ml milk, 50 ml water, butter on the tip of a knife.

The pumpkin is washed, cleared of seeds and peel, cut into 2 cm cubes, poured with hot water and simmered for about 25 minutes with the lid closed. After this, add oatmeal and hot milk, the stewing process continues for another 20 minutes and simmer over low heat. After cooking, everything is whipped to a puree using a blender.

Rice porridge with apples

Apple – 40 g, 10 g rice flour, 30 ml water, 70 ml milk, butter on the tip of a knife.

Bring the milk to a boil and add rice, previously ground into flour, stirring constantly. Cook for 5 minutes. Grate the peeled apple, mix with porridge and grind in a blender. Add butter.

Good day! Today we are going to talk about the nutrition of a seven-month-old toddler. The baby has grown up, and it’s time to enrich his menu with new food. You will learn about what products these will be, how to introduce them correctly, whether to give preference to store-bought or home-made food, and how much to feed a baby at 7 months by reading this article.

Features of the feeding process

It is very important to know how to properly organize the baby’s feeding process. To do this, there are a number of rules, following which you can achieve good results in the development of your little one:

  1. Teach your baby to use a spoon and a cup. For the first time, you can purchase a special sippy cup.
  2. Feeding should take place exclusively in a sitting position.
  3. Approve your baby's cognitive activities. Don't be angry if he smears all the porridge on the table.
  4. Set an example for your child. Show that you also eat like him.

For example, I took another spoon and, together with my son, ate from his plate. And then she poured it into a separate bowl for herself and sat down next to him. This is how our meal went together.

  1. The baby eats five times, two feedings are still formula or breast milk.
  2. Breaks between meals last 4 hours. This is enough so that the baby does not start to feel too hungry, but also has time to get hungry.
  3. There are established standards for the consumption of certain foods. But each child’s body is unique, and you need to adapt to his personal characteristics: metabolic rate, activity, body type, genetic predisposition.

Nutrition system for a seven month old baby

As we have already said, the baby has five meals a day. It is worth considering that the very first, as well as the last, feeding should be represented by formula or breast milk. Let's take a closer look at what time meals should take place and what, if possible, they will include:

  1. The first feeding approximately occurs at 6 am. It still includes the baby’s usual adapted formula or mother’s milk.
  2. The second feeding occurs at 10 am. Now you need to feed the baby something satisfying. Porridge is ideal. At this age, fruit puree can be added as a sweetener. 10 o'clock is the optimal time to introduce new foods to the toddler's complementary foods. This way you will have enough time before bedtime to monitor your baby’s reaction to the new complementary foods.
  3. Lunch comes at approximately 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It is recommended to give the child the most high-calorie food at this time in order to charge the child with energy before the walk. Soups are good for this, and for children on an artificial type of feeding - meat purees (low-fat varieties), cottage cheese.
  1. The penultimate feeding occurs at 6 pm. Feed your little one any proven food. Vegetable purees, as well as fruit purees, are good for this time. After complementary feeding, it is allowed to supplement the baby with a little formula or breast milk.
  1. The last time the little one eats is around 10 o'clock at night. The only acceptable food for this time is mother's milk (formula). Make sure your baby doesn't overeat before bed.

Products from the store or home cooking

This is a highly controversial issue. Here, rather, you choose for yourself what is more convenient for you and what is best. But let’s still look at the advantages of one and the second type of product.

When buying food at the counter, you can be sure that all sanitary standards have been met, the ingredients have been carefully checked and prepared using special technologies. You can also see the composition, as a rule, absolutely natural (maximum, citric acid will be a preservative), without added sugar. This product requires virtually no time investment. Convenient to use. Also on the label you will find the optimal age for taking a particular food and an indication of portion sizes in accordance with age standards.

If you decide to prepare food for your baby yourself, you will have to spend a lot of time. But you will cook with love, you will be sure that you are using only natural and fresh products. And as practice shows, food prepared with your own hands turns out tastier than canned food or powdered porridge.

However, it is worth remembering that you cannot repeat the technology for preparing some products at home. These include juices and cookies for the little ones. If you still decide to prepare juice at home, then know that it must be diluted by half with water intended specifically for baby food.

What can you feed a baby at 7 months?

Now we have come to the most important question. At the age of seven months, absolutely all children have a varied menu. However, it still differs in its composition.

Naturally nourished baby

At the age of seven months, porridge (but only representatives of the gluten-free range), fruit purees, compotes and juices are added to the baby’s diet. It is already allowed to sometimes add a little butter (butter) to the prepared dish. But you should still avoid salt and sugar.

Now you can introduce new types of vegetables, buckwheat, rice porridge, fruits. The main thing to remember is that the baby still needs food of a liquid and uniform consistency. We are still introducing new products a little at a time and monitoring how the child’s body reacts.

As for juices and compotes, prepare or buy them based on products to which the child’s body has already adapted. And it is important to know that juice prepared at home must be diluted by half with special baby water.

I first introduced apples and pears to my toddler at this age. And the first drinks I gave were clarified apple and pear juices. The first of the porridges was buckwheat, cooked in water (it was still too early to cook with milk). The baby liked the new products and, fortunately, was accepted normally by the body.

Baby with artificial feeding

The artificial baby's menu is already quite varied. It includes many products. Vegetable purees, cereals and fruit purees remain irreplaceable. If you haven't yet introduced egg yolk, fish and meat, now is the time. It is important to remember that the portion of food for such children should be one and a half times larger than for those who are breastfed. The food intake can be calculated as an eighth of your child’s body weight.

What could be the menu for a baby?

All children, regardless of the type of feeding, have already switched to complementary feeding. But they did it at different times and their menu is somewhat different. Therefore, we will separately consider the approximate diet for a child on breastfeeding and for children on IV.


  1. The baby's morning begins at 6 o'clock. He wakes up and immediately wants to eat. The first feeding is represented by breast milk, which is still so necessary for a growing body. There are no special restrictions on the volume of milk consumed. As a rule, at this age the child drinks enough to feel full and moves his head away or spits out the nipple.
  2. Around 10 o'clock the little one will be hungry again. Porridge (for example, buckwheat or rice) is best at this time. The baby needs to eat no more than 170 grams. For dessert, offer your child 80 grams of fruit puree.
  3. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, vegetable purees and juice (170 grams and 30 ml, respectively) are ideal.
  4. Dinner falls at approximately 6 pm. Prepare fruit puree for your baby (80 grams is enough). And for a snack, give two biscuits.
  5. The baby's diet ends (at approximately 10 o'clock at night) with breastfeeding. The child drinks as much as he needs.


  1. Feed your baby milk or fermented milk formula at 6 am. The volume of drink should be 200 ml.
  2. At 10 o'clock the baby's appetite will work again. Now you can give him porridge in milk with a piece of butter (170 and 5 grams, respectively). A delicious dessert would be fruit or berry puree (80 grams).
  3. For lunch (at 14:00), the baby will have pureed vegetables (170 grams) with 5 grams of oil (vegetable), one-half chicken yolk, 50 grams of meat puree and juice (30 ml).
  4. The baby's dinner is at 18:00. Cottage cheese and fruit puree (40 grams of each dish), 2 pieces of cookies or dried fruit are suitable for a child. The little one can wash all this down with a mixture of 150 ml.
  5. Before you go to bed, feed your baby (at 10 o'clock at night). For this time, only children's kefir or mixture (200 ml) is suitable.
