How to make hair darker at home. Folk remedy Oak bark - “How to make hair darker without dye using folk remedies (Photos, tips, recipe for homemade shampoo)”

Diana Kurilovich | 05/18/2015 | 61255

Diana Kurilovich 05/18/2015 61255

In this article you will find folk recipes on how to make your hair darker using natural products.

By nature I am dark blond. And I always thought that my natural color was too dull, so I wanted to get closer to a brunette or give my hair a chocolate shade.

Since I can’t boast of strong and healthy hair, I didn’t dare spoil it further with chemical dyes. Then I began to look for alternative ways to make my hair color a little darker and richer.

Popular henna did not inspire confidence in me, although they say that it is harmless. But, it seems to me, it still looks more like a dye, which is unlikely to make my hair healthier.

After sifting through a bunch of literature, I found out that some products contain natural dyes that not only darken the hair, but also strengthen it. “Just what I need! – I thought and went to test these products on myself.

And, you know, it really works! Of course, I didn’t become a burning brunette, but my hair color became much darker, brighter and acquired a chocolate-shiny hue.

Natural products will not only make your hair darker, but will also effectively cover the first gray hairs.

Coffee is a godsend for women who want to preserve their beauty. Many people know that coffee grounds scrub is an excellent remedy that makes the skin of the face and body even, smooth and velvety. However, hair can also benefit from this product.

Brew coffee or strong black tea. Wait until the liquid has cooled completely. Wash your hair as you usually do and dry with a towel. Then tilt your head over the bath and rinse your hair with brewed coffee or tea (strain the liquid first).

To achieve a more pronounced effect, pour tea or coffee into a wide bowl and soak your hair in it for a few minutes. The longer they stay there, the better the “paint” will take.

After this procedure, lightly rinse your hair with cool (but not too cold) water, pat dry with a towel and dry naturally. Rinse your hair with tea or coffee once a week and you will get a beautiful dark shade.


This is my favorite hair coloring product. The special attitude towards it can be explained not only by its effective action, but also by the fact that I adore eating any nuts. Therefore, this useful product, shaped like a brain, is always in my kitchen.

Please note that walnut contains a natural dye that can quickly darken not only your hair, but also your hands, so it is recommended to use it with gloves.

Peel several walnuts and place them, along with the shells, in boiling water for 15-25 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, rinse your hair with it and, after squeezing out the excess liquid, pin it on the top of your head or put on a medical cap. After 30 minutes, when your hair is dry, rinse it with water at room temperature and dry it naturally.

A decoction of this medicinal herb covers gray hair very well if used at least once a month.

Place 1∕2 cups of dried sage into boiling water and turn off the stove. Let the decoction cook for 7-8 minutes. Then strain it and rinse your hair after your usual shampooing.

Do not immediately wash off the remaining broth, but collect your hair so that it does not bother you, and, for example, take a tonic bath with sea salt and essential oils. Then rinse your head with water at room temperature.

I admit, I don’t really like this product because of its strong smell, but fortunately it doesn’t stay on my hair for long. Therefore, if you are willing to endure a few minutes for the sake of beauty, then try this recipe.

Mix 1∕2 cups of table vinegar and 1∕2 cups of soy sauce, pour the resulting liquid over clean, damp hair, and then rinse it with a small amount of cool water.

Let your curls always be bright and healthy!

Based on materials from the website

This happened to me during the period of my obsession with natural care. No dyes, tonics, silicones, sls... Fortunately, this period has already passed, but thanks to it I discovered several simple and wonderful self-care products (there is a list below)

I really wanted to turn my brown hair into chestnut without using any dyes (including henna and basma). I found information that oak bark can help with this. I decided to check it out.

I bought it. Satisfied, I went to make an infusion. I washed my hair, rinsed it... I was horrified! My hair became stiffer than straw, and the shade didn’t really increase.

It's a pity. But she did not despair: now the strongest infusion of oak bark I just added to all homemade hair masks , and I made colorless henna and black bread for them (I washed my hair with this). Sometimes I mixed it with other herbs: nettle, calamus, lemon balm... You can take any herbs.

Gradually the idea of ​​becoming a brunette left me. But one fine evening my boyfriend asked me: “When did you have time to paint yourself?”

I run to the mirror and notice - Yes, indeed, my hair has become much darker! I asked you to take a photo - the result is in front of you.

In general, I can encourage everyone who may already be desperate: yes, it is possible to darken your hair yourself using folk remedies! The main thing is perseverance and perseverance))

I used oak bark like this for 1-2 months. During this time, the hair darkened very noticeably, stopped falling out and began to shine greatly.

*Pour the infusion over the black crumbled bread (you can add a little colorless henna), cover with a lid, and leave for an hour or more. Then grind it through a strainer and apply it to damp, dirty hair. As a mask - we walk for about an hour, shampoo - from 5 minutes. The hair is clean after this.

Upon cancellation the hair gradually returns to its previous color. Hair now, six months later:

Some tips for those who want to make their hair darker at home:

*Avoid kefir in home care


* Chamomile infusion; it all brightens;

*Never despair! Be patient and gorgeous hair won’t take long to appear!

Natural remedies that I discovered during my short period of “naturalization”:

The content of the article

Owners of dark hair have probably noticed that in the summer their hair is highly exposed to the influence of the sun. Dark hair is more susceptible to fading than others. The color fades, loses its saturation and the dark shade that you want to see in the mirror. Over the course of human history, women have found different ways to help their hair maintain its dark color brightness at home.

Tea coffee

If you are the lucky owner of dark hair, you can help it not lose its richness under the influence of external factors. Below we will talk about folk remedies that maintain dark hair color at home on your own.

The most excellent remedy that helps dark hair color temporarily gain saturation is strongly brewed long tea or coffee. But we immediately have to make a reservation that such a product is very quickly washed off from the hair. It works very temporarily. How to dye your hair with tea or coffee?

In the case of tea, 3 tablespoons should be poured into 1 glass of boiled water and boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. After this, cool a little and rinse your hair, then wrap your head with a towel and sit with it for 20 minutes.

In the case of coffee, the whole procedure is the same, the only difference is that of course you shouldn’t brew coffee for 20 minutes, as it will simply run off. It needs to be brewed in the usual way for coffee, only with a higher concentration of coffee.

You can repeat any of these two methods for at least 2 weeks and you will get a beautiful rich dark hair color.

Henna + coffee

If you are going to some important event and urgently need to “touch up” your hair, henna and, again, coffee can help you. But to guess the color, you need to brew coffee either stronger for a darker color, or less strong for a light shade. So, dark-haired beauties can get a copper-chestnut color by mixing henna and coffee with hot water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting thick consistency to your hair, put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with a towel. Walk around with a towel and bag for several hours. Rinse off with plain water. Do not wash your hair with shampoo.

Henna + basma

Very often, dark-haired beauties shade their hair with basma in combination with henna. You can control the shade by the amount of added basma. A darker color is obtained with a proportion of 1: 1/3 or 1:1/4, where the first number shows the basma part, and the second - the henna part.

With basma, the color will stay on the hair for a longer time. In addition to a brighter dark color for a long period of time, you will also receive a health complex for your hair, since henna and basma heal dull and unhealthy hair, giving it life and radiance.


Herbs can also give your hair a dark shade. It is very good to brew oak bark and pour this decoction on your hair after each regular shampooing. You can read on the packaging how to brew oak bark correctly. At the end you should get a decoction with a bright dark shade, which you should use to rinse your hair.

An excellent and very useful decoction for your dark hair will also be made from onion peels. Brew it and rinse your hair.

Linden, or rather decoctions from its bark and leaves, has good coloring properties. To do this, pour 5 tablespoons of water into one and a half glasses of water. leaves and bark and simmer over low heat. You need to cook until about one glass remains in the pan. So half should just evaporate. Apply this decoction to your hair and leave under a bag and a terry towel for 30 minutes, then rinse and admire the result.

In general, in folk remedies there are many recipes on how to dye your hair or how to give it the desired shade and shine. In addition to the above, they use cocoa for a slightly reddish tint, blackberries, spruce bark, sage, green walnut shells and many others. The only disadvantage of folk dyes is that the shade is short-lived and quickly washed off. In general, with the help of folk remedies you can strengthen and improve your hair. Try different products and look for your individual color.

If you have dark hair and want to give it a clearer, richer shade, but don’t want to expose it to the damaging effects of synthetic dyes, we suggest you use natural products for this purpose. Here are several ways to darkly tone and cover fine gray hair for brunettes using improvised means. Not only will they not have a harmful effect on your curls, but the natural ingredients will have a nourishing and healing effect. Here are some ways to do this.

1. Coffee or tea.

Brew strong black tea or coffee and wait until it cools completely. Wash your hair as usual, rinse and dry slightly with a towel. While standing under the shower or in the bath, moisten your hair with a strong infusion of black tea or strained strong coffee (made from natural beans, not instant). Allow your hair to absorb the solution. Since it is too liquid and quickly drains from the hair, after a few minutes you can pour tea or coffee over your hair again. It would be a good idea to pour the solution into a basin and dip your hair there, periodically wetting the roots and temples with your hands. Hold this for a few minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hair thoroughly and use conditioner or nourishing balm.
To maintain the effect, repeat the procedure once a month.

2. Walnuts.

You can also use walnuts to make your hair darker. Chop a few nuts and place them in boiling water (completely - shells, shells, and kernels). Boil for 15-25 minutes. Let it brew and cool. Then use in the same way as described with coffee or tea. You can ask someone to slowly pour the infusion onto your head, while you use gloved hands to distribute the infusion throughout your hair. Gloves should be used because the nut infusion has a very strong coloring effect and can instantly stain the skin of your hands. You don't need to wash your hair right away. Leave this for half an hour (you can sit in the bathroom, or you can wrap your head in a plastic bag and walk around), then rinse your hair with running warm water.

3. Sage (naturally covers gray hair).

A collection of the leaves of this plant can be purchased at any pharmacy. Place half a cup of dried sage leaves in boiling water. When it boils for 1-2 minutes, turn off the heat and leave the broth to steep for 7-8 hours. Then you need to strain the mixture and slowly pour it onto your hair, thoroughly wetting each strand. This should be left until completely dry (at this time you can take a bath). Repeat the procedure until you achieve the desired result. If you want to maintain the desired shade, use sage infusion once a month.

4. Vinegar and soy sauce.

You can also darken your hair by using vinegar and soy sauce. Although vinegar has a distinct, specific smell, it does the job perfectly. And, among other things, it adds shine to hair, strengthens it and eliminates dandruff.

Mix half a glass of vinegar and half a glass of soy sauce and wet your hair with the mixture after pre-washing (without using conditioner or conditioner). Then rinse thoroughly using shampoo.

Valuable advice

To naturally dye your hair dark, you can also use henna by mixing it with coffee or basma (the latter can be used separately).

Also read

When thinking about solving the question of how to make your hair darker, you cannot give up traditional and folk remedies.

Many girls dream of becoming the owner of a dark shade of hair, because it is stylish and attractive. According to numerous studies,
It is brunettes that men choose as their permanent life partners. In addition, dark hair does not require such frequent renewal of hair color, which affects the health of the hair. We can talk for hours about how to color hair without using artificial dyes, but there are several proven methods based exclusively on natural ingredients. So-called folk remedies help dye your hair a rich dark shade and keep the color bright and shiny for a long time.

How to make your hair darker with coffee, henna and tea

Using natural coffee allows you to give your hair incredible shine and a rich golden hue. Moreover, this method quite quickly and effectively solves the problem of how to make hair darker. If your hair color is closer to dark blond, coloring with brewed ground coffee will make the shade brighter, focusing attention on the golden shine of dark-colored hair. To dye your hair with coffee, you need to use a brewed drink made from freshly ground natural Arabica beans. In addition, coffee grounds are an excellent natural dye; they must be applied to dry hair, evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair. A brewed coffee drink does not color your hair as intensely as a mask made from coffee grounds does. However, in both cases the coffee must be of high quality. Otherwise, the expected effect may not be achieved.

Henna, basma and coffee.
This method has long been known and is incredibly popular among brunettes who want to renew their hair color and give it health, thickness and shine.
Brew a cup (200-300 ml) of strong coffee. Mix henna powder () and basma powder () in equal proportions, pour the resulting mixture with still warm coffee.
The mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair and left for about three hours. Henna and basma have a good effect on hair if you keep it warm. To do this, after applying the coloring composition, put a shower cap on your hair and a cap or towel on top.

After three hours, the mask is washed off until the hair is completely clean. This method also allows you to solve numerous scalp problems, as well as this one.
Black tea is also a natural dye that gives hair a noble chestnut shade. The hair will not only shine and look healthy and well-groomed, but will also absorb color throughout its entire structure for a long time. The method of dyeing using tea is not much different from a mask made from coffee grounds. The tea leaves steamed with boiling water are evenly distributed onto the hair. After 30 minutes, the tea leaves must be washed off to appreciate the beauty of the renewed hair shade.

Soy sauce.
Natural soy sauce is no less effective in the process of dyeing hair dark. It should be applied over the entire length of the hair and left for some time until absorbed. Soy sauce gives hair a stylish coffee shade with hints of golden accents. It is better to use heated soy sauce to enhance the effect and, as a result, get a bright, stylish hair color.

When answering the question of how to make hair darker, first of all you should pay attention to the most accessible and safe methods, for example, the use of folk remedies and natural cosmetics.
