Day of textile and light industry workers. Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Day light workers industry is celebrated every second Sunday of June in Russia. National fanfares are not heard towards the workers of the industry, rallies and festivals are not held in their honor everywhere, however, light industry is one of the main industries of the country, and people working in it are engaged in the most important thing- put on shoes and clothes for your compatriots, while remaining modest workers.

From the history of light industry in Russia

When Europeans were already accustomed to buying clothes, shoes, and textile household goods in stores, Russian residents did all this in artisanal conditions. Only in the 19th century did machine production appear in our country, first of all, where there used to be textile manufactories and raw materials: flax, wool.

Light industry in the country developed rapidly, but had its drawbacks: poor mechanization, expensive equipment imports, low wages for workers. The dissatisfaction of the latter at the beginning of the 20th century led to numerous unrest, and in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, the main center of light industry in Russia, to the creation of the country's first Soviet of Workers' Deputies.

After the revolution, in the military, post-war years easy The industry is developing at a good pace, albeit with its own problems and shortcomings, but workers in the textile, clothing, leather, fur, and shoe industries were able to dress and shoe people, despite all the obstacles. And this has become a very important achievement in the development of the whole country.

The holiday of the industry was established back in the Soviet Union in 1980 by the Decree “On festive and anniversaries". In 2000, this day was approved by the Decree of the President of Russia "On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers."

Now the light industry is changing. We have to compete with the import of clothing, and therefore the quality of materials, product design, and sales are important; for this, annual textile fairs are being revived in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Ivanovo and other large cities of the country.

Geography of the holiday and people

The Day of Light Industry Workers is still a holiday for residents of Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Vladimir and, of course, Ivanovo regions. It was here that industry began, factories were built and, for the most part, survived. We all remember the song about the fact that "Ivanovo is a city of brides", but why? There is a center of Russian textiles! Even famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev is from this city. Perhaps that is why the holiday is felt here more than in other parts of Russia.

Fashion shows are held, conscientious and hardworking people are honored at enterprises. A holiday is celebrated in many families, and since it is summer time, festivities outdoors, picnics, boating.

Day of light industry workers in other countries

Once upon a time, our neighbors were a large single state, and light industry united different republics. So, from the south they brought cotton to the center, to central regions flax was grown, large factories in big cities made cars for provincial enterprises. Therefore, this holiday is still celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

The Day of Light Industry Workers is one of the most important, although not at all pompous, holidays of the country.

Frames from Valery Todorovsky's film "Dandies" very clearly demonstrated mild condition industry in the 1950s. Dim identical fabrics, identical shoes, and only rare attempts to somehow decorate your life with the help of beautiful clothes. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Anyone can dress according to their taste and financial possibilities, and the merit in this is not only foreign manufacturers, but the workers of our domestic light industry. Not only large, but also many small enterprises are working to create beautiful, competitive products that customers would love to wear. As a recognition of the importance of their work in the life of society, in 2000, by order of the President, the Day of Light Industry Workers was established, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.

And a tailor and a seamstress
And I'm in a hurry to cutter
I congratulate you on this day.
We call you the best!

So that the needle does not break,
Pattern so as not to be lost,
Muse to visit
And I did not know fatigue!

Everything to succeed in life
Who does life need to connect with?
To avoid frustration
For you to succeed.

Light industry celebrates its day.
Your work is very important, needed and appreciated.
On this day, I congratulate you with excitement
And I wish you happiness, joy, love.

Let the work be easy and loved.
May it often bring you a lot of income.
Let life become a kind and beautiful fairy tale.
And success and luck will lead you forward.

Rejoice more often, laugh, smile.
May your health be eternal.
Be loved and don't be discouraged.
Let all your troubles melt like smoke.

In the light industry
The work is not easy
Sometimes it's so hard to stand
Long time at the machine.

But like any job,
You, for sure,
Creativity is honored here
And a light hand.

Let me congratulate you
Having drunk something that is stronger than tea.
We want you to make
competition to China.

Light industry workers!
Happy big day to all of you!
May all your clear thoughts
Will spill innovation stream.

Successful, successful decisions,
Finds, flight, dreams.
So that there are no frequent doubts -
Ideas of love, beauty.

So that in life - health and joy,
Don't know what fatigue is.
Know how to always rest
It's easy to get over the problem.

Good worker of the light industry,
Accept congratulations.
Your hands are golden
They have no price in the world.

And get sick, look, don’t you dare,
After all, where without you.
Be happy and positive
May life please you.

Let the authorities appreciate you
Protect with respect.
Know that your work is not in vain,
And the people revere him.

Today we celebrate the day of our workers,
In light industry: from chiefs to privates.
May skill and luck not leave you yourself,
Well, the quality with design is like that of world brands.
We wish you technologies, advanced production,
And reliable stability, center prosperity.

light industry workers
Today my congratulations.
I wish everyone good luck
Success in work, fidelity in love.

I want your salary to grow
And to work, so that you rush with joy,
I want you to be rich
So that you live happily and cheerfully.

Light industry workers
Needles, you are all masters,
On your holiday, I sincerely wish you
Good luck and great success.

Always let work go well
Things are only going uphill
Let there be room for joy
Let your work be appreciated.

Light industry with us -
This is the most, the highest class,
You offer goods to the people,
And you, in fact, wear it!

You for this from the people - honor, praise!
We want the factory to bloom
To improve the quality all the time
Your money didn't fit in your wallet!

So that success always accompanies you,
And the director often gave an award,
So that families have joy and peace,
So that happiness covers you with your head!

All workers in the light industry
Accept congratulations from the bottom of your heart!
We wish you so many wonderful blessings,
May your days be good.

We wish you health
To keep happiness from any trouble.
And, of course, joy with love,
And, of course, dreams come true.

Congratulations: 36 in verse.

Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers

Almost everything that we wear and use is the products of light and textile industry. Significant, isn't it? But it is even more significant, even surprising, that hundreds of thousands of workers of this detachment of producers received their professional holiday only in 1980. With that memorable Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the annual honoring of textile workers and light industrial workers began on the second Sunday of June. 20 years later, a similar Decree was signed by the President of the now sovereign Russia.

Manufactory production, from which the biography of enterprises of this plan actually began, flourished even before Ivan the Terrible and Peter I. However, individual artisans and handicraft workshops even provided their own state with difficulty. Well, about quality, especially textile materials and didn't have to speak. Ladies and gentlemen tried to import everything from abroad.

Now everything is different. Almost 15 thousand enterprises of light and textile industry work in Russia. And they employ about half a million professional workers, experienced engineers and designers, mostly women. The title of "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry" was established Russian Federation". Interests of all labor collectives defends and defends the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and light industry».

This focus on the industry is understandable. After all, since ancient times, everywhere on earth a person was met "by clothes ..." Textile workers provide us with it. So that a Russian citizen looks no worse than any foreigner.

The combination of "Women" and "light industry" does not at all characterize the specifics of production. There is a lot of heavy, monotonous physical labor, because the industry includes not only textile enterprises, but also the clothing, leather, fur, and shoe industries. Here are produced faux fur and leather, polymer-film materials. So, closely adjacent to the production chemical industry. Uniting everything, grouping, debugging interdepartmental relations, establishing mutual deliveries is also hard work, and only leaders from fair half humanity, who understand how important it is that the rhythm of production is clear and the supply of products is not disrupted. And in the end, so that neither trade enterprises, nor subcontractors, nor, most importantly, society suffer. Which, of course, is interested in the domestic product, supports the native manufacturer. And after the war, continuing to perform the difficult functions of the rear of the Fatherland.

Each person strives for comfort, so he tries to acquire different shoes and clothing suitable for different variants weather. Today you can find a lot of clothes and shoes from foreign and domestic manufacturers, offered in a huge assortment. However, many people forget about the titanic work of people involved in the production process of such products, providing maximum comfort, helping to escape from heat, rain or cold.

history of the holiday

Such a holiday can be called relatively young, since it began to be celebrated only 30 years ago. The document that became the basis for the introduction of such important holiday, became the Decree of the Presidium of the Council Soviet Union, adopted 10/1/1980. The holiday was celebrated throughout the USSR, congratulating the shock workers and presenting commendations, awards. However, after the collapse of the great superpower, the holiday remained, but was adopted by the heads of each of the seceding countries, including Russia.

How they celebrate in Russia

On the Day of Light Industry Workers, various meetings and conferences are held to highlight the most successful companies that contribute to the development of the country's light industry, as well as solving the main problems that arise in this area. Solemn meetings are held at various industrial enterprises, providing for the presentation of certificates and awards to the most distinguished employees by their work and diligence. Veterans of labor who have put a lot of effort and time into improving the technologies and processes of the light industry are also often invited. On this day, the authorities and officials of various ranks express gratitude to all workers and labor veterans, and also congratulate them on the great professional holiday.

IN Lately light industry enterprises employ predominantly female employees, who are distinguished by patience, attentiveness and the ability to long time do monotonous work. At the same time, today most of the light industry is made up of small companies with a small staff, engaged in the production of a limited number of products to order, or sewing workwear, camping equipment. Congratulations to the employees of such companies are carried out by their management.

Also, light industry workers are congratulated by friends, colleagues and ordinary acquaintances, handing them small presents or expressing congratulations on poetic form(SMS, postcards, etc.).

Celebration in the world

In other countries that were previously part of the Soviet Union, the celebration of such an event takes place in much the same way. Workers and veterans of labor in the light industry are congratulated by the management, as well as close, familiar colleagues. Often on this day, labor leaders receive certificates, as well as incentive bonuses. In many countries, many conferences are timed to coincide with this day, designed to draw attention to lung problems industry different countries and also find the most appropriate ways to solve them.

Light industry in Russia

Light industry in Russia originated in the 17th century. Then the first workshops began to open, engaged in tailoring clothes from cloth and linen, created by the state. It is noteworthy that the state forced people to work at such enterprises, depriving good rest and earning opportunities. The next step was the opening of capitalist tailoring workshops. different products from wool and linen. At this time, hired labor had already appeared, people began to receive rewards for the efforts made and the time spent. Only in the 19th century were the first factories equipped with multifunctional equipment allowing mass production of quality shoes and clothes.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, there was a rapid lung development industry. Combines began to open everywhere, qualitatively processing knitwear, linen, cotton and wool. However, the workers who worked at such plants received meager wages demeaning the importance of their work. During the collapse of the superpower, foreign-made clothing and footwear began to be massively brought to Russia, which negatively affected the state of the domestic light industry. Today, the import of foreign products is not blocked, but domestic factories and small businesses have managed to reach a certain level, producing quality products, which are worthy competition to foreign brands.

Large light industry enterprises are located in 12 economic regions of Russia. The most important regions producing maximum amount products are considered to be Tver and Ivanovo, located in the central part of the country. In such areas, the production of high-quality knitwear and various products from this material has been established. Every year, numerous enterprises from these regions hold thematic fairs, offering everyone to purchase high-quality domestic products. However, every year the country's reserves necessary for the production of textiles are getting scarcer, which leads to gradual decrease output, as well as a significant increase in the cost of domestic textiles.
