Modern scenarios for weddings. Scenario for a wedding without a toastmaster in the family circle


Before coming up with a script, toastmaster you need to talk with the bride and groom or their parents if they organize the holiday. It is important to understand what the heroes of the occasion expect from the feast. Perhaps they want it in the traditional old Russian style, in compliance with all rituals. Or, on the contrary, they are waiting for modern competitions such as male striptease. Also toastmaster it does not hurt to find out how many guests and what age is expected at the celebration. This will help to adjust the program to the needs of the main part of the guests.

In the script, it is better to immediately prescribe the main points of a traditional wedding. There are several. Firstly, before entering the hall or apartment where the feast will be held, young people should taste bread and salt on the threshold. A loaf with a salt shaker holds a mother on a tray with a towel, and the toastmaster offers to break off pieces of bread. Whoever has more of a piece will be the main one in the family. Then the pieces need to be salted, and feed them to each other. So for the last time the newlyweds annoyed each other, now in their lives there will be only peace.

When the guests sit down at the table, the toastmaster should give the first word to congratulate the bride and groom. In advance, you need to prepare two new long candles and one small tablet candle, preferably in a heart-shaped mold. The newly-made mother-in-law must light their long candles (the toastmaster helps to light them) and at the same time bring the fire to a small candle held by the young. This is a symbol of the connection of two families into one, a very touching moment. After him, the toastmaster the first toast: for a new family, and when everyone drinks, he shouts "Bitterly." At the same time, it is better to search in advance or compose small funny quatrains in which the word "Bitter" will be. For example: Finally, all the guests are assembled,
Little space at the tables
But the piece does not go down the throat,
Because it became BITTER!

When the guests go to dance, the toastmaster, with the help of witnesses, can organize the kidnapping of the bride. She will be led away from the dance floor by a bridesmaid. When the song ends and the disappearance becomes obvious, the toastmaster shouts: "Help, the bride has been stolen!" Then the “mafia” appears in the hall (the role of the mafia is played by guests in dark glasses) and put forward their conditions. The groom must either pay off or pass tests in order to return his beloved. The tests are conducted by the toastmaster: she asks questions about the bride's habits, for example, her favorite books, films, and so on. The correctness of the answers is checked by the parents of the bride.

During the wedding, the toastmaster can alternate congratulations from the guests (first come relatives, then friends, then colleagues) with games and competitions. The most popular entertainment at weddings is with dressing up. You need to find bright cheerful costumes in advance and come up with a common theme. For example, pop stars came to congratulate the young. Some of the guests can be dressed up with Alla Pugacheva (red wig, glasses, hat), someone with Verka Serduchka, someone with Boris Moiseev. They will appear in turn to the soundtrack in the center of the hall and "sing". And the host introduces each guest.

It is better to start competitions with drinking ones. They help guests relax and get to know each other. Tamada offers this option: the right and left halves of the table begin to pass kisses on the cheek from neighbor to neighbor to the music. Whose side passed it faster - she drinks, the rest skip the toast. Of the competitions that are held on the dance floor, the "Zanachka" competition is very popular. Two married couples are called, the wives turn away, and the husbands hide five hundred-ruble bills in their clothes and on their bodies. Then, to the music, they must find all the stash, who is faster. Tamada, of course, comments on all the actions with jokes and applause, brings guests and does not forget about a new toast after each game.

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A wedding celebration should be remembered for a lifetime not only by the bride and groom, but also by all guests. Therefore, it is important to prepare a wedding script in advance so that the invitees not only eat and drink, but also have fun.

A wedding is an expensive event, especially if the bride and groom have big requests. Increasingly, they began to invite a host-master of ceremonies, as well as a DJ, to such celebrations. The cost of the services provided is quite high. But on the other hand, there is one less problem for the couple, no need to rack their brains over how the guests would not get bored during the buffet table.

Save your family budget

To save the family budget, you can do without. You should take the reins of government into your own hands and organize your wedding "party". To do this, it is important to recall the experience of previous weddings, for sure either the bride or the groom was previously present at such an event. The toastmaster plays the role of a “regulator”, it is he who decides when the guests should speak with words of congratulations, when it is worth starting to eat delicious salads, when to dance and participate in competitions.

Among relatives, you can certainly find a sociable person who does not hesitate to speak to the public and will agree to slightly control the course of the celebration. He must give the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the newlyweds and give wedding gifts. Between this, you can insert jokes and jokes about family life, jokes about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You can start table contests: collect money for the unborn child in sliders, organize a ransom, arrange an auction and put up a wedding cake as a lot.

It is necessary to organize the evening in such a way that during this time relatives from the side of the bride and groom have time to get to know each other. After all, many of them see each other for the first time.

Creative gift from friends and relatives

In advance, friends of the bride and groom can be asked to prepare a creative number. It can be a video about the newlyweds, a reworked song, according to a given theme, a skit or on the couple. Such a gift from friends will be appreciated by all guests. By the way, they can also be involved in participating in funny scenes.

If one of the relatives sings well or plays a musical instrument, then this could be one of the numbers in the evening program. The dance of the young to the sounds of live music is very touching and romantic.

Amusing dress-up contests are well perceived by guests. Both the bride and groom and guests can participate in them.

Dancing till you drop

It must be remembered that guests should not sit at the table for a long time. Because laziness wakes up in a person when he overeats. From time to time, all guests need to be invited to the dance floor so that they have fun to the rhythms of incendiary music. You can replace fast dances with slow compositions so that guests do not get tired right away.

Modern ones are very interesting, you can choose a variety of scenarios, add exciting numbers and competitions. But if the toastmaster did not come, then you should not be upset, the place of the host can always be taken by friends or relatives of a couple in love.

A wedding is made interesting not only by food and dancing, but also by exciting shows. You can invite creative teams that will make the holiday unforgettable. Someone chooses gypsy ensembles, someone likes live music, oriental dances or vocal performers look great. But if such teams are not planned, you can create them from invited guests. This requires costumes and an accurate description of the actions for each character. Think of several characters who will come to congratulate the participants of the event. Create costumes for them, and at the height of the holiday, dress one of the guests in them.

Come up with various contests for guests in advance. You need to have at least 20 different events in stock. Some of them should be calm, some moving, and some indicative. At the beginning of the event, the guests still do not want to get up from the table, so verbal charades will come in handy. Then it is worth inviting the first participants so that it would be interesting for others to watch, witnesses often begin this part, and when the guests have already drunk a little, you can arrange mass and dance competitions.

  • Author : M. Savinykh
  • To whom : Adults
  • Others : Redemption, Musical, Dress up, With props, Fairytale
  • Roles : 4 and > person
  • Pages : 31 pages
  • Type of : Scenario
  • Time spending: 4 hours, 5 hours

The wedding script for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with competitions and music tracks

We offer a ready-made, complete, interesting, comic wedding scenario for a beginner or an experienced host. Everything for a modern wedding. A lot of interesting, amazing contests and tasks. Contains 30 music tracks, 31 pages of text.

First of all, the ransom of the bride is carried out, at the home of the parents of a young girl.

Ransom of the bride

Scene-test for the ransom of the bride: "Baba Yaga and Leshy"

Description: Villains (disguised aunt and uncle or friends) - Grandmother Yaga and Leshy stole and hid the bride. The groom is offered to perform comic tasks and answer questions ...

Baba Yaga is a man dressed as Grandmother Yozhka.
Goblin - a plump woman, put on a beard, hat, caftan and belt. In pockets and decorate the hat with twigs and grass - but not necessary.

Before the bride is asked questions, she gives answers to them. The groom must guess these answers.


/ The groom in the corridor or at the entrance is met by Baba Yaga and Leshy /

Baba Yaga:
- Chufir, chufir! I smell the Russian spirit! No groom came to us for his bride! /here you can substitute the names of the bride and groom/

- It wasn’t there, we won’t just give up our prey!

…………….full text of the ransom with jokes in the full version of the script……………………


Dear newlyweds! We are glad to welcome you and congratulate you on your legal marriage. Many guests came to congratulate you today, but among them there are people closest to you - your parents.

(the bride and groom walk along the living corridor, the guests sprinkle them with rose petals)

Bow to your parents at the feet three times for their love, warmth and care that they have given you all these years, and today they have come to bless you for a long, happy, life together!

Parents, bless your children! (bless)


Taste bread as a symbol of the blessing of parents, as a symbol of life on earth. The groom breaks off and salts the bread for the bride, the bride breaks and salts for the groom, so that today you annoy each other for the first and last time, and in your life, so that it is sweet and smooth.

So that in your life together there is no knot, no hitch - break this plate for happiness.

(after these words, the mother of the bride sprinkles the newlyweds)

Today you have united and for each other have become halves of one whole. Here are glasses for two of you, drink from them as soon as possible and you will be united!

Now eat a candy and as soon as you chew it, say “Ahh”, remember how in childhood?

We did this so that you understand that standing here on the threshold of a new life, you are still children, and as soon as your parents tie your hands and lead you into a new life, you will become adults, an independent family. What God has joined together, man will not separate! Love each other, appreciate each other, respect each other! (Fathers tie the hands of the young and lead them to the table)

And now the way for the couple -
Let only happiness await in life!
Come on, hurry up
A festive feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
Wedding hospitality.

Feast. TOAST 1.

Dear newlyweds!
Today you got married
For you, a happy day in the world,
Once you lit the beacon of love

May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings

Flowers and music for you.
You have beautiful outfits
We are starting this feast.
Complied with articles, rituals,

Love, advice to you, eternal peace.
In anticipation of family ties,
When hearts and souls are wide open
We bless your union
For stability and happiness.

Well, guests, stood up together?
Glasses cheerfully raised?
Let's shout bitterly to them
Bitter, bitter young.

First kiss

Track number 1. First kiss.


The second toast rightly sounds for the dearest and closest people to you. For your parents!

But before you raise a glass to them
Parents, children to congratulate you.

Now we want to invite the parents of the bride mom (NAME) dad (NAME)

Mom reads her words. Wishes from the parents of the bride.

Then the groom's parents come out. Mom reads her words. Congratulations from the groom's parents.

Now, before we raise our glasses, we will say amicably bitterly to our parents. Someone must teach the young to kiss.


…………………………..text of the comic telegram in the full version of the script………………………….


For those who took honorable care
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure
So that there is peace and harmony in the family sponsored.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, joyful, big
Before their silver wedding at the beginning
Well, then before the wedding gold.

(the word is given to the witnesses)

You got a comrade girlfriend
Kiss the boyar friend.

There is a sun and a moon in the sky, we have a groom and a bride. Both are dazzling, radiate warmth and tenderness. The only difference is that the sun and the moon appear in turn, one at a time, and we wish our young people to always be together and never be separated!

On this solemn day, two loving people tied the bonds of love ... Eye to eye, hand in hand, heart to heart, his pulse will merge with her rhythm ... in the first dance of the young, which they will carry through their whole lives ...


Track number 2. The first dance of the young.

And now I want to make a musical gift for our newlyweds and their guests. Please everyone on the dance floor. (35 min)


(name of the bride), I want to give you a small gift. Today is one of the happiest days in your life, you are unusually beautiful today. I want to give you this bouquet and ask you to dance with it, and at the moment when you feel especially happy, throw one flower, then another, and let the guests make their most cherished wishes and try to catch them. After all, today all wishes have the right to come true!

And now we will hold a competition with you for the most mobile and plastic young man.
To do this, we need to select five applicants and take 5 chairs. (Chair dancing competition)

Dear guests, do you want to see how our groom celebrated his bachelor party yesterday?
We change the groom's friends into girls, put a chair in the center of the hall and seat the groom. Friends dressed up dancing.

Track number 3. Groomsmen dance.

All at the table.

One day, an ancient old woman with a stick came to the house where the weddings of two sisters were celebrated and asked to feed her. The eldest of the sisters shouted at her and wanted to push her out, and the youngest sat her down at the table. The old woman was a fairy, and she put invisible black glasses on the eyes of the older one, and rose-colored glasses on the eyes of the younger. And the whole world began to seem gloomy to the elder, everything annoyed her, and because of every little thing she scandalized. She gave her husband a dark, joyless and impoverished life. The younger one saw everything in a pink light - kind, beautiful, worthy of love. She was tolerant, did not notice minor and inevitable misdeeds, and gave her husband a bright life in an atmosphere of love and joy. The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of a woman, and it is in the power of the wife to make a long golden morning out of married life. Let's wish the bride to create this paradise of a happy family life. For the happiness of the young! Bitterly!!!

(any poem or prose lead guests to give gifts).

One ruler was asked:

How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
“When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.
My toast is to keep peace and tranquility in your family in this way.
Bitter young.

And now I suggest you play one very funny game.

Rules of the game "On the Leaves"

……………………… in full scenario………………………


In one country, and even in one city, two beautiful babies were born. In one family, they rejoiced at the birth of a heroic son, and in another, a beautiful daughter. That's how they grew up, grew up and ... having matured, they met. Their hearts found each other and spoke. And what they are talking about today, we will now find out. I want our young people to say the warmest and most tender words to each other.

Bitter young!

Our dears, answer me and all the guests, have you ever talked about who will do what after the wedding? Now, let's check this out.

Duty box

Husband's joking official duties (recited at the wedding)

1. Do not assume that the marriage certificate is
This is an act for the eternal use of his wife.
Only everyday attention to his wife,
Increasing love for her
They are the key to great happiness.

…………… all text in full version…………………………..

Joking office duties of a wife (recited at the wedding)

1. Remember: it is not enough to charm a husband;
You must always keep him in a fascinated state.

2. Do not consider that your main responsibility
Read morality to her husband and put 2 for behavior.

……………………… all text in the full version of the script…………………………………………….

(Names of the young), we filmed it all, and if you suddenly have doubts about who will cook and who will give birth to children, you immediately turn on the TV and watch. Although by and large it doesn’t matter who will do the laundry, who will clean up, the main thing is that everything in your family is together. So that you always help and at least sometimes give in to each other, and most importantly, that you trust each other.

"Gypsy Fortuneteller"

I sing the song "Guitar toils". I'm guessing. I tell.

Hello, hello my dears. I was told that I am a famous currency gypsy and I only come to the most expensive guests. And today I came to you for a holiday and I will definitely tell you fortune, but first I want to make a gift for you. Do you want to know the thoughts of your guests?


……………………… the full version of the script………………………………

Musical pause.

Oath of the Young

Do you swear, (name), to be an exemplary husband, protector, friend, faithful helper. (- I swear!)
Do you swear, fiancé, you (name) love? Sweep floors and wash dishes? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to take care of her, Always kiss leaving for work? (- I swear!)
Do you swear to give money to your wife? (- I swear!) Swear to always be good and sweet, so that there is no room for contention, insults ... (- I swear!)
Do you swear, (name), do you feel sorry for your husband, be friendly, affectionate with him all your life? (- I swear!)
And after dinner, if he lies down with a newspaper, swear that you won't swear about it. (- I swear!)
Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife? (I swear!)
Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him? (I swear!)
Do you swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often, Pour stronger tea and sweeter? (I swear!)
Do you swear to your family and friends And to share sorrow and joy in half?
After such vows, you simply have to go through life hand in hand, soul to soul. Bitter young!


Now, dear guests, I want to tell you one very beautiful tale. But for this I will ask our newlyweds to help me. Bride and groom, please stand up and listen carefully to every word and every sound.

So, let's begin:

/DJ plays backing tracks during each pause/


………………………………..text of a fairy tale with backing tracks in the paid version of the script…………………………….

And then came this bright and unforgettable day in your life. Today, the closest people came to share this joy with you. And they tell you from the bottom of their hearts (we wish you happiness). Bitter young!


Collect for a boy, a girl in beautiful pots:

………………………… the text of the scene in the detailed version……………………………………

And now we will conduct the ceremony of lighting a candle and saying goodbye to girlhood. All unmarried girls, please come here.

MUSICAL rite of lighting a candle

……………………………… text and music tracks in full version………………………………………..

Bride, come to your mother.

You have always been with me since childhood,
in moments of joy, in moments of sorrow,
for all the insults you forgive me,
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness...
you are always with me since childhood,
in moments of sincerity and hours of deception..
and I thank you for everything
my beloved mother...

Mother and bride dancing

Track number 23.

Well, it's dad's turn. Father of the bride, please come. Remember how your daughter was born quite a baby, but she takes her first steps, but she says the first "mom" and now she goes to first grade. She suddenly grew up. Today you are giving her in marriage. Press her to your heart and, as you once did in childhood, joke with her about what only a father can talk about with his little, beloved, tiny daughter.

Father and bride dancing

Track number 24.

Pass your daughter into other hands, into the hands of her beloved, the groom take care of her, as her father took care of her. This is the most beautiful flower that my father has grown in his garden. Today he picked this rose and gave it to you. But a rose will only bloom when it is taken care of.

The bride and groom dance

Track number 25.


And now the turn has come to congratulate the bride and groom from the most faithful girlfriends and friends.

Scene for the wedding from the bridesmaids: "Babki-Yozhki"

Track number 28.

Description: Three groovy bridesmaids congratulate the bride and groom, dressed as grandmothers-Hedgehogs ... It is better if the bridesmaids are unmarried. But if they are married, it is also possible.

Girlfriend 1 - with a broom
Girlfriend 2 - with a spell book
Girlfriend 3 - with a bunch of dry herbs or a glass vial

/ Three girlfriends of grandmother-Yozhki come out into the hall /

1: We are grandmas-Hedgehogs, slender legs / lifts the hem and shows the leg / walked to your wedding, they broke the heels!
2: Ask for a refund, give a treat!
3: You will not meet us with warmth, we will steal the groom!

Music pause for a meal.

- Friends of the groom came to our wedding. One of them, handsome and single, wants to say his word to the groom.

Comic wedding scene: "The Bachelor"

Track number 29.

Description: The bachelor came to congratulate the groom and tell about himself, why he does not want to get married, talk about all the hardships of living with his wife.

Roles: 1 person, you can dress like a nerd, funny and ridiculous, for fun.

- I came to the wedding from afar,
To save the groom from trouble.
Planning to get married? Think brother!
After all, women are bitches, almost everything.

………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

Music pause for a meal.

- One feathered guest has come to us, who brings happiness to the house, called a baby!

Comic scene for the wedding: "Stork"

Track number 30.

Description: A courier for express delivery of children - a stork - flew into the wedding, takes an order for the delivery of a child ...

Stork - you can sew a stork costume from white fabric, put on a mask or apply makeup. Attach a beak made of red cardboard, wings-cloak made of fabric. Over the shoulder canvas bag, in the style of a postman.

/A stork with a bag enters the stage and addresses the bride and groom/

- A white-tailed courier stork flew to you from afar.
- I work in express delivery, I take applications for children.
- I accept applications for girls and boys and deliver the best babies to spouses!

………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

But, besides this, we offer very useful contests, jokes, poems, telegrams, commandments, instructions and other necessary things:

Joking commandments for newlyweds

1. The husband is the head of the house, the head of everything.
2. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck; where I want, I go there!
3. Wife, cross the road where the husband points.
4. Wife, do not forget that you have a separate office - the kitchen!
5. A wife in everything and always must be obedient to her husband. Let the wife be afraid of her husband!
6. Wife, always be friendly and optimistic.
7. Give your husband instructions in moderation. Remember that even a drop of water wears away a stone.
8. Teach your husband to technology. If he buys a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner, he will be more willing to manage them himself!
9. The husband ordered - do it, do not argue, do not mind!
This order, perhaps, is good, if you left and are a little cunning, you will turn your husband's order in your own way.
Well, we wish that those who marry live happily and happily, without scandals and fights! So be healthy, live richly!

Joking telegrams for newlyweds and wedding guests

I found out very late that you are getting married!
How could you change me?
After all, for a long time you were with me, swore allegiance to me.
Probably, you will often remember me, our meetings, my fiery love for you ... I am very upset ...
Farewell and be happy.
your single life

My dear …
So you get on the rails of family life.
I believe that you will be a faithful husband and a good father.
Remember how you loved me; how I loved you.
Remember those unforgettable evenings when you and I were alone.
…, I will love you as before, even more.
More than once I will appear to you in your dreams.
Remember me, my dear. Be happy.
your single life

Expensive …
Your wife has access to your wallet, but it's convenient, safe, and profitable to keep money in a savings bank.
Savings bank.

Dear …
We congratulate you on your family life and hope that we will fulfill the annual plan not without your participation.
In ... 20__, we are expecting a 2-seater stroller. Looking forward to shopping.
Store "Children's World"
___________, accept congratulations from your unmarried friends.
We regret that one of us has become less. Our ranks are thinning... But we won't take it back! Pull the strap of family life until old age.
your girlfriends

Dear guests, do not worry, drink for the young; we are ready to receive you

Sobering-up station.

Dear _____________
Please be informed that stroller driving courses have been postponed for the time being due to the lack of passengers. DOSAAF

Wedding decree in verse

……………………….in the full version of the script………………………….

Joking hostess certificate (for the bride at the wedding)

Issued to the bride by the wedding commission that she graduated from the school of housewives.
By the decision of the GESK from ... she was awarded the title of "Excellent housewife", which corresponds to the 5th category of housewives.

The housewife should know:
1. Spending the family budget economically - money! After all, they are printed on paper!
2. The room must be intertwined with cobwebs! To avoid unnecessary tenants.
3. Walk around the room slowly, so as not to get confused about abandoned things.
4. Cook dinner more often salted, in order to once again remind the betrothed of your existence and that you love him.

Chairman of HPSC _____________
HESK members _______________

Instructions for the wife

This document certifies that the husband .... (FULL NAME) …. (date) this year the wife was presented ... (full name) Wife 1 set.

…………………………… all text in the full version of the script……………………………………

Driving license for a baby stroller

For good parents, the stroller is not empty for a long time.

A certificate for the right to drive a baby carriage is awarded to the husband ...
The fact that in a few months he has the right to drive children's vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the rules of traffic and the rules of use.

It is forbidden:
1. Stop at a liquor store.
2. Stop at the pub.

1. Walk on the playground.
2. Walk in the park.
3. Stop at the grocery store

1. Stop at the children's store.
2. Stop at the store "Flowers".

Committee for the Protection of Children.
Date of issue …

Court case on accusation of the newlyweds of committing a particularly serious crime (for the wedding)

Case No. ___ dated ____ (date of marriage)
on charges of (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)
in the commission of a particularly serious crime


All rise, the court is in session!

A case is being heard on charges of (full names of young people) of committing love and maliciously changing lifestyles. As established, this crime was deliberately prepared for a long time. The perpetrators carefully concealed their feelings from their parents, from themselves, from others, but despite this, they exposed themselves.
According to our information, this happened in a room code-named the registry office, it was there that the crime was maturing. Particularly heavy guilt falls on (I.O. the groom), it was he who deprived the rest and sleep, plunged into confusion the soul of a modest, quiet, gentle, kind and beautiful girl (name of the bride). He maliciously shook her heart, managed to gain confidence. And the crime was committed: She fell in love with him!!!

The guilt of the (acting bride) lies in the fact that with her meek (eye color) eyes she deprived the poor (groom's name) of fortitude and endurance and contributed to the commission of the crime. As a result - the finale: He fell in love with her!!!

I believe that the comrades' court, the public, and relatives that have gathered here should approach this case with all seriousness and reveal the true motives for the crime. But no mercy, no indulgence, for any example is contagious.

Questions for the case:

To the groom: You must tell the truth and only the truth and nothing but the truth!
1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. Year of birth?
3. When and where did you see her for the first time?
4. What struck her, what did you pay attention to?
5. Do you think that you are to blame for what happened, or do you take the blame on yourself?

To the bride:

1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
2. What is your year of birth?
3. Why did you let this feeling flare up?
4. What methods did (name of the groom) use to lead you astray from the path of the righteous?
5. Do you have any circumstances that will mitigate your guilt and thanks to which you can alleviate your lot?

Questions for young people:

1. Do you plead guilty to the fact that you really love each other?
2. Are you really going to leave the bachelor life and enter the criminal path of marriage?
3. And you have no remorse for what you have done?

Look at the poor parents! What have they experienced, what are they going to experience! Therefore, I ask that the guilty be severely punished and sentenced to them!


An off-site meeting of a comrades' court for especially important cases, in the presence of a slightly intoxicated public and relatives, considered the case of the young (full name of the young) and found them guilty of committing a dangerous crime: Love for each other. But, taking into account their frank confession, young age and insufficient life experience, the court decides: for the crime committed, from now on and forever consider husband and wife and condemn them to cohabitation and raising future children.

The verdict is final and not subject to appeal!


Congratulations to the newlyweds

We wish you:

How many drops of water are in Biya.
As much warmth as
Subtropics of the Caucasus.
So much creative energy
How much does the turbine give
All HPPs combined.
We wish you faithful friends,
To have someone to feast with
But such that in a difficult moment,
They could give a hand of friendship!
And let the fields of your love

Like the virgin lands of the country!

Wishes for the wedding

We wish you:
So many kisses and so much happiness
How many drops of water are in the river ______,
So much heat
how many in the subtropics of the Caucasus,
So much creative energy
How much it is given by the turbines of all HPPs combined!
We wish you faithful friends,
To have someone to feast with.
But such that in a bad moment
They could give a hand of friendship!
And let the fields of your love
They will give the same rich harvest,
Like virgin lands!

Joking tasks for the bride and groom at the wedding

…………………………… in the full version of the script………………………………..

It was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 R kill Stock

A wedding without a toastmaster is a purely personal matter. Do not follow stereotypes and start from generally accepted rules. This day is dedicated to the newlyweds, and everything should happen in accordance with their wishes. Only the young decide whether it will be a noisy company or a quiet family dinner, a banquet in a restaurant or a holiday in nature.

The presence of a host or toastmaster at a wedding celebration is an integral part for many, but this is not entirely true. We will tell you how to have a wedding without a toastmaster fun or just cozy alone.

Who will suit

In order to understand in which particular case you can do without a toastmaster, you need to figure out what role is assigned to the host at the wedding. Tamada functions:

  • maintain the general mood and cohesion of the company;
  • announce congratulations;
  • hold contests and sweepstakes;
  • entertain guests;
  • regulate toast.

To create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere at the holiday, it is necessary to distribute some of the duties of the toastmaster among the guests. For example, a sociable bridesmaid can do the ceremony, you can make toasts without announcing, but simply A friendly close-knit company does not need a ringleader, an outsider may even be superfluous.

Basically, people in adulthood refuse toastmasters. For them, a noisy mass celebration is no longer so relevant. Adults prefer dinner with close relatives and children.

They do not use the services of a toastmaster at weddings. Regardless of the venue, there will always be a topic for conversation for close friends, and they themselves will easily make the holiday fun and unforgettable.

A wedding is an extremely expensive business, it is not surprising that young people try to minimize their expenses when organizing a celebration. Refusing toastmaster is a good way to save money. The services of a toastmaster cost a lot of money, but it is not possible to predict in advance whether the host's performance will be successful.

There are frequent cases when the toastmaster in no way fits into the formed team, and her services, at least, are not in demand.

A celebration for two

If you and your significant other do not want to create a holiday for the crowd, but want to devote the whole significant day to yourself, then a lot of ideas for a wedding without a toastmaster together are revealed to you.

After the standard official part in the registry office, you can get rid of wedding dresses and go on an adventure!

Here's how you can diversify the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster

  • Skydiving. Many people dream all their lives to jump with a parachute, to experience a free fall on themselves. You will forever remember these indescribable sensations by taking a double jump on your wedding day!
  • Horse ride. Leave the hustle and bustle of the big city and go to nature. Riding horses together will give only positive emotions. And what an amazing wedding photo shoot you can arrange with horses.
  • Extreme riding. If the newlyweds love to ride with the breeze, to feel freedom, then quad biking is a great option to get a storm of emotions.
  • Boat ride. If the weather and finances allow, then feel free to go on a boat trip. Bring champagne, fruit, snacks and have a picnic on the water. Don't forget to invite a photographer, you get amazing pictures on the water!
  • Amusement park. A wedding is a responsible step, the creation of a family. Break stereotypes, plunge into childhood on your wedding day! There are many attractions in the amusement park: roller coasters, karting, Ferris wheel. Take a ride on each, have fun and indulge!
  • Spa. Devote this day to your body. It will be extremely useful for newlyweds to relax, visit the bathhouse and get a portion of high-quality massage!
  • From the ship to the ball. Why organize a banquet and entertain guests? The official registration has ended, call a taxi and go to the airport as soon as possible! Warm sea and gentle sand are waiting for you! On a honeymoon trip, the toastmaster is definitely not useful.

For more fun and creating a cozy company, you can invite a couple of your closest friends, they will gladly share the scenario of a home wedding without a toastmaster.

Holiday in a small company

If your guest list is limited to 15-20 items, then you will have a great time without an invited host. An excellent option for such a number of guests would be a cozy restaurant, cafe or country cottage.

If you decide to celebrate a wedding without a toastmaster, it will be important to set the general style during the celebration. It can be outfits of the same color, navy or Do not forget to decorate the banquet hall in accordance with the style of the wedding.

Naturally, it is necessary to take care of the musical accompaniment of the holiday. The most democratic option is to independently compile a collection of musical compositions and transfer it to the drive. Then, in the process of celebrating the celebration, you will always have background music playing.

Have your bridesmaid or bridesmaid make a short list of pageants. For competitions, you will need small gifts or souvenirs as a reward.

You can also distribute homework to guests - let each invitee come to the wedding with a pre-prepared competition.

So recreational activities will become even more interesting and varied.

home dinner

We decided that the best solution is ? A scenario without a toastmaster can do without large-scale entertainment events. Indeed, for a narrow family circle, this is not entirely appropriate, but everyone will be interested in admiring the performances and dances of the younger generation. These can be small theatrical numbers with congratulations to the newlyweds or songs and poems.

Take care of the seats for all guests in advance and think over the menu for dinner. Not the most suitable option for the bride on the eve of the celebration to stand at the stove. You can ask friends or relatives to help prepare holiday meals or use food delivery services.

Important! Do not forget about In the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for the closest, you can also enter an entertaining auction, where the main lot will be a piece of cake.


It would seem that for a large number of guests a coordinator or a leader is definitely required, but even here you can handle it on your own. You will need a wedding scenario without a toastmaster and appropriate preparation for it.

The standard vision of a wedding for most people is a banquet with an abundance of food and alcoholic beverages. But you can radically change the course of the celebration. Transfer the bulk of the entertainment to the daytime, and visit the restaurant only for its intended purpose - for eating.

wedding planner

Thinking over wedding contests without a toastmaster, do not forget about bride kidnapping. This already established wedding tradition will help to stir up overstayed guests. Be sure to buy small gifts and souvenirs, distribute them to guests as prizes.

Elena Sokolova


Plunge into the world of miracles and magic - invite a magician to the wedding banquet. The magician will demonstrate original tricks and tricks, and fully entertain the audience!


For the implementation of the plan, it will be useful to choose the time of registration after lunch. Then you will have time to carry out the corresponding ransom of the bride in a calm mode before the registration of the marriage. An approximate plan of action on how to hold a wedding without a toastmaster is below.

The next question becomes the main one when a wedding without a toastmaster is planned: “How to hold it?”. The scenario can also be diversified by the following activities:

  • Visiting beautiful memorable places (if you are believers, then visit the church);
  • Walks in the protected park, grove (beautiful);
  • A trip to the pond.

When traveling around the city, try to choose a time when the roads are as free as possible.

Interesting! The scenario of the second day of the wedding without a toastmaster can be organized by choosing one lesson. For example, gatherings in a cafe or outdoors with barbecue. Traveling by boat, ferry or yacht is also suitable.

After an ordered and productive day, you can go to a restaurant. The newlyweds and guests will be hungry and a little tired by this time, so dinner will be just in time.

For a large number of guests, a spacious restaurant or dining room is perfect, of course it must first be decorated. During the meal, guests will make toasts and congratulate the newlyweds. A wonderful end to the evening will be the wedding fireworks.

Celebration in nature

In the warm season, you can organize a celebration in nature. In this case, there are several options:

  • rent a tent or shed;
  • note at the recreation center;
  • stay on the shore of the lake.

If you decide to hold a wedding celebration in the open air, then you need to think about the delivery of guests and purchase provisions. Do not purchase perishable products, in the heat they will quickly become unusable.

The holiday in nature will be fun and carefree, prepare some contests with symbolic prizes. Organize a win-win wedding lottery, and your guests will definitely not be bored.

You can organize a whole tent camp on the shore of the lake and arrange a mass celebration with funny dances and songs. On a fire, you can cook fragrant pilaf in a cauldron and fry shish kebabs.

Guest Actors

If the functions and duties of the toastmaster are easily performed by the guests, then one of the invitees is unlikely to agree to perform at the wedding! Therefore, if the budget does not limit you, use the services of musicians.

Live music is a wonderful decoration of the evening, especially when the performer has an extensive repertoire. Musicians will independently select background music for the situation, but you will only have to enjoy what is happening.

The show with soap bubbles looks beautiful and interesting. Such a performance will definitely appeal to the children present. The fire show looks amazing and spectacular when people perform numbers with real fire. You can invite professional dancers to the celebration. Several numbers in various dance styles will perfectly decorate the evening.

Photo shoot ideas

Whether the toastmaster will be present at the celebration of your wedding or not, it's up to you. But the photographer must certainly work carefully and hard on this day.

Beautiful pictures are obtained near the water, against the backdrop of virgin nature. You can rent a luxurious hotel room and shoot a whole video clip about your preparation for this significant event. Try to take as many pictures as possible, perhaps some of the pictures will not satisfy you. And from a large number of photos, you can easily choose the most successful ones.

Entertainment and competitions

If you have already decided to entertain guests with a common joint effort, then do not overdo it. Evenly distribute time for dancing, active and intellectual games. Do not demand too much from your guests, they came to relax and be happy for the newlyweds, and not to participate in a sports marathon.


Both a small wedding without a toastmaster and a big celebration without a leader are quite real. One has only to show imagination and solve some organizational issues and the evening will be great! And the host's saved fee can be spent on other entertainment, for example, inviting musicians or actors. Wedding fireworks at the end of the evening will give the newlyweds and guests a lot of impressions and emotions!

The toastmaster is invited not so that he amuses the guests, but so that he increases the pauses between toasts with his chatter and saves the hosts vodka.
folk wisdom

Scenario wedding without toastmaster

A wedding is an event that must be organized touchingly, cheerfully and beautifully, especially for the closest relatives and friends. Then such a holiday remains in the memory of the heroes of the occasion and the guests present for a long time. Therefore, if you decide to hold a wedding on your own for a small company, without resorting to the help of a professional toastmaster, then this scenario involves significant savings. After all, in wedding scenarios without toastmaster the host will be named the person who took over (relative, witnesses) the holding of this celebration.

The traditional wedding scenario is implemented in the process of marriage, which, according to the plan, consists of certain blocks:

Bride ransom

At every wedding, there is a rite of redemption of the bride, which has long been famous for serious trials, because representatives of one clan paid another for the bride. Nowadays, everything is much simpler, the ransom script is prepared for the groom by the bridesmaids and relatives, giving everyone a positive attitude for the upcoming celebration. It all starts with the meeting of the groom at the house of the bride's parents, where he is tested. In this peculiar game, the bridegroom and the witness are bargaining, showing miracles of ingenuity and wit, offering various types of "barter": champagne, sweets, obsolete banknotes, money "dolls", ridiculous gifts. The point is that the groom should not be in a hurry to lay out money. Having bargained enough and agreed with the bridesmaids in the "price", they finally redeem the bride and go to the registry office.

Registration of marriage in the registry office

A solemn registration of marriage is carried out at the registry office, where the organizers imply the introduction of video filming and photography into the wedding script without a toastmaster. Since the criterion for this scenario, which ensures the minimum cost of organizing a celebration, we will choose the option when photo and video filming will be done by guests with the appropriate skills.

Festive photo session

On the way to the place of the celebration, the bride and groom will have a photo session on memorable places and beautiful landscapes of the city. Where one of the guests also acts as a photographer.

wedding feast

Newlyweds meeting

Young people are solemnly welcomed in the banquet hall, with the economy option, the wedding can be held at home. According to tradition, parents are greeted with bread and salt, where they bless the young. This tradition dates back to ancient times, when the bride after the wedding went to live in the house of her husband's parents. However, in practice, the mother-in-law and father-in-law first speak together, and then the father-in-law and mother-in-law. Next, determine who will be the head of the family. Breaking a plate for happiness, after which everyone is invited to the table.

First wedding toast

The first toast is voiced by the presenter, in our case, one of the guests. Often the first toast includes a story, legend, or quote from a great person that is worth pondering. Thus, the wedding toast becomes not only wishes, but also plays the role of advice for the future for the newlyweds and their relatives.

Two hearts to the beat sound from now on.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now, on the path of life
You two will go to the end.
We wish you great happiness
To always have spring.
To never know bad weather
And they had pure hearts.
We raise our glasses higher
We wish you love and happiness! Bitterly!

Newlyweds first dance

The beautiful and touching first dance of the newlyweds is a tradition that has been formed over the centuries and is still alive in our time. At every wedding, the newlyweds are given the entire dance floor for their first dance. How do you want this dance to be remembered by the heroes of the occasion and their guests, because the beautiful first dance of the newlyweds takes the soul of all those present. It is important to express all your feelings in it, to show how the newlyweds love each other.

Board games and contests

After the first dance of the young, give the guests the opportunity to have a bite, but not more than 5 minutes, otherwise the guests will start drinking on their own when they have to. And while the guests are having a snack, invite them to play, for example, in the "Auction of affectionate words", where affectionate words are spoken to young guests (Beautiful, smart, charming, etc.), whoever says the final word will receive a special prize ...

Such contests should be held if the guests are tired or want to have a bite to eat. It can also be done by time, for example, every hour, since the wedding is held without a toastmaster. That person in charge should take care of it. For example, this table wedding competition for a small company will only require the organizer to purchase a couple of kilograms of sweets. All participants take turns taking as many candies from the bag as they want. The catch is that most will try to grab more sweets. But after everyone has sweets in their hands, the host announces that for each sweet, the participant must tell something interesting about the groom or the bride. This competition will allow two families to become much closer.

Gifts and congratulations at the wedding

While the guests are eating and listening, according to the wedding plan, it is necessary to present gifts and congratulations from guests and relatives. The first to congratulate the parents of the bride and groom. Then you can go clockwise so that it would not be a shame who is the first, all the other guests of the wedding celebration.

Presenter The most pleasant time for a young family has come - replenishment of the family budget. Parents gave them a savings book, and we, the guests, must fill it.

A savings book should be made in advance, preferably of a huge size and with glued pockets on which to make inscriptions: “for a husband for beer”, “for a wife for a fur coat”, “for education for the first child” and so on. Witnesses go around the guests, collecting dues. Guests, putting their gift envelope in a certain pocket, must say loudly for what needs they give money. After accepting gifts to continue the festive banquet, you can arrange a dance break ...

Active wedding contests

It's no secret that we don't celebrate a wedding, but play! This suggests that games and contests are an integral part of the wedding scenario, especially without a toastmaster, so the mood of the guests directly depends on this program.

Competition "Find the extra". You don't need to worry about props in this contest, as it will be enough just to stock up on a couple of packs of colored clothespins and eye ties, you can use the usual scarves that every woman has. 2-4 couples take part in the competition. Men are hung with the same number of clothespins. The task of women will be to remove them as quickly as possible blindfolded. Music plays during the competition. She stops when the first couple completes the task.

We determine the gender of the firstborn in the form of a competition. The guests stand in two lines. Balls are awarded to the first participants of both teams. The task is to send the ball to the end of the row as quickly as possible without the help of hands. The final participant will have to burst the balloon. Who will cope faster, parents of this color will collect the dowry for the baby.

Competition "Drink to the bottom". Several couples participate in this wedding competition. The girls sit on chairs and hold a glass between their legs, and the guys press a bottle of champagne with their feet. The task of a young man is to get to the girl, pour champagne into a glass without the help of hands and also drink it to the bottom without the help of hands. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and more accurately than the others.

A proven way to make your celebration memorable is wedding contests. What they will be depends not only on your preferences, but also on the status, financial situation, age of the guests. It is necessary to alternate active competitions, with dances, songs, musical breaks, table games, quizzes.

Comic sketches for a wedding

A little comic mysticism can be added to the wedding evening. This is a very original wedding greeting in the form of a scene. You will need an artistic guest who is dressed up, for example, a clairvoyant. Any paraphernalia will do. Hang on it everything that is at hand: jewelry, spiders, rats, snakes, a crystal ball, a broom, scarves, cards. The bride and groom are handed pens and sheets, they offer to write down four lines from their favorite songs, more can be, but then you need to add questions to this scene. As soon as this task is completed, the leaves are transferred to the clairvoyant, and she enters the hall:

Clairvoyant Hello guests and new spouses! I had a vision of your wedding and I hurried to it. I want to show you my prediction, how much you love each other, and fulfill your dream - to read the thoughts of your soulmate!

Such sketches of congratulations on the wedding are best done at the end of the evening, when the guests are already tipsy. But at first, such scenes keep the audience in suspense, and then cheerful laughter is heard. The host starts asking the strange woman questions, and she, pretending to go into a trance, reads the answers from the sheets.


  • What is the groom thinking now?
  • What did the bride think after the first kiss?
  • What song did the groom hear during their first dance?
  • What will the bride think about on her first wedding anniversary?
  • What did the groom think when he first saw his chosen one?
  • The first thought of the bride after the marriage proposal made to her?
  • Feelings of the groom after meeting the future mother-in-law?
  • What thoughts are currently swirling in the head of the bride?

Who's next - bouquet toss

The bride tosses the bouquet to determine the next couple. She herself must throw it to the assembled unmarried girls. Each of them really wants to take possession of it. Indeed, according to signs, then the lucky woman will have to marry after her donor, i.e. become a bride.

Birthday cake or end of celebration

The celebration ends, namely the prepared wedding scenario without toastmaster two events - formal (cutting the wedding cake and treating everyone present) and symbolic (depriving the bride and groom of their status and turning them into husband and wife. The mother-in-law removes the veil from the bride, and the mother-in-law removes the boutonniere from the groom. This seems to emphasize the peculiarity and uniqueness of the day weddings.) You can also set off fireworks to celebrate the birth of a new family. The bride and groom thank those present and leave the festive celebration before everyone else. The remaining guests continue to celebrate the marriage of the young.

This is the most democratic option, as it does not tire the groom and the witness too much with difficult competitions, as well as overcoming various obstacles on the way to the bride. Of course, some things still have to be done, because what kind of wedding without a ransom. There are many scenarios for the ransom of the bride, you just need to choose the one that is right for your wedding.

Should be a fun entertaining action, where games and contests, songs and dances should be in place. For example, in any feast, which is very generous with various wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds, there comes a moment when it would be nice to dilute the flow of solemn speeches with some kind of fun competition, dancing or playing at the table. And remember that a wedding is one of the happiest, most significant and memorable events in the life of young people.

You decided to play a high-profile wedding, but at the last moment you lost your toastmaster, and there was a ceremony, a script and many other little things on it? Don't worry, you can celebrate on your own.

How to hold a wedding without a toastmaster?

I want the wedding day to be remembered not only by the bride and groom, but also by the guests of this event. Young people always try to diversify the day to the maximum, order decorators, DJs and of course the presenter, or, as he is also called, the toastmaster. It is this person who knows what to do, how to entertain guests. To do this, he most often prepares a wedding scenario, according to which he conducts the ceremony and the whole evening after it. A variety of people gather for this kind of celebration, not only ordinary students, but also older and accomplished people who have achieved something in life. It is the toastmaster who can unite them, find a common language with everyone and show how good it is to walk and have fun.

But if it is not there, but you want the wedding to take place and go “without a hitch”, you can independently create a script for it. So the guests will be able to get to know each other better and faster, by the middle of the evening you yourself will be surprised how good and fun everyone is. The script should draw each scene in detail so that everyone knows their place and there is no confusion in time. There are some moments that are held at every wedding, but the scenario for them is not known to anyone: this is a wedding, a painting itself, a walk through beautiful places and at the same time a photo session, a banquet." alt="(!LANG: data-mce-src=">!}

Before you sit down to develop a script, try to find out the following facts:

  • the exact number of guests who are going to come to the event;
  • age categories;
  • the status of each guest, what you can and what you absolutely cannot talk about with him;
  • what mentality, views, traditions, interests of your guest.

Wedding scenario in a narrow circle without toastmaster

For a small wedding company, you can think of a very good scenario that will help relatives to learn more about each other and about the bride and groom. Therefore, if you have a small wedding, it will come in handy. When preparing for the ceremony, first of all, you should understand that this is a big responsibility that not everyone can handle, carefully think over and plan each step, and the instruction will help you with this:

  • the scenario of a small wedding without a toastmaster involves a traditional meeting of the newlyweds. To do this, the future mother-in-law brings them bread and salt on a towel, and the mother-in-law, in turn, brings wheat grains. At this moment, solemn music will not be superfluous;
  • young people should bow low to their parents and break off a piece of loaf, while the mother-in-law sprinkles wheat on the bride and groom. Then the witnesses with the young sit down at the table, and all the other guests do the same;
  • So it's time to say the first words of congratulations. It is best that they be spoken by the parents of the bride, then the groom. Behind them are grandparents and other guests who wish to congratulate the couple;
  • if you already see that the guests have reached a certain condition, start the holiday program, it should include a variety of contests, games and competitions. They should go in such an order that no one has time to get bored, and everyone participates. But in no case should you forget about the first dance of the young, after it invite guests and dance all together;
  • try to notice which of the guests is bored, and invite him either to dance or vice versa again to the table, thus alternating feasts and dances;
  • closer to the end of the evening, arrange a regular disco, it is better to select music, taking into account the age of all guests, and not just one. So, everyone will be able to feel comfortable and will know that they have not forgotten about him either, you can hold karaoke, let the guests compete in the knowledge of world hits;
  • at the end of the evening, cut the wedding toe and treat everyone who is present at your holiday. Then you can arrange for the young people to say goodbye to bachelor life, mothers take off the veil from their daughters, the boutonniere from the groom, the bride throws a bouquet, the groom a garter, everyone dances the last dance. But if you want to walk all night long, no one forbids you, leave the DJ and let the music play until the morning, until you, tired, return to your bed.


This is how a wedding for a small company can become. Everything is quite simple, but with taste, not a single guest here will be left without your attention. The script for a small wedding is simple and much easier to follow, think about it when you invite 100, 150 or more guests.

Wedding options that can surprise everyone and everyone

Not all couples prefer the usual painting, some dream of extreme sports, drive, or vice versa, absolute peace and unity of soul with soul. Therefore, urgently collect advice from the most creative friends and start discussing all possible options. A wedding without a toastmaster should still have a host, any of the guests can become it, it all depends on the situation, and, as you know, they are different, for example, arrange a ceremony in nature. If you thought about the park next door, then this is not at all.

The wedding will be remembered by everyone and everyone if you decide to make it on the top of the mountain, while using all the climbing paraphernalia. This idea is suitable for those who are into rock climbing and are not afraid of difficulties. It is unusual and bold to play a wedding at sea with scuba gear. This is an option for diving enthusiasts, although it is unlikely that you will get a passionate kiss, but believe me, you will never forget the emotions you experienced.

For big thrill-seekers, there is also a great option - marriage in the sky. It will be a great symbol of your love without boundaries. More precisely, it is not even in the sky, but directly in the air, just jumping with a parachute. And even if you are not athletes and do not do it all the time, it is not necessary to choose a huge height, you can first take a few lessons from professionals.

But if, on the contrary, you simply adore peace, you can arrange a wedding on the shore of the island, on which there will be almost no people, only you and a few guests who will come to rejoice for you. A light breeze, seagulls, the sound of waves, music and an unusually beautiful bride will remain in your memory forever. At the same time, the atmosphere of true love will be in the air.

If your chosen one is fond of football, why not have a wedding on the field? The same, by the way, applies to other sports, the main thing is that you have a desire, and everything else will follow. With an unusual wedding, you will most likely have to work hard, but believe me, it's worth it. Memories, photos, videos will be simply amazing, and none of the guests will remain indifferent to what is happening.

So you learned how to celebrate a wedding without a toastmaster. It turns out that this is not so difficult, you just need to carefully think through everything and find among the guests that person who knows or at least has an idea how to host your celebration. If you have always thought that without a toastmaster, a wedding cannot take place, then, as you can see, any issue can be resolved. The main thing is that there is always mutual understanding and love between you!
