Russian Flag Day fun in the dhow. Counter relay race “Change the flag”

Elena Altynbaeva
Scenario of a holiday for children dedicated to National Flag Day Russian Federation(August 22)

Holiday script for children

(The hall is solemnly decorated in accordance with the theme holiday. To the song "Moscow" (music and lyrics by O. Gazmanov) Children enter the hall and perform a ceremonial changeover. At the end of the march, the students line up in two lines, then sit down).

Ved. - Greetings, little ones. Russians!

Do you know why I called you that?

(Because we all live in a country called Russia.)

Absolutely right. Our country is very big and beautiful. And how is everyone states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem. (Points with a pointer).

Do you know the colors Russian flag ?

Correctly white, blue and red. Our the flag is over 300 years old. And each color has its own meaning. White means peace, purity, conscience. Blue means sky, faith, spirituality, and red means fire, courage, heroism.

About our flag many poems have been written. Let's listen to one of them.

Reb. – White is a big cloud,

Blue - the sky is blue,

Red - sunrise,

New day waiting for Russia

Peace symbol of purity

This my country flag.

Ved. - Composers have composed songs about our flag, and today one of them will sound for you.

(Sounds an excerpt from a song « Flag of Russia» )

Ved. – What happens if you mix up the order of colors? flag?

Right. It will work out flag of another country. If we mix up the order of colors on flag, then it might work out flag of the Netherlands, Serbia or France.

(The presenter shows the children flags of named states.)

Where can we see state flag?

On buildings government agencies, clinics, kindergartens, schools, at competitions that dedicated to the national holiday.

Showing a presentation about flag.

Ved. – What is the second symbol? states you know?

Coat of arms – distinctive sign, official emblem states. Our coat of arms is already 500 years old. Let's look at it.

The coat of arms is the distinctive sign of the country. Usually beautiful and proud animals and birds are depicted on coats of arms. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of our country?

(Children read poetry)

I reb. - The coat of arms of the country is a double-headed eagle

Spread his wings proudly.

Holds a scepter, an orb,

He saved Russia.

II reb. – There is a red shield on the eagle’s chest

Dear to all of you and me.

A handsome young man gallops

On a silver horse.

III reb. – Confirms the ancient coat of arms

Country independence

For the peoples of the whole country

Our symbols are important.

Showing a presentation about the coat of arms.

Ved. - Guys, now we’ll test your dexterity and resourcefulness.

(Children are divided into two teams. One is offered cut pictures Russian flag, another coat of arms.)

A game “Who can collect the symbols faster? Russia

Ved - During official ceremony rise national flag Russia The anthem of our Motherland sounds.

What is an anthem?

This is the most important, most solemn song in which every nation glorifies its Motherland.

They listen to the anthem standing and never talk while doing so. Let's get up and listen to the main song of our state - anthem of Russia.

(Hearing the anthem Russia)

Ved. - Our guys the holiday is coming to an end...

You love everything your Motherland Russia? (YES)

Because there is no more wonderful Motherland anywhere! Is it true? (YES)

Take care Russia, we can’t live without her,

Take care of her so that she will be forever!

With our truth and strength, with all our destiny

Take care Russia - there is no other Russia!

Reb. - Happy birthday, Russian flag,

Today we will shout

Your eagle is double-headed, strong -

Talisman for the whole country.

Ved. - And now I propose to do flags with your own hands and decorate areas with them kindergarten!

(To the recording of the song "My Russia» performed by the group "Fidgets" children and guests leave the hall")

Elena Anatolyevna Tereshchenko

Target: To educate citizens of your country through love for your Motherland. Form the foundations of patriotism (cultivating human qualities that form the basis of his communicative and social activity). Arouse positive emotions in children.

Program tasks: reinforce concepts « Flag» , « Coat of arms» , "Hymn"- symbols of our country; promote the development of a sense of pride; develop the ability to listen to music of different nature and respond emotionally to it; develop the ability to understand the mood expressed in music and convey it in movements; introduce the history of the Russian people; consolidate knowledge of Russian adv. instruments, identify them by sound; evoke a desire to actively participate in the general dance and game.

Materials and equipment – Flag of Russia(big) and small ones for each child, musical equipment, microphone, laptop., children's musical instruments, Balloons, attributes for holding games.

Preparatory work: Conversation with children about state symbols, examination Russian flag, reading poetry about Russia, making applique "Our Flag» .

Scenario for children's event:

The children enter the hall to the solemn march. Guys festively dressed, in hands - flags. They sit on the chairs.

Presenter: Dear Guys! Today, August 22, our country celebrates a wonderful special dateBirthday of the Russian flag!

Flag Day is celebrated today, all of Rus', without edge and end,

And everyone firmly magnifies this symbol as the pride of the crown.

Let him fly carelessly, protecting his native side,

And we, with eternal gratitude, will bow to him more than once.

Children come out:

1. Today we are in honor of the Day The flags are gathered here, Friends,

Under with our Russian flag we are a huge family!

2. Russian flag - great banner,

Three colors proudly soar above us,

And everyone is ready to glorify the symbol of the Motherland,

And now even each other congratulate.

Our The flag represents Russia,

This Everyone in the world knows the flag. (Waving flags)

3. Our Motherland - Russia

no sweeter and more beautiful

Soars proudly over the country

Flag tricolor is our native.

4. If we have to fly for a long, long, long time on a plane,

If for a long, long, long time We should watch Russia,

Then we will see forests and cities,

Ocean spaces, many rivers, lakes, mountains...

We will see the distance without edge. And then we will understand what

Our Motherland is a big, vast country!

Song “Thank you to the Motherland!” (preparatory groups)

Leading: All countries of the world, all states existing on earth have their own flags and coats of arms. Flag and coat of arms of our Russian Federation, a symbol of the unity and independence of our people. State flag rises during special occasions, holidays, and at this time the anthem always sounds Russian Federation is the main song of our country.

Today holiday our state flag, let us also listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia standing!

Sounds "Hymn Russian Federation» , everyone listens while standing.

Leading: Every country in the world has its own flag. (Please note flag) . State flag means the unity of the country and its independence from other states. Russian flag - tricolor, that is, white-blue-red. Each color has its own meaning. Children will tell you what the colors of our flag:

5. Our Russian flag is painted white, blue, red

It trembles in the clear sky, and there is nothing more beautiful than it.

6. White is a symbol of peace, truth, and spiritual purity.

7. Blue - fidelity and faith, endless kindness.

8. The color of red reflects the pain of the people and victory

We will love our Motherland and protect it from harm

9. Three shades flag, And the country is happy with them.

Notes holiday proudly, day and honor, and freedom.

10. Flag ours is a symbol of valor and national pride.

U Russia important day, We all need to celebrate!


IN children's hands - a small flag. It burns like a flame!

May the White-Blue-Red Russian live and live forever flag!

(children wave flags)

Dance « Flag of Russia» Spanish preschool employees

Leading: Every person should love and respect his homeland. She raised and educated many great and world-famous people.

So that everyone in the world knows - a worthy country,

The spaces are vast and the names are glorious!

And let everyone congratulate all the inhabitants of the country,

Russian We are faithful sons of the Federation.

Teachers come out with portraits in their hands. (with show)

1. We are proud to be our compatriots were:

2. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - famous Russian writer.

3. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer whose name is known to the whole world.

4. The first person to conquer space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

1. These and many, many other people glorified our Fatherland with their deeds and exploits.

Leading: Guys, do you hear mysterious music? This is a young astronaut landing. He hurries to congratulate the children on holiday.

The Young Cosmonaut runs out with a rocket in his hand and a flag.

Congratulations sound.

Velika Russia is endless, But from any heights everyone can see sign:

The fact that the Motherland is unusually strong is our tricolor Russian flag!

Happy day everyone Congratulations to the flag, I wish you to be happy,

Let you the flag always keeps, let him protect from enemies!

Leading: Dear astronaut! Our guys also dream of becoming astronauts and flying into space to see our entire country from above!

Secondary children come out groups:

1. I have a dream of becoming an astronaut, but it’s still small,

When I grow up, then I’ll definitely fly, for sure!

2. Let today I play and fly not seriously -

I am Gagarin, I am Gagarin! - Well, let's go to the stars!

3. I’ll fly on a rocket and recognize the planet Mars.

I’ll build a town there, maybe grow a flower.

4. Mom will be proud of me, but we need to hurry!

Eh, I wish I could become an adult and fly on rockets...

Leading: Proud flag- a symbol of a free country.

May all your dreams come true! (children leave for their seats)

Leading: And to become astronauts, kids need to be brave and friendly! Now they will sing the friends song!

Song "Song of Friends" (middle gr.)

Cosmonaut - Well, I’ll fly to the stars, Russian I'll show everyone the flag! (runs away)

Leading: One per person birth mother, he has one homeland. Her people love her deeply. He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Let's remember together their:.

A beloved homeland is like a mother. darling.

If friendship is great, there will be a Motherland. strong.

Live for the Motherland. serve.

Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

Motherland, do your best for her. stand.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale. without a song.

Leading: The girls are in a hurry here, they want to recite poems.

Girls come out:

1. How sweet the air of the Motherland is, I can’t breathe, I can’t get enough of it,

And the river reflects birch Rus'.

2. A rainbow is burning in the sky, I’m amazed, I’m not surprised

I’ll give a shout, and Birch Rus' will respond.

3. Wherever you look, Crystal Dew glows.

In the raspberry trees, in the hazel trees, there are miracles in all fairy tales.

4. I look at these distant distances, I can’t see enough,

On all four sides: birch Rus'!

5. The accordion player plays songs, songs of my Motherland.

Ah, there is no more wonderful, more cheerful Russian song in the world.

Leading: Let's pick up the instruments and turn into a Russian folk orchestra.

Children's orchestra Russian folk melody “There was a birch tree in the field”.

Leading: Today we celebrate the holiday, let's play together!

The athlete runs in to the music

Sportswoman: I came to you straight from the competition to congratulate you on holiday, with day Russian flag!

Presenter: Dear athlete, you are so athletic and fit!

Sportswoman: To look the part, to have a sporty look

You need to play sports, jump, run, toughen up!

Douse yourself with cold water

You will always be healthy, there is no need for further words.

Holiday« Flag Day» We're celebrating and so now we're going to play.

And now I need 3 teams.

Conducts outdoor games with colored ribbons.

Sportswoman: Your guys are great, they completed all the tasks!

Presenter: Thank you, Athlete, for your help in holding the competition. (The athlete leaves).

There's a knock on the door. The Postman enters the hall.

Postman: (loud) Mail Russia! Hello guys. Looks like I've come to the right place. Your kindergarten No. 5"Fairy tale"?

Leading: Hello. - Guys, did you guess who it is? (Children answer)

Postman: The postman brings letters, magazines, newspapers to the house,

I hand out postcards, funny envelopes.

Leading: Tell me, dear postman, what do they write in our newspapers?

Postman (takes out a newspaper and reads):

They write news on the first page,

How people live, work, have fun.

What is being built, what is the harvest in the country,

Like grain is poured into bins,

What is ripening in the vegetable gardens,

What have become longer than the night, and the days are much shorter.

And this package is especially for you.

Come on, come and take the mail! (Gives the magazine to the presenter)

Leading: Thank you bye! (The postman leaves)

Leading: Guys, let's see what's interesting in the package?

(takes out gifts and tricolor ribbons)

Teachers give ribbons to children.

The inviting sounds of music sound.

Presenter:: Our the holiday is coming to an end.

Let him be famous for his power Russia,

Our country is big and kind!

And downwind the flag flies stylishly,

Forever and ever and for all time!

Children go to draw pictures on the asphalt. (tricolors)

Outdoor games:

"Pass the flag"- 3 teams, 3 flags - white, blue, red. Each team is given a specific flag color. The children stand next to each other. Passed along the chain.

"Bring it flag through barriers» - 2 teams. Run like a snake between the pins, jump over a ravine - a gymnastic stick, climb through a hoop. Pass to the next player.

“Whose circle will gather sooner?” (three colors) 3 teams. Each one gathers around its own a certain color. They dance in a circle, clap, run wild, and at the end of the music make a circle near their flag. Parents hold flags.

Game - round dance (Children in two circles, girls in the outer, boys in the inner. Children walk in a circle, pronouncing words. At the end, the girls run away, the boys catch up and give the girls flags, and vice versa).

Summer day and suddenly, like in a fairy tale

Real kindergarten

It is decorated, in bright colors

How big Russian flag.

A game "Fun Relay Race"- drawing up the tricolor.

Solemn music sounds. Children gather for a celebration in front of the kindergarten's front porch.

Presenter: Today, August 22, we celebrate a holiday called “Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.” All countries of the world, all states existing on earth, have their own coat of arms and flag. The national flag signifies the unity of the country and independence from other states. The country's coat of arms and flag are created in accordance with strict rules and have a common symbolism that personifies beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

Three colors Russian flag,

Every color is a sign for all of us!

1 child:

What's that rainbow in the sky? Red Blue, White color?

This is the flag of my Russia. There is no more beautiful flag in the world!

2nd child:

Below, red is the color of victory. In the middle is blue.

This is the color of the great rivers that flow in Russia!

3rd child:

Well, on top it’s white. Everyone knows this

What spiritual purity Rus' greets guests with!

Presenter: So, white color means: peace, purity, nobility. Blue – sky, loyalty, fortitude. Red – fire, courage, courage.

These colors have been revered by the people of Rus' since ancient times. They decorated homes and clothes worn on holidays. People saw the structure of the world in the arrangement of the stripes of the flag.

Above is the divine world, below is the blue firmament, and below it is red - the world of people.

It is known that the National Flag is raised during ceremonial events.

Guys, and of course when opening any solemn holiday The national anthem sounds.

The anthem is also a symbol of the state. His music fills with a feeling of joy and pride for the Great Power - Russia.

We praise you, dear Russia,

We want our country to be strong!

Let the banner fly proudly into the sky,

And the Russian anthem sounds like peace to us!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

Presenter: Guys, like at any holiday, we, of course, want to have fun. And I gladly invite you to take part in the relay race, which is called “Who can deliver the flag the fastest.”

After the relay race, a general game “Return to the Flag” is played.

Game text:

We walk around the flag and have a lot of fun.

And now, 1, 2, 3, look how we dance!

Presenter: And now I offer you a game of attentiveness, intelligence and speed. The game is called “Make a Russian Flag”.

Let the sun shine brightly and let the fun be in abundance.

I love my Russia. I'm proud of my country!

1 child:

On the land of free and happy

We grow for goodness and light.

Let the sun shine over the world,

Songs flowing like a ringing stream!

2nd child:

The wind of friendship circles over the planet

And it becomes brighter around.

How many girlfriends do I have in the world?

How many friends do I have in the world?

The song “Strong Friendship” is played.

Presenter: Dear guys, today we have wonderful holiday and I really want him to remain in your memory and in your hearts for a long time. And I gladly want to give each group a memorable souvenir - the Russian tricolor!

To the sound of solemn music, flags of the Russian Federation are presented.

Presenter (against background music):

There is a red color on the flag, it is warmed by heroism.

Perseverance, sacrifice, courage -

The meaning of this flag color.

The blue color on the flag means loyalty, fortitude, immutability,

Kindness, simple-heartedness, which people have valued forever.

White is purity, nobility, height.

Hello bright angels this color means!

Dear guys, I once again congratulate you all on the holiday and announce a lap of honor.

A solemn march sounds. All groups form columns and march in a circle behind the adults, who carry a large flag. At the end of the procession, the groups disperse to their sections.

Venue: kindergarten playground.

Form of implementation: travel game.

Children stand in a semicircle or sit on benches to the music


Each country in the world has its own symbols, that is, insignia - its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. (Pay attention to the flag). The national flag signifies the unity of the country and its independence from other states. The flag of the Russian Federation has its own holiday - it is celebrated on August 22. The Russian flag is tricolor, that is, white-blue-red. Each color has its own meaning.

White color is the color of purity.

Blue - the blue of the sky.

The third one is bright red,

What a beautiful dawn!

Three shades of the flag

And the country is happy with them.

Celebrates the holiday proudly,

A day of both honor and freedom.

Our flag is a symbol of valor

And people's pride.

Russia has an important day

We all need to celebrate!

The national flag is raised during ceremonial events and holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation always sounds.

Let's raise it above the ground together today,

The flag of a friendly, great state!

What is it? Where is our flag? There is only a note left here:

“I have your flag! You won't be able to see him like your own ears! Your B.Ya."


Guys, who do you think stole our flag?


Baba Yaga!


What a nasty old woman! How will our country be now without a flag? We need to find him urgently! Are you ready to go on a dangerous journey to save the flag of our country?



Tell me, who in ancient times defended their Motherland from all evil?




What were they like?


Strong, brave, courageous, courageous, wise, etc.


Let's imagine that you and I are brave and strong heroes who are going in search of the Russian flag!

D Children go on a trip to the music with their teachers

1 station "Lesnaya"

(the children are met by Leshy)


Where did you go, my sweeties?


We are going to look for the Russian flag! Baba Yaga stole it! What is a country without a flag?


And I won’t let you through until you prove that you are clever and brave! Pull the rope with me, then I’ll let you through!


Of course, we'll pull it off, really, guys!

Children compete with Goblin in a tug of war


Strong and dexterous! Come on in!

2 station "Lukomorye"

(the children are greeted by the Scientist Cat)

Cat Scientist:

Who are they? Why did you come? Shall I sing you a song or tell you a fairy tale?


Show us better way to Baba Yaga, she stole the Russian flag from us, now we can’t celebrate the holiday!

Cat Scientist:

Russian flag you say? Ha ha ha! Do you know anything about Russia?


Of course, we know everything!

Cat Scientist:

Then I'll give you portraits now famous people I’ll show you, and you tell me who it is! If you answer everything correctly, I’ll let you go!

Children name the names of famous people

Cat Scientist:

Well done, you convinced me! Come on in!

Station 3 “Underwater Kingdom”

(children are met by Vodyanoy)


Oh, what cute children! Where are you going?


Russian flag to save from trouble!


But I won't let you in! I'm bored here, you will amuse me!


Dear Vodyanoy, but we really need it! This is the flag of an entire country! How will we live without him?


OK! Just play with me!


Great, we know a lot interesting game! You will definitely like her! Then you will teach all the underwater inhabitants!

Play the game “The sea is agitated once”


I'm letting you go!

Station 4 “Hut on Chicken Legs”

(children are greeted by Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

You're welcome! They found me! But I still won’t give you the flag! He will only be mine!


Baba Yaga, but he belongs to all the people, he is a symbol of our state - Russia! Give it back to us!

Baba Yaga:

Can you guess the riddles?


Let's guess!

Baba Yaga:

Then listen:

1. What is the name of the place where you were born and raised? (Motherland)

2. What is the name of our Motherland? (Russia)

3. Which city is the capital of Russia? (Moscow)

4. What is the name of the region in which you live? (Zabaikalsky)

5. What is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (Double-headed eagle)

6. What color is the Russian flag? (White-blue-red)

7. What is the name of your kindergarten? (Why)

Baba Yaga:

Okay, take your flag! Celebrate the holiday! And always love and defend your Motherland, like today!

Children with teachers return to the playground for celebration


So we returned our flag! That's how handsome he is!

We praise you, dear Russia,

We want our country to be strong,

Let the banner fly proudly into the sky,

And the song of Russia sounds over the world.

The Russian Anthem is playing


Happy Flag Day to everyone,

I wish you to be happy

May the flag always protect you,

Let him protect you from enemies!


Russia... Like a word from a song,

Birch young foliage

Surrounded by forests, fields and rivers

Razdolie is the Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes,

I love you, I understand you deeply

Steppes of pensive sadness

I love everything that I call

One in a broad word- Rus!


And now let’s start a cheerful round dance in honor of our great Motherland!

How many holidays there are in our lives - birthdays, anniversaries, and New Year, and Christmas, and many others. However, there is one day in the year that is considered significant date For all Russians, this is Flag Day of the Russian Federation. This holiday is celebrated annually on August 22. It was established by the Russian Federation in 1994.

This holiday is celebrated both with family and labor collective. You can also celebrate Russian Flag Day at school. We will present the scenario in this article.

The beginning of the holiday

The presenter (B) comes on stage and greets the children.

IN: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you today and invite you to take part in our game show. Do you know what day it is today? Of course, today we celebrate the Day of the State Russian Flag! How many of you know why the state even needs a flag? People invented it and other symbols so that everyone could see which country they were citizens of. For example, every athlete from Russia, going to competitions in other countries, always takes our

First gaming competitions

In the introduction, you can limit yourself to only this information, or you can add more about how Russian Flag Day came into being. You can modify the script at your discretion. And after the introductory part, it’s time to move on to competitions.

First competition. Eight children are invited onto the stage and lined up in a circle. The guys pass the flag from hand to hand to the music. When the music ends, the child who is holding the flag leaves the circle.

Second competition. We continue to celebrate the Day. Activities held during the holiday should be directly related to this symbol. You can form 2 teams of five people each from children. Let the guys come up with names for their teams. 10 flags are placed at a certain distance. One person from each team starts at the same time. Their task is to take one of the flags and go back. The team whose members bring 5 banners the fastest will win.

Third competition, which can be held on Russian Flag Day. Activities held on this day can also be in the nature of a small task. The presenter offers to examine all the items of clothing for a certain period of time and, if all the colors of the national flag are present on it, go up on stage and receive a well-deserved prize.

Let's go back to history

Not just ordinary ones gaming competitions can be held on Russian Flag Day. The scenario proposed in this article involves competitions that seem to take children back many years.

For one of them you will need ten letters, a jump rope (you can use a rope) and two hoops.

IN: Our ancestors always took the flag with them if they went into battle. The position of standard bearer was very honorable. And the biggest shame for the army is the loss of the flag on the battlefield. And now, boys and girls, you are becoming fighters. Your task is to pick up a secret letter with a report. However, you won’t be able to complete this task just like that. There are several obstacles to overcome. Each fighter crawls under the jump rope (rope), then climbs into the hoop, takes the letter and returns to the team the same way.

For the other you will need ten picture cards and two flags.

IN: Do you know when people got their first flags? Three thousand years ago they were used by the Indians. Now you will turn into two Indian tribes that will have to decorate their flag. And we will choose a winner.

Sea travelers

The more diverse topics of competitions that are offered to children, the more interesting it will be. Day will pass Russian flag. The scenario we proposed contains marine-themed competitions.

For the first competition you need to assemble two teams. Each has five children.

IN: I think you all know that one of the greatest Russian tsars was Peter I. It was by his decree that from 1705 a white-blue-red flag began to be raised over every Russian ship. Today you too will sail on ships. You only need to select captains.

The presenter gives the ship captains a hoop, and other participants receive a flag. The teams line up, with a jump rope stretched out on the floor in front of them. Its opposite end is the other shore. The captains take the first participants with flags, transport them to the “other shore”, leave the flag there and take the passenger back. The team that transports all the flags across the “sea” the fastest wins.

For the second competition, it is necessary to distribute waves to all team members. Waves are depicted on the wall using paper. The task is simple - children take turns running up to the wall, launching their boat, attaching it to the paper waves with tape, and returning back to their team. Best to use

Parents are with us

Very often in schools and kindergartens they spend time together with their parents. Therefore, you can arrange a competition in which they will also take Active participation. You can recruit several teams, each of which will have two people - a child and a parent. They are presented with two flags - the flag of Russia and the flag of the city. The presenter can read any text or poetry in which the name of the city and the word Russia are often mentioned. As soon as the word Russia is heard, the participant holding the Russian flag must raise it with a shout of “Hurray!” When the name of the city is heard, the participant does the same with another flag. The one who was the most attentive wins.

After this, the celebration can continue at a table with many delicious dishes and, of course, dance your heart out.
