European shoe size 39 in Russian. How to determine the size of shoes

When buying a pair of boots and not only, it is not always possible to try on the model you like. The size grid of shoes comes to the rescue, which still leaves doubts, and suddenly the purchase will be unsuccessful. This happens if you do it via the Internet, for example, on Chinese, American, German, Japanese, English or Italian sites.

Compliance with US and Russian shoe sizes

If the purchase is made not in Russia, but abroad, and exclusively with the help of a virtual network; it is important to understand that the labeling of domestic footwear and products, for example, from the USA, is noticeably different. This means that you can unknowingly miscalculate with the right pair. To clarify this issue, you need a special table. It indicates, and it is important to take into account such important factors as the height of the rise, the fullness of the foot.

European shoe size in Russian

Having a pair of exclusive shoes from the UK or France is the dream of every fashionista, because on the school scale, such shoes receive the highest score. The design of the model, the quality of the cut, the selected material along with accessories are taken into account. Therefore, British, French, and other international Internet sites are so in demand and popular with domestic buyers. Before making a purchase, you need to take into account the conformity of shoe sizes in Europe and Russia. For example, the feet of Europeans are narrow, so shoes that are larger than usual are suitable for Russians.

Chinese - into Russian

To choose the pair you like from Chinese stores, the length of the foot becomes the determining selection criteria, and the shoe size will be identical to the value obtained. It is important to understand that people in this country are miniature, so labeling and European standards do not apply to them. Chinese shoe sizes and Russian are different. To place an order from such a foreign site, you need to measure the length of the foot in a centimeter, find the same value in the size range. Nothing complicated - the dimension of an adult is determined correctly.

kids' shoe size chart

To choose a suitable pair of shoes for a child from a foreign site, you will need the length of the insole of his shoes, or it is better to measure yourself how many centimeters are on the foot. Remember the resulting value, the decoding of which will be provided by a special table of matching the sizes of children's shoes. So the question of how to determine is resolved within two minutes. It remains only to find the table ratio and place your order.

Foot measurement, cm


It is not enough to choose the sneakers or boots you like, even an adult man needs to measure his foot with a ruler and only after that choose the most suitable model of a sports or classic cut. The dimensional grid of men's shoes always comes to the rescue, which takes into account the smallest nuances of the structure, length, volume of the foot, and offers GOSTs generally accepted on the international market.

Measurement on the insole, cm


A conditional classification of the size range is also provided for modern women. To find the right pair, again, an individual measurement of the length of the foot is required. Only after that, a special table makes a quick and clear translation into any international units of measurement, and the size of women's shoes upon purchase will be determined as accurately as possible. You can then visit the virtual shoe store and place an order. Below is a table on how to find out the size of a woman's legs.

Insole length, cm

Shoe size on Aliexpress - table

Adidas, Nike, eur, puma branded sneakers for a child and an adult can always be ordered on Aliexpress. When comparing prices, it becomes obvious that it is profitable and economical to make purchases on this international site. So, a child can determine the size range by age or also measure the length of a small leg. If there is a shoe size available, on Aliexpress - the table will help you make the right choice. Exact tabular values ​​are attached to each model range.

Fullness of the leg - table

The shoe size table helps to make a purchase even without its future owner. The main thing is to know two main parameters. This is the length and width of the foot, so that after acquiring the pair you like, you don’t miss the choice, don’t issue a return, and don’t spoil your mood. If the fullness of the leg is known, the table will tell you which pair with which insole length will be most appropriate in a particular case. To get the value, you can use the calculator online. Enter an indicator of the length and width of the foot, the system will immediately give the prevailing fullness of the foot and the appropriate size range.

It is possible to translate the length and width of the foot into a real indicator of completeness without the help of the World Wide Web, you just need to make calculations using a simple formula, substitute already known parameters instead of unknown ones. Check the resulting average value against the standard table and find out which position from the size range corresponds to the resulting completeness. Such calculations can be used not only by adults, but also by adolescent girls and boys.

How to find out your foot size

To determine your parameters when choosing a worthy pair, you need to measure the length of the foot, and then compare it with the proposed table values. Nothing complicated, you need a ruler, a little free time. However, before you find out your foot size, it is recommended to wear a nylon sock, measure in cool weather (for example, winter or spring months), preferably in the morning at home. The leg should not be swollen.

How to determine the size of children's shoes

By the same principle, you can quickly measure the foot of a small child. The difficulty arises in the restlessness, restlessness of a small person. Therefore, before determining the size of children's shoes, it is advisable to calm the crumbs, to occupy them with something. Ideally, it is desirable to measure when the child is sleeping; or use the insole of an already worn pair. Take a new thing with a margin, because children's legs grow quickly.


From the moment the first pair of shoes was made to the present day, several dimensional correspondence tables have been formed. Shoe size is an alphabetic or numeric code for designating a certain linear value of shoe size, most often determining only the length of the sole of the foot.

Shoe sizes

To date, there are 4 different size charts:

  1. International Standard ISO 3355-77. The shoe size number is the length of the foot in centimeters with an error of 0.5 cm. The length of the foot is measured from the heel to the most protruding toe. This system is easy to use, as there is no last correction (functional allowance). This system is used in Russia.
  2. European system- metric, along the length of the insole, that is, longer than the foot, since the so-called functional allowance is taken into account. Therefore, the European shoe size designations are larger than in the first system!
  3. English system- inch, measured along the length of the insole. The smallest (initial, zero) size = 4 inches (the size of the legs of a newborn baby). Numbering - through 1/3 inch (8.5mm).
  4. American system similar to English, but the original size is smaller and women's sizes are separated into a separate system (the difference from English is even greater).

Fullness of the foot

The fullness of the foot (width) is important when choosing a stiff shoe that does not stretch over time! These are usually boots for snowboarding, skiing, rollerblading, as well as some brands of shoes, such as Salomon. In Russia, according to GOST 3927-88, numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm are used to indicate the completeness of men's and women's shoes, In Europe - gradation from 1 to 8, after 5 mm, In the UK and the USA - letter designations of fullness: A, B, C, D, F, c/o 5mm,

How to find out your shoe size

First you need to measure the length of the foot. It is best to do this at the end of the day, when the legs "trample" and become larger. Standing on a sheet of paper (in socks, if you are going to wear them), circle your foot with a pencil. Measure the distance between the furthest points in the drawing. Measure both legs and choose the longest length. Round the result to 5 mm and find your size in the table. The fullness of the leg (block) is measured at the widest points of the toe part using a centimeter. The second way to find out your size is to take the insole from the shoe that fits you best and try it on. It is important to keep in mind that despite the existence of clear standards, not all manufacturers adhere to them! Unfortunately, very often two identical sizes of two different pairs of shoes, even from eminent manufacturers, in fact, do not mean at all what was expected. Therefore, you should carefully read the size chart on the website of the online store or even contact support! Sizes of men's shoes

Sizes of women's shoes

Sizes of children's shoes

Shoe width

Fullness table for each size

The size Fullness (rise) in cm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 19,7 20,2 20,7 21,2 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7
36 20,1 20,6 21,1 21,6 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1
37 20,5 21,0 21,5 22,0 22,5 23.0 23,5 24,0 24,5
38 20,9 21,4 21,9 22,4 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9
39 21,3 21,8 22,3 22,8 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3
40 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7
41 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1
42 22,5 23,0 23,5 24,0 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5
43 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9
44 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3 25,8 26,3 26,8 27,3
45 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7 26,2 26,7 27,2 27,7
46 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1 26,6 27,1 27,6 28,1
47 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5 27,0 27,5 28,0 28,5
48 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9 27,4 27,9 28,4

When shopping online for shoes, it is difficult to choose a good model. The situation is further complicated by the fact that you cannot try on anything beforehand. Did you know that in order to determine which shoe size to choose with a foot length of 28 cm, it is not enough to know only the dimensions of the insole?

Size is an alphabetic or numeric variable that is usually calculated from the length of the insole.

But, nevertheless, buying shoes in strict accordance with the standards can be very miscalculated. This applies not only to children's shoes, but also to adults. In addition to the length of the insole, you should also consider the fullness of the leg, the width of the foot, and the shape.

Today, most manufacturers make shoes according to the average foot width in order to save money. Therefore, even if you have a foot size of 28 cm, you should not buy anything without trying it on.

Common Standards

Today there are 62 numberings:

  • 1-23 - designed for dwarfs;
  • 18-38 - for children;
  • 36-46 - for adults;
  • 47-62 - for giants or people with a special structure of the leg structure.

There are also several international systems for calculating shoe standards. One of the most popular is the European grid.

international standard

Numbering in the international system is determined by the length of the insole. The ISO 3355-77 system is used to determine the values. All values ​​are indicated in millimeters, when they are converted to cm, the result is rounded up to a higher number. Starting from the heel and ending on the most protruding toe. The system does not take into account the shape of the leg and its fullness, so it is one of the simplest.

European parameters

All numbers are determined by the length of the insole. The parameters are measured in strokes, which are 2/3 centimeters or equal to 6.7 mm. As a rule, the length of the insole is slightly longer than the foot itself by a few cm. This functional deletion makes the European size abbreviations an order of magnitude larger than the standards used in the international system. Thus, it can be determined that the insole of 28 cm in terms of euro size will be equal to the parameters of the 43 standard.

English settlement system

All measurements are in inches. According to the standard, all sizes are calculated depending on the value of the original. In the English system, number zero is equal to 4 inches. This is the size of a newborn baby's foot. All subsequent numbering is carried out every 1/3 inch, which is equal to 8.5 mm.

American calculations

As in the previous system, all calculations are in inches. The only difference in the calculations is that the American grid is based on a much smaller size. The numbering changes every 1/3 inch. In addition, women's standards are allocated in a separate table.

For a foot length of 28 cm, men's shoes can be selected according to the following values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in our table of conformity to several international standards:



American men's

french europe

Thus, if you live in Russia and you have a Russian male shoe size with a foot of 28 cm (along the length of the insole), then you can safely buy online: boots, shoes or sneakers of the following standards:

  • Russian - 42;
  • Ukrainian - 9;
  • American -9.5;
  • French -42 (euro).

Shoe size charts

The table of matching the sizes of men's shoes in different numbering grids looks like this:


If your insole length is 28 cm, then you can buy shoes without any problems (do not even measure them beforehand), simply guided by this table. As for women's sizes, here you can make the following table:


You can buy children's shoes from different manufacturers, guided by the following table:


Buying things without trying on the Internet is profitable and easy. If you are well versed in your parameters, regardless of which country you live in, you can easily order trendy clothes for yourself without unnecessary overpayments, without running around the shops in endless fittings.

In recent years, the acquisition of foreign brand shoes through their websites on the Internet is gaining more and more popularity. Most often, shoes are ordered from Europe or the United States of America, so you can be sure of the quality of the purchase, as well as avoid fakes. At the same time, the price is pleasantly pleasing, because it is less than in retail stores located in shopping centers.

But when making such a purchase online, the main thing is to guess the size so as not to face an unpleasant procedure for returning goods, which entails a lot of wasted time and spoiled mood.

A table of European shoe sizes comes to the rescue, but often, focusing on it, you can make a mistake.

What's the matter?

You can get an answer to this question after reading this article.

Foot and insole length

There is not a single table of European shoe sizes, but it often happens that the numbers in them are different, because they take into account such factors as fullness, foot length, height of its instep. It is worth noting that some branded shoe manufacturers have their own separate size charts that are slightly different from the pan-European ones (they can be found on the website of a particular brand).

But in any case, for the correct choice of shoe size, the main role is not played by the number indicating the length of the foot (or, as in Europeans, the length of the insole).

Having studied the correspondence between Russian and European shoe sizes, you can easily notice that the sizes differ by about a centimeter. The main reason is that Russian manufacturers make shoes based on the size of the foot (its width and length), while their European colleagues indicate in their tables the size of the insole, which is usually one or even one and a half centimeters longer than the foot.

So it turns out that European and shoes differ by one cm. For example, if the owner of a foot 25 centimeters long has 38 Russian shoe sizes, then according to the European table, this length corresponds to size 37. Based on this, you need to order shoes of the 39th size.

Determine foot length

It is best to determine its length yourself, especially since it is not so difficult.

This procedure is best done before bedtime, when the foot acquires maximum volume due to fatigue and slight swelling at the end of the day.

You will need a blank sheet of paper, preferably A4, a pencil or pen and a ruler or a fabric meter.

Stand with your foot (preferably wearing a sock) on a sheet of paper and circle it, while the pencil should be at right angles to the floor.

The length of this line corresponds to the length of your foot.

It is known that the human body is asymmetrical, this also applies to the size of the feet, usually the right foot is larger than the left, but there are exceptions.

In order to accurately calculate the size of the shoe, you should do the same operation with the second foot. Choose the length that is longer.

Determine the length of the insole

The main distinguishing feature that the table of European shoe sizes owns is the length of the insole, which is indicated instead of the length of the foot.

The length of the insole is a guideline for choosing shoes from European manufacturers. To find out what size your insole is, you need to add one centimeter to the measured foot length.

Foot width. How to determine

The European shoe size has another important indicator, in addition to the length of the foot - the width or fullness of the leg.

This information will be especially useful for those with narrow, wide feet or high insteps.

It is especially important to know the fullness of the foot for shoes made of hard material (skates or roller skates, for example).

To measure it, you need to take the same footprint that was used to calculate the length, and measure the widest part.

The table of European shoe sizes in terms of shoe width differs little from the Russian one. This system has eight gradations, which are indicated by numbers from one to eight with an interval of five millimeters.

English shoe size system

As it has already become clear, you cannot buy shoes in online stores, focusing only on Russian shoe sizes. European and English shoe size charts also differ significantly, many inexperienced buyers who thought that these systems were the same received the wrong shoes.

The English system of measurement is inch and is calculated by the length of the insole.

Further numbering of sizes goes every 1/3 inch or eight and a half centimeters.

For example, shoe size 5 will correspond to the 22nd Russian one with a foot length of thirteen centimeters.

The same numbers indicate the sizes of shoes for children after six years and adult shoe sizes.

Shoe size 5 for men's shoes or sneakers is the original starting size, corresponding to Russian 37 and having 24 centimeters in foot length.

Methods for measuring a child's foot

How to determine the size of an adult foot is already clear, but with the measurement of a child's foot, the situation is, of course, more complicated. Here restlessness and misunderstanding by children of the need to stand still plays a big role.

A large number of children's shoe stores are equipped with special devices for measuring the length of the foot, they are usually colorful and disguised as a toy. Many parents are lucky in this way to find out the size of their baby's legs.

If there is no opportunity or desire to go shopping for such a purpose, then you can do the procedure for measuring the baby’s legs yourself.

There are several ways to determine the size of the feet of babies.


Ask the child to stand on a piece of paper and turn on his favorite cartoon, usually children are so addicted to what is happening on the screen that they do not pay attention to what their mother is doing at this time. Outline both legs with a pen and connect the distance between the extreme points along the length of the foot.

Line on paper

If your child is not so fond of cartoons, so as not to notice the event that is being performed with his legs, then you can shorten this procedure in time. To do this, simply draw a straight line in the middle of a sheet of paper and ask the baby to stand on a sheet of paper so that it runs along the middle of the thumb. Next, quickly mark with dots on the line of the border of the foot. Measure the length of the segment you have.

wet footprints

This method is suitable for measuring the length of the foot of particularly restless children. It consists in making the child stand with wet legs on a sheet of colored and thick paper. You measure the resulting wet print, by which you can even find out what kind of rise the child has and whether he has flat feet.

From the measurements obtained, select those that are larger and round them up to half a centimeter up.

Then, guided by the size table, choose which one best suits the result.

As can be seen from the table, Europeans are divided into age categories.

The main advice for choosing children's shoes: more is better than less, as children grow quickly.

It is not always possible to try on your favorite shoe model right in the store. In this case, a size chart and a centimeter tape will come to the rescue. Determining the required pair is not difficult if you know the features of the measurement of the leg.

How Russian shoe size is calculated

Russian shoe size is measured in centimeters.

It is calculated using parameters such as:

  • foot width;
  • foot length.

In the production of shoes, the fullness of the human foot is also taken into account, while average volumes are taken.

On the packaging and on the shoes themselves, the sizes are indicated in numbers, which indicate the length of the insole. Russian sizes range from 1 to 62 - these are for dwarfs, children, adults and giant sizes.

Important to remember! For each Russian manufacturer of various shoe models, the size in centimeters varies within 1 cm. If the store provides a free fitting, then both shoes are tried on at once.

The metric system allows you to buy without trying on not only Russian shoes, but also foreign ones.

How to take measurements to determine the size of shoes

The Russian shoe size in centimeters is determined quite simply. To do this, you will need a white sheet of paper, a ruler or centimeter tape and a pencil.

How to determine the Russian shoe size in centimeters, we will tell in our article

Step-by-step instructions for determining the required size:

  • A sheet of paper is placed on a flat surface and put your foot on it so that it stands firmly and evenly.
  • Carefully draw a line pencil around the leg, starting from the heel and ending with the toes. Or you can make parallel lines: on the most protruding places of the heel and thumb.
  • Line segment, obtained between these lines, is measured with a ruler and another 0.5 mm is added to the result obtained for an adult and 1 cm for a child.
  • increase it is done so that a pair of shoes fits well, does not cause discomfort to the feet.

Note! If, having measured both feet, they turned out to be different sizes, the largest measurement is used to select shoes.

To determine the size, it remains only to open the table and find the result. This method is suitable for adults and children. If in doubt, you can measure the width of the foot, this reduces the possibility of error.

Women's Russian shoe size: table

Knowing your Russian size for buying shoes will help you choose both domestic and foreign shoes or boots. Buying shoes in an online store is convenient and profitable, but it is important for a woman to know the size of the required model, especially for models with heels.

The table will help you easily find the perfect pair of shoes for every fashionista:

Russian shoe size in centimeters The size
feet in centimeters
35 21
35,5 22
36 22
36,5 23
37 23
37,5 24
38 24
38,5 24
39 25
39,5 25
40 25
40,5 26
41 27
41,5 27
42 27
42,5 28
43 28
43,5 29
44 29
44,5 29
45 30

First, determine the length of the foot by tracing the leg with a pencil on a piece of white paper. After measurements are taken, focusing on this table, a more suitable size is determined. It is important not to forget that when ordering shoes on the Internet, you must ask the seller for a size chart that corresponds to the manufacturer.

Male Russian shoe size: table

Modern men are increasingly using the order of shoes via the Internet, so as not to waste precious time shopping.

Like women, they can use the sizing method, which is based on measuring the length of the foot.

For men, it is recommended to round up the difference with the table. This will give you the opportunity to choose the right pair of shoes that will fit your foot well. Dimension table for men's shoes of Russian manufacturers.

Shoe size in centimeters Male foot size in centimeters Length
insoles in centimeters
35 21 22,8
36 22 23,5
37 23 24,1
38 24 24,8
39 25 25,4
40 25 26,3
41 27 27,6
42 27 28,3
43 28 29,2
44 29 29,8
45 30 36,6
46 31 31,4
47 31 32,2

For men, you need to remember that summer shoes and shoes are bought in size. Winter models and sports sneakers recommend choosing a size larger or choosing an intermediate one.

Children's Russian shoe size: table

For children, the Russian shoe size is important to choose correctly in centimeters, since at this age the bone skeleton is being formed. It is recommended to purchase models from natural materials, with a high-quality insole.

Interesting fact! The metric system for determining the size of shoes of all ages has been adopted by all countries except the UK. They use the "barleycorn" system in their production.

The range of children's shoes is quite large. This makes it possible to choose a model that is suitable in size, price and quality. To determine the size for a child under 5 years old, the table will help.

The size Foot length
21 12,5
22 13,5
23 14
24 14,7
25 15,5
26 16
27 16,5
28 17
29 17,8
30 18,1

Starting from 31, teenage sizes begin. When choosing shoes for a baby, be sure to pay attention to the fullness of the legs. Experts recommend purchasing models with a margin of 0.5 cm, so the foot will not be squeezed, and the child will be able to wear this pair of shoes for a long time.

How to choose the right shoes so as not to make a mistake with the size

Choosing the wrong shoe size can ruin the health of your feet and cause discomfort.

Simple tips from experts will help you make the right purchase and choose the right pair of shoes or boots:

  1. Choose Russian size so that the insole in the shoe is 0.5 centimeters longer than the length of the foot.
  2. For accurate measurements, it is necessary to stand on a flat surface so that the entire foot is in contact with a sheet of paper.
  3. When buying winter models take into account that they will be worn with a warm sock and get one size larger.
  4. Children's winter shoes choose 2 sizes larger for a warm sock, and also so that one pair is enough for the entire cold period.
  5. Before buying shoes on the Internet, it is recommended to carefully study the size chart.
  6. When buying shoes for children, especially under the age of 5, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimension, but also the quality of the material.

If it is not possible to try on shoes, we must not forget that each manufacturer has its own dimensional grid. The health of the feet and the comfort of wearing during the day depend on the right shoes. It is always necessary to use a sizing chart to determine the size for an adult or child.

Russian shoe size in centimeters:

Useful video about the correct measurement of foot length in cm:
