A game where you need to train a dog. Game method of dog training

Many of us have been to the circus, where small and large dogs are happy to follow the commands of the trainer. In front of the touched spectators, the dogs dance, spin, jump, etc. Like children, after the performance we run home, where our watchdog is waiting for us. However, for some reason, he does not want to spin or dance. We scold the dog for disobedience, but maybe she just got the wrong trainer?

Dog training is available to everyone!

Let's face it: anyone can train a dog. Let her not know the circus program, but she will definitely learn the simplest commands. The main thing is to stock up on patience and dog treats. In addition, when your own owner acts as a trainer, it will be much easier for the animal to understand him.

All dogs are trainable!

Experienced cynologists advise working with any dogs. It doesn’t matter if you have a mongrel or a thoroughbred dog, puppy or adult. Each dog is able to learn commands, except that the time it will take in different ways. We will make a reservation that when training a puppy up to 3 months, forget about a busy schedule. The kid needs to be taught less often, encouraged more, never shouted and give him more time to rest between teams.

For adult dogs, it is best to develop your own schedule. Professional cynologists advise to work evenly with the animal and give training three days a week. If it does not work out so often, then carve out for the dog at least two days, but no less. Start the program with 45-minute sessions a day, later expand it to 1.5-2 hours. Remember that cynologists advise changing the set and sequence of commands daily. For example, first you work out “to me - fu - sit - place”, and after that “sit - place - to me - fu”. That is, the dog should not remember the algorithm, and not be obviously ready for the next command.

Teaching dogs commands

Now let's talk about a few commands that can be taught in the game. Remember that with proper training, a dog can learn many commands. So, let's begin.

Team "Come"

The command is strongly associated with the dog's own nickname, because most often it means the same thing. There is no need to scold the dog if it runs up not only on the command “to me”, but also on the sound own name. To teach your dog this order, go to Fresh air and stock up on dog treats. Call "(Nickname), to me," and lure the animal with a treat. When it comes up, praise it and feed it. It is best to play with the dog a little so that every response to an order is associated with something good. After a few lessons, the dog will definitely know the command and joyfully run up to you.

Team "Give"

A useful command that can be taught through play. All you need is a favorite dog toy and a delicious treat. The bottom line is that the animal exchanged “prey” with you for goodies. To do this, play a prank on the dog, and when he grabs the toy, offer him a treat in return. Remember: when the training is over, do not take the “prey”, leave it to the pet. Otherwise, the dog will notice that after the command he will lose the toy, so he will not want to follow the order the next time.

Team "Aport"

Another team that the animal learns in the game. You can start it only after learning the order "give". Take your favorite dog ball, 2-meter leash, goodies and go for a walk. There, play the animal, make it want to grab the toy. Then throw the ball a meter away, attach the leash and order "Fetch". When the dog learns to bring you a toy with a leash, take it off, but the training will remain the same. The bottom line is that the dog understands that they will only play with him if he brings the ball. After each correctly executed command, praise your pet, feed him a treat and play with him.

Mistakes in self-training

Regardless of how you train your own dog, avoid training mistakes. First, do not repeat the command several times, otherwise the animal will only execute it after repeated repetition. Second, don't hit the dog. The pain will be associated with her training, so she will refuse to follow any commands. Thirdly, despite the previous paragraph, be stricter. Do not call in an animal pain but don't be weak.

Remember that everything is in your hands. However, if the dog is very difficult to manage or it does not perceive you at all, then contact our team of experienced cynologists in the city of Moscow. We will help you quickly and efficiently teach your dog all the necessary commands.

All dogs love to play. At the same time, many of them perceive training as a complex and tedious process. But what prevents us from making the game an element of training, so that the dog does not avoid working out new commands, but considers them part of an interesting walk?

Of course, the game is an auxiliary, and not the main method of training. But it is through play that we can for a long time keep the attention of the pet and fully involve him in the learning process. In addition, game elements exclude the possibility of stress, which often accompanies the dog during the development of complex commands. With a lack of experience, it can be difficult for us to explain to the pet what exactly we want from him, but during the game, mutual understanding between the pet and the owner is getting better naturally, and this makes it possible to achieve best result. Most often, the game method is used in combination with two basic methods training: mechanical and taste-promoting. Stress on nervous system dogs with this approach to classes is minimal.

The essence of the game method is to form a certain behavior in the dog through game process for the purpose of subsequent instruction. And the simplest example is teaching the command “Aport!” through play with fetching toys. Moreover, it is very important to use special fetches for dogs (for example, Petstages, Zogoflex), as they are designed to please animals. Therefore, these toys in the best way attract the attention of the pet, and, unlike sticks from the street, are completely safe. Ordinary sticks should not be used for playing also because a “bad person” can distract your dog with such a stick.

The dog should be distracted only by his toy and not react to other objects.

How does the game method work on the example of fetching games? You let the dog hold the fetch in his teeth, and then throw it a short distance (over time, the distance needs to be increased). The dog rushes in pursuit of the toy, and at this time you command it: "Fetch!" When the dog finds the toy and brings it to you, you have the opportunity to practice the "give!" command as well. Do not forget to treat the dog with a treat, but only if she did everything right, otherwise the meaning of the classes disappears. Thus, on the basis of an interesting game loved by all dogs, you will teach your pet to bring the desired items.

Other effective training aids are, for example, dog balls. And here is a simple example of what benefit in educational process one such ball can serve.

Play ball with your dog for a few minutes. Let the pet warm up and tune in for an entertaining walk, show interest in your gestures. After a while, take a break by stopping and holding the ball in your hand. Of course, the dog will try to continue the game and possibly take the ball away from you. When she stands in front of you, raise your hand with the ball and slowly bring it over your pet's head (just like you work with a treat). In order not to lose the ball from sight, the dog will begin to sit down. As soon as she sits down, command her to "Sit!" and serve treats. Thus, with the help the simplest game in the ball you will fix the dog with one of the most necessary in Everyday life commands.

Speaking of other useful commands that can be taught to a dog through the game method, one cannot help but recall the “Search!” command. You let the dog sniff the toy and then hide it - first in the dog's line of sight so that he can see where you put the toy and quickly find it, and then to more distant places. When the dog starts looking for the hidden toy, command it to “Look!”. And for the find, do not forget to praise the delicacy. By analogy, playing hide-and-seek with family members will train a dog to find a person.

Also, the game method will be very useful in raising puppies. If you see that the baby is playing pranks, for example, chewing on a table leg, just distract his attention with a game. And then slip him a toy - why not an alternative to furniture and shoes?

In the house where the dog lives, there must be at least 3 toys and they must be rotated. Otherwise, the dog will simply lose interest in the game.

Do not forget to improve your trainer skills, read specialized literature and do not hesitate to consult with professionals. Very soon you will realize that training is not only useful, but also a very entertaining process that strengthens friendship and improves mutual understanding between the owner and the pet!

Our best friends moved to the virtual world! And now games about dogs are available in your browser - just make a couple of clicks and incredible adventures will begin, in which our favorite pets are the main characters.

Dog games: fun, useful and exciting!

According to the task principle Applications can be divided into several categories:

  • comb, feed and bathe– even online pets need care! And these dog games will help instill in girls and boys the responsibility of their online friend. Perhaps if they show their results to their parents, a real dog because they will prove that they can take care of a new family member;
  • choose an outfit- these games about dogs help develop a sense of great taste and help to have fun for a few free hours. Imagine that you are preparing your pet for an important exhibition or just going out for a walk. Your dog must fully comply with your image and fit the already formed image. Therefore, choose the right outfits so that your pet will cause enthusiastic exclamations and receive compliments from others;
  • have a workout– in order for the dog to be smart and instantly react to commands, danger and certain situations, you need to train it. This is the task that needs to be completed when dog games with training open.

But there are also several dog game genres presented in this section:

  • puzzles- collect a whole picture from several fragments to find out which dog hid from you in this game;
  • race- most often, huskies act as pets, and you need to manage a whole flock of these amazing animals in order to deftly maneuver through snowdrifts. These funny Games about dogs will leave an indelible mark on your day, giving positive and vivid impressions!
  • tests– determine which dog is right for you, whether you can cope with her care and get answers to others important questions by launching special dog games. They are colorful and interesting tests that can have the most unexpected results.

Choose games about dogs and spend a few hours enjoying the openness and activity of these wonderful pets!

Free Online Games about dogs and puppies

Barbie saves a puppy. Game for girls and girls! Oh my God! This homeless, dirty, cold, tiny puppy is lucky! Barbie saw him. I saw it and didn't miss it. She saved him. I took the puppy home to provide the crumbs with shelter, proper care and treatment. And now you girls have a chance to participate in this noble cause. You are ready?

Barbie saves a puppy

Taking care of Lady Labrador. Game for girls and girls! Meet! The nickname of this cute Labrador dog is Lady. Today you will take care of her. You will clean her fur, cut her nails, rid her of various insects. Lady loves to take warm, relaxing baths. Bathe her, and then take care of styling her fur. After these procedures, you have to start preparing food for the Lady and feeding her. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Caring for Lady Labrador

Caring for a Husky puppy. Game for girls and girls! In order for a puppy to be healthy and please with its health and character, it, like any baby, needs care and affection. Girls, the owners entrusted the care of their beloved pet Husky to you - the workers of the SPA salon for animals. You will cut his nails, bathe, care for his ears, comb his fur. And when the SPA procedures are over, you will dress him up in beautiful clothes. Good luck! Control the game with the mouse.

Caring for a Husky puppy

We're cleaning up the puppy's house. Game for girls and girls! Oh God! What's going on in the puppy house? It turns out that the kid had so much fun with his friends! Girls, until the ancestors gave the baby a beating, help him deal with the mess. Perhaps start cleaning from the kitchen. There are the most traces of universal chaos. Good luck! You need a mouse to control the game.

Cleaning up at the puppy house

Dasha takes care of her pets. Game for girls and girls! "Dasha takes care of her pets" - Cool game for our little girlfriends about pet care in Russian. Girls, your age-mate Dasha has got three new pets - a hamster, a puppy and a cat. Dasha loves taking care of her animals, but she won't mind at all if you help her take care of her animals. Choose any pet and, following the prompts of the game, take care of it. If you wish, you can look after all the pets in turn. Play with the mouse.

Dasha takes care of her pets

Elsa opened a puppy hospital. Game for girls and girls! Elsa opens a puppy hospital. Have you heard about it? For this reason, the princess will need helpers. You girls will play their role in the game. First of all, you need to start arranging your office. Then Princess Elsa will have a reception. And you girls will have to participate in this process. Your first client will be Princess Anne's puppy. Clean the puppy from dirt, remove splinters from its body, treat wounds with an antiseptic, bathe. And then take his temperature, give him injections and give him pills. So that the puppy does not get bored at the reception, entertain him with toys! Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Elsa opened a puppy hospital

Caring for a cute puppy. Game for girls and girls! For you, our little friends, Best game from a series of games about animal care. Choose a tiny friend for yourself and name him whatever you like, start caring for him. You may not like this mess at first. But when you put him in order, you will see what a handsome man he is! And so, bathe your pet, treat, feed, drink. Cut his nails and entertain him. Good luck! You need a mouse to control the game.

cute puppy care

Cleaning up at Rex the puppy's house. Game for girls and girls! Girls, we invite you to visit the charming Rex. Puppy Rex lives in big house, in which there are three rooms - a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. Wow! Looks like we're in a hurry! We did not expect such a mess in Rex's house. Girls, we'll fix it. The puppy is still small and apparently not accustomed to order. You will teach Rex how to clean your house. Start in the kitchen. For cleaning you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Cleaning up Rex Puppy's house

Puppies: Racing two buddies. Game for girls and girls! Puppies: Two Buddies Racing - exciting game about two charming friends - Bingo and Rolly - the heroes of a wonderful cartoon for children - "My Puppy Friend". Having chosen one of the participants in the race, you will have to help him run the distance, while collecting delicious bones and overcoming obstacles. You can play for the second puppy yourself later or one of your friends will play for him. To interact with the puppies you will need up/down/right/left arrow keys. And, of course, you will need such qualities of yours as quick reaction and excellent coordination. Good luck!

Puppies: Two Buddy Race

paw patrol chasing criminals. Game for girls and girls! Paw Patrol Chasing Criminals is an exciting skill race game for girls. The Paw Patrol team is back on guard. Catching up with the criminal at all costs is the task of the rescue team. And your task, girls, is to help them in this race. Together with the patrol, you have to overcome a dangerous track, chase criminals in the air and on the water. In land races you will help the Racer. To do this, you need the arrow keys and the spacebar. Collect tokens and sugar pits, but beware of oil stains and feathers. They will bring you trouble. Helping puppy Zuma, you will collect tokens and bones with him. Be afraid of walruses, buoys and water funnels. With a puppy girl Skye, you will also have to collect bones and tokens. Just don't look through the rocks, rain clouds and flocks of birds. Hitting them will slow down Skye's race. To control the heroes of the game, you will need the arrow keys and the spacebar. Good luck!

Paw Patrol chases criminals

Baby Princess Anna saves a puppy. Game for girls and girls! "Baby Princess Anna Saves a Puppy" is a pet care game for girls. Little princess Anna of Frozen found a homeless puppy on the street on her birthday. And when mom asked her daughter what she would most like to get for her birthday, the little princess answered - a puppy. So the puppy rescued by the tiny princess became her pet. The baby loves her puppy and is ready to take care of him herself. But the princess is still so small that she and her beloved puppy need help. Girls, get involved. Play with the mouse.

Baby Princess Anna saves a puppy

We take care of the smaller brothers: Kitten and Puppy. Game for girls and girls! "Take Care of Little Brothers: Kitty and Puppy" is the best pet care game for girls. In this game, you have to take care of the food of your little brothers - charming Kitten and Puppy. At such a tender age, the nutrition of your wards should be different from the nutrition of their adult counterparts. Therefore, girls, you will prepare food for your animals yourself. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

We take care of the smaller brothers: Kitten and Puppy

Paw Patrol: Farm Rescue. Game for girls and girls! A blizzard is brewing in Adventure Bay and Yumi's farm is not harvested. Yumi calls on the Paw Patrol to help. Girls, cute puppies need your help. Focus. With puppies, you will need to master the 4th level (4th tasks). Until the frost hits, we need to save the pumpkins. You will have to save them together with the Marshal, riding on a barrel. Then rush to Rocky and Stout to help them save the apples in the orchard. This is where Krepysh will show himself. He will undertake the construction of a tricky path, which will start from him and end at the bucket. In this case, Krepysh will only have to drop the apples, and those, rolling down the path, will fall into the bucket. The harvested crop will need to be put in order. The puppy girl Skye will take care of this, and you girls will help her with this. Sky will control the helicopter, and you girls, pulling vegetables with a hook, will load them into the right cars. At level 4, picking fruit will require a small piece of equipment with a rope. Throwing a rope on a tree, you girls will choose the right angle and the right force her tension. It is worth letting go of the rope and the apples will fall into the desired transport directly from the tree. Good luck! To control the game you will need: mouse, arrow keys and space bar.

Paw Patrol Farm Rescue

A home that loves animals. Game for girls and girls! Animal loving house is the best pet care game for girls - Pony, Kitten and Puppy. The owner of the Pony, Kitten and Puppy has taken responsibility for taking care of these three cute pets, and you girls will be her helpers today. Caring for each pet will require certain skills from you. Follow the tips of the game and then you will do everything right. Taking care of the hostess' pets, you will understand how sincerely you need to love animals, so that you, like her, could give them care and warmth of your heart and home every day. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

A home that loves animals

Caring for a Pomeranian Spy Puppy

Beauty salon for animals "Paws and tails". Game for girls and girls! Paws and Tails Animal Beauty Salon is a cool pet grooming game for girls. The clients of your beauty salon are cats and dogs. And you, girls, will serve them: bathe, comb, entertain, decorate. Play with the mouse.

Beauty salon for animals "Paws and tails"

Zombie Escape: Run Puppy Run. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to help the puppy to run away from the zombies. For this you need a mouse. To prevent the puppy from becoming prey to zombies, make him jump over them. And although you have the right to a few mistakes, still be careful. Your immunity will quickly end and then any clash with wickedness will lead the puppy to death. And only selected hearts will improve his position. Good luck!

Zombie Escape: Run Puppy Run

Rescue of a cold puppy. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to play as a little girl. On a cold, rainy day, people dignifiedly walked past a hungry, chilled puppy. Nobody cared about him. And only a little girl (it's you) with a kind heart picked it up and brought it home to save the baby from death. Girls, wash the puppy, feed and drink. And then dress up the rescued pet in beautiful clothes and go for a walk with him. Play with the mouse. .

Rescuing a Chilled Puppy

fashion makeup Rose Barboskin. Game for girls and girls! Rosa Barboskina Fashion Makeup is a cool makeup game for girls in Russian. Rosa woke up good mood. And then she received a message from a friend of Timokha, who made an appointment with her. Girls, help fashionista Rosa get ready for a date. She really wants to please Timokha. First of all, she needs to brush her teeth, wash her head, and only then do her makeup. Well, the beautiful Rose is ready. Time for a date!

Fashion makeup Rosa Barboskina

Labrador puppy visits a medical salon. Game for girls and girls! Today, the little Labrador will have to spend in the walls of the medical salon. The baby's teeth and ears hurt. And you, girls, in this game will play the role of his doctor: first a dentist, and then an otolaryngologist. And so, the baby in the dentist's chair. Arm yourself with a mouse and start treating his teeth. Remove food debris and plaque from them. Remove untreated teeth and replace them with implants. After completing the procedures with the teeth, transfer the puppy to the otolaryngological department to work on his ears there. Well, the baby is again alert, healthy and even ready to visit the SPA salon.

Labrador puppy visits a medical salon

Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family-2. Game for girls and girls! Girls, remember friendly family Barboskins? The cutest hero of this family is a cheerful puppy named Malysh. The puppy is very curious and cheerful. He is ready for discoveries and when he learns something new, he never ceases to admire, exclaiming: “Wow, fluff!” Two more characters are no less curious: Druzhok and Gena. Doggie Druzhok will definitely be a football player. Gena the dog will succumb to science. He is interested in chemistry. Baby's sister, Rose, is a fashion freak. Sister Lisa is a real sneak, who is ready to fight for the truth in place and out of place. Of course, these nimble dogs also have parents. But they differ from children in their degree. Girls, don't you think that you recognize yourself in the characters and actions of these cute characters? To decide who it is, you will have to answer 10 questions of the game test - "Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family -2". Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family-2

Dasha saves a stray dog. Game for girls and girls! For you girls, this is a cool game from the series of games about hospitals, in which you have to play the role of a veterinary doctor while rescuing a stray dog. On a walk in the park, Dasha finds a homeless, sick dog. Someone might have walked past a sick puppy, but not Dasha. She takes the puppy home and with your help, girls, she starts the rescue. his life. Cleanse the baby from dirt and proceed to its treatment. Remove splinters from his body, treat his wounds, take an x-ray for the baby. And then, having bathed the baby, treat his ears, cut his nails, drip into his eyes and trim. Here you go! It turns out our baby is such a cute handsome! To control the game "Dasha saves a stray dog" you will need a mouse. Use the mouse. Good luck!

Dasha saves a stray dog

Paw Patrol: Safety on the roads, on fire, on the water. Game for girls and girls! Paw Patrol: Road safety, fire safety, water safety - an entertaining, educational, educational game for girls, their brothers and friends. In this game, a team of puppies and their leader Ryder, taking care of the safety of the children, will tell and show how to behave in different dangerous situations. Your first specific task will be the goal: without breaking the rules traffic lead the children to the opposite side of the road. Rider and Racer will control you. Be careful! Pedestrian crossings, bridges, underground passages will help you cope with the task without any risk to your life. Then Ryder and puppy Marshall will tell you about how to behave in case of fires in the forest. In addition, Ryder and puppy Zuma, taking care of your safety, will tell you about the rules of behavior on the water. You need a mouse to play this game. good luck and Have a good mood!

Paw Patrol Road Safety,

Caring for a Papillon puppy. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of a charming Papillon puppy. This puppy beautiful breed It is distinguished by an affectionate, sociable character and a special affection for its owner and members of his family. But in order for the baby to be happy, he, of course, needs proper care. You will have to bathe the puppy, cut it, brush its teeth and even dress it in beautiful clothes.

Caring for a Papillon puppy

Princess Merida is taking care of a puppy. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to be Princess Merida's helpers in taking care of her pet. This dirty, wet puppy strayed to the princess during the rain. And now this baby needs care. Girls, open the tap with warm water and start caring for the baby. Bathe him, cut his hair and nails, treat the skin on his paws. And when the puppy becomes adorable again, dress him up in beautiful clothes. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Merida taking care of a puppy

Barboskina Lisa: Search for stars. Game for girls and girls! All the Barboskins are assembled, therefore, jokes will soon begin in the family. This is true! Two brothers, Druzhok and Gena, their sister Rosa and even the puppy Kid decided to play a joke on Lisa, who has repeatedly claimed that she has the best detective skills in their family. The hour has come when the family demanded significant evidence from Lisa. The friendly team of the Barboskins scattered almost invisible stars all over the room and gave Lisa only 3 minutes to search for them. Lisa, of course, is ready to fight for the truth, but the stars are hidden so skillfully! Girls, help! For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Barboskina Lisa: Star Search

We treat a puppy. Game for girls and girls! The puppy, chasing a butterfly, fell into a garbage pit. And now this baby needs urgent care and treatment. The role of the veterinarian for this playful pet is up to you, girls. Listen to his heart, measure the pressure, put drops in his eyes, give an injection and feed the baby. Make sure that the puppy is all right with the bones. In case of detection of fractures, put plaster on the injured bones. After that, you can start spa treatments. Comb the puppy's fur, give him a haircut, brush his teeth, bathe him and dry him. Play with the mouse.

We treat a puppy

Lady and the Tramp. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game we are talking about 2 dogs, different in their origin. One of them is the Cocker Spaniel Lady, who lives in a rich house. She has everything that makes her life happy. But one day, the Lady felt that her owners were not paying enough attention to her and left them on the street. There she meets a very kind homeless dog Tramp, who is forced to earn his living from the garbage heap. Girls, that's about this event the puzzle game. Select the desired fragments and use the mouse to drag them to their place. If necessary, you can expand the fragment using the same mouse. Good luck!

Lady and the Tramp

My favorite pets are Kitten, Puppy and Pony. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have three adorable pets - Kitten, Puppy and Pony. You have to take care of them and prove that you love them. In order to start demonstrating this, you will first need to select the desired level of difficulty for the game. Then you will need to program the time during which you will try to keep your wards good mood. You can follow the mood of your pets by the indicators of well-being located above their heads. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

My favorite pets: Kitten, Puppy and Pony

Belka and Strelka: Dogs in space. Game for girls and girls! Belka and Strelka: Dogs in Space is a cool game for girls to learn. The scientific, space mission of Belka and Strelka is over. And now, girls, you need to help Belka and Strelka get to the rocket so that they can return to Earth. To control the pawls, you will need the A, W, D keys, the SPACE key - for action, the S key - to switch pawls. Good luck!

Belka and Strelka: Dogs in Space

Alice and Finsy are on vacation in the mountains. Game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! You have known this little girl for a long time. It's just that our charming Aliska has grown up and now she goes to school. And now Alice has a vacation and she decided to spend it with her dog Finsy in the mountains. There they will ski, admire the winter landscapes, enjoy the crystal clear air. And so that the frost does not spoil the mood of your friends, you girls will have to take care of their warm clothes. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Alice and Finsy are relaxing in the mountains

Doctor for a mischievous puppy. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to deal with the treatment of a mischievous puppy, who, having taken a walk, inadvertently fell off a cliff. A dirty and wounded baby was delivered to you in veterinary clinic. Dear puppy, he endures pain so courageously. Girls, don't test his patience. Urgently clean it from dirt and splinters. Use the cold to treat bruises. With such a fall, the puppy cannot avoid bone fractures. Find them and put a plaster on this place. And then give the baby the injection that is due in this case. Well, baby in in perfect order! Now bathe him, dress him up and entertain him. The pain is gone and our baby is ready for new adventures. Good luck to all! Use the mouse to control the game.

Doctor for a mischievous puppy

Caring for a stray puppy. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to take care of a puppy that one of the negligent owners threw into the trash. Show mercy and love to the unfortunate puppy, and then he will again be able to believe in a person. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Caring for a stray puppy

Cannon cats. Game for girls and girls! Cats Cannon - a multi-level skill game for girls in Russian. The cats have declared war on the dogs. Girls, regardless of who you love more, in this game you have to be on the side of the cats. To familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, switch it to Russian and enter the section of the game, How to play. "And then, helping the cats cope with the dogs, use the cannon as shown in the game. For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Paw Patrol: Corn Disaster. Game for girls and girls! Puppy Patrol: Corn Disaster is the best game for girls in the puppy game series. Paw Patrol notification has been received. One unlucky farmer, through negligence, allowed the fire of corn in its storage warehouses. Until the real corn disaster happens, puppy Marshall needs to act now, and you girls will be his assistants. Help him manage the water pump. Pump it so that the number of strokes matches the number on the corn slide. Having coped with the corn, you will have to rush to the aid of Tsipolletta, who landed in the attic of a high barn. A dexterous puppy Racer will take up the matter. When helping the Racer up the barn, be careful not to hit the wheels, the open windows, and especially the feathers. The puppy is allergic to them. And when the puppy climbs into the attic, you will have to help him find and catch the frightened hen Cipolletta. Having caught the chicken, the Racer will go down the rope with her. Help him collect the balls on the way. And again, make sure our heroes don't run into the crow. To control the game you will need: mouse, arrow keys and space bar. Good luck!

Paw Patrol: Corn Disaster

Paw Patrol: Help Stout collect tools. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you are already familiar with the cute heroes of the cool cartoon, Paw Patrol. In this game, one of them - the puppy Fortress - needs your help. Help the puppy assemble the tools in the order he needs them during the repair work. To do this, you will need a mouse, excellent coordination and, of course, the utmost concentration of attention, because among the tools flashing on the game screen there will be those that the puppy does not need yet. For example, at first you only need to collect spanners, and subsequently screwdrivers and so on ... Good luck!

Paw Patrol: Rescuers. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to play as puppies. Not everyone can become a puppy patrol rescuer, for this you need to prove yourself in exams. First of all, you need to master the driving of vehicles. You girls will need to overcome the distance at which various obstacles will come across. Having traveled around obstacles, you will have to collect chickens along the way, and then reload them into a truck to deliver them home. Be careful. On your way, you may come across sections of the road where you can increase the speed of your car. Try to get on them. You will need the UP/DOWN arrow keys to drive the car. Good luck!

Paw Patrol Rescuers
